North Raleigh Presbyterian Church First Sunday in Lent February 22, 2015 North Raleigh Presbyterian Church is a welcoming community serving Jesus Christ through engaged discipleship. February 22, 2015 10:30 AM Please silence cell phones to provide an uninterrupted time of worship. *All who are able, please stand. PRELUDE This Is My Father’s World Dale Wood WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS INTROIT *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: People of the covenant, give thanks. People: The Lord is our salvation. Leader: Children of the living God, draw near. People: Jesus Christ is with us. All: Let us worship God! *HYMN O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High 83 *CALL TO CONFESSION In the name of Christ, I urge you: Be reconciled to God. (II Corinthians 5:20) Trusting in God’s grace, let us confess our sin. *PRAYER OF CONFESSION God our Redeemer, we confess that we are people of ashes and dust. You have claimed us in your covenant, yet we forget your steadfast love. You seek us out in the wilderness, yet we continue to wander in our sin. Forgive us God of grace. Wash us clean, once again, so that we may return to you and follow your way; through Jesus Christ, our Lord… (Please observe a moment of silent confession.) *ASSURANCE OF PARDON Leader: Listen the time has come at last. Look, now is the day of salvation! (II Corinthians 6:2) Leader: Friends, believe the good news of the gospel. People: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! Amen. *THE PEACE Leader: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And also with you! You are invited to share that peace with others. *RESPONSE OF PRAISE Great is the Lord 2022 (Sing the Faith) LENTEN DEVOTION Thirty Pieces of Silver The artwork, “Thirty Pieces of Silver”, was created by Ann Neely. RESPONSE When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far to small; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul my life, my all. OLD TESTAMENT READING ANTHEM 101 (vs. 4) Psalm 25:7, 11-18 Lord, I Stretch My Hand to You Althouse SHARING THE FAITH WITH OUR CHILDREN Children are invited to remain in worship or attend Preschool, or Grades K-2 Children’s Church. Pathfinders for children in grades 3-5 will meet today. Our monthly Pennies for Hunger offering will be received today. This offering, helps those who are hungry, through ministries in our state and internationally. NEW TESTAMENT READING 1 Peter 3: 18-22 SERMON Sticky Situations *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Leader: Why did Jesus have to suffer? People: Because grace is more abundant and sin is more serious than we suppose. However cruelly we may treat one another, all sin is primarily against God. God condemns sin, yet never judges apart from grace. In giving Jesus Christ to die for us, God took the burden of our sin into God’s own self to remove it once and for all. The cross in all its severity reveals an abyss of sin swallowed up by the suffering of divine love. (adapted from the PCUSA study catechism, question 45) *HYMN Ah, Holy Jesus 93 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. WORSHIP THROUGH GIVING OFFERTORY Ah, Holy Jesus *DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Helmut Walcha 591 *PRAYER OF DEDICATION *HYMN This is My Father’s World 293 *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION *RESPONSE *POSTLUDE DEO GRACIAS John Dunstable (arr. E. power Biggs) The flowers on the chancel are given today by the Dail families in memory of George’s dad, George W. Dail, who was killed in action 70 years ago in Germany on February 26, 1945. Welcome to Our Guests – We are delighted that you worshipped us today. We hope you felt warmly welcomed in this community of believers at North Raleigh Presbyterian Church. Parents: Children’s Bibles are available in the back of the Sanctuary on the brown library rack. News from North Raleigh Presbyterian Church The annual meeting of the congregation convenes immediately after the service of worship. We would like to thank Pastor Kent and the congregation for their prayers and condolences at the passing of Bob's Mother. -Krystal and Bob Grooters Soul Sisters will meet at Panera for lunch today around 12:30. Ash Wednesday Service: rescheduled, February 25 after MAX. Fellowship with Books: rescheduled date, Monday, February 23, 6:30 pm at the home of Karen Southern, 9013 Armitage Court. The March book is “The Orphan Train.” For more information, contact Janet Livengood at [email protected]. Healthy Congregations: Tuesday, February 24, 6 pm. The menu is pizza and salad. Child care available. RSVP by February 23 to [email protected]. MAX: Wednesday at 5:45 pm, to register contact Charmane Dail at [email protected]. We also need cooks! A Time for Prayer: The sanctuary is open for prayer, reflection and mediation on Wednesday’s from 10-11 am and 4:30-5:30 pm. Book Discussion Group: Sunday, March 1, 7 pm, at the home of Nancy and Ken Mentzel (10704 Summerton Drive) to discuss the book Who is Jesus? by John Dominc Crossan and Richard Watts. All are invited. Please let us know if you need a ride. Contact Stormy Ingold at 919-615-1469 or [email protected]. Outreach Ministry Meeting: Monday, March 9, 7 pm in the FMB. All are welcome & encouraged to come. Save the Date! VBS June 19-21, Habitat for Humanity, co-directors: Lori Fisher and Bob Lippard. VANCO SERVICES Offering Envelopes and Cards: If you are supporting our church using Vanco Services for online giving and would also like to show your support during the weekly offering, church envelopes and cards for this purpose are available in the narthex. They are in a tray beside the regular envelopes. The Deadline for the Bulletin and Friday Announcements is Wednesday at 12 pm. Send information to [email protected]. WORSHIP LEADERS TODAY: Kent Hollingsworth, Interim Pastor Stacy Askew, Liturgist Terri Nicotera, Director of Music Jim Good, Organist CHILDREN’S WORSHIP TODAY: Preschool Children’s Church (FMB): Candy Tedrick Grades K-2 Children’s Church: Julie Fotheringham Pathfinders, Grades 3-5: Tiffany Hook Elder in Charge: Annette Alexander Prayer Deacon: Hugh Fitpatrick North Raleigh Presbyterian Church, PC (USA) 11905 Strickland Road, Raleigh NC 27613 Congregational Meeting Agenda Telephone: 919-848-9529 February 22, 2015 [email protected] Office hours: M-F, 9 am – 3 pm Interim Minister Kent Hollingsworth [email protected] H: 919-917-7658 C: 417-848-8551 Director of Kathy Barham Christian Ed [email protected] Director of Music [email protected] Terri Nicotera Office Lucy Kucmierz Administrator Moderator of Michelle Snead Deacons Clerk of Session Mark Daughtrey [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Congregational Meeting February 22, 2015 2014-15 STEWARDSHIP REPORT TO THE CONGREGATION The Committee: Your Stewardship Committee for the 2015 giving year (“The Team”) consisted of Roger Askew, Kathy Barham, Dee Blake, Don Brown, Meredith Goodin, Fred Holt, and Diana Minor. Rev Joe Harvard, Rev Kent Hollingsworth, and Stacy Askew (along with many others) joined with the Team and all contributed time, ideas, and energy to the campaign. Fall Campaign Highlights: Your informational packet contained a “Narrative Budget” that summarized the activities and gifts our various ministries bring both to our congregation and outwardly to our community and beyond. The funding targets to fully support each of these ministries were also presented. At the October 19th pot-luck luncheon after worship, a powerful slide show accompanied the great food (for which our congregation is well-known). This depicted each of our ministries in action through the initiative and love of the people in this church. If you were unable to see that show, please review it on the church website. Click the “What’s New” button on the home page and the link will be near the bottom of the new page. Dedication Sunday and Beyond: As of February 10th we had received 2015 pledges from 94 of 142 “pledging units” (i.e., individual members and families). This represents a 66% pledging rate – higher than in 4 of the past 5 years but still short of your Team’s goal of 70%. The amount pledged was $263,278. New for 2015: You now have the opportunity to support NRPC by donating to the general operating fund online using Vanco Services. Vanco is an extremely secure site, serving over 15,000 churches in America; you can access it by clicking the “Give Online” button on the NRPC home page. Set-up is userfriendly for one-time, weekly, or monthly donations, and you can quickly and easily edit your giving program at any time. You’ll have no more weekly or monthly check writing, the church will have a steady income while you’re away, and Vanco will keep your donation records for you to access at any time. If you are giving online with Vanco and would also like to continue showing your support during the weekly offering, you may use specially-marked church envelopes and cards for this purpose. These are in a tray beside the regular envelopes in the Narthex. Respectfully Submitted, Fred Holt 2015 NOMINATING COMMITTEE The Session presents the following to serve on the 2015 Nominating Committee: Pat Bidwell, Don Brown, Anna Hayes, Sybil Hogan, and John Minor. 2014-2015 FINANCIAL REPORT TO THE CONGREGATION NRPC Statement of Assets and Liabilities 2014 Cash in Bank 20,323 Investments 198,093 Subtotal Unrestricted 218,416 Cash- Restricted funds 80,469 Investments-Restricted funds 21,853 Subtotal Restricted Funds 102,322 TOTAL CASH 320,738 2013 15,923 191,175 207,098 39,631 16,578 56,209 263,307 Land Improvements – Memorial Garden Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS 104,000 635 425,373 104,000 509 367,816 Accounts payable Taxes payable Reserve for future building repairs Capital Campaign Sanctuary Mortgage Presbytery Loan TOTAL LIABILITIES 12,400 (55) 2,400 38,998 70,750 13,333 137,826 3,600 97,094 16,666 119,760 Nets Assets over Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS 287,547 425,373 248,056 367,816 2,400 NRPC 2015 BUDGET For a complete budget please refer to the handout. Total Income Total Expenses Net Income (loss) 2015 Budget 321,478 333,417 (11,939) 2014 Budget 340,732 320,134 20,598 2013 Budget 344,516 347,399 (2,883) 2012 Budget 351,193 392,595 (41,402) 2011 Budget 381,324 394,596 (13,272)
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