NOTIFICATION N OF TE EMPORARY RO OAD CL LOSURE E ROAD TRA AFFIC REG GULATION ACT A 1984 STREET TEMPE EST RO OAD & JUNCT TION ROAD R WEST W DATES 9 MARC CH 2015 5 for 3 we eeks (end date a and duration n are subject to chang ge) REASON RESURF FACING Legal order and div version pla an (if avaiilable) are e attached. ee our web bsites for further roa adwork an nd closure e informattion. Please se www.bolto k/roadwork ks ork list We eekly updatted roadwo www.road g Map based ro oadworks vview www.bolto k/trafficord ders Currrent and proposed p llegal traffic c orders Highways & E Engineering g Bolton Counc cil uk highways@bo 012 204 33 66 7 77 TEMPEST ROAD - TEMPORARY CLOSURE THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OF BOLTON ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 SECTIONS 14(1) AND 16(1) THE BOLTON (TEMPEST ROAD AND JUNCTION ROAD WEST, BOLTON) (TEMPORARY CLOSURE AND TEMPORARY WEIGHT RESTRICTION) (NO.30) ORDER 2015 The Borough Council of Bolton intends to make an Order not less than seven days from the date of this Notice. The effect of this Order, which will be operative from 9 March 2015, will be to prohibit all vehicular traffic from entering, stopping, standing, waiting, loading or unloading or otherwise remaining at rest in Tempest Road from its junction with New Tempest Road to its junction with Junction Road West and also to prohibit the use of Junction Road West by Goods Vehicles exceeding 7.5 tonnes gross weight (except for access) from its junction with Beaumont Road to its junction with Tempest Road. Alternative route for traffic will be Junction Road West, Beaumont Road, Wigan Road, Snydale Way, Manchester Road, Bolton Road, Chew Moor Lane, St. Johns Road. The closure and weight restrictions are necessary due to resurfacing works which will last for approximately 3 weeks. The Order will cease to have effect 18 months from its operative date or on completion of the works whichever is first. Dated this 18 February 2015 M.J.Cox Director of Environmental Services The Wellsprings Bolton BL1 1US Highways & Engineering Division The Wellsprings Bolton BL1 1US [email protected] Reproduced with permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office + Crown copyright and database rights under licence. Licence No: 100019389 2015 Scale Date Drawing No. Drawn by Checked by Drawing Size A3
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