1. Spørgsmål/Question: ” Thank you again for your invitation to tender for the Bird Experience Center. The project is very interesting for XX. We would appreciate to know the project budget for the design and build as well as the planning/ exhibition size in square meters, and the time schedule for the tender/ our proposal. Thank you very much in advance for your information.” 2. Spørgsmål/Question: “Due to parallel prequalifications and concepts it is important for us to know project facts like planning/ exhibition size in square meters, services, project schedule, constructions costs and fees to better understand the project. Thank you very much in advance.” Svar/Answer: Dansk: Budgetramme for totalentreprisen, omfattende udstilling (oplevelsesrum), udgør 11-12 mio. DKK. ekskl. moms. Inden for budgetrammen skal totalentreprisen overordnet levere og servicere i henhold til følgende hovedopgaver for udstillingen / oplevelsesrummet: tegningsmateriale, grafik, produktion af elementer til udstilling, installering af elementer, produktion af film, animationer el. lign. til projektioner, skærme m.m. Endvidere udvikling af app, samt support i 2 år af udstillingens tekniske elementer. Byggeomkostninger og afgifter opgøres og afholdes af totalentreprenør inden for budgetrammen. Opgaven skal resultere i tilvejebringelse af udstilling (oplevelsesrum) i international topklasse til formidling året rundt i et nytænkende koncept af det i særklasse unikke fugletræk ved Skagen. Udstillingsarealet / oplevelsesrummet i hovedhus vil udgøre ca. 86 m2 med eventuelt supplerende rum i mellemhus og sidebygning på i ca. 48 m2. Udstillingsarealet / oplevelsesrummet omfatter endvidere et ca. 220 m2 stort udendørs gårdsrum samt et udendørs velkomstområde fra p-plads hen mod bygningskomplekset. Overordnet set og designmæssigt udgør oplevelsesrummet i øvrigt det samlede bygningskompleks med tilstødende landskab og hav tæt på fyret / Grenen / mv. samt de internationalt forbundne fugletrækruter. Tidsplan for udbudsforretningen fremgår af tidsplan, pkt. 1.6, i udbudsbekendtgørelse. Overordnet tidsplan for vinderprojektets implementering indgår med følgende faser: Projektering (Septembernovember 2015), Produktion og udførelse (november 2015–Marts 2016), testperiode (marts-april 2016) – aflevering af færdiggjort og publikumsklar(t) udstilling / oplevelsesrum (1. april 2016). 1 English: The budget for the contract task, including exhibition (experiential space), is 11-12 million DKK excl. VAT. Within the budget the total entreprise must provide and service according to the following main tasks for the exhibition / the experiential space: drawings, graphics, production of devices for experiential space, installation of elements, production of films, animations, and the like for projections, screens, etc. Further development of app, as well as support for 2 years of the exhibition's technical elements. Construction costs and fees are determined and borne by the contractor within the budget framework. The assignment must result in the provision of exhibition (experiential space) at an international top class level for dissemination year round in an innovative concept of the outstanding bird migration at Skagen, Denmark. The exhibition space / the experiental space in main house will be approximately 86 m2 with any additional space in the intermediate housing and building of approximately 48 m2 . The exhibition space / the experiential space also includes an approximately 220 m2 outdoor courtyard and a entrance welcome outdoor area from the parking lot toward the building complex. Overall and design-wise the experiental space constitutes otherwise the total building complex with adjacent landscape and the sea near the lighthouse / Grenen / etc. and the internationally related bird migration routes. Schedule for the procurement timings appear in EU-Notice 2015/S 059-104363, section 1.6. Overall schedule of the implementation of the winning project includes the following phases: planning (September-November 2015) , production and execution of construction (November 2015 - March 2016), test period (March-April 2016) - submission of completed and opening ready exhibition / experience space (April 1, 2016) Jacob Funder 2
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