Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 This Week’s Mass Intentions Saturday, 5:15 pm Sunday – 7:30 am 9:30 am 6:00 pm Monday, 6:30 am Tuesday, 6:30 am Wednesday, 6:30 am Thursday, 6:30 am Friday, 6:30 am +Josefina Salvadorv +Juanito Ang Pro populo Ashley Nawahine (health) +Elizabeth Pongasi +Patricio Pascua +Joe Madella +Elizabeth Pongasi Remember in Prayer Reflection on the Scriptures A marriage feast is a major occasion in village life. The excuses are without foundation, since the date would have been known for a long time, and their excuses are events that could have been preplanned not to conflict with the wedding feast. The refusals look like a group effort to shame the host. As readers we are to wonder at the reason for this insult. (Donahue, 141-142) Rather than accede to their effort to shame him, the host sends out servants to invite in those whom society has shamed and labeled as unclean and sinful—the poor, the ill, the disabled, and the defenseless. The banquet hall is filled with those scorned by the religious elite of the nation as impure and sinful and unclean. They, as it turns out, are those who have gained entry to the kingdom of God, not by violence, not by ritual purity, but by accepting an invitation that comes, not as an annoying obligation, but as a welcomed blessing. Taken in part from Feast: Reflections on Matthew 22:1-14 Next Sunday’s Readings Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 96:1, 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10 Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Holy Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21 Alvin Akiu, Jr. Lawrence Alejado Rose Aranita Michael Bello Anna Buenventura James David Cadiz Gilbert Ching Florence Custudio Emmie Arambulo Durado Flora Franco Carmen Espiritu-Igawa Violeta Guieb Ryoko Hayashi Joseph Hurst Addison Jospeh Emma Jospeh Rnyaft Robert Jospeh Ashley Nawahine Eufrosina Olaso Celest Ortiz Geoffrey Padilla Gloria R. Padilla Grant Padilla Mary Pires Sky Racoma Bernie Serrano Jovina Tabangcura Lani Test Please call or email the Parish Office if you would like us to pray for someone. Weekly Stewardship General Offering New Building Fund Other: $ $ $ 6,274.68 4,049.00 143.00 TOTAL: $ 10,466.68 New Building Fund Balance: $ 1,116,076.20 Foodland Give Aloha (for 10/03/14): $3,399.00 Please remember Resurrection of the Lord in your wills and trusts. Thank you for your generosity! Events @ Resurrection Monday (October 13): Rosary, Marian Chapel, 6 a.m. Communion Service, 6:30 a.m. Weekday Bible Study, Lanai, 10 a.m. Centering Prayer, Cry Room, 7 p.m. Tuesday (October 14): Rosary, Marian Chapel, 6 a.m. Mass, 6:30 a.m. Choir practice, Worship Area, 7 p.m. Pastoral Council, Conference Rm., 7 p.m. YM Team Meeting, Pastor’s Office, 7 p.m. Knights of Columbus Business Mtg., Cry Room, 7 p.m. Wednesday (October 15): Rosary, Marian Chapel, 6 a.m. Mass, 6:30 a.m. Praise Choir practice, Worship Area, 6 p.m. Thursday (October 16): Rosary, Marian Chapel, 6 a.m. Mass, 6:30 a.m. Ladies Guild, Conference Rm.,7 p.m. Charismatic Group, Pastor’s Office, 7 p.m. TMIY, Worship Area/Lanai, 7 p.m. Friday (October 17): Rosary, Marian Chapel, 6 a.m. Mass, 6:30 a.m. YM, Worship Area/Lanai, 7 p.m. Saturday (October 18): Church Cleaning, Bereavement, 8 a.m. Sunday (October 19): Children’s Faith Formation, 11:30 a.m. B.O.W., Lanai, 11:30 a.m. Announcements SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR REFUGEES IN THE MIDDLE EAST Bishop Silva has asked all parishes in the Diocese of Honolulu to have a special collection for Christians and others suffering in the Middle East. We will take up that special collection the weekend of October 11 & 12. The proceeds of the collection will support immediate humanitarian and pastoral needs, as well as the cost of long-term reconstruction. These funds will be used by Catholic Relief Services and other Catholic agencies working in partnership with the local Church to meet the most urgent needs facing the people in Iraq, Gaza, Syria, and surrounding countries were refugees have fled. Envelopes for this special collection can be found near the entrances of the church. Thank you for your generosity in support of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East. OCTOBER IS THE MONTH OF THE ROSARY During the month of October we will have a communal recitation of the Rosary in the worship area 20 minutes before every Mass led by members of our parish Rosary Group. All are encouraged to join in the prayer and, if not participating, to be respectful of those praying in the church. MASS INTENTIONS FOR ALL SOULS’ DAY Envelopes for Mass Intentions for All Souls’ Day, November 2 nd are available near the doors of the church. The Faithful are encouraged to remember their loved ones in prayer. The suggested minimum offering is $10.00 per name. PASTORAL COUNCIL Our parish Pastoral Council will meet this Tuesday at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room. Members should plan to attend. THE BIBLE & HOW TO READ IT Fr. William will give an overview of the Books of the Bible and suggestions for how to read it on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Narthex. All are welcome to attend. MAKE A “SPIRITUAL PILGRIMAGE” WITH US: Those not making the actual pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Rome, and Assisi next month are invited to join with us in a “spiritual pilgrimage.” We invite you to write your prayers a Book of Prayer Intentions, located in the back of the church. We will carry it to all the holy sites we visit during our pilgrimage and offer your intentions at every Mass. Also in the back you will find a copy of our daily itinerary of the places we will visit, suggested Scripture readings, and prayers for each day of the pilgrimage. We will also have a daily blog with pictures on our parish Facebook Page. VOTING SIMPLIFIED: Voting is complicated! On Sunday, October 19 at 7:30pm to 9:00pm, come learn how voting works, what the Church teaches about it, and the issues/candidates you can vote for. Eva Andrade of Hawaii Family Forum is our presenter. Refreshments provided. Open to everyone 18 and over! Event coordinated by RISE Young Adult Ministry. NEW INFANT BAPTISM DATES Infant Baptism will be celebrated on the following dates in 2014-15: Saturday, November 1, 2014, 10:00 am, Sunday, January 11, 2015, 9:30 am Mass, Sunday, March 8, 2015, 2:00 pm, Sunday, April 12, 2015, 9:30 am Mass, Sunday, May 31, 2015, 9:30 am Mass, Sunday, July 12, 2015, 2:00 pm, Sunday, September 13, 2015, 2:00 pm, Sunday, November 1, 2015, 9:30 am Mass. Parent classes will still be the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room. THE WELCOME KIOSK Please visit our Welcome Kiosk after Mass on the lanai if you are new and would like to register, RSVP for events, volunteer for ministry, or for more information about our parish activities! 6:00 PM SUNDAY EVENING MASS The Sunday Evening Mass offers a contemporary celebration of the liturgy with an eye toward those seeking to renew and deepen their relationship with Christ and his Church. Come and join us!
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