1/30/13 Campaigns : Campaign preview Share This: A Message from PTA President It is such a wonderful time of year! With the New Year, there are so many things that we look forward to that it is easy to be filled with hope and gratitude. Some are looking forward to the Super Bowl, others are looking forward to the week-long vacation next month, while still others are glad that it isn’t freezing as much each morning. No matter where our gratitude lies, we should show our gratitude daily because it is gratitude that shows us that what we have is enough. I would like to take this time to give you a quick synopsis of the “Winter Wonderland” project that the National PTA promoted for the Sandy Hook (CT) elementary school. As you may recall, the Connecticut PTSA wanted to welcome the students of Sandy Hook back to their new classrooms with a Winter Wonderland scene. They asked anyone who would like to, to make snowflakes and send them to their school. The result? Trucks full of snowflakes! Their front lobby is full. The post office has delivered truck loads to their door. More come in each day. The snowflakes were hand cut, handpainted, hand-drawn and were big, little and poster-sized. In addition to snowflakes, a lot of boxes came with handmade sympathy cards, some donated football cards, while some had piggy bank money included. All of this was done in an effort to offset their tragic loss. What an outstanding display of human kindness. Thank you to any of our Sierra Oaks families who took the time to create and send snowflakes to these wonderful children, teachers and administrators. They have said that they feel immensely blessed. It is opportunities like these that remind us of why the PTA is so important. The entire mission of the PTA is to foster the educational growth of the children in our community and to bring families and community together in causes of support and giving. Everything that we do, as a PTA, is for the students at Sierra Oaks. And lucky you, you have upcoming opportunities to join in! First, if you are not already a member of the PTA, please consider joining. It is only $10.00 per family for the entire school year. Second, you can also donate on a recurring basis a simple dollar amount that meets your budget. You can visit our website at www.sierraoakspta.org for a quick and easy application and payment method. Finally, join us at some of our awesome upcoming events, including Father/Daughter Dance coming up on February 8th and A Tuscan Evening – An Auction Event with delicious Italian food on March 9th . Don’t be left out, come and join the fun! https://app.e2ma.net/app2/campaigns/preview_print/219283782/ 1/4 1/30/13 Campaigns : Campaign preview be left out, come and join the fun! As always, thank you for your continued support of the PTA and the Sierra Oaks community. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or creative ideas for next year! Shayla Juárez Maybury (916) 202-4432 Next Friday Feb. 8th is our Annual Father Daughter Dance! Dance the night away from 6:30-8:30pm in the Sierra Oaks Multi Purpose Room to music by Steve Buzzard. Tickets are on sale in the office for $35 per father/daughter pair, each additional daughter is $10. One complimentary 5x7 photo per family provided. If you have any questions, please contact Ann Casentini at [email protected]. https://app.e2ma.net/app2/campaigns/preview_print/219283782/ 2/4 1/30/13 Campaigns : Campaign preview Auction/Fundraiser Benefiting Sierra Oaks School - This relaxed adult event includes: Anti Pasto a huge selection of small bites of tasty foods including marinated vegetables, salty olives, rustic artisan breads, rich cheeses, seasonal fruits and vegetables Salsiccia Italian Sausages grilled to perfection and served with a variety of mustards Bella Familia Wood Fired Pizza cooked fresh onsite in their pizza truck Local Wineries serving their latest varietals Silent and Live Auctions featuring teacher treats, class art projects, gift certificates, travel opportunities Bocce Ball can you beat Umberto Granaglia Dessert Bar Save the date, invite your family and friends! Tickets on sale in February but you can get involved today! Contact the Event Chairs Denise Jones - [email protected] AND Petra Rice - rice196@sbcglobal. Missoula Children's Theater Production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is coming to Sierra Oaks February 11 – February 15, 2013. Please see attached permission slip and flyer for more information. Permission slips are due in the office by THIS Friday, February 1, 2013 - along with a check for $30 made payable to SO PTA in order for your child to try out. The tryouts will be held after school in the Multi-Purpose Room from 2:45 - 4:45 p.m. on Monday, February 11, 2013. Your child will need to be able to participate the entire week in order to be part of the production including a performance on Friday evening. Please let your child know not all who try out will be given a role, unfortunately there are limited spots available. Don't forget to check the PTA website at www.sierraoakspta.org for additional information on all of the above mentioned activities and for copies of previous newsletters! Next PTA meeting is Monday, Feb. 4th in the Library at 7pm. 171 Mills R oad | Sacram e nto, C A 95864 US This e m ail was se nt to [% member:email %]. To e nsure that you continue re ce iving our e m ails, ple ase add us to your addre ss book or safe list. manage your pre fe re nce s | opt out using TrueRemove®. https://app.e2ma.net/app2/campaigns/preview_print/219283782/ 3/4 1/30/13 Campaigns : Campaign preview manage your pre fe re nce s | opt out using TrueRemove®. Got this as a forward? Sign up to re ce ive our future e m ails. https://app.e2ma.net/app2/campaigns/preview_print/219283782/ 4/4
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