Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta

Nru./No. 19,368
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta
The Malta Government Gazette
Il-Ħamis, 15 ta’ Jannar, 2015
Thursday, 15th January, 2015
Pubblikata b’Awtorità
Published by Authority
Avviżi tal-Gvern................................................................................................................ 325 - 327
Notices............................................................................................................................... 325 - 327
Avviżi tal-Qorti................................................................................................................. 327 - 328
Court Notices.................................................................................................................... 327 - 328
Il-15 ta’ Jannar, 2015 VERŻJONI ONLINE
(KAP. 237)
(CAP. 237)
Ir-Writ mill-President ta’ Malta bid-data tal-14 ta’
Jannar, 2015, li huwa riprodott hawn taħt, huwa ppubblikat
għall-finijiet tas-subartikolu 2 tal-artikolu 9 tal-Att dwar irReferendi (Kap. 237).
The Writ by the President of Malta dated 14th January,
2015, reproduced hereunder, is published for the purpose of
subarticle 2 of article 9 of the Referenda Act (Cap. 237).
Kummissjonarju Elettorali Prinċipali
Il-15 ta’ Jannar, 2015
Chief Electoral Commissioner
15th January, 2015
(KAP. 237)
(CAP. 237)
Writ mill-President ta’ Malta
Writ by the President of Malta
Is-Sur Joseph Church
Kummissjonarju Elettorali Prinċipali
Mr Joseph Church
Chief Electoral Commissioner
Is-Sur Mario Callus
Dott. Noel Cutajar
Is-Sur Vanni Ganado
Is-Sur Paul Sammut
Is-Sur Salvu Sant
Is-Sur Joseph Scicluna
Dott. Raymond Zammit
Dott. Joe Zammit Maempel
Mr Mario Callus
Dr Noel Cutajar
Mr Vanni Ganado
Mr Paul Sammut
Mr Salvu Sant
Mr Joseph Scicluna
Dr Raymond Zammit
Dr Joe Zammit Maempel
Kummissjonarji Elettorali
Electoral Commissioners
B’dan qiegħed jiġi mogħti avviż illi l-Qorti Kostituzzjonali,
b’deċiżjoni mogħtija fid-9 ta’ Jannar, 2015 fuq ir-Rikorsi
Numru 364/2014 u 365/2014, iddikjarat illi jista’ jissejjaħ
referendum abrogattiv skont is-subartikolu (1)(b) tal-artikolu
3 tal-Att dwar ir-Referendi, Kapitolu 237 tal-Ligijiet ta’ Malta,
u għalhekk din il-mistoqsija li ġejja għandha titpoġġa għaddeċiżjoni komuni, ugwali, sigrieta u libera tal-poplu Malti
Notice is hereby given that the Constitutional Court has,
by decision given on the 9th January, 2015 upon Applications
Number 364/2014 and 365/2014, declared that an abrogative
referendum may be called in terms of sub-article (l)(b) of
article 3 of the Referenda Act, Chapter 237 of the Laws of
Malta, and therefore the following question is to be put for
the common, equal, secret and free decision of the Maltese
people in the referendum:
“Taqbel illi d-dispożizzjonijiet tar-’Regolamenti dwar Qafas
biex Tiġi Permessa Deroga li Tiftaħ l-Istaġun għall-Kaċċa
tal-Gamiem u tas-Summien fir-Rebbiegħa’ (Leġislazzjoni
Sussidjarja 504.94) għandhom jibqgħu fis-seħħ?”
“Do you agree that the provisions of the ‘Framework
for Allowing a Derogation Opening a Spring Hunting
Season for Turtle Dove and Quail Regulations’ (Subsidiary
Legislation 504.94) should continue in force?”
B’dan qiegħed jiġi mogħti avviż illi, skont l-Artikolu 9
tal-Att dwar ir-Referendi, id-data tal-11 ta’ April, 2015 ġiet
stabbilita biex tkun id-data tar-referendum li għandu jsir dwar
il-mistoqsija li qegħda tiġi proposta.
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,368 Notice is hereby given that, in terms of Article 9 of the
Referenda Act, the 11th day of April, 2015 has been appointed
to be the date of the referendum to be held on the question
Valletta, fil-Gżira ta’ Malta,
illum, 14 ta’ Jannar, 2015
Valletta, in the Island of Malta,
this 14th day of January, 2015
President TA’ MALTA
President OF MALTA
(KAP. 363)
(CAP. 363)
L-Avviż mill-Kummissjoni Elettorali li huwa riprodott
hawn taħt, huwa ppubblikat għall-finijiet tar-Regolament
15(2) tat-Tielet Skeda tal-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali (Kap.
The Notice by the Electoral Commission reproduced
hereunder, is published for the purposes of Regulation
15(2) of the Third Schedule of the Local Councils Act
(Cap. 363).
Kummissjonarju Elettorali Prinċipali
Il-15 ta’ Jannar, 2015
Chief Electoral Commissioner
15th January, 2015
Avviż mill-Kummissjoni Elettorali
Notice by the Electoral Commission
Il-Kummissjoni Elettorali mwaqqfa skont l-artikolu 60 talKostituzzjoni b’dan tgħarraf li, bis-saħħa tad-dispożizzjonijiet
tal-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali (Kap. 363), se ssir elezzjoni
fil-lokalitajiet ta’ Il-Birgu, L-Isla, Ħal Qormi, Ħaż-Żebbuġ,
Is-Siġġiewi, Ħ’Attard, Ħal Balzan, Birżebbuġa, Ħad-Dingli,
Floriana, Il-Gżira, Għajnsielem, Ħal Għargħur, Il-Ħamrun,
L-Iklin, Ta’ Kerċem, Ħal Kirkop, Ħal Luqa, Il-Marsa,
Marsaxlokk, Il-Mosta, Il-Munxar, In-Nadur, Paola, Il-Qala,
Ħal Safi, San Ġiljan, San Lawrenz, San Pawl il-Baħar, Santa
Luċija, Is-Swieqi, Ix-Xagħra, Iż-Żebbuġ (Għawdex) u IżŻurrieq, nhar is-Sibt, il-11 ta’ April, 2015.
The Electoral Commission established in terms of article
60 of the Constitution hereby notifies that, in virtue of the
provisions of the Local Councils Act (Cap. 363), an election
is being held in the localities of Il-Birgu, L-Isla, Ħal Qormi,
Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Is-Siġġiewi, Ħ’Attard, Ħal Balzan, Birżebbuġa,
Ħad-Dingli, Floriana, Il-Gżira, Għajnsielem, Ħal Għargħur,
Il-Ħamrun, L-Iklin, Ta’ Kerċem, Ħal Kirkop, Ħal Luqa, IlMarsa, Marsaxlokk, Il-Mosta, Il-Munxar, In-Nadur, Paola,
Il-Qala, Ħal Safi, San Ġiljan, San Lawrenz, San Pawl il-Baħar,
Santa Luċija, Is-Swieqi, Ix-Xagħra, Iż-Żebbuġ (Gozo) and
Iż-Żurrieq, on Saturday, 11th April, 2015.
Kummissjonarju Elettorali Prinċipali
Il-15 ta’ Jannar, 2015
Chief Electoral Commissioner
15th January, 2015
Il-15 ta’ Jannar, 2015 327
(KAP. 354)
(CAP. 354)
Ngħarrfu illi skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-artikolu 43
tal-Att dwar l-Elezzjonijiet Ġenerali (Kap. 354), b’ordni
tal-Uffiċjal Reviżur saru dawn il-korrezzjonijiet fir-Reġistru
Elettorali ppubblikat f’Ottubru, 2014.
In terms of article 43 of the General Elections Act (Cap.
354), it is notified that by order of the Revising Officer, the
following corrections were made in the Electoral Register
published in October, 2014.
Micallef Ian – 360069(M) – Tal-Mielħa Crt Blk A, Fl 3, Triq ix-Xagħra, Marsalforn, Iż-Żebbuġ (Għawdex)
għandu jinqara – should read
Micallef Ian – 360069(M) – 23, Triq San Ġorġ, Il-Gżira
Spiteri Marisa Antoinette – 458793(M) – St John Bldg, Fl 4, Triq Tonin Mallia Vernon, Ix-Xewkija
għandha tinqara – should read
Spiteri Marisa Antoinette – 458793(M) – 51, Triq il-Karmelitani, p/m Santa Venera
Il-15 ta’ Jannar, 2015
15th January, 2015
Illi b’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, tat-2 ta’
Diċembru 2014, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni tal-estratt
li jidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika fil-konfront ta’
Michael Lee Borg skond l-Artikolu 187(3) tal-Kodiċi ta’
Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili (Kap. 12).
It is hereby notified that by a decree of the Small Claims
Tribunal of 2nd December 2014, the publication of the
following extract was ordered for the purpose of service of
the defendant Michael Lee Borg in terms of Article 187(3) of
the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).
The General Soft Drinks Co Ltd (C 1591) ta’ Marsa
Industrial Estate, Marsa MRS 3000 ippreżentaw Talba, fl-20
ta’ Gunju 2014, fejn talbu lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil
Emanuel Pulis u Michael Lee Borg (KI 473900L) solidalment
bejniethom u b’nota tal-1 ta’ Diċembru 2014 il-kawża ġiet
ċeduta fil-konfront ta’ Emanuel Pulis ta’ 18 Sunsi, Flat 3,
Triq il-Knisja, San Ġiljan, sabiex iħallsu lis-soċjetà attriċi ssomma ta’ €2,108.55 liema ammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetà
The General Soft Drinks Co Ltd (C 1591) of Marsa
Industrial Estate, Marsa MRS 3000, filed a Claim on the
20th June 2014 whereby they asked the Tribunal to condemn
Emanuel Pulis and Michael Lee Borg (ID 473900L) in
solidum between them and by means of a note of the 1st
December 2014 the law suit was waived in regards of
Emanuel Pulis, of 18, Sunsi, Flat 3, Triq il-Knisja, San
Ġiljan to pay the plaintiff company the sum of €2,108.55
which amount is due to the plaintiff company.
Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet.
With costs and interests.
Il-kawża (Avviż Nru 405/14GB) hija differita għas-16 ta’
Jannar 2015 fin-12.30 p.m.
The case (Claim Number 405/14GB) is put off on the
16th January 2015 at 12.30 p.m.
Registru tal-Qorti Maġistrati (Malta) illum 14 ta’ Jannar
Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (Malta) today 14th
January 2015.
Alexandra Debattista
Ghar-Registratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali
Alexandra Debattista
For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals
Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 19,368 81
Ikun jaf kulħadd illi b’digriet mogħti fil-5 ta’ Jannar,
2015, il-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Għawdex), Ġurisdizzjoni
Superjuri, Sezzjoni Ġenerali, ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni talestratt riprodott hawn taħt sabiex għal kull fini u effett talliġi jservi ta’ notifika skont l-Artikoli 187 (3) u 931 (3) talKodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili.
It is hereby notified that by a decree dated the 5th January,
2015, the Court of Magistrates (Gozo), Superior Jurisdiction,
General Section, ordered the publication of the extract
reproduced hereunder for the purpose of service in terms of
Article 187 (3) and 931 (3) of the Code of Organisation and
Civil Procedure.
Billi b’digriet mogħti minn din il-Qorti, fil-5 ta’ Jannar,
2015, fuq talba ta’ Stephen Gauci (karta tal-identità numru
670962M), ġie ordnat li jintgħażlu kuraturi deputati skont
il-liġi biex jirrappreżentaw lill-persuni mhux magħrufa
intitolati sabiex jirċievu ċ-ċens hawn taħt indikat, u dan
fl-atti taċ-Ċedola ta’ Depożitu u Kontestwali Fidi ta’ Ċens
li ġġib in-numru 375/2014, fl-ismijiet, Stephen Gauci
vs Kuraturi Deputati sabiex jirrappreżentaw lill-persuni
mhux magħrufa intitolati sabiex jirċievu ċ-ċens hawn taħt
indikat, ippreżentata fit-22 ta’ Diċembru, 2014, fil-Qorti talMaġistrati (Għawdex), Ġurisdizzjoni Superjuri, Sezzjoni
Ġenerali, u fl-attijiet l-oħrajn kollha relattivi u sussegwenti.
Whereas by a decree dated the 5th January, 2015, by the
said Court upon an application of Stephen Gauci (identity
card number 670962M), whereby it was ordered that
deputy curators be nominated in terms of law to represent
the unknown persons who are entitled to receive the herein
mentioned groundrent, and this in the records of Schedule of
Deposit and Concurrent Redemption of Groundrent bearing
number 375/2014, in the names Stephen Gauci versus deputy
curators to represent the unknown persons who are entitled
to receive the herein mentioned groundrent, filed on the
22nd December, 2014, in the Court of Magistrates (Gozo),
Superior Jurisdiction, General Section, as well as in all the
other related and subsequent acts.
Din iċ-ċedola tirrigwarda l-fond bin-numru 77, ġa 26/27,
Triq Sant’ Anton, Ix-Xagħra, Għawdex, soġġett għal ċens
kumplessiv annwu u perpetwu ta’ tmienja u ħamsin ċenteżmu
tal-ewro (€0.58ċ).
This schedule of deposit refers to the premises bearing
number 77, formerly 26/27, Triq Sant’ Anton, Xagħra, Gozo,
subject to the annual and perpetual groundrent of fifty-eight
euro cents (€0.58c).
Illum llum l-esponent jixtieq jipprevalixxi ruħu millfakoltà mogħtija lilu bl-Artikolu numru 1501 tal-Kodiċi
Ċivili, u jifdi dan l-istess ċens ai termini tal-istess liġi.
The applicant wishes to avail himself of the right granted
to him in terms of Article 1501 of the Civil Code, and redeem
the said groundrent in virtue of the said article.
Illi l-ammont komplessiv ta’ tmienja u ħamsin ċenteżmu
tal-ewro (€0.58ċ), kapitalizzati bir-rata ta’ ħamsa fil-mija
(5%), jammontaw għal ħdax-il Ewro u ħamsa u sittin
ċenteżmu (€11.65ċ).
The global amount of fifty-eight euro cents (€0.58c),
capitalised at 5% amounts to eleven euro and sixty-five cents
Min għandu xi interess u jrid jidħol bħala kuratur huwa
b’din imsejjaħ biex jidher fi żmien sitt (6) ijiem f’dan irReġistru, u jagħmel b’nota d-dikjarazzjoni illi huwa jrid
jidħol għal dan, u jekk ma jagħmilx din id-dikjarazzjoni
fiż-żmien hawn mogħti, din il-Qorti tgħaddi biex tagħżel
kuratur tal-uffiċċju.
Whoever is interested to be nominated as a curator is
hereby called upon to call at this Registry within six (6)
days, and make known their interest through a declaratory
note to accept such an assignment, and in default, this Court
will proceed to nominate an official curator.
Ġurisdizzjoni Superjuri, Sezzjoni Ġenerali, hawn fuq
imsemmija, bix-xhieda ta’ Dr Paul Coppini, Maġistrat talQorti hawn fuq imsemmija.
Issued by the aforementioned Court of Magistrates (Gozo),
Superior Jurisdiction, General Section, under the signature
of Dr Paul Coppini, a Magistrate of the said Court.
Illum 5 ta’ Jannar, 2015.
Reġistru tal-Qorti tal-Maġistrati (Għawdex), Ġurisdizzjoni
Superjuri, Sezzjoni Ġenerali, illum 12 ta’ Jannar, 2015.
Diane Farrugia
Għar-Reġistratur Qrati u Tribunali (Għawdex)
This 5th January, 2015.
Registry of the Court of Magistrates (Gozo), Superior
Jurisdiction, General Section, this 12th January, 2015.
Diane Farrugia
For the Registrar Gozo Courts and Tribunals
Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — Valletta
Mitbugħ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta riċiklata— Printed at the Government Printing Press on recycled paper