St. Paul’s Catholic Church October 26, 2014 Reconciliation / Reconciliación Wednesday/Miercoles 5-5:45pm; Saturday/sábado 3:30 - 4:30pm ( or by appointment / ó llame para hacer una cita ) Pastoral Staff Father Jairo Restrepo, JCL, Administrator//Administrador Father Javier Corral, Parochial Vicar Deacon Michael Collins Baptism / Bautismo Parents and godparents should attend PreBaptism Classes. Please Deacon Jose Luis Granados consult church bulletin boards or the parish bulletin (or the parish Marisela Linan, Religious Education Director web page) for the dates of the next scheduled Pre-Baptism classes. Mari De Leon, Youth Ministry Director Dan Jones, Business Manager Los padres y padrinos deben asistir en las Clases Gina Urquidi, Bookkeeper Pre-Bautismales. Consulte, por favor, los tableros en la iglesia o el Carol Amador, Administrative Secretary boletin parroquial para las fechas de las próximas clases. José Rodriguez, Maintenance Marriage / Matrimonio Four months preparation required. Contact Parish Priests. Cuatro meses antes del matrimonio las parejas deben comunicarse con los sacerdotes parroquiales. Anointing of the Sick/Unción de Los Enfermos Please contact Parish Office. / Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial. Faith Groups Youth Groups JR SPY CORE Hispanic Youth Mari De Leon Deacon Jose Luis Granados RCIA Interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about your faith? Contact Deacon Mike 466-7031 Contact the Parish Offices for further information 466-7031. Para mas información llame al 466-7031. St. Paul’s Pastoral Council Nancy Harmon-Chairperson Society of St. Vincent de Paul Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl (208) 466-3400 Outreach/Asistencia (208) 442-3089 Thrift Store/Tienda 1403 2nd Street South, Nampa, Idaho 83651 Store Hours/Horas de la Tienda: Tue/martes 10:00-4:30pm Thur./jueves 10:00-3:00pm Sat/sábado 10:00-3:00pm Food Bank Hours/Horas del Banco de Comida: 2920 E. Railroad St. , Nampa, ID 83687 Tue/martes & Thur/Jueves 3-5 pm St. Paul’s School/La Escuela de San Pablo Randy McCormick, Principal Phone: 467-3601 Fax: 467-6485 Email: [email protected] PLEASE REMEMBER St. Paul’s Church and School in your will and memorial gifts. POR FAVOR ACUERDESE de la Iglesia y la Escuela de San Pablo en su testamento y regalos memoriales. St. Paul’s Catholic School News This week, our 5th and 6th graders will conduct scientific experiments in the scenic outdoor setting of McCall, Idaho. With generous donations from MICRON, CapED Credit Union and ShopKo, our students will work with University of Idaho grad students to learn about hydrology, ecosystems and forestry at a weeklong science camp. St. Paul’s Catholic School received a $30,000 grant from the K.A. Albertson’s Foundation! This “Go On” grant is in recognition of the school’s culture to prepare students to have a plan after high school. These grant monies will be used for fieldtrips to local colleges, scholarship symposiums for parents and purchase laptops. Our students have been extremely busy supporting St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank with a peanut butter drive, serving lunch at the Salvation Army Family Shelter, participating in a Nampa community Rosary Retreat, and switching out summer clothes and replacing them with winter items at the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store. “A Catholic education is an advantage for life.” Nazareth Retreat Center seeks a highly motivated, people oriented individual to serve as GUEST SERVICES MANAGER at NAZARETH RETREAT CENTER, in Boise, ID. The successful candidate is primarily responsible for a variety of duties supporting the day-to-day in-house activities, including scheduling retreats and meetings, bookkeeping, greeting and serving guests. Person must be flexible concerning hours and days and able to work in a team atmosphere. Position is 30 hours/ week with benefits. Deadline for applications is Nov. 7, 2014 with start date of Dec. 1, 2014. For more information or to obtain an application and job description, please contact Nazareth at 3752932, email [email protected] . St. Paul’s Catholic School will again be honoring our veterans and grandparents at a mass on Tuesday, November 11th at 8:15. We would like to have all veterans fill out the enclosed flier with the necessary information, so we can recognize you at this special mass and prepare the star for the blue field of the wooden American flag. If you have a picture you would like to share with us, of yourself in your military uniform, please drop the picture, no later than Oct. 30th. Share this information with other veterans. Additional fliers will be available at the school and will be coming home with St. Paul students the first part of Oct.. Come join us for this day of thanksgiving. Our lives have been molded by our grandparents and those who have so bravely served our great country. Contact the school office for more info 4673601. St Vincent de Paul food pantry served 472 families in July, 521 families in August and 485 families in September. Food offerings can be placed in tubs at all entrances to the church. The second Sunday of each month is designated as food collection Sunday, Your generosity is greatly appreciated. The Great Adventure Bible Timeline will begin on Thursday, October 2, at 7:00 P.M., at the corner classroom of St. Paul's School. This is a great Bible Study for those who have recently come into the church, or lifelong Catholics who want to really learn what their faith is all about. It could be called the foundation for all other studies we do. People who have participated in this study have said that the mass comes alive and they have a better understanding of the history of our faith. The evenings consist of discussion groups and videos by Jeff Cavins. Very informative. Questions? Call Deacon Mike at 466-7031. Legion of Mary (English), meetings are being held Tuesdays from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. in the Rectory piano room. Father Taylor has agreed to be our Spiritual Adviser. Please come and join us for an hour and half of prayer and spiritual uplifting, for more information call Debi Timmons 880-2146 or Zuelema Flores 8713892. Hora de Adoración: Ven a visitar a nuestro Señor. Horas vacantes: Domingos a la 1:00 am y 2:00am, Jueves a la 3:00am, Viernes a las 3:00am y el Sábado a las 12:00am , 2:00am, 3:00am y 4:00am. Por favor, considere una hora a la semana o si no, tal vez ser un sustituto. Puede llamar Chris Johnson 467-0332. La Segunda Colectas sean cancelado. Les pedimos que continúen el uso de todos los sobres, como los sobres para Caridad, Escuela o Edificar en la Fe. Sus contribuciones pueden ser puestas en la canasta de la colecta dominical. Si usted aun no esta recibiendo sobres y le gustaría favor de comunicarse con la oficia parroquial. El Banco de Comida de San Vicente de Paul sirvió a 472 familias en Julio, 521 familias en Agosto y 485 familias en Septiembre. Ofrendas de comida pueden ser puestas en los contenedores que están localizados en las entradas de la Iglesia. El Segundo domingo de cada mes es designados para la colecta de comida. Se agradece su generosidad . El Grupo de oración la Buena Semilla: Se reúne todos los Miércoles después de la misa de las6:00p.m. . Todos están invitados de participar en oración y alabanzas al Señor. Se ofrece cuidado de niños, por una donación. ¡No falte! Al Bazar del Bastones de Caramelo el Sábado, 8 de nov. de las 9am a 2pm, en la Antigua Parroquia de San Pablo, Salón Dempsey. Visite nuestro bazar donde habrá puestos de galletas, golosinas, frutas, vegetales, artesanías. Y no se pierda nuestra deliciosa sopa casera, pastelitos, rifas y más. Habrá también varias rifas. Habrá misa en Ingles el Sábado 1 de Noviembre at las 10am en Streamside Assited Living Care en Nampa. Todos están invitados. Se ofrecerá el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos para aquellas personas que estén enfermos. Los Caballeros de Colon están patrocinando una hora social de café y pan después de las misas de las 8am y 10am el día 9 de Noviembre. Todos están invitados. Amigos de la Divina Misericordia: Por favor únase a los amigos de la Divina Misericordia cada primer sábado del mes después de la misa de 5pm, en la Capilla de Adoración (de tras del altar). Leyéremos una escritura del diario de Santa Faustina, rezar la oración de la Divina Misericordia, tomaremos una colecta para una familia en necesidad de la parroquia (cual es decidido por el Padre Javier, nuestro director spiritual), y venerar la imagen de la Divina Misericordia. Para mas información favor de comunicarse con Ian O’Connell at 250-5714. Estudio Bíblico : El Padre Jairo les invita a participar en un Estudio Bíblico todos los Miércoles . El estudio empezara el día 15 de Octubre a las 7pm en la Iglesia. Se estarán estudiando diferentes libros y temas bíblicos. Todos están invitados. Habrá cuidado de niño. Se empezaran los 46 Rosarios de la Virgen el día 27 de Octubre. Favor de reservar su fecha al salir de misa o puede comunicarse con Leticia al 869-4285. Patrocinar un Velador: Siempre hay dos veladores encendidos en la Capilla del Santísimo en la Iglesia de San Pablo; más, hay la lámpara del Santísimo en la Iglesia. Se invita a todos a patrocinar uno de estos veladores en memoria de un querido difunto o por una intención especial. La Parroquia mantendrá una lista de los patrocinadores y sus intenciones en un tablero cerca de la puerta a la Capilla del Santísimo. Se pide una ofrenda de $5.00 por cada velador; es para ayudar con el costo de los veladores. En la oficina parroquia uno puede inscribirse para patrocinar un velador. Se pide de todos a patrocinar un velador en lugar de comprar cualquier velador en las tiendas para asegurar que las veladores se consumen limpiamente y no ensucien la iglesia con el humo. Adoration Open Hours: Come in for a visit or sign up for an hour. We can always use substitutes. Open Hours: Sunday at 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m., Thursday at 3:00 a.m., Friday at 3:00 a.m. and Saturday at 12:00 a.m., 2:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. Call Chris Johnson at 467-0332. Saturday Holy Mass will be at Streamside Assisted Living Care on November 1st at 10 a.m. All are invited. Those who are ill may receive the Sacrament of the Sick at this Mass. RCIA has begun but it is not too late to join us. We meet at 7:00 pm on Wednesday evenings in Old St. Paul's. If you wish to learn more about the Catholic faith, please come! Also, Sponsors are needed. You must be a Catholic who attends Sunday mass, participates in the Sacraments, and is willing to share your faith journey. See you on Wednesday evenings or call Deacon Mike for more info at 466 -7031. Mass Intentions: Oct. 26– Nov. 1 At St. Paul’s Church, Nampa Sun 10/26: 8am–Aliana Contreras 12pm–Delfina Ibarra † 7pm-Karla Cruz Mon 10/27: Donald Pape † Tue 10/28: Doald Funke † Wed 10/29: 6pm–Valente Ortega † Thur 10/30: Gary Mihan † Fri 10/31: Bernabe Hernandez † Sat 11/1: Feast of All Saints At St. Joseph’s Church, Melba Sun. 10/26: Sat. 11/1: Feast of All Saints The Candy Cane Lane Bazaar will be Saturday Nov. 8, from 9 am to 2 pm. in Dempsey Hall. The women of CWL invite you to come for homemade soup, bread and pie for lunch. While you are there, shop at vendor tables and especially visit our display of cookies. There is a larger selection and all homemade. To be certain you get your holiday cookies, pre-order at least 5 dozen by Nov 3. Order forms are in the gathering space. $1 per ticket raffle items at the event: Artwork by Deacon Mike , Nativity set, the famous Big Basket of goodies, hardwood inlaid cutting board by Bob Sommers, silver bowl of fruit, and Santa’s Toy Box. Rachel’s Vineyard Post Abortion Healing Weekend Retreat: If you have been wounded by the act of abortion… or someone dear to you has struggled with the spiritual and emotional aftermath of abortion, experience the healing love of Jesus Christ on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat. Participation is strictly confidential and offers a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion. Retreats are held annually at Nazareth Retreat Center (Boise, Idaho) as well as in most of our neighboring states. Specific dates, alternate locations and registration details are available by phone or online. For more information, contact Gerry & Susan Guzman (208) 938-9797 [email protected] or visit . Return phone calls are handled with discretion. You’re invited to the Treasure Valley Women’s Tea for Seminarian Vocations Please come enjoy a fun afternoon and hear from Vocations Director Father Jerry Funke on how you can help with this very important ministry to provide more priests for Idaho. The event will be on Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the St. John’s Cathedral’s parish hall, located at: 807 N. 8TH St. Boise, ID. Please R.S.V.P. by Wed., Nov.12, 2014 to Diana Tetreault by phone at 350-7554 or by email at [email protected] The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a coffee and donut hour after the 8am and 10am masses on November 9th. All are invited. Oh...When the Saints Come Marching In on Tuesday, November 4th from 1:30 till 2:40, Old St. Paul's Church will be filled with saints. Students from the third, fourth, and fifth grades will be hosting a wax museum. They will be portraying those persons who have molded our rich Catholic heritage. Please come and see their presentations. Enjoy the journey into our Church's rich history. Put this date in your calendar!!! See you there. Advertiser of the Week Knights of Columbus #2014 Meet:1st & 3rd Wed. 4th Degree meet on 4th Mon. All meetings are at 7p.m. Please support these vendors who make our bulletin possible. Second Collections have been discontinued. However, envelope users should still use the other designated envelopes when making their contributions for Charity, School Support, BonF etc. Your contribution can be placed in the offertory collection basket at any weekend mass. If you are not receiving envelopes St. Paul’s, please contact the Parish office. Juvenile Corrections Ministry Volunteers Needed Both Men and Women: The Catholic Juvenile Ministry Outreach Team at the Juvenile Correction Center Nampa (JCC, Nampa) is looking for volunteers to minster to incarcerated Catholic young people at the State Juvenile Correction Center Nampa. Volunteers must be able to go through an extensive background check. No experience necessary other than a loving and understanding heart. These young people need role models to look up to and who can offer a positive influence in their lives. Please contact Ed Burnett (208) 871 -1863 The Marian movement of Priests meets Tuesdays at 9:00 -10:00am in the Adoration Chapel. All are welcomed. Come join us. Offertory Receipts Date Amount Collected 10/21/14 $12,445.12 Rachel’s Vineyard Post Abortion Healing Weekend Retreat: If you have been wounded by the act of abortion… or someone dear to you has struggled with the spiritual and emotional aftermath of abortion, experience the healing love of Jesus Christ on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat. Participation is strictly confidential and offers a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion. Retreats are held annually at Nazareth Retreat Center (Boise, Idaho) as well as in most of our neighboring states. Specific dates, alternate locations and registration details are available by phone or online. For more information, contact Gerry & Susan Guzman (208) 938-9797 [email protected] or visit . Return phone calls are handled with discretion. The Bishop Kelly Foundation invites you to attend “Happy Birthday, Knights!”, the annual Winner’s Choice Gala and Auction on Nov. 1, 2014, at the Boise Centre. Tickets are $300 per couple, which includes dinner and a chance to win a car from Kendall Ford of Meridian! You can also purchase a Golden Ticket --$100 each, limit of 200 to be sold, and the winner receives their choice ANY live auction item or a $5,000 tuition gift certificate to any school or college. Visit for more info or contact Rita Franklin at [email protected] or 323-4789. Finally, don’t forgot to visit our online auction at beginning Oct. 13! Proceeds support an operational grant to BK as well as need-based scholarships for incoming and current students. Please help us support the 2015 Pro-life Billboard Campaign “She was unplanned.” The billboards will feature real mothers who have powerful unplanned pregnancy stories and their daughters. This is a rough mock-up, using stock photography, of what the billboards will look like: Please send tax-deductible gifts to Birthright of Boise, 1101 N 28th St, Suite A, Boise, ID 83702. Put Billboard Campaign in the memo line. For updates, “Like” Treasure Valley Prolife Billboard Campaign on Facebook. A special Memorial Mass “Omenaldia” will be offered on Sunday, Nov. 2nd, at 2:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church, in Boise, for family and friends of the Basque community who have lost loved-ones during the past year. If you would like someone to be remembered during the service, please contact Patty at 343-2671. A potluck will follow in the church hall, please bring a dish, hot or cold, if you’d like to participate. Legion of Mary (English), meetings are being held Tuesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory piano room. Father Bill Taylor has agreed to be our Spiritual Adviser. Please come and join us for an hour and half of prayer and spiritual uplifting, for more information call Debi Timmons 880-2146 or Zulema Flores 871-3892. Youth Ministry News We are so excited to be working on Confirmation retreat Nov. 1 & 2nd which will be held at Our Lady of the Valley we are looking for help with meals. This retreat is mandatory for all Confirmation students. Registration forms went out last weekend. If you have questions do not hesitate to contact me at the parish office. We are working on Jr. High Rally and are so excited to be offering this Fabulous event. Here is our website this event is open to 6-8 grade youth. We are hoping to bus youth to this one day rally and offer scholarships as needed. Please look for registration materials soon or register online! All sacramental preparation middle school or high school families please make sure you have met with me or call to schedule a meeting with me as soon as possible this is one of the requirements for the programs. Youth ministry is under way we meet weekly at 2 p.m. in Dempsey Hall please join us! NOVEMBER 2 is the LAST DAY to REGISTER for SACRAMENTS 2 de NOVIEMBRE es el ULTIMO DIA para REGISTRARSE para los SACRAMENTOS Please registering at the parish Monday -Friday from 9am-4:30pm. Classes are for children pre-k – 6th gr. including First Communion & Baptism for children over 7 years old. You may choose Sundays option 1 from 8:20-9:20am. option 2 from 10:20-11:20am. or option 3 Wednesdays from 4-5:30pm. For more information please contact Marisela Linan o Mari deLeon 466-7031. Por favor regístrese en la oficina parroquial de lunes a viernes de 9am4:30pm. Las clases son para niños de pre -kinder hasta 6º grado, incluyendo Primera Comunión y Bautismo usted puede escoger entre Domingo opción1 de 8:20-9:20am, opción 2 de 10:20-11:20am o miércoles de 4-5;30pm. Para mas información comuníquese con Marisela Linan o Mari deLeon 466-7031
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