Cover Sheet Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels 3500 South Broad Street Hamilton, N.J. 08610 Bulletin # 911176 Weekend of February 12th Contact Usha @ Ph#609-585-7049 Or Fax#609-585-5876 With any inquiries. Thank you. Page 1 Sunday February 12th Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time Dear Parishioners– MASS INTENTIONS Please continue to call the rectory at 585-7049 if you wish to add a name to our prayer and healing list as we pray together for the sick, hospitalized and homebound of our parish. Monday, February 13, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Laura Haney, Carol & Jerry Adams Ruth Salvatore, John & Bernice Bastian 7:00 p.m. - A Special Intention, Diane M. Fair Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - Happy Valentine’s Day 7:30 a.m. - Philip C. Niedermaier,M/M Robert D. Foley Jack Oliver, Mary Cavanaugh 7:00 p.m. - Adelina Milito, M/M Dino Barber Wednesday, February 15, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Josephine Meserole, John Margicin Jack Mc Manimon Wife and Family 7:00 p.m. - Concetta Tomasetti, Suzanne Levay Dymphna Agos August Angioletti Raymond Astorini Alice Aquilino Thursday, February 16, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Thomas J. Cavanaugh Jr., M/M Robert D. Foley Charles Dobos, Lynn, Andrea, PJ, Nicole Toth 7:00 p.m. - Faye Briel, The Bergner Family Friday, February 17, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Mary Frascella, Family Pasquale Varchetto, Wife Finita 7:00 p.m. - William Mc Donald, The Bergner Family Saturday, February 18, 2006 8:00 a.m. - Donald Stewart, Lolly & Joe Steward Paul & Betty Maddalena & Jack Lang, A.Maddalena 5:00 p.m. - Albert L. Fischer, Wife-Agnes[SR] Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:30 a.m. - William M. Voloski, Tom & Pat Voloski [SR] 8:30 a.m. - People of the Parish, [HA] 9:30 a.m. - Gerald Giles, Angela Agabiti [SR] 10:30 a.m. - George J. DiPasquale ,Cookie DeAngelo [HA] 11:30 a.m. - Michael Benedict, Lisa Foss [SR] 5:00 p.m. - Leon Zakrzewski, Wife & Family[SR] PALM BURNING PRAYER SERVICE All St. Raphael - Holy Angels parishioners are invited to come together for evening prayer to ready ourselves for the Lenten season. The service will be held at the St. Raphael worship site on Wednesday, February 22, immediately following the 7:00pm Mass. We ask you to bring to church the palms that have been in your homes since last spring, and place them in the baskets provided at the entrances of both churches. The palms will be burned into ashes for distribution on Ash Wednesday. Robert Benson Whitney Bivens Fred Bogdan Michael Bridge John Catana Nicholas Cirillo Anthony Davis Joan De Lorenzo Josephine De Marie Larry Driver Jason Dzbenski Robert Esposito Tony Feldenzer Loretta Ferri Helen Finn Rev. J.C. Garrett Mary Gusz John Hartmann Mae Healy Madison Hernandez Claire Hofmann Paul Hohman Jack Hornyak Sandy Iglesias Dana Infantine Linda Iorio Jennifer Jimmerson Fr. Eugene Keenan Pat Kelly Jim Kicinski George Kmetz Fran Kujalowicz Marion Lanzoni John Margicin Patti Menichelli Margaret McBride Faye Moore Fred Morelli Anna Rose Mucci Jan Niedermaier Anatoli Gischlar Robert J. O”Boyle Phyllis Pelke Janet Peterson Rita Pisano Elaine Ragano Russell Paolini Regina Procell Ray Pental Rocco Ranalli Evelyn Ranalli Carl Reinhardt Jr. Mary & Louis Revesz Anne Rzeminski John Sagui Michael Serenelli Natalie Severino Jerry Sidone Dorothy Smith Chris Somma Matthew Sutton Concetta Testa Katie Thomas Stanley Thompson Kevin Tucci Patricia Walter James Widmann Frances Womack Rose Yuzwa Soup and Scripture Program - As part of our Ashes to Fire Program, St. Veronica’s parish will begin their Soup and Scripture on Friday 3/10/06. at 11am at St. Veronica’s Villa Maria Spiritual Center, 670 Hulses Rd. in Howell NJ. Everyone is invited. Fr. Peter Kochery will be our moderator and the topic will be The Power of The Cross - Applying the Passion of Christ to Your Life. After scripture we will share in delicious home made soup. We will meet on the following Fridays...March 10,17,24,31 and April 28.Cost is for the book is $12.00. We need to know how many people will attend to order books and of course have enough soup. To register call Brenda Heffernan at the Religious Education Office as soon as possible @ 732-364-4137. Page 2 Sunday, February 12th 2006 Come back to me, with all your heart, don’t let fear keep us apart Music Notes Pastor’s Notes From St. Raphael’s Music Ministry… JESUS IS LORD! We have all been part of the scene where a young child falls and scrapes a knee. Sometimes the injury causes tears of distress until the little one can find a caring adult to tend to the wound. “Make it better, make it stop hurting,” pleads the child. A few consoling words, a gentle cleaning of the wound, and the child is off playing again. But what if, instead of using a bandage, you were to simply touch the wound and watch it heal. This is what happened to the man with leprosy. At Jesus’ command, and before the man’s very eyes, his skin was made fresh and clean. Imagine the rush of emotion he must have experienced as long-dead nerves were restored and feeling flowed into his fingers once more. How easy it can be to let our everyday life in this world diminish our vision of the reality of Jesus’ miracles! Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming through stories like the healed paralytic, or the centurion’s servant, who was brought back to life? Or on a similar note, have you ever let Paul’s praise of love in 1 Corinthians 13 just glace off your heart, or found yourself unmoved by Psalm 103’s assurance that God throws our sins as far from us as east is from west? In a way, it’s like being the child who runs off after being cared for, taking for granted the love that has been shown. God wants us to be struck with wonder every time we read his word. He wants us to come to expect miracles- both big and small – in our lives. He really can change us with his word of power, just as immediately as he transformed the man with leprosy. At Mass today, be expectant. Take on a new attitude of belief and trust, and let that attitude change the way you look at your whole life. Place your faith in your heavenly Father, for whom nothing is impossible! Let us pray: “Holy Spirit, never let me become so accustomed to your miracles that I take them for granted. Each time I read or hear your word in Scripture, open my eyes and ears to the new life you want to bring me. Amen” In Jesus and Mary, Father Jeff Kegley Pastor All choirs are beginning preparation for the upcoming Lenten season. This is a wonderful time to consider being part of this vibrant ministry. We are in need of handbell ringers in both choirs, and always in need of singers and instrumentalists. Being involved in the music ministry is a way to serve your parish and deepen your faith. Please consider joining. See “This Week @ St. Raphael– Holy Angels” for details. From Holy Angels Music Ministry… The ‘Voices as One’ choir meets for fellowship, scripture reflection and rehearsal on the 2nd,4th and 5th Sunday of each month following the 10:30am Mass. We hope to see many of you there. For more information contact Dawne Mechlinski @ 732-974-2528. Proudly presenting! A World Premiere Event! St. Patrick’s Breastplate at Princeton University - Richardson Auditorium on Friday, March 17th, 2006 at 8:00pm. This musical composition took ten years to create and is a new oratorio for soloists, choir and orchestra. This is being presented by Tim Keyes renowned composer, conductor, vocalist, producer and pastoral assistant for Music and Liturgy at St. Charles Borromeo. Tickets are available by calling 609-258-5000 or by visiting St. Raphael-Holy Angels Food Pantry The Parish food pantry serves approximately 120 families on each “Reach Out Saturday”, and therefore, we are always struggling to keep the shelves stocked. It is only by your continued support that this ministry exists to serve the needs of our neighbors. Always needed are all types of non-perishable food items, household cleaning and paper products. These items can be deposited in the designated bins that are located at the church entrances. Perishable items can be brought directly to the pantry on any “Reach Out Saturday” between 9:00am and 11:00am. May God bless you for your generosity! Upcoming “Reach Out Saturdays” are on Saturday, Feb. 18th & March 11th from 9 to 11am. Page 3 Trees do bend though straight and tall, so must we to others call You may call the Parish Rectory at 585-7049 if you would like to make an offering of flowers in memory of your loved one. IN THE WORDS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE BENEDICT XVI Dear Brothers and Sisters: Today in Italy Pro-Life Day is being observed, which constitutes a precious occasion of prayer and reflection on the topics of the defense and promotion of human life, especially when it is found in conditions of difficulty. Present in St. Peter's Square are numerous lay faithful who work in this field, some committed in the Pro-Life Movement. I address my cordial greetings to them, in particular to Cardinal Camillo Ruini, who is accompanying them, and I again express my appreciation for the work they do so that life will always be welcomed as gift and supported with love. St. Raphael’s Altar Candle this week… In Loving Memory of Wayne Sr. & Gerry Giles Requested by Merinda and Wayne Holy Angel’s Flower’s this week… In Loving memory of John N. Hornyak Requested by Olga Hornyak Holy Angels Altar Candle this week… In Loving Memory of John N. Hornyak Requested by Olga Hornyak While I invite you to meditate on the message of the Italian bishops, which has as its topic "Respect of Life," I remember our beloved Pope John Paul II, who paid constant attention to these problems. In particular, I would like to recall the encyclical "Evangelium Vitae," which he published in 1995, and which represents an authentic cornerstone in the Church's teaching on such a current, decisive question. Please keep in your prayers the soul of Joseph M. Guadagno Req. by Mary Guadagno & Family And all the deceased enrolled in our Purgatorial Society, In framing the moral aspects in a broad spiritual and cultural context, my venerated predecessor confirmed on several occasions that human life is a primary value that must be acknowledged, and that the Gospel calls for it to always be respected. In the light of my recent encyclical on Christian love, I would like to emphasize the importance of the "service of charity" in supporting the promotion of human life. In this connection, even before undertaking operative initiatives, it is essential to promote an appropriate "attitude to the other": The culture of life is based, in fact, on attention to others, without exclusions or discriminations. "All" human life, as such, is worthy of and calls for always being defended and promoted. We know well that this truth runs the risk of being contradicted often by the widespread hedonism in the so-called welfare societies: Life is exalted while it is enjoyable, but there is a tendency to stop respecting it when it is sick or experiences some kind of disability. the deceased of our parish and their families John Shoemaker Norma C. Reid Germaine P. Hayes [The Holy Father’s Words Continued] Beginning, on the contrary, from profound love for every person, it is possible to apply effective forms of service to life: both the nascent as well as that marked by marginalization or suffering, especially in it’s terminal phase. The Virgin Mary received with perfect love the word of life, Jesus Christ, who came into the world so that men "may have life, and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). We commend to her women who are expecting a child, families, health agents and volunteers committed in different ways in the service of life. We pray, in particular, for people who are in situations of great difficulty. VATICAN CITY, FEB. 5, 2006 Page 4 YOUTH CORNER Long have I waited for your coming home to me and living deeply our new life RELIGIOUS EDUCATION St. Raphael-Holy Angels Sports Association IMPORTANT DATES !MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Urgently Needed !! 1]Co-Cathecist to assist with the FCP on 1st and 3rd Sundays. JV/Varsity Sports Awards Dinner April, 22nd 2006 Pasta, Meatballs, Salad, Rolls, Desert, Soda, Coffee, Tea Awards, Highlights Video, DJ, Dancing Coaches/Players/Cheerleaders: Free; Parents $15; Students $10;Under 8 $5; Tickets on sale 2/5/06 at home games. Team Picture Night and 8th Grade Graduate Pictures: February, 16th 2006 (Picture times to be announced) Submit Yearbook Ads on 2/5/06 at home games. If you have questions or wish to help with these activities, please contact Vince Peroni (585-5479) or Anne Marie DeWan (585-2702). CCD - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 Grade 3 - 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Grades 6 & 7 - 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM CCD - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 Grades 1 & 2 - 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Grades 4 & 5 - 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM CCD - Sunday, February 19, 2006 Kindergarten - 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM Family Centered Program [ FCP] -Sunday, February 19, 2006 - 9:30 AM to 12:00 Noon COMING EVENTS Saturday, March 4th - 7th Grade Confirmation Retreat 9:45am until 4:30pm. Students report to the All Purpose Room at 3:15pm. Parents are to congregate in church for Mass at 3:30pm.A special ceremony will be held during the Mass which involves both the student and their parent[s]. NOTE: You may refer to this weeks bulletin insert for the names of the children from our parish receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. “Blessed are the pure in heart , for they shall see God”. You can reach The Religious Education Office @ 585-3848 from 9am to 12:00noon and 1:00pm to 3:00pm, Monday to Friday. SCHOOL NEWS ! St. Raphael School will be closed on Monday, February 20th 2006 in observance of President’s Day. Grateful thanks to everyone who attended our Catholic Schools Week. Your attendance is what made all of the events a tremendous success. On Life Love and Courage “ Dear young people,… learn to lift your hearts in an attitude of contemplation. “ - Pope John Paul II, World Youth Day XV - St. Raphael School Annual Tricky Tray Auction Saturday, February 18th 2006 CHILDREN’S LITURGY ONLY 6 DAYS AND COUNTING to our schools annual tricky tray event. Over 150 exciting items to bid on. Doors open at 6:00pm at the Parish Center and admission is $3.00 at the door. New This Year! ! only 100 balloons to be sold for a chance to win a 5 bedroom home only minutes away from Disneyworld, Florida. The committee is still looking for donated “New” items for this year’s event. Volunteers are also most welcomed so please come out to help and to enjoy this wonderful event. For more information call: Joanne Everett at 609-3872209. “ Let the Children Come To Me.” - Jesus Greetings to all ! Here are a few dates to remember for February, 2006. Rehearsal for Children’s Liturgy Thurs. Feb.16th 2006 - 6:30pm - All Purpose Room Children’s Liturgy Sun.Feb.26th 2006-9:30am at St. Raphael Church We look forward to seeing you at this month’s liturgy ! God be with you ! Page 5 The wilderness will lead you to your heart where I will speak... 125th Diocesan Anniversary Celebration ! Jesus 2000 At the request of Bishop John Smith, Jesus 2000 will be back again this year! This award-winning musical written by Father HoLung, will be performed by Father HoLung and Friends singers, dancers and musicians. The thrilling Reggae and Calypso musical drama will open at the Count Basie Theatre in Red Bank, Feb. 25th and 26th. Tickets are $30.00 for adults and $20.00 for children and seniors and are available at jesus2000.htm or by calling 732-252-5097. Visa and Mastercard accepted. In addition, The Office of Black Apostolate is sponsoring free transportation by bus for the Feb. 26th show. Call 609-406-5518 for more information.The Missionaries of the Poor are an international religious institute of priests and brothers in the Catholic Church, founded in 1981 by Father Richard HoLung, in Kingston, Jamaica. Father and the brothers work tirelessly in the most dehumanizing slums of Jamaica, Philippines, India, Africa and Haiti. All proceeds will be used to support the missionaries’ work in these countries. The Mercer County Federation of Holy Name Societies will be presenting the annual Msgr. T. Crean Memorial Scholarship Awards on Sunday, March 12th 2006. This will be the 50th anniversary for the awards. A Mass will be celebrated at 9am at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption located on Warren and Bank Street in Trenton. The Most Rev. John Smith will be the main celebrant. After Mass, a breakfast will be held in the lower church hall. The awards are given in memory of Msgr. Richard T. Crean, who perished in a tragic fire at the Cathedral Rectory and church on March 14,1956. Two scholarships of $1,000.00 each are awarded to Catholic High School students who are graduating this year. We would like to invite past recipients of this award to join us. Past recipients may contact Robert Zotta, scholarship chairman at [609] 586-3360. Tickets are $8.00 pp and can be purchased by calling Daniel Costanzo at [609] 5879268. N. J. RIGHT TO LIFE - Holy Innocents - Today [ Life 1 - Number 5 ] January 2006 Most of us are asked our opinion at times about civic issues - most of which people call politics. Many perhaps most people are unwilling to bring “politics” into conversations with family or friends. We tend to reserve that kind of talk for appropriate groupings. Our forefathers were not so hesitant - they expressed their beliefs and values openly. They wrote letters and opinions for publishing and they defended their values vigorously. We Catholics have tended to follow the dictum to avoid so-called “politics” and in the process have become silent about our faith and values. This is a shame and when we understand that our state with its preponderance of Catholics is incapable of preventing clearly immoral laws and practices, we should be challenged to wake up and smell the coffee. Most of us decry how bad things are around us but you might remember the cartoon character Pogo quote “We have met the enemy and he is us”. We care so very much about our children - rightly so - but do we care enough to begin to participate in “politics” for their sake if not for your own? It is time to come out of the closet, Catholics. FIVE MONTHS YOUR SPIRITUALLY ADOPTED BABY weighs over one pound and her movements can be felt by her mother . Your prayers have helped your baby’s mother to continue her pregnancy and to seek the help she may need. We pray she knows there are crisis pregnancy centers available to assist her as well as her church community. Please continue to pray daily for the life of your spiritually adopted baby. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life Of the unborn child that I have spiritually adopted Who is in danger of abortion. AMEN. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen Page 6 Integrity and justice with tenderness you will know... FORTIETH ANNUAL BISHOP’S ANNIVERSARY BLESSING On Sunday, April 23rd 2006 at 3:00 pm, residents of Mercer and Monmouth Counties will have the opportunity to attend a Special Prayer Service at The Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption in Trenton, N.J. held by Bishop John Smith to honor couples married in 1981 and 1956 and any couple celebrating more than fifty years of marriage. Bishop Smith will give his Episcopal blessing and a personalized certificate to each honored couple at the conclusion of the prayer service. Please Note : Mass will not be celebrated.. If you are in a valid sacramental marriage and reside in the Diocese of Trenton, you are eligible to complete the registration form below, signed by a member of our parish staff and submitted to the rectory no later than March, 3rd 2006. Upon receipt of your application, the Office of Family Life/Respect Life will issue to you an invitation prior to the event. Deadline for registration is Friday, March 3rd 2006. ===================================== BISHOP’S 40TH ANNIVERSARY BLESSINGS GOLD OR SILVER ANNIVERSARY REGISTRATION FORM Please type name as you want it to appear on certificate NAME__________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS __________________________________________ CITY____________________STATE_______ZIP______________PHONE___________________________ WEDDING DATE____/____/____ PRESENT PARISH/CITY___________________________________ PLEASE CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING _____________ MERCER/MONMOUTH***************SUNDAY, APRIL 23rd, 2006 _______________OCEAN/BURLINGTON***************SUNDAY, APRIL 30TH, 2006 I WILL BE USING A WHEELCHAIR_____ , A WALKER _____, A CANE _____, but will be able to approach Bishop Smith to receive my certificate. WE WILL BE ABLE TO WALK UP AND RECEIVE OUR CERTIFICATE YES________________ NO________________ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COUPLE IS A MEMBER OF THIS PARISH IN GOOD STANDING. PARISH STAFF SIGNATURE DATE ———————————————— —————————————— Page 7 You shall sleep secure with peace SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH, 2006 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS ACADEMY, LINCROFT, NEW JERSEY Fr. Jeff Kegley, Pastor of St. Raphael-Holy Angels will be the Master of Ceremonies for the rally. The day will begin at 8:30AM and end with a 2:00PM closing Mass Bishop John M. Smith will be the celebrant Speakers include: Peter Herbeck, Vice-president and Director of Missions for Renewal Ministries and co-host of “The Choices We Face” and Father Brendan Williams, Pastor of St. Veronica Parish, Howell, a dynamic conference speaker and evangelist. Tickets are $25.00 per adult, and $5.00 for youth ages 12-17. and are available at the Rectory by calling 609-585-7049 Price includes coffee, donuts and lunch. .Booklets about this event are available in the vestibule of both St. Raphael and Holy Angels Churches. St. Raphael-Holy Angels Women’s Retreat God Is Calling You Join us on Sunday, Feb.19th from 4:00 - 6:00 pm at St. Mary’s, New Monmouth, NJ Lenten Journey: Seeking Our Merciful God March 17th - 19th, 2006 Join us at The Franciscan Spiritual Center, 609 South Convent Road Ashton, Pa for a weekend of prayer, reflection and fellowship. The beautiful country setting provides a tranquil and relaxing backdrop for our weekend. Transportation will be arranged for all who wish to attend. Look for registration forms at the Church entrances of both worship sites. All are welcome ! For more information, call Nancy Opalski at 609-393-5372 for this month’s Vocation Discernment Meeting. Rev. Msgr. Michael Walsh will share his experiences of the priesthood. All single Roman Catholic men, 18 - 40 yrs of age are invited to come learn more of this exciting and powerful approach to life in the Lord. For more information call Rev. Mick Lambeth @ 609-393-2801 or visit [email protected] The Altar Rosary Society of St. Gregory The Great invites all women to an Afternoon of Recollection on March 12th, 2006 from 2:30 - 5:30pm. Rev.Joseph Tedesco will lead a session of uplifting spirituality and renewal. A dinner catered by Fred & Pete’s Deli is available for a donation of $15.00. Deadline for registration is Feb.22nd. Call Lorraine Anthony @ 586-1254 for more information. Page 8 Faithfulness will be your joy Social Concerns …. Upcoming Events- Weekly Collection for Feb. 4th & 5th 1st collection Diocese Assessment - - $ 19,043.88 $ 3,050.90 Children’s envelopes -$ Total - $ 22,291.08 The Knights of Columbus are joining Social Concerns on Tuesday, Feb. 14th to sponsor a spectacular Bingo and Valentine’s Day party for the residents of the Mercer County Geriatric Center. Musical entertainment, refreshments, and special prizes are planned. Lots of help will be needed. Please consider joining us! Meet at the 2nd Floor of the center [Hamilton Ave. near the intersection of Klockner Rd.] at 6:15pm. 196.30 PTA Lucky Number Calendar Raffle Winning Numbers Sunday Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 05 February 06 February 07 February 08 February 09 February 10 February 11 — — — — — — — 800 443 255 623 395 743 010 Call Kathy Wooley at 585-4307 for more information. Parish and Community Events… The Rosary Altar Society The next meeting of the Rosary Altar Society for the New Year 2005-2006 will be held on Monday, March 6th 2006 after the 7:00 pm Mass. The Rosary will be recited at 6:40 pm. After the Mass we will have a short meeting. We hope to see you there. OFFICE OF YOUNG ADULT MINISTRIES YOUNG ADULTS! [Ages 20-30] Looking for an alternative to going to clubs on the weekends? This is the place for you! We had a great turnout for our last event. The chapel had standing room only! We look forward to seeing everyone again and welcome new faces. This is a great place to relax with Young Adult Catholics from around the area. The Holy Name Society There will be no meeting of the Holy Name Society for the month of March. Our next scheduled meeting will be on Wednesday, April 12th at 7:30pm in the parish center following the 7:00pm Mass at St. Raphael Church. All men of our parish are encouraged to join us at Mass and to participate in this spiritual organization devoted to the reverence of the name of Jesus. The next event is on Feb.17th @ 7:00pm Adoration and Reflection then out to Applebee’s for drinks and appetizers Location: St. Raphael’s Spiritual Center (the former Convent) F o r m o r e i n f o, c a l l 6 0 9 y 5 8 5 y 7 0 4 9 as k fo r Jeani ne Loh Coordinator Young Adult Ministries Church of St Raphael-Holy Angels The Elderberry Club Don’t forget about our Bake Sale on Wed., Feb.15th during our 1:00pm meeting. Please bring along your delicious baked goods for auctioning. We will also be going to Hunterdon Hills Playhouse on Thursday, May 4th to see “Born Yesterday”. Tickets at $60.00 pp and includes show, lunch and bus fare. If interested, call 585-6842 or 585-6035. The next meeting of the Elderberry Club will be on Wednesday, Feb. 15th at 1:00 pm in the parish center. Widows and Widowers The Mercer County chapter of the Widows and Widowers will hold it’s monthly dance social on February 24th 2006 at 7:30pm at the Knights of Columbus, 145 Klockner Road, Hamilton, NJ. Refreshments will be served and all widows and widowers are invited to attend. For more information call Marilyn @ 609-587-8959 or Regina @ 609-585-3453. Page 9 Long have I waited for your coming home to me and living deeply our new life - This week at SAINT RAPHAEL– HOLY ANGELS Event Monday, February 13th, 2006 7th Grade Confirmation Parent Meeting Tuesday, February 14th, 2006 CCD CCD Heaven’s Echo and High School Music Ministry Adult Recreational Volleyball Contemporary Ensemble Bingo Wednesday, February 15th, 2006 CCD CCD Cool Kidz for God & Awesome Angels Thursday, February 16th, 2006 Afternoon Bells Evening Bells Charismatic Prayer Meeting Adult Choir Angels of Faith Choir Friday, February 17th, 2006 Lucky Number Drawing Bingo Young Adult Adoration Saturday, February 18th, 2006 2nd Grade 1st Reconciliation Sunday, February 19th, 2006 Adult RCIA CCD Family Centered Program Location Time Information All Purpose Room 7:00PM Grade 3 Grade 6&7 Grades 6-12 Parish Gym St. Raphael’s SR Parish Center. 4:00PM 7:00PM 5:30PM 7:30PM 8:30PM 8:00PM - 5:00PM 8:15PM 6:45PM 9:30PM 9:30PM Grades 1&2 Grades 4&5 Grades 2-5 4:00PM 7:00PM 5:30PM - 5:00PM 8:15PM 6:45PM St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s Holy Angels 2:30PM 5:30PM 7:30PM 7:45PM 7:00PM 3:45PM 6:45PM - 9:15PM 8:30PM SR Parish Center. 7:00PM SR Parish Center. 8:00PM SR Spiritual Center 7:00PM [Convent ] St. Raphael School See page 5 9:00AM and 11:30AM St. Raphael’s 9:30AM Kindergarten 9:30AM - 10:30AM All Purpose Room 9:30AM - 12:00 Noon TRIP TO THE SHRINES IN ROME IMPORTANT ! We welcome all your bulletin articles for consideration to the parish rectory no later than 12:00 noon on Tuesday of each week . You may send these via Fax# 609-585-5876 E-mail - [email protected] or simply drop them off at the rectory office. We also strongly encourage you to visit our website @ to view and keep informed of parish and community events. It is you, the good people of our parish, who contribute to these events so be sure to visit. Join Sister Sandra as the Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels prepares to depart for a spiritually enriching trip to The Shrines of Rome! We depart on September 9th and return on September 17th, 2006. Points of visit includes Rome, Florence, Siena and Assisi. For pricing, reservation and/or more information call Sister Sandra at St. Raphael’s Rectory - 585-7049. Page 10
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