1 INDICE Pagina 3 Pagina 4 Pagina 5 Pagina 7 Pagina 8 Pagina 9 Pagina 10 Pagina 11 Pagina 12 Pagina 13 Pagina 15 Pagina 16 Pagina 17 Pagina 18 Pagina 19 Pagina 21 Pagina 22 Pagina 24 Pagina 25 Pagina 26 Pagina 27 Pagina 28 Pagina 29 Pagina 30 Pagina 32 Pagina 34 José Bueno La Rosa De Tokio Para El Sábado 16 De Mayo 2015 Dino Bloise Frecuencia al dia No. 430, Mayo 15, 2015 Arnaldo Slaen Noticas del Grupo Radioescucha Argentino José Miguel Romero ¿Ya quién oye radio? Alfredo Meurer Jr Preciso da ajuda dos moderadores da lista radioescutas Rob ZJ Regulamento em Português do ARRL 10 2014 Alfredo Cañote Deja de emitir radio nacional de Burundi Glenn Hauser Logs May 14, 2015 José Bueno El Mundo En Nuestra Antena De Arturo Vera Alfredo Meurer Jr QSL Card de PY2604SWL Samuel Cassio Martins Elbio Romero Venta (Uruguay) José Miguel Romero En Túnez, la radio de Estado se transforma en servicio público Siddhartha Bhattacharjee Why India has only 179 community radio stations instead of the promised 4,000 Associação DX do Brasil Site da ADXB fora do ar Charles Reh Leamington ON. A check of this morning's SDR TOH Henrik Klemetz Entrevista al misionero Martin Stendal Tom Taylor Summer 2015-International SHortwave Broadcast Guide Press Release Glenn Hauser Logs May 5-7, 2015 Antônio Avelino Convido todos os amigos e amigas Dexistas Radiogrupo Sur del Uruguay Activacion Wagner Cancellaro So you want to go on a DXpedition? José Miguel Romero Radio Belarus International sets up club of friends for Chinese broadcast Jorge Isacc García Rangel Alfonso Montealegre: Radio Nederland Ya Es Historia. Oscar Buendía Guía alternativa del fmlist, per a Catalunya Ricardo Solano "Participación en consulta ante el Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones" Eduardo Miranda Em nome de Cabreuva DX José Miguel Romero Radio Amateurs & Shortwave Broadcasters Assist Nepal Earthquake Relief Glenn Hauser Logs May 4-5, 2015 Horacio A. Nigro Noticias de la La Galena del Sur Victoria Sepciu Concurso con premios, “Vacaciones en la casa de Mamá Ruţţ con su lanzadera” Rickie Matthews Escuchas Gilvan Souza Costa Escuchas Allen Willie Escuchas Jose Ronaldo Xavier Escuchas Ivanildo Gonçalves Dantas Escuchas Escuchas Robert Ross Daniel Wyllyans Escuchas Zacharias Liangas's Escuchas Pedro Elonda Escuchas José Miguel Romero Escuchas Rudolf Grimm Escuchas Escuchas Dave Valko Escuchas Robert Wilkner Carlos Gamarra Moscoso Escuchas Escuchas Williams Lopez Leonaldo Ferreira Escuchas Artur Fernández Llorella Escuchas Sakae Onozawa Escuchas Escuchas Rodolfo Tizzi 2 CONTENIDO José Bueno La Rosa De Tokio Para El Sábado 16 De Mayo 2015 La Rosa de Tokio es un programa semanal dedicado a difundir el apasionante mundo de la radio y del diexismo, producido y realizado en los estudios de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires, (AM1270 kHz) www.amprovincia.com.ar La Plata, República Argentina. Email: [email protected] ESTE FIN DE SEMANA DEDICAREMOS NUESTRO PROGRAMA A LA RADIODIFUSIÓN EN LA ZONA DE CONFLICTO DEL MEDIO ORIENTE (EMISORAS DE IRAK, SIRIA Y DEL ESTADO ISLAMICO) No se pierdan los archivos de audio históricos con los cuales se ilustran cada programa. La Rosa de Tokio puede ser escuchada los días domingos de 17:00 a 18:00 Tiempo Universal Coordinado (14:00 a 15:00 hora LU) por los 1270 Khz y en Internet por http://www.amprovincia.com.ar Además, una extensa red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada de toda la República Argentina retransmite en forma semanal nuestro programa en diferentes días y horarios. La Rosa de Tokio también sale por onda corta gracias a las facilidades brindadas por WRMI Radio Miami Internacional http://www.wrmi.net También puede ser escuchada en cualquier momento entrando en la página ProgramasDX y haciendo “click” en http://programasdx.com/larosadetokio.htm Desde este vínculo también podrán acceder al archivo que recaba ediciones anteriores del programa. La Rosa de Tokio es producida y conducida por Omar José Somma y Arnaldo Leonel Slaen y cuenta con la colaboración habitual de Rubén Guillermo Margenet, desde Rosario y Alejandro Daniel Álvarez, desde Neuquen. E-mail de "LA ROSA DE TOKIO": [email protected] (Audio a demanda) http://programasdx.com/larosadetokio.htm Si desean escuchar otros programas diexistas en: http://programasdx.com/ Programas DX en facebook: https://www.facebook.com/programasdx Programas DX en twitter: https://twitter.com/programasdx Cordiales 73 - Programas DX Dino Bloise Frecuencia al dia No. 430, Mayo 15, 2015 En esta emisión: Brasil | Ha Sido Aprobada Ley de Antenas. En Brasil, ha sido aprobada la legislación que unifica los requisitos de instalación de antenas celulares en todo el país. Informa Eusebio Sánchez. www.programasdx.com/frecuencialdia.htm Download episode: http://frecuenciaaldia.podomatic.com/enclosure/2015-05-14T10_49_46-07_00.mp3 Ademas los siguientes temas: Gustavo Luna: Argentina - Agricultura lanza una línea de $8 millones para fortalecer radios comunitarias rurales *** Luís Valderas: Chile, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Costa Rica y Panamá encabezan aprovechamiento de tecnologías en América Latina*** RFIEntrevista al Sr. Teo Veras sobre su libro Las Telecomunicaciones en America y Rep. Dominicana*** Miguel Á. Reyes: México - Falleció el locutor Daniel Jiménez Resendiz*** Gayle Van Horn W4GVH, International Shortwave Broadcast Guide, Summer 2015 *** Luís G. Loyola: Informe Diexista. -Escúchanos cualquier día, a cualquier hora haciendo click en nuestra página web de Programas DX: www.programasdx.com/frecuencialdia.htm -Síguenos en Facebook y Twitter. -Nuestro correo electrónico: [email protected] Tu espacio de los viernes. -Frecuencia Al Día, El más internacional- Arnaldo Salen Noticas del Grupo Radioescucha Argentino Murió Ricardo Horvarth: periodista, escritor y hombre de radio El periodista, escritor, productor y conductor radial Ricardo Horvath, mentor del reconocido programa “Café, bar, billares” y autor de libros como “Memorias y recuerdos de Blackie”, murió a los 78 años en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Santa Fe inauguró la primera radio extramuros del país en la cárcel de Coronda El vicegobernador Jorge Henn y el ministro de Seguridad Raúl Lamberto participaron de la primera emisión abierta del programa de radio que realiza un grupo de internos de la Unidad Penitenciaria N° 1 de Coronda. MTC incautó transmisores de televisión y radios piratas en Perú Quince canales piratas de la Ciudad Calcetera fueron intervenidos por representantes del Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones (MTC), Ministerio Público y más de 150 efectivos policiales, quienes incautaron sus equipos transmisores de televisión y radio. Nueva emisora de AM en el Gran Buenos Aires AM 1520 La Voz del Sur, es una nueva emisora de carácter “no oficial” que emite desde el pasado 1º de Mayo de 2015 desde sus estudios centrales ubicados sobre la calle Robertson Nº 1249 de la localidad de Luis Guillón, Partido de Esteban Echeverría, Provincia de Buenos Aires. La emisora anuncia además los siguientes datos de contacto: Teléfono: (011) 4290-8007 y 4290-2892. E-mail: <[email protected]> y Página Web: <www.lavozdelsur.com.ar>. Radio Pop 101.5, líder de las FM y Radio 10 se consolida entre las dos primeras Este viernes se conocieron las mediciones de la audiencia de radios correspondientes al mes de abril, y los resultados siguen mostrando un consolidado liderazgo de Pop 101.5, según la medidora Ibope. 3 ESPN Radio llega ahora a todo el Valle de Uco El producto que comanda el reconocido periodista Enrique Sacco está trabajando en FM del Valle de Eugenio Bustos, con las transmisiones de Boca, River y la Selección Argentina. ESPN radio surgió por el año 2002 de la mano de Enrique Sacco con la “Oral Deportiva”, que era un producto periodístico radial de corte netamente deportivo donde trabajó uno de los más grandes periodistas del deporte, José María Muñoz, durante 34 años. El reconocido producto perduró hasta el año 2014, con la transmisión completa del Mundial de Fútbol que se llevó a cabo en Brasil. RTVE, elegida miembro del Comité Legal de la Unión Europea de Radiodifusión El director de la Asesoría Jurídica de Radio Televisión Española (RTVE), Enrique Sánchez, ha sido elegido miembro del Comité Legal y de Asuntos Públicos de la Unión Europea de Radiodifusión (UER), lo que supone la primera vez que la corporación pública forma parte de ese órgano. Radio Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia celebra los primeros 21 años El 4 de mayo en coincidencia con la fecha de creación de la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, también se conmemora el Aniversario de Radio Universidad, la cual tiene como frecuencia modulada el dial 93.1. En este día tan especial, el Director de la Radio Universidad, Marcelo Sedrón, expresó palabras alusivas a la fecha: La Voz de Vietnam (VOV) y la Radiodifusión Nacional de China celebran acuerdos La Voz de Vietnam (VOV) y la Radiodifusión Nacional de China convinieron en intercambiar libremente los programas noticiosos y temas de interés mutuo y explotar información en sus respectivas páginas web con respeto al contenido y el derecho de autor. Radio Habana Cuba celebró su 54 Aniversario Una importante representación de trabajadores de Radio Habana Cuba tomó parte en la masiva marcha obrera de este viernes Primero de Mayo en la capital con motivo del Primero de Mayo y el 54 aniversario de la fundaciòn de la emisora por Fidel Castro. RFI lanza la primera edición del Premio «Reportaje de RFI en español» RFI lanza la primera edición del Premio «Reportaje de RFI en español» para los estudiantes de menos de 30 años, que cursan estudios en facultades de periodismo de América Latina. Este Premio tiene como objetivo estrechar los lazos que unen a RFI con América Latina y el Caribe. “Hanói Hannah”, la voz de la propaganda durante la guerra de Vietnam “Hanói Hannah”, la voz de la propaganda durante la guerra de Vietnam Muchos excombatientes estadounidenses en Vietnam aún recuerdan la voz de “Hanói Hannah”, la periodista de la radio norvietnamita que hasta la caída de Saigón, hace 40 años, les instaba incansablemente a volver a casa. El Concejo Deliberante de Concordia aprobó la radio municipal cuya denominación es “Radio Ciudadana” El Concejo Deliberante de Concordia aprobó la radio municipal cuya denominación es “Radio Ciudadana”. Será dirigida por un directorio compuesta por siete miembros. Uno de ellos será el presidente, cuya designación depende del Ejecutivo, y al mismo tiempo director de la radio. Durante la sesión no se mencionó ningún nombre para ocupar ese lugar. El concejal Alberto Armanazqui (FPV) dijo a Diario Junio al terminar la sesión: “espero que en un corto plazo se pueda designar la dirección que creo que está resuelta por el Ejecutivo municipal y tendrá que elevar el pliego y si es posible el jueves que viene ya estaríamos dando acuerdo a la propuesta para que lo más antes posible se pueda poner en funcionamiento un medio de comunicación que va a ser fundamental para la vida política y social de la ciudad”, sostuvo. Denuncian presunto saboteo a emisora de Putumayo La frecuencia radial de la emisora Latina Estéreo de Puerto Asís, estaría siendo saboteada por una transmisión ilegal de señal de radio, que estaría operando en el centro de la ciudad de Mocoa. La denuncia fue hecha por el gerente de la empresa, Gabriel Morales. Estas notas y más completas en https://gruporadioescuchaargentino.wordpress.com/ José Miguel Romero ¿Ya quién oye radio? “A la radio no le queda mucho tiempo de vida, ya fue superada desde hace varios años por otras tecnologías modernas”. Esas fueron las palabras de un profesor que nos hablaba del futuro a propósito de un texto del libro de Ciencias Sociales. Era 1984. Y, en ese entonces, sus palabras sonaban acertadas, ya que estaciones de radio tradicionales, que habían sido cuna de famosos artistas nacionales como Pedro Infante o Agustín Lara, ya no eran ni la sombra de lo que habían llegado a ser por allá de los años 50s e, inclusive, retransmitía programas de televisión, como los noticiarios estelares de la TV privada o el programa de variedades de los domingos. La radio FM en la primera mitad de los 80 no tenía locutores (eso era algo exclusivo del AM) y se limitaba a transmitir tres minutos de canciones y unos cuatro minutos de publicidad, además de que la variedad de su música era la mínima posible. Era cierto, la radio estaba muriendo. Pero el 19 de septiembre de 1985, un terremoto hizo que la Ciudad de México quedara prácticamente incomunicada, sin electricidad, sin teléfono y sin televisión, pero el único medio que permaneció al aire durante las primeras horas fue la radio, la cual podía escucharse con dispositivos móviles de baterías y sin necesidad de instalar una antena (como hasta hoy, pues). Así, esa mañana se volvió memorable una transmisión radiofónica del periodista Jacobo Zabludovsky, quien era el único comunicador que contaba con una tecnología poco común en el País en ese entonces: un teléfono móvil. No había telefonía celular, sino que más bien era un radioteléfono instalado a bordo de su lujoso Mercedes Benz, el cual condujo entre los escombros del Centro Histórico mientras narraba la devastación de la ciudad. Esto demostró que la radio no estaba muerta, al menos en México, y le ayudó a impulsar una especie de “segundo aire” en el que se hicieron populares formatos novedosos, como los noticiarios de larga duración (aunque ya existían algunos, como “Monitor” de José Gutiérrez Vivó, lo cierto es que, hasta entonces, los programas radiofónicos de noticias solían durar unos 10 minutos como máximo) y conceptos de radio musical, como Rock 101 o WFM, donde locutores jóvenes, como Luis Gerardo Salas, Charo Fernández, Martín Hernández y Alejandro Gonzáles Iñárritu (sí, el que ganó el Oscar en 2015) le ponían voz al FM, con tonos irreverentes y transmitiendo lo último de la música que se generaba en el mundo. Hoy, 30 años después, un exalumno de la universidad me dijo “¿ya quién escucha radio? Todos traemos música en el teléfono”. Y sus palabras también suenan ciertas en pleno 2015. Pero, en contraste, hoy en la radio hay más intentos de experimentación y libertad de expresión en niveles que eran impensables en los 80; más música y variedad de voces y géneros que en cualquier otro momento de su historia, por lo que afirmar que está muerta es muy aventurado. El asunto es que pocos se han puesto a analizar que lo que ahora le falla a la radio es otra cosa importante: la audiencia. 4 Así, para muchos, la música de iTunes o Spotify hace innecesario esperar para escuchar una canción, y las opiniones vertidas en Twitter –o en un podcast para los más pacientes- resultan mucho más rápidas y precisas que las de cualquier mesa de discusión de algún noticiario de radio. Es decir, aunque tiene muchas cosas malas, lo cierto es que en la radio que se hace hoy en México se pueden escuchar bastantes opciones de calidad, pero que las grandes audiencias no están dispuestas a consumir. La radio pasó de ser el medio de las grandes mayorías a convertirse en un medio de nicho, por lo que un anuncio, como el que se hizo hace unas semanas en Noruega que indicaba que para 2017 la FM sería sustituida por la radio digital, no impacta del todo, especialmente para quienes suelen escuchar la radio a través de aplicaciones o de una página web. El único medio que ha conservado su esencia a lo largo de los años es la radio, inclusive, ha superado los cambios de plataforma, lo cual, con el “apagón digital” podría llegar a su fin… pero lo mismo dijeron en los años 40 cuando llegó a televisión… y en los 90 cuando llegó el Internet… y durante la primera década del 2000 cuando llegó iTunes… Y la radio sigue ahí. La radio, como medio, tecnología y formato, no morirá nunca, sólo se transformará. Y, aunque espero que no pase nunca, cuando volvamos a enfrentar una emergencia como la de 1985 veremos que seguirá siendo de mucha utilidad durante varios años más. Regresaremos a los básicos. Así de simple. Alfredo Meurer Jr Preciso da ajuda dos moderadores da lista radioescutas Eu estou com um problema de receber os emails enviados pela lista radioescutas, pois o meu antigo provedor de emails faliu em fevereiro deste ano e eels deveriam encerrar completamente as atividades em junho, mas anteciparam e encerraram completamente as atividades ante ontem aos meio dia local, logo, não estou recebendo mais as mensagens da lista radioescutas há dois dias. Eu tinha dois emails no antigo provedor que faliu definitivamente ante ontem; [email protected] [email protected] Eu preciso que esses emails, ou um desses emails que eu tenho cadastrado na lista radioescutas seja deletado, excluído e eu quero cadastrar o meu novo email; [email protected] O ideal seria delatar tudo o que eu tenho de emails registrados na lista radioescutas e zerar tudo e eu me recadastrar de novo para não haver mais nenhum problema. Eu peço aos moderadores dessa lista que me deletem de todos os emails que eu tenho cadastrado e assim que eu for deletado da lista eu me recadastrarei imediatamente com o meu novo email, assim poderei receber as mensagens que eu gosto muito de ler. Muito obrigado e aguardo as medidas serem feitas para eu poder me recadastrar de novo sem problemas. Um abraço att, Alfredo Meurer Jr Rob ZJ Regulamento em Português do ARRL 10 2014 1. Objeto: Para radioamadores de todo o mundo para trocar informações QSO com tantas estações quanto possível sobre a banda 10 metros. 2. Data e Período do Concurso: Segundo fim de semana cheio de dezembro.Inicia 0000 UTC sábado; termina 2359 UTC domingo (13-14 dezembro de 2014) 2.1. Todas as estações operam não mais de 36 horas do período das 48 horas. 2.2. Todos os off deve ser de no mínimo 30 minutos consecutivos (verRegra Geral 3.15 ) 2.3. Tempo ouvindo conta como tempo de operação. 3. Categorias de acesso: Nota: as entradas de modo misto - leia regra 6.5 3.1. Operador Único (uso de rede cluster não é permitida): 3.1.1. QRP (5 watts ou menos) Modo misto (Fonia e CW) Só Fonia Só CW 3.1.2. Baixa potência (150 watts ou menos) Modo misto (Fonia e CW) Apenas Fonia Apenas CW 3.1.3. De alta potência (1500 watts ou menos, ou limite de potência máxima do seu país, o que for menor) Modo misto (Fonia e CW). Apenas Fonia. Apenas CW. 3.2. Operador Único Unlimited: é permitida a utilização de assistência spotting ou automatizados, decodificadores de multi-canais. 3.2.1. QRP (5 watts ou menos) Modo misto (Telefone e CW) Apenas Fonia Apenas CW 3.2.2. Baixa potência (150 watts ou menos) Modo misto (Fonia e CW) Apenas Telefone Apenas CW 3.2.3. De alta potência (1500 watts ou menos, ou limite de potência máxima do seu país, o que for menor) 5 Modo misto (Fonia e CW). Apenas Fonia Apenas CW. 3.3. Multioperadora, único transmissor (é permitido o uso de redes de Clusters): 3.3.1. Baixa potência (150 watts ou menos) 3.3.2. De alta potência (1500 watts ou menos, ou limite de potência máxima do seu país, o que for menor) 3.3.3. Esta categoria é de modo misto só. 4. Mensagem para troca no Conteste: 4.1. W / VE estações (incluindo Havaí e Alasca) enviar RS (T) e estado ou província (Distrito de Columbia estações enviam relatório de sinal e DC). 4.2. Estações de DX (incluindo KH2, KP4, etc) enviar RS (T) e número de série sequencial começando com 001. 4.3. Estações mexicanos transmitir RS (T) e seu estado. 4.4. Estações móveis marítimos enviar RS (T) e ITU Região (R1, R2 ou R3). 5. Scoring: 5.1 Pontos por QSO: 5.1.1. Dois pontos para cada QSO em Fonia completo em dois sentidos. 5.1.2. Quatro pontos para cada dois sentidos QSO em CW. . 5.2 Multiplicadores: (contados uma vez em Fonia e uma vez em CW). 5.2.1. Cada estado dos EUA e no Distrito de Columbia. 5.2.2 Canadá: 14 províncias - ver o Apêndice A, para a lista completa.. 5.2.3 México: 32 estados - ver Apêndice B, para a lista completa.. 5.2.4. Países DXCC (exceto Estados Unidos, Canadá e México). KH6 e KL7 participar e contar como os estados dos EUA, e não entidades DXCC. 5.2.5. Regiões da UIT (apenas estações móveis Marítimos). 5.3 Resultado final:. Multiplique pontos por contato pelo total de multiplicadores (a soma dos estados / províncias / VE Unidos Mexicanos / países / regiões da UIT DXCC por mode). Exemplo: KA1RWY contactou 2.235 estações, incluindo 1.305 QSOs de fonia, e 930 CW QSOs, para um total de 6.330 pontos por contato. Ela trabalha 49 estados, 10 áreas canadenses, 23 entidades DXCC e uma estação móvel marítimo na Região 2 em fonia para um total de 49 multiplicadores + 10 + 23 + 1 = 83 fonia. Em CW ela trabalha 30 estados, oito áreas de chamada canadenses e 19 países DXCC para um total de 30 + 8 + 19 = 57 multiplicadores CW. Sua pontuação final = 6330 pontos por contato x (83 + 57) multiplicadores = 6,330 x 140 = 886.200 pontos. 6. Diversos: 6.1. Operador Único estações Multioperador Mixed-Mode e pode trabalhar estações de uma vez por modo. 6.2. O seu indicativo de chamada deve indicar o seu país DXCC se competindo como DX. (N6TR em Oregon não envia N6TR / 7, mas K1NO em Puerto Rico deve enviar K1NO / KP4 ou KP4 / K1NO) 6.3. Todos os participantes podem transmitir apenas um sinal a qualquer momento. 6.4. Todos os contatos CW deve ocorrer abaixo de 28,3 MHz. 6.5. As estações que entram em uma categoria de modo misto pode alterar os modos de a qualquer momento. 7. Prêmios: Os certificados serão concedidos a: 7.1. A maior pontuação estação Operador Único (em cada categoria) de cada Seção ARRL / RAC, estado mexicano e país DXCC. 7.2. Entradas Top Multioperador (em cada categoria) em cada ARRL Division, Canadá, estado mexicano e cada continente. 7.3. Os certificados adicionais serão concedidos como bônus de participação. 8. Diversos: 8.1. Todos os logs gerados por computador deve ser apresentado como um arquivo de texto ASCII no formato de arquivo Cabrillo. Impressões em papel do arquivo eletrônico não são substitutos aceitáveis. 8.2. Logs em papel escrito à mão são submissões aceitáveis. 8.3. Todos os trabalhos devem ser enviados por email ou postadas até 0000 UTC quarta-feira, janeiro 14, 2014. . 8.4 entradas e-mail Enviar para: [email protected]. Utilize apenas o seu indicativo de chamada na linha de assunto. Arquivos de log Cabrillo exigem troca enviada, a categoria entrou, poder e seção ARRL / RAC, conforme definido no Regulamento Geral para todos os concursos da ARRL. 8.5. Registros gerados por computador não em formato de arquivo Cabrillo pode ser designado como logs de seleção. 8.6.Logs em papel devem ser enviadas para 10 Concurso Contador, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111. 8.7. Entradas de papel devem ser apresentadas em formulários de entrada de ARRL atuais ou um fac-símile aceitável. 8.7.1. Os formulários estão disponíveis através do download do 10 Concurso Medidor Folha Resumo ea Folha 10 metros Concurso Log . 8.7.2. Os formulários estão disponíveis para um SASE enviado para o Concurso Branch. 8.8. Logs podem ser apresentadas via o applet web em www.b4h.net/cabforms 8.9. Veja " Regras gerais para todas ARRL Contests "e" Regras Gerais para ARRL concursos em faixas abaixo de 30 MHz (HF) . " ANEXO A: Lista dos 14 multiplicadores do Canadá: NB - New Brunswick (VE1, 9) NS - Nova Scotia (VE1) QC - Quebec (VE2) ON - Ontario (VE3) MB - Manitoba (VE4) SK - Saskatchewan (VE5) AB - Alberta (VE6) BC - British Columbia (VE7) NWT - Territórios do Noroeste (VE8) NF - Newfoundland (VO1) Libra - Labrador (VO2) YT - Yukon Territory (VY1) PEI - Prince Edward Island (VY2) NU - Nunavut (VYO) Apêndice B: Lista dos 32 estados mexicanos ( Ver mapa ) 6 Aguascalientes (AGS) Baja California (BAC) Baja California Sur (BCS) Campeche (CAM) Chiapas (CHI) Chihuahua (CHH) Coahuila (COA) Colima (COL) Distrito Federal (DF ou DFE) Durango (DGO) Estado de México (EMX) Guanajuato (GTO) Guerrero (GRO) Hidalgo (HGO) Jalisco (JAL) Michoacán (MIC) Morelos (MOR) Nayarit (NAY) Nuevo León (NLE) Oaxaca (OAX) Puebla (PUE) Querétaro (QRO) Quintana Roo (QUI) San Luis Potosí (SLP) Sinaloa (SIN) Sonora (SON) Tabasco (TAB) Tamaulipas (TAM) Tlaxcala (TLX) Veracruz (VER) Yucatán (YUC) Zacatecas (ZAC Alfredo Cañote Deja de emitir radio nacional de Burundi Amigos DX: Acá el artículo referente de la Radio: Burundi: Army has 'taken control' of national TV and radio station RTNB in Bujumbura Alf – Lima – Perú - TELF: +51 99958-6329 (13:00 - 01:00 UTC) RECEIVERS : ICOM IC-R71A GRUNDIG YB400PE SONY ICF-7600DS REALISTIC DX-440 ALINCO DJ-X3 ANTENNAS: SW: RADIO SHACK 20-181 MW: CPDS-1 QUAD MW: Select-A-Tenna 541-M NOISE CANCELLER: JPS ANC-4 On Thursday, May 14, 2015 1:55 PM, "JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO [email protected] [condiglist]" <[email protected]> wrote: Deja de emitir radio nacional de Burundi http://eleconomista.com.mx/…/deja-emitir-radio-nacional-bur… La radio nacional de Burundi dejó de emitir este jueves, en momentos en que golpistas burundeses intentaban apoderarse de los locales de este medio de comunicación y expulsar de allí a soldados leales al presidente Pierre Nkurunziza. La radio nacional de Burundi dejó de emitir este jueves, constató la AFP, en momentos en que golpistas burundeses intentaban apoderarse de los locales de este medio de comunicación y expulsar de allí a soldados leales al presidente Pierre Nkurunziza. La radio ya no se captaba en su frecuencia habitual y el director de la estación, Freddy Nzeyimana, confirmó que la emisora había dejado de funcionar. "Nos han atacado (...) Acaban de cortar la emisora y dejamos de emitir", declaró. Se oían disparos de ametralladora y de obuses cerca de la radio, según el periodista de la AFP, quien no logró acceder al edificio porque las tropas leales a Nkurunziza se lo impidieron. Intensos enfrentamientos entre tropas rivales de Burundi estallaron el jueves en la capital, Buyumbura, un día después de que un general intentara dar un golpe de Estado contra Nkurunziza. Fuentes militares y testigos afirmaron que las tropas leales al presidente estaban tratando de repeler un ataque contra el complejo de la radio y la televisión estatales. El presidente estaba en la vecina Tanzania cuando el golpe fue declarado y permanece allí en una ubicación secreta de Dar es Salaam, indicaron oficiales tanzanos. erp Burundi: Army has 'taken control' of national TV and radio station RTNB in Bujumbura Army units backing the coup in Burundi have taken over the RTNB public television and radio station in the capital Bujumbura on Thursday (14 May), sources close to the force have told IBTimes UK, as conflicting reports emerged from the station. General Sylvere Habarugira, one of the coup leaders, has announced he has taken control of the broadcaster. According to a source close to Habarugira, the general is already inside the building. The source told IBTimes UK loyalist soldiers have been disarmed, and "some have been killed". The rest of the personnel and journalists emerged from the compound with their hands in the air, according to witnesses. However, a spokesman for the coup leader said that he was "still awaiting information to confirm the takeover". There is no confirmation of casualties or injuries sustained during the operation. Heavy shelling has also ceased, with only occasional gun shots heard near the station, witnesses in the area said. Just before 13:30 GMT, the state radio went back on air playing what appears to be unity, or reconciliation, songs, witnesses said. Planned attack Soldiers backing the coup d'etat in Burundi declared they were willing to re-take "by force" two state institutions still in the hands of ousted President Pierre Nkurunziza loyalists in the capital Bujumbura on Thursday morning. The factions backing Nkurunziza, led by Army Chief of Staff Gen Prime Niyongabo, were this morning said to be in control of key positions including the main radio station RTNB and the presidential palace. The general Cyrille Ndayirukiye (one of the coup leaders) said this night that "if the presidential forces did not want this to finish non-violently, then this time the army would attack the radio," a senior source close to Maj Gen Godefroid Niyombare told IBTimes UK from Bujumbura. Another source from the country's opposition, said: "If the loyalists decide not to surrender, they will take it by force". "(But) the general said he does not want blood to be spilt". However, as the events unfolded, the army called in reinforcements from provinces By 12 GMT (14 May), Troops from the Mwaro province had already joined the armed forces backing the coup, and had been using their armoured vehicles to attack the state broadcaster RTNB, which was still in the bands of loyalists. Muyinga, Kayanza and Cibitoke troops had also arrived in Bujumbura. According to a source close to the Ministry of Defense, much of the Ngozi unit went back to Ngozi where it is allegedly taking control of the President's home in the province, but IBTimes UK can not confirm this as of yet. President Nkurunziza statement before attack Before 10:30 GMT, President Pierre Nkurunziza made a statement in the Kirundi language to the attention of the people of Burundi on the RTNB. As he spoke on the loyalist-run radio, he called the population to remain calm. He also thanked the defense and safety forces of Burundi for the "good work to foil the attempted coup". During the same interview , the Burundian president also said that "many coup leaders went " and called those who still resist to disarm, but stressed that "the country's borders are not closed". Heavy shelling before station went off air Before noon on 14 May, and minutes after the President's statement, witnesses confirmed heavy fighting and shelling was heard near the state-run national broadcaster RNTB. A witness, hiding some 800 metres away from the building, told IBTimes UK the shots fired came from "heavy weapons" - supposedly armoured vehicles. "We can hear very loud shelling from tanks. They armoured vehicles) have surrounded the building," Pierre-Claver 7 Mbonimpa, the leader of Burundi's civil society and opposition figure, confirmed in a phone interview with IBTimes UK from Bujumbura at 11.15 GMT. UPDATE: (17:15 GMT 14 May) A second attack on RTNB has been called off because a senior member of the president's party is in the building, a source close to the coup leaders has told IBTimes UK. The move aims to prevent unnecessary casualties. (14:17 GMT 14 May) Maj Gen Godefroid iyombare's spokesman has confirmed that while the RTNB's director was holed up with some proNkurunziza officers with a transmitter and was able to transmit on air, troops loyal to Niyombare lost control of parts of the building after heaving fighting. "Always moved by our desire to reconcile the nation and logical and reasonable comprehension, we decided to approach the RTNB to convince our citizens that the road the (President's troops) are following is a dead-end," Zeno Ndabaneze toldIBTimes UK over the phone. "Unfortunately, we were surprised to see that they are die-hards, that they fired on us once again. We effectively fired back for our safety and withdrew our men. We will do our hardest to avoid any pointless bloodshed." While he avoided confirming directly that they were preparing a second attack, the spokesperson said the general would "continue to act against those who are unreasonable" as he believed "this was the only thing that could save our endangered nation". (14:00 GMT 14 May) Army units backing the coup in Burundi, who had claimed to have taken over the RTNB public television and radio station in the capital Bujumbura on Thursday (14 May), have lost ground as forces loyal to embattled President Pierre Nkurunziza are now "holed up" in parts of the station, a source close to the group has told IBTimes UK. The forces backing the coup were preparing a second attack, the source said, but IBTimes UK could not confirm this. Glenn Hauser Logs May 14, 2015 ** CHINA. CNR1 jammers morning of May 14: 13980, May 14 at 1253, CNR1 jammer, fair 12950, May 14 at 1254, CNR1 jammer, fair; none in the 14s 15970, May 14 at 1255, CNR1 jammer, poor 16100, May 14 at 1256, CNR1 jammer, poor 17705, May 14 at 1257, CNR1 jammer, usual mix with Saudi, target India 18980, May 14 at 1258, CNR1 jammer presumed, JBA signal on the scheduled Thu & Mon 12-13 frequency of RFA Tibetan via Kuwait (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. 6010+, May 14 at 0540, music from HJDH, while 5910v, the other HJDH, is off. Via Henrik Klemetz, DXLC via SW Bulletin, here`s a CARACOL show from March 14, this year, including an interview with Martin Stendall, founder of the stations (in Spanish), starting at 2:30 into the 50-minute audio and lasting the rest of it: http://www.caracol.com.co/playermini.aspx?id=2673245 He tells a long story of how he got into the Mish biz, his abduxion by the FARC years ago., etc. etc. Break for ads and news circa 24-27 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 15730, May 14 at 1258, no signal from RHC here, but on 15370, where at 1259 canned Spanish announcement says 15370 is now on until 15, as 9550 & 9850 are being left. Retune to 15730 at *1300, now it`s on. The thing is, scheduled the other way around, 15730 at 11-15, 15370 at 13-15 only. Also on weaker // 15230 thruout. Lysdexic ops? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. 7255 // 9690, May 14 at 0620, VON on again both undermodulated in presumed Hausa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAO TOME. 4960, May 14 at 0542, fair signal but just barely modulated, must be VOA during scheduled French semihour M-F (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, May 14 at 1200, SIBC with modulation barely audible, YL talking, 1201.6 music, presumed NA, 1203 open carrier, 1203:37* approx. cut off the air. So back to normal routine after excursion to 9545 on May 10-11, per Ron Howard, Dave Valko. Compared to 1020 KOKP and almost the same pitch with offset BFO, but can`t be sure which is further off, which way (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH AFRICA. 7285, May 14 at 0535, R. Sonder Grense, fair signal with commercials in Afrikaans, holding up well this late, as we are approaching latest southern sunrise of the year; but weakening by 0600 altho it stays on for another hour almost due west from Meyerton (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN [and non]. 13800, May 14 at 0525, good signal from R. Dabanga via MADAGASCAR, with double-tone jamming; RD stops modulation about 0527:05 and carrier off after 30 seconds more, while tone jammers remain beating against each other. 13765, at *0528 May 14, VR IS also from MADAGASCAR, maybe transmitter just moved from 13800; OR, 13840, May 14 at 0529, open carrier, 0530 NHK IS and opening French, also via MADAGASCAR, so either one could be ex-13800, leaving R. Dabanga no choice but to continue from some other site, i.e. VATICAN, but by 0530 can`t hear it, presumably due to propagation, just the tone/jammers above 13800 (also opening at *0530 is VOA French on 13830 via BOTSWANA, and quite stronger than 13840 NHK). 11645, at 0527 May 14, R. Dabanga already via VATICAN continues while the other frequency is shifting sites; fair signal here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1773 monitoring. New edition completed in time for first airing Thursday May 14 at 2100 on WRMI, presumably 7570 8 altho at times has also appeared on 15770. The reverse after that, Friday 2130.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 13667.5, May 14 at 1247, extremely distorted FM somewhat readable by slope detexion, intermittent CB- or ham-like comments about equipment, one side only heard, fades somewhat. Suspected image or subharmonic from CB (2x = 27335 but nothing heard there). Or maybe image from a 2m repeater; however the fading indicates otherwise, propagated, or nearby mobile. Het against weak 13665 AM broadcast which would be CRI English via ALBANIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 13798-USB, May 14 at 1332, the colloquial Spanish 2-way intruder is here again like 24.5 hours earlier, but today no signal detectable from R. Puntland on 13800; it does abut 13795-AM, Iran in Urdu via Sirjan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) José Bueno El Mundo En Nuestra Antena De Arturo Vera El Mundo en Nuestra Antena es un programa para los aficionados a las telecomunicaciones, Radioafición, Internet, Broadcasting, Onda Corta y todo lo que tiene relación con este mundo maravilloso que es la radio, dirigido y realizado por Arturo Vera. Programa nº 268 de la semana 11 de Mayo de 2015. ENTREVISTA: A un veterano radioaficionado, EA5AEL, Manuel Rico, que nos habla del control remoto para nuestra estación de radio, entre otros temas. NOTICIAS DX Y CONCURSOS: Ana Peral, EA2DJK, nos ofrece las últimas noticias de la HF. BANDA CIUDADANA: José María Yagüe, nos pone al día con lo último en la banda CB. NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS: Alex Casanova, esta semana los satélites para radioaficionados. DISTANCIA DESCONOCIDA: Con el informe mensual que nos ofrece la AER, en la voz de Pedro Sedano y guión de Martin Estévez. EFEMÉRIDES: Con las noticias de radio que fueron actualidad por estos días, pero en otros años. Y los espacios habituales de noticias y la historia de la radio en España con documentos. (www.radiobenicalap.com) Página de URE (Unión Radioaficionados Españoles): http://www.ure.es/ Página del programa: http://www.ure.es/descargas/cat_view/58-audio/61-el-mundo-en-nuestra-antena.html Página de Programas DX: http://programasdx.com/elmundoenantena.htm Si desean escuchar otros programas diexistas en español pueden visitar: http://programasdx.com/ Programas DX en facebook: https://www.facebook.com/programasdx Programas DX en twitter: https://twitter.com/programasdx Cordiales 73 - Arturo Vera/José Bueno Alfredo Meurer Jr QSL Card de PY2604SWL Samuel Cassio Martins Eu agradeço as suas palavras carinhosas e esteja à vontade para publciar o que lhe for de interesse, o assunto é publico ok. Eu e o Samuel Cássio PY2604SWL somos muito amigos e muito unidos desde o iniciol de 2003 e ele passou a fazer HAM escutas no final de novembro de 2013 e se apaixonou muito por esse segmento da radioescuta e está agora contabilizando 223 países DXCC diferentes, devido a sua grande falta de tempo, ele não pode estar em radio em QTRs muito importantes para conseguir acrecentar mais novos dxcc, mas como eu falo com ele quando ele me envia mais um ou dois novos DXCC, o seu conta gotas está pingando. Eu tive a honra e o privilégio de ter ajudado a ele ter conseguido grandes países raros do universo DXCC no inicio de seu HAM Hobby, entre eles A52JR, eu ligava para o qth ele quando ele estava em sua casa e lhe avisei que Buthan estava em 7 Mhz ssb e chegando muito baixo, mas audível e ele faturou essa figuraça além de umas outras, depois o Samuel, um Mago do DX pegou o ritimo e hoje ele já deve ter 70% dos indicativos dos dxcc em sua mente. Eu fui um SWL muito atuante desde março de 1987, considero o ano de 1987 muito cheios de altos e baixos, muitos altos e muitos baixos até 1991, em 1992 as minhas escutas estavam muito focadas a DXCC que eu não tinha porque eu casei nesse ano, não tinha receptor e fazia as escutas no QTH e PY1DC, primo de meu pai que falecu em 206 com 103 anos de idade, ele era radioamador desde 1927 como SBqDC, o Tecídio e fiz ecutas em 1993 e em 1994, orém somente focadas em conseguir o que eu não tinha e com a escuta de K1N, Navassa contabilizo hoje 332 países DXCC diferentes escutados. Na realidade eu tinha um receptor Sony ICF-2001 emprestado de um rgande amigo quando e precisava para escutas da magrugada de DX stations anunciadas e assim eun podia tê-las escutadas. Estou recebendo muitos qsls das antigas estações que eu não confirmei no passado e os poucos países DXCC que estão definitivamente perdios por morte de desaparecimento de logs e qsls eu estou conseguindo de escutas atuais, porém são muito poucos, Não estou contando ainda a quantidade de qsls recebidos até o dia de hoje das estações antigas, acho que atualmente devo estar com cerca de mais ou menos 265/270 países DXCC confirmados, mas a minha meta é chegar o mais proximo possivel do que eu consegui escutar ao todo e as chances estão muito proximas disso, pois após um trabalho inimaginável de busca de quem tem os logs e qsls vazios de muitos managers que morreram, estão SK e em alguns casos o antigo manager se foi e os logs e qsls foram para um outro manager que também morreu e por fim agora muitos estão reunidos em grupos de um único manager que tem até 240 estações diferentes com ele, um deles, ainda vivo porém muito idoso é o lendário Joe Arcure Jr. W3HNK que eu recebi e ainda vou receber dele mais de 17 dxcc diferentes que eu não confirmei no passado, entre outros managers. Estou também confirmando super raridades que me interessam e países DXCC que mudaram de indicativo, como a Namibia que era ZS3 e vou receber duas estações ZS3 via um sul africano e as duas primeiras estações sul africanas que usaram o indicativo novo indicativo logo após a independência da Namibia V51P e V51B, alguns países deletados, como North Yemen 4W0PA, Walvis Bay ZSIS, e em 1993 e 1994 eu consegui todas as ex republicas soviéticas com seus novos indicativos pós U e estou confirmando os U que me faltam e eles com os seus novos indicativos, 9 por exemplo; confirmei recentemente através dele mesmo UD6DX o qsl dele como UD6 e dele em 1994 como 4J3M o mesmo amador que por muita sorte está vivo e é apenas um pouco mais velho que eu e assim cou outros antigos U que virama outros indicativos pós 1991/92. Estou confirmando aquelas raras repúblicas da ásia central como U ainda, através de managers russos ou ucranianos, a turma tem me ajudado, felizmente. Eu só escaneei uns 2 qsl diferentes do que eu tenho recebido semanalmente, pois enviei uma quantidade muito grande de cartas e o retorno está sendo além do que eu imaginava, e uma nova leva de 4 grupos de cartas serão enviadas para fechar isso tudo e depois de esperar mais 4 meses, o que eu não receber vou enviar emails para os manager para saber se eles receberam meus qsls? Esse qls eu não escaneei, mas esse é um dos meus dxcc mais raros; 20m, 15m e 10m, normalmente eu envio listada 12 estações que fizeram qso com cada raridade, mas nem sempre é possivel, em alguns casos a rara estação entrou subitamente em QRT e só consegui 2, ou 3 e isso é mencionado no qsl e é aprovado, South Sandwich I. Elbio Romero Venta (Uruguay) Vendo gabinete con la vandeja para balbular hf . 2 tranformadores . 2 intrumento reloje . 2 balbula lamparas f807 x1 ,64 . potencia . 2 balbula lamparas recepcion 17 dq6b . 2 balbula lamparas trasmicion rca . inpecable nuevas . compradas a ronal cx . 1 rodimetro batimetro . todo por 4000 pesos , cx5dj 091 758 108 José Miguel Romero En Túnez, la radio de Estado se transforma en servicio público http://www.swissinfo.ch/spa/en-t%C3%BAnez--la-radio-de-estado-se-transforma-en-servicio-p%C3%BAblico/41413626 12 de mayo de 2015 - 11:00 Refka Abidi, de la corresponsalía de Radio Kef en Yenduba, recoge testimonios en la calle. (Benjamin Keller) Suiza participa en la modernización de la radio estatal de la joven democracia árabe, en asociación con la Fundación Hirondelle. En las regiones más marginalizadas del país se han creado veinte corresponsalías locales. Reportaje. “Antes de la revolución de 2011, la radio tunecina era un instrumento de propaganda. Recibíamos la actualidad presidencial lista para difundir. Cambiar las malas costumbres requiere tiempo”. Ali Menef Jelassi, de 40 años, dirige desde agosto de 2014 Radio Kef, una de las cinco cadenas regionales de la radio pública tunecina y sabe de lo que habla. Llegó a la emisora en 1998 como periodista. Y para “cambiar las malas costumbres”, el joven director cuenta con respaldo helvético. En el marco del apoyo al proceso de transición democrática en Túnez, que lanzó poco después de la caída del régimen de Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, el 14 de enero de 2011, Suiza financia un programa cuyo objetivo es “contribuir a la transformación de la radio estatal en un verdadero ente de servicio público”, afirma Suhaib Khayati, responsable del programa en la sección de cooperación internacional de la embajada de Suiza en Túnez. Fundación Hirondelle La ONG fundada en 1995 tiene sede en Lausana (Suiza) y está especializada en crear y apoyar medios “generalistas, independientes y ciudadanos, en zonas de guerra, situaciones de crisis endémica o postconflicto”. Actualmente tiene presencia en seis países (República Democrática del Congo, República Centroafricana, Malí, Túnez, Guinea, Costa de Marfil) y realiza también proyectos transnacionales. La Fundación Hirondelle, una ONG suiza especializada en la creación de medios independientes en zonas de crisis, colabora con la radio tunecina. “Nuestra misión aquí es en calidad de acompañantes, lo que difiere un poco de nuestras actividades habituales”, explica Marc Vuillermoz, experto en medios de la fundación en Túnez, donde cuenta con otros cuatro colaboradores. Este francés de 57 años trabajó durante 23 años en Radio France, de los cuales 18 como director de programas en canales regionales. Radios regionales El proyecto se inauguró en julio de 2011. Su primera labor consistió en formar a periodistas para asegurar una cobertura imparcial, pluralista y equilibrada de las elecciones a la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, el 23 de octubre de 2011. Desde entonces, los esfuerzos se han centrado, sobre todo, en modernizar las radios en las regiones del interior del país, históricamente desatendidas respecto a la zona costera. Suiza ha convertido el apoyo a esas comarcas desfavorecidas en una de las prioridades de su estrategia de desarrollo y cooperación en el país magrebí. Radio Gafsa (suroeste), Radio Tatauine (sudeste) y Radio Kef (noroeste) han sido reorganizadas, de común acuerdo con las redacciones. Se han realizado encuestas para identificar las expectativas de los oyentes y se ha modificado la parrilla de programas. El ritmo, la presencia en la Red, la gestión, la identidad sonora y la forma de trabajar de los periodistas también han cambiado. “Hemos insistido en la importancia de salir al terreno, una costumbre que se había perdido”, indica Marc Vuillermoz. Paralelamente, se han creado diez corresponsalías locales para cubrir las zonas más sensibles. Cada una dispone de dos periodistas, la mayoría jóvenes recién graduados y con apenas experiencia profesional, que realizaron varios meses de prácticas gracias a los expertos de la Fundación Hirondelle. www.swissinfo.ch acompañó a Marc Vuillermoz a la oficina local de Yenduba, una pequeña ciudad situada a dos horas y media en coche al oeste de Túnez y capital del gobernorado (provincia) homónimo. Se inauguró en enero de 2014 y depende de Radio Kef. Refka Abidi, de 30 años, e Hichem Sghiri, de 27, nos reciben con una gran sonrisa. La redacción se halla en el centro de la ciudad. En uno de los cuartos se ha instalado un estudio de grabación, con un ordenador y el material necesario – que les proporcionó la Fundación Hirondelle – para el montaje y el envío de información. Los dos colegas trabajan seis días a la semana, en estrecha coordinación con Radio Kef, en la ciudad del mismo nombre, situada a unos 50 kilómetros. Intervienen diariamente en los informativos, pero también en programas temáticos. Y están cada vez más solicitados por una u otra de las cuatro cadenas nacionales de la radio tunecina. Ganan 936 dinares al mes (alrededor de 460 francos suizos), el doble del salario medio en Túnez. “La gente tiene necesidad de expresarse” A última hora de la mañana, Refka e Hichem salen a la calle para recoger testimonios de los habitantes sobre las huelgas en el país. No necesitan ir muy lejos. A pocos metros de la oficina, entrevistan a un grupo de hombres reunidos a la sombra en una callejuela. Se aglomera la gente. Los 10 transeúntes se detienen. Todo el mundo quiere hablar y manifestar sus quejas, que no se limitan al problema de las huelgas. Un anciano muestra las facturas que lo ahogan. “La gente está afligida”, explica Refka. “Se queja de la corrupción, de la falta de seguridad social, del acceso al agua. Algunos dicen que vivían mejor en los tiempos de Ben Ali”. Túnez, que cuenta con un gobierno estable desde las elecciones legislativas y presidenciales celebradas a finales de 2014, tiene que hacer frente a un sinfín de desafíos. Al igual que los otros gobernorados del noroeste, Yenduba sufre una situación especialmente difícil: en esta región agrícola y montañosa, el índice de desempleo supera el 25%, frente al 15% de media nacional. Casi un tercio de la población es analfabeta. Es un terreno fértil para el extremismo. Las detenciones y los enfrentamientos entre individuos armados y las fuerzas de seguridad no son raros. Marc Vuillermoz no puede ocultar su satisfacción mientras observa a sus protegidos en acción: “Estoy impresionado. Se nota que la gente necesita hablar. Hay una verdadera necesidad de periodismo de proximidad”. Al regresar a la oficina, se reúne con Refka e Hichem. “Vosotros sois portavoces”. Los corresponsales le escuchan embelesados. ¿Cuál es el nuevo eslogan de Radio Kef? “La voz del noroeste”. Aumenta la audiencia La energía desplegada parece dar frutos: Radio Kef, Radio Tatauine y Radio Gafsa son líderes de audiencia en sus respectivas regiones, delante de las emisoras privadas, según el instituto de sondeo Sigma Conseil. “Soplan nuevos vientos”, se alegra Ali Menef Jelassi, director de Radio Kef. “Las corresponsalías locales han cambiado realmente las cosas. Antes, cuando se producía un acontecimiento en Yenduba, por ejemplo, solíamos recoger testimonios por teléfono. La presencia de estos dos corresponsales enriquece, además, la cobertura de la región en las emisoras nacionales, pues disponen de periodistas en el terreno que conocen los problemas locales”. Por ahora, los salarios de los veinte jóvenes que ha formado la Fundación Hirondelle corren a cargo del programa. El objetivo es que la radio tunecina los contrate. Actualmente se negocia la extensión del proyecto hasta 2017. Ali Menef Jelassi confía en que el cambio sea duradero: “Cuando se vaya la Fundación Hirondelle, tendremos que proseguir con la restructuración del servicio público. Hay que reforzar también las leyes para evitar que volvamos a la propaganda”. Suiza, único país donante Se han entablado conversaciones para prolongar hasta 2017 el proyecto de apoyo a la radio pública tunecina. Uno de los objetivos es completar la modernización de las radios regionales y aplicar en Radio Sfax y Radio Monastir, en la costa oriental, la experiencia adquirida en Radio Gafsa, Radio Tatauine y Radio Kef. Los otros ejes de acción previstos son la designación de corresponsales parlamentarios y su formación para la cobertura de los trabajos de la Asamblea de Representantes del Pueblo, pero también el perfeccionamiento del sitio web de la radio y el mejoramiento de la calidad de sonido. Suiza ha destinado 2,5 millones de francos a este proyecto desde julio de 2011 y podría proporcionar 1,5 millones más. El país alpino, que fue el principal donante ya durante la primera fase, es el único que aporta fondos actualmente. El programa helvético de apoyo a la transición tunecina se concentra, sobre todo, en las regiones marginalizadas. El presupuesto anual ha pasado de 10 a 25 millones entre 2011 y 2014. Hay cerca de 70 proyectos en curso. Traducción del francés: Belén Couceiro Siddhartha Bhattacharjee Why India has only 179 community radio stations instead of the promised 4,000 In the summer of 1923, the Bombay Presidency Radio Club started broadcasting in India over a small radius of less than 500 metres. In 1927, two privately-owned transmitters were set up by Broadcasting Services at Bombay and Calcutta, which got taken over by the government in 1930 and became the Indian Broadcasting Service. It became All India Radio in 1936. This was the beginning of a new era of communication in a country which was waiting for both independence and industrialisation. All India Radio finally came to be known as Akashvani from 1957. Because of its wide reach, it was expected to connect the country – but, did it? Almost a hundred years later, India has 245 commercial radio stations spread across 50-odd cities out of a total of 1,600 cities and towns in the country. Some might argue that radio is an ageing technology and shouldn't be revived, but it is dying even faster where it is needed the most: in rural hinterlands and communities. More than 70% of Indian population lives in villages and a vast majority of them have little to no connectivity to Internet, electricity or telephone lines making radio the only feasible medium for mass communication. However, 13 years after India first opened itself to the idea of having community-run radio stations, only 179 such stations are currently functional in the country despite the 4,000 the government in 2007 promised would be set up "in a few years". The community myth Even these 179 radios are far from useful as community radio services, experts say. “Community radio in India is a well-cultivated myth,” said Shubhranshu Choudhary, the founder of CGNet Swara, an organisation involved with setting up community radio and call centres to relay citizen news in Chhattisgarh. “Out of the existing radios, most are run by educational institutions and others are by non-governmental organisations, so there’s no role of a community.” Choudhary is not far off the mark. The policy guidelines framed by the government in 2002 originally only allowed well-established educational institutions to set up community radios. It took three years of petitioning and lobbying by activists to get the policy to include non profit organisations as well. Currently, a non-profit organisation that wishes to apply for a community radio license has to have a track record of existence and service to the community for at least three years to even be eligible for consideration. Activists working in the space feel that the policy of only allowing NGOs to set up radios needs a review. “NGOs have their own interests in mind when they apply for community radios,” Choudhary said. “Those in the communities speak regional dialects and tongues that NGOs have no intention of broadcasting in because their listener base reduces as soon as they switch from a common tongue to a dialect, but thousands of people speak these dialects which people sitting in Delhi don’t care about.” Identity crisis 11 The issue, however, is broader than merely that of local dialects and languages. A low number of community radio stations deprive people of local updates, news, weather and such information which can prove really helpful, both during every day agriculture activities or at the time of disasters. Nepal, with a small fraction of India's population has 260 community radio stations, and no restrictions, which help these radios to actually be useful at the time of need. The recent earthquake which claimed over 7,000 lives proved to be one such opportunity where the radios did their best to relay critical information to the centres of activity in the cities and informed about the relief and rehabilitation efforts. In India, All India Radio can be called the mainstay of those dependent on radio for their news and information but even that is far from enough for hundreds of communities with their own dialects. “The AIR broadcast is only in 20-30 popular languages with just 47 stations in a country of 1.2 billion people,” said an official on the screening committee of the ministry of information and broadcasting. “The AIR broadcast can’t compete with the power of a community radio because it is neither in the language that each region speaks nor carries the local news which actually matters to them.” Beyond the reach For those who might really want to set up a community radio, the process is indeed cumbersome. The process requires an NGO with three years of existence to apply for the license, pay Rs 19,700 in spectrum fee, take permissions from four to five ministries and buy transmitters only from sellers authorised by the government. This process, the I&B ministry official said, takes at least three years to complete. Many who are currently running the radios struggle to sustain themselves on a mere five minute advertising slot allowed every hour when the radio doesn't cover a large enough geographical area. Choudhary pointed out, “The guidelines say that the transmission can’t go beyond the limit of 12 kilometres, but the equipment we get can’t even reach beyond 7 kilometers, limiting the reach to just one village often.” Not all agree, though. Hemant Babu, director of Nomad India, an organisation involved in the manufacture and setting up of community radio stations, feels that it is better to have low intensity radios to prevent the monopoly of a few players. "If the government allows high power broadcast, only a few players would cover whole regions," he said. "We need smaller players but a large number of them so the government should focus on making it easier to set up radios instead of handing over permission to broadcast over long range." Choudhary, however feels that the impact of having a radio gets severely limited as communities tend to be widely dispersed – the Gondi community, composed of 50 lakh people, is spread over five states, for instance. “Community radio is a joke,” he said. “It’s not meant for communities but for the rich and powerful who funnily enough, don’t threaten the government, but common people do.” We welcome your comments at [email protected] Associação DX do Brasil Site da ADXB fora do ar Caros amigos, Fizemos alteração no apontamento do DNS de nosso site no registro.br e levará até 72 horas para que o mesmo possa fazer a propagação. Com isso, o nosso site ficará fora do ar por este período, pelo que pedimos desculpas pelo ocorrido que foi necessário para melhorarmos assim os nossos serviços na internet. Atentamente, Jailton C. Amaral - Coordenador Charles Reh Leamington ON. A check of this morning's SDR TOH Leamington ON. A check of this morning's SDR TOH recordings found one that I'd been trying to get a good ID from for some time. At 2am EDT on 1700 with KBGG Des Moines and CBS Sports kindly doing dead air for about 30 seconds I heard a XEPE Tecate Baja California legal ID by female in Spanish followed by some a couple of ESPN Radio 1700 nonlegals in English. The legal ID was rapid and subdued kinda like they didn't want anyone to know that the station is in Mexico and all I could make out were the XEPE call letters at the very beginning of the ID. Somebody under them with Fox Sports; probably unneeded KVNS Brownsville TX. Really happy to get XEPE. My first new Mexican and first new west coast station in years. With WRCR-1300 moving to 1700 very soon I was beginning to think I may have missed out on logging XEPE. Henrik Klemetz Entrevista al misionero Martin Stendal Excelente entrevista al misionero Martin Stendal, realizada por el periodista de Caracol Radio, Herbin Hoyos Medina. Stendal es el promotor de las frecuencias de onda corta colombianas 5910 y 6010 y Herbin Hoyos se le conoce por sus programas Voces del secuestro y Colombia Universal. Las fotos de ambos se encuentran en las págs. 25 y 25 de la edición 2009 del Passport to World Band Radio en mi artículo titulado "Colombia: Bandits, Ballads and Broadcasts". http://www.caracol.com.co/playermini.aspx?id=2673245 El audio del mismo, es la parte Nº 1 Tom Taylor Summer 2015-International SHortwave Broadcast Guide Press Release Dear Listeners, Effective from Today, the new International Shortwave Broadcast Guide-Summer 2015, is now available at Amazon. Attached is the PDF Press Release. Gayle Van Horn W4GVH - CEO Teak Publishing - International Shortwave Broadcast Guide-e Pub/Amazon Kindle QSLing the World Kindle Book http://amzn.com/B0083M2O4W Shortwave Central Blog http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/ Twitter: @QSLRptMT EMR contact details: - Email: [email protected] - Website: www.emr.org.uk - Mobile: 07856091093 Press Release: Teak Publishing Company - P.O. Box 297 - Brasstown NC 28902 12 For Immediate Release 07 May 2015 New Summer 2015 International Shortwave Broadcast Guide Now Available So why should you listen to shortwave radio? Quite simply shortwave radio is your window to the world. The best source of global information continues to be shortwave radio. Throughout the world, shortwave remains the most readily available and affordable means of communication and information. It lets you listen to voices from around the world. You'll also learn about the lives and concerns of people from all walks of life, from soldiers, to farmers, to retired scholars. Shortwave radio provides nearly instantaneous coverage of news and events from around the world. Shortwave listening, or SWLing, is the hobby of listening to shortwave radio broadcasts located on frequencies between 1700 kHz and 30 MHz, also known as HF or the High Frequencies bands. If you live in the U.S., you can easily listen to shortwave broadcast stations from countries like North/South Korea, Iran, Australia, Cuba, China, New Zealand, Pakistan, India, Japan, England, Egypt, Tunisia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United States and many other counties if you have a shortwave receiver, and you know when and where to listen! That when and where to listen is covered comprehensively in the pages of a new edition of the International Shortwave Broadcast Guide. The International Shortwave Broadcast Guide (Summer 2015 edition), by Amazon bestselling author Gayle Van Horn, W4GVH, is that all important information resource you need to tap into the worldwide shortwave broadcast radio spectrum. It is a 24-hour station/frequency guide to “all” the known stations currently broadcasting on shortwave radio at time of publication. This unique shortwave resource is the “only” publication in the world that offers a by-hour schedule that includes all language services, frequencies and world target areas for each broadcast station. There are new chapters that cover basic shortwave radio listening and Who’s Who in the Shortwave Radio Spectrum. Also extensive work has been done to improve the readability of this edition on the various Kindle platforms. The International Shortwave Broadcast Guide (Summer 2015 edition) is now available for purchase worldwide from Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00X8BIF0K. The price for this latest edition is still US$4.99. Since this book is being released internationally, Amazon customers in the United Kingdom, Germany, France Spain, Italy, Japan, India, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and Australia can order this electronic book (e-Book) from Amazon websites directly servicing these countries. All other countries can use the regular Amazon.com website. This new e-publication edition is an expanded version of the English shortwave broadcast guide formerly printed in the pages of Monitoring Times magazine for over 20 years. This one of a kind e-book is now being published twice a year to correspond with station seasonal time and frequency changes. Glenn Hauser Logs May 5-7, 2015 ** BRAZIL. 11815+, May 7 at 0103, very poor signal slightly on the hi side must still be R. Brasil Central, but now totally buried by the crackling spur from Brasília 11780+. Same at 0547 May 7, just enough carrier to tell that RBC is still on air. Matching spur as always around 11745; and another Brazilian is on 25m, spurless and propagating, 11855 R. Aparecida. No one seems to care about this even in Brasil; one recent report gave RBC an I of 5, i.e. NO interference. Perhaps due to skip distances and our being in the boresight of RNB 250 kW, they don`t hear the QRM closer in (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. CNR1 jammers, morning of May 7: 13920, May 7 at 1253, CJR1 jammer, good; none in 13s, 14s, 15s OOB 13830, May 7 at 1253, CNR1 jammer, fair with echo 16100, May 7 at 1257, CNR1 jammer, good; none in the 17s 18980, May 7 at 1259, CNR1 jammer, very poor. Per Aoki & HFCC this is the Thu & Mon 12-13 jumparound frequency for RFA Tibetan via Kuwait (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 15370, May 6 at 1324 as I bandscan, no signal from RHC, and next sweep by a minute later, it`s on. No telling what it had been doing before 1324, supposed to start at 1300. 6100, May 7 at 0608 just as I tune across RHC, English modulation stops, but continues on 6165. 6100 still silent a few minutes later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. 11935+, R. Cairo open carrier/dead air to possibly just barely modulated, and with a low audible heterodyne, perhaps RB2, Brasil. (Ivo Ivanov says Tibet has also moved from 9580 to 11935 starting at 0200). 12070+, May 7 at 0104, R. Cairo good signal but suptorted Spanish 9965-, May 7 at 0105, R. Cairo, good signal but undermodulated Arabic, plus whine 9315.0, May 7 at 0116, R. Cairo poor signal with undermodulated, suptorted music, // 12070 Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEW ZEALAND. 11685-11690-11695, May 7 at 0548 surprised to hear DRM noise here, surely RNZI which has used this frequency before along with AM 11725, but DRM not scheduled this season at this hour on any frequency; on 11690 only at 1836-1950 per their website. And at HFCC, 11690 is registered for DRM only at 0645-0800 and 1850-2100 UT. Maybe this explains it: ``NB: Every month on the first and third Wednesday it is Maintenance day at our transmitter site from 2230 to 0600 UT (Thursdays 1030-1800 NZST [sic]). During this period there may be interruptions to our programmes`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. 9689.9, May 7 at 0552, here`s a new signal I don`t normally hear in almost nightly bedtime bandscans: YL jazz singer in English; good modulation faded down to almost nothing, then back up. I suspect it`s VON, and immediately confirm by // to 7255, another frequency which is new to this daypart as I first heard a few nights ago. 7255 is closer to on-frequency, maybe only 50 Hz low. Both cut off the song to dead air about 0559:30, and 0600 open talk in presumed Hausa, mentioning Nigeria, kHz and GMT, along with flute and drums. If only I knew what they were saying as to frequencies. Dozed off but a final check at 0647 found 9689.9 had gone to dead air, and 7255 off. Later Thorsten Hallmann said 7255 switched off at 0631. I had also checked 15120, the usual frequency for English at +05-07 but could not hear it: 13 you never know whether it will be on and/or propagating from one night to the next. But Ivo Ivanov says it was on this date, with awful modulation, so that means three transmitters in use at the same time! This is very unusual for VON, altho they allegedly have six, per WRTH 2015, three x 250 kW at each of the two transmitter sites; most of which must have been out of service for years. They are constantly juggling languages, times and frequencies, the other active one being 11770- (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. During the May 6 tornado and flood outbreak around OKC, from the sidelines in Enid, I quickly check the AM & FM dials to find what`s going on with OKC radio, as the four major TV stations are in wall-to-wall coverage even in prime time. Most radio stations have a deal with one TV station or another. And of course stations in a single cluster all go with the same TV station. 930, May 7 at 0123 UT, as I tune in WKY it`s in English relaying some TV station, but then to Spanish voice-over/under; so it`s in-and-out. Later on at 0134 UT a SHVA ad in Spanish takes priority Most of the commercial FM stations are picking up TV weather, but not necessarily // even if same source, due to varying delays. Also, radio stations are subject to interruption by NWS alerts, frequent tornado warnings by automaton, while TV stations are not, but as relayed on radio, their coverage gets interrupted rudely, and these too are different delays, not synchronized from one frequency to another, tho presumably all coming at exactly the same time originally from NWS. Here is some more of what I noted in the 0126-0133 UT period May 7: 96.1, with KFOR 96.9, // 98.1 a few seconds delayed; also same on 98.9 but cuts to NWS ahead of 98.1 102.7, NWS with big hum, resumes // KFOR 104.1, & 102.7 with KWTV audio, not NWS when others are in it 101.9, NWS out of synch with others, late or early? 100.5, & 99.7 with wx coverage unknown source 95.1, KQCV NOT with weather but gospel music, likewise its AM 800 with a regular gospel huxter: who cares about tornados? God will take care of them! 94.7, not NWS, but 93.3 & 92.5 TV wx interrupted by NWS 91.7, KOSU, Crazy public radio with normal programming 90.1, KUCO, classical, normal programming amid `Performance Oklahoma` 89.7, gospel huxter House music station way up here in Ponca City, KJTH, surprised to find running KFOR wx, and also on // 88.5 KZTH, which is in the OKC area, Piedmont 1000, KTOK with KFOR 4 [RF 27] 640, KWPN Moore, with weather from somewhere, instead of sports! 1520, KOKC with KWTV 9 [RF 39] 1640, KZLS running NWS advisory the one time I check Other OKC MW stations were either off by now or inaudible in the noise and/or skywave interference level: 890, 1140, 1220, 1340, 1460, 1560. I never recognized KOKH Fox 25 [RF 24], or KOCO ABC 5 [RF 7] on any of the radio stations, but later on KGOU website see that they teamed up with KOCO, on 106.3/105.7 etc., normally not audible directly here. KWTV put uninterrupted CBS programming on KSBI 52 [RF 23] well into Letterman, then for the rest of his show ran on both channels, with some weather interruptions. KFOR NBC programming got lost, but maybe they will put the primetime shows on a few overnights later. Next morning they stayed with Today Show, since they have their own local morning show at same time on KAUT 43 [RF 40]. Regular co-host Emily Sutton was there after having been out stormchasing last night. KOCO might have put ABC programming on its 5.2, but not noticed doing so until aftermath coverage the next morning at 1330 UT, referring us to that for GMA, temporarily replacing MeTV: first time I`ve caught them doing this (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1020, May 7 at 0057 UT, KOKP Perry is still off; expected to be back on by May 6 after a sesquiweek absence. But it is back at seeming full strength, May 7 by 2126 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1120, May 7 at 0057 UT check, KEOR/KETU is off as far as I can tell in the storm noise. May 7 at 2126 UT, in storm noise I do detect a carrier from its azimuth (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 4775, May 7 at 0113, strong local KCRC ESPN weak audio from 1390 is mixing with something else, no doubt 6165 RHC, which is 1390 kHz away from 4775; also a het which is maybe a real SW station, off-frequency R. Tarma, Perú blocked by this external or internal receiver mixing product (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 5980+, May 7 at 0058, JBA carrier, slightly on the hi side as I am still able to detect R. Chaski despite high storm noise level including tornados around OK but not much threatening Enid directly. Since my last check May 2 drew a blank, thought they might have reset the timer, but this signal continues until cutoff at 0110:39*. That`s 50 seconds later than last timing 8 nights earlier, April 29 at 0109:49*, or averaging 6.25 later per (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PUNTLAND. 13800, May 7 at 1250 & 1333, I cannot hear any trace of R. Puntland One today; could anyone? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA. 11905, May 7 at 0115, very poor signal from SLBC, but enough to copy the mistimesignal ending at 0115:11.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN [and non]. 13800, May 7 at 0545, R. Dabanga is very poor tonight due to propagation disturbance/lowered MUF, and hard to hear the 14 tone jamming either 11650, May 7 at 0548, R. Dabanga SID, fair signal still here via Vatican, and Sudanese tone jamming too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. 7365, May 7 at 0120, R. Martí talking about silly baseball game, apparently during live coverage, the continuous crowd noise so loud it`s more of a problem than the jamming! Mentions Cleveland and Chicago, but those two aren`t scheduled to play for another week. If it was Indians, they would be playing Cards tonight. Same situation on // 6030, both Greenville (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1771 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday May 6 after 1315 on WRMI 9955. Also confirmed Wed May 6 at 2100 on WBCQ webcast; too much storm noise to get anything on 7490. The 0330 UT Thu broadcast on WRMI has been canceled, replaced by something from Italy, and 0345 another repeat of Viva Miami --- this time a segment from Media Network Plus interviewing Paul Walker about the NAB con in Vegas. Next WOR time on WRMI 9955 is now Thursday 1130 ex-1230, and I am awake enough to confirm it circa 1145 May 7. But it`s still 1771 as due to all the excitement last night I am not recording 1772 till midday Thursday, and it`s ready for first SW airing at 2100 Thu May 7 on WRMI, confirmed barely audible in more storm noise on 7570, but something else on 15770. By 2125, 7570 had noticeably improved. Next: Fri 2130 WRMI 15770 [and maybe 7570?] Sat 1930v WA0RCR 1860-AM Sun 0315v WA0RCR 1860-AM Sun 2100 WRMI 15770 Sun 2300 WRMI 11580 Mon 0300v WBCQ 5110v Area 51 Tue 1100 WRMI 9955 Wed 0630 HLR 7265-CUSB Wed 1315 WRMI 9955 Wed 1430 HLR 7265-CUSB Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v For all our broadcasts on all media see http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Access to podcasts, latest and previous shows: http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 11920, May 7 at 0058, WRMI is already on with vocal fill music, before nominal *0100 transmitter-3 at 160 degrees, same azimuth as always used on 9955; 0059.5 canned celebrity ID in Spanish by Rubén Guillermo Margenet in Argentina, 0100 music continues yet again instead of any Fámily Radio programming on 11920 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 17610, Tue May 5 at 1957, Brother Scare comments on poor Radio Shack and other ailing businesses, 1958 interrupted as usual two minutes before the hour for ``Jesus is Coming`` harmonious hymn, and off the air at 2000*. Ivo Ivanov had reported April 29 ``upcoming changes`` without any date, at WHRI Angel 6 including replacing 17610 with 17765 but that only applied to certain hours on Sunday and Saturday. I`ve yet to find it on 17765 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Antônio Avelino Convido todos os amigos e amigas Dexistas Convido todos os amigos e amigas Dexistas, Radioescutas e Radioamadores para participar deste evento. http://www.dxclubesemfronteiras.com/concurso_om_2015_dxcsf_regulamento.html Regulamento: 1 – Do início do Concurso: O evento terá início às 00h (UTC) do dia 16/05 e terminará às 23h59min (UTC) do dia 24/05/2015. Abrangendo as frequências de 520 a 1710. 2 - Da participação e inscrição: Os que desejarem participar devem enviar os logs até a data limite que é o dia 05 de junho de 2015. Todos os participantes receberão Certificado de participação. 3 – Do envio: Os relatórios dos logs (escutas) deverão ser enviados para o e-mail: [email protected] colocando como título: "Terceira Semana de Escutas em OM". 4 – Dos relatórios: Os logs (escutas) deverão ser enviados em ordem crescente de horário, ou seja, do primeiro indo até o último, na seqüência. 4.1 – Os relatórios deverão conter: - Número seqüencial; Frequência; - Data; - Horário; Código ITU – código do país onde se encontra a emissora ouvida (um site que divulga a relação das abreviaturas dos países ITU é: http://www.arla.radio-amador.net/ituabrev.htm); - Nome da emissora; - Comentário (detalhes da escuta); - SINPO. 5 – Dos logs (escutas) aceitos: O intervalo entre cada escuta e o respectivo registro deverá ser mínimo de 05 minutos, portanto, para intervalos menores não serão considerados. 6 – Do prazo de entrega: O prazo de entrega (envio) dos relatórios das escutas será até as 23h59min do dia 05 de junho de 2015. 7 - Do Resultado: - O resultado será conhecido dia 13 de junho de 2015. Antonio Avelino – Diretor - DX Clube Sem Fronteiras - Caixa Postal, 77 - CEP – 55002-970 - Caruaru – Pernambuco - Brasil 15 Radiogrupo Sur del Uruguay Activacion Activación de la Estacion “CX 150 ITU” El Radiogrupo Sur de Uruguay y el Museo de Radio "Guglielmo Marconi" van a activar el indicativo especial CX 150 ITU entre los días 15 y 30 de mayo de 2015. La institución se une a la celebración mundial del 150 º Aniversario de la Creación de la itu (UIT Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones mientras asimismo activado su Museo (RGS – 001 y CXA 001) Especialmente para este evento. Las transmisiones de CX 150 ITU serán en todas las bandas (160 metros; y de ondas cortas, incluyendo Warc, y Vhf) y en todos los modos de emisión. Wagner Cancellaro So you want to go on a DXpedition? The 2012 3D2C-Conway Reef DXpedition Team had a number of first time DXpeditioners. I am often asked: What’s it take to get invited to join a Dxpedition? Or I am told “please keep me in mind for future trips”. Participating in DXpeditions is one of the most enjoyable and interesting things I have ever done. The places that you see and the people that you meet are truly fascinating. You may discover as I have, that our world is truly different than our mass media and biased news reporting would have you believe. Prior to my first Dxpedition to IRAQ, I always wondered why it was always the same guys on each team that activated these strange and interesting places. Soon, I learned that each team often builds a core part of the team. These team members are often retired or semi-retired and are able to travel with little notice. They also bring other skills to the team such as solid and reliable work ethic, a “can do” attitude, they are likely to be very strong operators and able to operate for long periods of time often under harsh conditions. They are often willing to operate in any mode, any time. They bring a sense of excitement and adventure that adds to the excitement and passion of the team. Some guys are just hard workers. They know what needs to be done and they just get it done. These guys are the back bone of the team and their skills and knowledge are invaluable. It is my opinion that each team should have some new talent or new people to introduce to Dxpeditioning. Dxpeditioning should not be an elitist function and the hobby benefits from finding and developing new players who can later go on and do more activations and eventually form and lead their own teams. This kind of activity can propel Dxpeditioning activity for decades to come. When I am approached by a new comer who wants to join a Dxpedition, I gauge their interest and ability to fit in with a team. I find that sometimes future Dxpeditioners have a unrealistic expectation of what a Dxpedition is like. Those that expect comfort and convenience will bring unrealistic expectations to the table. Cost is a consideration for all of us. Today’s Dxpeditioner can expect to spend $250-$500 a day or more plus their cost to get to and from the Dxpedition meeting point. When building the Dxpedition team, the leaders want to build a team that will be engaged and effective. They will tend to go to their core people first as these people are known for their skills and qualities. The leader knows that he must seek and maintain balance in the skills sets available. I believe that multi-national teams are the most effective teams at meeting the huge global demand for contacts. For that reason, I prefer to build and assemble a team of US, EU, JA and South American members whenever possible. I try to tap into the team members feeling of personal obligation to ensure that his own continent is well covered with contacts made. Never do you want to leave a continent feeling that they did not get access to the Dxpedition team. Strong operating skills are very important to the Dxpedition team. An operator should be strong at CW and/or SSB. Willingness and ability to do multiple modes is a plus. RTTY should not be an afterthought and operators that bring skills such as rapid rate and expertise with multiple decoders are desirable. Some operators bring extra skills to the team, such as the ability to effectively troubleshoot PC & network issues. Expertise in logging programs such as N1MM, Wintest and Writelog are quite desirable. Skills in gathering log data and performing satellite uploads are very beneficial. We are often impressed by those that have the right attitude and the aptitude to succeed. Skills can be developed, honed and improved but they must be coupled with the right attitude along with the aptitude to succeed. There have been countless times when I have been asked “Please keep me in mind for a future trip”. Quite often when I contact those people I find that they are dreamers and not really engaged in becoming a Dxpeditioner. They are not prepared to take the time away from their work and family or prepared for the cost of the Dxpedition. The men that say “yes” time and time again are able to live the dream and enjoy the fun. So when you look at the various Dxpedition websites and see the makeup of the team, know that could be you going on the adventure, but only after you have aligned your expectations with those of the team and you have made your skills and abilities attractive to the team leader as he builds and assembles his team. The future of Dxpeditioning needs new blood. If you wish to join the ranks of DXpeditioners start getting ready now so that you are prepared to say yes when that call comes. What do you think? 16 José Miguel Romero Radio Belarus International sets up club of friends for Chinese broadcast MINSK, 6 May (BelTA) – Radio Belarus International has created a club of friends for Chinese broadcast. It is aimed at spreading information about the Belarus-Chinese cooperation in the international media space and promoting Radio Belarus' broadcasts in the Chinese language, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian state TV and radio company. “It is important to tell the Chinese people about our country, about the bilateral cooperation and the joint projects. When we learn more about each other, we understand each other better. Our programs are also designed for those Chinese citizens who live, study and work in Belarus,” Chief Director of Radio Belarus Naum Galperovich noted. In his words, the club of friends for Chinese broadcast should become a kind of coordination center uniting all the Belarus-China organizations that operate in Belarus. The management board of the club will include employees of Radio Belarus and the Chinese Embassy in the Republic of Belarus, representatives of the Belarus-China Friendship Society, the Confucius Institutes, and the Chinese communities and student associations in Belarus. Radio Belarus started broadcasting internationally in 1962. It offers programs in eight languages. The Chinese section is the youngest and the most promising one. The program Your Friend Belarus has been aired twice a week since 2013. The project features news bulletins and a section on culture and education about renowned Belarusian people, sites, and cultural traditions. The program pays special attention to the Belarus-China cooperation and the life of Chinese students and specialists in Belarus. http://eng.belta.by/all_news/society/Radio-Belarus-International-sets-up-club-of-friends-for-Chinese-broadcast_i_81487.html Jorge Isacc García Rangel Alfonso Montealegre: Radio Nederland Ya Es Historia. Quienes tuvimos la suerte de practicar el hobby de la escucha de las emisoras internacionales a través de la Onda Corta, gran parte de sus secretos se lo debemos a este Señor: Alfonso Montealegre Moure, y a su pareja Jaime Báguena García. Ellos dos sin duda alguna y sin desmerecer el excelente trabajo que por años hiciesen todos sus colegas de Radio Nederland Wereldomroep, su basta experiencia en la producción de programas como Radio Enlace ( por más de 30 años), fueron una referencia invaluable para quienes amamos la radio. He aquí una entrevista hecha después de casí 3 años de la mejor emisora internacional del mundo, como lo fue Radio Nederland Wereldomroep. http://germanposada.com/?p=1375 Siendo aún un niño Alfonso Montealegre recibió como regalo de su padre un radio de marca “PYE”, este obsequio despertó en él un interés muy especial por la magia de la radio y en particular por el fascinante mundo de la onda corta con el cual soñó un día pertenecer. Su espíritu aventurero y su pasión por la radio lo llevaron a establecerse desde muy joven en Holanda, país en donde estudió periodismo y desarrolló una fructífera carrera radial convirtiéndose en figura prominente de Radio Nederland, entidad en donde conocería al destacado periodista colombiano Jaime Salcedo quien le sirvió de puente para ingresar a la sección en español de la televisión alemana (Deutsche Welle, TV) en donde también ejerció el periodismo por espacio de 18 años. Seguramente el nombre de Alfonso Montealegre no aparezca en la lista de las figuras destacadas de la radiodifusión y la televisión de Colombia pero en cambio si en la del mundo entero en donde a través de la onda corta dejó un legado y una huella imborrable en la mítica radio pública de Radio Nederland. Oscar Buendía Guía alternativa del fmlist, per a Catalunya 87,5 87,5 87,5 87,5 87,5 87,5 87,5 87,5 87,6 87,6 87,6 87,6 87,6 87,6 87,6 87,6 87,7 87,7 Off BAR APE Off GAF Off GAF Off TAR BAR Off MAR Off MAR AEM Off CBA RIP SEL GIR PSO CBA REB AEM BAR IND Mun REL IND MUN PIR RL IND CCRTV COM CCRTV GG Mun* CCRTV GG SER COPE GG La Latina FM Ràdio Torroellas Radio Maria Loca FM Ràdio Costa Daurada Ràdio Studio Fem Ràdio Onda 60 Catalunya Música COM Ràdio PORTADORA (Ex iCat FM) RAC1 Ràdio Sarriá Catalunya Informació RAC1 Ràdio Mora d'Ebre COPE-Figueres RAC1 Barcelona C/ de la Ronda 2, 08739-Torrelles de Foix (B) Vilanova i la Geltru (B) Sitges (B) 43839 Creixell (T) Sta. Coloma de Gramenet (B) Josep Plá 28, 08348 Cabrils Urbanización Alella Park. Alella (B) Portbou (G) Montblanc (T) Camprodón (GI) Lloret de Mar (GI) Firal 62,17840 Sarriá de Ter (Gi) Pic de l'Orri(L) Montblanc (T) Antoni Anselmm 7,43770 Mora d'Ebre (T) Ctra.Nacional II 58,17600 Figueres (Gi) Barcelona 17 637 17 88 72 / 972.170540, Fax 972.171490 977.400.510 932.704.400 Ricardo Solano "Participación en consulta ante el Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones" Tema por XE1GPF Hertz Alan hoy Miércoles 06 de Mayo del año en curso en el "Boletín Tecnológico ARJAC" De lo que trata el tema: El Consejo Directivo de la FMRE hace patente su reconocimiento a los radioaficionados mexicanos que se han expresado ante el IFT por el desafortunado proyecto de Lineamientos para el otorgamiento de concesiones. Es muy importante que se continúe con esta actividad. No se pierda de vista que es una consulta pública, no solo dirigida a radioaficionados. De tal forma, pidan ustedes a todos los grupos y organizaciones con quienes han colaborado y que en algún momento se han beneficiado de nuestra práctica que también se manifiesten; hablamos de Protección Civil, Scouts, etc. En tanto, la FMRE hace lo propio con diversas autoridades y organizaciones nacionales e internacionales. Asimismo, si tienen acceso a medios de comunicación también manifiesten la oposición de nuestra comunidad al proyecto. El argumento base de todo es que la radioafición es un servicio personal y sin fines de lucro y no se le debe dar trato de servicio comercial. Los argumentos base que la FMRE está utilizando se han distribuido por medio de las redes sociales. Les pedimos se adhieran y agreguen sus comentarios personales. No tiene sentido quedarse callado Eduardo Miranda Em nome de Cabreuva DX ZW2WCA AGRADECIMENTO. Em nome de Cabreuva DX gostaria de agradecer a todos que de alguma forma nos ajudaram nas duas ativações/expedições á PW2C ilha do Cambriú e ZW2WCA ilha de Cananeia. Tive o prazer e a honra de operar na ilha de Cananeia mas o objetivo principal foi prestar suporte ao pessoal do grupo na ilha de Cambriu e manter nossas esposas e familiares (via Whats up) sempre informados com as noticias que me chegavam via radio deles. (mantivemos um canal direto em VHF entre Cananeia e Cambriú. A ilha de Cambriu, reserva florestal Estadual Tupiniquim é desabitada (exceto por Jararacas, muitas formigas e insetos). MEU MUITO OBRIGADO Ao amigo PU2XIZ Willian Santólica que por um motivo muito especial precisou abortar sua ida ás expedições/ativações (ficou Papai de ultima hora). Mesmo não estando conosco sem sua ajuda nos spots e informações não teríamos atingido nosso objetivo. Ao amigo PY2DS Murilo que me ajudou na instalação dos equipamentos em Cananeia antes do grupo chegar e também operou ZW2WCA na primeira noite. Aos amigos PY2AE Pera, PY2VOX Ricardo, PU2KKE Joao e PU2KFL Flavio pelo empenho, determinação e por terem confiado a mim esta responsabilidade. Á todos os grupos DXs do Brasil e internacionais que divulgaram nosso evento pelo mundo antes e durante as operações. Aos amigos radioamadores que nos acompanharam e participaram “fechando” o tão esperado contato conosco. Á aqueles que tentaram e não conseguiram devido ás condições de propagação e também dos pile-ups (centenas de radioamadores tentando ao mesmo tempo fazer contato conosco). Foi uma loucura! mas valeu cada segundo. E em especial aos amigos PY1FC Eduardo Miranda/RJ e Rudolf Walter Grimm/São Bernardo do Campo que não mediram esforços para nos ajudar divulgar o evento. ZW2WCA fechou o score com 645 contatos com radioamadores de 41 países/entidades. EQUIPAMENTOS UTILIZADOS Radio Yaesu FT-897D (filtro INRAD SSB), microfone Yaesu MD-100, Antena MFJ 1625 balcony (com algumas alterações que eu fiz no sistema de radiais) instalada em condições não muito favoráveis. 73 DX de PU2POP Joao Paulo - ZW2WCA Cananeia Island com Murilo Rodrigues, Marcelo Pera, João Carlos Vieira, Flavio Cabrero,Ricardo De Paula, PU2XIZ Willian, Eduardo Miranda e Rudolf Grimm José Miguel Romero Radio Amateurs & Shortwave Broadcasters Assist Nepal Earthquake Relief http://www.radiosurvivor.com/2015/05/04/radio-amateurs-shortwave-broadcasters-assist-nepal-earthquake-relief/ In the days since the disastrous earthquake in Nepal amateur radio operators have been lending critical communications assistance, especially in places where power, telephone, wireless and internet service has been interrupted. Nepal has only 99 licensed amateur radio operators, which is why hams from other countries have traveled to the country to help. The country’s government reportedly is trying to speed approval for international radio amateurs to transmit legally. Otherwise, only those working with official government rescue teams are authorized. On Monday the Computer Association of Nepal-USA called on the Nepal government to release amateur radio equipment that is currently being held in customs. Amateur radio transceivers can operate at low power levels using gasoline generators, batteries, or even hand-cranked generators, while still broadcasting over relatively large distances. Transmitting in morse code, rather than audio, also improves power efficiency. This makes ham radio particularly well suited for emergency communications. Nepalese and foreign operators have been maintaining both local and international lines of communication. Operators based in neighboring countries like India and China have been monitoring transmissions from Nepal and relaying messages to and from the rest of the world. Many of these are from families checking on and reporting the welfare of relatives. 18 Amateur radio operators coordinate through the International Amateur Radio Union and national groups which do a significant amount of advance planning for disaster response. According to the IARU one Nepalese ham has even been using the slow-scan TV protocol to send images over shortwave to relief groups. On Sunday Greg Mossup, an Emergency Communications Coordinator with the IARU, talked with the CBC for a story on the communications situation in Nepal. He explained that radio amateurs work with government emergency services agencies to plan for critical emergency response. He also noted that the engineering expertise of hams makes them a valuable asset when working with search and rescue teams, especially with regard to repairing and restoring communications infrastructure. Shortwave broadcasting also provides a critical lifeline to people in Nepal. The BBC World Service has expanded English and Nepalese broadcasts to Nepal and Northern India. Guam-based Christian shortwave station KTWR announced a daily 1-hour block of programming for Nepal containing, “disaster relief counseling, teaching, and music breaks.” Glenn Hauser Logs May 4-5, 2015 ** ALBANIA [and non]. 9850, May 5 at 0130, R. Tirana opening English with usual low audible heterodyne from presumed China; poor in noise level. A listener in Sharjah at the same time reports interference from something in Hindi, but Noel Green thinx it must have been Tibetan from Qinghai, China, as scheduled. R. Tirana management still hasn`t agreed to shift to 9855, which we could have recommended in the first place for A-15 had we known the ChiCom would mess up 9850. Cooperating with Albania over the Cërrik SW relay is no guarantee against collisions like this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 11765v, May 5 at 0612, as I tune by ``misericórdia`` (mercy) is the first and only word I hear from defunct David Miranda or is it an imitator of his silly wailing style? Poor signal from SRDA Curitiba, the only ZY audible on 25m now besides Brasília 11745 & 11780 & 11815 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 11815 & 11745, May 5 at 0612, cracking spur music from 11780.1v RNA/RNB, both in clear as no RBC to be heard on 11815+. Probably signs off earlier if it`s still active (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 18980, May 5 at 1352, CNR1 jammer, very poor with flutter. Chex as the Tue & Fri 13-14 landing of RFA Tibetan via Kuwait. 16100, May 5 at 1354, CNR1 jammer, fair; none in the 17s 15265, May 5 at 1355, CNR1 jammer, fair with Taiwan het, // 16100 15115, May 5 at 1355, CNR1 jammer, good with CCI from victim 13980, May 5 at 1356, CNR1 jammer, fair; none in the 14s 13830, May 5 at 1457, CNR1 jammer, poor 12950, May 5 at 1358, CNR1 jammer, good (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 13740, May 4 at 1316, no signal from RHC, but on at next check 1356. 6060, May 5 at 0132, RHC is back in proper language, Spanish, instead of English when last checked during this hour May 1. But now there`s another problem with 6060: intermittent audio dropouts happening very rapidly more than once per second. Wiggle that patchcord! Meanwhile I check the other Spanish frequencies. 5040 is also dropoutty but not as bad as 6060; these are OK: 9535, 9710, 11670, 11760. 11840 modulation is suptorted but not like 6060; 13740 is OK except for some hum and undermodulation; 15230 probably OK but very poor signal level. Recheck at 0139, still IADs on 6060 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. 12070+, May 5 at 0135, R. Cairo in Spanish, VG level but suptorted 11935++, May 5 at 0136, R. Cairo in Spanish, VG level and suported just about the same as 12070, which is unusual as 11935 is often OCDA or JBM; progress? Further off-frequency to hi side than 12070 is 9315, May 5 at 0137, R. Cairo presumed Spanish but open carrier or maybe JBM on fair signal 9965+, May 5 at 0137, R. Cairo Arabic, undermodulated and whine. 13850, May 5 at 0610, R. Cairo, good signal with suptorted Arabic instead of OCDA/JBM as normal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. 7255, May 5 at 0612, good signal in presumed Hausa (or Fulfulde?) from presumed V. of Nigeria. Aoki shows 7255 only in the evenings, while EiBi has Hausa on 7255 only at 0730-0800. HFCC of course has nothing at all from Nigeria. It`s certainly not Minsk in Belarussian, which is on the schedules. I don`t check whether this is off-frequency, but Thorsten Hallmann says it`s Abuja on 7254.9 in English from 1800; while Ivo Ivanov says on 7250.0 it`s Ikorodu in Fulfulde at 2100. WRTH A-15 Update doesn`t cover 7255 at this hour either, but has yet another opinion on 7255 usage (no two sources can possibly agree when it comes to VON): 0730-0800 Aja in Fulfulde, 09-10 Aja in English, 18-20 Iko in English, 20-21 Iko in Fulfulde, 21-22 Iko in Hausa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1020, May 4 at 1850 UT, KOKP Perry is still off. But found this tweet via their not renamed website, http://tripleplaysportsradio.com/ ``Triple Play Sports @TriplePlayRadio 27 April --- 1020AM is out of commission. Sorry for inconvenience. Hope to have it back middle of next week. Until then listen on 105.1, 1580, or online`` So that would be May 6. Still off at 1921 UT May 5. The trio may be /// or split up if there is more than one stupid ballgame at a time (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1120, May 4 at 1852 UT on caradio, Tulsa station with regional Mexican music voice-overs ID with call letters and again 30 minutes later at 1922 UT, so is that the rotation or is it random? They never do legal IDs at hourtop, just ``La Picuda, desde Los Angeles`` which is also the 19 slogan with variations every few minutes thruout the hours. And that was it at 1951, not call letters. It was incredibly hard to copy the letters they are saying in Spanglish, but certainly not `KETU` which is the call for this facility at FCC AM Query! Trying to catch an official sign off, 0128 UT May 5, but appears to be already off as I am getting nothing but KMOX and KTXW. More tries when back on the next morning: only ``La Picuda`` May 5 at 1351 UT, 1354 UT, 1357 UT, 1401 UT. 1403 UT ``lomejorderadio.com`` promo, sounded like, but no such site. Finally at 1405 UT, accented English, ``KEOR, AM 1120, Catoosa, Oklahoma``. So what`s this ``KETU`` business with the FCC? Which is it, really really? (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST0 ** OKLAHOMA. 1210, May 4 at 0555 UT, Guymon with ``Today`s Country, 1210, KGYN`` for northeastern New Mexico, ``from the 90`s till now``. So that is how Today is defined. Still I have no longer heard them utter ``US Country``. But Terry Krueger, FL, reported, ``1210 OKLAHOMA KGYN, Guymon. 1035 May 3, 2015. End of weather forecast from TV Meteorologist, male canned, "US Country, KGYN."`` The TV weather no doubt comes from an Amarillo station (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OMAN. 9500, May 5 at 0140, RSO in Arabic talk, music, undermodulated on proper frequency tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PUNTLAND. 13800, May 5 at 1312, continuous Qur`an from presumed Puntland Radio One on very poor signal via the FRG-7, and barely confirmed on the PL-880 with shorter interior wire as C+USB only; still the same past 1400 but hardly audible by 1430. Back at 1318 UT I checked 7120 for R. Hargeisa, and detected a JBA carrier; at this hour on 7 MHz, always assumed to be long-path, but what about 13 MHz? Likely too, I think. The day before, May 4, I was hearing HOA singing at 1307 and 1335, but not at 1347, while Ivo Ivanov, Blgaria called it ``three hours ONLY prayers``, 1300-1600 on 13800 from Garowe, 20 kW. His accompanying audio-videos were at 1320, 1345, 1420, 1445, 1545. Further May 4 comments from others: Thorsten Hallmann, Germany: ``Apparently still Puntland Radio One at 1730+. Talk and singing women, doesn't sound like prayers. Not very strong but better than earlier in the afternoon.`` S. Hasegawa in Japan: ``Today at 1249 UT fade/in, Koran only till 1548, HOA song and ID in Italian, English and Somali at 1548-1848 s/off on May 4. Poor to Fair Conditions.`` Ivo Ivanov, Blgaria: ``HOA music and ID in English and Somali after 1755 UT`` Dave Valko, PA, HCDX: ``13800, SOMALIA, Puntland Radio One. Found with OC at 1210, then usual IT/EG/Somali ID/contact info routine at 1217:48 and repeated several times until 1224, then M talk in Somali until 1228, and into HoA music. 1242 another ID routine. Another long talk over 1300 ToH, and into Koran from 1307. Really faded badly and nearly gone at 1330. Still barely there at 1420 but then lost completely. Best signal yet today. Peaks here around 1230-1240. A signal popped up several times at 1444 and 1637 (at least), but it could’ve been anything (4 May) 73 Dave Valko, Dunlo, PA, USA, Perseus with 153 foot triangular Delta Loop`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 5110-CUSB, May 5 at 0129, Brother Scare is back on this WBCQ, after missing all last week, when it was not clear whether transmitter outage was the cause or effect. Poor here and // better 7490 WBCQ, which is about one word behind 5110. BS still going on 5110 with fair signal at 0619, presumably until 0700 as originally scheduled Tue-Sat (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1771 monitoring: as I mentioned in previous report, the Area 51 webcast, UT Monday May 4 at 0309 was running silently, and 5109.7-CUSB WBCQ was playing music instead. I normally tune in webcast before 0300 to check on it, but not this time. John Carver in Mid-North Indiana explains further what happened: ``Glenn. Signal was terrible this evening on 5110. WOR started and played for approximately five minutes and then it seemed as if they lost the feed. Dead air for a bit and then music started`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SOUTH CAROLINA [non] ** U S A. 15770, Monday May 4 at 2115 check, WRMI playing continuous music fill, wide variety, and no announcements at all. Latest schedule grid shows Mon & Tue 21-22 as ``Radio France International`, which might imply a spoken English hour relayed (as WRTH Update assumed) rather than Musique which occupies other fragments of the frequency. So at first I assume this too is RFI Musique, but lack of periodic IDs as such from 2135 past 2153, and playing a familiar WRMI fill piece at 2155, `Ode to Joy` on keyboard, 2156 mentioning Council of Europe, spoken bits in English, French, morphing into rap (shudder) belies it`s RFI at all; 2159 Zanotti WRMI ID and off 2200* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 12105, May 5 at 0135, WTWW-3 is off; normally on until circa 0200 with alternate SFAW huxterage to still-on 9475 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1010, May 5 at 0623 UT, two ESPN stations in English, mutually nullable and a few words out of synch, one NW/SE, the other less so --- in all probability my two nearbies, KSIR Brush CO, and KTNZ Amarillo TX as in NRC AM Log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Yellowstone Public Radio webcast (HQ: KEMC Billings MT) Monday May 4 at 1711 UT starting `Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival`, and it`s the current episode as heard yesterday Sunday 1500 UT on KUCO OK. No reply to my note to them about re-re-playing old episode from 2012y until last week, but action resulted. YPR program supposed to start at hourtop but usually runs 5-6 minutes late on webcast; today 11 minutes late! Normal broadcast to web delay is less than a minute, more like half a minute from most stations. Is KEMC on air really running everything so late? Anyhow, good quality stereo webcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VATICAN. 11730, May 5 at 0146, good signal with S Asian accented YL preaching about God and JC, with gospel music breaks at 0147, 0149, outro as having been provoked by Psalm LXXVI; Vatican Radio ID as English to Asia, 0150 ``News`` (church news, that is). This is a 250 kW 00400200 broadcast, 86 degrees from SMG, 20 minutes each of Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. 13870, May 5 at 0606, open carrier with humbuzz, fair with flutter. Only thing scheduled here in Aoki & EiBi is Sound of Hope, 100 watts from Taiwan, and consequently CNR1 jammer: perhaps both in standby mode at the moment, and substituting for 13850 Cairo which is modulating instead of dead air tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 20 Horacio A. Nigro Noticias de la La Galena del Sur El primer camarógrafo de la televisión uruguaya: Jorge Severino. Después de los pioneros experimentos de 1943, a cargo de Juan E. Obiol y Mario Giampietro, respectivamente, continuaron los esfuerzos para instalar definitivamenteun canal de televisión en el Uruguay. a desde 1946, la Asociación Nacional de Broadcasters Uruguayos (ANDEBU), venía acariciando y rastreando proyectos de TV. Primer Hamfest (feria de artículos para radioaficionados) alemán de posguerra. La rendición alemana del 7 de mayo de 1945 marcó el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Cuatro días después, los radioaficionados norteamericanos regresaban ya al aire en las frecuencias asignadas para el servicio en VHF. Europa lo hizo más lentamente. Al igual que en la Primera Guerra Mundial, el Congreso de los Estados Unidoshabía suspendido, durante el conflicto, todas las operaciones de radioaficionados. Una vez que terminó la guerra, el servicio fue reorganizado. Los requisitos de licencia fueron más accesibles y las primeras estaciones fueron escuchadas en onda corta en 1946. En el verano de ese año, ya disponían de todas las bandas asignadas nuevamente desde 3.5 a 30 MHz. Mapa de Cables Submarinos. 2015 En el enlace más abajo se podrá visualizar el mapa realizado en 2015, que rinde homenaje a los cartógrafos pioneros de la era de los descubrimientos, con elementos de la cartografía medieval y renacentista. El diseño es de época, pero los datos son frescos: el mapa representa 299 cablesactivos y planificados, además de latencia y datos de capacidad destacados. Philips Radio, “Sinfonia Industrial” (1931), Joris Ivens. Joris Ivens (1898 Nijmegen – 1988 París), fue undocumentalista holandés, caracterizado por un gran compromiso político. Sus trabajos “demuestran un gran interés socio-político así como una distinguida e innovadora cualidad audiovisual. Ya de joven, Ivens, jugó un papel prominente en la vanguardia cinematográfica internacional debido a las influencias que obtuvo del Expresionismo alemán y de la Vanguardia rusa. En los años treinta se consolidó como un director que utilizaba el medio cinematográfico para reflexionar sobre los acontecimientos a escala global, con temas como el Socialismo Soviético, la Guerra Civil española, la lucha de Indonesia por la independencia y las revoluciones de Cuba y China. “Postes, télégraphes & téléphones”. Diorama para armar. ¿Recuerdas los tiempos de la niñez, cuando las páginas centrales de la revista Billiken o Anteojito, y otras tantas que nos alegraban las tardes y nos instruían sobre las cosas y gentes del mundo, traían una lámina central con un recortable para armar?. En mi época, no existía la cola vinílica ni las barras adhesivas, así que había que pedirle a mamá que nos hiciera engrudo, con agua y harina; y sobre una cartulina, tal como se indicaba en las instrucciones, había que pegar la lámina y luego cuidadosamente recortar cada parte. “El Fin del Mundo”, Camille Flammarion: El futuro visto en 1893. La Fin du Monde (“El Fin del Mundo”), es una novela de ciencia ficción del SigloXIX, sobre un cometa que choca con la Tierra, y que conduce a la muerte gradual de nuestro planeta. El libro fue escrito por el astrónomo francés CamilleFlammarion, publicado por primera vez en 1893, yadaptado al cine en 1931, del que vale destacar que fue originalmente proyectado con un primitivo pero efectivo sistema de sonido estereofónico. ¹ En sus ilustraciones originales –grabados de variosartistas franceses famosos– que fueron escaneadas de laedición húngara (1897), se nos muestra un futuro muy especial, imaginado por los habitantes del planeta viviendo en el Siglo XX. Camión de TV de Exteriores, RCA, NBC. Juguete de los años 50. Camión de TV de Exteriores, RCA, NBC, hecho en hojalata litografiada porYonezawa Toys, a pilas. Japón. 1950s. 23cm. “Yonezawa Toys” (Juguetes) (conocido también como Yone o simplemente Y) fue uno de los fabricantes de juguetes de la posguerra más grandes y prodigiosos de Japón y de los primeros que se involucraron en el creciente mercado de radio control. Argentina. Avisos publicitarios de Casas de Radio (III): Buxton Guilayn Co., y el Ultradyne A8. Importante casa de importación y venta de maquinaria, automóviles y electricidad, ubicada en Suipacha 502, de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, que vendía también aparatos de radiotelefonía, a principios del siglo XX. Instalada inicialmente por Emilio Guilayn, en la ciudad de Bagé, en el sur de Brasil. 1925. El primer Congreso Internacional de Radioaficionados: a 90 años de la creación de IARU. El sábado 18 de abril se celebra un nuevo Día Mundial de la Radioafición, recordando la fundación de la Unión Internacional de Radioaficionados (IARU), en 1925. En 2015 se cumplen 90 años de aquella histórica reunión celebrada en París. De los 25 países que formaron la IARU en 1925, la Uniónha crecido a más de 160 sociedades miembros en las tres regiones del globo. La Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT) integra a IARU en su seno. IARU, que representa los intereses de la Radioafición, tiene más de 3 millones de operadores y radio experimentadores en el mundo. ¹ Don Enrique Legrand y el Día Mundial del Radioaficionado.Publicado el abril 18, 2012 en este mismo blog. Publicado en 1925, 2015, Alemania, Argentina, Brasil, Canadá, Código Morse, Chile, Conferencias, Documentos,EE.UU., Francia, Inglaterra, Investigación, Japón, Los principios, Mis trabajos, Montevideo, Notas de prensa, radio,Radio Aficionados, Radioafición, Radioescucha, radiotelegrafía, Uruguay | Etiquetado 18 de abril, 2015, Amateur Radio, American Radio Relay League, ARRL, BCL, Belin, Broadcast Listeners, Comité Internacional de T. S. H.,CX90IARU, Día Mundial de la Radioafición, Día Mundial del Radioaficionado, Enrique Legrand, Enrique Repetto,Ham Radio, Hiram Percy Maxim, IARU, Marcuse, Maxim, Montevideo Radio Club, Primer Congreso de Radioaficionados, QST, Radio Club Argentino, Radio Club Uruguayo, radioescuchas, UIT, Unión Internacional de Radioaficionados, Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones, Uruguay | 1 comentario Oscar y el “Volksempfänger”. (“El Tambor de Hojalata”, Volker Schlöndorff, 1979). “El Tambor de Hojalata”, es una pelicula del año 1979, del director alemán Volker Schlöndorff. “El día de su tercer cumpleaños es una fecha determinante en la vida de Oscar. No sólo es el día en que toma la decisión de dejar de crecer, sino que recibe su primer tambor de hojalata, objeto que le acompañará el resto de su vida.” ¹ Está basada en la famosa novela homónima del escritor y premio Nobel de literatura alemán, Günter Grass, fallecido el 13 de abril de 2015. Estas oticias y mas, artículos completos, archivos sonoros, escritos y graficos en: www.lagalenadelsur.wordpress.com/ 21 Victoria Sepciu Concurso con premios, “Vacaciones en la casa de Mamá Ruţă con su lanzadera” Queridos amigos, les invitamos a participar en un nuevo concurso con premios, “Vacaciones en la casa de Mamá Ruţă con su lanzadera”, organizado en cooperación con nuestros compañeros de Radio Rumanía Antena de las Aldeas, la emisora pública destinada al entorno rural de Rumanía. Desde la Tierra de Făgăraş, en el centro de Rumanía, ha empezado un proyecto simple e ingenioso que ha hecho famoso en el mundo el nombre de Mândra, una aldea de la zona de Făgăraş, en Rumanía: ”La lanzadera de Mamá Ruţă”. Un objeto casero auténtico, que perteneció a una persona, la fallecida Mamá Ruţă. Se trata de una lanzadera de madera que era utilizada por los tejedores, y que lleva muchos años viajando por el mundo, llevada por gente común y también por personas famosas y fotografiada en varios lugares de todos los continentes. Mamá Ruţă era una mujer sencilla que quiso que su antigua lanzadera de madera con la que había trabajado toda una vida, se marchara de viaje alrededor del mundo. Les proponemos ahora un concurso para invitarles a visitar la aldea de Mândra, el lugar de donde ha salido la lanzadera, y también las hermosas zonas de Făgăraş y Mărginimea Sibiului. Hace 10 años, una anciana de la aldea de Mândra, en el distrito de Braşov, fallecía tras haber trabajado toda su vida en casa con los tejidos. Además de la herencia de tejidos que iba a dejar a sus hijos, nietos y bisnietos, la anciana quiso regalarles una lanzadera. El significado de esta herencia es el siguiente: a causa de los golpes de la vida y de la pobreza, esa mujer nunca había viajado fuera de su pueblo de Făgăraş; por lo tanto, quiso transmitir a las generaciones jóvenes su incumplido deseo de viajar por el mundo. Como homenaje a la memoria de Mamá Ruţă, sus descendientes decidieron llevar la lanzadera a viajar por el mundo, para cumplir así con el último deseo de la anciana. El proyecto ha sido iniciado por su nieta, la actriz Alina Zară, que decide que la lanzadera nunca descanse y que viaje por el mundo, llevada por gente de diversas edades y oficios. Hasta ahora, la lanzadera ha recorrido un millón de kilómetros. Ha estado en los gúlag soviéticos, en Australia, en el Monte Átos, en Alba Iulia (la ciudad donde se proclamó la unión de los territorios habitados por los rumanos, el 1 de Diciembre de 1918), ha viajado en la caja del violín Stradivarius del conocido violinista rumano Alexandru Tomescu a Pekín, ha llegado a los Polos y al Ecuador. En todos estos lugares, ha enviado al mundo un mensaje de paz y solidaridad con los valores más importantes del ser humano. Un requisito para este viaje ha sido presentar los valores de Rumanía, sobre todo de la vida rural rumana, en el marco de algunos acontecimientos organizados por las embajadas de Rumanía o durante diversas manifestaciones culturales de referencia. Dado que representa un símbolo de la artesanía ancestral y de la tradición folclórica, la lanzadera de Mamá Ruţă es considerada un elemento de gran interés que gracias a su gran poder persuasivo puede transmitir el mismo mensaje que un discurso pronunciado ante el público sobre las bellezas de Rumanía. Para poder contestar todas las preguntas del concurso, les invitamos a seguir los programas de RRI, la página web www.rri.ro y los perfiles de Facebook, Twitter , Google+ y LinkedIn, y responder correctamente, por escrito, a varias preguntas, para ganar el concurso que durará hasta el próximo 15 de julio, fecha del matasellos. Los grandes premios serán dos estancias para dos personas cada una, de 8 (ocho) días y 7 (siete) noches de hospedaje en habitación doble con pensión completa, del 1 al 8 de septiembre de 2015 en pensiones de la zona de Făgăraş (Sâmbăta de Sus), Braşov y Mărginimea Sibiului, distrito de Sibiu. Una estancia de dos personas en habitación doble será para los oyentes de RRI, y la segunda para los oyentes de Antena de las Aldeas. Como de costumbre, el coste del transporte internacional hasta Rumanía corre por cuenta de cada participante, y si es necesario, también el visado para Rumanía. Y ahora las preguntas: 1. ¿De dónde ha salido „La lanzadera de Mamá Ruţă” para recorrer el mundo? 2. ¿Cuántos kilómetros ha recorrido la lanzadera? 3. ¿Cómo se llaman las zonas que visitarán los ganadores del Gran Premio? 4. Nombren 5 aldeas o lugares especiales por donde „ha viajado” la lanzadera salida de Rumanía. Les rogamos nos comuniquen qué les ha determinado participar en el concurso y por qué siguen los programas de RRI en onda corta o en internet. Nuestras coordenadas son las mismas: Radio Rumanía Internacional - calle General Berthelot nr. 60-64, sector 1, Bucarest PO Box 111, código 010165 - fax 0040.21.319.05.62 e-mail [email protected] Pueden contestar hasta el próximo 15 de julio, fecha del matasellos. Los ganadores del Gran Premio serán anunciados inmediatamente después del cierre del concurso para que puedan preparar su viaje a Rumanía. ¡Les deseamos mucho éxito! - Victoria Sepciu Rickie Matthews Escuchas 1120 WBT Charlotte North Carolina 0030 local news -fair signal Richmond Va,PL-310ET w/port.ant 13660 BBC WS from Ascension with Science in Action -how weather and different areas of the world affect your genes and health-automated (driver-less) tractor-trailer testing in Nevada,1932-1959 sign off -fair signal Richmond ,Va PL-310ET w/portable ant. 15120 Voice of Nigeria 0615 -0635 English Nigerian music program with an interview -fair signal and increasing ,ET -310ET Richmond Va WRMI Summary of recent listener correspondence April 2015 Selected comments from recent listener correspondence Fort Worth, Texas, USA (Eddie Matney) – On 9955 kHz at 2314 UTC, I could hear Radio Libertad Spanish program to Cuba. St. Albert, Alberta, Canada (Richard Lemke) – I heard Blues Radio International on 9955 kHz. Great program and excellent website. I sure enjoy you posting all the songs and names of the singers. I enjoyed the quality of the songs. I am still a shortwave listener and I enjoy the radio more than the computer. Jazz from the Left is also an excellent program. Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA (Carl Demmin) – I heard Brother Stair on 9955 kHz. Reception quality was S9, very good. I enjoyed the broadcast today. Portland, Oregon, USA (Soren Hackley) – I heard a religious talk program on 7570 kHz. Reception is very good. The programming is interesting as well as educational. I listen to WRMI whenever I can receive a clear signal. I listen often. 22 Barinas, Venezuela (Ing. Santiago San Gil) – Placer y gusto en saludarlos desde Barinas, al suroeste de Venezuela, donde tuve la dicha de captar sus transmisiones de prueba de Radio Taiwan Internacional. Desde la distancia quiero felicitar a todo su equipo de produccion por su programacion en l;a onda corta — 11920 kHz — via WRMI Radio Miami Internacional desde Okeechobee. SINPO 55555. Tengo 54 anos. Soy Ingeniero Ambiental, ademas locutor del programa America en Antena que se emite por Radio Mundo 88.9 FM. Ademas en la actualidad coordino un grupo de Facebook llamado “Cadena DX” que agrupa a casi 300 diexistas del mundo. Padre Hurtado, Chile (Jorge Andres Zuniga) – En 7730 kHz escuche la transmision de Family Radio y Radio Taiwan Internacional con SINPO 44434. Camana, Arequipa, Peru (Francisco Llerena Vega) – Escuche Viva Miami sobre una visita por el parque de Disney World y sus principales atracciones. Clinton, Tennessee, USA (Noble West) – I wish to report reception of WRMI on the frequency 9955 kHz at 0300 UTC Saturday with my Tecsun PL380 receiver. Springfield, Ohio, USA (Harry Smith) – I heard Global 24 on the first day at 0319 UTC with SIO 555. Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil (Cailo Roberto Costa) – I am a listener of WRMI broadcasts every evening here in Brazil. I usually listen for several hours. I usually set my radio to WRMI on 9955 kHz. I live in southeastern Brazil in the state of Sao Paulo. I am 67 years old, retired, a former radio man and airline cabin steward. Also a longtime shortwave listener. Panama City, Panama (Victor Gutierrez) – Es de mucha alegria ponerme en contacto con Uds. y dejarles saber que la senal por los 7730 kHz se esta escuchando muy bien. Valle de Chalco Solidaridad, Mexico (Luiz Gerardo Perez Loyola) – Sintonice a WRMI en 5985 y 7730 kHz con los programas Walking in Power, Family Radio en espanol y Blues Radio International. Akita-ken, Japan (Hisataka Fukuda) – I heard WRMI on 7570 kHz . I am 39 years old and I am a technical worker. St. Albert, Alberta, Canada (Richard Lemke) – I heard another program of Blues Radio International on 9395 kHz at 0430 UTC. I also heard the Shortwave Shindig broadcast from Pennsylvania on 7570 kHz. Portage, Michigan, USA (Thomas) – I heard WRMI on March 10 on 5850 kHz at 1:27 am Eastern Time. Great signal, interesting programming. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Kanwar Sandhu) – I heard your station today and it was nice to hear it for the first time. I hope to hear more of your programs in the future., I am 61 years old. My hobbies are music, sports, radio and of course shortwave listening. I live in Winnipeg, which is the capital city of the province of Manitoba in Canada. I heard the Radio Canada International 70th anniversary special from PCJ Radio on March 16. Horseheads, New York, USA (Cliff Jones) – Moments ago I was awakened to a rather haunting vocal piece on your 5850 kHz signal. It immediately preceded your station ID. This music had its own haunting beauty. Can you please tell me the name of the song and vocalist you were playing at that time? Asti, Italy (Gianluigi Naj) – I had great pleasure in listening to Wavescan on Radio Miami International. The reception on 9955 kHz is often good at 2330 UTC, although Europe is not the target area. I’m 62 and live in Asti, well known for the wine and sparkling wine Asti Spumante and good food and hills. Moscow, Russia (Andy) – I wish you the very best. I do apologize for sending reports less frequently. Crisis and sanctions are largely responsible for this. I have to dedicate more time to work and less to pleasure. Bayamo, Cuba (Maria del Carmen Ramirez) – He estado escuchando algo esta semana en la frecuencia. Queria que por favor los domingos hicieran como hicieron este de ayer, que escuche la palabra de Dios bien tempranito, Buscando La Verdad, Una Sola Fe, con el hermano Luis Camacho, y em fue de bendicion. Ayer no pude ir a la iglesia, pero al escuchar el programa fue como si hubiera ido. Por favor incluyen mas programas evanvelicos en la frecuencia, y principalmente los domingos en la manana en espanol. Morley, West Australia, Australia (Peter Goldfinch) – I had the pleasure to receive your broadcast of EU Network News from 2300-2315 UTC on 11580 kHz. I enjoyed listening to your news review and hope to be able to receive it regularly. It was interesting to hear about the 60 archeologists who are conducting an excavation in London. I also enjoyed the interview with Sarah Willingham concerning the 3.4 billion pounds that UK residents are wasting on their energy bills. My reception of your broadcast was very good. Signal strength was excellent. I am 52 years old and am employed at a hospital for spinal injured here in Perth, which is the capital city of Western Australia. I thoroughly enjoyed your program and I am looking forward to trying some of your other frequencies during the day and evening. Your broadcast was really interesting and informative. Spirovo, Russia (Alina Malakhova) – Good afternoon. Every morning when I wake up I listen to your radio. It gives me energy and good mood for the whole day. My whole family also listens to your radio. XingHua City, Jiangsu Province, China (Li Hua) – I heard Radio Slovakia International. The signal quality was fair, and I was interested in what was broadcasted. As a serious shortwave listener, I like to listen to world radio stations. Cookeville, Tennessee, USA (Benjamin Bilyeu) – I just wanted to send you a note to let you know that you have a great station! I am 42 years old, and have been listening on and off to shortwave radio since the late 1980’s. I am a third grade teacher here in Cookeville, Tennessee, and I try to incorporate shortwave into my social studies lessons. My students are always interested to see the QSLs and other items I have received from stations around the world. I really enjoy the programs you carry such as those from Radio Prague and Radio Slovakia, the EU News Network, Blues Radio International, Wavescan, World of Radio and the new program from Hobart, Australia. This morning from 1300-1345 UTC I tuned in on 9955 kHz and listened to the EU News Network and World of Radio. Your signal was loud and clear. The SINPO was 55545. I enjoy tuning in to your station every day. It’s too bad that Radio Taiwan only broadcasts in Spanish on your station. They had excellent English programs, and it would be great if they could be heard again. I also enjoyed listening to the mix of programs on Global 24. Locorotondo, Italy (Cataldo Laddomada) – I heard Studio DX at 0300 UTC on 9955 kHz. I’m a big fan of the world of telecommunications. I work with a local radio station that broadcasts in FM. Huelva, Espana (Jose Macias Macias) – El locutor estaba hablando del encuentro de Jesus resucitado con dos hombres a los que invito a comer, segun el evangelio de San Lucas. Encuentro vuestra programacion como un apoyo a los cristianos. Stanley, North Carolina, USA (Neale) – I heard Brother Stair’s Overcomer Ministry on 7570 kHz. The reception quality was 60 dB over S9! Good programming, Good signal as always. Granma, Cuba (Jorge Verdecia) – Gracias por tocar nuestras puertas para pasar un buen rato en compania de sus transmisiones. Escuche esta manana su programa Viva Miami, sobre el viaje que realizaron por los paises arabes. Las QSL’s de su emisora son muy llamativas. Desde Cuba, su fiel amigo y oyente. 23 Huancavelica, Peru (Odilon Ramos Boza) – Ante todo mis saludos cordiales desde la distancia y hacer extensivo a todos los que hacen posible las emisiones en español. Soy un asiduo oyente con mas de 30 años en este mundo, un aficionado a la onda corta. Toda mi vida la pase escuchando la onda corta. North Olmstead, Ohio, USA (Steve Sydorwicz) – I heard English sports coverage of football on 9955 kHz. Great signal. Thanks for keeping shortwave alive. Portland, Oregon, USA (Soren Hackley) – I heard a religious show on 7570 kHz. WRMI’s programming is educational, informative and entertaining, and I listen to it whenever I can receive a signal. The reception for WRMI in Portland is at its peak during the evening and overnight hours. Boston, Massachusetts, USA (Jeff Demers, Global 24 Radio) – Our program on 11825 kHz was audible from Los Angeles to Moscow. Impressive! Allendale, Michigan, USA (Mitch Johnson) – I heard The Rain Report on 9955 kHz. I’m glad to hear The Rain Report on shortwave. WRMI provides a valuable service with a truly international focus. Some of the programs I can listen to open my eyes to cultural things in other countries that I was not aware of before. Greenwood, Indiana, USA (Jay Chrisman Sr) – I heard the Overcomer on 7570 kHz, so strong I had to add attenuation and the signal is still 20 dB+ over S9. Kudos to engineering staff! This is one of my favorite shortwave stations and I listen often. Keep up the good work guys and gals! Belfast, Northern Ireland (Andy Elliott) – I heard you on 11580 kHz with my portable radio and rod antenna. Lake Grove, New York, USA – I heard a jazz program. Super strong till 0300 UTC. Excellent jazz done by an expert. Mar del Plata, Argentina (Jose Lijo Lopez) – I heard EU News Network on 9955 kHz about relations with North Korea. Varied and entertaining programming. Barranquilla, Colombia (Nelson Contreras Rincon) – Desde Barranquilla al norte de Colombia les escribo para enviarles un caloroso saludo y mis mejores deseos. Adjunto les envio un informe de recepcion de Radio Eslovaquia. Tlaltenango, Zacatecas, Mexico (Ivan Istlahuaca) – Los quiero felicitar por su excelente programacion y por su excelente labor para mantener viva la onda corta. Todos los dias estoy monitoreando su señal. El 21 de marzo escuche su programa sobre sitios turisticos en el medio oriente y su experiencia al festival del incienso. Welsum, The Netherlands (E.J. Zijlstra) – I heard a transmission of WRMI on 9955 kHz with digital images. Veurne, Belgium (Hugo Matten) – I have much pleasure in informing you that I heard the digital broadcast from WRMI on 9955 kHz with an imagine in the MFSK32 mode. I’m 62 years old and live in a little village near Veurne in Belgium. That’s about 10 km from the border with France and 10 km from the North Sea coast. I work at a hospital as a technician. I have listened to remote radio stations on shortwave for 32 years now. I am very proud of having been able to hear this special broadcast on WRMI. Bend, Oregon, USA (KG7AV) – Ar 0409 UTC on 9955 kHz I heard a religious program. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Doug Copeland) – I picked up WRMI broadcasting Radio Ukraine International in English at 2330 UTC on 11580 kHz. Agazzano, Italy (Carlo Prazzoli) – I heard Radio Africa with Jack Van Impe Presents and Vision for Christ on 17790 kHz. Bogota, Colombia (Rafael Rodriguez) – Unas cortas lineas para enviarles un reporte a la transmision en modo digital realizada esta manana. Les envio copia de la imagen. Ryazan, Russia (Dmitriy Kutuzov) – I heard Global 24 news with a female voice. Dolo, Italy (Dario Gabrielli) – I live in the north of Italy. I listen to radio stations around the world with my two radio receivers, Sangean ATS 989 and Degen DE 1129. You broadcast various times a DX program presented by Roberto Scaglione in Italian. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (Mike Stapp) – I thought you would like to see the digital ID from WRMI that I received on March 28. SINPO 44444. Centreville, Virginia, USA (Mark Braunstein) – Good copy on the digital image. Rochdale, Lancashire, United Kingdom (Alan Gale) – Very good reception of your data test on 9955 kHz here in northwest England this morning. The religious programme just prior to the test was audible too. I can find Wavescan later this afternoon. I usually listen to it on 11750. Wakayama, Japan (Tomoaki Wagai) – I heard The Overcomer Ministry on 9955 kHz at 0800 UTC. I think it’s still early. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (Ron Wenig) – Good copy of the Sunday 1030 broadcast here near Philadelphia. Irmo, South Carolina, USA (Jeb Horton) – I am pleased to report my reception of Radio Ukraine International via WRMI on 11580 kHz. Signal 4, very clear. Thessaloniki, Greece – (Merkouris Gogos) – I would like to report reception of last night’s digital WRMI identifications. I would greatly appreciate receiving your QSL card. WRMI Radio Miami International - 10400 NW 240th Street - Okeechobee, Florida 34972 USA Tel +1-305-559-9764 Fax +1-863-467-0185 www.wrmi.net Gilvan Souza Costa Escuchas 1176 1220 9510 11670 11710 11805 13740 15120 14-05-15. 44444.15.00RADIO DEUS E AMOR SP TX TESTEMUNHOS DE OUVINTES. SINAL FORTE..RX TECSUN.ATENA LOVGVIRE GSC radio GLOBO RJ \07/05/15/0055/TX COMENTARIOS SOBRE JOGOS.RX MOTOGLOB Escutas 02/05/15/4444/2134/r.nova de paz pr.tx pregaçao igreja batista pr.rx tecsun.gsc 22/04/15/ 4444-120/R.HAVANA CUBA.CB.TX NOTICIAS SOBRE MX LOCAL SOBRE JAZZ.ID LOCAL ESP.RX TECSUN.DX ARACUAI MG GSC 28.04/15/ 45444.0017/RAE ARGENTINA .TX NOTICIAS CONEXAO PORTUGUES.ID POR RX TECSUN.GSC 22/04/15/4444/1:31/R RRFI FR TX JORNAL LOCAL EM FRA .PP OM.RX PL600-DX ARA MG GSC. 14.05-15- 02-03-00-R HAVANA CUBA,TX JORNAL LOCAL ID CH.TX INTERVALO.RX TECSUN.SINAL BOM 28.04.15. 0021.445444/RADIO INTERNACIONAL DA CHINA.CRI.TX COMENTARIOS SOBRE AL.ID ESP.RX PL600/SINAL FORTE.ATENA LONGVIRE 15190 28.04.15. 0030.45444/RADIO INCONFINDENCIA MG BH.TX MX ID INTERVALO.SINAL BOM RX TECSUN.GSC 15230 01\04/15/ 44444/1:00/RADIO HAVANA CUBA .TX NOTICIAS LOCAL .SINAL MEDIO .DX ARACUAI MG RX PL600/ 24 Allen Willie Escuchas 549 549 549 684 693 864 864 873 882 909 981 999 999 1008 1008 1026 1044 1053 1089 1116 1150 1161 1170 1179 1179 1188 1206 1215 1224 1242 1269 1296 1314 1320 1340 1341 1377 1386 1390 1390 1413 1420 1422 1430 1440 1503 1521 1548 ALGERIA - Jil FM Hamadouche 00:40 UTC w/ pop music vocals in Arabic, talk, ID ALGERIA - Jil FM Sidi Hamadouche 1:10 UTC w/ song pop vocals in Arabic , ID's (Very strong signal into Newfoundland currently , no sign of parallel signal on 531 kHz though ) ALGERIA - Jil FM, Hamadouche 00:20 UTC w/ music, Arabic talk, ID SPAIN - Radio Nacional de Espana , Sevilla 23:55 UTC two men in Spanish conversation UNITED KINGDOM - BBC Radio 5, various 00:15 UTC w/ military and budget talk FRANCE - France Bleu, Villebon-sur-Yvette 00:05 UTC French vocals , Jingle ID FRANCE - France Bleu , Villebon-sur-Yvette 1:20 UTC w/ French and English pop songs, Jingle ID's , promos in French SPAIN - SER Radio, various 23:55 UTC Spanish talk by man and woman UNITED KINGDOM - BBC Radio Wales, various 23:40 UTC w/ various mx, talk , ID UNITED KINGDOM - BBC Radio 5 , various 23:15 UTC w/ talk about government , ID ALGERIA - Chaine 2 , Ouled Fayet 23:45 UTC w/ teletalk in Arabic SPAIN - COPE Madrid 23:00 UTC w/ commentary in Spanish , ID SAUDI ARABIA - BSKSA Al Quran al-Karim 23:15 UTC w/ chants CANARY ISLANDS - esRadio Las Palmas 23:00 UTC w/ woman in Spanish , ID CANARY ISLANDS - es Radio Las Palmas 22:40 UTC w/ Spanish commentary, promos, ID (Strong signal on AM radio into Newfoundland this evening ) IRAN - IRIB Radio Iran, Tabriz 00:15 UTC w/ chants SPAIN - SER San Sebastian 22:55 UTC w/ man in Spanish LIBYA - Radio Libya , Tripoli 00:45 UTC w/ long talk by man in Arabic, mentions of Libya (signal over top of Talksport - UK tonight ) UNITED KINGDOM - Talksport Radio , various 22:55 UTC w/ promos, ads, ID SPAIN - SER Radio, Pontevedra 23:50 UTC w/ two men in Spanish CKOC - Hamilton, Ontario 7:45 UTC w/ "11-50 CKOC station ID" between songs from Grand Funk Railroad " Some Kind of Wonderful " and Stonebolt with "I Will Still Love You " . RELOG IRAN - IRIB WS Qasr-e-Shirin 00:25 UTC w/ chants SLOVENIA - Radio Capodistria, Beli Kriz 23:45 UTC w/ rock music, Italian talk, ID ROMANIA - Romania Actualitati 00:55 UTC w/ woman in Romanian commentary followed by station ID (Very strong signal into Newfoundland currently ) ROMANIA - Romania Actualitati, various 23:00 w/ news in Romanian by man IRAN - Radio Payam, Tehran 23:50 UTC w/ string instrumental music, Farsi talk FRANCE - France Info, various 23:50 UTC w/ French commentary, ID UNITED KINGDOM - Absolute Radio, various 23:15 UTC w/ pop songs, ID, promos SPAIN - COPE various 23:40 UTC w/ two men in Spanish FRANCE - France Info, various 23:40 UTC w/ French commentary, ID GERMANY - Deutschlandfunk Radio , various 23:20 UTC w/ man in German commentary SUDAN - SRTC Sudan Radio, Reiba 23:20 UTC w/ Arabic talk by man , ment. Sudan SPAIN - RNE Radio 5 , various 22:45 UTC w/ Spanish commentary, ID WCVR - Randolph, VERMONT 7:41 UTC w/ country songs by Alan Jackson, Joe Diffe, ID - "Real Country" WSTJ - St. Johnsbury, VERMONT 7:35 UTC w/ Adult Standards music, ads, ID NORTHERN IRELAND - BBC Radio Ulster 23:00 UTC w/ news FRANCE - France Info 22:40 UTC w/ commentary in French by man, ID LITHUANIA - Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty via Sitkunai Relay 00:10 UTC 4/30/15 w/ Russian language programming Good signal into Newfoundland ( also heard on Ultralight radio as well ) Medium Wave Station # 1430 Ultralight Station # 1315 heard from Newfoundland WCAT - Burlington, VERMONT 7:20 UTC w/ clips of various stand-up comedy, ID , ads WGRB - Chicago, Illinois 8:45 UTC 4/7/15 w/ Gospel songs by Dorinda Clark-Cole, Donnie McClurkin and Tasha Page Lockhart also indicated on their recent played song list at website , ads , promos, Credit PSA, Inspiration 1390 and WGRB ID's AM Station # 1426 Ultralight Station # 1310 USA Station # 425 Illinois Station # 12 SPAIN - Radio Nacional de Espana , various 23:35 UTC w/ Spanish talk, ID WCOJ - Coatesville, Pennsylvania 7:10 UTC w/ Catholic Answers program , ID , promos of Pennsylvania, religious talk, historical talk about context of Genesis I and II, call in discussions EWTN Network , Holy Spirit Radio ( Good signal into Newfoundland.) signal was completely blocking out CKDY Digby, Nova Scotia off and on at times for 1/2 hour ) RELOG (Last time heard July 9, 2014 , it was a new catch then ) ALGERIA - Radio Coran, Ouled Fayet 00:20 UTC w/ chants WNSW - Newark, New Jersey 7:55 UTC w/ EWTN and Relevant Radio mentions, Virgin Mary and teaching of the Gospel talk , promos RELOG (last heard Sep 13, 2014 ) Good signal on peaks into Newfoundland this morning LUXEMBOURG - China Radio Relay , Marnach 22:20 UTC w/ Chinese music , German talk (good signal into Newfoundland tonight ) Receiver: ICOM R-75 w/ 500 foot wire IRAN - IRIB Radio Iran, Bushehr 23:50 UTC w/ chants, Farsi talk SAUDI ARABIA - BSKSA Duba 22:45 UTC w/ Arabic music and talk IRAN - IRIB Radio Iran, various tx 23:20 UTC 4/4/15 w/ Farsi talk by deep voiced man , musical interludes , ment. of Iran ( heard on peaks competing with RASD Algeria/Western Sahara signal bleed over from 1550 khz ) 1575 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Radio Farda 23:35 UTC w/ pop vocals, Persian talk 25 Here are my Top 10 most distant Medium Wave catches from within Newfoundland using Ultralight radios in barefoot mode 1. SWAZILAND - TWR Manzini 1170 khz 11770 kms 2. BOTSWANA - VOA Moepeng Hill 909 khz 11140 kms 3. INDIA AIR Nagpur 1566 khz 10990 kms 4. ARGENTINA - LRA 11 Com Riv 670 khz 10500 kms 5. INDIA AIR Rajkot 1071 khz 10400 kms 6. ARGENTINA - LRA2 Videma 1150 khz 9949 kms 7. ARGENTINA - LU15 R. Videma 800 khz 9949 kms 8. TANZANIA - Radio Free Africa 1377 khz 9923 kms 9. OMAN BBC Relay A' Seela 1413 khz 9789 kms 10.ARGENTINA - LU3 R. Del Sur Bahai 1080 khz 9734 kms Receiver: ICOM R-75 w/ 500 foot / 150 metre wire - Allen Willie VOPC1AA - Carbonear, Newfoundland Jose Ronaldo Xavier Escuchas 4765 5980 6125 6175 6175 7205 9390 9490 9520 9530 9540 9575 9610 9645 9730 9760 9770 9925 9955 9955 9955 5/10 0104 CUB R.Progreso,Bau,in SS; OM:ID,Addr,website;60m to Americas; variety songs,35432. 5/13 0329 AFS Channel Africa,Mey,in EE;px in english;OM:talks;YL:talks;0330 px African Kaleidoscope,nxs of Africa; fair signal and very poor or barely audible modulation,35332 to 35331. 5/5 0233 S IBRA R.,Dhabbaya-UAE,in DA;OM talks in dari lang;mx,YL:talks;0245 a song;YL tlaks,25332. 5/12 0300 VTN VOV,Fur-SC-USA,in SS;IS,ID,programming today;YL/OM: presents news;35433. 5/13 0302 VTN VOV,Fur-SC-USA,in SS;px in spanish;YL/OM:presents a Newsletter; a good cms abt vietnamese community in Czech Republic;ID, 45433. 5/13 0317 SDN R.Republic of Sudan,Alt,in AA;px in arabic lang;mx,OM: talks,35433. 5/6 1923 THA R.Thailand,Udon-Thani,in EE;YL/OM:talks in english;ID,R.Thai-land News,1926 ID,35432. 5/6 1930 USA VOA,Kwt,in FF;OM:talks in french lang;OM/YL:presents Wednesday News-Baltimore conflits;45433. 5/10 0204 ROU RRI,Gal,in SS;YL presents News weekly-Retrospective News; 0220 Club Cultura;0224 Encyclopaedia RRI,ID,45544. 5/11 0300 USA AWR,Nau-D,in TIG;ID in many langs;Voice of Hope,px in Tigrinya lang;OM:talks;mx,YL:talks,35432. 5/6 2036 USA R.Liberty,Udon-Thani-THA,in RR;OM:talks in russian;35432. 5/13 0252 MRC R.Méditerranée Intl.,Nad,in AA;musical px w/arabic moroccan songs;45433. 5/11 2001 USA AWR,Nau-D,in FF;YL:talks abt Bible;OM:rlg preaching;ID, website,45433. 5/14 0133 B R.Bandeirantes,Sao-SP,in PP;px in portuguese;OM:presents aa football game transmission,45433 5/6 2000 VTN VOV,Son,in RR;IS,ID;OM:talks-nxs in russian lang,presumed; 45432. 5/11 2019 USA AWR,Aga-GUM,in RR;px in russian lang;YYL:talks;a rlg song; other song in russian;35443. 5/14 0115 TUR VOT,Emr,in SS;px in spanish;OM:presents news;Thr Press today;YL:ID,website;0117 dx px Buzón:swl correspondence; a song,45433. 5/10 0000 HOL The Mighty KBC,Nau-D,in EE:A musical px in english;songs Years 60,70;beautiful hits;Rock,Pop,Romantics;ID,KBC jingle,45444. 5/11 0242 SVK R.Eslovakia Intl.,Oke-FL,in SS;mx;0245 px Cartas de los Oyentes; Addr,mx,45433. 5/4 0250 SVK R.Slovakia Intl.,Oke-FL-USA,in SS;px "Cartas de los Oyentes";ID,website;a latinoamerican song;at 0300 ID:R.Prague,in english;45433. 5/5 0140 USA WRMI,Oke-FL,in SS;DX spanish program Frecuencia al Día" by Dino Bloise and others SWL participations;45443. 11560 5/3 1824 CHN CNR1,in MAN;continuous and treble instrumental musics;no pause; It´s a classical firedrake,all blocked RFA at this time;35443. 11580 11620 11625 11730 11750 11710 11745 11780 11800 11815 11825 11840 11920 12000 12115 13585 15170 5/10 0145 USA WRMI,Oke-FL,in II; px "Arte Made in Italy";YL/OM: conversation in italian lang; px also on 9955kHz,45433. 5/5 0315 IND AIR,Bgl,in UR;YL:talks in urdu lang;Indian songs,45433. 5/6 1900 ROU RRI,Gal,in SS;IS,ID,RRI sked in spanish;Today programming; Newsletter,RRI 2015 Contest,Sports,45533 5/6 2027 BLR R.Belarus,Msk,in EE;good signal but barely audible modulation; the transmitter has a chronic problem;45431. 5/3 1929 CHN CRI,Jin,in PP;Laura Li presents a px "Gastronomy":today,cms abt a chinese medicinal wine;ID,1843 Chinese Class,55544. 5/13 0228 ARG RAE,Bue,in FF;px in french;YL:talks,News,0230 Bip hour; News of latinamerica;35433. 5/12 0250 USA RFA,Kwt,in TB;px in tibetan lang;YL talks;words:Barak Obama, Pakistan...;no interference by CNR1 this time,today;0258 ç s/off,35433. 5/3 0900 B R.Nac.da Amazonia,Bras-DF,in PP;ID,px Alvorada Brasileira by Edson Nery:SWL by phone,mxs,Anns,45433. 5/13 0235 ROU RRI,Tig,in SS;YL/OM:presents a Romanian Lesson :today,abt Subjunctive Form;0240 From Romanian to the World:today,cms abt the Europe Day and UE foundation and 27 country members commemorations ;45544. 5/5 0254 B R.Brasil Central,Goi-GO,in PP;OM:presents a musical px; omantic mxs;0300 ID,Brasil Central Correspondent-nxs; Br.Central jingle;ID;at 0308,rlg px "Hora Milagrosa",45433. 5/5 0310 ROU RRI,Gal,in EE;YL/OM:presents a newsletter;45544. 5/4 0140 CUB RHC,Hab,in SS; px "En Contacto" by Manolo de la Rosa; ID,Addrs,webpage,45544. 5/10 0134 USA WYFR,Oke-FL,in SS; No talks, only musics all px; No rlg musics;It´s Family Radio (?),45433. 5/11 2214 VTN VOV,Son,in JJ;YL:talks in japanese lang;a song;other japanese song;YL talks in slow japanese;at 2230,start a px in Mandarin;OM talks; good signal and modulation,45444. 5/5 0131 USA RFA,KWT,in BUR;YL/OM:talks in burmese lang;very poor signal and modulation;25432. 5/6 2012 KOR KBS,Dha-UAE,in AA;OM:talks in arabic;ID in english;OM/YL: talks;a korean song,35443. 5/11 1740 USA AWR,Nau-D,in KAB;mx,OM:talks-rlg preaching,presumed; YL:ID,Addr,a rlg song,35432. 26 15190 15190 15190 15230 15260 15275 15370 15390 15415 15500 15570 15690 17550 17640 17730 17800 17885 21690 21690 21560 5/11 0334 B R.Inconfidencia,Con-MG,in PP;px Brazilian popular music, quality songs,ID,0342 s/off,25432. 5/5 0214 USA Brother Stair-TOM,Oke-FL,in EE;rlg preaching;ID,Addr,website, 45443. 5/3 1732 PHL R.Pilipinas,Man,in PIL or TAG;OM:talks in pilipino,filipino or tagalog lang;ID many times;mxs;YL talks,45433. 5/11 2203 CUB RHC,Qui,in SS;RHC News Sce;François Hollande in official visit to Cuba;cms abt the pocket calendar RHC 2015;45544. 5/11 2234 USA RFA,Tini-MRA,in CAN;px in cantonese lang;YL talks;at 2247, QRM by CNR1 in Mandarin,33432. 5/11 1730 D DWelle,Iss-F,in FF;px in french;interview w/man authority of Congo in the px DW Magazine;DW jingle,35433. 5/9 2330 CUB RHC,Bej,in PP;px in portuguese;IS,ID,Addr;Programming Today; Date to remember: cms abt 2nd World War,70 years ago;News Sce;45544. 5/12 0231 CHN CNR13,Lin,in UR;YL/OM:talks in urdu lang;OM:talks,35433. 5/11 2150 AUS R.Australia,She,in EE;YL/OM:talks,conversation;2200 ID,ABC R.Australia; RA News;very poor signal and modulation in this A15 period,25332 5/11 0311 USA AWR,Tri-CLN,in ORO;rlg px in Oromo lang;OM:preaching, Amen;45533. 5/3 1804 CVA Vatican R.,SMG,in PP;OM presents nxs of Pope and Church; ID,cms abt Pope preparative Cuba travel,45544. 5/5 0018 USA RFA,Tini-MRA,in LAO;OM talks;fair signal and poor modulation; YL talks;35432. 5/6 2047 KWT R.Kuwait,Kwt,in AA; full Holy Quran cantic;45433. 5/12 0240 CHN CRI,Xi,in RR;px in russian lang;YL:talks,35433. 5/6 1944 CUB RHC,Bau,in FF;OM/YL:presents intl.nxs;ID,45433. 5/61850 D DW,Iss-F,in HA;OM/YL:conversation in hausa lang;ID,DW jingle; 45544. 5/3 1814 G BBC,Asc,in FF;OM/OM:conversation in french;cms abt african countries:Republic of Congo,Guinea,ID,45533. 5/11 1710 F RFI,Iss,in PP;RFI News;cms abt greek economy situation;The EU and the african immigration; François Hollande visit Cuba;ID,45544. 5/3 1700 F RFI,Iss,in PP;RFI Nxs,cms;Literature space;45544. 5/5 0200 USA RFA,Tini-MRA,in TB;OM talks in tibetan lang;YL:talks;At 0206, start a jamming by CNR1,injuring RFA transmision;33442. Jose Ronaldo Xavier (JRX) - Receivers: Degen 1103/ Tecsun S-2000 - Cabedelo - Brazil. Ivanildo Gonçalves Dantas Escuchas 780 780 1440 1700 4810 4825 5915 9500 15476 29/04 0403 PARAGUAY RADIO 1 DE MARZO px mx madrugada 7-80 mx variada salas e harpas 43444 29/04 0300 ARGENTINA RADIO NAÇIONAL SAO TOME (NAÇIONAL NOTIÇIAS ARGENTINA INFORMA 23233 0230 12/05 ARGENTINA AM IMPACTO noticias 22222 12/05 0100 ARGENTINA AM 1700 OM COMENTARIO 23222 14/04 0121 INDIA ALL INDIA RADIO MHUNBAY cantora com musicas tradicionais yl id 33433 06/05/2015 2345 PERU RADIO LA VOZ DE LA SELVA IQUITOS mx sludos mensagens id advs 23222 13/05 2015 ZAMBIA RADIO ZAMBIA LUSAKA MX OM 33333 (GRAVADA) AMANHAN EU POSTO AQUÍ 04/05 0154 ? UNID CANÇOES ARABES OM AA 32323 22/04 2003 ANTARTICA ARGENT.. LRA 36 RADIO ARCANGEL SAN GABRIEL BASE ANTARTICA ESPERANÇA yl ss cometarios sobre fauna MX 33333 Robert Ross Escuchas The Good News is that we had our first decent Es Opening of the year this morning. Bad News is I wasn't home when it started…so I only got in on the tail end of the opening! However..it did get up to 107.9 MUF here and I was able to log 3 NEW STNS using both the SANGEAN HDT-1X for Live Dxing and the ELAD SDR for Recording. I made 2 Recordings with the ELAD, one at the top of the Band which netted 2 new Stations, and one in the Middle of the band which netted me Zilch as the Band was Crashing at the time of the 2nd recording…and was on the way out!! The opening here was to ALABAMA/FLORIDA/GEORGIA, what I heard of it anyway………. Anyways…….Nice to get things started, and nice to hear a few new ones despite missing most of the opening!! It was also good to get some practice recording the FM Band with the ELAD and it works just fine, including recording PI CODES and RDS Info!! Just gotta wait for a real good Opening that I am actually home for!! RECEIVERS………………………ELAD FDM-S2 SDR and SANGEAN HDT-1X ANTENNA……………………….APS-14 14 Element Beam @ 50 Feet on Tower. FM TOTALS are now…………. 2,504 Stations Heard - 73…………..ROB VA3SW Robert S. Ross - London, Ontario CANADA 1310 1050 1520 6876 WTZN Troy, PA. May/01/15 0557 EDT EE FAIR Beatles Song @ 0557-0600 EDT. ID by Male DJ @ 0600 EDT as "Golden Oldies - 24/7 on AM 1310 WTZN - Troy and 1550 WTTC - Towanda". Into Byrds "Turn, Turn, Turn". NEW STN 1 KW/72 Watts Nights WTKA Ann Arbor, MICHIGAN May/01/15 0600 EDT EE GOOD ID as "This is the Official Voice of the University of Michigan - Sports Talk 1050 WTKA - Ann Arbor, a Cumulus Station" @ 0600 EDT. "University of Michigan" Yelled Out into Sports Talk. RELOG Not heard in a Long Time!! 10 KW/500 Watts Nights WTHE Mineola, NEW YORK April/30/15 2200 EDT EE GOOD ID by Male DJ @ 2200 EDT as "New York's First Gospel Station - 1520 Mineola, NY, and on the web radio WTHE1520am.com". Into Gospel Music 2201 EDT. Over WWKB Buffalo!! TCS - THE CRYSTAL SHIP USA-PIRATE May/04/15 0107 UTC EE FAIR "The Bubble Gum Express Show". Tune In @ 0107 UTC…..Playing 27 6876 88.7 94.5 95.7 100.1 101.5 105.1 103.5 104.9 105.9 105.9 107.3 107.9 107.9 Bubble Gum Music from the 60's. Songs included "Snoopy vs the Red Baron and I wonder what she's doing tonight?" IDs by Male DJ as "TCS - The Crystal Ship". Noisy Band conditions tonight! TCS - THE CRYSTAL SHIP USA-PIRATE eQSL Received in several hours for an Emailed Report to Station. Full Data "Bubble Gum Express QSL Sheet. WRWA Troy, AL May/14 0934 EDT EXC 50 KW in HD wioth TROY-1 HD Capture and Talk WFLF Parker, FL May/14 0952 EDT VG 100 KW RDS Capture and "WFLA 94.5" ID WQPW Valdosta, GA May/14 0955 EDT VG 32 KW RDS Capture and "Valdosta's Best Mix 95.7 The Mix" ID WVVE Panama City, FL May/14 0957 EDT VG 13 KW RDS Capture and R&B Music CKMO Orangeville, ONTARIO May/06/15 0745 EDT EE VG New Station on the Air "101.5 MY-FM Weather" by Male DJ @ 0745 EDT. Into Light Rock/Pop Music. "MY-FM" IDs. Tx to Listener on Phone and Station Promo. NEW STN 625 Watts WASJ Panama City Bch, FL May/14 0944 EDT VG 50 KW BOB-FM ID and Rock Music RDS and PI Code as 5685 WKNK Callaway, FLORIDA May/14/15 0943 EDT EE VG C/W Music and Female with CDT Time Check as 0844 @ 0944 EDT. ID as "Kickin' 103.5 The most commercial free country". Gave Station Phone # as 235-1035. "Kickin' 103.5" ID and Into Ads. NEW STN ELAD 100 KW WFXE Columbus, GEORGIA May/14/15 0945 EDT EE VG Ad for "Rivertown Ford in Columbus, Georgia". Station Contest promo to win Cash. ID as "FOXY 105" "Your Free Money Station". Into HIP HOP Music. NEW STN ELAD 2.3 KW WILN Panama City, FL May/14 0945 EDT GD 50 KW Callaway Ads Panhandle Wx News 13 Reports. RDS and PI as 6AF3 WOCL Deland, FL May/14 1000 EDT VG 96 KW SUNNY FM IDS and Rock Music. WXGL St. Petes, FL May/14 0941 EDT EXC 100 KW HD Capture as "WXGL-1" and Classic Rock music WPFM Panama City, FLORIDA May/14/15 0946 EDT EE VG RDS Capture as "JO - WPFM - TOP 40". Talk by Male DJ. NEW STN SANGEAN 40 KW WEAT W Palm Bch, FL May/14 0953 EDT VG 100 KW ADs for Miami and Area. DJ Talk. Daniel Wyllyans Escuchas 17620 Radio France International recebido eQSL informe enviado via email [email protected] Zacharias Liangas's Escuchas Logs of 24/4 using the HF150 + 8 m antenna 7200 IRIB 1738 with news in German ,mentions of Armenia , Undermod , good partial listening from utes 7480 Payam E Dhoost 1800 ID in farsi . song of zorba the greek then with Persian pop songs mixed with talks Good signal; 9740 KBS? 1625 discussion , strong 9835 Sarawak FM 1732 with nice pop songs Dont forget to buy my new ebook Malaysia 25 Years Survey http://goo.gl/Pi87gp 9870 Vivid Bharati 1710 Song of Lata Mangeshkar , short comments by speakers , then other oldies 60s then 1730 with talks by woman fair 11670 AIR 2035 international news, mentions of Taliban’s , Afghanistan etc , in Hindi Local signal 15245 VoK 1805 with hymns 1809 ID in English 35333 15460 VoA 1812 seems Hausa language , mentions of Africa and Nigeria Fair Eibi shows English… 15630 VoA 1905 in Tigre ,mentions of Ethiopia into news program and external reports Good signal 15815 on 1815 -35 a spur of the strong NHK of 15445 in Japanese with song program and short descriptions in between . Marginal at best Logs for 26/4 4765 Tajik R 1648 with folk song 1652 OM with talks 1658 with folk ssong passing ToH and 1709 back to talks S7 4810 Yerevan 1609 supp in Kurdish prg , Armenia song S6 4910 AIR Jaipur 1717 with trad music (relig?)S7 35433 4930 VoA 1806 with talks 24233 5060 XJPBS – CC 1734 with talks S9 6070 R 700 this is radio …. Calling with media magazine on 1600 S6 6080 CNR?? 1607 guitar play CC talks S7 Logs 2/5/15 ....Using the last Ivo’s info (last week ‘s) in printed form Freq ascending listing PL380 inductive coupling to the 8 m antenna with signal indications [signal / signal to noise ] HF150 and 8 m antenna 220 deg azimuth 11510 Denge Kurdistan 1308 with song. NO spurs here on +/- 20 Khz 11520 WeWN ? 1241 head just a carrier 11600 B Stair 1320 with no signal 11605 CNR mixed with RFA in Tibetan @1300 fair Cross QRM at 10 Hz 11675 CRI ? 1310 in Hindi mentioning satellite transmissions Then a Hindic song (seems not classical Hindi or Bollywood ) >> via Eibi but Hindi :( 11935 Xizang PBS 1239 poor this time with talks in Tibetan 12035 VoA Deewa 1337 with ID Fair 12055 TWR Garhwali 1327 with YL introducing the program in Hindi Fair 12065 (S30 ) and 13840 (S40 and some QRM ) 1232 IRIB Dari with talks 12065 Farda 1301 with ID after the news Poor QRM on 1418 by RA , that time //13840 in clear 12M nothing from VoV there 1230 28 15280 TWR Emergency service ??1423 with relig talks (parmeswara ) in lang that seems Hindi fair 15562 VoT 1243 earlier than noticed in Ivo’s listing with fair signal Same freq after 1300 Also a Chinese prog on 15560 (CNR? Or VoT-CC ? ) 15590 RFN Korea 1253 with reports in Korean Poor 15690 Farda 1224 wir ID and Persian music 45/10 Also on 17880 on 1227 with 36/10 15750 1223 talks in AR 50/25 max >> IRIB 15825 WWCR 1219 do not area 59/15 17650 Mashaal 1220 reports from Istanbul 36-42/20 max 17845 ERGO 1228 between HoA and afropop music kinds 1234 with phone ins in Somali 32/9 mean 21610 B Stair 1330via WHR is here only with s poor carrier Logs for Sunday 3/5 531 Jil FM 2050 2050 + with funny heavy local rock-ish songs S7 33433 7505 CNR being in //4800 with delay of at 0.3 secs S7 7530 Praise music ministries YL 2117 with talks in CC S7 13800 Space shuttle heard in the Jo23KF Web SDR with good signal S30 2000 with music from ‘Pop corn’ hit of 60s with 2003 with ID Checked on 2030 in THS with signal max S6 and SINPO 34233 and Germanic songs 2052 a song with many 'yoyos' Logs 8/5/ 15 7255 BLR ?? 0619 with talks in RR then russian ballad song (man with guitar )but very low modulation the reason I think it was BLR 15120 Nigeria ? 0602 + 0612 in a noisy background from possibly DRM , and bad modulation S10 Nothing on 9690 same time or is below the local QRN which today is very low 15255 CH Africa 0614 report in harmonics 0622 just talks on amnesty to members 15430 IRIB 0620 , hymn YL talking in French then with quranS9 15500 IRIB with hymn 0720 then talks in GE then Koran then s ioff 15640 AWR 0628 in FR , IS YL with AWR’s address in Abidjan in C d Ivorie s10 Logs 9+10/5 6070 R marabu > R700 @1851 with talks in German and a rocksong 9835 (+stream) RTM Sarawak 1950 with nice songs . this time more western songs are heard than before in a zone of totally Malay songs. Too bad S5 10/5 1044 Duffy Greek pir with song of Vicky Leandros if someone remembers her 6095 KBC 1004 just S2 -3 max floored from local QRN S3 6205 pirate 2218 wth old rock and roll songs 6265.46 Tango Intl 2106 with tangos S3 6325.83 pirate 2105 with nice pops songs of 80s S7 still 2214 7250 Vatican radio ? 1005 with prg in Italian S7 max 7550 1620 11670 AIR on 2137 with no program 8819 Tashkent meteo? 2154 QNH with weather reports in Russian 9630 Aparecda 2057 with song S7 catolica puntu Ave Marias and mentions of J Christ 4985 & 11815 RBC back with talks in PP . the 5 mHZ was marginal with carrier heard in SSB 1\QRM by 1182O S20 Jordan ? 9630 IRIB 2110 in Albanian and a Persian song S30 12M PBS Xizang 2112 in Tibetan with talks and song that they followed and experimented on it 9665 cairo ? 2056 in Arabic with talks and garbled audio S20 9819.62 R 9/7 with music S2 only 13800 Spaceshuttle 195 with carrier then song sweet dreams from Eurythmics ID by man Spaceline dot com then 2004 with new ID clip . S3 25233 Also 2054 with ‘woman in love’ Streizand? And S5 max 15190 WRMI + inconfidencia 2114 mixed with WRMI wining over he other station S6 15344.86 RAE in Spanish 21116 with talks and dicussions Logs 11/5 - Logs on local 5am o clock the morning 1620 two stations from America 0245 4765 ??0245 with latin song >> p. progresso 4840 ?? 0245 in English S5 ??WWCR3 4930.05 ?? in English >> VOA Botswana 5040 0247 talks 6125 0249 talking ab telephone in Spanish S9 7730 WRMI 0248 S3 songs Pedro Elonda Escuchas 87'6 88'1 RADIO FIESTA, Palma. Perd l'estéreo i recupera l'RDS (quina creu!!!) FIL MUSICAL, detectat des de Cerdanyola del Vallès, s'informa en el grup FB "La Lista de la FM". Segons la base de dades de FML/AER quí emet o emetia RADIO SONRISA de Sabadell, no? 89'8 SPECTRUM MALLORCA. Magaluf. Recupera l'RDS i pareix que les interfèrencies de l'espuria de RNE1 Alfabia fora de Palma no són tan fortes com aquests passats dies. 90'3/92'5. Un cop que Loca ha normalitzat la 92'5, la 90'3 torna a emetre com a FIL MUSICAL, però amb un toc de "Loca". 90'3 FIL MUSICAL (estil Locafm), Alfàbia, ex LOCA FM. Jutjau per voltros mateixos. 29 90'3 91'5 92'6 93'9 94'7 95'7 97'2 97'4 99'1 99'7 100'2 100'3 100'3 103'7 104'8 105'0 105'4 105'4 106'4 107'3 107'4 107'5 107'8 108'0 LOCA FM. Alfabia. Després de setmanes en portadora ara repeteix Loca. L'emissió segueix en mono sense RDS. Castalla, al seu web no mencionen esRadio per res... podeu confirmar la seva sortida de la cadena de Losantos? EXITO RADIO. El Toro. Inactiva Dénia, és un simple repetidor de Castalla o té programes locals? FELANITX RÀDIO. Fa uns dies que està en portadora estéreo-RDS. SER-RÀDIO MENORCA. Malgrat hagi sortit publicat a ELDIALFM que havia canviat el PS del seu RDS a "SER_____" (per la informació d'un DX-ista català que l'havia rebuda així), el cert és que jo sempre l'he rebuda amb "__SER___" i dissabte passat, també. Després penjaré un minivídeo demostratiu. NO ID (nova en proves, ex Radio Diario de Ibiza). Als grups de ràdio han publicat que ha estat adquirida per la COPE. L'estona que l'he escoltado no he sentit cap cunya. PORTADORA, Barcelona, ja han llevat l'RDS de SALSABOR? NO ID (vidència), Eivissa. Senyal molt forta, així i tot es fan paleses les interferències que li fa 99'2 Ultima Hora Ràdio de Sant Salvador de Felanitx. Cal recordar que Exito Radio emet o emetia al 91'1... s'ha canviat o aquesta és Aire Radio o qualsevol altra de cartomància i similars? Aqui teníem fins ara un repetidor d'Ibiza Global Radio, la qual, recordeu que té 100'8 com a freq. principal. NO ID (salsa) El passat 18 d'abril des de Costa Canyamel (E-BAL-ML Capdepera) vaig sintonitzar mx salsa al 99'7, en aquell punt d'escolta i en aquells moments entraven emissores de Girona... Al FMList/AER no he trobat res,... cap idea? ULTIMA HORA RADIO, Alcudia. Normalitzada. Nova Llatina de Palma. He escoltat l'ID i pareix que és GLASER FM. us convid a escoltar-la i després me deis coses GLASS FM (o tal volta GLACE FM), Palma. Nova emissora llatina. Vé a ocupar el buit que va deixar fa mesos Súper FM. Estéreo sense RDS. Quan acaba la seva programació, apaga l'emissor. Més tard pujaré un petit enregistrament. WHITE FM, Eivissa, en portadora estéreo. En aquell moment només hi entraven aquesta, la COPE i l'Adventista. Si és la White, ha augmentat la seva potència. FESTIVAL FM. Palma. Després d'un dia en portadora a principis de mes, reprèn les emissions, recupera primer l'estéreo i després l'RDS. La seva desaparició, como vàrem arribar a publcar, va esser una falsa alarma. Encara que l'ID completa és "Radio Festival Internacional", he optat per la curta, que també es dita en antena. RADIO MARIA. Petra/Puig de Bonany. Entra més fluixa a Palma (abans pareixia local) i està molt interferida per les "barbes" de Festival (104'8). SPUTNIK RADIO, Palma. Normalitzada avui SPUTNIK RADIO, Palma. En portadora (amb estéreo i RDS) Religiosa no ID... encara no s'ha pogut identificar, David? MDT RÀDIO, València. Passa de 87'8 al 107'3 (ex tx religiosa). És cert que la senyal era fluixeta, però he escoltat en viu perfectament les cunyes dels locutors. En canvi en aquesta gravació feta amb el mòbil resulta casi ininintelegible... RÀDIO CALVIÀ. Inactiva. RÀDIO CAPDEPERA. Desde primer de mes en portadora. JALEO FM, Palma. Sintonitzat fil musical. S'ha materialitzat l'RDS, però és el que tenc memoritzat dels dies que va emetre Radio Jaleo. Pel tipus de senyal més bé podria ser l'alacantina Ràdio Pego... Ja vorem... NO IDENTIFICADA. Palma. Es torna sentir qualcú per aquí, pero hi ha canvis. La música ja no és rock, sinó llatina. La covertura és diferent, aquesta se sent per l'autovia de cintura a l'altura de la sortida a Sóller i uns metres abans d'arribar a la rotonda d'Ocimax-Carrefour. Com he dit altres vegades la presència de l'EM d'Algaida és fortíssima en aquest freqüència. José Miguel Romero Escuchas ARABIA SAUDÍ 1521 SBC Radio Riyadh, Duba, 21:31-21:34, escuchada el 6 d mayo de 2015 en árabe, emisión de música árabe, locutor con comentarios y entrevista a invitada, emisión en paralelo por 9870 kHz, SINPO 44554 ARGELIA 531 Jil FM, F´kirina Wilaya dÓum El Bouaghi, 20:52-20:55, escuchada el 6 de mayo de 2015 en árabe con emisión de música pop árabe, emisión en paralelo por 549 kHz, SINPO 23432 549 Jil FM, Les Trembles, 20:55-21:02, escuchada el 6 de mayo de 2015 en árabe con emisión de música pop árabe, emisión en paralelo por 531 kHz, locutor presentando tema musical, locutora con comentarios, música de sintonía, SINPO 34443 891 Radio Algerienne Chaine 1, Oulet Fayet, 21:08-21:10, escuchada el 6 de mayo de 2015 en árabe a locutor con comentarios, a pesar de apreciarse buena señal de portadora la modulación es muy baja, a veces inapreciable, SINPO 24442 981 Radio Algerienne Chaine 2, Oulet Fayet, 21:10-21:13, escuchada el 6 de mayo en Tamazight (dialecto Bereber) a locutor en conversación con invitado, SINPO 33443 1422 Radio Algerienne Chaine 3, Oulet Fayet, 21:20-21:24, escuchada el 6 de mayo de 2015 en árabe a locutor con entrevista a invitado, referencias a “Arabía”, SINPO 44444 ASCENSION 12050 Dandal Kura Radio, Ascensión, 18:10-18:20, escuchada el 14 de mayo de 2015 en kanuri a locutor con noticias, reportajes por corresponsales, SINPO 24322 BANGLADESH 13580 Radio Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka, 18:03-18:12, escuchada el 12 de mayo de 2015 en inglés a locutora con presentación, canto del Corán, locutor y locutora con comentarios, segmento musical, SINPO 34443 FRANCIA 1467 Trans World Radio (Africa), Roumoules, 21:25-21:30, escuchada el 6 de mayo de 2015 en Tamazight (dialecto Bereber) a locutor con 30 comentarios y emisión de música árabe, locutora con cuña de despedida, anuncia correo electrónico info@...., www…., SINPO 44444 11510 Radyoya Dengue Kurdistane, Issoudun, 17:47-17:52, escuchada el 13 de mayo de 2015 en kurdo a locutora con comentarios con referencia a “Kurdistane..democratic..”, emisión de música étnica, SINPO 44444 12060 Radio Algerienne Chaine 1, Issoudun, 20:31-20:35, escuchada el 6 de mayo de 2015 en árabe, comienza emisión con poema cantado, locutor con referencia a “Muslim…Salam..”, locutor con comentarios, SINPO 55555 15245 Voice of Forum of Eritrean, Issoudun, 17:16-17:26, escuchada el 13 de mayo de 2015 en árabe a locutor con comentarios y emisión de música étnica, SINPO 34333 17580 Voice of Khaatumo, Issoudun, 17:12-17:16, escuchada el 13 de mayo de 2015 en somalí a locutor con entrevista a invitado, SINPO 34433 17630 Voice of Oromo Liberation, 17:01-17:12, escuchada el 13 de mayo de 2015 en oromo, sintonía, locutor con presentación y comentarios con referencias a “Oromo”, noticias con referencias a “Sudán, Mali y Kenya”, música de sintonía y locutor con comentarios, emisión de música étnica, SINPO 45444 17630 Voice of Oromo Liberation, 17:31-17:46, escuchada el 13 de mayo de 2015 en amharico a locutor con presentación, anuncia “Program..Internet…”, boletín de noticias con referencias a “Oromo y Oromía”, “Oromo audiovisal..”, SINPO 45444. GRECIA 15630 Helliniki Radiophonia, Avlis, 16:00-16:015, escuchada el 8 de mayo de 2015 en griego, sintonía, posible cuña de ID, locutora con titulares y boletín de noticias, segmento musical, SINPO 24332 INDIA 7250 All India Radio, Panaji, 18:21-18:24, escuchada el 12 de mayo de 2015 en malayo con emisión de música hindú, con la emisión se aprecia un fuerte ruido que hace molesto la audición, SINPO 42442 MADAGASCAR 17540 Radio Imara, talata-Volondry, 18:03-18:15, escuchada el 13 de mayo de 2015 con emisión musical, irrumpe la señal a las 18:03 con emisión de música, luego locutora con cuña en Kinyarwanda, inglés y francés, más emisión musical, parece que la programación de esta emisora se limita a emitir música africana y repetir las cuñas, no hay noticias ni reportajes, SINPO 24322 NIGERIA 7255 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 20:07-20:13, escuchada el 6 de mayo de 2015 en francés con emisión de música afro pop, se aprecia fuerte colisión con el servicio en ruso de CNR, SINPO 33443 15120 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 15:16-15:19, escuchada el 15 de mayo de 2015 en inglés a locutor y locutora con comentarios, mala modulación, a pesar de la fuerte señal la emisión se hace inaudible, SINPO 24442 15120 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 17:35-17:52, escuchada el 12 de mayo de 2015 en árabe, comienza la emisión tarde irrumpiendo la señal con fuerza, locutor con presentación, anuncia Internet, locutor con comentarios, de vez en cuando unas notas interpretadas por instrumento de percusión, segmento música africana, SINPO 44444 SRI LANKA 11750 Sri Lanka BC, Trincomalee, 16:38-16:45, escuchada el 8 de mayo de 2015 en Sinhala con emisión de música pop melódica, cuña publicitaria con segmentos musicales, locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 34333 11750 Sri Lanka BC, Trincomalee, 18:20-18:25, escuchada el 14 de mayo en sinhala con emisión de música popular, cuña publicitaria por locutor y locutora, locutor anunciando web de internet “www…”, SINPO 34433 SUDAFRICA 15235 Channel Africa, Meyerton, 16:30-16:35, escuchada el 8 de mayo de 2015 en francés a locutor con comentarios, locutora con entrevista a invitado, locutor con cuña de ID, SINPO 34333 TAIWAN 7530 Praise Music Ministries, Tamsui District, 21:00-21:06, escuchada el 5 de mayo de 2015, en Hakka o Chino a locutor con presentación y segmento musical, tema música religiosa, a las 21:04 aparece señal que anula la emisión y de forma esporádica tonos en morse, SINPO 22332 TAJIKISTAN 13675 Radio Free Asia, Dushanbe-Yanguidul, 16:48-17:00, escuchada el 8 de mayo de 2015 en chino con emisión de música pop melódica, tonos horarios y fin de emisión, SINPO 34443 TANZANIA 11735 Zanzibar Broadcasting Co., Dole, 17:52-17:55, escuchada el 6 de mayo de 2015 en swahili a locutora con comentarios, se aprecia mala modulación, como entrecortada, SINPO 23322 THAILANDIA 9390 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, 18:32-18:36, escuchada el 12 de mayo de 2015 en thai, emisión de música de piano, locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 45444 VATICANO 9775 Afia Darfur/Hello Darfur, Santa Maria di Galeria, 19:12-19:17, escuchada el 14 de mayo en árabe o sudanés a locutor con noticias, referencias a “Sudanía y Sudan”, reportajes con corresponsales, nombran a “Ibrahim …” varias veces, SINPO 35433 15150 Radio Dabanga, Santa Maria di Galeria, 18:14-18:18, escuchada el 15 de mayo de 2015 en sudanés a locutor con entrevista a invitada, me llama la atención lo rápido que habla en comparación con el ritmo del locutor, emisión en paralelo por 15550, SINPO 34433 15550 Radio Tamazuj, Santa Maria di Galeria, 15:03-15:15, escuchada el 15 de mayo de 2015 en sudanés a locutora con noticias con referencias a Sudán, conexión con corresponsales, emisión en paralelo por 17600, no capto nada en 15150, menciona a “Aman Abdulá”, “Radio…”, SINPO 44444 VIETNAM 7280 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi-Sonta, 18:04-18:10, escuchada el 6 de mayo de 2015 en español a locutora con reportaje, SINPO 24332 9730 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi-Sonta, 18:00-18:04, escuchada el 6 de mayo de 2015 en español, sintonía, locutora con ID “Esta es la Voz de Vietnam”, titulares, reportaje, SINPO 34322 31 ZZ - Clandestinas 17860 Oromo Voice Radio, Issoudun, 18:03-, tentativa el 15 de mayo de 2015, no se aprecia señal alguna. 17870 Radio Xoriyo, Issoudun, 16:01-16:03, tentativa el 15 de mayo de 2015, imposible escuchar esta emisora, se aprecia fuerte señal de jamer, de fondo se intuye a la emisora. A las 16:12 se aprecia algún tipo de emisión de músical. José Miguel Romero - Burjasot (Valencia) 39.513356, -0.410268 - Grundig Yacht Boy 80 - Antena hilo de 10m Rudolf Grimm Escuchas 6105 R. Cultura Filadélfia, Foz do Iguaçu PR, 07/05 2025. Px cristão, OM: pregação, id ‘Radio Cultura Filadélfia, 6105 kHz, 49 m, Foz do Iguaçu PR...’, 35543. NOTA: Surpreendeu-me a qualidade de sinal desta estação aqui por São Bernardo SP logo após às 17:00 h local, o que normalmente ocorre mais tarde. O sinal foi monitorado até 2200 UTC, quando do início da Voz do Brasil, mantendo-se na mesma intensidade. O locutor anunciou receber correspondências do interior de SP e também do interior do Espírito Santo. Rx: Sony ICF2001D - Antena: Loop de quadro para ondas curtas de 45 cm de diagonal, com amplificador de RF anexado, construído pelo Rene Passold. Dave Valko Escuchas PALAU 9930 T8WH/World Harvest R. 0959 End of “Harvest for Christ” EG pgm w/host Rev. Charles Parker ending w/contact info by diff. M anncr. Then usual ID by M w/request for QSLs and South Bend IN addr over instru. mx, then off at 1000:06. Just fair reception. A Youtube video can be found at this link; https://youtu.be/gUmjax_Bib8 (8 May) 73 - Dave Valko - Dunlo, PA, USA - Perseus SDR with 153 foot triangular Delta Loop Robert Wilkner Escuchas 4915 Brasil Radio Daqui Goiânia, GO, positive ID 2359 6134.84 Bolivia, Radio Santa Cruz positive ID Carlos Gamarra Moscoso Escuchas Ayer martes 06 de Mayo recibi en cusco PERU receptor digital sony en los 620 a r. ovacion lima sinpo 3 desvanecimmiento 4..deportes hora 23 hrs con 3o minurtos, en los 960 khz a radio nacional pero de mendoza argentina . en los 1330 khz r. volver de santiago de CHILE.---musica programa con locutor ameno en doble sentidos recibe lllamadas telefonicas de los oyentes , musica etec sinpo 4 desvanecimmiento 4. hoy noche en los 580 khz a radio integridad desde lima sinpo 4 religioso llamadas telefonicas de sanacion. en los 600 khz a radio ciudadana desde quito ecuador con identificacion grababa cada 2 temas sinpo 3 desvanecimiento 5....cordiales dx desde CUSCO PERU, Williams Lopez Escuchas ALEMANIA Athmeeya Yatra R.(GFA), 15350 Khz, 1307 UTC, 45444, Pais:ALEMANIA, Transmisor:Nauen Idioma: , Música y comentarios de un hombre.07, 19/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara ADVENTIST WORLD R., 15170 Khz, 1749 UTC, 35443, Pais:ALEMANIA, Transmisor:Nauen Idioma: Kabyle, Música, 23/04/2015 Receptor: Grundig YB-400, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara R.FARDA, 17880 Khz, 1258 UTC, 35343, Pais:ALEMANIA, Transmisor:Biblis Idioma: Persian, Música de varios estilos., 25/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara ARABIA SAUDITA R.RIYADH, 17895 Khz, 1255 UTC, 55544, Pais:ARABIA SAUDITA, Transmisor:Riyadh Idioma: Arabic, Lectura del Corán., 25/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara ARGENTINA R.NACIONAL ARGENTINA, 15345 Khz, 0000 UTC, 35343, Pais:ARGENTINA, Transmisor:General Pacheco Idioma: Spanish, Tangos con la orquesta de Anibal Troylo., 05/05/2015 Receptor: CCRANE SW, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara BOLIVIA R.Santa Cruz, 6135 Khz, 0056 UTC, 35343, Pais:BOLIVIA, Transmisor:Santa Cruz Idioma: Spanish-Quechua, Música andina y publicidad., 32 25/04/2015 Receptor: Grundig YB-400, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara R.San Miguel, 4700 Khz, 0038 UTC, 25442, Pais:BOLIVIA, Transmisor:Riberalta Idioma: Spanish, Publicidad, se identifica la emisora., 28/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara R.Fides, 6155 Khz, 0112 UTC, 35443, Pais:BOLIVIA, Transmisor:La Paz Idioma: Spanish, Debate sobre elecciones programa el café de la mañana, publicidad. , 28/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara Emisoras Pio XII, 5952 Khz, 0134 UTC, 34443, Pais:BOLIVIA, Transmisor:Siglo Veinte Idioma: Spanish, Mensajes de la emisora, identificación de la emisora., 28/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara BRASIL R.Educacao Rural, 4925 Khz, 0146 UTC, 45444, Pais:BRASIL, Transmisor:Tefe AM Idioma: Portuguese, Música., 28/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara R.Brasil Central, 11815 Khz, 0238 UTC, 35443, Pais:BRASIL, Transmisor:Goiania Idioma: Portuguese, Música., 28/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara R.Voz Missionaria, 9665 Khz, 2250 UTC, 35433, Pais:BRASIL, Transmisor:Camboriu SC Idioma: Portuguese, Se escuha núsica luego se oye comentarios religiosos., 01/05/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara CANADA CFRX Toronto, 6070 Khz, 0122 UTC, 34443, Pais:CANADA, Transmisor:Toronto Idioma: English, Publicidad y mensajes de la emisora., 28/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara COREA DEL NORTE Voice of Korea (KCBS), 15180 Khz, 1250 UTC, 25452, Pais:COREA DEL NORTE, Transmisor:Kujang Idioma: Korean, Música de desfile y luego una mujer despide la emisión 06., 19/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara Voice of Korea, 15180 Khz, 0315 UTC, 25342, Pais:COREA DEL NORTE, Transmisor:Kujang Idioma: Spanish, Lectura de texto sobre la revolución y el gobierno norcoreano., 20/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara CUBA R.HABANA CUBA, 15230 Khz, 1652 UTC, 55444, Pais:CUBA, Transmisor:Titan Quivican Idioma: Spanish, Cumpleañeros de la semana y Radio musical nacional de Cuba, resultados del concurso de Antena DX, testimonio de Claudio Rosales de BsAs Argentina, colaboración de Arnaldo Coro Antich y los receptores SDR., 19/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS Radio Ergo (IRIN RADIO), 17845 Khz, 1301 UTC, 25442, Pais:EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS, Transmisor:Dhabbaya Idioma: Somali, Cierra la emisión con música tradicional Africana., 25/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara R.FREE ASIA, 9555 Khz, 2306 UTC, 34443, Pais:EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS, Transmisor:Dhabbaya Idioma: Tibetan, Comentarios y lectura de noticias., 01/05/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara IBRA RADIO(R.Sadaye Zindagi), 6125 Khz, 0248 UTC, 35443, Pais:EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS, Transmisor:Dhabbaya Idioma: Dari, Comentarios por un hombre luego música., 28/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara ESPAÑA R.EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA, 17855 Khz, 2100 UTC, 55444, Pais:ESPAÑA, Transmisor:Noblejas Idioma: Spanish, Comentarios sobre la biodeversidad y el ambiente, luego se oye música., 01/05/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Exterior Kaito KA1121 con Amplificador Realistic 20-280, Lugar Recepcion: Sanare, Estado Lara ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN, 6195 Khz, 1716 UTC, 55544, Pais:ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA, Transmisor:Cypress Creek Idioma: Spanish, Noticias: importaciones de Arroz desde USA, campaña electorales en varias ciudades Japonesas, situación en Aeropuerto en Nagasaki, reabren piscina afectada por Tsunami, en el buzón Vanesa habla sobre un centro de información para turistas en Jarayuco. Lectura de Cartas, lectura de los informes de recepción., 19/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara WRMI, 11580 Khz, 0201 UTC, 55544, Pais:ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA, Transmisor:Okeechobee9 Idioma: Spanish, Reordenamiento del espectro radioeléctrico en FM en Panama, uso de celulares en Cuba, tv digital japonesa para Chile, Radio Educación celebra nacimiento del poeta Octavio Paz, breves telecomunicaciones desde Méjico, casa de la radio de Diana Aguirre, informe dx desde Uruguay, frecuencia análisis, tributo al amigo Ernesto Paulero., 21/04/2015 Receptor: Grundig YB400, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara WRNO, 7505 Khz, 0207 UTC, 35443, Pais:ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA, Transmisor:New Orleans LA Idioma: English, Preguntas de una Comentarios de dos personas luego se identifica la emisora 02., 24/04/2015 Receptor: Grundig YB-400, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara WHRI CYPRESS, 7315 Khz, 0041 UTC, 45444, Pais:ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA, Transmisor:Cypress Creek Idioma: English, Pastor charla con un grupo de personas., 24/04/2015 Receptor: Grundig YB-400, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara WRMI R.Prague, 9955 Khz, 0226 UTC, 55555, Pais:ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA, Transmisor:Okeechobee10 Idioma: Spanish, Noticias, comentario s sobre las relaciones USA Cuba, luego hable Checo con Radio Praga: lectura de la prensa, Bonnie Tayler se presentará en Praga, fotografías sobre el transporte público, cierra con música Checa., 25/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara WRMI Radio Africa, 15190 Khz, 2233 UTC, 55444, Pais:ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA, Transmisor:Okeechobee7 Idioma: English, Música luego la emisora se identifica., 01/05/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Exterior Kaito KA1121 con Amplificador Realistic 20-280, Lugar Recepcion: Sanare, Estado Lara FILIPINAS VOICE OF AMERICA, 15250 Khz, 1255 UTC, 45444, Pais:FILIPINAS, Transmisor:Tinang Idioma: Chinese, Música de orquesta., 19/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara FRANCIA R.FRANCE INT., 21580 Khz, 1245 UTC, 35433, Pais:FRANCIA, Transmisor:Issoudun Idioma: French, Noticias y comentario s., 25/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara 33 DEUTSCHE WELLE, 15275 Khz, 1757 UTC, 24342, Pais:FRANCIA, Transmisor:Issoudun Idioma: French, Comentario de una mujer., 23/04/2015 Receptor: Grundig YB-400, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara DEUTSCHE WELLE, 17800 Khz, 1306 UTC, 45343, Pais:FRANCIA, Transmisor:Issoudun Idioma: Hausa, Lectura de Noticias , 25/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara GRECIA Helliniki Radiophonia, 15630 Khz, 0342 UTC, 55544, Pais:GRECIA, Transmisor:Avlis Idioma: Greek, Música , 19/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara GUAM KTWR GUAM, 15390 Khz, 1315 UTC, 25352, Pais:GUAM, Transmisor:Agana Idioma: Sgaw Karen, Comentarios de dos mujeres. 08, 19/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara GUYANA Voice of Guyana, 3290 Khz, 0031 UTC, 25542, Pais:GUYANA, Transmisor:Sparendaam Idioma: English, Comentarios, se escucha un narración de una historia., 28/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara GUATEMALA Radio Verdad, 4055 Khz, 0033 UTC, 35443, Pais:GUATEMALA, Transmisor:Chiquimula Idioma: Spanish, Música, se identifica la emisora., 28/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara ISLA ASCENSION BBC, 17780 Khz, 1321 UTC, 45433, Pais:ISLA ASCENSION, Transmisor:Ascension Idioma: Hausa, Narración de un juego presume Rugby se oye el público emocionado., 25/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara OMAN R.SULTANATE OMAN, 15140 Khz, 2112 UTC, 45433, Pais:OMAN, Transmisor:Thumrait Idioma: Arabic, Comentarios de dos personas, parece una radio novela., 01/05/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Exterior Kaito KA1121 con Amplificador Realistic 20-280, Lugar Recepcion: Sanare, Estado Lara BBC, 17790 Khz, 1310 UTC, 35333, Pais:OMAN, Transmisor:Al Seela Idioma: English, Comentario s y entrevistas ., 25/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara RUMANIA R.ROMANIA INT., 17745 Khz, 2105 UTC, 45444, Pais:RUMANIA, Transmisor:Tiganesti Idioma: Spanish, Lectura de Noticias, luego comentarios sobre el día del trabajo., 01/05/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Exterior Kaito KA1121 con Amplificador Realistic 20-280, Lugar Recepcion: Sanare, Estado Lara SANTO TOME Y PRINCIPE VOICE OF AMERICA, 15620 Khz, 0340 UTC, 55444, Pais:SANTO TOME Y PRINCIPE, Transmisor:Pinheira Idioma: Somali, Entrevista a una persona por una mujer., 19/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara VOICE OF AMERICA, 17530 Khz, 1607 UTC, 25442, Pais:SANTO TOME Y PRINCIPE, Transmisor:Pinheira Idioma: Kinyarwanda, Entrevistas a un hombre comentario s se oye música., 25/04/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660, Antena: Dipolo 5 metros por lado, Lugar Recepcion: Cabudare, Estado Lara Leonaldo Ferreira Escuchas 15345 R. Argentina ao Exterior (RAE) 1920 06-05-2015, mx (musicas argentinas), italian language, id, news from argentina, (female) 45344 receive/receptor ICOM IC 706 MH2G - In Lagoa de Dentro, PB, Brasil - Leonaldo Ferreira - www.leonaldoferreira.com Artur Fernández Llorella Escuchas QSL from Radio Neumarkt/Radio Târgu Mures. More info at http://maresmedx.blogspot.com.es Sakae Onozawa Escuchas QSL: Friendship Radio via KTWR - Merizo, GUAM, May 3, 12:14 UTC, 9,975 kHz, Japanese program. F/D QSL received in 50 minutes (Awesome!), for a reception report sent by email. QSL's design is ‘Latte stone.’ http://hadzuki.air-nifty.com/radio/2015/05/friendship-radi.html Rodolfo Tizzi Escuchas 4965 Inicio de la transmisión de Radio Alvorada de Parintins, estado de Amazonas, Brasil, por los 4965 kHz a las 0901 UTC del sábado pasado. Se trata de una emisora que figura con 5 kW de potencia en la conocida lista de Aoki. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbrmkSDmg9U 34
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