EASTERN CAMDEN COUNTY REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Robert M. DeCicco, President Mary T. Schmus, Vice-President Robert L. Campbell Elena M. Chow Gail M. David Dennis Deichert Hillary J. Garr Robert A. Paul Dr. Richard A. Teichman Harold Melleby, Jr., Ed. D., Superintendent Fred D. Wright, Sch. Bus. Ad./Bd. Sec. Ronald W. Sahli, Solicitor Robert M. Schmus, Treasurer REGULAR MEETING AGENDA November 19, 2014 Eastern Learning Academy visit 6:30-7:00 The Regular School Board meeting of the Eastern Camden County Regional School District will be held on 11/19/14 beginning at 7:30 pm in the Administrative Offices located at 1202 Laurel Oak Road, Suite 203, Voorhees, NJ for the general purposes of but not limited to the following: 1. Chairman’s statement of “Open Public Meeting Law” The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of the Act, the Eastern Camden County Regional School District has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time and place thereof posted at the three Municipal buildings of the constituent districts, in the Board Secretary’s office, and notification forwarded to The Courier Post and Central Record Publications. 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of the following minutes: Regular Session Minutes 5. Communications 6. New Business 10/15/14 1 PURCHASES/INVESTMENTS/PAYMENTS Vote for Items 1-9 1. Consider the request to ratify and affirm line item transfers as listed for the months of October, 2014. 2. Consider the request to ratify and affirm purchase orders for the months of: October, 2014 in the total amount of $1,112,629.20 November, 2014 in the total amount of $121,274.30 3. Consider the request to ratify and affirm the payment of bills as listed for the months of: October, 2014 in the total amount of $2,249,171.10 November, 2014 in the total amount of $35,343.34 and further consider the request to approve the payment of bills as listed for the month of: November, 2014 in the total amount of $602,457.23 4. Consider the request to ratify and affirm/approve the payment of bills as listed from the cafeteria account for the month of: November, 2014 in the total amount of $62,923.68 5. Consider the request to ratify and affirm over-time custodial employment for the period of September 19, 2014 through October 23, 2014 at a total cost of $10,558.91. 6. Consider the recommendation of the Chief School Administrator to accept the Financial Report of the Treasurer for the month of October, 2014. 7. Consider the recommendation of the Chief School Administrator to accept the Financial Report of the Secretary for the month of October, 2014. 8. Consider a motion to accept the following certification: Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c)3 I certify that as of October 31, 2014, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the Eastern Camden County Regional School District Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1 and N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.2 and no budgetary line item account has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:23A-16.10 (a)1. Further, I certify in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 2 that 2 there are no significant changes in the anticipated revenue amounts or revenue resources. /s/ Fred D. Wright Business Admin. /Board Secretary 9. Vote for Items 1-12 November 13, 2014 Date Consider a motion to accept the following certification: Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 4, Eastern Camden County Regional School District Board of Education certifies that as of October 31, 2014 and after review of the Secretary’s Monthly Financial Report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of the Board’s knowledge, no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (b), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. Personnel- Mr. DeCicco, Chairperson 1. Consider the request to authorize the Superintendent to hire additional staff, as necessary, for the 2014-2015 school year, to be ratified and affirmed at the regular December meeting. 2. Consider the request to approve emergency hiring of staff as noted in the motions of the November, 2014 Board of Education meeting in accordance with Criminal History Requirements. 3. Consider the request to approve the following additions to the substitute list for the 2014-2015 school year: Certified Staff Peter Mancini NJ Sub Cert (Employment of the above individual is provisional pending satisfactory fingerprint and background checks as required by P.L. 1986, C116.,and further pending the satisfactory completion of all required paperwork.) 4. Consider the request to approve an intermittent unpaid leave of absence for William Tapper, teacher, under the provisions of the Family Leave Act, not to exceed 12 weeks. 5. Consider the request to amend the previous approval of an unpaid leave of absence for Tara Zuk with the new dates of approximately 3/9/14 through 5/30/14. 3 6. Consider the request to approve an unpaid leave of absence under the provisions of the Family Medical Leave Act, Monique Goldthorp to begin approximately 5/1/14, not to exceed 12 weeks. 7. Consider the request to approve the following resignations: * 8. a) b) c) Yulia Cunningham, Math Teacher, effective 1/3/15 Janet Confer, English Teacher, effective 12/31/14, due to retirement Dr. Mary Montgomery, Director of Special Services, effective 3/1/15 Consider the request to ratify and affirm the following unpaid leaves of absence: a) James Moxford for an unpaid personal leave of absence on 10/23/14 and 10/24/14. b) Robert Crudo for an unpaid personal leave of absence on 11/13/14 and 11/14/14 9. Consider the request to approve the updated job description for the Principal, as attached. * 10. Consider the request to approve Walter Vranich as a long-term replacement teacher during the approved absence of a certified staff member, to be paid at 1/200th BA, Step 1, beginning with one day prior to the teacher’s leave on 11/25/14. His long term replacement will be effective 12/8/14-1/5/15. * 11. Consider the request to approve an unpaid leave of absence under the provisions of the Family Medical Leave Act Klaus, math teacher, effective 12/1/14-1/5/15. 12. Consider the recommendation to adopt a resolution recognizing the selection of Sarah Mandi as Scholar of the Month for November, 2014. Sarah Mandi is so recognized for her academic achievement, commitment to athletics, and extracurricular programs, and good school citizenship. THE MEETING WILL NOW BE OPENED TO THE PUBLIC Report of the Student Representatives to the Board of Education Shannon Vo John Salicandro 4 Vote for Items 1-7 Athletics- Mr. Deichert, Chairperson 1. Consider the request to approve the following unpaid community volunteers for the 2014-2015 school year: * * * * * * a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Carrie Nelson, volunteer diving Kristen Przybylski, volunteer girls basketball Joseph Strippoli, volunteer bowling Daniel Jones, volunteer winter track Gary Worthington, volunteer wrestling Megan Bry, volunteer girls basketball Cameron Bibbs, volunteer wrestling (Appointment of the above individuals is provisional pending satisfactory fingerprint and background checks as required by P.L. 1986, C116.,and further pending the satisfactory completion of all required paperwork.) * 2. Consider the request to ratify and affirm the resignation of Matthew Cantinella as Winter and Spring Track Coach, effective 10/21/14. 3. Consider the request to approve the following coaches to be trained in CPR and AED and further approve the payment of $74 per person to Greg Sipp for certifying the coaches at a cost of $55.00 per coach and $19.00 per certification card. 4. Consider the request to approve Lauren Edelman, a 2007 Eastern graduate, to observe Mr. Christy at various athletic events. 5. Consider the request to approve the following new coaches: a) b) * 6. Consider the request to approve the following Rowan Athletic Trainer Interns effective 1/15/15-5/15/15: a) b) * 7. Alyssa Pflug, head cheerleading basketball coach Michael Cummings, assistant girls basketball coach, level 1, step 1 Katy Young Taylor Holland Consider the request to approve the Winter 2014-2015 Athletic and Student Activities schedule, as attached. 5 Vote for Items 1-6 * Student Activities-Mrs. David, Chairperson 1. Consider the request to ratify and affirm Noah DiBease as a student sound and lighting tech. 2. Consider the request to approve the Rho Kappa History Honor Society on a trial basis, with Mr. Colton and Mr. McSweeney to serve as unpaid advisors. 3. Consider the request to ratify and affirm Daniel Jones as a morning supervisor for the 2014-2015 school year. 4. Consider the request to approve the following Student Activity personnel: a) b) Kayla Pinnix, Indoor Color Guard, Stipend B Monica Glisson, Indoor Color Guard, Stipend D (Employment of the above individuals is provisional pending satisfactory fingerprint and background checks as required by P.L. 1986, C116.,and further pending the satisfactory completion of all required paperwork.) * 5. Consider the request to approve the following unpaid volunteer: a) Edward Downs, volunteer indoor color guard (Appointment of the above individual is provisional pending satisfactory fingerprint and background checks as required by P.L. 1986, C116.,and further pending the satisfactory completion of all required paperwork.) * 6. Consider the request to approve the following Spring Musical Crew positions, and to further approve the splitting of the stipend equally: a) b) Vote for Items 1-9 David Isshak Lynn Molotsky Finance- Mrs. Chow, Chairperson 1. Consider the request to ratify and affirm the state contract purchases for the month of October, 2014, as attached. 2. Consider the request to approve the following workshops: a) b) Mrs. Sherlock to the All Kids Can Succeed workshop on 2/19/15 at the Hotel ML in Mt. Laurel, NJ; registration fee of $195.00. Ms. Helm to the Autism, Sensory and ADHD workshop on 12/12/14 6 c) * d) at the Hotel ML in Mt. Laurel, NJ; registration fee of $199.00 Mr. Westerby and Mr. Smart to the Hazing, Bullying and Athletics Legal One Workshop in Robbinsville, NJ on 12/16/14; registration fee of $150.00 each Mr. Young and Mrs. Holloway-Taluy to the Fundamentals of Searches and Seizures Involving Students Workshop on 12/8/14 in Monroe Township, NJ; registration fee of $150.00 each NOTE: Mileage reimbursement may be submitted which is in accordance with Board policies and New Jersey travel regulations. 3. Consider the request to approve a staff member’s child to attend Eastern for the 2014-2015 school year. 4. Consider the request to approve the New Jersey Specialized Child Study Team to perform evaluations for a student, as attached. 5. Consider the request to accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and the Auditor’s Management Report on Administrative Findings- Financial Compliance and Performance for the fiscal year ending 6/30/14. There were no recommendations in the report, and consequently, there is no corrective action plan. 6. Consider a motion to ratify and affirm the attached Interconnection Application and Agreement with PSE&G as it relates to the solar panel project. * 7. Consider a motion to ratify and affirm change order number 1 for the Re-Surfacing of the Rear Parking Lot project in the total amount of $350.00, as attached. * 8. Consider a motion to ratify and affirm an extension beyond the statutory 21-day period to sign the Power Purchase Agreement resulting from the Solar Photovoltaic System bid, with Marina Energy, LLC, to a time to be determined. * 9. Consider a motion to accept an award from the New Jersey Customized Employment Initiative, which will be funded by the New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities in an amount not to exceed $4,000.00. INFORMATION: A) The Student Activities Statement for the month of October 2014, is included. B) The official results of the November 4, 2014, Annual School Board Election are as follows: Berlin Borough (vote for one) 7 Gail David Write In 1,121 13 Vote for Item 1 1. Elena M. Chow Robert A. Paul Write In 4,474 4,244 39 Borough of Gibbsboro (vote for one) Write In 88 (no candidate certified) Property- Dr. Teichman, Chairperson Consider the request to ratify and affirm/approve the following use of facilities: a) b) c) Vote for Items 1-6 1. Voorhees (vote for two) * d) * e) Eastern Jr. Vikings Football, use of McAleer Stadium 11/15/14-12/6/14 for a football tournament Rizzieri Aveda School, use of Performing Arts Center on 10/27/14 for graduation Dancers, Inc., use of Performing Arts Center 2/20/15-2/23/15 for a dance competition NJSIAA, use of McAleer Stadium on 11/19/14 for an interscholastic boys and girls soccer game South Jersey Baseball Coaches Association use of media center on 12/4/14 for a meeting Education-Mrs. Garr, Chairperson Consider the request to approve the following field trips for the 2014-2015 school year: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Mrs. Schmid and 30 students to the Carmike Theater and Sal Vito’s pizza on 12/1/14; no transportation requested Mrs. Posey, Mrs. Akinskas and 60 students to the sending district schools on 1/14/15; use of district bus requested Mrs. Posey and 39 students to the Eastern Center for Performing Arts on 1/13/15; no transportation requested Mrs. Posey, Mr. Stanz, Ms. Mitchell, Mrs. Akinskas and 150 students to Dorney Park, Allentown, Pa on 5/29/15; use of district bus requested Mrs. Posey, Ms. Mitchell and 30 students to The Kimmel Center on 3/20/15; use of district bus requested Mr. Stanz and 55 students to the Battleship, NJ on 12/5/14; use of district bus requested Mrs. Akinskas and 18 students to Virtua Hospital on 12/15/14; use of district bus requested Mrs. Posey and 39 students to Virtua Hospital on 12/17/14; use of district bus requested Mrs. Posey and 15 students to Yardley Commons Senior Center on 12/15/14; use of district bus requested 8 j) k) l) m) n) * * o) * p) * q) * r) Mr. Stanz and 55 students to the Performing Arts Center on 1/21/15; no transportation requested Mr. Stanz, Mr. Trinkner and 65 students to the Voorhees Middle School on 11/21/14; use of district bus requested Mrs. Akinskas and 19 students to the Mansion on 12/17/14; use of district bus requested Ms. Heyers and 43 students to New York City on 12/11/14; use of district bus requested Mrs. DiMeglio and 36 students to Emeritus Assisted Living Center on 12/18/14; no transportation requested Mrs. Sherlock, Mr. Thomson and 20 students to the Cherry Hill Mall on 12/12/14; use of district bus requested Mrs. Palmer and 45 students to various high schools on various dates for the GT program; use of district bus requested Mrs. Palmer and 31 students to the Model UN Conference at Rutgers, New Brunswick; use of charter bus requested Ms. Mitchell and 30 students to the Gibbsboro Tree Lighting on 12/2/14; use of district bus requested 2. Consider the request to ratify and affirm the Special Education Out of District list, as attached. 3. Consider the request to ratify and affirm homebound instruction for eight (8) students. 4. Consider the request to approve Nicholas Lombardelli and Michael Rilli of the University of the Arts to visit on 11/24/14 and 1/16/15 to observe music classes, as attached. 5. Consider the request to approve the October, 2014 Guidance Report, as attached. 6. Consider the request to approve the October 2014 Superintendent’s report, as attached. Vote for Policy-Mrs. Garr, Chairperson Items 1-2 1. Consider a motion to approve the second reading and adoption of the following new and revised policies and regulations: P2412 P2417 P2481 P5200 P5610 Home Instruction Due to Health Condition Student Intervention and Referral Services Home or Out of School Instruction for a General Education Student for Reasons Other Than a Temporary Chronic Health Condition Attendance Suspension 9 P5611 P5612 P5613 P5620 P8462 P5306 P5308 P5310 P5339 P5530 P5600 P8505 P9150 P6510 P2630 2. Removal of Students for Firearms Offenses Assaults on District Board of Education Members or Employees Removal of Students for Assaults with Weapons Offenses Expulsion Reporting Potentially Missing or Abused Children Health Services to Non Public Schools Student Health Records Health Services Screening for Dyslexia Substance Abuse Student Discipline/Code of Conduct Wellness Policy/Nutrient Standards for Meals and Other Foods School Visitors Payroll Authorization Technology Consider a motion to approve the reading and adoption of the following new and revised regulations: R2412 R2417 R2481 R5200 R5610 R5611 R5612 R5613 R8462 R5306 R5308 R5310 R5330 R5600 Home Instruction Due to Health Condition Student Intervention and Referral Services Home or Out of School Instruction for a General Education Student Attendance Suspension Removal of Students for Firearms Offense Assaults on District Board of Education Members or Employees Removal of Students for Assaults with Weapons Offenses Reporting Potentially Missing or Abused Children Health Services to Non Public Schools Student Health Records Health Services Substance Abuse Student Discipline/Code of Conduct PRESENTATION: Mr. Harris will give a presentation on technology and PARCC updates. INFORMATION: Fire and Security Drill Report for Eastern Regional High School 10/28/14 8:15 am 10/23/14 8:00 pm Fire Drill Security Drill- Lock Down Fire and Security Drill Report for Eastern Learning Academy 10 9/18/14 8:00 am 9/22/14 1:35 pm 10/28/14 8:15 am 10/23/14 8:00 am Fire Drill Security Drill- Lock Down Fire Drill Security Drill- Lockdown Monthly HIB Report Executive Planning Committee- Mrs. Schmus, Chairperson Technology- Mr. Campbell, Chairperson Camden County School Boards Association- Mr. Paul New Jersey School Boards- Mrs. Garr Municipal Alliance- Mrs. Chow Educational Services Commission- Dr. Teichman Marie Fleche Library- Mr. Campbell Executive Session 1. 2. Personnel and Contract Matters Litigation THE MEETING WILL NOW BE OPENED TO THE PUBLIC Next Meeting- The next meeting of the Board of Education will be held 12/17/14 at 7:30 p.m. Adjournment 11
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