TRIBE NEXT ZONE PRÆSENTERER JESPER KONGSHAUG (Denmark) has for 25 years conjured with light working within theatre, television and architecture. His work has taken him to San Francisco, Boston, Lyon, Munich, New York, Moscow. He is a regular guest at The Royal Theatre, where he created the light-design for “The wedding of Figaro”, “The Magic Flute” and Wagners ”Ring Cycle”. In 2010 he created light design for Akram Khan Company. Jesper Kongshaug has been collaborating with Lene Boel since 2001. KEVIN MISCHEL (France) has been dancing for 11 years. He began dancing with a company called “Funktherapy” with the teachers Amar and Ahmed Agouni and Walid boumani (dancer for montalvohervieu). He danced with choreographer Dominique BOIVIN, Hiroaki Umeda “2 repulsion”(suresnes production 2010) and Misook Seo “contrastes” (Suresnes production 2011). He formed the company “ Density” in France and has created his first choreography “Radiance”. DANIEL ”SONIC” ROJAS (DK/Columbia) has been dancing for 18 years winning “Ultimatic Bboy session” and “UK Championship”. He has performed in the Nutcracker (Copenhagen), Notre-Dame de Paris Musical (London and Italy) and the Junglebook (Copenhagen). Sonic is a winner of “Scenen er din “ 2004 og is one of the figures in the Playstation game B.BOY. Sonic has worked together with Lene Boel in the performances Symphony in Slang (2007), Hero-Antihero (2009) and Ritual (2010). YAMINE “SPIDER” MANAA (France) has been dancing since 1998 and has been a member of “Alliance Crew” (winner of International Evolution Europe in Germany ), member of the companie Silent Trix from Grenoble France (winner of international Break the Floor 20082009, Finalist Battle of the year 2008). He also worked with The Compagnie “Alliance” (France) for the piece “A corps ouvert”, Compagnie “Styl’o’Styl” (France) for the piece “rocktambul” and the compagnie “Adil Bouarbie”(Suisse) in the piece “A la quète du temps”. DANY ”NONO” GRIMAH (France) has been dancing for 14 years. He has performed all over the world with Vagabond-Crew who won “Battle of the Year Show”(2002-06) and ”Bboy Unit Korea” (2005) and UK world Bboy Champs (2010). He holds a record for Air Flaire in Guiness Book of Records (2005). He has his own company “Silent Trix”, which won “Break the Floor (2008-09). Nono has been working together with Lene Boel in Hero-Antihero (2009) and Ritual (2010). Produktionen er støttet af Kunstrådets Scenekunstudvalg, Statens Kunstfond, Nationalbankens Jubilæumsfond, Augustinus Fonden, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden & Aage & Johanne Louis-Hansen Fond Coproduceret af Wip-Villette Paris. Tak til Dansens Hus & Københavns Universitet - Dansevidenskab RITUAL #3 EN MAGISK OG EKSPLOSIV DANSEFORESTILLING, MED BREAKDANSERE I VERDENSKLASSE A magic and powerful dance performance with world class breakdancers 7. - 14. APRIL 2011 tirsdag - fredag kl. lørdag & søndag kl. Tuesday - Friday Saturday & Sunday 20 17 20 17 STÆREKASSEN AUGUST BOURNONVILLES PASSAGE 5 1055 KØBENHAVN BILLETTER NEXT ZONE TLF. : 7020 2096 MAN-FRE KL. 10-16 WWW.TEATERBILLETTER.DK TRIBE – Ritual #3 er en magisk og eksplosiv danseforestilling med 6 virtuose breakdansere. Inspirationen er hentet i Nijinskys koreografi ”Rite of Spring”, i mange kulturers ritualer samt i urbane bande milijøer som er breakdansens rødder. I TRIBE- Ritual #3 er en international gruppe danserne fra forskellige kulturer og religioner samlet for at udføre et ritual.Ritualet er formet i et unikt akrobatisk og artikuleret koreografisk sprog hvori teknikker fra electric boogie, breakdans og ny dans anvendes til at skabe stærke kontraster som svinger fra det barbarisk brutale til det sarte sårbare. Den nykomponerede musik er skabt af samples fra Stravinskys ”Rite of Spring” og traditionel russisk musik kombineret med instrumental undergrunds hiphop. TRIBE – Ritual #3 is a magical and explosive dance performance with 6 virtuosic break dancers. The inspiration comes from Nijinsky’s choreography “Rite of Spring“, rituals from different cultures around the world and from urban gang environments which are the roots of break dance. In TRIBE-Ritual #3 an international group of dancers from different cultures and religions is gathered to perform a ritual.The ritual is shaped in a unique acrobatic and articulated movement language, using techniques from electric boogie, break dance and new dance to create a strong contrast switching between the barbaric brutal to the touching vulnerable. The new composed music is created from samples of Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring“, traditional Russian music combined with instrumental underground hip hop. LENE BOEL REX CASSWELL LYSDESIGN/LIGHT DESIGN JESPER KONGSHAUG IDE OG KOREOGRAFI/CHOREOGRAPHER MUSIK/MUSIC DANSERE/DANCERS DANIEL “SONIC” ROJAS, DANY “NONO“ GRIMAH, KEVIN MISCHEL, YAMINE MANAA, ABDOULAYE BARRY & JEFF AKSENGOR MALTE HAUGAARD DORTE THORSEN FOTO/PHOTO STUART MCINTYRE GRAFIK/GRAPHIC DESIGN MALENE HENSSEL PR OG PRESSE/PR AND PRESS LENA HEDEGAARD CHEFTEKNIKER/CHIEF TECHNICIAN KOSTUMER/COSTUMES NEXT ZONE has produced performances and films since 1997 and has received funding from The Danish Arts Council since 2001. Instincts, the body and emotions are the basic elements in choreographer Lene Boel´s unique vocabulary NEXT ZONE of movement. Her choreographic language ranges from delicate gesture to extreme physical movement. In her latest productions she has chosen to work with break dancers to use their special technical skills to explore and develop new choreographic territories. She has achieved wide recognition for her ability to create aesthetically beautiful and integrated performances in which light, sound and dance are equal partners in creating a unified artistic force. LENE BOEL er uddannet i New York, London og Holland og har danset i adskillige danske og udenlandske kompagnier. Siden 1997 har Lene Boel været den kunstneriske drivkraft i Next Zone og i kompagniets regi skabt 10 ensemble koreografier, 12 soli samt 4 dansefilm. I Danmark er hendes forestillinger blevet vist på Kaleidoskop K2, Dansescenen, Statens Museum for Kunst, Hofteatret, Kultur Centret Assistens, Archauz og Nationalmuseet. I udlandet er de blevet præsenteret i Europa, USA og Japan på festivals som f.eks. Dance on Camera Festival på Lincoln Center, New York (USA), Festival Fabbrica Europe Firenze (Italien), Monaco Dance Forum (Monte Carlo), Festival de la Nouvelle Dance Uzés (Frankrig), Galleri Start, Reykjavik (Island), Festival Karavel ( Frankrig ) samt festival Rencontres de la Villette, Paris (Frankrig). Lene Boels seneste forestilling Ritual fra april 2010 er indtil nu blevet opført 48 gange i Danmark, Grønland, Island, Færøerne og Canada. LENE BOEL is educated in New York, London, and Holland, and has performed in both Danish and foreign dance companies. Since 1997 she has been the artistic leader of Next Zone and with the company has created 10 ensemble choreographies, 12 solos and 4 dance films. Her work has been performed throughout Denmark and presented internationally at festivals such as Dance on Camera Festival at Lincoln Center, New York (USA), Festival Fabbrica Europe Firenze (Italy), Monaco Dance Forum (Monte Carlo), Festival de la Nouvelle Dance Uzés (France), Festival Karavel ( France), Galleri Start, Reykjavik (Island) and festival Rencontres de la Villette, Paris (France). Lene Boels latest piece Ritual from April 2010 has been performed 48 times in Denmark, Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Island and Canada. REX CASSWELL (DK/England) has been working with composition and improvisation for over 20 years. In Manchester he co-founded the “Sampedelic group Stock, Hausen and Walkman” and has been a member of the improvisation group BARK! since 1993. In 2001 he won The Danish Arts Councils composer competition “Extremes”. He has composed music for Next Zone/ choreographer Lene Boel since 2001.
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