Logistics DB Schenker Customer Presentation Integrated solutions for ecological supply chains DB Schenker Logistics Einar Spurkeland Environment May 20, 2015 Lagt på rekke danner alle containerne vi frakter i løpet av ett år en kjede fra Shanghai til Hamburg DB Schenker i Norge Vadsø Alta Tromsø Kirkenes Sortland Narvik *Nøkkeltall pr 2014 Bodø Mo i Rana Omsetning 3,8 milliarder NOK 30 Terminaler – 1000 Lastbærere Eget distribusjonsnettverk Namsos 1 200 Kvalifiserte medarbeidere Trondheim Molde Tynset Ålesund Otta Stryn Førde Bergen Haugesund Stavanger Lærdal Hamar Voss Hønefoss Drammen Sandefjord Kristiansand Gardermoen Oslo Fredrikstad 1 100 Biler Faste leverandører med 1 100 Sjåfører 5 millioner sendinger pr. år Logistikk og transportvei I DB Schenker har pakkene reist kollektivt i generasjoner ( Siden 1873) Samlasting: Økt fyllingsgrad = Redusert antall biler på veien. Globalt og nasjonalt distribusjonsnettverk gir høy fyllingsgrad. DB Schenkers mål er å bli en ledende leverandør av «grønne» logistikktjenester. InNight: Henting og levering utenom rushtid. Kan unngå kø og redusere CO₂ Utslipp 4 USP Why DB Schenker Logistics as your green logistics provider? DB Schenker Logistics Eco differentiator Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet INTEGRITY ENGAGEMENT All carbon calculations and tools are based on the latest standard EN16258, which offers high transparency in all carbon calculations. We report according to the UN Global Compact and disclose our environmental data to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and EcoVadis. We participate in various carbon accounting and alignment initiatives (e.g. EcoTransIT World, Clean Cargo Working Group [CCWG]) and the Air Carbon Initiative). We closely supervise our preferred carriers and mirror their efficiency development in our own and the customer’s carbon footprint. For dedicated carbon reduction projects we may select the eco-friendliest carrier. SUPERVISION Tradelane specific best in class identification in ocean and 30% CO2 saving potential in land through bundled customized solutions. More than 80% of our own linehaul fleet meets Euro 5 or Euro 6 pollution standard. 30,000 employed and subcontracted drivers have been trained in ecological driving PERFORMANCE CONSULTING Corporate Environment 5 We offer customized carbon reduction solution and support our customers to avoid, reduce, and compensate CO2 with state of the art tools and metrics. DB 2020 DB2020 Strategy: Achieve sustainable business success Vision We are becoming the world's leading mobility and logistics company Sustainable business success and social acceptance Profitable market leader Top employer Economic Social Sustainability dimension 10 1 Top Strategic directions Corporate Environment 1 Customer and quality 2 Profitable growth Eco-pioneer Environmental 1 Top 3 Cultural change/ employee satisfaction Top 4 Resource preservation/ emissions and noise reduction 6 Environmental Brochure Our Environmental Brochure presents the company’s Carbon Footprint and Performance DB Schenker Logistics Carbon Footprint DB Schenker Logistics Environmental Brochure The Carbon Footprint is annually presented in our Environmental Brochure The total CO2 emissions of DB Schenker Logistics was 13.8 million tons in 2013 (WTW* absolute) Locations| 3% For further information on our Carbon Footprint, look at: URL: <http://www.dbschenker.com/hode/nachhaltigkeit/oekologie/publikationen.html> Land| 23% Ocean| 20% Air| 35% ≈ 5% (Locations + own road fleet) is direct emissions in our control and ≈ 95% is by 3rd parties Corporate Environment 7 * WTW = well-to-wheel as defined in the EN 16258, Annex A DB Schenker Logistics as Eco Pioneer Procurement strategy for utilizing eco-optimal fleet and resources Eco Procurement Examples With our Road Schenker Carrier Application tool, carriers are evaluated and promoted based on their eco performance. 1 | Land 2 | Air and Ocean 3 | Warehouse and Office Corporate Environment 8 Preferred Air and Ocean carriers strategy, where we grade and choose our preferred carriers based on our annual evaluation of their performance. Focus on green building standards, for instance: LEED, BREAM, and DGNB Renewable electricity procurement for warehouse operations Procurement options of eco-friendly office stationary and warehouse materials DB Schenker Logistics as Eco Pioneer With our carbon calculation methods and tools, we are the industry leader. Eco Transparency Transparency through… Corporate Environment Until the year 2020, DB Schenker will reduce its specific CO2 emissions by 20%. Split into four modes of transport: road, air, ocean, and rail. 1 | Targets 2 | Tools With our tools, we can calculate the emissions of our own operations and our customers. All calculations are based on the new standard EN16258 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol ISO 14064-1. 3 | Communication Continuous internal and external communication via our annual environmental brochure including our Key Performance Indicators. 9 Calculation Method overview: Based on EN 16258 and EcotransIT World (2014 detailed report) RAIL Based on single AIR OCEAN Based on all customer shipments – distances: GCD (gross circle distance) + 95 km per leg acc. EN 16258 – Based on OAG schedule data – Aircraft type based (flight number) – Fuel consumption currently based on the Eurocontrol “Small Emitter Tool” original data – specific emission factors from airlines NOT included yet – Distribution: 12 ton trucks with default EcotransIT parameters ROAD Based on all customer Based on all customer shipments shipments distance: EcotransIT sea routes + 15% surcharge on port-to-port relations (CCWG methodology paper) CCWG based emission factors: carrier (SCAC Code) and tradelane-specific For carriers outside CCWG EcotransIT default values applied (researched) Distribution: country-specific modal split truck vs. train (assumptions); can be adjusted manually in case of monitored by customer – distances: network routing analysis for all legs (collection/main haul/ distribution) – parameters such as vehicle size, load factor and pollution class considered per country – derivation of country specific emission factors for long hauls and CoDi – ferry shares included – biodiesel share considered per country – driver training effects not considered (ca. 5% 20092014) EN 16258 Annex A conversion factors for all fuels + default values of EcotransIT World shipment analysis – distances: exact routing according to EcotransIT World – country-specific electrification and electricity mix considered Terminals and Offices Based on all 2,100 DBSL locations – Carbon emissions from use of oil, gas, district heating and forklifts – Greenhouse gas emissions from cooling gases All EN 16258 rules applied: Load factor based on the whole vehicle round trip, empty trips considered, real weight based etc. and, in addition, all freight handling activities (upon request) Update, 26.05.2015 10 Tools Eco Consulting – Emission Calculation EcoTransIT World A tool that is one of its kind in the industry. Carbon calculation for all modes of transport All calculations are based on the new EN16258 standard. Benchmark all transport modes (train, ship, truck, air) Calculate all greenhouse gas related emissions and pollutants Free of charge and available at www.ecotransit.org All calculations are based on the new EN16258 standard. Benchmark all transport modes (train, ship, truck, air). Calculate all greenhouse gas related emissions and pollutants Free of charge and available at www.ecotransit.org Corporate Environment 11 eSchenker Emission Calculator Calculate carbon footprints for specified shipment contingents in emission reports that can either be generated ad hoc or scheduled for automatic delivery. Available in different layout formats and customizable in terms of entry field selections. Know your emissions at the click of a mouse Easy access without login One tool for all transport modes User-friendly and 24-hours available No necessity to install additional programs The Emission Calculator is a public eService offered to every DB Schenker customer. Schenker AG 12 Utslippsberegninger for DB Schenker kunder Via vår portal ”mySchenker” på våre websider www.dbschenker.com/no får våre kunder opp rapporter over miljøutslipp for vårt internasjonale og nasjonale landtransportprodukt. Vår kalkulator ble utviklet i 2008. Tallene som blir benyttet i kalkulatoren er hentet fra en rapport av SSB fra 2000. Vi deltar i nettverk for Grønn Godstransport og vil implementere Grønn Godstransports database med oppdaterte utslippstall. Databasen tar hensyn til topografi, strekninger, kjøretøy type og Euroklasse. 13 Miljømål DB Schenker Norge 2006-2020 CO₂ utslipp: 20 % reduksjon i innen 01.01.2020 • (Basisår 2006 ) Utslippet var pr. 2012 allerede redusert med 11% Kildesortering: 94 % i 2013 og 95% i 2020 Transportøroppfølging • • • • • Gjennomsnittlig Euro 5 og minimum oppgradert Euro 4 Miljøopplæring av alle sjåfører en del av etterutdanningen Introdusere kjøretøy med miljøteknologi/alternativt drivstoff i faste trafikker Schenker krever at miljøriktige alternativer vurderes ved utskifting av materiell Schenker sine miljøkrav er fastlagt i avtalen med transportøren Trafikkplanlegging • Øke utlastingsgrad/fyllingsgrad med 5% • Opprettholde fokus på banevolum • Økt bruk av Modulvogntog Kildesortering • Øke fokus på sortering av alle avfallsfraksjoner Energiforbruk • Redusere energiforbruk per m² med 18% ved å: • skifte ut belysning på terminaler til LED-lys • installere varmepumper 14 Logistikk og transportvei DB Schenker AS skal gjennom trafikkstyring og lage transportopplegg som sikrer god utnyttelse av bilene og effektiv drift. Vi skal i størst mulig grad benytte jernbane fremføring der dette er mulig. NRE-toget har en gjennomsnittlig kapasitetsutnyttelse på 90 %. Toget frakter 25 000 enheter pr. år. 3 890 km. tur retur OsloNarvik. Det tilsvarer 12 500 vogntog og redusert antall tonnkilometer på vei. Baneandel har økt på strekningen. I 2013 kjørte vi 7 tog på 600 meter hver uke. 15 Miljøsertifisert etter ISO 14001:2004 Schenker AS ble som første transportør ISO 14001 sertifisert allerede i 1998. Schenker AS har utarbeidet et sentralt miljøprogram for hele virksomheten. Miljøprogrammet beskriver virksomhetens påvirkning av utslipp til luft, vann, jord og støy. Hver terminal rapporterer årlig energi- og vannforbruk, kildesorteringsprosent samt behov for forbedringer, årsaker og tiltak. Kildesorteringsprosent og forbruk av vann og energi rapporteres månedlig. Utslipp fra internasjonale og nasjonale landtransporter beregnes i Schenkers miljøkalkulator. Schenkers kunder kan hente ut egne rapporter via mySchenker. 16 Strekkoder på fiskekasser NS 9405 – Behov for mer standardisering og forenkling og sømløs merking fra havet til butikk 17
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