Christ Episcopal Church Worship Leaders at Our Services this Morning: 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Chalicists Dan Prince Sarah Beth Keyser Steve Keyser Lector/Prayers Trippi Penn Cindy Hollingsworth Torch Bearers: November Ushers: 8:00 AM: 10:30 AM: Acolytes [none assigned] Chloe Wolchko C1 Campbell Pitzer C2 Aurora Wolchko TB1 Alaina Scouras TB2 Don Deaton, Morgan Holland John Selman, John Franck Martinsville, Virginia To Serve God, Family and Community with Spirits uplifted by the Holy Eucharist, Hearts enriched by Scripture, and Minds enlightened by God’s gift of Reason. Est. 1841 The Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost November 16, 2014 8:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist, Rite I Opening Sentences Altar Guild for November Team 4: Alison Calfee, Ruth Foley, Haley Hubbard, Susan Critz, Linda Rachner, Sue Rosser and Macy Wagoner BCP 323 The Collect of the Day Eucharistic Prayer I BCP 333 10:30 A.M. Holy Eucharist, Rite II Worship Services Sundays: 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I with Music Coffee and Fellowship between the services 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II with Music & Choir Organ Voluntary Voluntary in C Hymn in Procession: 598 Wednesdays: The First Lesson 7:00 AM Bible Study Group in the Parish House. Christ Church Clergy and Staff Bishop of Southwestern Virginia: The Right Reverend Mark Bourlakas [email protected] Rector: The Reverend Roy G. Pollina [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Deborah Scearce [email protected] Financial Secretary: Linda Gray [email protected] Organist/Choirmaster: Lynn H. Gardner [email protected] Director of Christian Education: W.T. (Bo) Setliff, Jr. [email protected] Vestry for 2014 Year 3: Treasurer Lloyd Barber; Clerk Beth Sibbick; Dave Sweet, Senior Warden John Swezey; Year 2: Jane Thomasson, Ron Probst, Lewis Pitzer, John Franck Year 1: Sarah Beth Keyser, Junior Warden Susan Critz, Hank Long, Melinda Penn 321 E. Church St., Martinsville 276-632-2896 Mail: 311 E. Church St., Martinsville, VA 24112 Mit Freuden zart BCP 355 Gloria in excelsis: S 280 Thursdays: “Lord Christ, when first thou cam’st to earth” Opening Sentences First Sunday each month, Healing Rite: The sacramental anointing and laying on of hands for healing will be offered after the 8AM and 10:30AM services. 12:00 Noon Holy Eucharist, Rite I, with Litany for Healing, in the Chapel G. F. Handel Glory to God Robert Powell The Collect BCP 236 Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 Psalm 90:1-12 (The Congregation is asked to please stand and sing) The Second Lesson BCP 717 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Gradual Hymn: 551 “Rise up, ye saints of God!” Festal Song Matthew 25:14-30 The Holy Gospel The Sermon The Rev’d Roy G. Pollina The Nicene Creed BCP 358 Prayers of the People Form III BCP 387 The Confession of Sin and Absolution BCP 360 The Peace, Announcements Offertory Anthem: “Come, O Creator Spirit, Come” Claudio Monteverdi The Doxology: Hymn 380 verse 3 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host: praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Old 100th The Great Thanksgiving Prayer A BCP 367 “Holy, holy, holy Lord” Sanctus: S 125 Richard Proulx Memorial Acclamation: S 135 Jackson Hill Amen S 146 McNeil Robinson The Lord’s Prayer, Breaking of Bread Fraction Anthem: S 154 BCP 364 “Christ our Passover” From New Plainsong All who are baptized are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Communion Hymn: 314 “Humbly I adore thee” Adoro devote Post Communion Prayer BCP 365 “Before thy throne, O God we kneel” St. Petersburg Prelude in B Flat J. S. Bach Monday, November 17th—Men’s Club Dinner –The Men’s Club will be meeting in the Undercroft on Monday, November 17th with fellowship at 6:00pm and Dinner at 7:00pm. $15 donation. The speaker will be Dr. Coray Davis, STEM Director at NCI. If you plan to attend, please sign up online under “Sign Up or Volunteer” or in the Narthex. Wednesday, November 19th- The Vestry Committee is having a meeting at 5:30 PM in the PH. Altar Guild – Please save tall juice cans, tall vegetable cans, or large coffee cans (48 oz. or more) for the Altar Guild. You may bring them to the church office. Grace Network Sunday- Our Grace Network Assignments for November: boxed potato products, The Hymnal 1982 (Blue Book) NO Monday Bible Study Class – There will not be a Monday Bible Study Class on Monday, November 17th. Adults – Thursday, November 20th at 7:00 PM The Dismissal Closing Voluntary Welcome guest musicians Jean Odachowski and Ross Gale on recorders. Choir Rehearsals – Children/Youth – Wednesday, November 19th at 3:30 PM The Blessing Hymn in Procession: 574 Next Sunday, November 23rd is Ingathering Sunday. We ask that you thoughtfully and prayerfully consider your giving to Christ Episcopal Church. Fill out your pledge card and bring it to church next Sunday. The Book of Common Prayer (Red Book) The Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God and in Thanksgiving for our Children and Grandchildren and in Loving Memory of Ruby & Leo Arey, Helen & Neel Deaton and James Neel Deaton By Carol & Don Deaton bath soap and laundry deodorant. Use the Food Lion card for your shopping or give the card to Nadine Barrow or Beth Sibbick to shop for Grace Network. Happy Birthday this week to: 11/18 Adrienne Joyce; 11/20 Doris Bishop Looking Ahead: Monthly Prayer List: Father Roy G. Pollina, Jim Johnson, Babe Carter, Bill (Father of Liz Sunday, November 23rd - “Christ the King” & Ingathering Sunday Wolchko), Hannah “Lou” Shelton, Valerie Barrow, Eddie Bobbett (Cousin of Cindy Hammond), Don Deaton, Bennett Chaney (Grandson of Ruth Chaney), Gabriel Porras (GreatGrandson of Ruth Chaney), Louise and Marie (friends of Mary Ruth Reynolds), Mary Jo Littlefield, Page Morgan and Derrick Stoneman (friends of Cindy Hammond), Mark (Son-inlaw of Mary Ruth Reynolds), Duane E. Crowley (Father of Susan Pollina, Nancy Booker and Dr. James D. Via of Norfolk (friend of Jim Corbin) Sunday, November 23rd- CEC will be kicking off our Prison Angel Tree Ministry Program on NO Sunday School for adults or children this week. Sunday, November 16th – Annual TODAY @ 9:00 AM in the Undercroft The Nominating Committee has nominated the following people to serve a three-year term on the Vestry: Trent Bowles, Ann Gardner, Sue Rosser and Will Zimmer. The nursery will open at 9:00 AM and will be available so that parents can attend the Annual Meeting. A religious movie will be shown in the Parish House for children who will be supervised by the youth. Lewis Pitzer will be at the Annual Meeting to assist you with registering your Kroger card in the Kroger Community Rewards Program to benefit Christ Church. Sunday, November 23. That morning when you come into the Narthex, you will see the Christmas tree full of angels for the children from this area of incarcerated parents. All gifts must be returned to the Narthex or Church office by Tuesday, December 16th. Wednesday, November 26th – Loaves & Fishes – Thanksgiving Dinner – On Wednesday, November 26th, Christ Church will host its monthly Loaves & Fishes Dinner in the Undercroft at 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Please be mindful that this is the day before Thanksgiving. However, we are in need of 10 whole cooked turkeys, some of your delicious desserts for the dinner and a lot of kitchen help. Some suggestions for the desserts are pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, pecan pie, and any delicious sweet specialty that you and your family enjoy. If you are interested please log on to the church website at under “Sign-up or Volunteer. Also, if you should need any further information, please feel free to contact Jane Thomasson at 638-4112. Thursday, November 27th—Thanksgiving Day—The church office is closed. Friday, November 28th—The church office is closed for the holidays. Sunday, November 30th—First Sunday of Advent
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