EXHIBITION PROGRAM ICT Showroom 2013 Schedule 11:00 ICT Showroom opens 11:00 Public voting opens (the audience may vote for best performance and best technical content) 11:30 Jury starts to evaluate the projects 13:30 Jury ends their evaluation round 14:00 Public voting ends 14:00 ICT Showroom ends 14:30-15:00 Winners are announced in auditorium Alpha Immediately following the prize ceremony ShowRoom AfterWorks – Boost Turku premises, Elektrocity building All invited ! Jury members • • • • • Accenture Oy (Tuukka Valkeasuo) BoostTurku (Toni Perämäki) eCraft (Petteri Lehtonen) Hibox Systems Oy (Daniel Sjöblom) Vaadin (Henri Muurimaa) Sponsors of the event Accenture Oy, Acentra Oy, Cerion Solutions Oy, eCraft Oy Ab, Hibox Systems Oy, M-Files Oy, Teleste Oyj, Turun yliopiston tieteentekijät ry., Vaadin, VarsinaisSuomen työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto EURES Organizers and contact information ICT Showroom - facebook.com/ictshowroom Jerker Björkqvist, Åbo Akademi, 0400 528 758, [email protected] Janne Roslöf, Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, 050 598 5438, [email protected] Seppo Virtanen, Turun yliopisto, (02) 333 8886, [email protected] Tove Österroos, Åbo Akademi (02) 215 4096, [email protected] 2 ICT Showroom 2013 – Student projects S14 S11 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Sirkku Lehtonen, Siiri Ollikainen, Janina Riikonen, Jani Silvander, Alexander Voroshilov Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Katri Nevalainen, Henri Linnanketo, Erika Woodard, Pradip Neupane, Prajwol Shrestha Kirjamo Capstone Healthpet Contact person: [email protected]. fi Contact person: [email protected] .fi Tavoitteena kehittää tuote, joka edistää lasten hampaiden hyvinvointia. S12 Åbo Akademi Kirjamo-project will provide the Library and Information Services students of TUAS with a comfortable, flexible and well equipped class room that lends itself to team based learning, and a website. Maaz Aslam Khan, Erick Oanda, M. Reza Dawoudi Blood Sugar Follow-up S15 Contact person: [email protected] Sähköinen koulutusrekisteri/ Apteekki Juho Kaasalainen, Osku-Petteri Jaakola, Antti Kämä, Janne Nylander Our vision is to improve diabetes patient’s quality of life and to give easy access to the doctor or the caretaker over the medical record. An application that shall monitor the sugar level in the blood of the body of an individual, furthermore notifies the sugar level in case of any fluctuation of the normal value. S13 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Contact person: [email protected] .fi Sähköinen koulutusrekisteri apteekille. S16 Åbo Akademi Peter Grönberg, Dennis Ekholm, Joon Ingberg, Aslinn Merriman Eva Lehtinen, Jami Koivisto, Esko Salo Eventinfo Rellik eventinfo.fi Contact person: [email protected] Contact person: [email protected] Event hosting solution that is utilizes NFC technology. Autonomous Sumo Robot for tournament. ICT Showroom 2013 – Student projects S17 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Marika Järvinen, Maiju Ismonen, Sini Jussila S20 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Taina Parjanen, Tuuli Sumiala, Max Lindblad, Aku Lukka, Martti Niemi Health Monitoring System for Windows Phone Savior Contact person: [email protected] .fi Contact person: [email protected] k.fi Health monitoring system for people who need easy way to monitor their blood sugar concentration or blood pressure. 2.5 D platformer adventure game with turn based combat S21 S18 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Arttu Nurminen, Atte Niskakoski, Anssi Kivinen, Aleksi Ahonen, Jani Javanainen Sumobot Business working time tracking Contact person: [email protected] Contact person: [email protected] .fi S22 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Mikko Saksi, Joonas Tanner, Miikka Aaltonen, Markus Ahtinen, Jaakko Mäkelä, Esmail Palani, Mikko Kulmala, Denisa Hirkic, Petteri Hellgren, Annemari Hyttinen Business working time tracking -application S19 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Pawe? Gonciarek, Jakub Matusiak Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Ezio Melotti, Artur Oleynik, Jaakko Susi Everon Vega Future Raptor http://everon.fi/en/products/hardwa res/vega/ https://bitbucket.org/ezio_melotti/g ame-development-project Contact person: [email protected] i Contact person: [email protected] Designing a concept for the next generation model of the Everon Vega gps bracelet and the Websuite managing system. A 2D scrolling shooter game with spaceships. 4 ICT Showroom 2013 – Student projects S23 Åbo Akademi Clément Follet, Guillaume Hamy, Quentin Pesquet S26 Åbo Akademi Niklas Lindberg, Anthony Hannus, Daniel Wärnå, Roland Engström, Anton Leino RobACK aDeal Contact person: [email protected] www.adeal.fi Contact person: [email protected] The goal is to control a robot arm with a Microsoft Kinect. But we don't have a robot arm, so we will present a simulation. S27 S24 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Hannu Kiiski, Simo Lehtinen, Marko Laaksonen, Ville Mannermaa, Heini Saari, Jenni Aaltonen, Matti Makkonen Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Juho Alho, Anwar Al-Amarah, Tero Hyvönen, Jari Loukasmäki, Ossi Rastas Varastonhallinta Contact person: [email protected] k.fi Leikkuritäppäri Contact person: [email protected] amk.fi Erikoissairaanhoidon tarpeeseen suunniteltavan tabletsovelluksen tarvemäärittely. Sovelluksen tarkoituksena on tehostaa työvuorosuunnittelua sekä potilaspaikkojen ja laitteistohuoltojen hallintaa. S25 Åbo Akademi Minna Simola, Tanwir Ahmad, Ileana Montoya, Ekaterina Kondareva, Sudeep K Chandrashekar Remote Alert Project prog44.cs.abo.fi:8181 Contact person: Ekaterina Kondareva ([email protected]) Remote Alert Project is a simple sense-and-report system designed for everyone interested in keeping track of numerous events in daily life. 5 Projektina tavoitteena on rakentaa ohjelma, jolla korvataan elintarvikealan yrityksessä varastokirjanpito, joka tehdään tällä hetkellä käsin kynä ja paperi meiningillä. Tavoitteena on luoda toimiva ohjelma, joka helpottaa jatkossa kirjanpitoa ja vähentää tulostettavien paperien määrä. Ohjelma tallentaa tiedot verkkoon tietokantaan, josta ne voidaan koostaa ohjelman avulla PDF-raporteiksi ja ovat tarvittaessa tulostettavissa. Ohjelmalla tallennettavia tietoja: Rikkoontuneiden tuotteiden seuranta Siivouspäiväkirja Saapuvan tavaran tarkastus Varaston tuotepäiväkirja (Tuotteiden varastopaikat sekä päiväys) Lastauspäiväkirja (Viikon aikana autoon lastattavien tuotteiden kirjanpito) (Ehkä) Varastolämpötilanseuranta (/Ehkä) ICT Showroom 2013 – Student projects S28 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu S31 Jussi Pesonen, Olli Laasonen, Ville Mannermaa Janne Koski, Tomi Kokkonen, Ville Kadenius, Riku Rajaniemi SumoBot(Annihila tor) Space Proletariat Adventure in Nova Cocktail Contact person: [email protected] i Vanhaa kiinalaista taistelulajia automaattisesti ohjautuva robotti. S29 Contact person: [email protected] sumo-painia replikoiva A rogue-like game where the player attempts to destroy a space station by various means. The game is developed on Unity so it runs on most popular desktop operating systems as well as mobile platforms. Åbo Akademi Yanqi Hu, Amos Gyamfi , Bei Xiao, Michael Tzukanov, Anup Poudyal, Anna Smolina S32 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Aku Hosio, Vesa Välimäki, Mikko Hollo Lingsoft Shopping Assistant Sumobot/Fatbot Slim Contact person: [email protected] Contact person: [email protected] k.fi A goal of this project is to develop a mobile application that would help people to make shopping in Finland, translating information from price tags (from Finnish to English). S30 Turun yliopisto Our project is part of 3. year students Embedded Software 1 course. Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Roosa Peltonen,Riku Viitanen,Roni Virtanen, Juho Valtonen, Kimmo Suominen, Petteri Suominen S33 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Bagshopping Destrobot Contact person: [email protected] .fi Contact person: [email protected] mk.fi Heikki Kangas, Niko Kauppila, Markus Laukkanen, Timo Salomäki Our project is to create a webpage for bagshop. 6 ICT Showroom 2013 – Student projects S34 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Elias Harri, Antti Arekallio, Mikko Lehtinen Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Alexander Voroshilov, Anna Afanasyeva, Juha Rajajärvi, Tommi Laine Sumobot / Maximus Bottimus Alien First Person Shooter Contact person: [email protected] mk.fi Contact person: [email protected] Sumobot for Sumobot tournament. S35 S36 3D first person view shooter, where character fight with aliens, who invaded the Earth. Development tool: Unity3D Turun ammattikorkeakoulu S37 Johannes Ylönen, Sami Kankaristo, Antti Tujula, Oskari Teeri, Markus Norrgran, Henna Tuunainen Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Veera Vuorilehto, Jaakko Paukamainen, Antti Laurila, Jussi Timperi, Tomi Mattsson, Joonas Virtanen HactXML game engine guiPERA Contact person: [email protected] k.fi http://indiumgames.fi Contact person: [email protected] k.fi Our ICT Showroom project is a game engine called HactXML. It’s a GE which uses open formats like XML and PNG to read resources for a game. Now HactXML is used to develop 2D point-and-click games, but our vision is that in the future Hact XML could be used to develop games of different types. With this GE, you are able to make games, which are working on several platforms (currently Windows and Linux, but later on also with Android, iOS and MacOSX). We’ll also introduce an example game, Adventures of the White Collar Dude, which is developed with this GE. 7 An user inteface for an Android tablet application, which is simple and internationally understandable. Application is used for reporting working efficiency on production lines ICT Showroom 2013 – Student projects S38 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu S40 Oskari Heinonen, Jussi Elsilä Tiago Costa, Julien Dhallenne Voidroid Sumobot - The Foreigners Contact person: [email protected] Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Contact person: [email protected] The goal of this project was to design the hardware and software of a sumobot device. This device is used in a competition of sumo robot and must push its opponent out of the battleground. The opponents are detected through the sensors and an algorithm is applied to decide in which direct the sumobot goes. Voidroid is survival arena type of 3d-game. Idea of the game is that character will survive as long as possible and collecting point orbs at the same time. Surviving means that the character is avoiding “bullets” coming from each direction from the arena. Amount and the speed of the bullets will increase as the time goes on so the player should collect points as fast as possible. Game session ends when character is hit by “bullet”. S39 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu S41 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Timi Kivikoski, Juuso Salminen, Jaani Ketonen, Jukka Lammi, Aleksi Korpelainen, Michel Lindström Educational program Contact person: [email protected] i Aaron Holanne,Tero Elmroos, Teemu Gratschev,Miika Haanpää,Johanna deLeeuw,Akseli Hämäläinen QR-koodihaku http://amanda.dc.turkuamk.fi/~Tee mu.Gratschev/ S42 Contact person: [email protected]. fi Åbo Akademi Kangkang Wang, Kimmo Mantere, Ratna Prasad Banjara, Sushil Pandey, Gennady Kurushin, Sakhr Tamsna The project will be implemented as an Android application.The Application reads QR-codes by using the camera of an Android device. The main idea is that the user scans a QR-code and the code will reveal the location of the item being sought. We apply this idea in our project as a game where the user's task is to find books in a library with the help of this application. Mission Detective http://www.facebook.com/Mission Detective Contact person: [email protected] Mission Detective is a quest and puzzle and skill game. 8 ICT Showroom 2013 – Research projects R53 R51 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Juuso Kantonen, Janina Riikonen HYVINVOINTIA JA ENERGIATEHOKKUUTTA ASUMISEEN (HEA) Osuuskunta Cloudit Solutions cloudit.fi Contact person: [email protected] http://hea.metropolia.fi/ Opiskelija-osuuskunta, jossa voi suorittaa aitoa työelämän projekteja oppismistarkoituksella. R52 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Olli Ojala, Tiina Ferm Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Marika Säisä, Antti Tuomisto, Jesse Kaukola, Oskari Heinonen, Jussi Elsilä, Juha Kujala ICT-portti www.ictportti.fi Contact person: [email protected] ICT-portti is conducted in collaboration with Turku University of Applied Sciences, University of Turku and Turku Science Park Ltd. The aim of this project is to support small and medium sized enterprises in exploiting information and communication technology more efficiently. The project is cooperating with ICT service providers in the region of Southwest Finland. ICT-portti was initiated in the beginning of 2009 and the feedbacks of customers have been very supporting and satisfying. Work assignments vary from specification on information systems to supporting initializations of new applications and designing and implementing websites. All of the assignments are customized based on customers’ needs. The projects idea is to add co-operation between educational institutions and business life, ease graduates transition into working life, ease companies to recruit new employees and include industry needs into teaching. The main idea is that everybody learns something, everybody benefits something. Universities keep up the constantly changing edge of needs in industry, students gain real business related knowledge and benefit of this after graduating, SMEs get help and training to use technology more efficiently and ICT service providers have a possibility to influence on ICT students education to make sure that they get more professional graduates later on. Contact person: [email protected] Ikääntyvän väestön palveluiden ja asumisen järjestäminen on yksi tulevaisuuden keskeisistä haasteista. Hyvinvointia ja Energiatehokkuutta Asumiseen (HEA) -hankkeessa kehitetään kysyntä- ja käyttäjälähtöisiä innovatiivisia palvelumalleja ja ratkaisuja, jotka edistävät erityisesti ikäihmisten hyvinvointia ja tukevat energiatehokasta asumista. Useita pilottikohteita eripuolella Suomea, muun muassa Salossa Hakastaronkatu 15. hanke on rahoitettu Etelä-Suomen EAKR-toimenpideohjelmasta, kesto: 2011– 2014 Näiden lisäksi esitetään myös ammattikorkeakoulujen Neloskierre -hanketta. R54 Other Taneli Veistinen, Mika Blomqvist, Markus Vuorio, Kim Blomqvist, Tuomo Malkamäki, Sami Jokela, Mika Taskinen AERY32 www.aery32.com Contact person: [email protected] The AERY32 developement platform delivers tools to take your embedded projects on to the next level and lets you reach for the clouds. R58 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Marjukka Hagström R59 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Mikko Jakosson Sähkömagneettiset kentät Contact person: [email protected] WISE Contact person: [email protected] 9 ICT Showroom 2013 – Research projects R55 Turun yliopisto R56 Marco Ramirez, Syed Kakakhel, Masoud Daneshtalab, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila Ivan Porres,Johan Lillius,Natalia Díaz,Nauman Khan AXIM SmartDosing Application Contact person: [email protected] High-performance embedded applications are characterized by complex algorithms which require being executed in a timely fashion way. MPSoCs have proven to be a suitable solution for meeting these stringent requirements. Due to the prohibitive costs of producing ASICs for low-volume markets like medical, aerospace and automotive, FPGA-based MPSoCs have been proposed as an alternative approach. This project presents a platform for the development of MPSoCs on FPGAs, named AXIM. Its architecture combines a cluster of processing cores interconnected by an NoC, with an AXI-based I/O subsystem. AXIM aims to leverage the development of highly customized solutions for low-volume markets. R57 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Atte Vainisto, Niko Aurala ENGINES http://www.celtic-engines.org/ Contact person: [email protected]; [email protected] The ENGINES project (Enabling Next GeneratIon NEtworks for broadcast Services) aims at constituting a Task Force to support development of the Digital Video Broadcasting-Next Generation Handheld (DVB-NGH) standard. In addition ENGINES shall provide means for the verification and validation of advanced features of Digital Video Broadcasting – Second Generation Terrestrial (DVB-T2) standard and verification and validation for the coming DVB-T2Lite and DVB-NGH standard. R60 Åbo Akademi Jerker Björkqvist, Stefan Grönroos, Kristian Nybom Software Defined Radio @Embedded Systems Lab Contact person: [email protected] Software Defined Radio technology is the next major step in radio communication. At the embedded systems lab we have experimented using several computing architectures for analyzing performance of typical communication building blocks implemented in software. 10 Åbo Akademi Contact person: [email protected] The SmartDosing application is a software designed to function optimally in a tablet device, such as, for instance, an iPad. This application aims at substituting the current system based on printer, scissors, pen and paper. Our proposal’s objectives are to provide a safer application, that runs in practice on any device, and to improve the current mistake prone system. This is achieved by making the necessary data available anytime, everywhere and accessible, consistently, to any nursing professional. Changes done by one nurse should be immediately visible to any other nurse accessing the system at the same time. The SmartDosing application does not only achieve consistency of data, but also non redundancy to avoid easy mistakes. The SmartDosing application aids in the nursing decision making process in two main ways. First, it assists the nurse when filling the medications into dispensation trays for multiple patients. Second, it aids in the process of medication dispensation to the patient. Generally, the application keeps track of every nurse’s process applied to each patient. The Fill-Tray mode indicates the set of medicines to pick up from the shelves for a set of patients. In this mode, equivalences in Pharmaca Fennica are available, accelerating the process of searching for equivalent brands of active principles when certain brand is not available. Furthermore, it provides images of the appearance of the medication, both from the external package and the internal pill’s look (or equivalent). This feature helps the double-checking process realized by the nurses, before proceeding to the Dispensation mode. The Dispensation mode allows any nurse to dispense a previously filled tray to a set of patients. This mode shows for each patient the medications to be dispensed, to aid double checking processes. It also shows the location of the patient in a map of the ward. This mode allows also the nurse to skip the medication if exceptional circumstances occur (e.g., the patient does not feel good, or the surgery just executed made the treatment change). ICT Showroom 2013 – Index of participants Aaltonen, Jenni Aaltonen, Miikka Afanasyeva, Anna Ahmad, Tanwir Ahonen, Aleksi Ahtinen, Markus Al-Amarah, Anwar Alho, Juho Arekallio, Antti Aslam Khan, Maaz Aurala, Niko Björkqvist, Jerker Blomqvist, Kim Blomqvist, Mika Costa, Tiago Daneshtalab, Masoud deLeeuw, Johanna Dhallenne, Julien Díaz, Natalia Ekholm, Dennis Elmroos, Tero Elsilä, Jussi Elsilä, Jussi Engström, Roland Ferm, Tiina Follet, Clément Gonciarek, Pawe Gratschev, Teemu Grönberg, Peter Grönroos, Stefan Gyamfi, Amos Haanpää, Miika Hagström, Marjukka Hämäläinen, Akseli Hamy, Guillaume Hannus, Anthony Harri, Elias Heinonen, Oskari Heinonen, Oskari Hellgren, Petteri Hirkic, Denisa Holanne, Aaron Hollo, Mikko Hosio, Aku Hu, Yanqi Hyttinen, Annemari Hyvönen, Tero Ingberg, Joon Ismonen, Maiju Jaakola, Osku-Petteri Jakosson, Mikko Järvinen, Marika Javanainen, Jani Jokela, Sami Jussila, Sini K Chandrashekar, Sudeep Kaasalainen, Juho Kadenius, Ville Kakakhel, Syed Kämä, Antti S24 S22 S36 S25 S18 S22 S27 S27 S34 S12 R57 R60 R54 R54 S40 R55 S39 S40 R56 S16 S39 R52 S38 S26 R53 S23 S21 S39 S16 R60 S29 S39 R58 S39 S23 S26 S34 R52 S38 S22 S22 S39 S32 S32 S29 S22 S27 S16 S17 S15 R59 S17 S18 R54 S17 S25 S15 S31 R55 S15 Kangas, Heikki Kankaristo, Sami Kantonen, Juuso Kaukola, Jesse Kauppila, Niko Ketonen, Jaani Khan, Nauman Kiiski, Hannu Kivikoski, Timi Kivinen, Anssi Koivisto, Jami Kokkonen, Tomi Kondareva, Ekaterina Korpelainen, Aleksi Koski, Janne Kujala, Juha Kulmala, Mikko Kurushin, Gennady Laaksonen, Marko Laasonen, Olli Laine, Tommi Lammi, Jukka Laukkanen, Markus Laurila, Antti Lehtinen, Eva Lehtinen, Mikko Lehtinen, Simo Lehtonen, Sirkku Leino, Anton Liljeberg, Pasi Lillius, Johan Lindberg, Niklas Lindblad, Max Lindström, Michel Linnanketo, Henri Loukasmäki, Jari Lukka, Aku Mäkelä, Jaakko Makkonen, Matti Malkamäki, Tuomo Mannermaa, Ville Mannermaa, Ville Mantere, Kimmo Mattsson, Tomi Matusiak, Jakub Melotti, Ezio Merriman, Aslinn Montoya, Ileana Neupane, Pradip Nevalainen, Katri Niemi, Martti Niskakoski, Atte Norrgran, Markus Nurminen, Arttu Nybom, Kristian Nylander, Janne Oanda, Erick Ojala, Olli Oleynik, Artur Ollikainen, Siiri 11 S33 S35 R51 R52 S33 S41 R56 S24 S41 S18 S13 S31 S25 S41 S31 R52 S22 S42 S24 S28 S36 S41 S33 S37 S13 S34 S24 S11 S26 R55 R56 S26 S20 S41 S14 S27 S20 S22 S24 R54 S24 S28 S42 S37 S21 S19 S16 S25 S14 S14 S20 S18 S35 S18 R60 S15 S12 R53 S19 S11 Palani, Esmail Pandey, Sushil Parjanen, Taina Paukamainen, Jaakko Peltonen, Roosa Pesonen, Jussi Pesquet, Quentin Plosila, Juha Porres, Ivan Poudyal, Anup Prasad Banjara, Ratna Rajajärvi, Juha Rajaniemi, Riku Ramirez, Marco Rastas, Ossi Reza Dawoudi, M. Riikonen, Janina Riikonen, Janina Saari, Heini Säisä, Marika Saksi, Mikko Salminen, Juuso Salomäki, Timo Salo, Esko Shrestha, Prajwol Silvander, Jani Simola, Minna Smolina, Anna Sumiala, Tuuli Suominen, Kimmo Suominen, Petteri Susi, Jaakko Tamsna, Sakhr Tanner, Joonas Taskinen, Mika Teeri, Oskari Timperi, Jussi Tujula, Antti Tuomisto, Antti Tuunainen, Henna Tzukanov, Michael Vainisto, Atte Välimäki, Vesa Valtonen, Juho Veistinen, Taneli Viitanen, Riku Virtanen, Joonas Virtanen, Roni Voroshilov, Alexander Voroshilov, Alexander Vuorilehto, Veera Vuorio, Markus Wang, Kangkang Wärnå, Daniel Woodard, Erika Xiao, Bei Ylönen, Johannes S22 S42 S20 S37 S30 S28 S23 R55 R56 S29 S42 S36 S31 R55 S27 S12 R51 S11 S24 R52 S22 S41 S33 S13 S14 S11 S25 S29 S20 S30 S30 S19 S42 S22 R54 S35 S37 S35 R52 S35 S29 R57 S32 S30 R54 S30 S37 S30 S11 S36 S37 R54 S42 S26 S14 S29 S35 S35-S36-S37-S38 4 7 5 5 6 Turun yliopiston tieteentekijät ry 5 R51-R52-R53-R54-R55 S15-S16-S17-S18 S11-S12-S13-S14 KAMPUS /SHOWROOM infodesk Founder Institute S19-S20-21-S22-S23-S24-S25 5 5 S26-S27-S28-S29 S30-S31-S32-S33-S34 R56-R57-R58-R59-R60 S39-S40-S41-S42 5
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