The 100 Club - Hempstead in Essex

St Andrew's Church
Registered charity: XR 38290 0
To our St Andrew’s community
We would like to tell you about a great way to support St Andrew’s and perhaps win some cash too!
Many people support our church by their regular giving or by supporting the Friends of St Andrews –
and we are most grateful. Nevertheless, operating costs continue to increase, and so the cost of
running and maintaining the church is a concern. The church now has an annual deficit, so in the
medium to long term we even face the prospect of losing our wonderful church.
The PCC have therefore decided to run a ‘100 Club Lottery’ to help raise funds and we hope you will
want to support us. More importantly we hope that you will spread the word to your friends and
family, even if they do not live in Hempstead, so that we can share the ‘100 Club’ more widely. The
basic features of the Club Lottery are as follows:For payment of £20 annually, you will be allocated a draw number which will be entered in a monthly
If a 100 contributors take part lottery income would be £ 2000 per year. After the draw, the income
to the church would be £1530
There will be a monthly draw with the following prizes:
First monthly prize of £ 20
Second monthly prize £ 10
Third monthly prize £ 5
There will be a bonus prize of £50, to be drawn in November.
We feel that this will be a popular way for raising money for the church because of the good chances
of winning one of the 37 prizes to be won each year.
Anyone above the age of 16 years can buy more than one draw number. We hope to launch this “100
Club "lottery as soon as we have 100 members. We do hope you will support us by joining our “ 100
Club” so please return the attached registration form to either Julie Jarman 599454 or Zoe Hoar
599466 as quickly as possible so that we can perform the administration in time to commence the
first draw 2015.
Thank you.
St. Andrew’s PCC