October 10, 2014 - Vol. 18, Issue 8 Our Fundraiser is Wrapping Up! Next Week by Lindsay Rouse, Fundraising Chair All Week (10/13 - 10/17) • Scholastic Book Fair H103 Tuesday 10/14 • 1:40pm Early Dismissal 12:20 p.m., TK • Jamba Juice Sales 1:40 p.m., Front Gates • CHADD Meeting 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., MPR Thursday 10/16 • Reflections Submissions DUE • Hall’s Class to SD Mission Friday 10/17 • Trust & Mullin Class to SD Mission • D.A.D.S Movie Night Today is the last day of our holiday gift wrap sale. All orders and payments are now due. In order to get our items delivered on time, there can be no late submissions. If you still have an order that needs to be turned in, please contact Lindsay Rouse at [email protected] by Monday, October 13. 5:00 p.m., School Blacktop • Scholastic Book Fair Open During Movie Night 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., H103 There will be no ice cream sales on Friday, Oct. 17 due to DAD's movie night. 2014-‐2015 Parking Spot Winner! by Rey Cuevas, VP of Ways of Means Congratula@ons to the Simbulan Family for winning the PV Founda@on Parking Spot Raffle! Thank you to all that entered the raffle. Your support is greatly appreciated! Book Fair News! By Sharon Roberts, Book Fair Chair Can you believe it’s finally here!!?? We hope everyone is ready to READ!!! The 2014 Scholas@c Fall Book Fair will begin this Monday, Oct. 13 at 8AM! Please come and shop for some wonderful book @tles for the en@re family. Remember, 25%-‐50% of all you spends go directly to Park Village. Let’s make this book fair the most successful one yet! Our book fair hours will be as follows: Monday 8-‐4PM, Tuesday 8-‐2:30PM, Wednesday 8-‐4PM, Thursday 8-‐4PM, Friday 8-‐1PM and 5-‐8PM during DADS Movie Night!! Stop by once or drop by all week long – we look forward to seeing you there! The winner of this year’s movie for DADS Movie Night is..... “The Lego Movie” NO Directories This Year! Park Village Elementary 7930 Park Village Road, San Diego 92129 http://www.powayusd.com/pusdpves/ Attendance Hotline 538-0437 Principal: Ricardo Ceceña 484-5621 PTA President: Cyndy Payne 484-4039 Foundation President: Sharon Sinder 484-4331 Flash Editor: Mary Anne B. Obedoza 619-840-0198 Email: [email protected] Due to the low demand for the school-wide directory this year, it has been cancelled. If you requested and paid for a directory, your money ($2 per book) will be refunded to you. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Cyndy Payne at [email protected]. Peachjar Flyer Rack Park Village has gone green with flyers. We have replaced the old-fashioned flyer rack with an online system where flyers and notices are uploaded onto a site called Peachjar. Parents can view and receive alerts for new flyers. Here is a list of flyers currently posted on the Peachjar website. New flyers are in red. Click on Peachjar and it will take you to the Peachjar site where you can select a flyer and view more information. You may access flyers on Peachjar at any time as a guest. Once you register for free as a member, you will receive new flyer notifications via email and/or smartphone, depending on your desired settings. To post Enrichment flyers on Peachjar, contact [email protected]. To post flyers for Our School, Parent Organizations, PUSD events and free Community events, please email Sandi Oshiro at [email protected] and attach the flyer. CHADD Meeting Tuesday 10/14, 7-9 pm NFL Youth Flag Football and Cheer League San Diego Festival of Science and Engineering Park Village Elementary School 20th Anniversary Celebration PTA Opt-Out Form PTA Reflections Application NCSP Fall Soccer League “Growing Up PQ” Essay Contest Rockstar Music Education Poway Rec Best of Broadway Helen Woodward Autumn Harvest Tours Girls Scouts Daisies PUSD Parenting Workshops Shop with Scrip Order Form Park Village Foundation Pledge Drive Form The Park Village Elementary PTA is a noncommercial, nonsectarian and nonpartisan organization. The mention of any business or product in this publication does not imply endorsement by the PTA. Additionally, the PTA does not exert any editorial or other control over any linked thirdparty sites, and are provided only for your convenience. CHADD San Diego Inland North County Meeting Support Group for Parents of Children with ADHD/ADD TOPIC: Food and Focus - Nutrition for ADHD/ADD To be discussed: the basic underlying physiology of how we focus, the nutrition required for focus, as well as how both the timing and type of foods can either support or interfere with the ability to focus. Information about food additives, vitamins and supplements, how to read labels, and healthy meal/snack ideas will be provided. SPEAKER: Sue Dieffenbach, RN & Clinical Nutritionist Sue has an extensive background in nutrition, biochemistry and physiology and routinely lectures on how nutrition can be used as a therapy to improve health and attention. Sue is the owner of the Perk Up! Health Center in Poway. WHEN: Tuesday, October 14, 7:00 – 9:00 pm WHERE: Park Village Elementary School MP Room HOSTED BY: Christi Papworth - 858-444-5236, [email protected] COST: These meetings are free. Everyone is Welcome! The purpose of the GATE services in the Poway Unified School District is to identify and motivate highly able students to realize their full potential. Gifted students are higher level thinkers who demonstrate depth, originality, and creativity in their thoughts. GATE students have common characteristics but often unique needs. In order to meet the needs of GATE students all day, classroom teachers differentiate the curriculum as needed. Differentiated instruction is individualized based on what the student is showing in class. Some techniques utilized in the classrooms are cluster grouping, varying the pace of instruction, compacting the curriculum, higher level questioning, and activities that are open ended. Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) involves services for students whose cognitive needs may require modified classroom curriculum and instruction to accommodate their learning differences and ensure their achievement. Parents may request GATE testing for students in grades 2-7. 2014-2015 GATE Testing Information Test Date (only 1 test opportunity) Request Submission Window January 14, 2015 Monday, September 8 through Friday, November 21, 2014 To request GATE testing for your child, complete a GATE Parent Questionnaire/Test Consent form online through the PUSD GATE webpage https://onlinereg.powayusd.com/GateSurvey/ NOTE: Requests for GATE Testing will only be taken during the request submission window dates. If you have questions, please contact the Park Village office at 858-486-2194 LEAD Column (Legislation for Education and Advocacy Digest) by Darshana Patel, VP of Legislation The famous philosopher Voltaire is known for his quote – “With great power comes great responsibility.” This sentiment easily can be adapted to technology -‐ “With great technology comes great responsibility.” In this week’s article I would like to highlight the concern of student privacy and identity theft as related to the increased use of technology at school. There are several things to think about with our students’ regular access to the internet – metadata collection and use, password protection, and cloud storage are just a few. While our kids’ internet use ramps up, this is a good time to review what policies exist to protect us, and what steps we are taking at home to do the same. Some policies in place that you can review: • The National OfJice of Educational Technology released a document to better help parents understand the policies in place to protect student privacy. Download the Protecting Student Privacy While Using Online Educational Services document • The National School Boards Association (NSBA) and its Council of School Attorneys (COSA) have released a guide for school boards introducing the legal issues associated with protecting student data and suggesting best practices. The guide, “Data in the Cloud,” seeks to raise awareness of student data privacy concerns, and to provide a framework for comprehensive student data privacy approaches in school districts. • PUSD has an Education Technology Plan dated July 2011-‐June 2016 that brieJly touches on internet protections (pgs 27-‐30). We know that at PVES, Principal Ceceña takes our children’s internet safety very seriously. Our kids access the internet through the Lightspeed Jilter and browser and PUSD has established special accounts for our kids to store cloud data. “We must provide our schools, teachers and students cutting-‐edge learning tools. And we must protect our children’s privacy. We can and must accomplish both goals” – Education Secretary Arnie Duncan, February 24, 2014. ONE -- MILE CROSS COUNTRY FUN RUN AT MT. CARMEL H.S. Forms due by Tuesday, October 14 The sign--up forms for the 1-Mile Fun Run are due October 14. your forms in to your teachers before it’s too late! Tuesday, October 21, Mt. Carmel High School Start times are as follows: 3rd Grade ---- Boys 2:30pm / Girls 2:40pm 4th Grade ---- Boys 2:50pm / Girls 3:00pm 5th Grade ---- Boys 3:15pm / Girls 3:30pm Questions? Email Mami Azuma at [email protected] Remember to turn The PV PTA funds educational expenses like: 77% School Support 20% Events/Programs 3% Administrative Expenses Bus Transportation for class field trips (Riley’s Farms, California Missions, Roynon Museum) School Assemblies (Kumeyaay Heritage, Why I’m Me, Pioneer Living) Numerous School Events, including Penguin Rock, the Variety Show, and DADS Movie Night Classroom Supplies (K-3 homework folders, 1st grade book bags, First Aid kits) School Improvement Projects (paver project, flags, lighting in the lunch area) Workroom laminator equipment & services iPads for technology integration Library Resources And much more! The PTA spends over $200 per child per year and we need your help to meet our fundraising goal! Our various fundraisers, such as Entertainment Books and Gift Wrap sales, only contribute a small portion to our budgetary needs. PTA membership fees allocate a few dollars per year. Unfortunately, Spirit Wear (t-shirts) and Yearbook sales are not fundraising activities. If you have not yet contributed to the PTA, please consider making a tax-deductible donation in the amount of $200 per child, or any amount that you are able to give. Don’t forget about employer matching! Thank you so much for your continued support of our PTA. Go Penguins! Please cut the portion below and return with your donation to the PTA mailbox Parent(s) name ___________________________________________ Child(ren)’s name _________________________________________ Donation amount _______________ My employer _____________________________________________________ matches my donation The Official Park Village PTA “Opt-Out” Program Have you ever thought, “I would love to help fund our school programs, but I don’t want to fundraise!”? Well, this is the program for you! It’s hassle-free, 100% tax-deductible, and you don’t even have to leave your home. You can participate in the Opt-Out program in lieu of PTA fundraising activities or in addition to them. Keep in mind that to fund our program goals, we need to raise approximately $150 per student. Please note that PTA fundraising is *separate* from PVF (Foundation) requests, as each organization funds different (but equally worthy!) school programs. PTA fundraising supports field trip transportation, assemblies, classroom materials, school site maintenance/beautification, parent education, Reflections, Family Heritage Night, Penguin Rock, and much, much more! Please consider participating on a level where you feel comfortable: _____ I don’t have enough friends and neighbors to achieve Gift Wrap, Entertainment Book and Restaurant Night target goals for both my children. Here is my $300.00. _____ I didn’t help last year, and I feel very guilty about it. In fact, I don’t plan on helping this year either. So here is $200.00 to forget my name until 2015. _____ My thighs insist I give $150 to avoid subjecting them to a gluttony of Gift Wrap fund-raiser chocolates, personally redeeming all the fast food and ice cream coupons in the Entertainment Book, and eating without abandon at the various restaurant nights. With this option, I can feel comfortable ignoring all of this year’s PTA fundraisers! _____ On behalf of my friends, who don’t want to go into hiding to avoid my Gift Wrap and Entertainment Book sales pitches, I’m donating $100.00. (My thighs don’t mind the restaurant nights!) _____ I don’t have the time or energy to rearrange my closets to store all that wrapping paper, so I’ll donate $75.00. (However, I love all those Entertainment Book discounts and can’t resist those restaurant nights!) _____ I only want to get out of some of the fundraisers. Please accept the enclosed donation of $______ with my thanks and appreciation for everything the PTA does for Park Village teachers and children. Please return this completed form with your “Opt-Out” donation check and return it to the PTA mailbox inside the front gates of the school. Make checks payable to “Park Village PTA.” Child’s Name: ______________________________________ Teacher: _____________________________________________ Child’s Name: ______________________________________ Teacher: _____________________________________________ Parent’s Name: _____________________________________ Park Village PTA Non-Profit Tax ID # 33-0611197. ______ Corporate Matching Will Apply. Company Name: _____________________ (Ask your company’s HR Dept re: procedures/forms.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------For PTA Use Only: Payment by: Cash Check No __________ $_________ Rec’d By: ______ Date Rec’d: _______________ Your generosity is *greatly* appreciated! Thank you for supporting the Park Village PTA! Restaurant Night Wednesday October 22 Bring in this flyer anytime on Oct. 22, 2014 and a portion of your purchase goes back to Park Village! 12075 CARMEL MOUNTAIN ROAD SUITE #205 SAN DIEGO, CA858.451.BALL (2255) FUN PARENT WORKSHOPS! YOUR KIDS ARE WORTH IT! Your child has the special opportunity to participate in the Second Step curriculum which develops academic, social, and emotional success. Learn the same problem solving skills, emotionmanagement and more to enrich your family. Dates: Wednesdays: 10/22, & 10/29, & 11/5, & 11/12 Place: Park Village Elementary LRC Time: 6:00 - 7:45 pm Cost: $39/individual or $69/couple To register: Please mail check to Caring Connections Center 13626 Twin Peaks Rd. Bldg 300, Poway, CA 92064 OR email: [email protected]
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