“For the honor of Your name, lead me and guide me.” Entrance Antiphon Psalm 31:4 th 6 SUNDAY JESUS IN THE TABERNACLE May the Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar be praised, adored and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world even to the end of time. Amen in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 February 15, 2015 – Jesus wants to heal our hearts The First Reading sets the stage for today’s Gospel account of Jesus healing the leper. Here we find the law regarding leprosy. Any sort of skin disease, even severe acne or eczema was considered leprous. All such citizens were severely segregated from the rest of the community and lost any right to participate in society. The priests were involved in the official declaration of uncleanness and healing of such. The Responsorial Psalm 32, speaks of God as the sole healer of physical disease and of our hearts. However, God’s healing can only take place if we ask, admit to our own sinfulness, and seek His pardon. Sin denies love of ourselves and others. When we sin we are telling ourselves that we are worthless and may as well treat ourselves like trash. God does not so treat us. God treats us with more respect than we think we deserve. He always loves us even when we don’t know enough to love ourselves. In the Second Reading, St Paul encourages us to imitate him because he already imitates Christ, having chosen to live for the Lord. All we do must be done to bring others to God. Today’s Gospel is a miracle account of Jesus healing a leper. Jesus however, does not want to be known as a miracle worker, for His mission is much more profound. He wants to be the healer of our hearts. Today’s healing, as is often the case with Jesus, is based on His compassion for the leper. The leper is told to tell no one except the priests who can certify his healing and allow him to re-enter society. The healed leper, however, did not follow Jesus‘ warning because he didn’t understand. He told everyone about the matter, which made it impossible for Jesus to freely enter a town, forcing Him to stay in deserted places. May we have the grace to follow the Lord, even when we don’t understand. Presence of Jesus and visit with Him for the above time, or any Hour, or be a substitute, please call Marge at 967-0641,or Chris at 966-3266. God is “thirsting” for you to satiate “His thirst.” What will convert America and save the World? My answer is prayer. What we need is for every parish to come before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Hours of prayer.” (Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta) . WELCOME FATHER ROBERT BROOKS We wish to welcome Father Robert Brooks who came to us from Immaculate Conception Church. Father Brooks has now joined our St. Mel Community. Please greet him and introduce yourself after Mass. ASH WEDNESDAY Daily Masses and Mass Intentions Sunday 02/15/15 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:15 AM 4:30 PM (R) (R) (I) (I) Marie Hannon by Anna Whitaker Larry Colby by Kathy & Norbert Walery Sherri Friedrich by Mary Ann Henrikson Mass for the Parishioners Monday 02/16/15 7:00 AM (R) Richard Stockman by Ellen Smith 8:30 AM (I) Virginia Miller by Margie Reilly Tuesday 02/17/15 *MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA *7:00 AM (R) Sister Teresa O’Dwyer by Sister Kathleen O’Dwyer *8:30 AM (R) Patricia Horat by Susan & Tim Baker Wednesday 02/18/15 ASH WEDNESDAY 7:00 AM (R) Ed Phelps by Richard Phelps 8:30 AM (I) John Lubecki by Elizabeth Lubecki (School Mass) 7:00 PM (R) Mary Hewitt by Wochnick Family Thursday 02/19/15 7:00 AM (R) Mike Grieve by Suzanne & Don Rossi 8:30 AM (R) Charles Black by Hope & William Burke Friday 02/20/15 7:00 AM (I) Sharon Chase by Lee West, Gail & Bob Johnson 8:30 AM (I) Taylor Shields by Ponta Family Saturday 02/21/15 8:30 AM (I) Brian Condon by Jenni & Dave Murray 4:30 PM (I) Maria & Jan 40th Anniversary Sunday 02/22/18 7:30 AM (R) Rose by Nancy Dibble 9:30 AM (R) Emily Conway by Ponta Family 11:15 AM (I) Mass for the Parishioners 4:30 PM (I) Claude Rashid and Jerry Buckman by Jeanne & Brian Condon Family CHAPEL OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST Perpetual Adoration Times Adorers are needed: Monday 4am - 5am, 11pm - 12 Midnight Tuesday 7pm - 8pm Wednesday 3am - 4am, 4am - 5am Friday 10pm - 11pm Saturday 11am - 12 Noon, 12 Noon - 1pm, 3pm - 4pm, 7pm- 8pm Sunday 2am - 3am, 5pm - 6pm “In the Eucharistic celebration, the Son of God comes to meet us; In the Eucharistic adoration, We go to meet the Son of God.” (Pope Benedict XVI) If you would like to be in the Real ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL Thank you to those who have already pledged to the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal! The Annual Catholic Appeal is our annual tradition that connects us to thousands of people who need our help every day. If you have not yet made a donation, Appeal envelopes are available in the pews, or contact the parish office. Your gift truly makes a difference in the lives of others. 25% comes back to our parish to serve our local needs. PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL In thanksgiving for the generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal, we pray to the Lord. Commentator & Music Leaders for February 21 & February 22, 2015 Mass Times Commentator Music Leader 4:30 PM Welsh / Laywell Song Leader SUN 7:30 AM Wagner, P. / Wagner, D. Johannis SUN 9:30 AM Welsh / Cantrell Contemporary Choir SUN 11:15 AM Juten, K. / Juten, C. Traditional Choir SUN Burton / Estipular Song Leader There will be No CFF classes next week, Feb. 16 & 17. CFF classes will resume the following week, Mon., Feb. 23 & Tues., Feb. 24. If you have any questions, please call the CFF office, 966-4314 or email [email protected]. PAN DE VIDA SAVE THE DATE Pan de Vida is coming to St. Mel March 20, 21 & 22. This is a retreat for young people between the ages of 13 - 30. For more information visit the website www.pandevidaretreat.com, or call Sara Donnelly, 402-7640. ASH WEDNESDAY THE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL OUTDOORS AT CAPITOL WITH BISHOP SOTO On Feb. 18, Bishop Soto will celebrate Ash Wednesday services on the north side of the state Capitol at 8:30 a.m., and then at the John E. Moss Federal Bldg. at 7th & Capitol at 5:00 pm. All are welcome and encouraged to attend these outdoor services as public witness to our faith. We would like to thank all of the parishioners who contribute to our ministry with donations of food and money. Your generosity allowed us to help 287 needy people with rent, utilities, clothing, beds and hospital visits that included the distribution of the Holy Eucharist to 140 patients. A Big thank you to the Knights of Columbus for their monthly food donations. LENTEN OPENING MASS WITH BISHOP SOTO Bishop Jaime Soto will celebrate the Opening Mass for LENTEN "40 Days for Life" on Tues., Feb. 17, at St Philomenes Church; 2428 Bell St, Sacramento, 95825. Holy Mass will begin at 6:00 PM, recitation of the Prolife Rosary will precede the Mass at 5:30 PM. A number of local priests will concelebrate the Mass with the Bishop. We urge the laity to attend this Mass; bring the whole family. PLEASE MARK THIS ON YOUR CALENDARS! Contact person: Sally Fisher, 721-0378. MARRIAGE, FAMILY AND RESPECT LIFE World Marriage Day – Renewal of Vows On Sat., Feb. 21, Bishop Jaime Soto will preside at a special 11:00 am Mass at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, in which married couples may renew their wedding vows. An informal reception for couples and their families will follow. Special certificates will be given to couples celebrating milestone anniversaries (10, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 50+). If you are interested in attending this free event, please register (names and anniversary year) at www.SacWMD.com. For information call the Dept. of Evangelization & Catechesis at 733-0123. LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA SAT 4:30 AM February 18 Masses and the distribution of Blessed Ashes will take place at 7:00am, 8:30am and 7:00pm. This is a day of both Fast and Abstinence. All persons who have already celebrated their 14th birthday are bound to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent. CATHOLIC FAITH FORMATION Just in time for LENT...LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA presents....THE FOUR LAST THINGS: Fr. Michael Schmitz tackles four very difficult topics; Death, Judgment, Heaven , and Hell. This talk addresses the question; What happens when I die? "Fr. Mike takes us on a thoughtprovoking journey into the mysteries of the afterlife! Dr. Scott Hahn also adds his invaluable teaching on the burning fire of God's love." Kiosk in vestibule, C.D. $3.00, pamphlet, $.50. SOUP AND STATIONS Soup dinner before Stations of the Cross will begin on Friday Feb.20. Bring your favorite meatless soup. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus are holding their Monthly Food Collection for the needy NEXT weekend, Feb. 14 & 15. Baskets will be in the vestibule for your donations of unopened, non -perishable food items. YOUNG ADULTS MINISTRY All young adults ages 18-39 are invited to our first young adult’s event on Thurs., Feb 19, in the Parish Center at 7pm. Contact us at [email protected], or on our Facebook group as St. Mel's Young Adults. PLEASE NOTE! *** SCHEDULE FOR BULLETIN ARTICLES *** Please send your typed articles, in MS Word - Times New Roman, font 10, via email to [email protected], no later than NOON ON FRIDAY to be included in the next bulletin. Refer to the schedule below. Thank you for your cooperation. Bulletin Weekend Dates Articles DUE Prior To FRIDAY Feb. 07 - Feb. 08 Feb. 14 - Feb. 15 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 21 - Feb. 22 Feb. 28 - March 01 Feb. 06 Feb. 13 March 07 - March 08 February 20 SACRAMENTO CATHOLIC FORUM St. Mel Parish Ministries & Social Groups PARISH COUNCILS Parish Pastoral Council Parish Finance Council PARISH SCHOOL St. Mel School: St. Mel School Parents Club: St. Mel Youth Ministry: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Lighthouse Catholic Media Marian Movement of Priests: Catholics Return Home: Catholic Faith Formation (CFF): Scripture & Religious Study: Parish Library open after weekend Masses: LITURGICAL SERVICES Altar Servers: Choir (9:30 a.m. Mass): Choir (11:15 a.m. Mass): Commentators: Eucharistic Ministers: Ushers: PRAYER ADVOCACY Eucharistic Adoration Chapel: “D. J. M.” Disciples of Jesus and Mary Divine Mercy: Legion of Mary (Day): Legion of Mary (Eve.): Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Prayer Chain: Fraternity of Fatherhood: Men's Cursillo Group: Fiat Rosary Group: SOCIAL CONCERNS Annettes (St. Mel's funeral luncheon providers): Loaves and Fishes Volunteers: Knights of Columbus #6066: St. Vincent de Paul Society: Sacramento Life Center: Pro-Life Pregnancy Support: St. Mel Pro-Life Group: Gabriel Project (crisis pregnancy assistance): Fr. Richard Doheny Religious Education Fund: Bishop-Gallegos Maternity Home: PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Altar Society:· Marriage Encounter: Boy Scouts #217: Cub Scouts Girl Scouts: KKIS: OPUS DEI: M.O.M. Religious Articles: St. Mel Widowed Group: Vocations Committee: Wedding Coordinator: Parish Center Coordinators: Date: January 06, 2015 Cheryl Hoffmann Jim Joyce Janet Nagel (Principal) Contact the School Office Dominick Romano Brenda McCollum Mary Schaefer Claude Rashid Claude Rashid / Karen Fitts Sara Donnelly Cheryl Hoffmann / or Karen Fitts Joanne Wagner Dave Murray Deacon Dave and Michelle Lehman Deena and Bob Hamm Patrick Wagner Deacon Anthony Pescetti Walt Schaff Marge Della Villa / or Chris Guzman Mike Allison Amy Lasat Cheryl Hoffmann June Schott Dolores Leon Dolores Moniz Mike Allison Chuck Friedrich Peggy Grass (Wed) / Marge Young (Tues) 966-1830 967-1229 967-2814 967-2814 Call Parish Office 722-1965 988-3171 728-5739 728-5739 / 966-0184 966-4314 966-1830 / 966-0184 967-0190 338-5011 967-7966 726-2110 961-8652 704-0057 961-4698 967-0641 / 966-3266 834-6226 342-2088 966-1830 967-9158 337-1800 962-0571 834-6226 635-7791 962-9244 / 967-2540 Parish Office Kathy Yanez John Brennan Craig Shaw Joanne Hammett Gene Moody Kathy Knutson Walt Schaff Mary Schaefer / or June Schott 967-1229 967-1229 548-4962 966-6164 451-4357 969-8968 967-1229 961-4698 988-3171 / 967-9158 Parish Office John & Regina Ruport Doug Crumley / Bob Mayer Chuck Brasfield Jill Dutra Laura Lumenta Deidra Chapman TBA Brenda McCollum / Dorothy Wagner Gloria Burgett Ana DeHam Karen Fitts Yolanda & Jim Carlson 967-1229 987-5616 635-3222 / 342-2139 214-5730 217-3990 718-2718 944-1356 or 425-4904 967-1229 967-1229 966-2230 967-1229 966-0184 966-3803 On Thurs., Feb. 19, at the RED LION HOTEL/WOODLAKE CONVENTION CENTER, 500 Leisure Lane, Patrick Madrid, Radio/Talk Show Host and Best Selling Author, will present, “ IS EVERYTHING UP FOR GRABS?” (A Catholic Critique of Moral Relativism.). Check-In: 11:30 a.m., Lunch: Noon. Visit www.saccatholicforum.org to make your reservations. Cost: $30 in advance and $40 at the door. Patrick Madrid, the author of “Why Be Catholic?” provides a practical, down-to-earth explanation of moral relativism (the notion that all beliefs are relative and that there is no such thing as “objective” truth) and how to recognize its more subtle forms. He exposes its seven fatal flaws, offers sample dialogues for speaking with moral relativists, and equips Catholics to respond to their arguments in a friendly, effective way. Don’t miss this fast-paced, attention grabbing, jam-packed session SAVE THE DATE FEBRUARY 21, 2015 Worldwide Marriage Encounter is sponsoring a Sweetheart Dinner & Dance, Sat., Feb. 21, at St Mel’s, Doheny Hall, from 6:00 – 10:00 PM. Bring your spouse’s favorite dish to share, as well as a salad or dessert – details to follow. Cost: $10.00/ couple. There will also be Crafts for children. Questions? Call Mike & Sue 363-5437. PRO LIFE RETREAT 2015 A one-day retreat for anyone involved in pro-life work of any kind will be offered by Fr. Matt Spenser, OSJ, on Feb. 28, 2015 at the Our Lady of Grace School in West Sacramento. $10 cost includes lunch. For more information and to register go to www.ProLifeRetreat.com or call Steve Patton at 916-733-0133. TAKE SOME TIME TO LEARN A LESSON FROM LIFE The Sacramento Jesuit Community invites you to attend, “Life’s Lessons Set Our Hearts on Fire”. This nine-day experience offers you the chance to set aside just one hour each day to prayerfully consider what is most important during Lent. The presentations will be offered as the homily during Mass. There is no cost or registration needed to attend. Both morning and evening sessions are scheduled. “Hearts on Fire” begins on Thurs., Feb. 19 and runs through Fri., Feb. 27 at St. Ignatius Loyola Church in Sacramento. For more information call 4829666 or visit their website at www.stignatiussac.org/events. VISIT BY FRANCISCA GONZALEZ A representative from Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center, Francisca Gonzalez, will be here on Feb. 21-22, to give more information about the essential richness of participating a Passionist retreat as well as more information about this year's theme, which is "Living the Joy of the Gospel." Make a gift to yourself with a weekend retreat at Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center. A gift that you will not regret. The 29 acre hidden jewel will surround you with beautiful nature, overwhelming peace and love. Call Carol at 725-4720 x314 for available retreat dates. Sign up at Christthekingretreatcenter.org . Let us pray for those in our community who have recently passed away: Mary Carol Reilly Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Please Pray for the Sick of Our Parish LENT 2015 Lent Begins Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18. Mass and distribution of ashes: 7:00am, 8:30am (School Mass) and 7:00pm Stations of the Cross & Benediction/ Holy Hour. Begins Friday, Feb. 20. School Stations of the Cross is 11:15am, each Friday. 7:00pm, and every Friday during Lent, and ends Friday, March 27, the week before Holy Week. Anthony Caillou Audrey Holden Bruce Pringle Cecelia Beviacqua Cecilia Leon Chris Stabile Curtis Calvin Dave Chaney Deana Landingham Dorothy Jenning Eduardo Murallon Elizabeth Ashby Florence Garcia Genevieve Kellemann George & Joanne Kim Jim Maher Jody & Ron Martinez Jose Mascorro Johanna Ross John Langland Judy Spinelli Kathy Pescetti Keith Sprenkle Lance Whatley Lee West Maria Marilyn Gross Mary Cotterman Mary Slocum Mike Marchese Nellie Henson Nick Tenaglia P. J. Spain Patty Arcenequx-Conti Richard Robinson Robert Hangar Robin Dunton Vanese Hampton Veronica McDevitt We welcome all new parishioners and ask that you complete this registration form and place it in the collection basket at Mass, or return it to the Parish Office. Quick Registration St. Mel Catholic Church Last Name_________________________________ First Name(s)________________________ Mailing Name (i.e. Mr. & Mrs. John Doe) ________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Street City Zip Code Phone #__________________________ Best time to Call: ______________________ (to complete registration by phone) Do you have any special request: ______________________________________________________________________________
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