Reply to: March 24, 2014 Dear 4-H Teen Council Member, Cooperative Extension Service Leslie County 22045 Main Street (514) Hyden, KY 41749-8568 (606) 672-2154 Fax: (606) 672-4385 The time has finally come to register for the premiere teen event of the year: 4-H Teen Conference! The conference, held on the University of Kentucky campus, is scheduled for June 9-12, 2014 and is open to all 4-H members who have graduated eighth grade. At 4-H Teen Conference, you’ll have the opportunity to experience dorm life in UK residence halls, attend educational and recreational workshops, and meet new friends from across the state. From dances to the annual Fashion Revue and performances from the Performing Arts Troupe to voting for state officers, 4-H Teen Conference is an action-packed week that you won’t want to miss! The fee to attend, which includes 3 night’s lodging, transportation, all meals from Monday night through Thursday morning, workshop fees, and two t-shirts, is $75. A limited number of full and partial scholarships are available. Enclosed you will find a registration form, a listing of track and workshop choices, the tentative agenda for the week, and a scholarship request form. The deadline to return completed forms is May 5, 2014. Feel free to call 672-2154 or email [email protected] if you have any questions about 4-H Teen Conference. I hope you’ll join us for this exciting event! Sincerely, Josh Mullins Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development Enclosures 4-H TEEN CONFERENCE REGISTRATION (FORM 1) YEAR: 2014 (PLEASE PROVIDE ALL THE REQUESTED INFORMATION. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY) AGENTS: Please check to see all information is complete and legible. A separate registration should be completed for ALL attendees including agents, volunteers, leaders and youth delegates. (DO NOT SEND INSURANCE INFORMATION. CHAPERONE SHOULD KEEP THIS WHILE AT CONFERENCE) DISTRICT IS THIS YOUR FIRST CONFERENCE? YES NO COUNTY FIRST NAME LAST NAME ADDRESS SUBSTITUTION INFORMATION: CITY REPLACING: STATE COUNTY: ZIP CODE DISTRICT: AGE GRADE: PHONE NUMBER ETHNICITY GENDER CATEGORY FASHION REVUE DUE May 1st! STATE TEEN COUNCIL NAME OF PARENT/GUARDIAN EMERGENCY NUMBER #1 WHITE BLACK FEMALE MALE DELEGATE AGENT CO. WINNER ESCORT ATTENDING FOR “ACHIEVEMENT” AWARD ONLY: Adult Guest charged for dinner LIST AWARD RECEIVING: HISPANIC: NON-HISP: DID YOU ATTEND 4-H TEEN SUMMIT? INTERN/PA NARRATOR YES NO ASIAN YES AMER. IND. NO VOLUNTEER ESCORT AND/OR NARRATOR FORMS MAILED TO FR COORDINATOR? YES No Yes No Linger Luncheon – Invitation YES NO 2014 HS Grads or before EMERGENCY CONTACT: EMERGENCY CONTACTS NUMBER: Participation & Code of Understanding: I understand that I am to abide by the rules of 4-H Teen Conference and to fully participate in the program in order for this to be a memorable and meaningful experience. I understand that if I do not abide by the rules stet forth that I may be sent home at my parents expense. Repair cost for damages incurred to property at the University of Kentucky will be billed to the delegates who are responsible for such damage. If individuals cannot be identified, groups living in the area where the damage occurred will share the cost of repairs. Photograph Release: I hereby grant the University of Kentucky and the 4-H Youth Development (through the Agriculture Communications Office – College of Agriculture) and such other person or agencies the University of Kentucky permission to use my photograph for the purpose of marketing 4-H. I agree to hold the University of Kentucky and such other persons or agencies the University of Kentucky may authorize harmless from any liability to others arising from the use of anything I may publish during 4-H Teen Conference. Reviewed Tracks, Workshops, Application: I (we) have read, reviewed and approved all workshops, tracks, college visits, tours and/or community service activities made by the 4-H member and listed on this registration form. In addition, I (we) agree to the code of conduct and photograph release rules. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Delegates Signature: Date: Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. NAME: COUNTY: TRACKS, WORKSHOPS, COLLEGE VISITS, COMMUNITY SERVICE Use letters or numbers for appropriate selections. ALL DELEGATES AND VOLUNTEERS should list different choices for each space provided (NOTE: Listing a selection more than once will not increase your chance of receiving this choice.) Fashion Revue (FR) and Spotlight (SPOT) should mark the appropriate letters in the 1 st choice AND make additional choices in case they are not chosen for their primary selection. Attach all appropriate and necessary documentation. All adults are required to sign up for a track, workshop and college visit/tour. All adults failing to make a selection will be assigned by the State 4-H office. Adults are needed as chaperones. Please be responsible and attend all assigned programs. TRACK CHOICE: (Tuesday and Wednesday Morning) Delegates choose ONE TRACK. Delegates should mark all four choice options to insure more opportunities to receive what they want. All Fashion Revue participants (including escorts) should use code FR. Narrator applicants should mark FR for this first choice and list addition choices in case they are not selected. _____ _____ _____ _____ 1st Choice (Use the Code Letters on the Track Description Form) 2nd Choice I am leading track: (list code letter) 3rd Choice 4th Choice I am assisting with track: (list code letter) WORKSHOP CHOICE: (Tuesday and Wednesday Afternoon) SELECT CHOICES FOR BOTH DAYS TUESDAY CHOICE _____ _____ _____ _____ WEDNESDAY CHOICE 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice 4th Choice _____ _____ _____ _____ 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice 4th Choice TUES I am leading workshop: (list code number) I am assisting with workshop: (list number) PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: Candidate for State Office 4-H Congress Delegate Leading A Track/Workshop Achievement Award Winner (Will receive at conference) Check One: Bronze Silver Gold T-Shirt Size *Size Guaranteed with May deadline only Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large Adult XLarge HOUSING: Name of Preferred Roommate: County: Special Considerations: Comments (special housing needs, etc) Office Use Only: (this person is replacing) Name: County: Rev 3/8/14 Gender: Adult XXLarge WED 4-‐H Participant Information Form (NOT FOR RESIDENTIAL CAMP) Note: The form must be completed by the participant and/or parent or guardian in order to participate in the 4-‐H program. All items must be completed, even if the response is not applicable – indicate by using N/A (i.e. no health insurance). Failure to complete this form in its entirety will result in the person being ineligible to participate in 4-‐H activities. Please print in blue or black ink to allow for photocopying. Name: Last County/District: First Address: City: Birth date: State: KY Zip: Email: Age: Home Phone: Female Male Youth Adult Farm: ☐ Yes Race: ❑Asian ❑White ❑Black ❑American Indian ❑Hawaiian & Pacific Islander ❑Hispanic ❑Non-‐Hispanic ☐ No Grade: Emergency Contact #1: Phone H W C Phone H W C Emergency Contact #2: Phone H W C Phone H W C Name of Family Doctor: Doctor’s Phone: Health Insurance Company: Policy #: Name of Policy Holder/Relationship to Participant: Member ID: HEALTH HISTORY Does the participant have, or at any time has had, any of the following? Check “Yes” or “No” to each item. Please explain any “yes” answers (noting the number of the item) in the space below or on an additional sheet if necessary. Reporting conditions will not prevent a person from attending and will be kept confidential. Yes No Please Explain Any “Yes” Responses: 1) Asthma ……………………………… 2) Bronchitis……………………………… 3) Convulsions…………………………….. 4) Diabetes………………………………… 5) Ear Infection……………………………. 6) Fainting…………………………………. 7) Heart Condition………………………… 8) Headaches……………………………… 9) Hypoglycemia…………………………... 10) Serious Allergy to Insects…………...… 11) Wear Glasses/Contacts……………… 12) Other Conditions……………………… 13) Drug Allergy (please explain) ……… 14) Food Allergy (please explain) ……… 15) Other Allergy (please explain) ………. List and explain any restrictions (dietary, physical, etc): The following over the counter medications may be administered to my child without contacting me: Antihistamine Pill Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Antacid Decongestant Ibuprofen (Advil) Dramamine Hydrocortisone Cream Polysporin (topical antibiotic) MEDICAL TREATMENT All information provided on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. This person has permission to engage in all events and activities. I hereby give permission to the event designee to provide routine health care, administer prescription and over the counter medications as noted and seek emergency medical treatment if warranted. I agree to the release of all records necessary for medical treatment, billing or insurance. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I give permission to the attending physician to secure and administer treatment, including hospitalization. SIGNATURE OF PARENT/PARTICIPANT: DATE: PUBLICITY RELEASE I hereby grant the 4-‐H program, University of Kentucky and their agents, the right to use, reproduce, assign and/or distribute still pictures, video and sound recordings of myself or my minor child without compensation for use in promotion, advertising, educational publications or online content. SIGNATURE OF PARENT: Revised 10/4/13 NO, I do not permit. 4-‐H Youth Development CODE OF CONDUCT FORM (NOT FOR RES IDENTIAL CAMPS) All 4-‐H members and family/friends associated with 4-‐H members must respect the individual rights, safety, and property of others and adhere to this Code of Conduct. The following guidelines are designed to make your experience at 4-‐H events safe, meaningful and satisfying to you and all others attending. WHILE ATTENDING ALL 4-‐H MEETINGS, PROJECTS, PROGRAMS, ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS: • Each 4-‐H participant is expected to attend all planned sessions, workshops, field trips, and meetings of the event, and to be in appropriate dress. Dress codes will be specific to individual events. Delegation chaperones and/or volunteers are responsible for ensuring that members participate in all aspects of the planned program activities. • The possession and use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and/or drugs (except for medications prescribed to the participant by a licensed physician) are strictly prohibited. Delegation chaperones and/or volunteers shall limit use of tobacco products to designated areas. • Setting off fire alarms, tampering with fire extinguishing and other emergency equipment are strictly prohibited. • Gambling of any type is strictly prohibited. • Obscene, discriminatory and/or inappropriate language, roughhousing, and insubordination are prohibited at all times. • Respect toward others and facilities shall be demonstrated. Bullying, harassment of others or destruction of property shall not be tolerated. Bullying and harassment can include the use of social media. • Display of overly affectionate or inappropriate attention between participants is strictly prohibited. • Technological equipment (including but not limited to cell phones, laptops or mp3 players) shall not interfere with the program and may not be allowed in certain situations. • Each county may adopt additional Code of Conduct guidelines. WHILE ATTENDING OVERNIGHT CONFERENCES, CAMPS, AND EVENTS, THE FOLLOWING WILL ALSO APPLY: • All participants are to be in their assigned area at curfew and comply with quiet hours, lights out, and other rules of the event. • No member or volunteer may leave the grounds without the permission of the conference director or adult in charge. An adult shall accompany a 4-‐H member any time he/she leave the grounds. Adults shall notify another adult in the delegation before leaving the grounds. • At overnight events, only Conference participants may be in sleeping areas. Lounges or common areas may be used only for working committees and social activities. • Room service such as phone calls, food, laundry, or others shall not be permitted without chaperone permission. Any violations of this Code of Conduct shall be reported promptly to the adult in charge of the delegation/program and to the person in charge of the event. The person in charge of the event shall have the final responsibility for disciplinary action. Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct by 4-‐H’ers and family/friends associated with the 4-‐H participant may result in penalty, including, but not limited to, the following: • • • Sent home from the activity or event at his/her own expense Barred from participation from future 4-‐H events Assessed the cost of damages for destruction of property I, (Print Name) • • Released to nearest law enforcement authority Termination of 4-‐H membership , have read the Code of Conduct and agree to abide by its rules. I understand that infraction of this Code of Conduct will result in any or all of the penalties listed above. Member/Volunteer County Parent/Guardian Date 4-H TEEN CONFERENCE - 2014 4-H Teen Conference TRACKS (Tue/Wed 9a-11:30a) A. Don’t Stress! You Got This! In this track, participants will try several techniques to de-stress; including, eating healthy snacks, fun physical exercises, muscle relaxation, laughing at viral videos, and more! Join us for a fun, stressfree time! Paul Adkins, D3 B. Developing Your Personal Leadership Style Discover your personal leadership style in a fun and informal way. You will learn to play on your strengths and address your leadership weaknesses. You'll also discover what kind of team player you are in small group settings. Prepare to move out of your comfort zone and stretch your abilities throughout this track. Mollie Tichenor, D3 C. Warm Fuzzies: A Service Learning Project During the first day of this track, you will work in pairs to complete warm fuzzie fleece blankets. On the second day, we will walk to the Markey Cancer Center to give our blankets to the center, who in turn gives them to chemotherapy patients. While at the Center we will take a brief tour of the facility, as well as some other parts of the University of Kentucky hospital. Lois Carter, D4 D. I'm not crazy, I'm just not you! Why are people so different? Why do some people love a party and others prefer to just stay home? Why are some people slobs and others neat freaks? Why do some people procrastinate while others get jobs done well ahead of schedule? There are lots of factors that make each of us who we are, but one important part is our personality. Social scientists can divide all of us into 16 personality types. Each type has a natural preference for the way it reacts to situations, manages the world around it, and how it deals with stress and other people. In this track, each participant will complete the Meyers-Briggs personality sorting instrument and will get his/her results back on day 2. Once you know what type you are, you better understand how to arrange the world to suit your natural preferences. You understand why you react to things the way you do. And almost as importantly, you understand that when others react differently, they aren't "crazy," they're just a different type than you. Understanding our own personalities and those of the people around us can help us be happier and more productive at home, at school, and with our friends. Kim Ragland, D4 $11.00 E. Being Real Super Embrace your inner powers! In this track we will talk about superheroes, create our own superheroes, and do the things superheroes do. Join us as we find out how we can be real superheroes in our own rights, even if our powers are a little made up. Andy Lewis, D4 F. Skills to Pay the Bills- Do you have what it takes! Do you have the skills necessary to be successfully employed? Do know what employers are looking for when they talk about “soft skills?” During this track, we will focus on the 6 soft skills that employers are looking for in employees – most of which are not taught in a formal, structured classroom. Learn about: communication, enthusiasm and attitude, teamwork, networking, problem solving and critical thinking, and professionalism to become more employable in your community! Deana K. Reed, D4 G Cross Stitch & Needlepoint for Beginners 4-H Teen Conference TRACKS (Tue/Wed 9a-11:30a) Learn the basics of cross stitch and needlepoint and select and make a small project. All materials will be provided. Misty Wilmoth, D5 H. Dance! Dance! Brush off your camp dancin’ shoes and come learn new and not-so-new camp dances! Participants will learn camp dances and how to teach camp dances to others. Come out and Dance! Dance! Meagan Klee, D5 I. Make it in Leather Participants will learn tooling techniques; how to use basic tools to design leather; dyeing and coloring leather; and construction techniques like setting rivets. Participants will make a key chain, ID case, and cell phone case. Julie Brown, Janet Turley, D6 J. Sock Monkey Mania Sock Monkeys are back! Learn to make your own adorable and cute sock monkey. No sewing skills are needed. This track is for both girls and guys. Janet Turley, D6 $10.00 $10.00 K. Getting Fit- UK Style Spend time with Campus Recreation Staff learning how to stay fit whether you are going to college in the fall or just want to have fun. Participants will have the opportunity to visit and use Campus Recreation fitness facilities. Gary Druin, D6 L. Designer Denim Bring in your old blue jeans & denim jackets and prepare to take boring blue to a whole new level. By using bleach, paint, and some simple sewing techniques, we can take your ordinary jeans to an extraordinary level! Be your own designer. By starting with materials you already have around the house, I will show you how to design your own wardrobe through the art of upcycling. Bring your old cotton t-shirts to trade with your friends and add a special touch to your latest creation. No experience necessary. Rule-breakers welcome... Janeen Tramble, D7 $12.00 M. $17.50 Gallery Hop! Experience the local arts scene by signing up for the Gallery Hop! We will visit at least two local museums and studios along with a local coffee shop! Gallery Hoppers will get to create a piece of original art to take home or enter into the fair! $17.50 price includes transportation both days, tickets to museums, stop at local coffee shop and a chance to make your own art! Rachel Noble, D4 & Josh Mullins, D2 N. O. P. LABORATORY WAIVER Discover Dairy Visit the UK Coldstream Dairy for hands on look at some of the latest research using new technologies. Experience some aspects of working with dairy cattle through hands on activities and demonstrations. Learn about some of the science used in dairy farming. Please wear closed toed shoes and clothes that can get dirty for this track. Larissa Tucker, Donna Amaral-Phillips, Jeffrey Bewley, George Heersche (state) KY 4-H Culinary Challenge This track is for youth who were selected from their district to compete in the KY 4-H Culinary Challenge. Tuesday will be an educational activity. The contest will be held on Wednesday. Be sure to note the early time on Wed. at 8:15am. Martha Welch (state) CSI: A Biotechnology Mystery Discover & work with DNA science & applications in Forensics & detective work Agriculture Medicine Advanced Industry & Energy. NOTE: Participation in this track requires the LABORATORY WAIVER. David Hildebrand, Scott Kinison, Scott Serdoz (state) Q. Lights, Camera, Action! This is an opportunity to learn the tricks of the trade behind the movies and television. Did you ever want to be on television or in the movies? Well this is your opportunity! The staff at KET will provide hands on learning using digital cameras and high definition technology. Robert Tashjian, D7; Cynthia Warner, KET R. Air Raid Flag Football!!! It is time to get out, exercise, and have some fun in the sun! Flag Football is not just for the guys, sign on up ladies to throw the pigskin! This sport is a great way to build teamwork and communication skills, while practicing a healthy lifestyle. Some sort of athletic shoe is required. Mike Meyer, Eric Comley & Scott Darst, D4 Athletic shoes required SPOT Digital Camera & software Spotlight Teens will work with Agents to take pictures to prepare the slide show/video for Thursday's closing assembly. This includes story line, music, equipment, set-up and presentation. Also included in this track is the Spotlight Newsletter. Agent will work with teens to research, write and typeset their own stories. Participants must bring and know how to operate their own digital cameras. Also bring the software necessary to transfer your photos. Please bring music to assist with the slide show. Those who do not bring a camera will automatically be assigned to work on the Spotlight Newsletter. Heather Nelson, D1; Joe Maynard, D1; Dana Anderson, D4 STC State Teen Council Selection State Teen Council selection track. Youth will go through the interviews, team building, communication and leadership activities and scoring. Representatives to State Teen Council will be chosen to represent districts. (Please Note! Not all districts are using this track to select representatives. Check with your contact agent). Cathy Weaver, D4; Paige Hart, Allie Click, Rachel Droege, Cody Phillips (2013-14 Officers) U. Robotics: Preparing for Tomorrow Become an Engineer and learn what it takes to build and program robots to solve problems that we face in everyday life. In this track you will build your own robot and then program it to complete challenges. Isaac Hollon & Valerie Stewart, D4 V. W. X. $6.00 Playground RULES!!! This track will offer a variety of good ole playground games that allow for positive team building and leadership. Come prepared to be involved and active!! Kim Cox, Raven Ford, Lacy May, D1 “That’s What it Says…” Participants will learn leadership skills and the importance of communication skills for leaders. Hands on activities will be used to teach leadership skills the first day and then on the second day a tour of a local TV station will be conducted. Charles Comer, D1 Super Sashay Crochet Crochet Ruffle Scarf Using the Sashay Yarn! If you have been seeing all of the trendy crochet ruffle scarves and want to know how to make It, come to this track in which you will techniques to make a fashionable scarf. Novella Froman, D1 Y. Service With a Smile! Z. Let’s Have a Pinterest Party! LOVE party planning and Pinterest? This is the track for you! Spend time learning party/event planning and organizational skills. Then put your creative skills to use by making some Pinterest snacks and crafts to share with you friends. Join us for the FUN! Please bring personal photos to use for one of our projects. Rebecca Neltner, D1 FR. Fashion Revue The State Fashion Revue is a competitive event for teens that have completed a sewing/clothing related project in the past year. Educational sessions include but are not limited to stage presentation, modeling, sewing techniques, and related service projects. This is an experience you will want to come back and participate in every year at Teen Conference. All participants are judged on their presentation of their Fashion Magic or sewn outfit. All participants are featured in the Fashion Revue/Variety program on Wednesday night, modeling their outfits. Additional applications are required for all Fashion Revue participants including escorts, narrators, and models. Applications are available from County 4-H agent and are to be sent under separate cover to Marjorie Baker 242 Scovell Hall, Lexington, KY 40546 by May 1, 2014. The models and narrators will Fashion Revue (FR) activities during all Track and Workshop times. Escorts will need to select a Track but their workshops will need to be Fashion Revue (FR). Rev 3/21/14 jb There’s no better feeling than helping someone out or being able to put a smile on someone’s face. Community service can come in many forms. During this track, we will be taking 2 off-site trips to participate in community service projects in Lexington. You’ll leave this track humbled and happy knowing your selflessness could positively change someone’s life forever. Caryn McCreary, Courtney Jenkins, D1 2014 4-H Teen Conference WORKSHOPS 1 – TUESDAY 1. $5.00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. $4.00 Jewelry making Need the perfect accessories for your attire and just can’t find the right match? Make your own! Earrings and Bracelets are the perfect way to take that outfit up a notch and make yourself look polished and well put together! Dianna Reed, D1 Seize Your Sustenance A food and nutrition twist on a classic game of Capture the Flag, "Seize Thy Sustenance" will test food and nutrition knowledge, memory and physical endurance. Participants will divide into teams and be provided with the basic food and nutrition knowledge needed to get out of "jail". Teams will then storm the field for a competition of epic proportion all ending with the final goal; to "Seize Thy Sustenance". Luke Fries, D2 Theobroma cacao: An In-Depth Study (Greek for Food of the Gods, aka CHOCOLATE!) Get up close and personal with a very tasty chemistry lab as you learn the science of tempering chocolate, create your very own designer fudge, and discover the world of milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and everything in-between. You will leave this class one step closer to becoming a chocolate connoisseur! Martha Yount, D2 Fundamentals of Men's Fashion: Tying A Tie! Half windsor? Four in hand? What does it all mean?1? Join us as we dive into the world of tying neckties and bow ties and learn how to become the best dressed guy at the dance! Austin Eversole, D2 Messy Games This workshop will allow you to tap into your inner child. We will play games like ice cream football and enjoy an awesome slin-n-slide. Mason Forsythe, Katy DeToma, D4 Work It Out! Get your fit on! Learn different workout moves, make healthy snacks and practice those in a non-judging, supportive environment. Wear your workout gear and bring your water ready to get your fit on! Leslie Reynolds, D4 Color Your Way to Calm This workshop encourages you to use your imagination to create vibrant patterns that reveal your hidden creative potential. Each intricate design will draw your eye inward, shifting your focus toward your center and allowing you to fully relax your mind as you express yourself through these beautifully complex illustrations. Each participant will leave with a ready to frame work of art. Lisa Adams, D4 Survival 101 Survival tips and building an everyday carry bag or survival kit. Bring an empty Altoid Can. Patrick Allen, D4 2014 4-H Teen Conference WORKSHOPS 1 – TUESDAY 9. 10. Sole Hope Sole Hope started to provide closed toe shoes to African children. You can help African children get shoes, and help people create jobs for themselves through learning how to make shoes. Come participate in a a Sole Hope Shoe Cutting Party. It is not only fun & easy, but it is a tangible way to give back and affect lives thousands of miles away! Every single piece of fabric you cut with clothe the feet of children and will protect them from infections. It will provide jobs for a woman in Uganda who sew the shoes. It will change her family’s life and give her pride in her skill and workmanship and provide income to care for her family. You will also learn how to replicate this great service project in your own community. Donations accepted. Danielle Hutchins, D5 DIY Fabric Memo Boards Need a place to display all those goofy photos, cards, notes and other stuff? Join us as we learn to make a DIY Fabric Memo Board! All supplies will be provided including various fabrics, ribbons, buttons and accessories for you to make a custom memo board for any room. Marla Stillwell, D5 11. Day at the Improv! Experience live theater though improv and games. Learn basics of acting while taking part in a series of active exercises. A variety of games will involve trust, communication and creativity as well as prove for some laughs. Improv exercises will have you stretching your imagination to create characters and wild situations. Instructed by the Managing Artistic Director of the Central Kentucky Community Theater. Roberta Hunt, D5 & Will Davis, Director, Central Kentucky Theatre 12. Make a Leather Belt with Buckle Participants will make a leather belt with buckle. Teens will design, stamp, dye, punch holes, size and finish belt. Janet Turley & Julie Brown, D6 $6.00 $8.00 13. 14. $10.00 CLIP MOBILE - Junk Drawer Robotics Activity Come join us for a cool engineering opportunity to design your own vehicle. Participants will use regular office supplies, wheels and other items to build a car that must carry a box of paper clips down a ramp. Gary Druin, D6 Designer Nails Ever wanted to have glamorous star-studded nails? It's easy to do and fun to learn! All you need is a few great shades of nail polish and the right tools. I'll help you and your friends get the perfect manicure every time. You'll also get the chance to perfect your look with glitter, gems, and other fun shapes! The possibilities are endless. Each student takes home a bottle of nail polish, nail polish remover, and a small starter kit of gems so you can design your nails again and again. Janeen Tramble, D7 2014 4-H Teen Conference WORKSHOPS 1 – TUESDAY 15. 16. 17. 18. Laboratory Waiver 19. Athletic shoes required 20. Sustainable You How can you be sustainable? First, learn about phantom energy, a wasteful form of energy use. Next, go on a scavenger hunt to find phantom energy users. Tour the UK solar house and learn how a house can produce its own electricity as well as collect rainwater. Last, learn how you can harness the sun's energy to make a tasty treat, which we will sample at the end of the workshop. Beverly K. Miller, BAE (state) MoneyWi$e - Lauching Your Future! As you think about graduating from high school in the future, you may find yourself living on your own for the first time. With this newfound freedom you suddenly realize that everything costs a lot of money. Many young adults find themselves in financial trouble because they did not learn money management. To prevent financial trouble and to help educate you on basic money management tips, you will learn how to stay out of debt and create independence for your life ahead. Interactive activities in workshop. Jonathan Stanley (state) The 30-Minute Chef! Surprise your family by providing nutritional and inexpensive meals featuring poultry products Jacquie Jacob, Tony Pescatore (State), Cassinda Bechanan, KY Poultry Federation CSI, Who Dunnit! A Biotechnology Mystery Discover & work with DNA science & applications in Forensics & detective work Agriculture Medicine Advanced Industry & Energy. NOTE: Participation in this workshop requires the LABORATORY WAIVER. David Hildebrand, Scott Kinison, Scott Serdoz (state) Air Raid Flag Football!!! It is time to get out, exercise, and have some fun in the sun! Flag Football is not just for the guys, sign on up ladies to throw the pigskin! This sport is a great way to build teamwork and communication skills, while practicing a healthy lifestyle. Some sort of athletic shoe is required. Mike Meyer, Eric Comley, Scott Darst, D4 Let’s Bling Up Your Wardrobe! Come learn how to make simple but cute pieces of jewelry that can make any outfit pop! We will be making necklaces, earrings, and bracelets! If you have an outfit that needs some more pizazz, come to this workshop and we’ll fix you up! Jodi Heilman, D3 21. Recycled Impressions Come and create a “recycled impression” using old magazines and your very own creativity! This simple project will look beautiful and can be entered as a 4-H Arts project in the county fair! Deana K. Reed, D4 2014 4-H Teen Conference WORKSHOPS 1 – TUESDAY 22. 23. Rev 3/13/14 jb Teach me How to Tango What better way to woo someone than through the art of dance. Let’s get in touch with our inner John Travolta, forget about our awkward fears, and learn to tango like it’s your calling in life! Maybe we can have the spotlight on the dance floor on Wednesday night… Caryn McCreary, D1 I Came Here to DANCE!!! Learn some basic line dance techniques, along with the moves to all your favorite songs both old and new! We will be dancing to some of our favorites line dances and learn some new ones too. Everyone is welcome. Join us for the FUN and DANCE!!! Rebecca Neltner, D1 2014 Teen Conference – WORKSHOPS 2 – WEDNESDAY 50. All about Peeps! Learn about chicken incubation and see for yourself the results of the 21 day process. Prepare to be hands on with the activity! Dianna Reed, D1 51. Apple Art Learning knife safety while also creating art with apples. We will be making miniature fruit baskets out of apples or your choice of another design provided. Stacey Neace, D2 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Girls only 57. Males only Seize Your Sustenance A food and nutrition twist on a classic game of Capture the Flag, "Seize Thy Sustenance" will test food and nutrition knowledge, memory and physical endurance. Participants will divide into teams and be provided with the basic food and nutrition knowledge needed to get out of "jail". Teams will then storm the field for a competition of epic proportion all ending with the final goal; to "Seize Thy Sustenance". Luke Fries, D2 Fundamentals of Men's Fashion: Tying A Tie! Half windsor? Four in hand? What does it all mean?1? Join us as we dive into the world of tying neckties and bow ties and learn how to become the best dressed guy at the dance! Austin Eversole, D2 Loom Knitting Learn to make a knitted cap using a loom, no experience with knitting needles required. This could become a civic engagement project, an entrepreneurial endeavor, or a fun craft for personal use or gifts. Participants will received a loom and a skein of yarn. note: The finished product does not qualify for state knitting project completion. Jan Gibson, D2 Towel Animals In this workshop you will learn how to make folded towel animal creations just like on cruise ships! We will also be making other folded creations using paper and napkins. Sherri Farley, D3 Kickin' it with Katy DeToma Girls Only! Come grab coffee and chat about almost everything with Katy DeToma! (Confidentiality is promised.) Topics include (but aren't limited to) applying for college, relationships, reality tv, working in 4-H, and more. Katy DeToma, D4 Man Time with Mason This workshop is for guys only. We will gather together to discuss things that guys face every day. Topics will include, but are not limited to, going to college, relationships, greek life, and how to be a proper gentleman. We will do all of this while sipping some cold Ale 8 and doing minor woodworking. Mason Forsythe, D4 2014 Teen Conference – WORKSHOPS 2 – WEDNESDAY 58. Color Your Way to Calm This workshop encourages you to use your imagination to create vibrant patterns that reveal your hidden creative potential. Each intricate design will draw your eye inward, shifting your focus toward your center and allowing you to fully relax your mind as you express yourself through these beautifully complex illustrations. Each participant will leave with a ready to frame work of art. Lisa Adams, D4 59. Survival 101 Survival tips and building an everyday carry bag or survival kit. Bring an empty Altoid can. Patrick Allen, D4 60. Sole Hope Sole Hope started to provide closed toe shoes to African children. You can help African children get shoes, and help people create jobs for themselves through learning how to make shoes. Come participate in a a Sole Hope Shoe Cutting Party. It is not only fun & easy, but it is a tangible way to give back and affect lives thousands of miles away! Every single piece of fabric you cut with clothe the feet of children and will protect them from infections. It will provide jobs for a woman in Uganda who sew the shoes. It will change her family’s life and give her pride in her skill and workmanship and provide income to care for her family. You will also learn how to replicate this great service project in your own community. Donations accepted. Danielle Hutchins, D5 $4.00 61. 62. $6.00 63. $5.00 64. DIY Fabric Memo Boards Need a place to display all those goofy photos, cards, notes and other stuff? Join us as we learn to make a DIY Fabric Memo Board! All supplies will be provided including various fabrics, ribbons, buttons and accessories for you to make a custom memo board for any room. Marla Stillwell, D5 Day at the Improv! Experience live theater though improv and games. Learn basics of acting while taking part in a series of active exercises. A variety of games will involve trust, communication and creativity as well as prove for some laughs. Improv exercises will have you stretching your imagination to create characters and wild situations. Instructed by the Managing Artistic Director of the Central Kentucky Community Theater. Roberta Hunt, D5 & Will Davis, Director, Central Kentucky Theatre Designs in Leather Participants will design and make 2 projects out of leather using the following methods: stamping, dyeing, conchos, brads and crystal rivets. Projects include: key chains, wristbands, and more. Janet Turley, Julie Brown, D6 CLIP MOBILE - Junk Drawer Robotics Activity Come join us for a cool engineering opportunity to design your own vehicle. Participants will use regular office supplies, wheels and other items to build a car that must carry a box of paper clips down a ramp. Gary Druin, D6 2014 Teen Conference – WORKSHOPS 2 – WEDNESDAY 65. $10.00 66. 67. 68. LABORATORY WAIVER 69. Athletic Shoes required 70. 71. Rev 3/13/14 jb Designer Nails Ever wanted to have glamorous star-studded nails? It's easy to do and fun to learn! All you need is a few great shades of nail polish and the right tools. I'll help you and your friends get the perfect manicure every time. You'll also get the chance to perfect your look with glitter, gems, and other fun shapes! The possibilities are endless. Each student takes home a bottle of nail polish, nail polish remover, and a small starter kit of gems so you can design your nails again and again. Janeen Tramble, D7 Sustainable You How can you be sustainable? First, learn about phantom energy, a wasteful form of energy use. Next, go on a scavenger hunt to find phantom energy users. Tour the UK solar house and learn how a house can produce its own electricity as well as collect rainwater. Last, learn how you can harness the sun's energy to make a tasty treat, which we will sample at the end of the workshop. Beverly K. Miller, BAE (state) MoneyWi$e - Lauching Your Future! As you think about graduating from high school in the future, you may find yourself living on your own for the first time. With this newfound freedom you suddenly realize that everything costs a lot of money. Many young adults find themselves in financial trouble because they did not learn money management. To prevent financial trouble and to help educate you on basic money management tips, you will learn how to stay out of debt and create independence for your life ahead. Interactive activities in workshop. Jonathan Stanley (state) CSI, Who Dunnit! A Biotechnology Mystery Discover & work with DNA science & applications in Forensics & detective work Agriculture Medicine Advanced Industry & Energy. NOTE: Participation in this workshop requires the LABORATORY WAIVER. David Hildebrand, Scott Kinison, Scott Serdoz (state) Air Raid Flag Football!!! It is time to get out, exercise, and have some fun in the sun! Flag Football is not just for the guys, sign on up ladies to throw the pigskin! This sport is a great way to build teamwork and communication skills, while practicing a healthy lifestyle. Some sort of athletic shoe is required. Mike Meyer, Eric Comley, Scott Darst, D4 Recycled Impressions Come and create a “recycled impression” using old magazines and your very own creativity! This simple project will look beautiful and can be entered as a 4-H Arts project in the county fair! Deana K. Reed, D4 Teach me How to Tango What better way to woo someone than through the art of dance. Let’s get in touch with our inner John Travolta, forget about our awkward fears, and learn to tango like it’s your calling in life! Maybe we can have the spotlight on the dance floor on Wednesday night… Caryn McCreary, D1
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