October 12, 2014 Dear Parishioners & Friends, We are still in the midst of our "Increased Offertory Campaign" which will be concluding next week and we do ask for your patience as well as your prayerful support in order to help us to balance the books of the Parish. We will include in next week's Bulletin a Financial Report for the year that ended on August 31st so you may see how much and how the money was allocated and used. You will see also that there is a deficit budget for this year that is based on the income as projected before our Increased Offertory Drive. We hope the Drive itself will enable us to balance our projected budget for the year coming. Please be sure of our prayers in all that we do together. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY NEXT SUNDAY SECOND COLLECTION Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world's youngest Catholic Church, as well as local church throughout the Missions. in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these church, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God's love and mercy. His. hope and peace. Please keep the Mission in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the propagation of the Faith. Please be generous in next week's second collection. COLUMBUS DAY MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH Office closed for ordinary business. Mass is at 8:30 a.m. In an emergency please call 786-2742. OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Assistant Catechists Needed: We have two classes on Thursday afternoons [4:45-6:15pm] that are a little larger than I would like, each with an enrollment of 17 children. Therefore I need assistant catechists willing to work with 2nd and 4th graders. The responsibilities of an assistant catechist are to come to every class and assist the catechist in implementing the lesson, i.e: handing out materials, helping students who are having difficulty, gently assisting with discipline and classroom management. The lead catechist will plan and teach the lessons though the assistant may be called upon to sub for the lead catechist in case of the rare absence. Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time We also commend to your prayers Rev. Benedict Groeschel, who was a spiritual writer and T.V. commentator for ETWN. He suffered a stroke and died and has returned to be with his God where he served so many years here. Please remember us in your prayers as we remember you in ours. Yours in Christ, Rev. Monsignor William J. Foley Religious Education Fundraisers: We are very grateful for the support the parishioners have given in the past and ask that you continue your generous participation. Calendar Raffles will also be available at The Religious Education Office and the Rectory Office starting October 7. We will begin offering them after the Sunday Masses after Thanksgiving. The Mickman Christmas Wreath and Greenery sales will start on October 7 and October 9. MASS ATTENDANCE CARDS A Reminder for Parents of First Communion and Confirmation Candidates: Please remember to use your Mass attendance cards weekly. When attending Mass at Immaculate Conception, you may turn in a card to the priest or deacon after Mass. Do not turn it into an usher or place it in the collection basket. Make sure your child’s name and grade are on it. When attending Mass elsewhere, you may ask the priest or deacon to sign their parish bulletin and then add your child’s name and grade before turning it in at your child’s next class. PASTORAL VISITATION If you know someone in a hospital, nursing home or hospice who would like a pastoral visit; or if you hear of a person who is not able to get to church, please encourage them to let us know so that a pastoral visit and the sacraments of the church can be made available. The flowers this week are In Loving Memory of Virginia Schindele donated by The Family Immaculate Conception Church PARISH PAY We are embarking on a new and interesting way to incorporate technology into our parish. Along with other parishes we are using Parish pay, a company who helps us with parishioners' request to use checking accounts, savings or their credit cards to give to the offertory. Now you can stop worrying about not having for the collection. You can now give whatever your budget allots. You will be able to budget what you give to the parish and the parish will be able to accurately budget for the year. There are ways to enroll Parish Pay you can visit their website at www.ParishPay.com call PARISHPAY 1-866-727-4741. or visit the rectory to get an enrollment form. Anyone can use this system, only you authorize the amount you wish to give and only you can make modifications on your giving. MEN’S CLUB ANNUAL FALL ROAST BEEF DINNER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25TH The Men's Club Annual Fall Roast Beef Dinner will be held on Saturday, October 25th in the school hall after the 5:30 p.m. Mass. We will be serving our expertly prepared Roast Beef, covered with our "world" famous gravy and delicious oven roasted potatoes, green beans, salad and dessert. Cost: Adults - $15. Seniors & Children over 12 - $12 Children 6 - 12 $6 Please call for reservations, especially if you are having a large group. This way, we can reserve a table for you. Call Tom Robinson 786-3005 PLEASE BRING A FOOD ITEM TO THE DINNER FOR OUR PARISH FOOD PANTRY MEN'S CLUB MEETING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17TH Men's Club Meeting will be held on Friday, October 17th at 8:30 p.m. in Fr. Keenan Hall. Roast Beef Dinner will be the main topic of discussion. There is much to be done. All men of the parish are invited to attend. As always, bring a friend. WEEKLY CALENDAR MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH COLUMBUS DAY No Activities TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14TH Religious Ed 4:45 p.m. School Religious Ed 7:00 p.m. School WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15TH Scouts/Wolves 6:30 pm School Troop 61 Scouts 7:00 p.m. Auditorium THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16TH Religious Ed 4:45p.m. School Choir Practice 7:00 p.m. Church FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17TH Cadette Troop 6:30 p.m. Aud. Boy Scouts Weeblos 7:00 p.m. Classroom Page 2 REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS All those who are ill at home, in the hospital and in nursing homes, especially: Billy Keenan, Ed Onderdonk, Frank Moscatiello, Kathleen Javenes, Marguerite Cristantello, Michael J. Sheehan. Our recently deceased: We will announce at the Mass on Sunday for a period of one month the intentions of those who are sick and then we will print them for one month. After that we ask that you will please contact us to make sure that they are placed on the list again for another cycle. It is the only way we know if someone has recovered. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation. MASSES FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11TH 8:30 Hans Bandli (req. by Madelaine & Joseph Cavegn) 5:30 Yannick Lastennet (req. by family) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12TH 7:30 For the People of the Parish 9:30 Virginia Schindele (req. by family) 11:30 Louise Antonini (req. by family) MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH HOLIDAY 8:30 The Conklin Family (req. by Shirley & Greg Hladik) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14TH 8:30 Loretta & Martin Foley (req. by family) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15TH 7:30 Special Intention for Brendan 8:30 The DiGasbarro Family (req. by family) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16TH 8:30 Bridget Ruddy (req. by The Hayes Family) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17TH 7:30 Mary Kostrobul (req. by The Goggin Family) 8:30 Aurora Adaime (req. by The Capul Family SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18TH 8:30 Barbara & Matt Keenan (req. by family) 5:30 p.m. Vigil Vincent & Marie Ivancich (req. by family) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 7:30 For the People of the Parish 9:30 Joseph Brophy (req. by Patty & Tim O'Neill) 11:30 Joseph Ulahannan (req. by Immaculate Conception Parish - Fr. Reji's Dad) CELEBRANTS FOR MASSES (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) October 25th/October 26th 5:30 p.m. Vigil Msgr. Foley 7:30 a.m. Fr. James 9:30 a.m. Fr. James 11:30 a.m. Msgr. Foley I shall live in the house of the lord all the days of my life. NOVEMBER 1ST & NOVEMBER 2ND Two dates that are usually marked in our minds All Saints Day and All Souls Day. This year because it happens to fall on a weekend there might be some confusion All Saints day falls on a Saturday, and for that reason it is not a holy day of obligation. There will be the normal Saturday Mass at 8:30 a.m. You may drop the envelopes into the collection the previous Sunday or Sunday November 2nd for All Saints Day. Also for All Souls Day there is only one collection; the collection for that Sunday obligation; but also in the next few week's you may return your All Souls Envelopes for the Masses which we will begin to be celebrated that day for 9 days - a novena of prayer. We call to mind this beautiful tradition of remembering those who have died that they may be at peace with God and encourage you remember your loved ones and following the 9 day Novena. 2015 MASS BOOK OPENS OCTOBER 22ND FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY & MARCH The 2014 Mass Book will open on Wednesday, October 22nd (for three months only) The office will be taking mass intentions from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The weekday mass offering is $15.00 and Saturday evening and Sunday Masses are $20.00 We would appreciate if you could bring exact change, it would be most helpful. B MIDNIGHT RUN Thank you to Kevin Lynch, proprietor of Lynch's Restaurant in Stony Point for all they did for our last run. Also many thanks to Marianne Ward, and Norma and Joe Rodriguez for their help sorting, packing and making sack lunches. The next run is scheduled for Saturday night, November 29th. Please watch the bulletin for more information about the run and preparation. These are excellent opportunities to earn service hours while participating in a very worthwhile program. For and information about the run or to volunteer in anyway, please contact either Deacon John or Jessica Sadowski 786 5759. FOOD PANTRY NEWS Since we moved our distribution of food from the Rectory to the Food Pantry we have been overwhelmed for the request for food. on Friday, September 26th. we gave out food to 43 families. We had 27 families come in a span of 1/2 hour alone. We are in dire need of donations. If you are able to supply us with grocery certificates or cash donations they either may be brought to the Rectory or placed in the collection in an envelope labeled Karen Perno - Food Pantry. We are in need of volunteers on Friday's from 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. There is heavy lifting involved. If you are able to help please call the Rectory and leave and leave a message for me. May God bless you for your continued support without it we would not be able to accomplish all that we do. Page 3 ANOINTING MASS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17TH 8:30 A.M. A beautiful public witness to our faith and belief in the healing power of Christ is the "Sacrament of the Sick" commonly called "Anointing" which will be scheduled for Friday, October 17th at the 8:30 a.m. Mass. If you are seriously sick because of age, psychiatric problems, physical illness that is life threatening, we encourage you to receive the sacrament of the sick. NEWS OF INTEREST The Maryknoll Sisters welcome you to come and enjoy our Christmas Around the World international Bazaar to be held at our Center at 100 Ryder Road. Ossining, New York, on Saturday, October 25th from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For further information call 866-662-9900. The Catholic Widow & Widowers Club of Rockland County - will be meeting on October 19th at 6:30 p.m. at St. Augustine's Church (downstairs). Dessert and coffee will be served. Guests are welcome. For information call Dotty at 323-1729. Albertus Magnus High School - will host an Open house on Sunday October 26th at the 11:00 a.m. Mass. 11:45 a.m. Presentation followed by tours. For more information call 623-8842. St. Joseph's Regional High School - will host an Open house on Wednesday, November 5th from 6:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. to gain more information call (2010 391-3300. Knights of Columbus - Council #581 Invites you to a Knights of Columbus Award Dinner Dance, on Sunday, October 19th from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Buffet, Dessert, Coffee, open Bar $30.00 per person. The Hudson Lyric Opera presents Giacomo Puccin's la Boheme. performances will be Saturday's October 18th, 25th and November 1st at 7;30 p.m. and Sundays October 19th, 26 and November 2nd at 3:00 p.m. at Trinity united Methodist Church 47 East Main Street. Our cantor, Arelene Linke will be singing the role of Musetta on October 26th. Tickets are $20 for Adults and $15 for Students/Seniors. For information call (845) 709-2273. St. Francis of Assisi Church in West Nyack will host a Bereavement training program to receive a foundation in the basics of Bereavement Ministry on Saturday October 18th . (Begins with 9:00 a.m. Mass followed by the training from 10;00 - 3;00) To register please contact me at (646) 794-3187. YOUR SACRIFICIAL GIVING Sunday October 5, 2014 was: $ 8,009 Sunday October 4, 2013 was: $ 7,687 Immaculate Conception Church Page 2
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