Parish Pastoral Council

 Parish Pastoral Council
Damien Ludwiczak (chair): 330-725-6567
Jenn Stanziano (vice chair):
Anthony Kovalik (secretary):
Mike Baumgartner: (330)725-4445
Jo Ann Cook: (330)725-6240
Kathy Gaughan: (330)722-8848
Tuesday Hamilton: (330)591-0580
Sunday Masses
5 p.m., Saturday Vigil;
8 a.m., 10 a.m., noon, 5:30 p.m.
Weekday Masses
7:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday; 7 p.m.
Monday and Thursday
First Friday - 7 p.m.
Holy Day Masses
7 p.m. Vigil, 7:30 a.m., 7 p.m.
Saturdays, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Charise Kasper: (330)721-6510
Rachelle Skupski: (330)721-1785
Vince Tricomi: (330)603-7327
Readings for the Week
Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4ab, 4c-5; Lk 12:13-21
Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-10, 11-12, 13-14; Lk 12:35-38
Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6; Lk 12:39-48
Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:19-53
Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 122:1-2, 3-4ab, 4cd-5; Lk 12:54-59
Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6; Lk 13:1-9
Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, 606 E. Washington St., Medina, OH 44256
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Sunday, October 19
10:00 am
10:00 am
1:00 pm
1:30 pm
2:00 pm
4:30 pm
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
PSR Preschool (XR/SCH)
Bereavement Ministry (RH)
New Parishioner Welcome (107)
Confirmation Practice (CH)
Cub Scouts—Troop 3506 (RH)
Bingo (CB)
LifeTeen Life Night (XR)
Monday, October 20
3:30 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:15 pm
7:30 pm
Staff Meeting (RLR)
Schola Rehearsal (CH)
Boy Scouts—Troop 506 (CB)
Boy Scout Troop 506 Parent Committee (LR)
Cantor Rehearsal (CH)
SVDP Meeting (109)
Tuesday, October 21
9:00 am
3:00 pm
3:30 pm
5:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
SVDP Bag Prep (CR)
Girl Scout—Troop 469 (RH)
Faculty Meeting (XR)
Youth Choir (CH)
Bingo (CB)
Cantor/Guitar Rehearsal (CH)
Young Adult Bible Study (RH)
Employment Network (K of C)
Wednesday, October 22
6:45 pm
The Edge (XR/School)
Thursday, October 23
9:15 am
1:30 pm
6:15 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Moms and Tots (CB)
Market Day (CB)
PSR Elementary (XR/SCH)
Adult Choir (CH)
Friday, October 24
9:15 am
6:00 pm
8:30 pm
Incredible Years Workshop (LR/CB)
Confirmation Setup (CB)
Confirmation Reception (CB)
Sunday, October 19
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am
Gayle Kasper (CC)
10:00 am
Wilson Pompili (TS)
12:00 pm
Vera Ortiz Wilenski (TS)
5:30 pm
The People of St. Francis Xavier (TK)
Monday, Oct0ber 20
7:30 am
Carlos Mannucci (TK)
2:00 pm
Mass at Medina Village (CC)
7:00 pm
Benefactors of St. Vincent DePaul Society (TS)
Tuesday, Oct0ber 21
7:30 am
Mike and Helen Toth (CC)
9:15 am
School Liturgy (TS)
Wednesday, October 22
7:30 am
Patricia Kucharski (TS)
Thursday, October 23
7:30 am
Lee and Irene Bush (CC)
7:00 pm
Mildred Benner (TK)
Friday, October 24
7:30 am
June Nunes (TK)
7:00 pm
Confirmation Mass
Saturday, October 25
7:30 am
Steve Hanagan (CC)
3:30 pm
5:00 pm
Joel Peters (TK)
Sunday, October 26
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am
James Serfass (TK)
10:00 am
Earl Lariviere (TS)
12:00 pm
Clifford Murphy (CC)
1:30 pm
5:30 pm
The People of St. Francis Xavier (CC)
Saturday, October 25
8:30 am
9:00 am
1:00 pm
Cleaning Angels (CH)
PSR Elementary (XR/SCH)
Little Navigators Basketball Camp (GYM)
Sunday, October 26
10:00 am
10:00 am
1:00 pm
1:15 pm
4:30 pm
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
PSR Preschool (XR/SCH)
Bereavement Ministry (RH)
Eucharistic Minister Training (XR)
Cub Scouts—Troop 3506 (RH)
Bingo (CB)
LifeTeen Life Night (XR)
WCRHP Evening of Discipleship (CH)
(TS) Fr. Tony Sejba; (TK) Fr. Thomas Kowatch;
(CC) Fr. Chris Cox; (EL) Fr. Ed Lajack;
(PK) Deacon Paul Kipfstuhl;
(JL) Deacon Joe Loutzenhiser; (DN) Deacon Dan Norris
Parish Treasury Update:
October 11-12, 2014
Sunday Offertory: $14,705.12
Envelopes: 389
Thank you for your
generosity! Location key: (CH) Church (CB) Church Basement
(LR) Loyola Room (CR) Rectory Conference Room
(XR) Xavier Room (SCH) School (TL) Teachers’ Lounge
(LIB) School Library (RH) Randel House (RHLT) RH Life Teen (RLR)
Rectory Living Room (HM) Holy Martyrs Church
(K of C) Knights of Columbus Hall
Mass attendance,
October 11-12, 2014
5:00 pm 349
8:00 am 277
10:00 am 604
12:00 pm 370
5:30 pm 243
Sundays: Doors open at 3:30 p.m.; games start at 5:00 p.m.
Tuesdays: Doors open at 5:00 p.m.; games start at 6:30 p.m.
St. Francis Xavier Church Staff
Rev. Anthony Sejba (ext. 8956)
Parochial Vicars
Rev. Thomas Kowatch (ext. 8955)
Rev. Chris Cox (ext. 8957)
Deacon Paul Kipfstuhl
Deacon Joseph Loutzenhiser
Deacon Daniel Norris
Director of Adult Initiation
Jenny Bonarrigo
Director of Music
Mary Gabriel (ext. 8960)
Director of Religious Education
Susan Rohe-Brooks (ext. 8961)
Youth Minister
Paul Koopman (ext. 8958)
October 19, 2014
Worship and Sacraments at St. Francis Xavier
Baptisms: Two Sundays each month at 1:30 p.m.; baptism classes every other month. Call the rectory for
Reconciliation: Saturdays, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.; Thursday
before First Friday, 6:15 to 6:45 p.m.
Anointing of the Sick: Prompt attention at any time,
day or night! Please call the rectory to arrange for this
sacrament: 330-725-4968.
Marriage: Please call as soon as possible! Preparation
requires a minimum of sixth months. Marriage guidelines are available on request.
Director of Ministry and Communication
Jennifer Webb (ext. 8946)
Nocturnal Adoration: First Friday of the month, 7:30
p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Saturday.
School Principal
Adoration for Life: Third Saturday of the month fol-
Bibiana Seislove (ext. 8903)
Director of “Little Sailors” Pre-School
Monica Gorman (ext. 8920)
Business Manager
Ray Scherry (ext. 8954)
Contact us
Rectory Offices: 330-725-4968
Parish School of Religion: 330-722-7700
St. Francis Xavier School: 330-725-3345
School Fax: 330-721-8626
Church Basement: 330-764-8912
Latchkey: 330-725-6203
Cemetery (Dave Thomas): 330-722-4477
The Senior Club is planning a lunch day out on Friday,
October 24, at Carrie Cerrino’s Ballroom where we will
be entertained by the Four Aces, Nick Costa and Bill Pirie.
We will car pool from the Washington St. parking lot,
leaving at 10:45 a.m. and be back home before 4:00 p.m.
Lunch begins at 12 noon with the show to follow. Cost
for lunch and show is $45.00. Please call Pete Danszczak
(330-725-7283) if you would like to reserve a seat.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Nursing
Eucharistic Ministers who bring holy communion to
the Nursing Homes, Hospice, and/or hospitals are invited to
attend a meeting which will provide training and explain
new procedures. Any Eucharistic Minister who would like
to become involved in this ministry is also invited to attend.
This ministry will no longer require you to distribute at
Mass and go directly to the Nursing facility. Meeting will
be held in the Xavier Room, Sunday, October 26, at 1:15
p.m. and repeated on Monday, October 27, at 7:30 p.m.
lowing 7:30 a.m. Mass, 8-8:30 a.m.
Rectory office hours
Monday through Thursday,
8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Music Ministry Notes:
All Saints...All Souls Which is which?
On All Saints Day (November 1), the Church honors all the
holy men and women who edified the Church by their blood, by
their labors, or by their virtue. In other words, they lived a good
Christian life to the best of their ability. All Saints Day is usually
a Holy Day of Obligation. We are accustomed to celebrating All
Saints Day as Catholics by attending Mass. When All Saint’s
Day falls on a Saturday or a Monday, the obligation to attend
Mass is abrogated.
All Soul’s Day (November 2), is usually NOT a Holy Day of
obligation unless it falls on a Sunday. It is a day in which we
pray for our beloved dead who have not yet obtained their reward in heaven, attending Mass is a tradition and part of that
daily prayer. It is our Catholic belief that these souls are helped
by the intercession of saints in heaven and by the prayers of the
faithful on earth. To pray for the dead is an act of charity and
piety. That is why, at every liturgy, we pray for the dead as part
of the Prayers of the Faithful (Intercessions), now called the
Universal Prayer. By showing this mercy to the suffering souls
not yet in heaven, we are promised to be shown mercy at the
time of our departure from this world.
This year, November 2nd, All Soul’s Day, falls on a Sunday
and will be celebrated at all the weekend liturgies. The parish
will remember those parishioners who celebrated a Resurrection Liturgy here this past year at 5:00pm mass in by reading
their names aloud during the liturgy.
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School Update
day, February 12, 2015. There is no school on Friday 2/13, so
come enjoy the fun. Thank you.
Monday, October 20st is the start of a new
quarter. First quarter was filled with many
Have a blessed week.
ac vi es and opportuni es to learn, grow and
In Christ,
share our gi s with others. The students of
St. Francis Xavier School also con nue to
Mrs. Seislove
demonstrate respect for God, others and themselves and
being of service to others. Most recently on October 7th, our
This Week at a Glance:
students in grades one through four par cipated in a beau nd
ful liturgy in which our 2 graders had their handmade rosar- Date
ies blessed, honoring our Mother Mary. On October 13th, our Monday, October 20 2nd Quarter Begins
SAC sponsored our annual Kindergarten Fall Fun Fest. I hope Tuesday,
all of our Kindergarteners and their families had a great night October 21
Teacher Tuesday
filled with plenty of fun and fellowship. PTC sponsored Do9:15 a.m. in the Church
All School Liturgy
nuts with Dads on October 14th, had an amazing turnout. If
PTC/SAC Candlelight Pa- 6:30 p.m. in the Xavier
you missed having donuts with your dad on the 14 , please
rade Mee ng
join us on Tuesday, October 28th in the Xavier Room for our
St. Vincent/St. Mary High
second Donuts with Dads event. This week we will celebrate Thursday,
School Visits 7th and 8th
an all-school liturgy on Tuesday. Please join us if you can.
1:05 p.m. in the Gym
October 23
Also, St. Francis Xavier School would like to par cipate in the
3:00 p.m. in the Church
Medina Holiday Parade of Lights in November and we need
Market Day Pickup
your help. Please come to an informa onal mee ng this
1st Quarter Report Cards
Friday, October 24
Tuesday evening in the Xavier Room to volunteer your me
1st Magazine Turn-in Dress Down Day (with Pass)
and be a part of this great ac vity.
The second quarter promises to be just as busy as the
Looking Ahead:
first at St. Francis Xavier School. Please see the weekly
mee ngs and ac vi es listed below. A full list of ac vi es
8:00 a.m. in the Xavier
can be found on the calendar located on the school website. October 28
Donuts with Dad (L-Z)
Finally, it is not too soon to think about the SFX Kalahari Fam- Wednesday,
ily Night and Fundraiser that benefits the parent-sponsored
3:00—6:00 p.m.
October 29
Preschool Conferences
8th Grade Washington DC Trip. Kalahari Family Night is Thurs- Thursday,
Preschool—8th Grade
Second Quarter is Upon Us!
Buy your gift cards!
Gift Cards support St. Francis Xavier Church and
REMINDER: The Gift Card box is not in the rectory
office on Mondays. Thank you.
October 30
October 31
November 3
3:00—8:00 p.m.
Halloween Par es star ng at 2:20 p.m.
Preschool Conferences
9:00 a.m.—12:00 noon
Grade K—8th Conferences 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
We educate for excellence and together we learn to become Disciples of Christ
Confirmation Day Reminders!
Friday, October 24
6:40 pm Candidates and Sponsors are to be
in the Church seated in the pews.
7:00 pm Mass Begins
Certificates will be on a table in the church basement to be picked up after Mass.
There will be an opportunity for pictures with Bishop Roger at the
reception in the church basement after Mass.
330-722-7700, ext. 8961
[email protected]
PARENTS, please note:
Our information for November-December will be
updated on the parish website (website under Parish—About– Parish
School of Religion then the program area) on Monday, October
27, 2014.
October 19, 2014
Elementary Classes (Grades 1-5) - Thursday evenings from 6:15-7:45 p.m.
Classes are in session this week, October 23rd. On October 23
Grade 5 will celebrate Reconciliation. No classes on Thursday,
October 30th due to SFX Day School
Conferences. Classes in November are
Thursdays the 6th, 13th, and 20th.
Elementary Classes (Grades 15) - Saturday mornings from
9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
Sacrament Program
We had the pleasure of
sharing with all of this year’s
Reconciliation students and
their families.
A special thank you to
the sacrament staff and
Fr. Tony for four nights of information and sharing.
Our Saturday classes will be in
session this Saturday, October 25th. Grades 3 and 4 will celebrate Reconciliation this week. In November students are in
class on Saturdays the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd.
The Edge (Grades 6,7,8) Wednesday evenings from
6:45-8:15 p.m.
Preschool Classes (Ages 3, 4, 5; Sundays during
10:00 a.m. Mass):
We still need another adult catechist to share a small group
with some four year olds. Please contact the PSR Office.
This Sunday, October 19th, there are no classes due to
Women’s Renewal. We are back on Sundays, October 26th and
November 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd.
Our classes are in session on Wednesday evenings, October
22nd and 29th. We continue on our topic of Sacraments and some
issues the students have suggested. Our first Edge Service night
to Emeritus will be Tuesday, October 28,
leaving St. Francis Xavier at 5:50 p.m. and
returning at 7:15 p.m. Permission forms
are online.
Reach & Connect with LifeTeen
Looking for a meaningful (and FUN) way to connect with your faith and the community. LifeTeen's Reach Ministry is in need of volunteers for the following:
Wed., Oct. 22, 5 - 7:30 p.m. - Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank: Help the food bank provide
meals to thousands of families. Youth and adult volunteers are needed to sort and inspect food
dona ons, label products for repackaging and bulk packaging.
The Food Bank has requested that each volunteer complete an applica on. A link to both the
youth and adult form is on the LifeTeen Web page -
Thurs., October 30, 3:45 - 6 p.m. - Fall Yard Charge: Join us with rake and gloves in hand so we
can make a difference in the lives of our fellow parishioners. Food and cider provided!
Sat.-Sun, Nov. 1-2 - Respect Life Diaper Drive: Need volunteers at each Mass to help with the
collec on. All dona ons will go to Oasis of Hope Pregnancy and Childbirth Service and Birthcare of Medina.
We've got a lot of other great
events going on in October and
November ... so check out
for all the details.
Please call (330) 725-4968 or e-mail : [email protected] if you can lend a head for any of
our Reach ministry events.
Join us in the Connect Cafe ... 4th Sunday of each month.
Sunday, Oct. 26 is our next Connect (Issue) Night. Come hang out with
young adults from our parish to talk about how faith connects with real
world. The topics are mely and the atmosphere is relaxed. Don't miss out!
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
The Incredible Years Parenting Program is proven to be effective for parents and families of young children. The program includes such topics as play, using effective praise and rewards, limit setting that
works, handling misbehavior and problem solving.
Catholic Charities will be hosting an Incredible Years group at St. Francis Xavier in Medina
(612 E Washington St) this fall — there are still two sessions left!
October 24th 9:15 am – 10:45 am
November 14th 9:15 am-10-:45 am
Parents will meet in Loyola Room. Childcare will be provided nearby in the church basement. A snack
will be provided (for parents and children!). Join us for helpful parenting information, sharing and fun!
For more information call Michelle Kipfstuhl, LSW at Catholic Charities Services, 330 723-9615 ext. 20
Funding for this Incredible Years Parenting Group has been provided by the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund
A Stewardship Moment
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel we hear proclaimed a profound
teaching by Jesus on stewardship. What belongs to
Caesar? What belongs to God? Christian stewards
recognize that everything they have belongs to God.
God created them, and God has claims on every
part of their existence. They also realize that the sovereign is an institution whose nature and purpose is
to promote the common good and protect the welfare of its citizenry. As long as it accomplishes this
mission while treating every single person with deep
respect, justice and compassion, it merits the steward’s support and cooperation. Christian stewards
know what belongs to the Lord, and they are better
citizens when they live their lives according to His
Signups for High School CYO basketball are
going on now. Deadline to sign up is Oct
29th. This program is open to boys and girls
in grades 9-12 who are registered parishioners at St.
Francis Xavier a ending a local high school, parochial
school or are home schooled. Registra on forms can
be found on the Parish website, at the rectory office or
by emailing [email protected].
Employment Network
For general information about our group, call Jim Mayiras at
Do you know of someone who needs help or direction in
their job search? Call Joe Gainard at 330-725-8690.
If your company needs talent and has a position available to
post with our group, email the information to Dan Cathcart at
[email protected].
First Prize:
4-Premium Floor Seats
Plus Parking Pass vs.
Brooklyn Nets on Friday December 19, 2014
(Section 7, Row 3,
seats 15,16,17,18)
Second Prize:
2-Premium Floor Seats vs Atlanta Hawks on Saturday,
November 15, 2014 (Section 107, Row 1, seats 5 and 6)
The Winners will be chosen at random and will be notified
by phone and e-mail. Total prizes are valued at
$12,000.00. Raffle drawing date is October 31, 2014. All
proceeds benefit the not for profit Country Life Kids
Camp, Inc.
To purchase a raffle ticket online, visit us
on the web at:
October 19, 2014
Location: Knights of Columbus Hall
131 N. East St., Medina, Ohio
Extra Parking at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 131 N.
East St. in Medina
$50.00 Buy in, 1 $25.00 Re-buy
Contact Brian Coughlin at 330-606-0350 or
[email protected]
for tournament information
If you are unable to play, see the back of the bulletin for
more opportunities to contribute to this cause.
For questions but NOT
reservations, call
Germaine Wilson
at 330-241-1328
To Benefit the Parent-sponsored 8th Grade DC Trip
The St. Vincent de Paul Society will be at the
entrances to the church next Saturday and Sunday
after all masses to distribute grocery bags with a
list of non-perishable items attached.
The need for food has increased during these
difficult economic times, and there have been
weeks when some of the shelves in our food pantry
are bare.
These groceries will be used with our Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets and in the food pantry. Thank you for your generosity!
'Like' us on Facebook!
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church is on Facebook!
If you have an event coming up contact Jennifer Webb
at 330-764-8946 or [email protected].
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Pray for all military
David M. Campbell
Ryan P. Cox
Cody M. Feron
Nicholas Glenbocki
Dan Haggerty
Brandon Hamilton
Alex Hicar
Kayla Lane
Taylor Lane
Brandon Lichty
Reinhard Nann
Jared Ross
Erica Sachleben
Taylor Salmons
Jeffrey Simko
October 19, 2014
May God heal our sick and suffering
Francie Anderson
Rita Andrich
Jude Ballinger
Becky Barker
John Benson
Maxine Bergdorf
Claire Bevec
Flo Boehme
Sue Boyne
Sioux Campbell
Danny Colonna
Kathleen Cunningham
Marianne Curry
Elizabeth Diamond
Evan Dolinar
Myrna Dooley
Billie Duta
Lynda Erickson
Brendan Federinko
Ed Fraley
John Francisco
Roger Friedrich
Bobby Fusco
Rhettec Galaska
Roz Ganzer
Jacob Gaume
Daniel Smith
Jeff Stein
Kevin Stein
David Tagliaferro
Maritza Tagliaferro
David Vanik
Aaron Virkler
Robert Weiler
J. Matthew Zweifel
Joseph Zweifel
If you would like to add a name to the list
of active-duty military, e-mail
sfxparishoffi[email protected] or call the
rectory office.
Judy Glose
Kerry Grimm
Del Guerra
Mike Harris
Vivian Heim
Camden Heil
Charlotte Heil
Savannah Heil
Anthony Hosick
Mark Jablonowski
Charline Karsnak
Mary Keith
Mary Kneale
Andrew Korduba
Brenda Kutcher
Ruth Lancki
Phyllis Lapeus
Steven Lastuka
Dave Leidecker
Jerry Liechty
Mary Ann Makowski
Aaron Markiewicz
James M. McDonald
Lou McDonald
Lois McFadden
Alexa Meyers
Nathan Mion
Rachael Mion
Mike Mitchell
Marcy Nero
John Neuwar
Mary Neuwar
Lisa Owen
Nathaniel Plasco
Richard Pryatel
Bill Ripple
Rea Ripple
Mark Rudolph
Mimi Russ
Richard Russ
Ed Scherer
Beth Sielski
Jean Smith
Marie Starck
Richard Stiver
Janet Taranto
Amy Taylor
Carolyn Vasko
Lacey Vickers
Celene Wallen
Helen Yakubik
If you would like to place a name on the list of those in need of prayer, please contact
the rectory office, or e-mail sfxparishoffi[email protected].
Open for On-Site Catering All Winter
Smoked Prime Rib
Smoked Turkey & Ham
Pulled Pork
Baby Back Ribs
Mike Sweet
• Fertilization
• Weed Control
• Aeration
• Horticultural Services
*Many Side Dishes Are Available
Jim Tuffy, Parishioner
Book your Holiday & Sports Parties Now!
Call: 877-637-0098
[email protected]
330-725-2582 •
Doors & More
Garage Doors / Openers
Service Installation, Sales
Brian or Sally, coordinators
an Official
Travel Agency
232850 St Francis Xavier Church (B)
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
Gary Panteck’s
Monuments • Cremation • Bronze • Pet Memorials
1244 High Street (Rte 94)
Wadsworth, Ohio 44281 • 330-334-1988
Monument Dealer for Catholic Cemeteries
A trusted friend since 1946
15% Off, you make the donation
330-273-3300 1-888-468-6226
Mike LaGuardia, Parishioner
Bob’s Mowers & More, LLC
“People You Can Count On”
Landry Family Dentistry
Small Engine Repairs
Appointments 7am-7pm & on Saturdays
*Pick Up & Delivery Available*
• Locally Owned & Operated
179 Center Street, Seville, OH
• FREE Estimates • Sr. Cit. Discounts
“Let Us Get You
Dr. Joseph G. Landry II
Up and Running”
(330) 225-5200
2331 Pearl Rd.
Brunswick Hills
4001 Carrick Dr., Suite 150
Medina, OH 44256
Auto • Home
Life • Mutual Funds
College Savings
SAVE $500
Mention St. Francis Xavier
• Individual & Business Taxes/Accounting & Payroll Services •
(330) 923 • 2911
107 N. Court St., Ste. 3
[email protected]
Keith Wright, Agent
of Medina
[email protected]
694 W. Liberty St.
Medina, Ohio 44256
Discover the BlueBridge Difference
• Data Center Services
• Cloud
• Infrastructure Solutions
Phone: 330-722-5432
Toll Free 1-888-622-5432
Stephen Hamilton
Account Executive
[email protected]
Your Parish in
Your Will.
410 S. Court St. (330) 723-3998 330-725-0209 or 225-1200
10 W. Main St. • Seville, OH 44273
For further information,
please call the Parish Office.
• Dr. James Kendel
• Dr. James Kendel Jr.
• Dr. Carl V. Brunello
5019 Victor Drive, Suite A
Medina, Ohio 44256 Scott Tuchek,
20894 Drake Road
Strongsville, OH 44149
Bus. 440-572-7830
Cell 330-571-2085
[email protected]
Jeneen E. Lapp, DDS
Member SIPC
Gentle Dental Care
807 E. Washington St.
(330) 722-4506
232850 St Francis Xavier Church (A)
801 E. Washington St., Ste. #120
David C. Loeper, OD, Michelle A. Loeper, OD
(330) 725-6655
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
October 19, 2014
Pastor’s Page
I hope you are enjoying the beauty of
the fall colors all around us. Last year
I did miss the fall. In Rome most everything that changed either turned
yellow or brown, no oranges, reds or
purples like we are blessed with here
in Northeast Ohio.
This weekend the women of the parish are making the Renewal. Please
keep the team, par cipants and all
those who help with their meals in
your prayers. It is a wonderful opportunity for spiritual growth.
Please keep in your prayers about
100 of our young people who will be
confirmed this Friday night at 7:00
p.m. by Bishop Roger. There will be a
recep on in the basement a er Mass
to visit with fellow confirmandi and
the bishop.
I received a phone call the other day
from a gentleman who cares for his
handicapped daughter who called to
alert me to the fact that some of the
handicapped parking spaces in the
parking lot are occupied by cars without handicapped tags. I would ask
everyone’s coopera on in reserving
those spots for those who really need
them during the weekend liturgies.
And a reminder about keeping the
far south por on of the parking lot
with yellow striping open during the
week as an aisle so that people can
access the Church and rectory. On
the weekends please fill all marked
spaces, white and yellow all the way
to the curb.
Catholics across the
country will be celebrating Priesthood Sunday
on October 26, 2014. It
is a day set aside to celebrate the importance of
the gift of priesthood in the life of the Church. It is a time
for us to reflect on the ministry that our priests share with
us when we gather at the Table of the Lord — when we call
in our times of need. Consider sharing a personal note or
card of thanks.
Together we pray that many of our young people will
be inspired by the ministry and witness of our priests. May
their hearts be open to hearing and responding to God’s
call in their lives. More information on priesthood can be
found at
Have a blessed week!
Fr. Tony
Traveling Statue of the Blessed Mother:
The sign up sheet for hosting the
Blessed Mother is available in the East
Vestibule. Sign up quickly to secure your
The Knights of Columbus sponsor the Tony
Imburgia Scholarship to help families of St.
Francis Xavier School. In 2014, seven $750
scholarships were awarded, in 2013, five at
$750 each and in 2012, five at $500 each.
This can only happen as a direct result of our
Knight's efforts in remembrance of Tony
Imburgia and his and our common desire to support our
kids and their families at SFX Day school.
Tax deductible Donations can be made to the Knights of Columbus Imburgia Scholarship Fund c/o Dan Cathcart, 5204
Glenmoore Way, Medina OH 44256
SAVE the DATE! November 1-2 LifeTeen and Respect Life will
be hos ng a Diaper Drive! Please look in future bulle ns for