217 Newsletter - Cowes Primary School

Right to Learn
Tel: 01983 293261
House Points
Right to be Safe
Right to be Respected
26th March 2015
Attendance: Whole School Target 96.7% Last Week: 97.2% Class: Seagull & Heron - 100%
This Week’s Successes & News
Football Winners!
The Year 5 team travelled to Queensgate Primary School to take
part on the Island Final of the Under 10s Knockout Cup against
Bembridge Primary School.
The match started off at a quick pace, with our boys taking an early
command of the game with some passing and movement of the ball.
After lots of early pressure Max Harper scored the first goal of the game - a wonder strike from just
inside the Bembridge half. We defended well and went into the half time break 1-0 up. The
second half continued in much the same way as the first - with Cowes controlling most of the
possession and creating lots of good scoring opportunities. Eventually the Bembridge defence
cracked and Max Harper popped up again to score the second goal - a nice flick over his head and
a volleyed finish in the bottom corner. We continued to control the game but Bembridge got back
into the game with a penalty kick against the run of play. However, we defended astutely and the
final whistle eventually came, 2-1 winners and champions of the Isle of Wight! Well done to all
those involved! The team were Mitchell Cox, Max Harper, Aiden Kirkham, Vincent Morgan, Ben
Hobbs, Joel Bunce, Jude Bunce, Corey Bailey, Joshua Wilson and Ridwaan Ahmed.
A special mention and well done to Miss Novak for being a superb Assistant Referee running the
Year 3/4 Football
Congratulations to the Year 3/4 football team who played their first match on Tuesday.
This was against Newport CE Primary and despite nerves all the team played
wonderfully and represented their school brilliantly. Hopefully this will be the first of
many matches for the team who were Daniel Barrie, Achille Sellier, Josh Ford, Harrison Crickmore,
Finn Harden, Robyn Fairbrother-Horne, Casper Adams, James Leek, Cody Hayman, Harry
Dollery, Harry Thomas and Nathan Grant.
Easter Tree Decorations Winners!
The winners of the Easter Tree Decorations will be announced tomorrow in the Easter
Assembly. We had a wonderful array of egg decorations, which are all displayed on
the tree in the school foyer.
SEN Updates
If you would like to receive regular updates or newsletters from local community
orgnisations for SEN children, please email Mrs Abi Pascoe at
[email protected].
Dog Park
We would like to remind parents who use the dog park at the front of the school that they
need to clean up after their pet. Leaving the mess behind is unpleasant, unhygienic and
can cause toxicariasis which can cause serious illness in young children. This week a
member of staff had to undertake this unpleasant task which we are sure you would agree is
unfair, so please, if your dog uses the park, please make sure the area is clean when you leave.
Alternatively, we may have to stop dogs from using this area. Thank you.
To report pupil absence by 9.30am each day: Tel: 293261 or Email: [email protected]
For bookings
and full
please call
Club Cool,
on: 07511 709 744.
Letters home w/c 23rd March 2015
Cowes Primary Business Directory– All
Menus– All Pupils
If you have not received any of these letters,
please check our website or collect from the
Head Teacher Awards
Kamila Rybczynska - for her kindness
towards others.
Nicole Taminaya - for always helping
others, especially Mrs Stanton.
Ruby Montagu - for her thoughtful
contributions to discussion during our
work on the Torah.
Thea Howarth and Amy Baker - for
their fantastic effort and enthusiasm in
RE week.
Callum Warren - for amazing effort and
progress in his reading.
Ridwaan Ahmed and Raihan Ahmed
- for teaching Year 5 about Islam so
Mylo Wynn, Rudy Thomas, Samuel
Lunness and Jacob Badger - for their
fabulous improvements in their writing.
Katie Hobbs - for her wild things story
with skilful use of openers and
Tom Massey, Liberty Archdale, Paige
Roberts & Nicole Horsham - for their
fantastic effort in making their writing
interesting using VCOP.
Amelie Appell - for her work changing
directed speech into reported speech.
Adam Longford, Alfie Brett and Evie
Bowring - for their amazing number
investigations using Numicon.
Aleza Mujtaba and Michael
Dickinson - for exchanging to 20.
Josh Wilson, Grace Ward, Taylor
Purrott and Amelie Appell - for their
excellent attitude towards their
Numeracy work.
Natasha Mondragon - for her work on
Star Time
Harley Ragsdale & Callum Reddick
Fri 27th Mar - Tern Class Assembly
Mon 30th Mar - Fri 10th April - Easter Holidays
Mon 13th Apr- School Commences
Weds 22nd Apr - Mufti Photos (Bentley Photography)
Mon 4th May - Bank Holiday
Mon 25th May - Fri 29th May - Half Term
Easter Egg Hunt
Car Treasure Hunt
Sat 4th April 2015
At 2.00pm
St Faiths Hall
Entry- £2.00
Meet at Northwood House Car
Park, Park Road, at 2.00pm
£1.50 per person - Mon 6th April
Lots of children’s games with
Are you Generation Art
Are you a young artist aged 4-18 years?
don’t miss this fantastic chance for your
work to be shown alongside established
artists in an exhibition that will tour to
major galleries. Your art would be
displayed at Turner Contemporary in
Margate or New Walk Museum and Art
Gallery and Soft Touch Arts in Leicester
and Quay Arts, Isle of Wight 2015-16.
If you’d like to see your art in these
amazing venues - alongside work by
established artists - all you need to do
is send us a digital image of ONE piece
of artwork you are particularly proud of.
Tell them how, when, where and why
you made it. It can be art in any
medium—digital, video, painting,
drawing, sculpture; it can be finished
artwork, or a piece of research - a
drawing, study, model or maquette.
Deadline 10am Tuesday 7th April 2015.
Submit work online to:
Look up on Facebook–
After Easter - pasta pots will be
available. Please fill in the blue form.
Choices are: Cheese, Ham, Tuna &
Congratulations to two of our
Cowes Primary children who won
the Cowes Carnival Competition.
Scarlett Bennett won Junior
Carnival Queen and Summer
Price won Junior Carnival
Drop-In Sessions
Class Drop-In Times after School
Monday: Year 4 and Year 6
Tuesday: Early Years
Wednesday: Year 3 and Year 5
Thursday: Year 1 and Year 2
Headteacher’s Drop-In Times
Wednesday 2.30-3.00pm
in the Reception Area/Meeting Room.
Please use the front entrance and
sign in at the office.
If you would like to add your name to the newsletter emailing list,
please email the office: [email protected]