ASSIGNED CLERGY: PASTOR Rev. Michael W. Davis PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Daniel P. Martin Rev. Abel E. Barajas PERMANENT DEACONS Deacon Roberto Fleitas Deacon Miguel Parladé PARISH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY MASS SCHEDULE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm English English Español/Spanish SATURDAY (VIGIL) 8:00 am 5:00 pm English English SUNDAY 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm English English English Español/Spanish English Español/Spanish 8:30 am to 5:00 pm SCAN THIS CODE WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE TO VIEW OUR MOBILE WEBSITE! CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 8:30 am to 10:00 am W elcome to Holy Week, the most solemn liturgical time of remembrance for Catholics. These Holy Days invite each of us to enter more deeply into the mystery of the life, death, and Resurrection of Christ. As we will experience this week, the elements of the Christ event are captured in sacred rites spread out over the Holy Days beginning this weekend. We will prayerfully consider his dramatic and triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, being acclaimed by crowds who were waving tree branches (probably olive or palm branches), indicative of the kingly and messianic nature of his life and ministry. Many had been touched by him, healed by him, and moved by his words. He awakened spiritual hungers and thirsts in the depths of many hearts. His piercing words (God speaking directly to men and women in the words of men and women), cut deeply, and inspired the throngs. It gave rise to a movement, a community, a family of faith, the followers of the CRISTOS, the Church. Knowing of his impending death, Jesus spiritualized and gave new meaning to the religious customs of his people, transforming the Passover meal into our Lord’s Last Supper, the model of the Christian Eucharist. The ritual meal, filled with tradition and divine expectation, became so impregnated with the events of our Lord’s saving Passion, that the event of Calvary and the event of the Lord’s Supper became fused as one, and emerged as the identifying feature of Christian worship, made so by the Lord Himself, providing impetus for all ministry and service done in his name. It is hard to imagine a follower of Jesus that would not have a solemn reverence for the tradition begun that holy night in the Upper Room. On Passion Sunday, after the entrance ritual which commemorates Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, the assembly will hear the Gospel narrative which describes Jesus at the Last Supper, in the Garden of Gethsemane, arrested and hauled before Pontius Pilate, condemned to death, walking the Via Dolorosa unto Calvary, his crucifixion and execution in the presence of Mary and John, and the account of his burial. It is, indeed, possible to “jump” then from Palm Sunday directly to Easter Sunday, and on that occasion listen to the account of the Resurrection of the Lord. However, for those wishing to delve more deeply into the mystery of “what happened” at the Last Supper, and “what happened” on that Good Friday, and “what happened” at dawn on Easter Sunday morning, the Church has a solemn three-day liturgy called the TRIDUUM, which encapsulates all these mysteries in “one big Mass” spread out over three days (ThursdayFriday and Saturday Night). It is the greatest prayerful and commemorative event for a follower of Jesus, and the highlight of the liturgical life of a Roman Catholic. I strongly encourage you to experience the richness of the Holy Triduum. Oh, happy fault, oh necessary sin of Adam, that gained for us such a Redeemer! It is the ultimate story of darkness become light, of selfishness turned into love, and of death become life. May your solemn participation in the Paschal Mystery of our Lord, bring you grace, life, and light. B ienvenidos a la Semana Santa, el tiempo de homenaje litúrgico más solemne para los católicos. Estos Días Santos nos invitan a profundizar en el misterio de la vida, muerte y resurrección de Cristo. Como experimentaremos esta semana, los elementos del evento de Cristo se capturan en ritos sagrados esparcidos durante los días Santos que comienzan este fin de semana. A través de la oración, consideremos su entrada dramática y triunfante a Jerusalén, siendo aclamado por los tumultos que estaban agitando ramas de árboles (probablemente de olivo o ramas de palma) indicativas de la naturaleza real y mesiánica de su vida y ministerio. Muchos habían sido tocados por El, sanados por El, y conmovidos por sus palabras. El despertó hambres espirituales y en muchos corazones una sed profunda. Sus palabras penetrantes (Dios hablando directamente a los hombres y mujeres en las palabras del hombre), tocaron profundamente e inspiraron a multitudes. Esto dió pie al ascenso de un movimiento de comunidad, de familia de fe, de seguidores de CRISTOS y la Iglesia. Consciente de su inminente muerte, Jesús espiritualizó y dió nuevo significado a las costumbres religiosas de su gente, transformando la Pascua judía a la última cena del Señor, el modelo de la Eucaristía Cristiana. El ritual de la cena, lleno de tradición y expectativa divina, se impregnó de tal forma con la salvación de la pasión de nuestro Señor, que el evento del calvario y la última cena se fusionaron y surgió la característica que identifica la adoración Cristiana, hecha por el Señor mismo, proporcionando el ímpetus para todos los ministerios y servicios hechos en su nombre. Es difícil imaginar a un seguidor de Jesús que no tuviese una reverencia solemne para la tradición que comenzó esa Santa noche en el Cenáculo. El Domingo de la Pasión, después del ritual de entrada que conmemora la llegada a Jerusalén, la asamblea escuchará el narrativo que describe a Jesús en la última cena, en el jardín de Getsemaní, arrestado y llevado ante Poncio Pilato, condenado a muerte, caminando la Vía Dolorosa al Calvario, su crucifixión y ejecución en la presencia de Maria y Juan, y el recuento de su entierro. Sin duda, es posible “saltar” de Domingo de ramos directamente a Domingo de Pascua de la Resurrección, y en esa ocasión escuchar el recuento de la Resurrección del Señor. Sin embargo, para aquellos que desean ahondar dentro del misterio de lo “que sucedió” en la última cena, y “qué sucedió” ese viernes Santo, y “qué sucedió” al amanecer del Domingo de Pascua, la Iglesia tiene una liturgia solemne de tres días llamada el Triduo, que sintetiza todos estos misterios en “una misa grande” que se extiende por tres días (Jueves, Viernes, y la noche del Sábado). Es el mayor evento conmemorativo de oración para un seguidor de Jesús, y el punto culminante de la vida litúrgica de un católico romano. Le recomiendo que experimente la riqueza del Santo Triduo. ¡Oh, feliz culpa, oh necesario pecado de Adán, que ganó por nosotros tal Redentor! Es la historia definitiva de las tinieblas que se convierten en luz, del egoísmo convertido en amor, y de la muerte a vida. Que su participación solemne en el misterio pascual de nuestro Señor, les traiga gracia, vida y luz. 2711 Indian Mound Trail Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 446-9950 SACRED STEPS: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS AT COTLF OFFICE STAFF Mrs. Irma Aguilar Ext. 300 Receptionist Data Processing Coordinator Mrs. Maria Elena Chialastri Ext. 306 Office Manager Administrative Assistant to the Pastor Due to Early Bulletin Production Deadlines, Sacramental Celebration from the weekend of March 21-22 will be published in next week’s Easter Sunday Bulletin. Mr. Luis Cuza Associate Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Juan Del Sol Ext. 311 Wedding Coordinator Dr. Dawn Fontana Ext. 305 Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Mark Landia Sacramental Celebrations from the weekend of March 28-29 and the Easter Vigil Sacraments will be announced in the bulletin of April 6-7. Ext. 308 Resource Officer for Communications & Protocol Ms. Cecilia Miyar Ext. 310 Administrative Assistant to the DRE Parish Coordinator of Ministries Mr. Luis Pavon Ext. 304 Seminarian Intern Mr. Jorge Perez 8:00 pm Ext. 314 EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5 Bookkeeper Mr. Jorge Santibáñez Ext. 307 Director of Religious Education Youth Minister Mr. Milton Somarriba Ext. 309 Church Custodian Ms. Vivian Xiqués HOLY SATURDAY, APRIL 4 Ext. 318 Director of Advancement & Stewardship Mrs. Maria Pernas NEXT WEEKEND’S MASS SCHEDULE Ext. 302 Curator of Records Virtus Training Coordinator ST. THERESA CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2701 Indian Mound Trail Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 446-1738 Administered by The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles Sr. Caridad, OCD., Principal SACRAMENT OF PENANCE 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Fr. Davis, Fr. Barajas, & Fr. Martin Fr. Davis Fr. Martin Fr. Davis Fr. Barajas Fr. Martin Fr. Barajas POPE FRANCIS TWEETS “Let us allow God to fill our hearts with his goodness and mercy.” “Dejemos que Dios nos colme de su bondad y de su misericordia.” Saturday (English and Spanish) 8:30 am to 10:00 am SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Private on Saturdays 11:00 am, 11:30 am., 12:00 pm or Group on Sundays at 2:00 pm Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office two months in advance. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office at least six months in advance. Follow Pope Francis on Twitter at @Pontifex o en español a @Pontifex_es P ALM SUNDAY MARCH 29, 2015 Christ Jesus humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. D OMINGO DE RAMOS 29 DE MARZO DE 2015 Cristo se humilló a sí mismo, y por obediencia aceptó incluso la muerte, y una muerte de cruz. — Filipenses 2:8 — Philippians 2:8 L I s today “Palm Sunday” or “Passion Sunday”? Though now known officially as Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, confusion is understandable, since before the 1969 reform of the calendar two separate Sundays bore these titles. Passion Sunday was a week before Palm Sunday. To add to the confusion, the Gospel accounts of the Passion of the Lord were not read on Passion Sunday, but on Palm Sunday! On Passion Sunday, the cross and statues were veiled in full purple drapes. The organ had fallen silent at the beginning of Lent, and now the sanctuary bells were replaced by wooden clappers. The introit (opening chant) for the old Mass of Passion Sunday hints at a reason for reform: “Do me justice, O God, and fight my fight against a faithless people” (Psalm 42). This liturgy was laden with references to the “infidelity” of the Jews, a theme that gave rise to inflammatory preaching and, in some places, attacks against the persons and property of the Jewish people. This does not stand as a “treasure” of any sort in our tradition. Our authentic tradition, rather, is the ability to reflect and repent and to seek reconciliation with the Jews, our brothers and sisters in the love and service of God. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. SIGNS OF OUR STEWARDSHIP March 15, 2015 Attendance ………………………………………..….. 2,545 In-Church Adult Collection …..….….…………..… $16,112 Online Giving ..….……….…………………..….….. $3,933 Children’s Collection ..….….…...……….………......... $605 Devotional Lights ………….……….……….….…….. $525 Total …....…..….…..……….....….….….…...……. $20,650 a solemnidad de las lecturas de hoy nos invita a una contemplación silenciosa del misterio de nuestra redención. Hay tantas maneras de comprender los sucesos de la Pasión. La mujer que unge a Jesús se comporta proféticamente y de un modo que los otros discípulos aún no comprenden. La unción es para los sacerdotes, los profetas y los reyes, y también para la preparación de los muertos. Es para la sanación y la santidad. Su acción reconoce los sucesos de la pasión y la muerte del Señor que se avecinan, y señala hacia la resurrección y el triunfo sobre el mal y la muerte. Jesús es sacerdote y víctima, profeta y Dios, Rey y Señor. Todas estas cosas se hacen explícitas en su unción profética. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Evangelio para la procesión de las palmas: ¡Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor! (Marcos 11:1 -10 o Juan 12:12-16) Primera lectura: No oculté el rostro a insultos y salivazos, porque sabía que no quedaría avergonzado (Isaías 50:4-7). Salmo: Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me has abandonado? (Salmo 22 (21)). Segunda lectura: Jesús se despojó totalmente y Dios lo llenó de exaltación (Filipenses 2:6-11). Evangelio: La versión de la Pasión y Muerte de Jesús que nos da Marcos (Marcos 14:1 - 15:47 [15:1-39]) Lunes: Martes: Is 42:1-7; Sal 27 (26):1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11 Is 49:1-6; Sal 71 (70):1-6, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Miércoles: Is 50:4-9a; Sal 69 (68):8-10, 21-22, 31, 3334; Mt 26:14-25 Jueves: Cena del Señor: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Sal 116 (117):12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Viernes: Is 52:13 — 53:12; Sal 31 (30):2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1 — 19:42 Monday, March 30 7:00 pm - Evening of Confessions Wednesday, April 1 7:30 pm - Service of Darkness Holy Thursday, April 2 8:00 pm - Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday, April 3 10-11:30 am - Confessions 12:15 pm - Stations of the Cross 3 & 6 pm - Liturgy of the Passion 8:oo pm - Liturgia de la Pasion 9:30 pm - Vía Crucis/Procesión Holy Saturday, April 4 9-10 am - Confessions 8:00 pm - Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday, April 5 7:30 am - Mass 9:00 am - Mass & Easter Egg Hunt 10:30 am - Mass & Easter Egg Hunt 12:30 pm - Mass 5:30 pm - Mass 7:00 pm - Mass A TRIP TO IRELAND! WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO? We are happy to announce a special pilgrimage trip to the country of Ireland, September 4th thru September 12th. The trip is entitled, the “Saint Patrick and Northern Ireland” and will include visits to historical monasteries, national seminaries and cathedrals, the shrine of Our Lady of Knock, a tour of several major cities, including Dublin, and a journey through the pristine landscape of the Emerald Isle. Excellent local Irish cuisine, drink, and music will round out the experience. For more information, or to get your name on the list, contact Mark Landia at the Communications Office. An information evening, which includes a Power Point presentation given by representatives of the travel company, will take place on Thursday, April 23 at 7:30pm in Comber Hall. All are welcome to attend. Brochures will likewise soon be available. EASTER EGG HUNT Continuing the tradition of the past few years, we will again have an Easter Egg Hunt for children following the 9:00am and 10:30am Masses on Easter Sunday. Members of the Gaudium Youth Ministry will assist all children and their families who wish to participate, in coming over to the rectory house yard for the event. May the children rejoice in the abundance and fruitfulness of Christ, our Light. On Tuesday, April 28th at 7:00pm. Archbishop Wenski will be coming to Little Flower for the bestowal of the Sacrament of Confirmation on a number of our parishioners, including our students from the Program of Religious Education and the adults from our RCIA program. All are welcome to join us, as we rejoice in the gifts of the Holy Spirit! As you may know, Pope Francis is coming to Philadelphia and Washington in late September, as part of the International Year on the Family. He will be making appearances, speaking, and celebrating Masses in both cities. The Archdiocese of Miami is organizing pilgrimage opportunities with “limited space” so that a representative delegation from South Florida will be present. If you would like to participate, you can find more information on the website of the Archdiocese of Miami: On Saturday, May 9th, there will be SIX new priests ordained for the Archdiocese of Miami. As a parish spiritual “field-trip,” especially for those who have never seen an ordination ceremony before, it will be an inspiring experience. If you would like to go as a group, we have arranged for a bus to take 50 parishioners roundtrip from Little Flower to St. Mary’s Cathedral for the ordination. The bus will leave at 8:30am and will return by 1:00pm. First come first serve. Bus tickets are $10. Contact Jorge Perez at the Advancement Office for more information. On Monday, May 4th, we will inaugurate the Marian month of May with an international outdoor candlelight rosary ceremony at 7:30pm. Decades of the rosary, which will be publically prayed in multiple languages, will join us together in prayerful acknowledgement of Mary, the Blessed Mother of Jesus. The 30 minute ceremony will be followed by a light reception on the rectory patio. All are welcome. Our next Holy Hour and Solemn Benediction will take place on Tuesday, April 21st at 7:00pm. A reception will follow in Comber Hall. All are welcome! DAY OF PRAYER FOR SYNOD ST. THERESE TO BE DEDICATED ON A TH Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz G ofROTTO Louisville, Kentucky, president ofUGUST the U.S.27Conference of th In preparation forjoined the opening of the anniversary year ofof St. Theresa Catholic Bishops, has Pope Francis and90 the office for the Synod Bishops in Catholic encouraging a universal Dayinofhonor Prayerour on September the Third School, a grotto patroness, 28, St. for Therese, the Extraordinary Little Flower,General will be Assembly built on of thethe Synod Bishops of theGroundbreaking Family in the Context Evangeyardofnear the addressing entrance toThe thePastoral church Challenges office building. will takeofplace st lization (October Monday, June5-19). 1 . Construction will commence shortly thereafter, lasting throughout “The Extraordinary on the an important moment forthe theChild Church andwill forbe famithe months of JuneSynod and July. TheFamily marbleisstatue of St. Therese and Jesus lies,” Archbishop Kurtz said. “I welcome whole-heartedly this day of prayer for the Synod fathers installed in early August; the unveiling and blessing ceremony will then take place on and for all who will participate. As the Church turns with special attention to the family, may th th th Thursday, August 27 at 8am in the presence of the 7 and 8 classes, as well as any God’s plan for marriage and the family be a source of hope and healing for all.” parishioners who wish to be present. The grotto will incorporate a lovely patio, which will contain memorialized bricks. Each brick is available for a sponsoring price of $125 per brick. We are now accepting the final batch of brick orders to be included on the patio. Order forms are available at the Information Booth after Mass, or at the Advancement Office here at the parish center. Buy your brick today. RETIRO DE CONVENIO MATRIMONIAL ¿Están buscando un fin de semana especial para compartir como pareja, para relajarse y para acercase a Nuestro Señor? ¿Un fin de semana para compartir ideas sobre cómo tener un matrimonio más feliz y una familia más armoniosa? El Grupo de Convenio Matrimonial de COTLF te invita a ti a tu pareja a redescubrir tu matrimonio de la mano de Dios y otras parejas de nuestra parroquia. Asiste al Retiro de Convenio Matrimonial de Little Flower que se llevará a cabo el fin de semana del 1 al 3 de Mayo. Las parejas regresaran a sus casas en la noche. Todas las actividades del fin de semana tienen un costo de $100 por pareja y es considerado como una donación no reembolsable para la Iglesia. Este valor incluye todas las comidas y actividades del fin de semana. Para mayor información contactarse con Marifer Ordóñez al (305) 608-3072 o por email a [email protected] MEN’S EMMAUS RETREAT Are you seeking to improve your personal relationship with Christ? The Men’s Emmaus Community of the Church of the Little Flower would like to invite you to enjoy a weekend full of hope, renewal, reflection and joy. The next Men’s Emmaus Retreat in English will be held at the ImmaculataLaSalle Retreat Center the weekend of May 1-3. For more information regarding the retreat please contact Joe Rebak at (786) 223-0534 or by email at [email protected] or Hely Santeliz at (954) 614-5993 or by email at [email protected]. Our next Parish Council Meeting will be on May 6th at 7:30pm in Comber Hall . Our next Parish Finance Council Meeting will be on Thursday, April 23rd, at 8:45am in the Executive Conference Room on 2nd floor of the Office Center. El movimiento de Cursillos de Little Flower les anuncia a todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo que deseen participar de un maravilloso encuentro con el Señor Jesus las fechas de los próximos Cursillos: #270 para Hombres: Abril 23-26 Para mas información, Ramon Laviña - 305-494-7040 Jose Antonio Garcia - 305-582-5041 El programa, Matrimonio 2000, es una preparación para matrimonios que llevan años de casados por lo civil y no han recibido el Sacramento de Matrimonio (Convalidación). El programa es de un día de duración y se realizara en la Iglesia de St. Timothy de 8:15am a 5:30pm. Participan parejas de las distintas parroquias de la Arquidiócesis de Miami. El próximo día de preparación será Haga su reservación llamando a Papucho Peláez al (305) 821-0002. On Sunday, April 12, Divine Mercy Sunday, the Youth Ministry Office will be selling beautiful, custom-made COTLF Coffee Mugs for $6 each to help support the 2016 World Youth Day Pilgrimage to Poland - which will include a special visit to the Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy in Krakow! Every penny raised through these sales will help send a group of 8 COTLF teenagers and 4 Young Adult Animators to Poland to participate in the World Youth Day festivities with Pope Francis and the youth of the world! These great little mugs are a simple way to not only support our youth, but also to share your pride in the parish we all love so much! Thank you in advance for your support of this wonderful cause. MASS/LITURGY SCHEDULE Sunday, March 29 - Palm Sunday 7:30 am Living and Deceased Members of the Lagoa-Infante Family 9:00 am Living and Deceased Members of the Arias Family 10:30 am Missa Pro Populo - Members of the Parish Family 12:30 pm (†) Eduardo Rodriguez-Arias 5:30 pm (†) Maximo Diaz 7:00 pm (†) Raul Fernandez Shelton 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Monday, March 30 (†) Robert M. Munley (†) Dora Ariza Friday, April 3 - Good Friday 10 - 11:30 am Confessions 12:15 pm Stations of the Cross (Eng) 3:00 pm Liturgy of the Passion (Eng) 6:00 pm Liturgy of the Passion (Eng) 8:00 pm Liturgia de la Pasión (Spa) 9:30 pm Procesión y Vía Crucis (Spa) Saturday, April 4 - Holy Saturday 9 - 10 am Misa Comunitaria Confessions 8:00 pm Easter Vigil Mass Confessions Tuesday, March 31 6:15 am (†) Armando Salcedo 8:00 am (†) Wilfrido Silva 5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm 7:30 pm Thursday, April 2 - Holy Thursday 8:00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Wednesday, April 1 Carlos Javier Sequeira Ramon E. Tello Sunday, April 5 - Easter Sunday (†) Ernesto Valdez (†) Peter & Cesarina Losada and Jose Moran Missa Pro Populo - Members of the Parish Family (†) Blanca Sara y Sinencias Sierra (†) Maria del Rosario & Leandro Nuñez (†) Miguel Angel Menendez Misa Comunitaria Service of Darkness LET US PRAY FOR THOSE IN NEED - OREMOS POR LOS NECESITADOS Carlos Javier Sequeira - Greg Davis - Teresa de Jesus Diaz Brito - Matthew Young - Carolina Nodarse Diaz - Yolanda Santos de Folgar - Martha Garcia Vasco Gonzalez Arbulo - Jorge L. Ortega - Gladys Ramirez - Jeremy Aguilera - Luis Gutierrez - Carolina Llerena - Pedro Perez - Jose F. Ramirez Zoey Gomez - Hector E. Ponce - Luis Santana - Blanca Carrillo - Ace Moller - Caridad Garcia - Robert F. Borges - Linda Genova - Lucas Giovane Mari Castro - Maria Luisa Lizcano - Christian Godsey - Ingrid Huerta - Roberto Naranjo - Natasha Navarro - George Dubreuil - Susy Contreras Andres Arias - Samantha Shaheen - Deacon Raul Flores - Ashley Hierrezuelo - Sofia Isabella Anderson - Cynthia Absher - Lydia Sola - Lydia Usategui - Daniel Joseph Nisonger PARISH WEEKLY CALENDAR 12:00 pm Sunday, March 29 Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH Office Closed 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Monday, March 30 Confessions - C Gaudium Youth Ministry - CH Bible Study - RPC Talleres de Oracion y Vida - CH 10 - 11:30 am Confessions 12:15 pm Stations of the Cross (Eng) 3:00 pm Liturgy of the Passion (Eng) 6:00 pm Liturgy of the Passion (Eng) 8:00 pm Liturgia de la Pasion (Spa) 9:30 pm Procesion y Via Crucis (Spa) 7:00 pm 7:oo pm 8:00 pm Tuesday, March 31 RCIA Classes - RPC Legion of Mary - LH Charismatic Prayer Group - RPC 4 & 7 pm 7:30 pm Wednesday, April 1 Rel.Ed. Classes - STS Legion de Maria - LH Friday, April 3 Saturday, April 4 No Rel.Ed. Classes Today 9 - 10 am Confessions - C Sunday, April 5 10 & 11:30 am Easter Egg Hunt - REC 12:00 pm Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH Thursday, April 2 Legend: C- Church; CAF- STS Cafeteria; KoC- Knights of Columbus Hall; LH- Legion of Mary House; REC- Rectory; RPC- Reilly Parish Center; CH- Comber Hall; STS- St. Theresa School Sophia Deben, M.D. Foot and Ankle Orthopaedic Surgery Sports, Trauma and Reconstruction 7000 SW 62nd Ave, Suite 600 South Miami, FL 33143 office | 305-917-0777 cell | 910-382-5925 [email protected] What We Can Offer You and Your Business: • Many ad size options to meet your budget in color or black and white • One-on-one customer service to help build and design your ad • The ability to change your ad up to 12 times per year J.S. 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Douglas Road, Miami, FL 33145 HONESTY, EXPERIENCE, COMMITMENT WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower BEDELIA DAMAS Servicio de Calidad con Calidez VENTA • COMPRA RENTA • PRE-CONSTRUCION 305-542-4465 Parishioner International Realty, LLC [email protected] 10900 NW 25 St. Suite 106, Doral, FL 33172 shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? A los patrocinadores que están en este boletín. Gracias a estos patrocinadores este boletín puede hacerse. Dueños de negocios interesados en anunciarse por favor llamen a J.S. Paluch al 1-800-432-3240 514210 Little Flower Church (C) For Ads: J.S. 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(305) 592-0521 ATTORNEY AT LAW CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 11411 N.W. 25th Street PROBATE, GUARDIANSHIP, AND CREDITOR'S RIGHTS Miami • FL 33172 4000 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Suite 470, Coral Gables, FL 33146 PH: 305.781.6391 * E-MAIL: [email protected] SUMMER 2015 COTLF PARISHIONER CARLOS TINOCO Cell 305-345-0294 Office 305-255-4000 • • • • • Dates: Session 1 • June 1-June 30 Session 2 • July 1-July 31 Biltmore Summer Camp Free Summer Camp for all PreK4 Students with a VPK certificate.* *Students must turn 4 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2014. Summer Camp fee not included. Tree Service Plants Sod Mix Soil Sprinklers: New Installation & Repairs • Palms • Designs • Fertilizer Licensed & Insured Georgette Rodríguez-Vázquez, MD Diplomate American Board of Dermatology [email protected] T: 305.667.5480 Miami, FL 33143 Steward of St. Louis Parish MARIO A. SABATÉS, M.D. Diplomate of the American Board of Ophthalmology Diseases and Surgery of the Eye 1385 Coral Way, 3rd Floor, Miami Tel: 854-3307 2900 W. 12th Ave., Ste. 5, Hialeah Tel: 888-0005 Saturdays Only 6351 Sw 72nd Street, Suite 200 F: 305.667.5482 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 305-266-4666 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Monday and Tuesday Parishioner ANY PIZZA ON THE MENU & A GLASS OF DRAFT BEER OR HOUSE WINE FOR $10.95 Beat the Clock Special THE PRICE DEPENDS ON THE TIME YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER EXAMPLE: ORDER AT 5PM YOU PAY $5.00, ORDER AT 6:15PM YOU PAY $6.15 AND SO ON... 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Fernández-Sánchez, MD, RDMS OBSTETRICS and GYNECOLOGY • FELONY • MISDEMEANOR • JUVENILE Practicing since 2003 Jewelry for Kids 5753 S.W. 40th Street Miami, FL 33155 GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS (305) 667-3772 Communions ~ Baptisms Confirmations Fax (305) 667-3577 MATTHEW E. LADD ROOFING & WATERPROOFING FEDERAL AND STATE CRIMINAL LITIGATOR 305-665-3978 4649 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 301 Coral Cables, FL 33146 Our Specialty is (RED BIRD CENTER) Licensed & Insured #CCC1326032 FREE ESTIMATES 305-NEW-ROOF (639-7663) 24-Hour Bail Bond Line Palmetto Medical Plaza 7100 W. 20 Ave., Suite 803 PH. (305) 819-1104 F. (305) 819-1107 2601 SW 37 Ave. Suite 801 Miami, FL 33133 PH. (305) 569-9770 F. (305) 569-9773 305.984.4649 [email protected] A+ Little Flower Parishioner GMI GREATER MIAMI INVESTMENTS, INC. LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER • REAL ESTATE SERVICES Iliana Abella REALTOR® 514210 Little Flower Church (A) 60 ARAGON AVENUE CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 OFF: 305.444.9979 [email protected] FAX: 305.441.6440 CELL: 305.505.0488 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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