Weekly News Retired Assistant Ministers : Michael Campling, Michael Howard, Olwen Smith, John Smith Benefice Administrator: Abi Porter (01295 720252) [email protected] The United Benefice of Bloxham with Milcombe and South Newington Benefice office opening hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9am-4pm Churchwardens: Bloxham: Milcombe: South Newington: St Mary’s Bloxham Spire Floodlighting A good visual way of sharing with the village is to sponsor the church spire illumination, to celebrate an important birthday, wedding or anniversary, March Sponsorship In loving memory of John Hemmings who passed away 4th March 2013 aged 76 years. ‘Forever In Our Hearts.’ Also of Peter Thompson who died 12th March 1997 aged 59 years . And celebrating and remembering Mont Hirons born 12th March 1916. Never forgetting dear Keith Walklate born 17th March 1946, married to Barbara on his birthday 1969, and passed away 30th March 2006. Loving memories of Reg & Dorothy Marshall on the anniversary of their marriage on 22nd March 1941. A donation of £10 will light the spire for a week. Please contact Dan Roberts (720078) or the Benefice Office (720252) Fifth Sunday In Lent Passiontide Begins A WARM WELCOME TO ALL WORSHIPPING IN OUR CHURCHES TODAY John Clegg (722546 [email protected]) John Hirons (01869 338568 [email protected]) Adrian Mills (720948 [email protected]) Marlene Cowell (720750 [email protected]) Tim Catton (721621 [email protected]) Maundy Thursday April 2nd 8 30pm Eucharist and Washing of Feet Jesus said,” If I do not wash you, you are not in fellowship with Me”. Maundy Thursday is one of the great holy days of the Christian year and at the foot washing at this service those who would like to are invited to have their feet washed. Please remember to wear appropriate hosiery that can be easily removed at the time! The essential thing is that we are obedient to our Lord’s call and respond to His invitation with humility and love. 22nd March Please join us for refreshments after the service. Morning: Evening: Family Service Exodus 7: 8-24 John 2: 13-22 Romans 5: 12-21 COLLECT Most merciful God, who by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ delivered and saved the world: grant that by faith in him who suffered on the cross we may triumph in the power of his victory; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Psalm 34 POST COMMUNION Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us that what we do for the least of our brothers and sisters we do also for you: give us the will to be the servant of others as you were the servant of all, and gave up your life and died for us, but are alive and reign, now and for ever. Amen ‘At tonight’s Choral Evensong the choir will sing the Canticles to Henry Purcell’s setting in G minor. The anthem is Beati quorum via, Charles Villiers Stanford’s setting of Psalm 119 verse 1. “Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord.”’ Services Today 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 11.15am 3.00pm 6.00pm Holy Communion (BCP) Family Service with Thanksgiving (A Price) —Bloxham Passiontide Eucharist—Milcombe Family Service– South Newington Holy Communion—Godswell Park Choral Evensong —Bloxham Prayers Please remember the following in your prayers Yvonne Townsend. Sylvia Warren, Emily Stuart, Joan Todd, Jack McKay, Jano Saulino, Eileen Watson, Isobel Green, Vicki Shilton & Eileen Watson. Please also remember and pray for the family and friends of the late Alice Stevens, Marjorie Powell, Patricia Smith, Laura Johnson, Arthur Thomas, Arthur Stevens, Arthur Cook, Kevin Denny, William Trumper. & Tony Ashton Diary for the week beginning 23rd March 2015 Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Thursday 26th Saturday 28th 10.30am—12pm Bumps & Babies, St Mary’s Parish Rooms 7pm Gardening Club, St Mary’s Parish Rooms 10.00am Interment—with Memorial Service to follow Bill Trumper, Bloxham 4.30–5.30pm Anchors, Ellen Hinde Hall, Bloxham 5.45–7.10pm Juniors, Ellen Hinde Hall, Bloxham 8pm Friends Of St Marys AGM, St Mary’s Parish Rooms 10-12am Art Group, St Mary’s Parish Rooms 6.30- 8.30pm Company, Milcombe Village Hall 10am Bloxham Primary Easter Service, Bloxham 10am-3pm Thurs Day Centre, St Mary’s Parish Rooms 7-10pm Bridge Club, St Mary’s Parish Rooms 6pm Bloxham Primary Crocus Concert, Bloxham 6.30pm Choir Practice, Bloxham Baptist Church 7.45pm Wheatsheaf, Bloxham 11am Easter Garden & Egg Hunt, Milcombe Church Services and Readings 29th March 08.00am 09.30am 11.15am 3.00pm 6.00pm Holy Communion (BCP) Palm Sunday Service with Banns Reading (Merriman/Campbell) —Bloxham Joint Palm Sunday Service with St Peter Ad Vincula—Milcombe Holy Communion—Godswell Park Evening Prayer —Bloxham Morning: Evening: Mark 11: 1-11 Isaiah 5: 1-7 Philippians 2: 5-11 Mark 12: 1-12 Psalm 69:1-18 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Family Service Today Will include a thanksgiving and blessing for baby Arthur Price. Arthur was one of our first ‘Bumps and Babies’ and Sally, his Mum, one of our first helpers. Welcome Sally and Andrew, and their family. St Mary's Easter Garden & Egg Hunt, 3-5pm, Sat 4th April At St Mary’s Church Yard. Bring a plant and a trowel. Come and join the fun—all welcome and NO charge! Contact the Benefice Office for details or just turn up on the day! 01295 720252. Passover Supper 7pm, Maundy Thursday, 2nd April, St Mary’s Parish Rooms The Last Supper was almost certainly a Passover ‘Seder’ - the meal that Jewish families have shared for over 3000 years to remember and to celebrate their deliverance from Egypt. It has huge meaning for us as we follow the events of Holy Week through to Easter Day. Please sign sheet in church or email [email protected] or phone 01869 338568 St Mary’s Easter 2015 Easter this year is on 5th April. Anyone who wishes to donate a lily in memory of a loved one, please put a donation and names to be remembered in an envelope and give them to me before March 27th, Thank you Marian Stein 721522. St Laurence’s Easter 2015 Easter this year is on 5th April. Anyone who wishes to donate a lily in memory of a loved one, please put a donation and names to be remembered in an envelope and give them to me before March 28th, Church decorating for Easter is on Saturday, April 4th Thank you Marlene Cowell Tel: 720750 EASTER GARDEN & EGG HUNT AT ST. LAURENCE'S CHURCH This is on Palm Saturday, March 28th, at 11am followed by hot dogs in the Village Hall at 12 noon. Please bring a trowel and a pansy or primula in a pot (optional). No Benefice Prayer Breakfast in April The next Benefice Prayer Breakfast will be held in St Laurence’s Church, Milcombe at 9.15am on Saturday, 2nd May. Soup Saturday Next Soup Saturday on 4th April at 12-1.30pm, in St Mary’s Parish Rooms. Call Judy Marshall with any queries on 01295 254185 Bloxham School Chapel Service at 12pm on Maundy Thursday It will repeat some of the liturgy that they will have used in two Belgium Cathedrals during Holy Week and at the Menin Gate service on April 1st.
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