Kne Modul 1 Oslo feb 2013 Frode Garmannvik- Ultralyd Trøndelag Kne og Ultralyd Diagnostisk Ultralyd på kne er ikke en foretrukket billeddiagnostisk metode for full oversikt over strukturer. Ligamenter, sener, bursa, benoverflater kan en bra fremstille, men på intraartikulære strukturer har det begrenset verdi, men en Ul undersøkelse kan gi oss svar på om intraartikulære strukturer kan være skadet. Kne og Ultralyd The main strength of knee ultrasound is the assessment of para-articular disease. The specific structures best suited for ultrasound assessment include tendons, muscles and ligaments, as well as periarticular soft tissue masses. Joint effusions, synovial thickening, bursal fluid collections, intra-articular loose bodies, ganglion cysts, ligament and tendons tears, tendonitis and occult fractures can be diagnosed. With experience, ultrasound is a timeefficient, economical imaging tool for assessment of the knee. Skeletal Radiology Volume 30, Number 7, 361-377, DOI: 10.1007/s002560100380 L.Friedman, K. Finlay, E. Jurriaans Anatomi/Sonoanatomi Skanneprotokoll Kne Grunnkurs •Anterior - Distale Quadriceps - Anteriore leddrecess (suprapatellare) - Patella (bencortex) - Patellasene ( Hoffas fettpute, slimposer, tub tibia) Anatomi/Sonoanatomi Skanneprotokoll Kne Grunnkurs • Medialt - Leddspalt - MCL - Meniscus Anatomi/Sonoanatomi Skanneprotokoll Kne Grunnkurs • Lateralt - Leddspalt - LCL - Meniscus - Tractus iliotibialis Anatomi/Sonoanatomi Skanneprotokoll Kne Grunnkurs • Posterior - Nerve/karstrukturer - Gastrocnemius/semtitend,membranosus - Bakers cyste Del 1 kne Anterior - Quadriceps sene - Anteriore leddrecess - Patella - Patellarsene Medialt - MCL - Mediale menisk Anatomi/Sonoanatomi Anterior 1.Quadriceps 2.Patella 3.Patellarsene 4.Hoffas fettpute 5.Tibia 6.Leddvæske 7.Femur 8.Prefemoral fettpute 9.prepatellar fettpute 10.Suprapatellare leddrecess 2. 3. 9. 1. 4. 10. 8. 7. 6. 5. Anatomi/Sonoanatomi Medialt Patologi Patologieksempler anteriort og medialt - Væske i anteriore leddrecess - Part ruptur patellarsene - Jumpers knee - Grad 2-3 skade MCL - Medial meniskruptur ( menisk cyste) - Atrosetegn - Brudd patella - Prepat bursitt - Påleiringer quadricepsfestet - Løst legeme - Ruptur Quadriceps feste patella - M.Schlatters ! Effusjon Ant.Leddrecess Loose body påleiringer mediale leddspalt Del 2 kne Lateralt - LCL - Laterale menisk - Tractus iliotibialis Posterior - Mediale gastrocnemiushode - Kar/nerver - Distale feste biceps femoris - Fabella Anatomi/Sonoanatomi Lateralt Anatomi/Sonoanatomi Lateralt Anatomi/Sonoanatomi Posterior Anatomi/Sonoanatomi Posterior Fabella Biceps femoris Patologi Patologieksempler lateralt og posterior - Meniskskade lateralt - Skade LCL - Runners kne ( Tractus iliotibialis) - Lateral cyste - Bakers cyste - Rumpert bakers cyste Patologi Patologieksempler sjeldne - A.Poplit Aneurysme - Sinding Larsen - Lipom - Masse i muskel Referanser 1. Richardson ML, Selby B, Montana MA, Mack LA. Ultrasonography of the knee. Radiol Clin North Am 1988; 26:63-74. 2. Van Holsbeeck M, Intracaso JH. Musculoskeletal ultrasonography. Radiol Clin North Am 1992; 30:907-925. 3. Ptasnik R, Feller J, Bartlett J, Fitt G, Mitchell A, Hennessy O. The value of sonography in the diagnosis of traumatic rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee. AJR 1995; 164:1461-1463. 4. Strome GM, Bouffard JA, van Holsbeeck M. Knee. In: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound.Ed Fornage BD. Churchill Livingstone, NY, 1995, 201-219. 5. Bianchi S, Abdelwahab IF, Zwass A et al. Diagnosis of tears of the quadriceps tendon of the knee: value of sonography. Am J Roentgenol 1994; 162:1137. 6. Jacobson JA, van Holsbeeck MT. Musculoskeletal ultrasonography. Orthop Clin N Amer 1998; 29:135-167. 7. Peck RJ. Ultrasound of the painful hip in children. Br J Radiol 1986: 59:205. 8. Mourad K, King J, Guggiana P. Computed tomography and ultrasound imaging of jumper's knee - patellar tendinitis. Clinical Radiol 1988;
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