Welcome to St. Dominic Church 493 North Second Street, Breese, Illinois 62230 Phone: 618-526-7746 Fax: 618-526-7755 EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD April 05, 2015 Pastor: Fr. Patrick N. Peter Deacon: Linus Klostermann First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37-43 Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-4 Gospel: John 20:1-9 Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil 5:30pm Sunday Sam and 11am Weekday Masses: Sam: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday E-mail: [email protected] Bulletin info: [email protected] Website: www.saintdominicbreese.org Websites: St. Dominic Church Diocese of Belleville Knights of Columbus Mater Dei High School All Saints Academy ww.saintdominicbreese.orq www.diobelle.orq www.breesekniqhts.orq www.materdeikniqhts.orq 'NWW.asasaints.com Holy Day Masses: Sam, 12:10pm, & 7pm A Prayer for Easter Confessions: 4:30pm on Saturday or by appointment How wonderful, how marvelous, is Your love, Jesus! To think that You were willing to go through that for me! Baptism & Marriage: For arrangement please contact the Parish office What a day of rejoicing that must have been when You Bulletin Deadline: victory! You accomplished Your mission. You had made the Wednesday at noon Office Hours: Rose and realized it was all over-You had won the way for the world to be saved. You had gone through the horrors of Hell and death for us, and it was over. Mon. - Fri. 9am-3pm Office Staff: You arose in victory, joy, liberation, and freedom from the Judie Kuper Office manager Carol Niemeyer Office secretary Hands of evil men, never to have to go through that All Saints Academy Dr. Robin Booth - Principal Pat Huene - Secretary 295 N. Clinton St. 526-4323 again-And You did it all to spare us the same. Now we can say with the Apostle Paul, "0 death, where is your sting? 0 Hades (grave), Where is your victory?" (1 Corinthians 15:55-57). As I think of the seemingly terrible defeat that You suffered and How it resulted in such a tremendous victory, Mater Dei High School it fills me with wonder and gives me such hope and peace. Dennis Litteken - Principal 900 N. Mater Dei Dr. 526-7216 Surely, You and Your love will see me through whatever troubles may come my way, from now till eternity! Amen Mass Intentions Saturdav. ADril 4 Easter Viqil 8:00am: Morning Prayer 7:30pm: Parish Family Sundav. ADril 5 Easter 8:00am: Mike Richter In memory of Ernest & Bernadine Lange Flower memorial intentions ll:OOam: L&D Kampwerth & Jansen Ha~ Easter Monday. There is NO MASS and the Office is Closed Family Mondav. ADril 6 NO MASS NO ADORATION OFfICE CLOSED Tuesdav. ADril 7 8:00am: Evelyn Ratermann 1O:00am: (NH) For all priest and religious Wednesdav. ADril 8 8:00am: Martha Timmermann Events This Week Sun. April 5: Egg Hunt for the children after mass's Drawing for the Golden Egg after the 11:00am mass Mon. April 6:No School No Adoration Parish Office Closed Tue. April 7: Stewardship Meeting 6:30pm Liturgy Meeting 7:00pm Wed. April 8: Baptismal Prep Class at St. Anthony, Beckemeyer 7:00pm Thur. April 9: Ring the Bells at 2:15pm Fri. April 10: 1st Friday Home visits (rescheduled from April 3rd) Sat. April 11: First Communion Practice 8:00am in Church Norval & Shane Kreke and Cheryl Kaspzyk St. Jude Devotion after Mass Thank you for your generous donations to the Easter Flower memorials. Please look at the memorial display on the Easel in the back of church. Thursdav. ADril 9 NO MASS Fridav. ADril 10 8:00am: L&D members of Woltering Family Saturdav. ADrilll 5:30pm: Parish Family Sundav. ADril12 8:00am: L&D members of John B. & Elizabeth Ratermann Family 9:15am: First Holy Communion Mass ll:OOam: Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in Guatemala Easter The celebration 9: 15am. prayers. of First Communion Please keep the children will be held next Sunday, receiving First Communion Practice is Saturday, this Sacrament April 12th at of Eucharist in your April 11, 2015 at 8:00am in Church. The next baptismal class is April 8, 2015 at St. Anthony in Beckemeyer. You need to attend one of the baptismal classes in order to have your child baptized. Please call the rectory at 526- 7746. PLEASENOTE CHANGE: First Friday home visits will be on Friday, April 10th. I BANNS of Marriage: Megan Strieker & Jake Benhoff 31st Weekly Cash Raffle Winner: Mike & Nancy Kreke Save the Date: Church Picnic June 20, 2015 Last Weekend's StewardshiD: Sunday envelopes: $7,853.20 Online Giving $2,428.00 Loose: $77.01 Children's Envelopes: $3.00 Adopted Parish: $107.00 Needy: $52.00 Tuition Assistance: $94.00 PSR $.00 Building: $102.00 MiscellaneousBlue: $10.00 Easter Flowers $155.00 CatholicRelief Services $25.00 LentenMoviesseries $60.05 ASA Confirmation, May 11, 2015 ASA Graduation, May 19, 2015 Pre-Mission Planning meeting, April 25 at 10:00am in the Multi-purpose room. All parish leadership need to attend and anyone else who would like to volunteer. Thanks to all who volunteered and anyone who helped with the Church and the Mass's during this Holy week. The picnic committee is needing a volunteer to be chairperson of parking for the picnic. If you are interested, please call the parish office at 526-7746. Looking for someone who is interested in taking a position on the Mater Dei School Board to represent St. Dominic Parish. Bill Foppe's term on the board is coming to an end. This is a 3 year term. If you are interested parish, please call the parish office at 526-7746. in representing your Scrip cards will be sold after all Mass's next weekend. The sale date was pushed back one week due to Easter being the first weekend. Congratulations: The winner from the Breese Journal count the eggs contest was Steve Trokey from Breese. A ticket has been entered in his name for the golden egg raffle. Easter Sunday activities: Youth Ministry is sponsoring an Easter egg hunt and visit from the Easter Bunny after the Sunday liturgies at St. Dominic and St. Augustine. All children up to age 10 are invited to bring their Easter baskets and join in the egg hunt on the lawn in front of the Rectory! The drawing of the Golden Egg raffle will be after the 11am Mass. Plan to come and join the fun! Thank you to the 129 households that have already pledged to support the mission of the Church to teach, preach, minister and serve in the name of Jesus through their financial support of The Catholic Service Ministry Appeal. So far $18,197.00 has been pledged. If you have not yet responded, please make every effort to do so. Our goal this year for this campaign is $20,450.00. Quilt/Cash Bingo & Luncheon St. Augustine, Breese, Sunday, April 19, 2015. Bingo starts at 2:00pm and Luncheon serves from l1:OOam to 1:00pm. St. Anthony's 10th Anniversary Special Bunko & Dessert Party Monday, April 20, 2015 at 1:00pm.Extra attendance prizes $5.00 per person includes sandwich, drink and dessert. Quilt & Cash Social Sunday, April 19, 2015 St. James Parish in Millstadt, II. Bingo starts at 1:00pm. Donate 1 canned good item and receive 1 Free Card per Tally. Bring your own covers. St. Augustine Rummage & Bake Sale April 16th,17th,and 18th. Drop off items at St. Augustine gym starting April 6 through the 15th. Mater Dei students will take the stage on April 10, 11, and 12 for the spring musical production of 'Tarzan'. Show times are April 10 -11 at 7:00 pm and on April 12 at 2:00 pm. All seating is reserved and tickets are $5. April 9, 2015 our nation will mark the 150th anniversary of the end of the civil war and the end to slavery. The Catholic Bishops of Illinois have asked all of our parishes, schools and religious houses in this Land of Lincoln to ring their bells at 2:15pm CDT on April 9, for four minutes. We invite all citizens at the ringing of the bells to pause and say a prayer for our nation. Chakota Therapeutic Riding Center is hosting their 5th Annual MANE EVENT, Dinner, Auction & Dance, Saturday, April 11, 2015 at Aviston Legion, Semi-Formal 50's night. For tickets call Barb at 618604-9559 or Kay at 618-334-0885. CHFS Council 7 will be selling Krispy Kreme donuts after the 8:00am Mass on Sunday April 19, 2015. Spring Retreat Day: Barbara Diand SNDeN, Ph.D. will present a day of spiritual enrichment, entitles, "Spirituality and the New Science", on Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 9:00am to 2:30pm at Fischer's Restaurant in Belleville .. Call 618-277-7594 or 618-526-7063 for more information. Community Link Buddy Walk and 5K Run May 2, 2015 at Breese North Side Park. Vendors are also being sought for the Vender/Craft Fair. Watch bulletin for more information or call 618-526-3938 or email JamieF@comm/ink.org. Villas of St. James is looking for quilts for their Annual Quilt Show to be held on Sunday, April 26th. Churches are welcome to display their quilts and sell quilt raffle tickets. If you are interested in the quilt show, call Marilyn at 526-0100. St. Joseph's Hospital 2015 Spring Health Fair Screenings: 6:00am & 10:00am at the following locations: Trenton First United Methodist Wed., April 8 Carlyle KC Hall Tuesday, April 21 Church Tours: St. Francis Church, Aviston. We will be providing guided tours of St. Francis Church immediately after the 9:30 AM Mass (Le., about 10:45AM) on the 5th Sunday of the month. Auxiliary health care student grant application are due May 1st. Call 526-5351 or [email protected]. Rediscover the wonder of the Mass! The inspiring video: " The Eucharist: Word Made Flesh and True Bread of Heaven" by Father Robert Barron will be shown on Sunday, April 19th, from 7:00PM to 8: 15PM at St Rose Cafeteria. You are invited to come and enrich your appreciation of the Holy Eucharist! All Saints Academy Fun Run: Grab your shoes and your family and friends and join us for our 2015 Run with the Saints, scheduled for Saturday, April 25, 2015! The 5K run-walk will begin at 8:00am and the 1/2 mile Fun Run (with a splash of color) will begin at 9:15am. Back by popular demand is the color party following the Fun Run. Registration is available on the ASA website (www.asasaints.com). The early registration deadline is April 6, 2015/ (Race day registration will be accepted). Any questions, please email [email protected]. Men's Kings House Retreat, April 24, 25 & 26. Please call Clarence Voss at 526-7089 if you are interested in attending a retreat. Recycling Reminder! If you reside in the city of Breese and participate in Community Link's Curbside Recycling Services, your orange recycling bins must be out by 8:00am on your designated pickup day. PLEASEHELP! St. Vincent DePaul is needing clothing. Please NO winter clothing now. ( They do not have a place to store winter clothes right now) They will be needing clothes for the spring and summer months. All sizes. Men, Women & Children. Please put the clean clothes, right side out, in a bag marked for St. Vincent DePaul and place in the breezeway. YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Help available: Do you need a little help with leaf removal! snow shoveling or other yard work? Youth ministry has volunteers to assist the elderly! ill or widowed. Contact Diane at 526-4395. Volunteers are needed to help set up tables for the rummage sale at St. Augustine. Contact Mary 526-7797 or Cheryl 526-7594. ALL SAINTS ACADEMY Saints in the Classroom: The Kindergarten students at ASA have been learning about St. Augustine throughout the year. They recently created bishop hats to wear in school to honor St. Augustine. AS you gather this weekend with Family and friends, start thinking about the basket raffle and the I DOOD IT for the picnic. Donations of baskets & new filler items are again needed for the BASKET RAFFLE for this yea(s picnic! Great examples of baskets or containers are coolers! tool boxes! flower pots! backpacks! etc. that can be used to place items in. If you have anything to donate! you may place it in the breezeway. Please mark it for the picnic.If you would like to make a cash donation! please place it in an envelope marked "basket raffleff or "I DOOD IT! and place it in the Sunday collection. Any donation would be greatly appreciated! PLEASEHELP! St. Vincent DePaul is needing clothing. St. Dominic offers ROSES FOR LIFE program, in which you can call the rectory to put an unborn baby and mother on our prayer list and have a rose placed on the altar of Mary in their honor. Simply call the rectory at 526-7746. Please NO winter clothing now. ( They do not have a place to store winter clothes right now) They will be needing clothes for the spring and summer months. All sizes. Men! Women & Children. Please put the clean clothes! right side out! in a bag marked for St. Vincent DePaul and place in the breezeway. Weekly Contribution Envelopes: We would like to let you know that you can still use your ST. DOMINIC WEEKLY CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPE at other churches. All donations get mailed back to the correct parish. If you are using a starter set for your envelopes! please make sure your name is on the envelope so you get credit. Next Chapter Separated/Divorced Support Group. Next Chapter meets every Tuesday at 7:00pm-8:30pm at Corpus Christi Parish in Shiloh. Contact numbers for questions are Theresa @ 610-2396 or Rich @ 830-6086 .. Meeting topics are Tuesday! April 7-0penness! Tuesday! April 14Love! Tuesday! April 21- Trust! and Tuesday! April 28Relatedness. Jelly Bean Prayer Red is for the blood He gave. Green is for the garden where he prayed. Yellow is for the sun so bright. Orange is for the edge of night. Black is for the sins we made, White is for His hour of sorrow. Pink is for our new tomorrow. A bag of jelly beans, colorful and sweet. Is a prayer, Is a promise, Is a treat. AMEN Ministers of the Mass for April 11/12 ~ 'E USHERS Clarence Voss Steve Guttersohn Sam Krebs Charlie Kruse Beatrice Richter ~ Dave Lawhead o M In ::s E n:I 00 >n:I "C C ::s U) E n:I •••• ....• >n:I "C C ::s U) Norb Ottensmeier Alfred Ratermann Jason Roeckenhaus Dennis Trame Rich Hellige Ron Thomas Luke Essenpreis Joe Seger Jacob Eilers Kenton Roeckenhaus Jordan Ratermann Dawson Ratermann Marty Johnson SERVERS Sara Poletti Rachel Rivera Lacey Voss Meg Poettker Ellyn Dorries EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Maggie Timmermann Marla Mensing! Gail Linn Janice Albers! Tim Richter Diane Grapperhaus Tim Moylan Lynette Eilermann LECTOR: Esther Koch ORGANIST / CANTOR Darlene/Mark C. GIFT BEARERS Parish Family LECTOR: Jan Deiters Nic Hollenkamp Luke Korte Joe & Judy Husmann Joe McNamara Nick Mensing Jared Ratermann Bennett Richter Vernon Mohesky Barb Lammers Josie Timmermann GIFT BEAERS Mike Klein! Helen Essenpreis Family Cindy Litteken Joan Meredith Andrea Hustedde LECTOR: Cindy Grapperhaus Andrew Rivera Otto Stark Colin Wright Seth Hock Kyle Renschen Adam & Molly Cowgill Greg & Kim Petermeyer ORGANIST /CANTOR Evelyn/Angie K. Ratermann ORGANIST /CANTOR Evelyn/Lisa A. GIFT BEARERS Parish Family
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