TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME/ VIGESIMO OCTAVO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARY October 12, 2014/12 de octubre de 2014 I can do all things in him who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13 Todo lo puedo unido a aquél me da fuerza. – Filipenses 4:13 Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Confessions heard each Saturday, 4:15-4:45 p.m. or by appointment. We have open dates on our Flower Calendar. If you would like to have flowers placed in the church please give the parish office a call. Saturday, October 11 Ed Bach (B’day) Req. Sue O’Brien Sunday, October 12 For All Parishioners Martin Ikediashi Req. Family Monday, October 13 Jean Foley+ Req. SCJ’s Tuesday, October 14 Edward Hennen+ Req. Lyle Hennen Wednesday, October 15 Kenny Jackson+ Req. Pat Youd Thursday, October 16 Randy Torres+ Req. Pat Youd Friday, October 17 Father John Young, SCJ+ Req. Gregg & Gretchen McAlexander Saturday, October 18 Joe O’Brien+ Req. Sue O’Brien Sunday, October 19 For All Parishioners Our Parish Prayer List Your prayers are requested for the following: Alice Abraham, Glorine Allender, Mike Anderson, Earl Ayers, Chris Baker, Renee Bateman, Rene Bucacz, Steve Bucacz, Joe Buchanan, Joe Bynum, Christopher Carillo, Jan Carter, Helen Clifford, Donna Cook, Jimmy Cook, Jack Cosby, Terry Cox, Stella Cuthbertson, Lori D’Entremont, Doug Dickey, Karen Dickey, Barbara Dorris, Diana Downey, Larry Etter, Milton Flinn, Pervis & Nelma Fontenot, Luis Fernandez, Roesel Gaines, Barry Garay, Katherine Gray, Mary Gervell, Bernadette Grantham, Katherine Gray, Alcione Gunn, Jeff Hamm, Ralph Hammond, Mike Harig, Pat Herberich, Daunielle Hill, David Hirsch, Don Howarth, Angie Jeffreys, Kalie Jeffreys, Midge Kenny, Stovall Kendrick, Emily Kunkel, Randall Langley, Diane Leeke, Marie Lott, Mike Martin, Baird McAlexander, Gloria McCarson, Greta McDonald, Barbara Motroni, Lou Nelms, Noreen Pumley, Richard Reed, Pauline Roetto, McKenzie Samples, Loou Ann Schmitz, Della Sells, Hans Shumann, Dorothy Sitton, Marie Souder, Michael Souder, Joseph Solomito, Olivia Springer, Kathy Stockbridge, Polly Terry, Michelle Thibodeaux, Jimmy Threat, Judy Tiller, Renee Tressa, Neika Troster, Bill Walker, Terry Walker, Vicki Walker, Monta Whittington, Barbara Wood, Prentise Woods, Marilyn Youd, Sheila Zachary, Mike Zemaitis. Please notify the Priests when serious illness occurs or when hospitalization is indicated: we would like to strengthen the ill with the Eucharist and the Sacrament of the Sick (Anointing). Vivian Akomah Req. Family Please remember in prayer parishioner, Jean Foley, who passed away October 2nd, mother of parishioner Carol Thompson. May the Lord welcome her into the fullness of the kingdom of heaven and may her family be consoled. Pray for Our Military: Please remember in your prayers the following people of our parish who are serving our country: Captain Andrew Arbogast (Army), Cpl Joseph Arbogast (USMC), LCpl. Jeff Bailey, Sgt. Ben Barnett, USMC, Lt. Cmdr Kathryn McMahon Hermsdorfer, USN, Pvt. Bryce Johnston, USA, Steven Kaste, USAF, Spec. 4 Bill Lane, USA, Col. C. Scott Leith, USA, E-4 Benjamin Menger, USNR, Sgt. Wesley Patrick, LCpl. Edward Phair, USMC, SSgt. Joseph Phair, USAF – 1st Lt Ryan Rausch, USA, Capt. David Simons, USAF Reserve, Cpl. Jimmy Suggs, USA, Pvt. Jacob Waldrop, Army, WO Nathan Waltman, USA, SSgt. Andrew Wilder, USA The Knights of Columbus need your help volunteering to work our 1st Annual Pumpkin Patch fundraiser. We will begin selling pumpkins on Thursday, October 16th. It is a great way to meet other parishioners. Please see the sign-up sheet in the commons area. Our sincere thanks to Matt Thone, from Pick N Paint, for his time and talent in donating the cross for our floating rosary, as well as making the pumpkin sign for the Pumpkin Patch. Sacred Heart Southern Missions Catholic Social Services Thanksgiving boxes: Items needed: Stuffing Cranberry Sauce Boxed Macaroni & Cheese Sugar Cake Mix Cream of Mushrrom Cream of Chicken Chicken Broth Collecting items through Sunday, November 16th. FIELD OF DREAMS: Please join us on Tuesday October 14th at 5:45pm at Snowden Grove Park in Southaven, as we support God’s Children with Special Needs as they “Play Ball” at the Field of Dreams. We will be assisting the players on the field and supplying popcorn and drinks. This is a great way to see the youth of our parish in action supporting their community. Come help run the bases, field balls and cheer, clap and yell for the players. The first game starts at 6:00 and the second game starts at 7:15. Hope to see you there! FATHER/SON PROGRAM: The Diocese of Memphis NFP Center is offering a Father/Son Program for 1215 year old boys and their dads to learn about God’s gift of human sexuality, fertility, chastity and His plan for growing up and becoming a man of integrity. Sunday, November 2, 4:00-7:00 p.m. at the St. Francis Hospital Auditorium. $25 per family if received by October 29th. Pre-registration required. Register online at or call 901 373-1285 for more information. Volunteers are needed to help sort and The Women’s Club will meet on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 6:30 PM. All of the ladies of the parish are invited to join us for an evening of cake decorating. Please bring an iced cake or cupcakes. We will have all of the decorations waiting for your creative touch. The cakes will be used for the “BOO FEST” cake walk. Hope to see you there. It’s that time again! We are asking students ages 7-17 to be a part of our Youth Christmas Choir. We will sing at the 5:00 p.m. Mass, on Christmas Eve. Practices will be on Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. The first practice will be on Wednesday, October 8th. The sign-up sheet is in the commons area. Please help us use our music to bring to life the true meaning of Christmas. The Young at Heart Luncheon will be at Dale's Restaurant, 1226 Main Street (Stateline Road), Southaven, Tuesday, October 21st, at 11:00 a.m. The food is fabulous, so plan to join us for friendship, food and fun. Newcomers are always welcome. Please sign up by Sunday, October 19th, so that the restaurant can make plans to accommodate us. Directions: West on Goodman and turn right on Airways. Take a left on Stateline Road and travel east. After going under I-55 look for Dale's on the right. distribute the food at Social Services, 9607 Hwy. 178, Olive Branch, MS, for November 19th, 20th, and 22nd. Please sign up now in the commons area. Children’s Liturgy – October 12, 2014 God and Caesar Pg. 432 Golden Children’s The Temple Dues Pg. 163 Picture You choose. My First Write down something you thought was interesting about what you read. CHRISTMAS CONCERT: Mark your calendars for December 7th at 4:00 p.m. for the Advent/Christmas Concert at Christ the King. The concert will be followed by a free dinner. Everyone is invited! CONCIERTO NAVIDEÑO: Marque en su calendario el 7 de diciembre a las 4:00 p.m. para el concierto de Adviento/Navidad de Cristo Rey. Después del concierto habrá una cena de gratis. ¡Todos están invitados! Men’s Club Meeting Reminder: The Men’s Club monthly meeting is this Monday at 6:30 in the social hall. All men of the parish 18 years and older are members of the Men’s Club and are encouraged to attend. We start with a prayer service followed by a quick meeting, eat some GREAT food prepared by our own Deacon Hank Babbin, then watch some Monday night FOOTBALL! - Ladies if you don’t want to watch football please persuade your spouse to attend the meeting. That way you can watch whatever you want on TV, or just enjoy a quiet evening at home. Come join us on Saturday, October 18th from 6:00PM to 9:00PM for our Boo Fest. We will be serving hamburgers and hotdogs. Stick around to be scared in the Haunted House and join in the fun of Trunk or Treat, a Hayride, Bonfire, Bingo, and Cakewalk. If you would like to participate in the Trunk or Treat; please supply your own candy to hand out. Please sign up in the commons area if you plan to attend, by Sunday, October 12th. We would like to thank the following area businesses that have contributed bingo prizes: Colton’s Mis Pueblos Mexican Restaurant McAlisters Chick-Fil-A Starbucks We encourage your support and patronage in return! Our Parish Email system is missing email addresses We experienced a system crash of our Parish Email System and had to resort to an older backup of our email database. We sent out a parish wide email this week. If you did not receive our email it means we do not have your current email address. Please visit our website ( and click on the “ADD YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS TO THE PARISH EMAIL DIRECTORY” and send us your email address. Thanks. October 13, 2014 Week-At-A-Glance Monday, October 13 (Lunes) 9:00 a.m. Mass; 6:30 Men’s Club Tuesday, October 14 (Martes) 9:00 a.m. Mass; 6:30 p.m. Women’s Club; 6:30 p.m. KOC; 6:00 p.m. & 7:15 p.m. Field of DreamsSnowden Grove (all parishes are invited) Wednesday, October 15 (Miércoles) 9:00 a.m. Mass; 9:45 a.m. Bible Study; 6:00 p.m. Children’s Choir; 7:00 p.m. PREP; 7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Thursday, October 16 (Jueves) 9:00 a.m. Mass; 11:00 a.m..-7:00 p.m. KOC Pumpkin Patch; Friday, October 17(Viernes) 9:00 a.m. Mass; 11:00 a.m. KOC Pumpkin Patch Saturday, October 18 (Sábado) World Mission Weekend; Baby Bottles Return; 11:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. KOC Pumpkin Patch; 4:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Reconciliation; 5:00 p.m. Mass; 2nd Collection – World Mission Fund 6:00 p.m. “BOO FEST” Sunday, October 19 (Domingo) World Mission Weekend Baby Bottles Return 8:30 a.m. Mass; 9:00 a.m. PREP/RCIA; 10:30 a.m. Mass; 2nd Collection – World Mission Fund; 11:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. KOC Pumpkin Patch CONFIRMATION 2014: SPIRIT DAY for 2014 Confirmation Class will be held on Saturday, October 25 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. at Christ the King. PRACTICE --- 3:00 p.m., at Christ the King Saturday, October 25. The practice is for sponsors and confirmandi. CONFIRMACION 2014: DIA ESPIRITUAL para la clase de Confirmación será el sábado 25 de octubre de 1 a 3 p.m. en Cristo Rey. PRACTICA --- será el sábado 25 de octubre a las 3 p.m. en Cristo Rey. La práctica es para padrinos y los candidatos a Confirmación. CONFIRMATION LITURGY: Our Confirmation Liturgy this year will be celebrated on Sunday, October 26th, at 5:00 p.m., at Christ the King with Bishop Kopacz. St. Joseph’s in Holly Springs will be joining our five parishes for this celebration. With this addition to our already large Confirmation class (70), the DRE team, in consultation with Fr. Bob, has decided to move the Celebration to Christ the King this year. Thanks you for your understanding, DRE TEAM—Amanda (Holy Spirit), Donna (Christ the King), Vickie (Queen of Peace), and Lonnie (St. Gregory) LITURGIA DE CONFIRMACIÓN: nuestra Liturgia de Confirmación este año va a ser celebrada el domingo 26 de octubre a las 5:00pm. en Cristo Rey con Obispo Kopacz. La iglesia de San José en Holly Springs se va a unir a nuestras cinco parroquias para esta celebración. Con esta adicción, que se suma al grupo de la clase de confirmación ya numeroso (70), los coordinadores de educación religiosa, previa consulta con el Padre Bob, han decidido cambiar el lugar de la celebración este año para Cristo Rey. Gracias por su comprensión. Coordinadores de educación religiosa: Amanda (Espíritu Santo), Donna (Cristo Rey), Vicky (Reina de la Paz) y Lonnie (San Gregorio). RESPECT LIFE MONTH: HELP SAVE A BEATING HEART— Please return the baby bottles to the crib in the Gathering Space on the weekend of October 18/19. EL MES RESPETEMOS LA VIDA: AYUDA A SALVAR UN CORAZON QUE LATE!! Se agradecerá que regresen los biberones con sus donaciones en la cuna ubicada a la entrada de la iglesia el fin de semana del 18 y 19 de octubre. CARIBBEAN CRUISE NIGHT at Sacred Heart School: Saturday, November 8th 7-11 pm. Reserve your tickets NOW! Deadline for advanced tickets is October 31st. Dancing, dinner, silent auction, split the pot raffle, cash bar. Singles $30, Couples $50. Advanced reservations include 1 free beverage ticket per person. VETERANS DAY BLESSING: There will be a special blessing of our Veterans at all Masses on the weekend of November 8th & 9th. We encourage all veterans to attend and wear something to indicate their branch of military service. BENDICIÓN EN EL DÍA DE LOS VETERANOS habrá una bendición especial para nuestros veteranos en todas nuestras misas el fin de semana del 8 y 9 de noviembre. Les pedimos a los veteranos que vengan y vistan algo que indique su rama dentro del servicio militar. DIOCESE OF MEMPHIS INSTITUTE FOR LITURGY & SPIRITUALITY (ILS) **Lector Training (6 hrs) @ Church of Holy Spirit – Tues Oct 21, 28, Nov 4 - 6:45 - 9pm Pastor app. req. **Sacristan training level II (6 hrs) @ The Cathedral (IC) – Sat. Oct. 18, 9 am – 3:30 pm Pre-req level I **Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion training (6 hrs) @ St. Francis of Assisi – Sat, Nov 15 & 22 from 10 am to 1:15 pm For registration and fees log onto edules or for information call 901 373-1264 . Fees for ILS courses paid by your parish. ALL SAINTS DAY/ALL SOULS DAY: This year, All Saints Day will not be a Holy Day of Obligation because it falls on a weekend. The weekend of November 1 & 2 all our parishes will have regular Mass schedules. There will be no additional Masses for All Souls Day as well. DIA DE TODOS LOS SANTOS/DIA DE TODOS LOS FIELES DIFUNTOS: Este año el Día de los Difuntos no va a ser un día de obligación de la iglesia porque cae en fin de semana. El fin de semana del 1 y 2 de noviembre nuestras parroquias celebrarán las misas en el horario normal y no habrá misas adicionales.
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