- Canon Evans C. of E. Infant School

Canon Evans Newsletter 11
The summer term, we’re going to be busy!
Praise Assemblies – 2.30 p.m.
Friday 24th April
Friday 1st May
Friday 8th May
Friday 15th May
Class Assemblies – 9.00 a.m.
Thursday 23rd April
Wednesday 29th April
Friday 1st May
Wednesday 6th May
Year 2
Year 1
Open Friday
Other Dates
Monday 4th May
Thursday 7th May
Friday 15th May
Friday 22nd May
Monday 1st June
Thursday 2nd July
Friday 10th July
Thursday 16th July
Thursday 16th July
Friday 17th July
School Closed for Bank Holiday
Enforced closure for the General Elections
PTA Disco 4.30 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.
Bun Day Celebrations / Half term school ends 1.05 p.m.
School returns - 8.45 a.m.
Induction day for new intake / Year 2 children
PTA Disco 4.30 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.
End of Year Celebration at All Saints 9.30 a.m.
End of Term for Children 3.00 p.m.
School closed for staff training
Amalgamation update
The Warwickshire Cabinet met last Thursday. The decision about the proposed
amalgamation of Canon Evans and Canon Maggs is expected to be announced this
Friday 24th April.
An example of the proposed new uniform is on both schools websites.
Year 1 and 2 Tests, Assessments and Screening
Please make sure Year 2 children are at school during May as they will be busy
completing their statutory assessments and tests. This is nothing to panic about
they generally enjoy completing this work and have lots of fun too.
Year 1 will be completing their Statutory Phonic Screening during the week
beginning 15th June so please make sure your child is at school that week.
Founders Day - Bun Day Celebrations – Friday 22nd May
You are most welcome to come with us and remember Nicholas Chamberlaine on
Founders Day, at the Almshouses. You can either meet us there or walk with us
from school at about 9.50 a.m.
The children in Year 1 and 2 will be learning about the generosity of the Rev
Nicholas Chamberlaine who died 300 years ago and is Bedworth’s greatest
benefactor. Over the years we have been very fortunate to benefit from the Trust
fund he set up, and we are proud to be part of Bedworth’s history.
To help the children really celebrate this day the Governors of the Nicholas
Chamberlaine Trust will grant the children a half-day holiday. School will close at 1.05
p.m. Skamps Club will be open in the afternoon if enough parents request it. Please see
Skamps staff if you need a place.
Summer Uniform
Now the summer term is here the summer uniform is as follows.
For girls
a pale blue checked dress any style or smart grey or navy blue shorts, pinafore
dress or skirt with a navy blue cardigan or sweat shirt.
For boys
grey or navy shorts and a pale blue or white polo shirt with a navy blue sweat shirt.
We prefer girls and boys not to wear open toed sandals to school because we have
patched up many poorly toes over the years - closed sandals are much better.
Socks should be worn every day as they are part of the summer uniform.
P.E. Kit
This term the children will be having P.E. lessons outside on the playground.
For this time they will need to have their usual P.E. kit and also either trainers
(they don’t need to be new) or pumps (they do need to fit properly) as the weather
is unpredictable it will be best if they have their kit in school everyday.
Please remember that your child needs a full bottle of fresh water in school every
day. Please don’t send squash as it rots children’s teeth, can leave a sticky mess and
attracts wasps.
During the sunny days we encourage the children to wear a hat that covers their
head and protects their eyes. We prefer children not to wear sunglasses unless
they have a medical reason from the doctor.
Many sun protection creams now last all day but should you wish your child to apply
sun protection cream at dinner time then they will be supervised doing this but
Child Protection issues mean that staff cannot help. Please make sure their bottle
is named and easy to use.