Scanias vision CO2 per tonkm Samverkan med: Kunder Lagstiftare 2000 Logistik Biobränsle Fordonsteknologi Förare – 50% 2020 2 Ecolution by Scania – hardware and services Coaching service CO2-optimised specification • Specification • Target consumption • Fuel category • Follow-up • C200 • Driving tips •Sentral aktivitet •Lokalt mellom instruktør og fører • Wheel alignment • Eco-driving • Tyre pressure •Lokalt mellom fører og instruktør • Air deflectors • Etc. •Lokalt verksted Maintenance+ Driver training 2 Fokus på föraren 4 Forbedre sjåførferdigheter Standard Scania Sjåføropplæring Tilbakevendende sjåføropplæring Scania Sjåførstøtte Sanntids tilbakemelding Abonnement Scania Sjåføroppfølging Kontinuerlig forberedelse Kommersiellt tillgängliga biobränslen Etanol (ED95) Stadsbussar, distributionsbilar, sopbilar Biodiesel (B100) Alla applikationer, inklusive long-haulage och långfärdsbussar Biogas (CBG) Stadsbussar, sopbilar 6 7 Utslipp Nitrogen oxider g/kWh 5 Euro 3 2001 4 Euro 4 2006 3 Euro 5 / EEV 2009 GAS 2 1 0 Euro 6 0.02 – 50% PM 0.01 g/kWh 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 g/kWh Partikkelmengde Emission nivåer Antall partikler Nitrogen oxider g/kWh 5 Euro 3 2001 4 Euro 4 2006 3 Euro 6 Euro 5 EEV Euro 5 / EEV 2009 2 1 Euro 6 (2013-12-31) – 80% NOx 0.40 g/kWh PM 0.01 g/kWh 0 0.02 – 50% – 80% 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 g/kWh Partikkel vekt ~ – 99% The Euro 6 legislation Applies for new models from 31 December 2012 Applies for existing models from 31 December 2013 Emission levels close to North America (EPA10) and Japan (Post-NLT) Introduction of WHDC (world harmonised duty cycle) 95% NOx reduction since 1992 NOx levels reduced by 80% and particulate levels by 50%, compared with Euro 5 Scania Euro 6 – objectives Early introduction Building on latest engine platform Customer-friendly, compact and modular Uncompromised performance, power and torque, driveability and operating economy Scania Euro 6 – technology Combination of existing Scania EGR technology and new dual SCR catalysts Integrated exhaust aftertreatment unit (compact, modular design) New full-flow particulate filter with continuous regeneration Unique high-precision AdBlue dosage system Scania Euro 6 – technology Scania EGR – exhaust gas recirculation • Lowers NOx emissions by about 50% through cooling and reusing a portion of the exhaust gases • New intake throttle that fine-tunes the airflow through the engine • Balanced with the SCR aftertreatment system Scania Euro 6 – technology Scania VGT – variable-geometry turbocharging • Boosts driveability and engine response • Optimised performance through the entire rev-range • Precise control of recirculated exhaust gases Scania Euro 6 – technology Oxicat • Prepares the emissions for subsequent stages by balancing NO and NO2 levels Particulate filter • Reduces soot and carbon particles by 99% • Continuous regeneration while driving • If required, regeneration can be activated by driver at standstill Scania Euro 6 – technology Mixer • Unique Scania-patented design • Electrically actuated AdBlue dosage • Urea solution mixed with exhaust gases • Efficient evaporation route ensures temperature control Scania Euro 6 – technology Scania SCR – selective catalytic reduction • Parallel high-capacity SCR catalysts • Eliminates 95% of NOx emissions 17 DC9 Euro 6 Etterbehandlingssystem SCR reduserer NOx med 95% DL5 Euro 6, 250/280hp Oksyderende katalysator tilsv. dagens EGR T ºC T ambient T ºC Exhaust brake Medium T ºC ∆P ṁ D O C Evaporator / Mixer DPF SCR- cat NOx Cooled EGR P exhaust AdBlue EGR Electric throttle ∆ P EGR valve valve EEC3 Partikkelfilter som reduserer antall partikler med 99% Ammonium slip katalysator Nytt urea (AdBlue) injection system 18 DC9 Euro 6 Håndtering av varme Motorbrems: kontrollerer varme DL5 Euro 6, 250/280hp T ºC T ambient T ºC Exhaust brake ∆P ṁ D O C Evaporator / Mixer DPF NOx Cooled EGR P exhaust AdBlue EGR EGR valve valve Electric throttle EEC3 ∆ P Inntaks-spjeld: kontrollerer luftmengde Medium T ºC HC injektor: kontrollerer varme (bare 250/280) SCR- cat Partikkelfilter Filtrerer ut sot når eksosen passerer Keramisk filter (Byttesystem) 19 Euro 6 Regenerering partikkelfilter Scanias eksosstyringssystem sørger for at partikkelfilteret regenereres kontinuelig Hvis belastningen på motoren ikke er tilstrekkelig, blir sjåføren varslet og må gjøre tiltak Varslene vises i farger og viser i klartekst hvilke tiltak som må gjøres DC9 Euro 6 Størrelse lyddemper 630 mm Scania Euro 6 – performance • 95% NOx reduction • 99% particulate reduction • Same low fuel consumption as the outstanding Scania Euro 5 engines • Highest torque-to-power ratio in the industry: up to 5.2 • Maximum driveability also with low-rev cruising options • Same maintenance intervals as Scania Euro 5 Scania Euro 6 engine range Scania 440 hp Euro 6 Scania 480 hp Euro 6 Cylinders 6 inline Cylinders 6 inline Swept volume 12.7 litres Swept volume 12.7 litres Maximum power 440 hp (324 kW) at 1900 r/min Maximum power 480 hp (353 kW) at 1900 r/min Maximum torque 2300 Nm at 1000-1300 r/min Maximum torque 2500 Nm at 1000-1300 r/min Available in Scania G- and R-series Available in Scania G- and R-series Scania total engine range Scania Euro 5, EEV and Euro 6 engines represents the widest range ever with 18 different models Choose from several different fuel options: diesel, biodiesel, biogas and ethanol Combined with first class cabs, gearboxes and chassis options it gives you the opportunity to match your application perfectly Scania Euro 6 key customer benefits Attract new business with the greenest technology on the market Benefit from lower motorway charges and other incentives Invest in the latest future-proof technology with higher secondhand value Enjoy a true Scania experience: first-class power and torque, maximum driveability and outstanding operating economy 26 Gassmotorer OC9 Euro 6 Gass OC9 Euro 6 gas Motorer Basert på DC9 dieselmotor Spesielle egenskaper: Injeksjonssystem Tenningssystem Turbo Effektivitet: Diesel: <44% Etanol: <43% Gass: <38% 28 OC9 Euro 6 Gas OC9 101 9,3 liter 280 hk v/ 1900 o/min 1350 Nm v/ 1000–1400 o/min OC9 102 9,3 liter 340 hp v/ 1900 o/min 1600 Nm v/ 1100–1400 o/min Imponerende momentkurver tilsvarende en dieselmotor CNG Gass tanker 640 L ved 200 bar Tilsvarer 130 L diesel Kompositt-materiale 4 tanker pr side, 8 x 80 liter 400 kg lettere enn ståltanker 20 års levetid 29 DROP TEST AT 45° DROP TEST VERTICALLY DROP TEST HORIZONTALLY FRONTAL CRASH TEST 30G for BUS Sikkerhets testing FRONTAL CRASH TEST 30G FOR TRUCKS CATAPULT LAUNCHING at 50 Km/H BONFIRE TESTING GUN FIRE TESTING Bullet 7.62 mm EXTREME TEMPERATURE HYDRAULIC TEST PRESSURE against a metallic sharp edge GRENADE TEST HYDRAULIC BURST TEST LNG Gass tank Isolert tank Flytende gass ved -162 ºC og 20 bar 410 L på venstre side Alternativt 285 L på høyre side Tilsvarer 400 L diesel Etanol D9 EEV etanol Scania modulsystem Basert på 8.9-liter Euro 4 EGR Spesielt: Stempelutforming Kompresjonsforhold 28:1 300W tank for etanol Utprøvd teknologi Snart 1000 motorer solgt Forbrenning tilsv. diesel Høy virkningsgrad: Diesel: <44% Etanol: <43% Gass: <38% D9 EEV etanol DC9 E02 8,9 liter 270 hk v/ 1900 o/min 1200 Nm v/ 1100–1400 o/min Høyt moment ved lavt turtall Response tilsvarende dieselmotor Euro 6: 280hp 35 Rekkevidde, distribusjon Alternative drivstoff: Hva er nødvendig rekkevidde? Tankmuligheter? Hva er kravet til tid for tanking? CNG Etanol LNG Diesel 16.4-litre Euro 6 V8 Euro 6 V8 16,4-liters 580 37 EGR + SCR 580 hk ved 1,900 o/min 2,950 Nm ved 1,000-1,350 o/min 520 EGR + SCR 520 hk ved 1,900 o/min 2,700 Nm ved 1,000-1,300 o/min 38 12,7-liters rekkesekser – annen generasjons Euro 6 +50 Nm +10 hk 450 EGR + SCR 450 hk ved 1,900 o/min 2,350 Nm ved 1,000-1,300 o/min 490 EGR + SCR 490 hk ved 1,900 o/min 2,550 Nm ved 1,000-1,300 o/min 39 12,7-liters rekkesekser– Euro 6 med kun SCR 410 SCR 410 hk ved 1,900 o/min 2,150 Nm ved 1,000-1,300 o/min 40 730 580 16 520 EGR + SCR 490 450 13 410 kun SCR 370 360 kun SCR 280 gass 9 320 kun SCR 340 gass 280 250 Alternative drivstoff – hvilke drivstoff til hva? Gross weight GTW 20 t 40 t Langtransport Anlegg Distribusjon Renovasjon By-buss Intercity buss 60 t Rekkevidde og tonnasje CNG ETHANOL LNG BIODIESEL 100,000 200,000 350,000 Annual mileage / operating radius Elvägar
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