SAINT TIMOTHY CATHOLIC CHURCH MASS SCHEDULE 10425 W PICO BLVD., LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 TEL: (310) 474-1216; WWW.STTIMOTHYLA.ORG Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM Sunday Masses: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM Daily Mass (Mon-Sat): 8:00 AM Holy Day Masses: Vigil: 6:30 PM 8:00 AM, 12:10 PM Church Hours: Mon-Fri, 7:00 AM—3:00 PM Sat, 7AM-7PM & Sun, 7AM-2PM Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30 AM—4:00 PM Sat & Sun, 7:00 AM—2:00 PM Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 CONFESSIONS Sat., 4:00 PM — 5:00 PM & First Friday before 8:00 AM Mass I can do all things in him who strengthens me. ~ Philippians 4:13 DEVOTIONS Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament Mon-Sat, 7:00 AM— 9:00 AM Miraculous Medal Novena Monday following 8:00 AM Mass Our Lady of Fa ma First Friday & First Saturday of the month a er 8:00 AM Mass Legion of Mary Every Monday at 7:15 PM Reverend Paul E. Vigil Pastor Tom and Carrie Sabol Deacon Couple For marriages, bapƟsms & special services, please call the rectory ST. TIMOTHY SCHOOL Lena Randle, Principal 10479 W PICO BLVD LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 (310) 474-1811 WWW.STTIMOTHY.ORG October 12, 2014 St. Timothy Pastor’s Notes Pastor’s Notes - cont’d Thanks to everyone for par cipa ng one way or another in our parish Anniversary Gala Night, held last week at the Olympic Collec on. Please see the bulle n for more acknowledgements. The school is jous ng their annual Halloween Party here later in the month. All proceeds will go towards gi s for the faculty. Please see the flyer for more informa on. Next weekend is World Mission Sunday. Please see the bulle n for more informa on. Congratula ons to one of our catechists. Again, please see the bulle n for more informa on. at the Synod, are clear there will be no change to the Church’s teaching on the indissolubility of a Catholic marriage, but is much heated discussion on how to respond to men and women who are separated, divorced and remarried and are asking to be readmi ed to the Eucharist. As of this wri ng, Pope Francis is favored to win the Nobel Peace Prize. But due to our publica on deadline - Thursday night - we may not be able to defini vely congratulate him. My money is on him though, so to speak! Finally, I include a news ar cle from the Va can Radio that can be found on the Pope App and the Catholic media. It is regarding the Synod that is taking place in Rome this month. The following arƟcle can be found on the VaƟcan Radio Website at hƩp://Ɵce-and Synod Seeks to Model God's Marriage of Jus ce and Mercy (Va can Radio) How can the Church remain true to its core beliefs while showing mercy, compassion and forgiveness to individuals who fail, in so many ways, to live up its high ideals? That’s the ques on at the heart of the Synod of Bishops on the Family which is moving towards the conclusion of its first week’s work. To explore these issues at the daily press briefing on Thursday, the head of the Va can press office Fr Federico Lombardi and his assistants were joined by the head of the Canadian Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Paul-André Durocher and Italian Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, as Philippa Hitchen reports.... ‘Which of you, having a son or an ox that has fallen into a well on the Sabbath day, will not immediately pull him out?’ Those words of Jesus to the Pharisees were used by Cardinal Coccopalmerio on Thursday to throw light on the dilemma facing Synod Fathers as they struggle to dis nguish between Church doctrine and its prac cal applica on to people in their care. As a canon law professor and current president of the Pon fical Council for Legisla ve Texts, the Cardinal has spent most of his life studying the way the laws of the Church impact ordinary peoples’ lives. He’s also a member of the new Commission, established by Pope Francis in September, to reform the marriage annulment process – one of the issues that has been under the spotlight in the Synod Hall….. Like many other Church leaders, the cardinal is strongly in favour of simplifying the annulment process which is o en a costly, complicated and drawn out affair. All the bishops Reflec ng some of the many prac cal sugges ons made by bishops, Fr Lombardi spoke of support networks, prayer services and public blessings which can help people move on from a failed marriage to a new sense of the Spirit working in their lives. Yet alongside these spiritual solu ons, as Fr Tom Rosica explained, the bishops are wrestling with what it really means to be an incarna onal and sacramental Church in which Jesus can touch and heal peoples’ hearts and lives.. “We must allow Jesus to do his work in the Eucharist because the Eucharist was le for us, sinners. We must not portray a Church which tries to put limits on God's love...." The sense of urgency about resolving these issues is palpable during the Synod sessions. Bishops dealing with people in mixed Catholic-Orthodox marriages say there is much confusion over why the Eastern Churches can admit remarried spouses to the altar while Rome cannot. As Archbishop Durocher concluded, there’s a growing consensus that, amid so many economic and social challenges facing families today, the Church must be more open to mee ng the par cular needs of men, women and children in their care… "What’s going on in the Synod is we’re seeing a more induc ve way of reflec ng, star ng with the real situa ons of people… and finding that the lived experience of people is also a theological source, a place of theological reflec on" Not a ba le between people and principles, he said, but rather the bishops are learning how to bring the requirements of jusce and mercy closer together in a marriage made in heaven. "A marriage of jus ce and mercy - God is perfectly just and perfectly merciful, it's just hard for us to do the same, but we must strive to do that." ~Collec on for October 04/05, 2014~ 5:30 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm TOTAL: $1,223.00 $528.00 $1,631.00 $2,212.00 $865.00 $6,459.00 ~Thank you for your dona on!~ Fr. Paul E. Vigil Sun, Oct. 12h: Mon., Oct. 13th: Tues., Oct. 14th: Wed., Oct. 15th: Thur., Oct. 16th: Fri, Oct. 17th: Sat., Oct. 18th: 7:30am Rev. William J. Brelsford (D) 9:00am Thanks Giving for the Toh Family (I) 10:30am Parishioners of STC 12:00pm William Kuo (I) 8:00am Anna Khaphizova (D) 8:00am Carl Roderick (D) 8:00am Pray for St. Jude (D) 8:00am Victoria Tagle (D) 8:00am Linda Rojas (D) 8:00am Ellen Chung (I) 5:30pm Maria Katharina Schuchman (D) __________________________________________________________ Thank you to all who a ended and supported St. Timothy's Anniversary Gala Dinner. On October 3rd we joyously celebrated as a parish family our Parish's 71st Anniversary Gala. Our gra tude goes out to all who a ended and to those who worked “behind the scenes” in preparing such a special evening for our parish community. It was wonderful to see both parish and school families come together to celebrate where great food, excep onal company, dancing and singing were thoroughly enjoyed. A sincere and hear elt Thank You and May God Bless You! ____________________________________________________________ BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS Our next Bap sm Prepara on Class will be held on October 14, 2014 at 6:00 PM in the rectory. All parents and godparents are required to take a prepara on class prior to celebra ng the Sacrament of Bap sm for their child/godchild. You may register for the class by contac ng the rectory at 310-474-1102. ________________________________________________________________ TEENAGE CONFIRMATION Confirma on classes have already started however it is not too late to enroll your teenager. Our Confirma on candidates will meet once a month, on the second Sunday of the month, from 10:30am to 12:30pm. Please contact Michelle at the rectory at 310-474-1102 for more informa on, or to begin the enrollment process! __________________________________________________ Please note that due to Columbus Day observance on Monday, October 13th, St. Timothy School and the rectory office will be closed. We will, however, have the 8:00 AM Mass. ST. TIMOTHY SCHOOL ADMISSIONS If you or someone you know is looking for a school serving grades PK-8, let them know about St. Timothy School. We will be hos ng an Open House on October 9, 2014 at 7 PM and a School Tour on November 6, 2014 at 9 AM. Please contact amsions@s to reserve a spot. Applica ons for the 2015/16 school year are currently available at h p://s We are also s ll enrolling for the current school year, where space allows. ____________________________________________ CHILDREN’S BOOK WORLD During the month of October, you can view St. Timothy School students’ artwork in the Children’s Book World display window, located at 10580 W. Pico Blvd. Please stop by to see their crea ve efforts! _____________________________________________ SAVE THE DATE! St. Timothy School’s Annual Fright Night Halloween Carnival will be on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 6:30 PM. We invite our Parish Community and its family members and friends to come celebrate this fun holiday with us! _____________________________________________ CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD FOOD PROCESSION We welcome all our children to join us in this year round program. Your children will be invited at the beginning of our 9:00 AM Mass to a fun and deligh ul journey to learn more about Christ and His Church. All children are welcome to par cipate in the food procession at the Offertory. Please remember to bring non-perishable food dona ons and meet us in the back of the church for the gi and food procession at the me of the offertory if your child does not a end the Children’s Liturgy of the Word! _________________________________________________ CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR VERY OWN CATECHIST - CARMEN MARTIN! Carmen has been selected to receive this year’s “Excellence in Cateche cal Service Award” from Our Lady of the Angels Regional Congress! She will be presented with this ECSA award on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at the 11:00 AM liturgy, celebrated by Bishop Clark. The Mass will be held at St. Mary’s Academy in Inglewood. Please take a moment to congratulate Carmen on her success! You are all invited to a end the Mass as well! RCIA (Rites of Chris an Ini a on for Adults) and Adult Confirma on Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Have you received all your Sacraments? Are you inspired by our exquisite liturgies, inspiring homilies, our welcoming community and our beau ful church? Or do you know someone who is interested in becoming Catholic or needs to be Confirmed? If so, please feel free to contact Michelle at the rectory at (310) 74-1102 for more informa on. DATE & TIME: TOPIC: SPEAKER: 10/16/14 - 7PM Sin & Salva on Fr. Paul 10/23/14 - 7PM Eucharist / Mass Dn. Tom Sabol 10/30/14 - 7PM Church, Mary & Saints Fr. Paul 11/06/14 - 7PM Worship & Liturgy Fr. Paul _____________________________________________________ Are you interested in proclaiming the Word of God at Mass? Would you like to help distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass? Are you a student who wishes to serve at the altar at Mass? If so, we are in great need of Lectors, Eucharis c Ministers, Acolytes, and Altar Servers at all of our Sunday Masses. To begin volunteering for one of these ministries please reach out to Deacon Tom Sabol, at dntom@s, or leave a message at the rectory. ________________________________________________ St. Timothy’s Evening Bible Study Group Please join us for the 8-week Wednesday Evening Bible Study Course! We will be mee ng at 7 PM in the rectory. October 15th October 22nd October 29th November 5th November 12th November 19th Session 3: Patriarchs Session 4: Egypt and Exodus, Desert Wanderings Session 5: Conquests and Judges, Royal Kingdom Session 6: Divided Kingdom, Exile Session 7: Return, Maccabean Revolt Session 8: Messianic Fulfillment, The Church For more informa on, please contact Deborah at 310-871-9022 or at [email protected], or call the rectory at 310-474-1216. ____________________________________________ Women’s Club Luncheon Please join St. Timothy Women's Club on Thursday, October 16th, in the parish hall at 12 PM. Monique Contro-Navarro will provide a holiday flower presenta on. For a reserva on, please contact Linda Harner at (310) 839-6326 or Pat Ma son at (310) 277-2537. ______________________________________________ The L.A. Catholic Alumni Club, a social organiza on of single professional Catholics, invites you to the 11:15 AM Mass for Single Catholics on Sunday, October 19th, at Holy Family Catholic Church in South Pasadena. The Mass will be followed by brunch at a local restaurant. Please contact Bob at (818) 894-6123 for further informa on and brunch RSVP. All ages warmly welcomed. For a free sample event calendar, please call (818) 773-9550. Holy Family Catholic Church, 1501 Fremont Ave., South Pasadena Next Sunday, October 19th, is the Annual World Mission Sunday, supported by the Society for the Propaga on of the Faith. This year’s theme is ‘I Will Build My Church’ (Ma hew 16:18). To support local churches in the mission lands, please make a check to the Society for the Propaga on of the Faith and include it in your weekly Offerings envelope. Online dona ons can be made as well at Thank you for all your support! __________________________________________________ The St. Thomas More Society of Los Angeles (STMSLA), invites you to the 32nd Annual Red Mass on Tuesday, October 21st, at 5:30 PM at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, and to a recep on following the Mass. Lawyers, judicial and public officials, and others interested in the law are invited. Representa ves of the judiciary and public officials will par cipate in the liturgy. To RSVP, please call (626) 914-8942 or email [email protected]. For more informa on, please visit _____________________________________________________ TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — On this mountain the LORD will make for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines (Isaiah 25:6-10a). Psalm — I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life (Psalm 23). Second Reading — God will supply whatever you need (Philippians 4:12-14 19-20). Gospel — I have prepared my banquet, and everything is ready. Come to the feast! (Ma hew 22:1-14 [1-10]). _________________________________________________ GOD’S WORD TODAY No one alive can tell us what heaven is like. Today’s scriptures give us an image to assist us in envisioning what it will be like when we rest in God’s eternal presence. The banquet is a fi ng image in so many ways. First of all, there are invita ons issued to this banquet. Through our Bap sm, we received an engraved invita on. We should be spending our lives preparing for the banquet, but other invita ons come our way and distract us, luring us away from the great feast. Some people never accept the invita on. Others lose it along the way. And others simply say, “I cannot come.” Today’s scriptures are among the most challenging we ever hear because they ask us to examine our priori es. We know that everything in this world will pass away. Yet because of the sinful human condi on, we hold on to things as if they will grant us salva on. Today is a day to rediscover the invita on to the banquet if it has been lost. Today is a day to let our hearts rejoice in the promise of the glorious banquet to come. ___________________________________________________ SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday, 10/12: Monday, 10/13: Tuesday, 10/14: Wednesday, 10/15: Thursday, 10/16: Friday, 10/17: Saturday, 10/18: Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Columbus Day; Canadian Thanksgiving Day St. Callistus I St. Teresa of Jesus St. Hedwig; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Na onal Boss Day St. Igna us of An och St. Luke Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. 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