An initiative of M AR KETPLACE E V E N T S NATIONAL ABORIGINAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE - PRINCE RUPERT 2015 AGENDA APRIL 29TH & 30TH 2015 - JIM CICCONE CIVIC CENTRE JOIN HOSTS CHIEF HAROLD LEIGHTON OF METLAKATLA AND MAYOR GARRY REECE OF LAX KW’ALAAMS FOR 2 DAYS OR GREAT BUSINESS NETWORKING WITH OVER 400 ABORIGINAL AND PRIVATE SECTOR DELEGATES. THE THEME OF OUR 2015 CONFERENCE IS "COLLABORATING FOR ECONOMIC SUCCESS." THE BEST ANNUAL ABORIGINAL/PRIVATE SECTOR BUSINESS NETWORKING EVENT IN NORTHERN BC! NABOC WWW.2GGROUP.CA NABOC ON BEHALF OF THE METLAKATLA AND LAX KW’ ALAAMS FIRST NATIONS WE WELCOME YOU TO THE TERRITORY OF THE NINE ALLIED TRIBES AND THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. WE ARE VERY EXCITED TO ONCE AGAIN WELCOME DELEGATES TO THE 2015 NATIONAL ABORIGINAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE. WELCOME TO NABOC PRINCE RUPERT 2015 MAJOR SPONSORS: AUDIO VISUAL SPONSORS: HOST CHIEF AND MAYOR SPONSORS: BANQUET DINNER WINE SPONSOR: LUNCH SPONSORS: NATIONAL ABORIGINAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE 2015 PRINCE RUPERT, BC DELEGATE LANYARD SPONSOR: April 29th & 30th HOST COMMUNITIES SPONSOR: Page 2 COMMUNITY VESSEL SPONSOR: NABOC NATIONAL ABORIGINAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE 2015 PRINCE RUPERT, BC April 29th & 30th Page 3 NABOC NATIONAL ABORIGINAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE 2015 PRINCE RUPERT, BC April 29th & 30th Page 4 WELCOME TRADESHOW EXHIBITORS Communica Ironworkers Local 97 Bear Creek Group Triton Environmental Consultants Domcor Health, Safety and Security Inc UA Local 170 Plumbers and Pipefitters Nats Nursery Ltd Pacific Northwest LNG Lakelse Air Ltd Construction Maintenance and Allied Workers Union of Canada North Arm Transportation Kuehne + Nagel Outland Camps Allteck Line Contractors Inc Winton Homes and Cottages Embark Engineering Ltd Hawkair Aviation JJM Construction Ltd Northern Savings and Credit Union Civeo Saam Smit Towage/Boskalis Industry Training Authority Summit Camps Kitimat Valley Institute GMG Consulting Services IBEW Local 993 BC Hydro Environment Canada Suncor/PetroCanada Black Diamond Group Opus Stewart Weir RCMP Adventure Paving Western Canada Marine Response McElhanney Consulting Services Pile Drivers, Divers, Bridge Dock & Wharf Builders Local 2404 TO THE PRINCE RUPERT 2015 NABOC CONFERENCE The National Aboriginal Business Opportunities Conference (NABOC) is unique in design with a focus on creating a comfortable and supportive venue for collaboration between Aboriginal and Private Sector business groups. The plenary sessions will update everyone on the various major projects in the region and also showcase successful private sector / Aboriginal business ventures as case studies and examples for others to follow. Space is limited to 500 Delegates and 80 Exhibitors. As your conference organizer my role is to ensure you get the utmost value from your time with us. Our staff will be on-site from April 27th – May 1st and I can be reached at any time by calling Toll Free 866 284-8322, Texting 250 878-9908 or emailing [email protected] We have assembled a fantastic line-up of presenters for the 2015 NABOC Prince Rupert event which has a major focus on LNG projects, the Port of Prince Rupert and the training and employment opportunities that will be created by the major projects being planned in the region. Make sure you use all of the networking breaks to your advantage and be sure to bring plenty of business cards along with you. Our hotel partners will be happy to assist you with your accommodation, just see the concierges at the front desks if you have any questions. Thank you and we look forward to hosting you at the 2015 National Aboriginal Business Opportunities Conference in Prince Rupert, BC. Geoff Greenwell CEO, 2G Group NABOC WELCOME NATIONAL ABORIGINAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE 2015 PRINCE RUPERT, BC April 29th & 30th Page 5 AGENDA APRIL 28TH WELCOME RECEPTION AND EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION 6PM – 8PM DELEGATE REGISTRATION AND WELCOME RECEPTION HOSTED BY 2G GROUP AT THE JIM CICCONE CIVIC CENTRE APRIL 29TH CONFERENCE DAY 1 7:30-8:30AM CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST, DELEGATE REGISTRATION AND TRADESHOW OPENS 8:30-9:00AM OPENING PRAYER, DANCING AND WELCOME NABOC NATIONAL ABORIGINAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE 2015 PRINCE RUPERT, BC ADDRESSES FROM: Chief Harold Leighton, Mayor Garry Reece and Mayor Lee Brain Chief Harold Leighton Mayor Garry Reece Mayor Lee Brain 9:00-11:00AM LNG SESSION – Updates From the Proponents on the LNG Projects Proposed for the Region NATIONAL ABORIGINAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE 2015 PRINCE RUPERT, BC April 29th & 30th 11:00-NOON NUTRITION, NETWORKING BREAK AND TRADESHOW VISIT Page 6 NABOC NOON - NATIONAL ABORIGINAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE 2015 PRINCE RUPERT, BC April 29th & 30th Page 7 12:45PM BUFFET LUNCH AND NETWORKING BREAK – ENJOY THE SUMPTUOUS FARE OF THE NORTH COAST - Sponsored by: IBEW Local 993 12:45-1:30PM KEYNOTE LUNCHEON SPEAKER – TBD TBD 1:30-3:00PM PORT OF PRINCE RUPERT UPDATE PANEL – ‘Meetings The Goals of Vision 2020’ 3:00-4:00PM NUTRITION, NETWORKING BREAK AND TRADESHOW VISIT 4:00-5:00PM ECONOMIC PROGRESS & CAPACITY BUILDING UPDATES FROM METLAKATALA AND LAX KW’ALAAMS FIRST NATIONS 5:00-8:00PM HOSPITALITY EVENT HOSTED BY ABORIGINAL MARKETPLACE MAGAZINE – JIM CICCONE CIVIC CENTRE - NETWORK WITH OTHER DELEGATES AND VISIT THE TRADESHOW APRIL 30TH CONFERENCE DAY 2 7:30-8:30AM CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST AND TRADESHOW OPENS 9:00-NOON CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT – Golfers meet at Prince Rupert Golf Course Pro-shop at 8:30am NABOC 10:00-NOON HARBOUR TOUR – Visit the sites of proposed LNG projects aboard the MV Tsimshian Storm. Meet at the Metlakatla ferry Dock at 9:30am 9:00-NOON ONE-ON-ONE DELEGATE MEETINGS AND TRADESHOW VISIT – Delegates are encouraged to arrange meetings with each other at the Jim Ciccone Civic Centre to discuss business opportunities and potential partnerships 12:00-12:45PM BUFFET LUNCH AND NETWORKING BREAK – ENJOY MORE OF THE NORTH COAST’S SUMPTUOUS FARE Sponsored by: Horizon North Logistics Inc. 12:45-1:15PM KEYNOTE LUNCHEON SPEAKER – TBD TBD NATIONAL ABORIGINAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE 2015 PRINCE RUPERT, BC April 29th & 30th Page 8 NABOC NATIONAL ABORIGINAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE 2015 PRINCE RUPERT, BC April 29th & 30th Page 9 1:15-4:00PM ONE-ON-ONE DELEGATE MEETINGS AND TRADESHOW VISIT – Delegates are encouraged to arrange meetings with each other at the Jim Ciccone Civic Centre to discuss business opportunities and potential partnerships 4:30 – 6PM HOSPITALITY EVENT HOSTED BY THE COASTAL BUSINESS RESOURCES CENTRE – Jim Ciccone Civic Centre Network with other Delegates and Visit the Tradeshow 6:30-8:30PM ALL DELEGATE BANQUET DINNER AT THE NORTH COAST CONVENTION CENTRE 9:00MIDNIGHT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AT THE LESTER CENTRE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS Featuring: Music from George Leach and the Joel West Band Comedy from Ryan McMahon George Leach The Joel West Band Ryan McMahon
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