San Felipe Catholic Church Our Mission | Nuestra Misión Come, grow with us in Faith, Hope and Love. We, the parishioners of San Felipe Parish, celebrate the Eucharist by welcoming and serving everyone. Sharing our talents, nourishing, learning and initiating the Paschal Mystery of Christ experience to others. Ven, crece con nosotros en Fe, Esperanza y Amor. Nosotros los feligreses de la parroquia de San Felipe, celebramos la Eucaristía acogiendo y sirviendo a todos. Compartiendo nuestros talentos, fomentando y aprendiendo e iniciando a otros en la experiencia del Misterio Pascual de Cristo. 606 E. Aria Blvd. | Wendover, UT 84083 | Phone: 435-406-9610 | Fax: 435-665-0185 | Website: Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm (sin cerrar al medio dia) Pastor: Oscar Hernández Office Manager: Francisca Bañuelos Office Assistant: Adriana Esparza Webmaster & Bulletin: Nancy Rodriguez Religious Education Coordinator: Ana Aboite 801-518-1099 (Please call between 9:00 -11:00 am and 1:00-3:00 pm) RCIA Directors: Mike Katsonis (English) Daniel Carrillo (Spanish) Music Ministry: Mateo Salazar & Adriana Esparza Maintenance: Joaquin Rosales Mass Schedule Weekly: 6:00 pm Bilingual Monday and Tuesday Spanish Wednesday Weekend English Saturday: 5:30 pm Sunday: 10:00 am Spanish Sunday: 12:00 & 6:00 pm Reconciliation Saturday: 5:00 to 5:30 pm Sunday: 11:30 am & 5:30 pm Blessed Sacrament Adoration Thursday: 6:00 am– 6:00 pm April 19, 2015| Third Sunday of Easter Saint Peter Chanel Feast Day: April 28 The protomartyr of the South Seas, St. Peter Chanel was born in 1803 at Clet in the diocese of Belley, France. His intelligence and simple piety brought him to the attention of the local priest, Father Trompier. Entering the diocesan Seminary, Peter won the affection and the esteem of both students and professors. After his ordination he found himself in a rundown country parish and completely revitalized it in a three-year span that he remained there. However, his mind was set on missionary work; so, in 1831, he joined the newly formed Society of Mary (Marists) which concentrated on missionary work at home and abroad. To his dismay, he was appointed to teach at the seminary at Belley and remained there for the next five years, diligently performing his duties. In 1836, the Society was given the New Hebrides in the Pacific as a field for evangelization, and the jubilant St. Peter was appointed Superior of a little band of missionaries sent to proclaim the Faith to its inhabitants. On reaching their destination after an arduous ten-month journey, the band split up and St. Peter went to the Island of Futuna accompanied by a lay brother and an English layman, Thomas Boog. They were at first well received by the pagans and their king Niuliki who had only recently forbidden cannibalism. However, the kings jealousy and fear were aroused when the missionaries learned the language and gained the people's confidence; he realized the adoption of the Christian Faith would lead to the abolition of some of the prerogatives he enjoyed as both high priest and sovereign. Finally, when his own son expressed a desire to be baptized, the king's hatred erupted and he dispatched a group of his warriors to set upon the saintly head of the missionaries. Thus, on April 28, 1841, three years after his arrival, St. Peter was seized and clubbed to death by those he had come to save. And his death brought his work to completion - within five months the entire island was converted to Christianity. 2 † San Felipe Catholic Church Tercer Domingo de Pascua Third Sunday of Easter Un explorador del Amazonas regresó a su pueblo y todos estaban ansiosos por conocer sus aventuras por el río poderoso y por aquel vasto territorio. ¿Cómo, se preguntaba, describirles lo que he visto? ¿Cómo puedo poner en palabras los sentimientos que experimenté al ver las flores exóticas y los sonidos oídos durante las noches? ¿Cómo comunicarles los olores que impregnaban el aire y los peligros encontrados a lo largo del viaje? An amazon explorer returned to his village and everyone was anxious to know his adventures through the mighty river and that vast territory. He wondered how could he describe what he saw? How could he put into words the feelings he experienced, the sight of exotic flowers and the sounds he heard at night? How does he explain the smells that filled the air and the dangers encountered along the journey? So he told them, "Go and find out for yourselves this unknown territory." Así que les dijo: “Vayan y descubran por ustedes mismos este territorio desconocido”. Les dio un mapa del río indicándoles los peligros y los lugares maravillosos y les ofreció pistas para evitar todo tipo de encuentros peligrosos. Las gentes cogieron el mapa, lo pusieron en un marco y lo colgaron en el ayuntamiento para que todos lo pudieran admirar. Algunos se hicieron copias que estudiaban entusiasmados y, con el tiempo, se consideraron expertos en el Amazonas. La resurrección de Jesucristo no es un mapa que tenemos que contemplar, ni una lección que tenemos que aprender, es una inmersión en el Amazonas de la vida vivida en y con Cristo. La Palabra de Dios tiene que ser saboreada en el silencio, profundizada en el estudio, asimilada en la oración, celebrada en la liturgia, vivida en la vida fraterna, anunciada en la misión, hasta que se convierta en nuestra lengua materna afirma un teólogo italiano. La Escritura, asignatura pendiente de los católicos, es el Amazonas por el que tenemos que viajar todos los días. They were given a map of the river indicating hazards and wonderful places and offered clues to avoid any dangerous encounters. The people took the map and was put in a frame and hung up in the hall so that everyone could admire it. Some copies were made and some of the people studied the map, over time, they considered themselves experts in the amazon. Los apóstoles encerrados en su cenáculo rumian su tristeza y su desilusión. Después de la crucifixión de Jesús discutirían sus opciones futuras. Las enseñanzas de Jesús a lo largo del camino, ignoradas y olvidadas, no habían sido asimiladas por estos alumnos preocupados más por ambiciones materiales y mundanas que por ideas y actuaciones novedosas. Como los alumnos, tenían sus mentes en otras cosas. En las cosas de la religión todos somos esos alumnos. Todos tenemos nuestras prioridades, preocupaciones y tareas urgentes que vivir. Jesús y su cielo pueden esperar. La resurrección, realidad ausente en la tradición y en la Biblia Hebrea, les resultaba incomprensible. Jesús tuvo que abrir sus mentes para que comprendieran las Escrituras. Nos podemos preguntar, ¿por qué Jesús no se lo explicó durante su ministerio? ¿Por qué no les abrió las mentes durante su vida? Si lo hizo nunca lo entendieron. Jesús tenía que morir y resucitar para que se les abriera la mente y entendieran su vida entera. La resurrección es la llave que abra las puertas de las Escrituras. La resurrección es el final alegre que da sentido y explica lo que Jesús fue, es y será. La resurrección es la plenitud de la Escritura. La resurrección es la plenitud de la fe, todo lo demás son los complementos. Aceptar la resurrección de Jesús es más que un mapa colgado en la pared, más que un sermón de Pascua, es sumergirse en el Amazonas de la vida con Cristo. La Palabra de Dios que proclamamos, el pan que compartimos, la paz que nos ofrece y la misión que el resucitado nos confía son invitación a descubrir su presencia en este cenáculo que es nuestra iglesia. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not a map that we have to contemplate, nor a lesson we have to learn. It is an immersion in the amazon of life, lived in and with Christ. The Word of God has to be savored in silence, deepened with study, assimilated in prayer, celebrated in the liturgy, lived in fraternal life, and announced in our mission, until it becomes our mother language says an Italian theologian. The apostles locked themselves in the Cenacle and they were filled with sadness and disappointment. After the crucifixion of Jesus they discussed their future options. The teachings of Jesus along the road were ignored and forgotten and were not assimilated by those students who were more concerned with material things and worldly ambitions. As students, they had their minds on other things. We all have our priorities, concerns and urgent tasks to live. Jesus and heaven can wait. The Resurrection, absent in the tradition and the Hebrew Bible actually found it incomprehensible. Jesus had to open their minds so that they could understand the Scriptures. We may ask ourselves, why did Jesus not explain to them during his ministry? Why did he not open their minds during his lifetime? If he did, they never understood. Jesus had to die and rise for them to open their mind and understand their lives. The resurrection is the key that opens the gates of the Scripture. The resurrection is the happy ending that makes sense and explains what Jesus was, is and will be. The resurrection is the fulfillment of the Scripture. The resurrection is the fullness of faith, everything else are the complements. Accepting the resurrection of Jesus is more than a map on the wall, more than a sermon on Easter, it is immersing in the Amazon of life with Christ. The Word of God that we proclaim, the bread that we share, the peace offering and the mission that the risen confides in us are all an invitation to discover his presence in our Church. We will continue proclaiming the Scriptures and continue feeding our doubts but we have to believe despite of those many doubts. Nosotros seguiremos proclamando la Escritura y seguiremos alimentando nuestras dudas pero tenemos que creer a pesar de nuestras muchas dudas. Avisos Announcements 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lunes, Abril 20: Regresa el Padre Oscar. Sábado, Abril 25: Junta para padres de familia de niños en el catecismo (ingles) Sábado, Abril 25, inicia la novena de San Felipe. Contáctese con Lucy Pérez si gustan patrocinar un día. Miércoles, Abril 29: Junta para padres de familia de niños en el catecismo. Domingo, Mayo 3, Dia de Santo San Felipe. (Horarios normal de misa) Todos los Domingos se estará recibiendo la ayuda para el DDD después de Misas. Pueden hacer sus donaciones en la pagina de web de la iglesia: y haga clic en “Give Online”. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Monday, April 20: Father Oscar returns. Saturday, April 25: Meeting with parents of children in catechism (English) Saturday, April 25, novena for St. Philip feast day begins. Contact Lucy Perez if you would like to host a day. Wednesday, April 29: Meeting with parents of children in catechism. Sunday, May 3, Feast Day of St. Philip. (Regular mass times) DDD contributions will be collected after Sunday masses. You can now make donations through the church’s website at by clicking on the "Give Online" logo. COLLECTIONS FROM April 12, 2015 Collection: $2,928.00 Rice Bowl: $2,365.21 Gracias por apoyar a su parroquia. Quinceañeras La joven que desee celebrar sus Quince Años en nuestra parroquia, debe haber recibido el Sacramento de la Confirmación, o estar asistiendo al Programa de Educación Religiosa. Reservar con tiempo en la oficina parroquial la fecha de su celebración y asistir al curso de preparación para Quinceañeras. Bodas Si desea celebrar su matrimonio, debe comenzar el proceso con seis meses de anticipación. Llame a la oficina parroquial para más información. Cuidado Pastoral necesita de tu ayuda para poder asistir a los feligreses que ocupan de nosotros como iglesia, si conoces a alguien que necesite asistencia por favor llámanos y juntos lograremos nuestra misión. Esperanza Haro: 1-774-340-1819 Lucy Pérez: 1-801-913-8496 **** Pastoral Care needs your help to assist parishioners who need of us as a church. If you know of someone who needs assistance please call us and together we can achieve our mission. Esperanza Haro: 1-774-340-181 Lucy Perez: 1-801-913-8496 Intenciones del Papa Francisco para el mes de Abril Oremos por: Universal La creación. Para que las personas aprendan a respetar la creación y a cuidarla como don de Dios. Por la Evangelización Cristianos perseguidos. Para que los cristianos perseguidos sientan la presencia reconfortante del Señor Resucitado y la solidaridad de toda la Iglesia. Catechist Corner Theme for the month of April: Palm Sunday & Resurrection Diocesan Development Drive (DDD) April 19, 2015 † 3
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