C L S A S A N D I E G O SURVEY NOTES CALIFORNIA LAND SURVEYORS ASSOCIATION, SAN DIEGO CHAPTER! WWW.SD-SURVEYORS.ORG aA MONTHLY NEWSLETTER Meeting Announcement CLSA President Elect, Jay Seymour! OCTOBER 2014 VOLUME 20, ISSUE 9 Oh Brother, Where Art Thou Letter from Casey Lynch, PLS! Page 2 County Recorder Committee New CLSA Committee formed! ! Golf Tournament Event Wrap-Up! Page 4 General Meeting Minutes Page 7 Curt Brown T-2 Sealed-Bid Auction Bid Form! Page 8 Job Opportunity Position Available! Page 3 Advertisements Information from our supporters! Page 10 Executive Board Meeting Minutes Page 5 ! Chapter Meeting! Menu Antojitos! Tortilla Chips, Guacamole & Salsa! Open Buffet! Ensalada Verde, Mexican Rice & Refried Beans ! Cheese Enchilada Verdes & Roja! Joint Meeting With Orange County Chapter! ! Jay Seymour, President - Elect 201Will Be The Guest Speaker ! ! Survey Notes Come out and hear Jay’s outlook for his term and the future of CLSA! Handmade Flour & Corn Tortillas ! Chicken Fajitas & Beef Fajitas! Wednesday, October 15th, 2014! Chipotle Salsa ! Casa Guadalajara Restaurant & Cantina Sour Cream, Avocado Salsa ! Garden Room 4105 Taylor Street, San Diego CA 92110 Tel:(619)295-5111 Across from the CalTrans District 11 Headquarters, short walk from the Old Town Station! Salsa de la Casa ! Salsa Fresca, Salsa Quemada! RSVP: Please visit http://www.sd-surveyors.org/ Reservations/index.php! Schedule: RSVP no later than October 10, 2014! 5:00 Board Meeting (SD-CLSA)! If paying on the website, please bring a copy of your receipt at the event check in. Cash and checks accepted at the event.! 6:00 Social Networking! 6:30 Dinner/Discussion! $40 Members $20 Student Members "1 C L S A S A Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?! Casey Lynch, PLS! September 11, 2014! In light of recent and upcoming events, I find it necessary for someone to stand up and say what we all are hopefully thinking. This could end up being my Jerry Maguire moment, where you all ride me out of town, or it may end up being a success; nevertheless it is important and must be said. ! We have a statutory code of conduct that we should all be aware of. It is contained in the California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 5, Section 476. It provides us with certain ethical direction necessary to ensure we all uphold the foundation of professionalism. It falls short of dictating how we interact with one another, as it should. Personally I do not need a statute to dictate how I interact on a professional level with my peers. I know there is an unwritten code that was handed down to me by my mentors and one that I strive to keep alive every day. It is becoming overwhelmingly obvious that certain individuals could benefit from a reminder of the unwritten code. There once was a fellowship that bound us together, but over time that fellowship has become thin, and it is time we fix it or lose it forever.! Some of our peers have become distraction experts, using distraction and self-interest centered tactics to draw our focus from what is important. Mr. Darby once wrote, in Volume 1 Number 1 of the Cal Surveyor:! “Professional associations become a vital necessity when a profession finds itself faced with major problems which are beyond the capabilities and financial capacity of the individual” ! And…! “As a practical matter we are at this moment in the mainstream of national life through which we must mutually assist each other or individually flounder.”! Not much has changed since April of 1967. The individual is still not as strong as the whole. What has changed is that we seem to have allowed a few the chance to unearth and uproot the foundation on what our Association is built on. These distraction tactics must be stopped as they are damaging the fabric that binds us together. ! How we react and proceed with our association business and our profession is not only seen by others related to our industry, but by the younger generation coming up in their careers. It is our responsibility to interact and conduct ourselves in a certain manner that is prestigious and courteous. We need to give care and direction to others when necessary, all the while respecting one another as the equals we are.! I recognize that remaining objective at all times is very difficult. Our subjective side of the brain tends to quickly take hold of our thoughts and actions, driving us down a path towards our perceived goal. The professional surveyor is one that slows and tempers those subjective thoughts, remaining open and passive to the other side until all opinions have been heard. It is only at that point of clarity can an objective decision be made with confidence and with resolve.! We work in a profession that offers decent pay for hard work. It’s a profession where we all pay our dues, not in the financial sense, but in the sense that we have all spent time at “one end or the other of the tape.” This profession has provided our families the means to survive, put our children through college, and provided a comfortable retirement for those that have spent a lifetime protecting it and seeing it move forward. It is not a profession that is going to stand by and take transgressions from others for too long, it is not one that allows anyone the chance to tarnish another reputation for the sake of their personal ideals or motives.! Survey Notes N D I E G O In protecting our profession, a group of fine individuals gathered together in 1966 to form a common body that would eventually gain strength in numbers and over time gain recognition as a formable force in the land development industry. Our members are not supposed to be rivals on opposing teams, and it should not be our goal to record wins and losses when it comes to issues and decisions. We are one team, and we should treat one another as such. One of my favorite quotes is from Vince Lombardi:! “Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work a society work, a civilization work”.! We cannot lose sight of this, and we need to make sure every action we take, no matter the subject, is predicated on the fact that CLSA is our TEAM. ! I recognize that in general, some of us have retained the activist spirit that our Association was founded on. Activism is a good thing for our profession, as long as that activism is centered on benefiting the common goals of the whole. Quoting Mr. Darby once more: ! “It is after all, progress that has always paced man’s hopes and fortunately, every now and then, something causes progress to noticeably freshen and the pace quickens. This we believe could become a reality if the membership of this Association consisted of every professional land surveyor who can benefit from it, every professional land surveyor who is determined to get ahead and every professional land surveyor who is unafraid of the responsibility his profession implies.”! The professional surveyor is one that progresses without dereliction of their duty to the profession. Mentoring others respectfully and allowing them the chance to come out with dignity is the only avenue we should take when issues are discovered. We can’t change the past, it is what it is and we have to deal with it, and then move on. The discussion we should be having is not where we are today, but where we are going in the future. If “It’s time we roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty.” there is a true issue at hand then one must become involved and see it’s change all the way through. It is not enough to bring forth something without a method of resolution. It is not proper to argue points of order, only to back down and do nothing about it when the time has come to take action. These are distraction tactics, and if we allow them to persist, we will watch our Association crumble. ! If that is what each of us want, then please stand by and watch these few burn it to the ground. If what you want is to keep moving forward, then it’s time we roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty. It is time we make amends with one another, forgive and forget, and move forward. If we need to change our management system, then let’s do it for the good of the whole. If what we have is acceptable to the whole, then let us put the distraction tactics behind us and move forward. ! There are many issues we need to resolve, and there are many threats coming forward to our livelihood that need to be defeated. The few that have demanded our attention for so long must be willing to find resolve so we can accomplish those things that matter. We need to focus on LAND SURVEYING, above all other matters, to get back to the core of what was started in 1966.! The next chapter of CLSA history is on us to write, how do you want it to start?! "2 C L S A S A N D I E G O Distribution Information County Recorder Committee Formed By Chapter! This newsletter is an email-only distribution.! Notices, original articles, and other relevant information are encouraged for publication in the newsletter. There are many interesting and pertinent articles in other publications. Mention of articles is encouraged, but please provide your remarks summary in a Word doc format and a link to the article, rather than copying the whole article. PDF or JPEG format sized to approx. 300 KB or less is best for graphics. Large reference files may have to be sent separately. Newsletter is distributed by the first Wednesday of the month. Send items to Paul Goebel at [email protected] by the last Saturday of the month.! New Committee to meet with Chief Deputy Recorder and others ! At the September Executive Board meeting, President Tony Nothdurft appointed a committee to communicate with the County Clerk/Recorder and communicate our concerns and recommendations about the upcoming changes to map recording. The Committee members are Armand Marois, PLS, Dan Harrison, PLS, and Steven Heise, PLS. I will be the committee Chairman.! The Committee has been in contact with the County Clerk/Recorder and will be ready to attend a meeting in October.! ! Paul E. Goebel, P.L.S., Editor! Information in this newsletter is not necessarily endorsed by CLSA or CLSA San Diego.! Employment Opportunity! BHA Inc (Carlsbad, CA) is looking for a motivated individual for a Survey Crew Chief position to add to our team of surveyors. A minimum of 3 years’ experience as a survey crew chief performing boundary, topographic, construction and ALTA surveys. Knowledge of Trimble equipment and military experience a plus. Clean driving record and background checks required. Part or full-time work, based on workload. Please e-mail an interest letter introducing yourself and a resume to [email protected]. No calls will be accepted and a list will be generated for interviews. Advertising Rates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) full page one time in newsletter $80.00. One year paid in advance $650.00. ! 1⁄2 page one-time in newsletter $55.00. One year paid in advance $400.00. ! Business card size ad one year in newsletter $80.00. ! Employment offers by a member free for 1 month, extended if needed. ! One time use of front page in newsletter $50.00 in addition to ad cost.! Contact Newsletter Editor Paul Goebel at [email protected] for newsletter advertising.! Web-site banner $100.00. Other Web-site advertising charges to be determined. For web-site advertising contact Website Coordinator Jack Gechter-P.L.S. at [email protected] Student stipend policy The Stipend program’s goals are to: provide funding for local students taking college level survey related classes. The stipend will be limited to one survey class per student per semester. The class must have been completed within the last 6 months. Applicants must be current members of the San Diego Chapter of CLSA at the time the class was taken.! Licensed Land Surveyors are eligible.! The stipend schedule is:! Survey Services Title Analysis-Network Adjustment Corner Search-Public Lands California-Nevada [email protected] 619-504-5666 Survey Notes $100.00 for “A” grade! $50.00 for “B” grade! The limit of total stipends the chapter will grant is $2,000 per semester, on a first-come, first-served basis. All applications are subject to approval by the executive board. Applicants need to mail in a copy of their grade documenting completion of a surveying class and an application form to: CLSA San Diego, 5519 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Mail Box 261, San Diego, California 92117.! "3 C L S A S A N D I E G O 2014 Scholarship Golf Tournament A Success ! New sponsors and players helped make the event enjoyable and a fundraising success. ! September 19, 2014! Mike Dauer, Golf Tournament Chairman for our 2014 tournament was happy to report that we had 64 registered players, great weather, generous sponsors, and welcome participation from other chapters. The Vineyard was a great host again, and many players reported that it was great to be back at the course. Early reports indicate that the event raised considerably more funds than in recent years. Great work by the Golf Committee, and thanks to our sponsors!! ! Paul E. Goebel, Editor.! Survey Notes "4 C L S A S A N D I E G O Executive Board Meeting Minutes! September 10, 2014! Meeting held at Best Western Seven Seas, 411 Hotel Circle South, San Diego CA! Board Members Present Tony Nothdurft, President Steve Heise, Vice President Gary Mellom, Representative Marv Sylakowski, Representative! Mark Macfarlane, Treasurer Paul Goebel, Imm. Past Pres.! Dirk Nasland, Secretary ! Other Members Present! Armand Marois, Alternate Rep Jack Getcher, Website Karen Koklich, GIS/Private Records! Dave Viera, Bylaws! Casey Lynch, JPPC! Tony Nothdurft called the meeting to order at 4:39 PM. ! President’s Report-Tony! Golf Tournament : ! Contest Holes are set, Putting contest, Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Dixon hole, Hole in One! Numbers coming in for registration need to be coordinated with Mike and The Vineyard.! Will be looking for any more nominations from the floor and motions to close nominations and approve the slate tonight.! Document recording changes are coming with a potential roll out by December. ! Possible meeting with County Recorders to discuss effects this change will bring to the survey community.! Tony appointed Paul Goebel Chair, Steve Heise, and Armand Marois as Ad hoc committee to handle meeting process. Those interested can contact Paul at [email protected]! Seminar on “The Evolution of NAD83 in the United States” Richard Snay, NGS by State CLSA Sept 17-19th in Ontario! Private Survey Record scans in CLSA possession to be placed in Cloud.! Vice President’s Report-Steve! This month’s General meeting is David Copenhaver of NexGenNow-Location Seven Seas! Joint meeting in October is set to have the President Elect Jay Seymour, Location Casa Guadalajara in Old Town.! November meeting sponsored by LEICA Geosystems –Mahogony Mountain Vineyard and Winery, 14905 Mussey Grade Road, Ramona CA.! Treasurer’s Report-Mark! Total………………..$15,791.44! Full update next month after Golf Tournament.! Secretary’s Report-Dirk! Quarterly Report Due! Representatives: Marv S, Gary M, Greg H, Armand M! Special Meeting Oct. 4th. Cannot be discussed.! Regular Meeting Nov, 1st! Armand will be attending as alternate.! Membership-Blake! No Report! Nominating Committee-Steven Heise, Gary Mellom, Paul Goebel! 2015 Slate:! Immediate Past President! Tony Nothdurft! President!! ! Steven Heise! Vice President! ! Mark Macfarlane! Treasurer!! ! Dirk Nasland! Secretary!! ! Rafi Hanna! State Directors:! Current: ! Greg Hopkins (1 year remaining), Marv Sylakowski (1 year remaining), Paul Goebel (1 year remaining)! Blake Torgersen (replacing Casey Lynch, expiring), Garry Mellom (expiring), Anne Hoppe (expiring)! Survey Notes "5 ! C L S A S A N D I E G O Directors Nominated:! Blake Torgersen! ! Armand Marois! ! 2 year term! Gary Hus!! ! 2 year term! ! 2 year term! Alternates Nominated:! Gary Mellom! Tony Nothdurft! Education-John Butcher ! No Report! Golf Tournament-Mike Dauer! Event is 9-19-14! Legislative Report-Anne! No Report! Private Records-Jack! Looking to get the records list updated. Notice should be sent to the membership to contact Jack G. with any updates or knowledge of Private Records locations/stewards.! GIS-Karen! No report! Professional Practices- Casey! No new cases! Would be a good idea to put some info about JPPC in our newsletter to inform members of its benefits along with how it functions.! Curt Brown T2-Greg! Looking to use the T2 to generate proceeds for the Curt Brown scholarship.! Sealed Bid auction to be set up. Notice to be delivered in newsletter. Dirk to create form. Mail in bids only, reserve is $1500, bids close Nov 31st.! Trig Star- Armand! This is Armand’s 19th year with Trig Star at Rancho Buena Vista High.! We would like to put together an article for the newsletter about the Trig Star program.! A MOTION to adjourn was made by Casey L. and SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED.! Meeting adjourned at 6:00PM! Survey Notes "6 C L S A S A N D I E G O General Meeting Minutes! September 10, 2014! Meeting held at Best Western Seven Seas, 411 Hotel Circle South, San Diego CA! Tony Nothdurft called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. ! Number Attending: 26! President’s Report-Tony! Golf Tournament Coming up Sept 19th at The Vineyard in Escondido. Signup online. Still need support with gift baskets/swag buckets.! Nominations:! 2015 Slate:! Immediate Past President! Tony Nothdurft! President!! ! Steven Heise! Vice President! ! Mark Macfarlane! Treasurer!! ! Dirk Nasland! Secretary!! ! Rafi Hanna! ! State Directors:! Current: ! Greg Hopkins (1 year remaining), Marv Sylakowski (1 year remaining), Paul Goebel (1 year remaining)! Blake Torgersen (replacing Casey Lynch, expiring), Gary Mellom (expiring), Anne Hoppe (expiring)! Directors Nominated:! Blake Torgersen! ! 2 year term! Armand Marois! ! 2 year term! Gary Hus!! ! 2 year term! ! Alternates Nominated:! Gary Mellom! ! Tony Nothdurft! A MOTION was made by Armand M. to close nominations and accept the slate as stands. MOTION SECONDED and CARRIED.! A MOTION was made to write a letter to the State Board suggesting the CLSA Forum be converted to a private forum viewable only by members.! MOTION SECONDED and CARRIED.! Vice President’s Report-Steve! This month’s General meeting is David Copenhaver of NexGenNow-Location Seven Seas! Joint meeting in October is set to have the President Elect Jay Seymour, Location Casa Guadalajara in Old Town.! November meeting sponsored by LEICA Geosystems –Mahogony Mountain Vineyard and Winery, 14905 Mussey Grade Road, Ramona CA.! Treasurer’s Report-Mark! Total………………..$15,791.44! Speaker David Copenhaver of NexGenNow gave us a glimpse of many of the different un-manned vehicles in use and in design today. He also shared with us the software/programs NexGenNow has been creating to help handle mission planning, permitting, and operation which streamline the process and save time for everyone involved. We discussed some of the potential uses in our field and saw how these tools may soon be worth adding to the surveyor’s arsenal.! A MOTION to adjourn was made and was SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED.! Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM! Survey Notes "7 C L S A S A N D I E G O Curtis M. Brown-Owned Wild T-2 Instrument Will Go To Highest Bidder To Support Scholarship Fundraising! To Enter a Bid, See Sealed Bid Auction Form on Page 10 Of This Newsletter ! Photos: Dirk Nasland, PLS Survey Notes "8 C Survey Notes L S A S A N D I E G O "9 C L S A S A N D I E G O SALES • SERVICE • RENTALS • SUPPLIES Trimble R10 Productivity Beyond GNSS ® The first of its kind, the revolutionary Trimble R10 GNSS system is designed to help you work more effectively, no matter how extreme the environment. The new, lighter design is more balanced, allowing you to travel farther, faster, and gather data more easily Arizona 800.272.0180 7114 E Earll Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Trimble® S6 Now available with Trimble VISION™ Now available with Trimble VISION™ technology, the Trimble S6 Total Station enables surveyors to remotely see and measure through a live video feed from the instrument on their data controller. By integrating survey data with the live video surveyors can verify their work and ensure that they have captured everything before leaving the job. Spectra Precision® ProMark 700 GNSS Spectra Precision® EPOCH® 50 GNSS Reciever Designed for Survey Pro At less than 1.5 lbs., the ProMark 700 GNSS receiver is the lightest network RTK rover on the market today. Very compact, slim and cable-free, ProMark 700 is portable, ergonomic, rugged, and shockproof. The Spectra Precision® EPOCH® 50 GNSS system, with its 220 channels, makes effective use of the GPS L1/L2/L2C/L5 and GLONASS L1/L2 signals for outstanding satellite coverage and precise positioning. Instruments & Supplies Allen Instruments & Supplies serving all of Arizona and Southern California. Each location offers a retail showroom and training facility. Allen Instruments & Supplies’ two locations are the only Trimble Authorized sales distribution and service facilities in Arizona and So California. California 800.215.2737 2940 E La Palma Ave, Suite F Anaheim, CA 92806 www.alleninstruments.com Survey Notes "10 S Nullam arcu leo, facilisis ut E Q U O I A C L U B "11
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