n w o r C d n a s Cros News of the Mission & Ministry of R. E. Lee Memorial Church The Lexington Parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia FEBRUARY 2015 Annual Parish Meeting The Annual Parish Meeting will be Sunday, Feb. 8 at 9:15 in the Parish Hall. The 2015 budget will be presented, along with an update on our stewardship effort. Adult Sunday School classes will not meet. Vestry Update Congratulations to Jim Farrar, our new Senior Warden, and John Burleson, Junior Warden. Taizé Eucharist The second-Sunday Taizé contemplative Eucharist will be February 8 at 5 p.m. Join us for this service of Scripture, prayer, music, and Communion. Fourth Sunday Breakfast, Forum Join us on Feb. 22 for breakfast beginning at 8:45. Cost is $3, adults; $1, children, followed by Sunday School for all ages, including the 4th Sunday Forum. Shrove Tuesday February 17 Pancake Supper and No-Talent-Is-Too-Small Talent Show Supper 5:30; Talent Show 6:30 Come hungry, leave entertained! If you have a talent you’d like to share, contact Sharon Massie. Ash Wednesday, February 18 Holy Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes 7, 12:20 p.m. and 6 p.m. 3:30 p.m., Children’s Ash Wednesday Service Lenten Morning Prayer Beginning Thursday, Feb. 19, a lay-led service of Morning Prayer will be offered at 8:30, Monday through Friday, during Lent. Contact Sharon Massie, if you are interested in leading one or more of these services. Lenten Series begins Wednesday, Feb. 25 6:00 Catered Dinner ($6 adults, $15 family max) Make reservations with the Parish Office ([email protected]) by noon Tuesday prior 6:30-7:30 Lenten Programs, all ages WANTED A few good men...and women! We need a few more volunteers for our Thursday afternoon commitment to the RARA Food Pantry. It involves standing for two hours and helping clients select food, get their carts to their cars and the carts back into the Food Pantry. Each volunteer usually works only one Thursday afternoon a month—from 2:15 to 4:30. If this mission appeals to you, please contact Elizabeth Harralson at [email protected]. We need substitutes as well as people who are willing to commit to one Thursday afternoon a month. Thanks for considering it. Youth at Council packed and delivered 220 lunches, 250 bags of toiletry items, socks and underwear to homeless shelters in Roanoke. Shown (l to r from top) are Grace Sailer, Maggie Lawrence, Adam Webster, Brendan Lynch, (bottom) Martha Orr, Megan Oliver, Mary Katherine Lawrence, Sophie Brown, and Caroline Webster. Polar Plunge 4 to benefit Stop Hunger Now Sunday, Feb. 22 at 2 p.m. at the Crittenden pool Are you brave enough to take the plunge to fight world hunger? We need volunteers willing to get pledges and then brave the February waters of the Crittenden pool to raise money to support a Stop Hunger Now packaging event at R. E. Lee Church in April. For every dollar we raise we can pack four dehydrated, high-protein, and highly nutritious meals that will be used to support development programs and to save lives in developing countries around the world. Last year, we raised over $2,100! You have to have a minimum of $100 in pledges to take the plunge. Come on in…the water‘s fine…brrrrrrr. There will be a fire and plenty of hot beverages once you’ve taken the plunge! Contact Sharon ([email protected]) or Megan Oliver ([email protected]) for more information. From The Crittendens Dear R. E. Lee Family, Tom and I wish gratefully to acknowledge your expressions of sympathy, concern and encouragement. For the past year you have kindly cared for us through cards, meals, phone calls, visits and support. We appreciate your thoughtfulness. Sincerely, Christi Sabbath in the Suburbs February 20, 6 to 8 at The Websters 5 Grouse Run Road Dinner and Book study for parents. Pizza and childcare for children at the church. Most families today have a frenetic existence—a relentless list of work, errands, carpool, dishes, email, bills. Families face a choice: continue the same frantic pace or fight back with a radically different way of being. Join us as we explore how to commit to a practice of Sabbathkeeping with families of all shapes and sizes. The book is available in the Parish office for $16. E-readers can find it at Amazon.com. 4th & 5th graders—You’re invited to join us on Sunday, Feb. 8 after the 10:30 service until 1:00 for our Club 45 meeting. We’ll have lunch and participate in a missionminded activity. Questions? Talk to Sharon Massie! Sunday Mornings at 9:15 Wonderful Wednesdays 3:30 to 4:30 Godly Play ages three through 1st grade Classes for Children & Youth 3rd floor, Parish House (Godly Play will not meet during Lent) St. Francis Choir Second grade & up Questions? Contact Sharon Massie or Ted Bickish First Fridays Lectionary Class Library This class discusses the readings for the day—collect and scriptures—as they apply to our life and work and to our worship. Led by Doug & Libby Cumming. Christianity & Culture Feb. 6, 6 to 8 Crafts and activities for the kids! Time off for the parents! No charge, but a donation for the RARA Food Pantry is appreciated. This event is open to the community. To reserve a place for your child, contact Sharon Massie by February 5. Property Signage Pursuant to the Mutual Ministry Review, the Property Committee was tasked with developing and placing interior directional signage at key locations in the church and Parish House. Six months ago we put up temporary signs and requested/encouraged feedback. We have received a number of comments and will be incorporating those changes to the interior signs. The current signs will be replaced with new signs this winter. If anyone has any additional comments on the signs, please contact a Property Committee member or send an email to [email protected] with your comment. Please provide your comments by February 28. in the Parish Hall Feb. 1 English Settings of Funeral Sentences (Tim Gaylard) Feb. 8 No Class, Annual Meeting Feb. 15 The South, Slavery, & Religion (Holt Merchant) Thank You, Gordon! New liquid wax Eucharistic candles for the altar have been given to the church in honor of Gordon Woodcock for his efforts in helping to maintain our facility. Gordon is tireless in his service to the Lord, and we are grateful for all that he does. Spotlight on Mission: Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts Scout Sunday, February 8 Our church is honored to sponsor Boy Scout Troop 29 and Cub Scout Pack 29, which meet weekly in our facility. Our sponsorship includes the use of a room and financial contributions from our Annual Budget through the Christian Outreach Committee. I recently met with the Troop’s adult leadership, including Scoutmaster Preston Evans and Troop 29 Committee Chairman James “Sam” King who provided much of the following information, beyond the quoted excerpts from Colonel George Mercer Brooke, Jr.’s excellent book General Lee’s Church (©1984; published by The News Gazette). In the chapter about The Rev. Churchill Gibson, Rector from 19171928, we read, “The Rector’s interest in youth extended to the Boy Scouts, as he was the scoutmaster of a troop that met every week.” In the chapter about The Rev. John Fletcher, Rector from 1960-64, we read, “Beebe [M. R. Beebe, chairman of the BSA’s Natural Bridge District, in making a request to the Vestry to sponsor a Cub Scout Pack] explained that sponsorship meant furnishing a meeting place, an institutional representative to act as liaison between the Pack and the church and members of the Pack committee who, among other things, would be responsible for finding den mothers.” In February 1964 the Vestry approved the proposal of Charles Harer that the church sponsor the newly formed Boy Scout Troop 29. In 1984, Colonel Brooke wrote, “Generally the pack has flourished, but the troop has operated fitfully.” However, the 2015/2016 scouting year will be the 27th consecutive year for Troop 29 under R.E. Lee Church. While the troop’s roots are older than 27 years, since 1989, we have consecutively chartered a successful Scouting program producing over 60 Eagle Scouts under the direction of nine different Scoutmasters along with many supporting adult registered BSA Leaders. Through research at Stonewall Jackson Area Council (SJAC) in Waynesboro, we have produced a spreadsheet with names of our Eagle Scouts and Scoutmasters. It is posted on the Christian Outreach bulletin board located at the side entrance to the Parish House. Our own Gerry Locher has a wealth of knowledge for the history of Troop 29 and Pack 29 as he was the Charter Organizational Representative for many years and his son Wynn is a Troop 29 Eagle Scout (June 27, 1997). Currently Troop 29 has 19 registered Scouts, with Preston Evans serving as the Scoutmaster. Cub Scout Pack 29 has 34 registered cubs, with Michael Gantert as Cubmaster. The Troop’s annual budget is approximately $2,500 not counting registrations and activity fees which are paid by the Scout families. The primary means of raising funds are selling popcorn and mulching yards, which raise about 60 percent of their budget. The remainder is raised through contributions and donations from local community organizations and our church. Troop 29 is in need of additional and replacement tents, to include some camping equipment. The Troop Quartermaster has an itemized and prioritized list of equipment needs, which is around $2,500. Likewise the Troop would like to add additional shelving and cabinets in the existing Scout room (adjacent to the Parish Hall), estimated to cost $350. Labor would be provided by the Scouts and families of Troop 29). Again, Troop 29 and Pack 29 appreciate all the support that the church provides and they look forward to being with us at the 10:30 service on Scout Sunday, February 8. —Jerry Nay, Scout Liaison Parish Committees in Ministry: Worship The Worship Committee advises the Rector in planning and implementing meaningful worship experiences for the parish. Members serve as liaisons to the groups who support and sustain worship, i.e. ushers, readers and chalicists, acolytes, musicians and the Altar Guild. In bi-monthly meetings, clergy and laity work together in mutual ministry, prayerfully reviewing the seasons and special feast days of the church year and assisting the Rector in planning worship to reflect them. Meetings always begin with a review of the services since the last meeting allowing members to suggest what worked well or what might need adjustment. Attention is given to both the 8 and 10:30 a.m. services, to the 5 p.m. service (including the monthly Taizé service), and to other special services throughout the year. Lively discussions of liturgical style and other expressions that make worship meaningful animate committee meetings. The committee also attends to matters of order and security during worship time. Recent activities of the committee include a series of training and review sessions for lay readers and workshops to train ushers to use the newly purchased defibrillator and to review security matters relevant to worship time. The Worship Committee also stays informed of long-term planning issues, e.g., planning for a new organ. The work of the Worship Committee relies greatly on feedback from the “people in the pews” and encourages parishioners to be in touch with one of the committee members or the Rector with questions or suggestions for enhancing our worship experience. Current members of the committee in addition to the Rector (Tom Crittenden) and church staff (Sharon Massie and Ted Bickish) are: Susan Cross, Virginia Dabney, Amy Holston, Tracey Riley, Tom Vinson, and Jim Farrar (Vestry Liaison). —Alexandra Brown, chair 2014—A Banner Year for United Thank Offering Mission: Put coins into the Blue Box with thanksgiving, prayer, and generosity. Take blessings out of the box for grants extending the church’s faithfulness to God’s mission...Our change changes lives. “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” This old adage came alive for the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia in 2014, and the timing could not have been better. To receive not just one but two United Thank Offering grants the very year of UTO’s 125th Anniversary calls not just for celebration but, more to the point, for thanksgiving. Among the daily blessings we observe when we put coins into our Blue Boxes is the wondrous way through generosity that blessings are returned to the thankful. The story of the two grants blessing our diocese is one of perseverance. In 2013 when a grant application for the Rockbridge Area Health Center’s innovative dental program for impoverished school children submitted by our parish was rejected, we did not give up. Encouraged by our own Dena Lee, secretary of the Board, members of the Vestry and the Christian Outreach Committee went back to work and re-submitted a proposal with assurance that the project to purchase mobile dental equipment for the center’s van complied fully with UTO’s focus and criteria, and the grant of $41,239 was awarded in full. The unanticipated second grant was made possible by the UTO Board’s decision to set aside $125,000 from ingathering funds for a grant award to one diocese in each province. DIOSWVA’s proposal for renovations to the kitchen of Grace House on the Mountain was selected for Province III’s Bishop Award of $12,500. The story of the United Thank Offering is also one of perseverance. It began humbly when women were asked to help increase the church’s funds for mission and grew with the introduction of the Blue Box for offerings inspired by thankfulness for God’s blessings. Over the past century UTO has grown into a major arm of mission that annually provides grants meeting human needs nationwide and abroad. In 2014 UTO grants of $1,525,407 were awarded to 40 recipients for projects confronting violence and poverty and promoting peace and reconciliation in our troubled world. As we enter a New Year with thanksgiving, let us keep the United Thank Offering in our daily lives and be thankful the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia is one of three dioceses in the Commonwealth that lead the nation in support of this time-tested spiritual tradition for mission. By December 31, 2014, DIOSWVA had received $25,750 offerings from at least 34 of our parishes, large and small, through either one or two ingatherings during the year of UTO’s milestone anniversary. Every cent will combine with offerings from all other dioceses to fund grants in 2015. And sometimes those blessings come back home. —Julia Littlefield, UTO Coordinator, DIOSWVA Wubah Honored Our own Daniel A. Wubah, provost of Washington and Lee University, has been named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). AAAS fellows are elected by the association's membership in honor of their scientifically or socially distinguished efforts to advance science or its applications. Wubah is only the second Washington and Lee educator to be elected. Congratulations, Daniel! On the Calendar at Phoebe Needles Diocesan Retreat Center at Calloway Antiques Roadshow February 10 at 10 a.m. Antiques Roadshow with Will Farmer & Bob Miller. Cost is $10 per member and $18 for non-member and includes lunch. Register by February 6 by responding to this email, calling the center at 540-483-1518 or by visiting our website www.phoebeneedles.org and registering through Paypal. Did We Really Come by Pullman Car? February 14 at 10 a.m. Led by The Rev. Scott West Rector, Christ Church, Blacksburg Cost is $25 per person and includes lunch. Please register as soon as possible by calling the Center at 540-483-1518 or visiting www.phoebeneedles.org. Share Your Thoughts Suggestion cards are available in the pews and the suggestion box is in the Narthex if you wish to make a suggestion or comment. The staff and Vestry look forward to regular communication in person, by phone or email, or with a card in the box. Serving in February For the RARA Food Pantry Food for this month: READERS & CHALICISTS Canned Tuna Feb. 1 8:00 Hank Humphreys, Sarah Lanford, John Milford, Lu Dooley, Rob Apgar 10:30 Emma Burleson, Doug Ayer, Bob deMaria, Buster Lewis, Mary Doyle Feb. 8 8:00 10:30 Daniel Wubah, Judith Wubah, Holt Merchant, Alex Retzloff, Jeanne Eichelberger Gabi Eastwood, Taylor Monfort-Eaton, Farris Hotchkiss, George Brooke, Punky Dod Feb. 15 8:00 John Milford, Lu Dooley, Penny Henneman, Alex Retzloff, Sharon Massie 10:30 Clara Pickett, Holly Pickett, Elizabeth Harralson, Marcy Orr, Melissa Cox Leave your bags under the table outside the Library. Thursday Pantry Schedule Feb. 5 Farris & Judy Hotchkiss Toni Brown, Marlys Craun Feb. 12 John & Elizabeth Harralson, Barton Dick, Jennifer Alphin Feb. 19 John Dinkel, Bettie Cadden, Bill Luton, Sarah Burleson, Mary Doyle Feb. 26 Ed Craun, Claudia Ellis, Clara Belle Weatherman, Jane Brooke Feb. 22 8:00 Rob Apgar, William McCorkle, Jeanne Eichelberger, Hank Humphreys, Lu Dooley 10:30 Harrison Crittenden, Dennis Cross, Alex Brown, James Keane, Shay Peters ACOLYTES ALTAR GUILD C, crucifer; T, torch bearer; B, banner; G, gospeller Feb. 1 Feb. 1 8:00 Josh Henson 10:30 Elizabeth Grist, Mary Wilson Grist, Becca Russell, Samantha Russell Feb. 8 Feb. 8 8:00 Carrie Connelly 10:30 Katherine Bowles, Alden Masten, Emily Hellwig, Molly Hellwig Feb. 15 8:00 Laura Stearns, MJ Mayerchak, Paula Hunter, Alice Moore, Peggy Riethmiller, Mary Webster Feb. 22 Jane Brooke, Judy Glick, Sarah Burleson, Emma Burleson, Heather McBrayer, Gail Dickerson 10:30 Emma Burleson, Joe Harrison, Jack Harrison 8:00 Joan Crawford, Chris Howison, Tracey Riley, Cecile West-Settle, Anne Hansen, Molly Brown, Myra Brush Feb. 15 Harrison Branner Feb. 22 Elizabeth Harralson, Sharon Humphreys, Nancy Walker, Kitty Wainwright, Diana Kenney, Julie Grover, Jennifer Alphin, Elizabeth Branner Harrison Crittenden 10:30 Caroline Webster, Adam Webster, Grace Sailer, Peter Sailer Join us in service! We welcome new readers and ushers, Contact the Parish Office if you’re interested in serving! If you’d like to be a greeter, contact Tracey Riley. USHERS Feb. 1 Lynwood Dent, Farris Hotchkiss, Jonathan Webster, Wade Branner Feb. 8 Don Ellis, Ed Craun, Bill Noell, Tom Vinson Feb. 15 Frank Settle, Anna Crockett, Bob Glidden, Roger Crockett Feb. 22 Jim Farrar, Bill Stearns, John Burleson, Lynda deMaria GREETERS Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 1 8 15 22 Steve & Susan Lawrence Alex & Sophie Brown Anne Lamont & Julia Grossman Carol Muir & Barbara Yewell PLATE COUNT Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 1 8 15 22 Megan Hess Megan Hess Susan Cross Mary Doyle Schedule Conflict? If you’re not available on the Sunday assigned, please find a substitute and notify Angie Clark in the Parish Office. On the Calendar for February Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 Epiphany 4 2 3 4 5 6 8, 10:30 Holy Eucharist 9:15 Annual Mtg 5 Holy Eucharist 6 Property (CR) 7 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 3:30 Godly Play St. Francis Choir 10 Kendal Study 11:15 Kendal Communion 7:30 Parish Choir 6 First Friday (PH) 8 Epiphany 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 8, 10:30, Holy Eucharist 9:15 Annual Meeting 11:45 Club 45 5 Taizé Eucharist 7 Outreach (CR) 7 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 3:30 Godly Play St. Francis Choir 10 Kendal Study 11:15 Kendal Communion 7:30 Parish Choir 20 21 6:30 EfM 4:30 Finance (CR) 5:30 Stewardship (CR) 7 6:30 EfM 15 Epiphany Last 16 8, 10:30 Holy Eucharist 9:15 Sunday School 5 Holy Eucharist Office Closed for President’s Day 5 Vestry 17 Shrove Tuesday 7 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 5:30 Supper 6 Talent Show 6:30 EfM 24 18 19 Ash Wednesday 8:30 Morning Prayer 7, 12:20, 6 Holy 10 Kendal Study Eucharist & Imposi- 11:15 Kendal Comtion of Ashes munion 3:30 Childen’s Ash 7:30 Parish Choir Wednesday 8:30 Morning Prayer 6 Sabbath in the Suburbs (Websters) 3:30 St. Francis Choir 22 Lent 1 23 25 8, 10:30 Holy Eucharist 8:45 Breakfast 9:15 Sunday School 2 Polar Bear Plunge 5 Holy Eucharist 8:30 Morning Prayer 8:30 Morning Prayer 8:30 Morning Prayer 7 Men’s Prayer 3:30 St. Francis Breakfast Choir 6:30 EfM 6 Supper & Lenten Series 26 27 8:30 Morning Prayer 10 Kendal Study 11:15 Kendal Communion 7:30 Parish Choir Men’s Prayer Breakfast The men of our parish meet each Tuesday at 7 in the Parish Hall. All are welcome! When planning your meeting or event, be sure to contact Angie Clark for room availability! 28 Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Mark Bourlakas 2 Clarinda Carrington Rector: The Rev. Tom Crittenden 3 Sally Sessoms Chaplain: James Keane 5 Nat Massie Program Director: Sharon Massie 6 Sarah Crittenden Director of Music: Ted Bickish Administrative Assistant: Angie Clark 12 George Brooke Bob Glick Cross & Crown: Kay Horner 13 Betsy Houston Treasurer: Michele Hentz 14 Paula Cooper Financial Secretary: Anita Ramp 20 Harrison Crittenden Sammy Eastwood Sexton: Connie Bryant Clergy Associates: The The The The The Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Dr. R. David Cox John A. Furgerson Dr. Thomas V. Litzenburg Dr. Jackson P. Hershbell Dr. Bob Crewdson 21 Julia Hentz Steve Riethmiller Doug Roper 22 Nancy Dinkel Shannon Huger 23 Graham Hess Beverly Tucker 24 Holt Merchant H A P P Y 27 Joseph Henson 28 Jennifer Alphin Caitie Carrington Erin Carrington B I R t h D A y Vestry 2015 George Brooke John Burleson, Junior Warden Susan Cross Doug Cumming Carole Elmore Jim Farrar, Senior Warden Julia Grossman Amy Holston Diana Kenney Elizabeth Knapp Holt Merchant Grigg Mullen Godly Play, for children ages 3 through first grade, teaches our youngest children about the Bible and worship. Frank Settle Don Whittington Daniel Wubah Michele Hentz, Treasurer Anna Crockett, Clerk Got News? If you have news for the March Cross & Crown, please send it to Kay Horner by Feb. 15. We grateful for the talents of our Taizé musicians, (l to r), Libby Cumming, Anne Lamont, and Doug Cumming. www.releechurch.org 123 W. Washington St. Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 463-4981 [email protected] RELeeChurch Like us on FB , Follow us on Twitter
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