154 N. MAIN STREET • HARRISONBURG, VA 22802 PHONE: 540-434-4341 • WEBSITE: www.bsccva.com EMAIL: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS: Monday–Friday 9:00 am–4:00 pm (Office closed Monday 12:30–1:30 for lunch) Twinning with St. Isidore on La Gonave, Haiti April 26, 2015 • Fourth Sunday of Easter 26 Abril de 2015 • Cuarto Domingo de Pascua STAFF Pastor.................................................... Rev. Silvio Kaberia Parochial Vicar ...............................Rev. Joseph Goldsmith Deacon .............................................. Rev. Mr. Paul Kudrav Deacon Emeritus………………….Rev. Mr. Fred La Spina Coord. of Religious Education............ Mrs. Valerie Blanton Interim Minister of Youth…………….Mr. Christian Wooten Minister of Liturgy & Music ...................... Ms. Jean DePiro Secretary ..............................................Mrs. Martha Moyers Business Manager ..................................... Mr. Bill Brennan Facilities Manager.................................... Mr. Ron Bodkins COUNCILS Parish Council Chair Dr. Vicki Fawcett-Adams, 896-3417 Parish Council Vice-Chair …Mr. Carlos Briones, 440-5061 Parish Council Secretary…. Mr. Bob Tennyson, 828-6564 Finance Council Chair ……Mrs. Bev McGowan, 433-1868 Finance Council Vice Chair ...Mrs. Carol Miller, 867-5263 Finance Council Secretary….Mrs. Marcia Pearce 234-8208 LITURGY SCHEDULE Tuesday, Thursday, Friday ................................... 12:10 pm Wednesday .................... 6:00 pm; Holy Hour 6:30–7:30 pm Thursday ................................................. 7:00 pm (Español) Saturday .................................................................. 5:00 pm Sunday ....................... 8:00 & 10:00 am; 1:00 pm (Español) Holy Days ...................... Check the bulletin mass schedule. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:30–4:30 pm or by appointment. Communal Services in Advent and Lent. MINISTERIO HISPANO: 540-434-0849 Coord. para el Ministerio Hispano: Sra. Graciela Pinedo Parish Mission Statement Blessed Sacrament Parish aspires to be a model Christian community, disciples of Christ, in communication with the Universal Church, in service to each other and our greater community. We speak with diverse and inclusive voices, united by our Catholic faith and Eucharistic celebration. HORAS DE OFICINA Martes a viernes 9:00 am a 4:00 pm BULLETIN DEADLINE Monday at 10:00 am unless otherwise noted. Contents must be emailed to be included in that week's bulletin. All submissions are subject to the Pastor's approval and space availability and may be edited for length. BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH HARRISONBURG, VA Your prayers are requested for the Sick of the Parish: Susan Berry, Elena Cantor, Francis Cavoto, Vivian Cervantes, Beth Dalton, Cristobal Duque, David Durham, Thomas Downing, Madge Eckenrode, Annie Farwell, Mae Fukumoto, Ginny Fox, Juan Gutierrez, Kamilia Hanna, Betty Hilson, Julie Iaconcig, Tony Jenkins, Carol Kagey, Jae Kim, Terry Le Pera, Raymond Lewis, Marjorie Maday, Armand & Jane Musto, Mildred Norkus, Wanda & Gene Olimski, Lynn Picht, Francis Reilly, Regina Reilly, Nicolas Reyes, Kay Ring, Roger Roberge, Pat Saltzer, Margaret Sander, the Schwartz Family, Hank Schiefer, Paul Sullivan, JoAnn Vaccaro, Claire Wirkus, William Wright, all our homebound parishioners and all who care for them. For Family & Friends of Parishioners: Emmanuel Aguayo, Nicholas Ashby, Mark & Ginger Bagenous, Bruce Barlow, Jody Bates, Woody Bedell, Janine Benson, Anna & Allen Black, Richard Braga, Michael Brody, Kylee Bryant, Sarah Simon Calhoun, Donna Lee Carroll, Martha Childress, Steven Chisick, Sylvia Ciolino, Catherine Clemmens, Jason Coffman, Elizabeth Cooke, Johana Milena Coppiano, Sharon Clement, Gerald DeLoria, Ben Derringer, Viola Dickerson, Frederick & Joseph DiFrancesco, Alex Dino-Murdo, Dominic Dorazio, Bill Downs, Karla Driver, Willie Gardner, Miguel Garibay-Alvarez, Lillie Gibson, Lane Goodwin, Maria Glabus, Katherine Gloeckner, Ryan Greenwood, Hunter Gregory, Shirley Heatwole, Arthur Hemann, Eileen Herald, Audrey Hereford, Christopher Hernandez Medina, Lisa Hilton, Christopher Hollar, David Kane, Tucker Karl, Becky Keoki, Marge Klawitter, Mike Lam, Betty Lampeter, Linda Layman, Betty Leake, Claire Lovejoy, Brian Markley, Maria Markley, JR Martinez, Daniel McCarty, Mary McFadden, Jim Melton, Garth Mills, Leon Mondelli, Cathy Mullins, Stacey Nadeau, Madison Nisly, Danielle Pack, Glenys Pascarelli, Mary Louise Pickeral, Anne Pirato, Justin & Laura Ray, Emily Ray, Jeremy Ream, Thomas Reilly, Richard Rexrode, Abby Rieber, Lillie Ryman, Bill Sampson, Irene Sarnelle, David Schiefer, Twila Showalter, Joyce Springmier, Flora Strode, Jean Sweigart, Tommy Swenson, Shelly Thomas, Joe Vaccaro, John Verga, Devon Waldron, Hilda Ward, Ashley Wood, and Judy Wray. Remember those in our parish family in the military, especially Jeremy Adams, Brian Davis, John Ferguson, Dane Geise, Joe Gibson, Scott Hankes, Samantha Manss, Donovan O’Donnell, Scott O’Donnell, Derek Stroop, Jesse Thomas, and Ryan Wilkes, especially those serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and other assignments overseas or in harm’s way. Please pray for peace throughout the world, and for those suffering from natural disasters, terrorism, war and civil unrest, especially in Lebanon, Ukraine, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Israel, Gaza, and Kenya. Please pray for those persecuted for their faith, especially in Iraq, Syria, and Kenya. Pray for our twin parish of St. Isidore, La Gonave, Haiti, that they be sustained in the many challenges they face. Please pray that the right to life would be respected and protected in our country and the world, from conception to natural death. Please pray for those who have died, especially Ezekiel Kaberia, the father of Fr. Silvio, that they may rest in the peace of Christ. Fr. Silvio is in Kenya for the funeral and to be with his family. He will return May 12. Please keep him in your prayers. Please call or email ([email protected]) the office if there has been a change in the status of someone you placed on the prayer list. Thank you! Sat. Apr. 25, 5 pm, +Inez Gracious (requested by Barbara Bowman) Sun. Apr. 26, Fourth Sunday of Easter; 8 am, +Wladyslaw Koroscik (requested by Krystyna Koroscik); 10 am, +Dorothy Grant (requested by Dorothy Wehman); 1 pm, Misa pro populo Mon. Apr. 27, NO MASS Tues. Apr. 28, 12:10 pm, +Al Menard (requested by Jerry Sullivan) Wed. Apr. 29, St. Catherine of Siena; 6 pm, Intentions of Fred Kahwajy on the occasion of his 104th birthday (requested by Mary Kahwajy-Baron) Thurs. Apr. 30, 12:10 pm, Poor Souls in Purgatory (requested by Mary Kahwajy-Baron) Fri. May 1, St. Joseph the Worker; 12:10 pm, +Barbara Cox (requested by Anna Marie Plowman) Sat. May 2, 5 pm +Paul Huber (requested by Nellie Hurdle) Sun. May 3, Fifth Sunday of Easter; 8 am, Misa pro populo; 10 am, +Joe Bernard (requested by the Althaver family); 1 pm, +Santos Najarro May is the month of Mary. We will honor her by praying the Rosary one half-hour before each Mass beginning May 2nd & 3rd. We are looking for volunteers to lead the Rosary at the 10 am Mass, especially May 3. If you are interested, please call or email the office; [email protected], 540434-4341, ext. 109, if you want to help. 2 4TH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 26, 2015 SECOND COLLECTIONS: May 3, Twin Parish in Haiti May 10, Contingency May 17, Diocesan Home Missions Collection May 31, Social Ministries RE Calendar 4/26—RE Classes 5/3—Last day of RE classes 5/5—1st Communion rehearsal 6:30 pm in church 5/16—1st Communion mass 10:00 am Online giving is an easy way to make sure your donation gets to us. Go to our website, bsccva.com, and click the Online Giving through WeShare icon on the first page. It takes a few minutes to sign up. You can automate your giving, whether you’re here, on vacation, or stuck at home due to a snowstorm or illness! Save checks, time and trouble! Thanks to those who have signed up already! This summer Blessed Sacrament will once again be hosting Vacation Bible School (VBS). Join us the week of June 2226th from 9 am-12 noon as all involved will get to see and experience God’s Love in Action!! VBS is offered for 3 year-olds through Rising 5th graders. We also need many bodies (teenagers too) to help out that week and also for preparation ahead of time. If you are interested in serving on a committee, (decorating, crafts, snacks, storytelling, games, volunteer coordinator, or recruiter), please contact Valerie at the office or [email protected]. It is a fabulous way to spend your week!! Registrations will be available the Looking for Team members!! FINANCIAL BOX SCORE FY 2014-15 YTD 2014/2015 totals April 5, 2015 April 12,2015 April 19,2015 Online giving (April 2015 to date) YTD OFFERTORY Needed Actual $585,429 $580,561 $15,011 $15,357 $15,011 $12,725 $15,011 $14,048 Difference ($4,868) $346 ($2,286) ($963) $1,466 $630,462 $624,156 $1,466 $6,306) *Total Offertory Budget of $750,550 is based on 50 weeks (due to possible snow weekends). Canned Food Drive this month!! Our Children’s Church classes are holding a canned food drive to benefit our Food Pantry, for the remainder of the RE year. It will end on May 3rd. Please place any donations in the labeled box in the foyer and the children will be taking everything over to the Food Pantry the last day of class☺ Thank you for your generosity! ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Our Adult Faith Formation team (FLOW) is looking to add some new team members to our current team. We are seeking people who are interested in working together to offer opportunities for our Parish adults to come together for Bible studies, Faith-learning and Fellowship. We currently meet 1x a month for planning of future programs and events. If this is something you might be interested in helping out with or would like more information, please contact Valerie at the office. OPERATION RICE BOWL: Please turn in your Rice Bowl money if you have not already done so. Count up the change in the Rice Bowl, and write a check for the amount to Blessed Sacrament. We will collect all the funds and write one check to Catholic Relief Services. Thank you for your support. 3 BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH HARRISONBURG, VA PARISH RETREAT next weekend, 8:30 am to 3 pm. Food Pantry Needs Volunteers !! With the upcoming vacation season, the pantry needs volunteers for all shifts, especially the Tuesday and Friday shifts. This would be a great opportunity for college students returning home to give some time to our ministry. Please contact Barb Warns ([email protected]/540 564 2515) or Peggy Zeh ([email protected]/540 432 1278). Fourth Sunday of Easter – April 26, 2015 - World Day of Prayer for Vocations On this Good Shepherd Sunday we celebrate the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Pray for holy vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life, especially for our diocese, that God will raise up good shepherds in our midst. If you are considering such a vocation, Call Father Michael G. Boehling at (804)359-5661, or write: [email protected]. Please consider helping us help those in need. YAM Night: We will be continuing our spiritual journey by learning from each other and scripture. This event begins at 8PM on April 29th and will be held in the church basement. Free Clothing Closet Service Activity: We will be going to volunteer at a free clothing closet in the local area on May 2nd. This free closet provides the needy in our area with one of the basic essentials of life. Check out our Facebook page or contact Peter McAnulty, [email protected], for more details. Spiritual Direction Institute The “Day Away” Retreat Team, including graduates of Monsignor Chester Michael's Spiritual Direction Institute, will offer The next "Day Away" at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Crozet, VA on Saturday, May 16, 2015 from 8:30 to 4:00 PM. The Knights of Columbus will be having a lasagna dinner on Tuesday April 28th at 6:30pm in Johnston Hall. $7 per person. Proceeds will support K of C charitable giving. The topic will be “Forgiveness: The Spirituality of Imperfection.” We’ll address the following topics: Mistakes and Self-forgiveness, Vulnerability and Compassion, and The Role of the Shadow in Forgiveness, making use of art, journaling, stories, “broken pots and found objects,” and Lectio Divina. There will be periods of interaction as well as time for quiet, journaling, walking, etc. Next K of C Blood Drive, Sunday, May 17, 9 am-1 pm in the Bloodmobile. To sign up, go to vadonor.org and use code name “blessed”. Walk ins are also welcome. However, you MUST have a picture ID (state law). There is no fee for the retreat, but we do collect donations for the Sisters, who generously make this unique place available to us. Easter lasts 50 days until Pentecost! (May 24). Unfortunately, the bloom cycle on our Easter flowers does not last that long. Some of our lilies have finished blooming and are ready to be taken home and planted outside, They are perennials and will come up every year. If you donated towards Easter flowers and would like to take one home, please help yourself. They are in front of the daily mass chapel screen. Please note that lilies are poisonous to cats so if you have a cat, you might not want to keep the plant inside. Coffee, bagels, and fruit will be provided. Bring a bag lunch, your Bible, writing material, and comfortable walking shoes. To register, send an e-mail to Bev Mirmelstein, [email protected], or call (434) 996-8291. 4 4TH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 26, 2015 THIS WEEK AT BLESSED SACRAMENT SATURDAY, APRIL 25 10:00 am, Bautismos en español 1:00-4:00 pm, 1st Communion Retreat 3:30-4:30 pm, Confessions 4:30 pm, Rosary 5:00 pm, Vigil Mass for Sunday 5:30 pm, Clase por Bautismo en español 6:15-8:30 pm, High School Rel Ed, 2 East Wolfe DIOCESE OR RICHMOND CENTER FOR MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE World Meeting of Families with the Pope, Philadelphia, Monday, Sept. 21-Sunday, Sept. 27. Full information on this pilgrimage and conference is at cdrcmfl.org, section on “Events Calendar” click “Full Calendar” and then under the event, click “download the communication and contract”. The deposit is $250 and is nonrefundable. Copies of the contract and pricing schedule are also available in the office; however, registration must be done online. The contract needs to be notarized; Martha is a notary and can do this for you. SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 4TH SUNDAY OF EASTER 8:00 & 10:00 am, English Masses 10:00 am, Children’s Church & Nursery 11:30 am-12:40 pm, Elem & MS Rel Ed (MS at 2 E. Wolfe) 12:30 pm, Rosario 1:00 pm, Misa en español 4:30-6:00 pm, Legion de Maria, Rm 4/5, Hall 6:00 pm, Grupo Kergyma, Sanctuary A Prolife Committee is forming at Blessed Sacrament. Anyone interested in joining or for more information, please contact Maura Smith at [email protected] or (540) 820-0730. MONDAY, APRIL 27 No Daily Mass 5:30-9:30 pm, Choir Practices 6:00-8:00 pm, Boy Scout Meeting, Johnston Hall 7:00 pm, Evangelization Team Mtg, Rm 2 JMU Catholic Campus Ministry: The last weekend for Mass on campus will be next Sunday, May 3. Daily Mass at CCM will be held the week of May 4-8, then will end for the summer until late August (watch for announcement this summer). TUESDAY, APRIL 28 11:30 am, Rosary 12:10 pm, Daily Mass 1:00 pm, Finance Council 6:30 pm, Legion de Maria, Rm 4/5, Hall 6:30 pm, K of C fundraising Lasagna Dinner, Hall WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 4:30 pm, Soup Kitchen 6:00 pm, Daily Mass & Holy Hour 7:30 pm, Spanish Mass Choir Practice, Sanctuary 8:00 pm, Young Adult Ministry, Rm 3 Dates to save: THURSDAY, APRIL 30 10:30 am, Lectionary Bible Study 11:00 am, Friendship House 12:10 pm, Daily Mass 7:00 pm, Misa en español 7:00 pm, Scripture Study Group First Communion Mass: 10 am, May 16 Youth Confirmation Mass with the Bishop: 11 am, May 30 FRIDAY, MAY 1 12:10 pm, Daily Mass Parish Feast of Title (Corpus Christi), June 7. Parish picnic at Ralph Sampson park in the afternoon. SATURDAY, MAY 2 8:30 am-3:00 pm Parish Retreat 3:30-4:30 pm, Confessions 4:30 pm, Rosary 5:00 pm, Vigil Mass for Sunday 5:30 pm, Clase por bautismo en español 6:15-8:30 pm, High School Rel Ed (last class) Vacation Bible School, for children PK3-rising 5th grade, June 22-26. Hispanic Heritage picnic, Sunday afternoon, August 16, Ralph Sampson Park. SUNDAY, MAY 3, 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER Twin Parish in Haiti Collection 7:30 am, Rosary, 8:00 am, English Mass 9:30 am, Rosary, 10:00 am, English Mass 10:00 am, Children’s Church (last class), Nursery 11:30 am-12:40 pm, Elem & MS Rel Ed (last Class) 12:30 pm, Rosario 1:00 pm, Misa en español 4:30-6:00 pm, Legion de Maria, Rm 4/5, Hall 6:00 pm, Grupo Kerygma, Sanctuary Update on the parish directory: Yes, it’s still a work in progress. We are redoing the parish life pages layout and having the Parish History translated into Spanish. We hope to have it ready this summer. If you had a free 8 x 10 photo taken and it wasn’t sent to your house, we may have it. Contact the office and we will get it for you. 5 BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH HARRISONBURG, VA Calendario de Ed. Rel. COMUNIDAD HISPANA 26 de abril clases de Ed. Religiosa Mayo 3 final clase de Ed. Religiosa 16 de Mayo Primeras Comuniones VBS (Clases de Biblia en Vacaciones) Ya viene!! Marque en su calendario! Las clases de Biblia en Vacaciones que se ofrecen aquí en Blessed Sacrament para este verano. VBS tendrá lugar del 22 al 26 de junio y será nombrado PACTO Y SACRIFICIO Viviendo la Eucaristia, nos proporcionó recursos y oportunidades para aprender sobre el significado de la Eucaristía, para celebrar este sacramento más plenamente, y vivir el discipulado en Cristo todos los días de la semana. Vamos a continuar explorando la Eucaristía en nuestro retiro parroquial , sábado 2 de mayo. Se invita a todos los adultos y se proporcionarán servicios de guardería. Vamos a tener la inscripción a partir del próximo fin de semana. G-ForcePGod’s Love in Action! (El Amor de Dios en Acción) Nosotros necesitamos de muchos voluntarios (adultos y Jóvenes) y muchos niños para participar. No pierda la oportunidad de asistir esta grandiosa semana de diversión y Fe! LEGION DE MARIA La Parroquia de Blessed Sacrament ¡Lo invitamos a participar! BAUTISMOS Legión de Maria se reúne todos los domingos a las 4:30 pm y martes a las 6:30pm. En el salón #5 del edificio del J. Hall de la Parroquia Realizamos trabajos como: Evangelización puerta a puerta, Visita de la Virgen Peregrina a los hogares Contacto callejero para establecer relación con personas alejadas de la Iglesia Visitas a personas enfermas Entronización del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús ¡Lo esperamos! Para más información ver a Luz Girón, Alicia Bravo o Viliulfo Bautista, Durante la Misa de la 1p.m. o durante las horas de Legión de Maria. Fechas de inscripción de pláticas: Abril 26, Agosto 23 y Sept. 13. Después de las Misa 1 pm. Fechas para las charlas: 11 y 25 Abril; Mayo 2 y 9, Agosto29 y Sept. 5. y Sept. 19 y 26 Las charlas son los sábados a las 5:30 pm de la tarde. BAUTIZOS A LAS 10:00 am Sabados 25 Abril, Mayo 23, Junio 27, y 25 de Julio. CELBRACION PARA MATRIMONIOS La Diócesis de Richmond pide que la paraja que desea contraer matrimonio Religiosa, tenga los Sacramentos de Bautizo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación, y haga cita 6 meses antes de al celebración de la Boda, traer a la primera cita con el sacerdote, la Fe o Certificado de Bautizo renovada y que diga que es válida para matrimonio, copias de cert. de Confirmación de los dos, asistir a un Encuentro Pre-matrimonial, si alguno de los dos no tiene algún sacramento aquí hay preparación para hacer el Sacramento que la hace falta, para mayor información llame a la oficina. GRUPO Kerygma y Alabanza Ven te invitamos al grupo Kerygma, es por medio de cantos, oraciones y reflexiones. Y se reúnen las tardas de los domingos de 6 pm-8 pm en el Santuario. Se invita a Participar en el Coro Hispano para las Misas en espanol del Jueves 7 de la noche y Domingos a la 1 de la Tarde. La Practica para el Coro es todos los Miercoles despues de la Hora Santa 7:30pm. NIÑOS DE LA IGLESIA Comida enlatada este mes !! Nuestros NIÑOS de las clases de Niños de la Iglesia estarán colectando alimentos enlatados en beneficio de nuestro banco de alimentos, finalizando el año de Educación Religiosa, el domingo 3 de mayo. Por favor, coloque las donaciones en la casilla en el vestíbulo y los niños van a tomar todo para el Banco de Comida del último día del clases. Gracias por su generosidad!! Declaración de la Misión Parroquial La Iglesia de Blessed Sacrament aspira a ser Discípulos de Cristo, y un modelo Cristiano para la Comunidad, y estar en Comunión con la Iglesia Universal, en server uno al otro y que así nuestra comunidad crezca. Nosotros inclusive hablamos en diversas lenguas vocas, unidos en nuestra Fe Católica y en la celebracion de la Eucaristía The spotlight this week shines on Insurance Center of Harrisonburg Please patronize this advertiser. 6 4TH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 26, 2015 CHILDREN’S CORNER 4º Domingo de Pascua CYCLE B APRIL 26, 2015 4th Sunday of Easter La imagen del buen pastor ha brindado nombre y dinamismo a la actividad de la Iglesia a tal forma que el pueblo se refiere a los párrocos como "pastores," quienes cuidan de sus feligreses. En el campo rural las personas saben muy bien lo que significa e implica ser pastor. Igual podemos decir que los padres de familia son "pastores" de su familia. Pero todos sabemos que para ser pastor hay que cuidar y velar por el rebaño a costa de lo que sea. En el Evangelio de hoy reconocemos a Jesús como el Buen Pastor que ha dado la vida por nosotros. Nos cuida y desea que nadie se pierda. En la sociedad actual existen muchos falsos pastores. Hay muchas voces que nos llaman mostrándonos cosas atrayentes pero que no nos llevan por el buen camino. Si le preguntamos a niños o jóvenes qué es lo que más desean, muchas veces éstos nos dicen que ser famosos y ricos. El dinero y el lujo atraen. Y se pueden tener de buena manera. Pero el amor y el dar la vida diariamente por los demás no se compran. Esto es lo que Jesús nos indica que es la Pascua. La Pascua es la mayor manifestación de la verdad de esa entrega del buen Dios hacia nosotros. Por esta razón, vivir el tiempo pascual es aprender de la espiritualidad del resucitado. De igual manera, el vivir la Pascua significa que toda persona forme parte del rebaño y que no se quede fuera escuchando voces de extraños. También, la tarea de nosotros al ser seguidores de Jesús es la de unificar su rebaño. Por lo tanto, debemos de revisar nuestra actitud personal y comunitaria y preguntarnos lo siguiente: ¿somos coherentes con la fe que profesamos dando testimonio de vida? ¿O somos obstáculos que impiden que se escuche la voz del Pastor? ¿Es nuestra Iglesia centro de acogida o de rechazo? Aprendamos de la ternura de Jesús y de su amor para cuidar de aquellas ovejas que él ha puesto a nuestro cuidado. "And I will lay down my life for the sheep." Jesus himself gave us the image of himself as the Good Shepherd. In trying to teach us about who he was, his love for us, and his mission to save us, he chose to speak in these terms. The picture is a comforting one. We can imagine the natural beauty of a shepherd on a hillside, gently leading and guiding his sheep to the places where all their needs are met. The shepherd makes sure they are fed, watered, rested, and, of course, safe. This last element is what separates a good shepherd from a bad one. When a threat approaches his flock, the good shepherd will do whatever is necessary to save them, even at risk of his own safety. The bad shepherd, on the other hand, thinks only of himself and abandons the sheep in order to protect his own skin. It's important, in understanding the analogy, for us to realize that we, the sheep of Christ's pasture, do face real threats, though they may be the kind that are hard to recognize. The wolves that prowl around our souls are the vices of anger, jealousy, lust, greed, gluttony, vanity, and laziness. We traditionally call these the seven deadly sins, and they are truly deadly. When we give in to them, we cut off our souls from the source of real life: God. But Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who lays down his life for us, literally. Jesus suffered and died on the cross, taking away the deadly consequence of sin. This selfless act has saved us by offering the forgiveness and reconciliation that our souls, weak and weary from the attacks of evil, desperately need. What a gift to be in the care of such a shepherd. What a joy to be in this flock where, as Jesus says, "I know mine and mine know me." ©2009 Liturgical Publications Inc © Liturgical Publications Inc 7
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