Vantaa Pocket info Contents Area and environment................................................................................ 2 Vantaa’s 13 twin cities.................................................................................. 2 Population....................................................................................................... 4 Housing............................................................................................................. 6 Education......................................................................................................... 8 Income.............................................................................................................. 8 Labour market................................................................................................ 9 Culture and leisure......................................................................................11 Day Care..........................................................................................................12. Health and social welfare.........................................................................12 City finances..................................................................................................15 City administration ....................................................................................16 Sites and accommodation ......................................................................18 Contacts..........................................................................................................20 Miami Canada New York United States Nagoya Tokyo Osaka Seoul Beijing Asia Shanghai North Pole Hong Kong Bangkok Jekaterinburg Kuala Lumpur Singapore St Petersburg Russia VANTAA London Moscow Paris Europe Delhi Rome Africa T he earliest traces of human habitation in Vantaa date back 7 000 years, but the first documented mention of Helsinge (today’s Vantaa) is from 1351. Vantaa became a city in 1974. 1 Area and environment Vantaa Inhabitants, 1 Jan 2010 197,636 Acreage, km2240.36 Land238.38 Water area 1.98 Inhabitants per km2822 2010 municipal tax rate 19.00 Population of neighbouring municipalities, 1 Jan 2010 Helsinki583,350 Espoo244,330 Nurmijärvi39,628 Tuusula36,766 Kerava33,833 Sipoo18,036 Vantaa’s 13 twin cities ChinaJinan Czech RepublicMladá Boleslav DenmarkLyngby-Taarbæk GermanyRastatt and Frankfurt (Oder) GreenlandSermersuuq (Nuuk) HungarySalgótarján IcelandSeydisfjördur IsraelMatte Yehuda NorwayAskim PolandSłupsk RussiaKineshma SwedenHuddinge 2 Climate Helsinki-Vantaa Airport mean air temperature, 2009 5.5 °C warmest day of the year, 2 July 2009 28.9 °C coldest day of the year, 18 December 2009 -21.8 °C total rain fall, 2009 631 mm Monthly mean air temperature at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport in 2009 C 20 15 11,6 14,2 17,2 16,3 12,9 10 4,5 5 3,3 2,5 0 -5 -10 -15 -4,1 -5 1. 2. -1,8 -5,3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. month 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Nature reserves 36 protected nature reserves, 589.54 hectares Percentage of the city´s area 2.5 % 3 Population Population, Percentage of Helsinki 1 January No. of residents Metropolitan Area 1950 14,976 3.7 % 1960 41,906 7.6 % 1970 72,215 10.4 % 1980 129,918 17.2 % 1990 152,263 18.6 % 2000 176,386 18.7 % 2005 185,429 18.9 % 2010 197,636 19.1 % Population from 1870 up to a forecast for 2040 residents 250 000 200 000 150 000 100 000 50 000 0 1870 4 1900 1950 2000 2040 Population structure, 1 Jan 2010 Vantaa All Finland 197,636 18.3 70.2 11.5 5 351,427 16.6 66.4 17.0 Women, % 51.1 Swedish speakers, % 2.9 Other than Finnish or Swedish speakers, % 9.1 Foreign citizens, % 6.0 50.9 5.4 3.9 2.9 Total population 0–14 years, % 15–64 years, % over 64 years, % Changes in population, 2009 Births Deaths Moved to Vantaa Moved from Vantaa 2,721 1,096 14,694 14,195 Households 1 Jan 2010 Vantaa Total of households average size single-person households, % two-person households, % five-person (minimum) households, % 88,890 2.2 37.3 32.8 5.0 5 Housing Housing stock, 1 Jan 2009 Total of housing 93,632 one-family houses, % 39 owner-occupied dwellings, % 57 rented dwellings, % 34 right-of-occupancy dwellings, % 4 others, % 5 Types of housing 1 room, % 2 rooms, % 3 rooms, % 4 rooms, % 5 rooms or more, % Average floor area, m2 Floor area/resident, m2 11 33 27 19 10 74 36 Average price of sold dwellings, second quarter, 2010 1) blocks of flats, €/m22,450 terraced houses 2), €/m22,790 not final data real-estate companies of one-family-, semi-detached and row-house apartments 1) 2) Average rent of rental apartments, 2009 6 €/m2/month 10.74 Housing Construction 1999–2009 Terraced houses number of dwellings 2500 One-family houses 2000 1500 1000 500 0 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Dwellings by Tenure Status 1.1.2009 Right of occupancy 4% Others 5% Owner occupancy 57 % Rented dwellings 34 % Dwellings in all 93 632 7 Education Educational level of population,15 years and older 1 Jan 2010 Elementary school (or less), % Secondary education, % Higher education, % 38 35 27 Schools, school year 2009/2010 Comprehensive schools 54 Upper secondary schools 8 Total of pupils 24,732 of which in lower level of comprehensive school 13,520 upper level of comprehensive school 7,212 upper secondary school 4,000 Vocational schools and colleges 4 total of students (from Vantaa) 5,556 Adult education centre units 68 students29,463 Apprentice training total of students 1,284 exams passed 276 Basic art education participants 6,779 Income State taxed income per income earner in 2008 euros/year 8 28,130 Labour market Workplaces, 31 Dec 2007 Primary production industry (SIC A-B) Process industry (SIC C-F) Service industry (SIC G-Q) of which trade, accommodation etc. (SIC G-H), % social services (SIC L-Q), % 103,196 387 21,456 80,598 25.6 19.7 Labour force, age 15–74, 31 Dec 2008 Total 108,365 employed101,529 unemployed 6,836 outside the labour force 87,015 Unemployment rate 31 December, % Vantaa 2006 2007 2008 All Finland 7.1 6.2 6.3 9.7 8.5 9.0 Workplaces in % of all employed people in Vantaa, 31 Dec 2005 2006 2007 100.0 100.1 103.3 9 Population per primary occupation 31.12.2008 Others 4% Students 7% Unemployed 3% Employed 52 % Pensioners 16 % 0-14-years olds 18 % Visitors at Heureka Science Centre 1999–2009 visitors 450 000 400 000 350 000 300 000 250 000 200 000 150 000 100 000 50 000 0 99 10 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Culture and leisure 2009Visitors Science Centre Heureka 251,771 Myyrmäki House exhibitions 4,800 Cultural events in Multipurpose Centre Lumo 22,254 Exhibitions in the city´s museums 7,875 Theatre / cinema / concerts / festivals for children 24,950 Taikalamppu (Aladdin’s Lamp - a network of children´s culture centres, of which Vantaa is a member) 40,080 Municipal library library units 12 books, 31 Dec 463,088 customers67,829 loans / resident 16 Youth centres 21 visitors234,877 Workshops6 newcomers 415 Sports facilities indoor sports centers 15 indoor swimming pools 5 ice stadiums 4 fitness centers 32 tennis courts 35 ice hockey rinks / skating rinks 71 illuminated training tracks 19 11 Day Care 2009 In municipal day-care centres children below school age, 31 Dec per one hundred children aged 1–6 9,019 59 In municipal family day care children below school age, 31 Dec per one hundred children aged 1–6 778 5 City’s year-round residential parks 3 Families that received children’s home care allowance, 31 Dec, not those who got home care allowance only partly total of children in recipient families 2,924 4,131 Health and social welfare 2009 Client families in the social welfare districts of which child welfare clients 15,066 3,845 Disability benefit recipients of which transport service clients 4,508 3,605 Mentally handicapped clients 31.12 % of the population 671 0.38 12 Living allowance recipient households of which single person households, % 11,080 63 Total of persons benefiting from living allowance % of the population 18,955 9.6 Persons receiving home care (service houses and home care as a whole) 4,593 % of the population 2.3 old people (65+) 3,383 others 1,210 Care days in homes for the elderly own activity contracted services 144,486 90,902 53,584 Care days in enhanced housing service own activity contracted services 206,953 11,125 195,828 Portion of people over 75 in long-term care of all people over 75, 31 Dec in homes for the elderly, % in municipal hospitals, % 5.2 4.7 0.5 Service flats: people over 75 who live in service flats compared with all people over 75; 31 Dec intense-care service flats, % other service flats, % 7.1 4.9 2.2 13 2009 Municipal medical centres Municipal hospitals 8 1 Per 1 000 Basic public health service/outpatient care inhabitants Health center physicians/person-year 70 0.35 Total of medical centre visits 385,443 1,950 of which to outpatient doctors 211,983 1,072 outpatient health nurses 173,460 878 Visits to emergency clinic service 43,527 220 of which to doctors 34,972 177 nursing staff 8,555 43 Specialists/dentists/person-year 600.3 Oral health care visits 184,638 934 of which to dentists 139,678 707 oral hygienists 39,431 199 Basic public health service/institutional care Beds in municipal hospitals Care days Care periods 14 219 79,719 2,311 1.1 403 12 Specialized medical care Care periods Care days (not included in care periods) somatic care psychiatry (HUS and Hyvinkää hospital district) Total of visits somatic care psychiatry (HUS and Hyvinkää hospital district) 66,047 334 46,976 2,886 238 15 44,090 202,640 153,731 223 1,025 778 48,909 247 City finances 2010 Budget Tax revenue, M€ State subsidies, M€ Operating margin, M€ Annual margin, €/resident Loans, €/resident Tax revenue, €/resident State subsidies, €/resident 784 130 -885 168 4,288 3,962 657 15 Operating costs 2009, % Corporations Central 4% Administration 5% Land Use and Environment 7% Leisure and Recreation Committee 4% Health and Social Welfare commitee 42 % Real Estate Centre 9% Education Commitee 29 % City administration Total of municipal employees 31 Dec 2009 11 772 Employees per administrative sector, % 16 Central administration Land use and environmental matters Culture and education Health and social welfare Real Estate Centre Leisure and Citizen Services 8 5 47 24 10 5 City Council 2009–2012 Number of seats National Coalition Party Social Democratic Party in Finland Green League True Finns Left Alliance Centre Party of Finland Christian Democratic Party of Finland Swedish People’s Party in Finland 67 20 18 9 7 5 4 2 2 City executive board MayorJuhani Paajanen Deputy Mayor, Central administration Martti Lipponen Deputy Mayor, Health and social welfare Jukka T. Salminen Deputy Mayor, Landuse and environmental matters Jukka Peltomäki Deputy Mayor, Culture and education Elina Lehto-Häggroth Director, Real Estate Centre Mika Savolainen Acting Director, Leisure and citizen services Heidi Nygren Chairman, City Council (2010)Antti Lindtman Chairman, City Government (2009–2010)Tapani Mäkinen 17 Sites and accommodation Tourist attractions: 1. Helsinki-Vantaa Airport and The Finnish Aviation Museum 2.Heureka, The Finnish Science Centre 3.Flamingo Leisure World and Jumbo Shopping Mall 4.Vantaa City Museum 5.Vantaa Art Museum 6.Helsinge Vicarage 7.Sotunki village 8.Vantaankoski area and The King´s Road 9.Vantaa Outdoor Centre Kuusijärvi 10.VM Karting Center 11.Viherpaja Garden Centre 12.Restaurant Tulisuudelma 13.Dance place Helsinki-Pavi 14.Backas, manor and the threshing house 15.Vantaa Agricultural museum 16.Keimola Golf 17.Hiekkaharju Golf 16 8 15 Accommodation: 18.Airport Hotel Bonus Inn 19.Best Western Airport Hotel Pilotti 20. Cumulus Airport Hotel 21. Forenom Airport 22. Hilton Helsinki-Vantaa Airport 23. Holiday Inn Helsinki-Vantaa Airport 24. Hotel GLO Helsinki Airport 25. Hotel Tikkurila 26. Hotel Rantasipi Airport 27. Hämeenkylä Manor 18 27 5 28. Sokos Hotel Flamingo 29. Sokos Hotel Vantaa 30.B&B Juhaninkulma 1.6.–31.8. 10 24 22 1 21 11 20 23 26 3 18 28 6 14 19 9 17 25 4 29 12 2 13 30 7 Tourism: Tourism statistics in Vantaa: Helsinki-Vantaa Airport and traffic statistics: 19 Contacts CITY OF VANTAA INFORMATION SERVICES Asematie 7, FI-01300 Vantaa Tel. +358 9 83911 [email protected] IT Services Unit, Metsolantie 4, FI-01450 Vantaa Tel. +358 9 8392 2716 [email protected] CITIZEN’S OFFICES: KORSO CITIZEN’S OFFICE Urpiaisentie 14, FI-01450 Vantaa Tel. +358 9 8393 2575 Fax +358 9 8393 2577 Mon–Thurs 10–17, Fri 8–13 [email protected] MYYRMÄKI CITIZEN’S OFFICE Kilterinraitti 6, FI-01600 Vantaa Tel. +358 9 8393 5455 Fax. +358 9 8393 5476 Mon–Thurs 8–18, Fri 8–13 [email protected] 20 TIKKURILA CITIZEN´S OFFICE/ VANTAA TRAVEL CENTRE Ratatie 7, FI-01300 Vantaa Tel. +358 9 8392 3086 Vantaa information Tel. +358 9 8392 2133 [email protected] KERAVA TUUSULA Korso VANTAA Kivistö Koivukylä Ring Road III Tikkurila Aviapolis E18 4 Hakunila Myyrmäki ESPOO Sources: Editing Photo Layout Printed by Ring Roa dI SIPOO HELSINKI Statistics Vantaa City, Statistics Finland, Civil Aviation Admininstration Sirpa Rönn, Financial Planning Pekka Turtiainen Katriina Piirainen, Communications N-Paino Oy, 12/2010
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