CHRIST THE KING PARISH 1599 Tunner Drive, Courtenay, B.C.V9N 8N3 Phone: 250-334-4716 Email: [email protected] Website: Office Hrs: 8 a.m. - Noon 1-3 p.m. Weekend Eucharistic Liturgies 5:00 p.m. Saturday 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday Weekday Mass: Monday - Friday at 9:00 a.m. Morning Prayer (Week 4): Sunday - Friday at 7:45 a.m. Rosary: Monday - Saturday at 8:15 a.m. Adoration: Friday morning 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:30 - 4:50 p.m. Baptism: For newborns through to 6 years old, parents attend a Baptism Preparation. Contact Fr. Marek at 334-4716, ideally before the birth of your child thereby allowing sufficient time to attend the group preparation session and to take other steps if needed. Children 7 years and older prepare through Religious Education Classes. Baptisms are usually held the first Sunday of each month. Adults wishing to be Baptized should also contact the Pastor. Funeral: By individual arrangements with the pastor at 334-4716. Marriage: Because the Church is deeply concerned about each marriage & because growth and preparation of a couple is vital to the success of the marriage, couples are asked to give six months notice prior to the intended date of their wedding. Contact the Parish office at 334-4716. The Sick: Those in hospital wishing a visit from a priest should make this desire known as soon as possible. Those homebound wishing to receive communion are asked to call the Parish office. The sacrament of Anointing is available on request and during communal celebrations. 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 12, 2014 Pastor: Fr. Marek Paczka, SDS 250-218-4230 Pastoral Staff & Ministry Co-ordinators Parish Secretary: Dale Jeffrey 334-4716 Council Chairperson: Peter Lineger 339-9790 Finance Chairperson: Eileen MacLean 339-0665 Adult Faith Formation: Murray Lindman 941-6554 Ministry Assistance: Fr. Joe Killoran 339-6140 Youth Altar Servers: Children’s Liturgy: Maria Buckley 339-7987 R.C.I.A.: Parish Office 334-4716 Eucharistic Ministers: Parish Office 334-4716 Lectors: Denise Buckley 339-1807 Ushers/Greeters 5:00 p.m. Murray Wilson 339-0750 8:30 a.m. Barry Kruger 334-9260 10:30 a.m. Larry Jangula 334-9373 Music Ministry: 5:00 p.m. Pauline Tardif 871-3449 8:30 a.m. Pam Burton 339-1176 10:30 a.m. Maureen Bedford 871-2547 Knights of Columbus: André Melançon 339-7768 C.W.L.: Pat Carew 334-2565 Justice and Life: Christina Aislabie 338-1304 Cenacle Group: Bernadette Lothian 337-8177 Communion Calls to Hospital: Joan McGrath 339-0931 CTK Parish Heritage Society Margaret Beardon 334-3938 Eucharist to Home-bound: Claude & Eva Bedard 339-2313 L’Arche Comox Valley: Christine Monier 334-8320 Marriage Encounter: Julius & Margaret Keresztesi 941-2229 Prayer Ministry: Bridget Bradshaw 334-4320 Respect Life: Mary McCaffrey 334-1526 Secular Franciscans: Judy Trainor 339-5370 St.Vincent de Paul Society: “Dispatcher” 334-0070 Christian Life Community Ralph and Sue Rambow 334-4984 Prayer Intentions: Bridget Bradshaw 334-4320 Keeping in Contact....... We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here, celebrating with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God that you are with us. If we may assist you, please fill out the form below and place it in the collection basket or mail to the Parish Office. " New parishioner. " Have moved, here is new address. " I am home-bound and would like someone to visit me. " I am going to be in hospital, please call on me. Name ___________________________________________ Address _________________________________________ Phone (home) _________________(work) _____________ Bulletin No. 41/2014 This Week in the Parish Morning Prayer: Sunday to Friday at 7:40 a.m. Rosary: Monday to Saturday at 8:15 a.m. Daily Mass celebrated 9 a.m. Shaw Ch. 116, Telus Ch.871. Sunday 12th 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:30 a.m. MASS. For Benefactors of St.Vincent de Paul 10:30 a.m. MASS. For Parishioners of Christ the King Monday 13th THANKSGIVING DAY - OFFICE CLOSED 9:00 a.m MASS. For Jim Lothian - RIP Tuesday 14th SAINT CALLISTUS I 9:00 a.m. MASS. For Bart Beks - RIP 6:30 p.m. Choir (5 p.m.) Wednesday 15th SAINT TERESA OF JESUS 7:00 a.m. Men’s Fellowship/Breakfast (Rectory) 9:00 a.m. MASS. For Intentions of Nilda Veloso 4:15 p.m. Religious Education, Grs. 1-6 7:00 p.m. Choir (10:30 a.m) 7:00 p.m. Charismatic Prayer Group (St. Augustine Room) Thursday 16th SAINT MARGUERITE D’YOUVILLE 9:00 a.m. MASS. For Intentions of Josie Avery 9:30 a.m. Symbolon Course (St. Augustine) 4:00 p.m. Choir (8:30 a.m.) 7:00 p.m. Adult Study Group (St. Augustine) Friday 17th 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. SAINT IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH MASS. For Russel Sawchyn - RIP Adoration Benediction Seniors Circle (Assisi Hall) Saturday 18th 4:30 p.m. Confession 5:00 p.m. MASS. For Frank McCaffrey - RIP Sunday 19th 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:30 a.m. MASS. For Int. M. McKenzie & family 10:30 a.m. MASS. For Parishioners of Christ the King 2:00 p.m. MASS. For Int. of Fr. Joe Killoran (Hornby) Happy Birthday Fr. Joe May God bless you with good health. Thank you for all your assistance at Christ the King Parish! Weekly Collections $6,292.36 Loose $570.49 Property & Maintenance $2,505.00 Prop. & Maintenance (2014 Year to date) $48, 553.08 Regular Envelopes Religious Education Registration Registration took place this weekend. If you did not get a chance to register. Please arrive 15 minutes early to class and register at that time. Classes begin: Wednesday, October 15th 4:15 p.m. There is a registration fee of $20 per child to a maximum of $45 per family but if it is difficult for you to pay on the registration night please register your child/children anyway. Financial concerns should never stand in the way of any child learning about God. Happy Thanksgiving Giver of all For every good In the Redeemer came For clothing, shelter and for food I thank You in His Name. Amen. Father Robert Barron Priest, Prophet, King DVD Series Begins Thursday, October 30th – 9:30 a.m. in St. Augustine Room. The better we understand Jesus, the better we understand ourselves. But who was Jesus, this itinerant preacher whom many called the Messiah? In Priest, Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the Anointed One– the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Using biblical insights and engaging stories, Father Barron affirms that we see Jesus most clearly through the lens of the Old Testament. This deeply biblical program is filmed in high-definition video. Through this presentation, you will better understand Jesus, become more familiar with Scripture, and realize your own priestly, prophetic, and kingly mission. Register at the Parish Office please – no charge. Series continues Oct. 30th – Dec. 4th. More info, contact Denise at 250-339-1807 or [email protected] For those among us who are sick, and for those who have asked for our prayers, especially: Monique Ellis, Leanne Lemieux, Norah Bernard, Martin Beks, Joseph Winders, Ken Ackert, Candace LaFleur, Mirelle LaFleur, Rose Calam, Anna McWha, Julie Macko, Jane Hebert, Ursula Zanussi, Tracy Herms, Glenn Parker, Irene Clavier, Therese Ackert-Smith, Thomas McDonagh, Dulcie Rogers, Michelle Readhead, Ilene Knockwood, Rachel & Enda Murray, Joyce Clapham, Jodie Voakes, Chloe Dietrich, Kathleen O’Hanley, Sharon Adams, Des Mayne, Joshua Moller, Lori Worden, Tom Carew, Josh Nolan, Ken Mullins, Justice Simon, Tim Davies. Development and Peace Fall Meeting There will be a Fall Action workshop and short AGM for Development and Peace on Sat. Oct. 18 at St. Mary’s Church, 1135 – 4th Ave., Ladysmith. Gather at 9:30, workshop starts at 9:45. The meeting should end by 3:30. Simple soup lunch is provided. Everyone welcome. The workshop will center around the theme “Sow Much Love – small family farmers feed the world”. This is in keeping with the Pope’s call to end world hunger by 2024. Let’s get informed and work together to bring about a world where everyone has enough to eat. Knights Charity Campaign Get your tickets for the Knights of Columbus Annual Charity Appeal Campaign for 2014-2015 which began October 5th and ends on January 24th, 2015. Tables have been booked at the Comox and Driftwood Malls. Early bird sales end January 10, 2015. Tickets are $2.00 each. Prizes include: 1st - $50,000.00 2nd 2015 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE 3rd 2015 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe 2 door 4th - 2015 Dodge Ram 150 SXT 12 Early Bird Prizes - Largest being $5,000. CWL News Saturday, Oct. 18 - Fall Bazaar - Main Hall 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 28th - Executive Meeting St. Augustine Room - 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov 4 - Regular Meeting - Assisi Hall 1:00 p.m. (Please note time change) CWL annual dues of thirty dollars ($30.00) are payable now. They can be paid at a regular meeting or a cheque made out to "Christ the King CWL" could be left in the CWL mailbox in the church foyer. For further information, please contact Mary Anne Stagg at 250-338-6214. Pastoral Care Workshops Session 1: Saturday October 25 Session 2: Saturday November 29 All sessions will be from 9:00am -2:00 p.m., with a break for lunch from 11:30 a.m. -12:00 noon All sessions will take place in one of the Classrooms in Christ the King Parish Hall. All participants will be asked to bring their own bag lunch. A morning coffee break item plus coffee, tea and water will be provided throughout the day. All sessions are open to all interested persons who register at the parish office. Thank you from Aid to the Church in Need (Canada) Inc. Along with Autumn’s arrival, comes the return to school for thousands of children. However, thousands more will not share this opportunity. They are displaced, have become refugees or cramped-up in makeshift camps - in Iraq, in Lebanon, in Jordan or in Syria. For other children, who even if they do attend school, lack or long for a relationship with Jesus. Their parishes and their families are so poor that they have no books, no bibles, and the catechists have no means of transportation which would enable them to visit their faraway villages. Hearing the Good News now becomes difficult. However, what better for these children than to know they are loved by the Father and to be able to cultivate this Love as a family. What brings consolation to my heart is to know that thousands of people are also thinking of them and sharing with them. Your donations help these children, their families, their parishes and their priests and all those who are implicated in doing pastoral and humanitarian work. In their name, I have the privilege of saying a thousand times, thank you, for your generous donation of $3,000.00. CWL Annual Fall Bazaar & Silent Auction We would like to thank everyone for their prayers for our grandson, Joshua Nolan during his heart surgery. The surgery was a success. Please continue praying for his complete recovery . May God Bless you all. - Murray & Cindy Wilson Christ the King, Catholic Women’s League is holding a Silent Auction in conjunction with our Annual Fall Bazaar, Oct. 18. You can view and bid on items in the foyer of the church before and after weekend Masses Sept. 27th - Oct. 12th and on the day of the Bazaar Saturday, Oct. 18th. For further information please contact Cindy Wilson 250-339-0750. Raffle Tickets will be on sale in the foyer following all weekend masses and also available through the parish office. Baking, Crafts, Books and Gift Bottles etc. would be appreciated. Please bring them to the Church Hall on Friday, October 17th. For more information please contact Barb LeBlanc 250 336-2123. Three years ago a few of our congregation joined in on a cruise that was offered by Mary Hof from St. Edwards Parish. Mary is offering another one. This time, we begin with 3 nights in Fort Lauderdale, then board Celebrity and cruise through the Panama Canal, ending in San Diego. November 2-20, 2015. It's a good way to build community, while traveling and share in some fun as a group. It's also a good way for those who would like to travel but do not want to go on their own. There is one opportunity for sharing a cabin with a lady parishioner from St. Edwards. Space is limited, please contact Mary at [email protected] or call 250 743 4074. Saturday, October 18th 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Come Cruise With Us *WE APPRECIATE THE SUPPORT OF THESE ADVERTISERS - PLEASE SUPPORT THEM* Oak Hills Woodcraft Custom Cabinetry HERB ROBERTSON Phone 250-338-5885 Fax 250-338-5485 NORTHC OAST D O O R & W I N D OW LT D. Business Services Forestry & Residential Tree Care GRANT & EDITH FERGUSON Specializing in •Home Renovations •Door & Window Replacement •Window Screens •Sealed Unit Replacement 5352B Island Highway, Courtenay, B.C., V9J 1S9 Phone: 250-334-3350 Fax: 250-334-3278 Maureen Eby Peter Jungwirth Ph: 250-334-4559 Al’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Renovations, repairs, painting, tiling, etc. No job too small Free Estimates Al Riederer 250-650-3250 !"#$%&!"#$%&'(#! J Kevin Dobbelsteyn P.Eng., MBA, CFP, CPCA 250-338-7811 ColdBlaster Grant Ferguson President NOW YOU CAN STOP COLDS and the FLU, before they START 6017 Little Field Road C o u r t e n a y, B . C . , V 9 J 1 T 6 Te l : 2 5 0 - 3 3 4 - 3 3 5 0 Cell: 250-702-0433 n o e l g r a n t @ s h a w. c a COURTENAY & MID ISLAND LOCKSMITH 250-339-2119 Portuguese Joe’s Fish Market NILDA VELOSO !"#$%&'! ()*+,'-+)./.)'!*+012'! 343'%,5*617,'!7+58'97:7;! ''"+)<'7//.)*'.='.,5*>*,5*,102'7?,*5'+,5'7>*6+1*5@' ! 3025 Comox Road Courtenay, BC, V9N 3P7 Let Our Strength Be Your Shield Protecting Catholic families since 1882. Are you enjoying all the benefits of membership? Serving the Comox Valley since 1979 - licenced & bonded AUTOMOTIVE • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL 24 HOUR EMERGENCY MOBILE SERVICE Term & Permanent Life Insurance • Long Term Care • Disability Income Retirement Products • TFSAs • RRSPs • RRIFs 250-338-6442 (250-287-1034) Cedric Arsenault 1994 COMOX AVE., COMOX, 250-339-2261 ! !"#$%%&$!#!'( Natural Products Inc. Gluten Free Bakery and Cafe 526 Cliffe Avenue, Courtenay, B.C. ! Certified Financial Planner Certified Professional Consultant on Aging Heidi Lochmatter Alex Lochmatter Tel: 250 871 6901 [email protected] )*%+,"-,.,#/!,#!0%1,&%2%#1!3,4%'15-%'! INCOME TAX, ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING, GRAPHIC DESIGN, FULLY CONNECTED DIGITAL COPIERS (B&W AND COLOUR) FAXING, PAYROLL, PERSONNEL PLACEMENT, LAMINATING, CORPORATE TAX, COMPUTER SERVICES, +ADDITIONAL SERVICES 291 Nim Nim Place, Courtenay Shawn Fetter, CFP, FIC Field Agent OPEN: Tues. to Sun. 11:30 AM - 7:30 PM #8 - 2401 Cliffe Ave.! Tel: 250-703-0001 Courtenay, B.C. V9N 2L5! Fax: 250-703-0001 Office: 778-549-6570 [email protected] PLANTLAND “Your Indoor & Outdoor Garden Centre” 2855 Wentworth Road Corner Island Highway N. Phone 250-334-3024 Comfortable Feet Yvonne Roller LPN For quality Financial Solutions and Unsurpassed Service Please call 250-703-4153 or 250-792-1230 Certified Foot Care 250-334-7070 “Experience the Coastal Difference” Music Lessons for All Ages [email protected] !"#$%&'()"*)*+(,"#$%&'(#%-*(#&-(./$"0( Tel: 250-337-8964 Fax: 250-334-2953 8896 Clarkson Drive Black Creek, BC, Canada V9J 1B1 Courtenay*(250)*87132285 Cumberland*(250)*40035451 Maria&Buckley CCR Susan&Sinclair&M.A.,&Aud&(C)& Registered&Audiologist Crown 1 Carpet & Upholstery Care Family Owned and Operated ! Affordable Pricing from our Family to Yours 250-334-4484 Call Maureen to book a Free Trial Lesson Reasonable Rates 871-2547 ROBERT MULROONEY Senior Investment Advisor Suite 1 - 145 19th Street Courtenay, BC V9N 9G2 Damon Gaudet Qualified & Bonded Insured Piano/Organ Voice Recorder Grant&Mullan& Parishioner 250346532044 COMMERCIAL * RESIDENTIAL Tile & Grout Cleaning R.V. Cleaning Fire & Flood Restoration 1101 Ryan Road Courtenay, B.C. 250-334-0707 Coastal Community Credit Union Fourth Street Branch 291 4th Street, Courtenay, BC PHONE 250-334-4428 RES. 250-338-5805 F U N E R A L H O M E C R E M AT I O N AND RECEPTION CENTRE LOCALLY OWNED CANADIAN INDEPENDENT PRE-ARRANGEMENT PLANS AVAILABLE Robert G. Buckley,BSc,BA,SFC,PFP Branch Manager ROBERT KIRK Comox Valley Tel: 250-338-5222 [email protected] Delaney Relocation Anne Delaney, CSA If you are moving to Casa Loma, the cost of your move is FREE! Call Anne for details. Phone: 250-339-1188 or 250-334-9922
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