Document 372898

29 OCTOBER 2014
9 AM
Networking and Sunrise Starter, Grand Ballroom
9 AM
Exhibits Open, Grand Ballroom Foyer and the Create Room (downstairs)
9 :45 AM
Plenary Welcome, Grand Ballroom
1 0 AM
Mike McElhinney, President, TNCO
“R emovin g The G lass Cei lin g To Fu ll In clusi on ”, Grand Ballroom
Merrill Friedman, Senior Director, Disability Engagement
Barbara R. Trader, Executive Director, TASH
Lisa A. Mills, Consultant on Disability Employment Policy
Gail Fanjoy, CEO, KFI
Lisa Mills, Merrill Friedman, Barb Trader and Gail Fanjoy lead this session with a focus on how the provider
community can remove the glass ceiling to full inclusion for those supported. The goal is to see how through
collaboration, advocates, MCOs and providers can build a shared vision for the future of community services for the
people they support.
1 1 AM
Networking Break and View Exhibits, the Create Room (downstairs)
1 1:3 0 AM Networking Lunch, Grand Ballroom
1 PM
“The Kan sas E xperien ce” , Grand Ballroom
Lori Feldkamp, President & CEO, Big Lakes Developmental Center, Inc.
Join Lori Feldkamp, President & CEO of Big Lakes, I/DD community service provider in Kansas, and current
President of Interhab, Kansas’ state association of community organizations supporting people with IDD, for an
update on what Kansas is doing with managed long term supports and services since its implementation in early 2014.
A deep dive into the upheaval wreaked upon Kansas service system as the first state in the country to turn HCBS
over to private for profit managed care companies and how it has affected consumers and providers and what you can
learn from this experience.
2 :30 PM
Networking Break and View Exhibits, The Create Room (downstairs)
3 PM
“M ovin g to Ma nag ed C are – A Pr ovider & A sso ciatio n’s Pers pective ”, Grand Ballroom
Dick Blackburn, Retired Director, Tennessee Association of Mental Health Organizations
Chris Wyre, President and CEO, Volunteer Behavioral Healthcare Services
Hear how Tennessee's mental health system transitioned to managed care in the mid-90s including its impact on
mental health providers as well as their membership association. Dick Blackburn, retired Tennessee Association of
Mental Health Organizations Executive Director, will provide an overview from the association's perspective
including member expectations, association interactions with state officials, and antitrust implications for the
association and its members. Chris Wyre, President and Chief Executive Officer of Volunteer Behavioral Health
Care System, will discuss his experience moving to managed care from the provider agency's standpoint including
challenges and successes - a "then and now" perspective. There will be a question and answer period following their
presentations so have your questions ready.
5 :30 PM
Reti remen t Prog ram / Recepti on reco gn izi ng To ny Cox, Jenn ifer Krahen bil l a nd Pau la York
Grand Ballroom THURSDAY w
30 OCTOBER 2014
8 AM
Networking and Sunrise Starter, Grand Ballroom
8 AM
Exhibits Open, Grand Ballroom Foyer and the Create Room (downstairs)
9 :30 AM
“M an aged Care Org an izatio n s Servin g People in CH O ICE S“ , Grand Ballroom
Amerigroup - Aimee Brake; Anita McClard, RN; Rodney Scott
BlueCare - Stephani Ryan; Victoria Hodnicak, RN; Phyllis White
United Healthcare - Karen Cassidy, MD; Elizabeth Zanolini, MPS; Angie Eads, RN; Deborah Stewart
MCO Representatives will discuss the Choices program, to include an overview of Community Living Supports (CLS.)
The MCO's will educate providers on contracting, billing and program requirements associated with these services.
1 1 AM
Networking Break and View Exhibits, the Create Room (downstairs)
1 1:3 0 AM
“Do n' t Predict the F uture - Inven t It!” Seated Luncheon, Grand Ballroom
Derrick Dufresne, Founder and a Senior Partner, Community Resource Associates, Inc.
This presentation will challenge participants to create “dosearch” to create the research and the data that can guide
services and supports – Practice Based Evidence.
1 PM
“A Vi sio n O f The Fu ture of H om e an d Co mmu nity Based Services F or In dividuals wi th I/ DD in
Ten nes see: M aking It a R eality To gether”, Grand Ballroom
Patti Killingsworth, Assistant Commissioner and Chief of LTSS – TennCare
Michelle Jernigan, Deputy LTSS Quality & Administration – TennCare
TennCare, the State’s Medicaid Agency, will discuss the future of long-term services and supports for individuals with
intellectual and developmental disabilities in Tennessee, including the state's current HCBS waivers and the
new managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) program. This presentation will focus on how the system will
change, proposed services for the new MLTSS program, and how service providers and Managed Care Organizations
will work together with TennCare and DIDD to preserve strengths and core values while building a more cost-effective
service delivery system that supports children and transitioning youth and their families, and adults with intellectual as
well as developmental disabilities.
1 PM
Exhibits close
2 :30 PM
Conference Adjourns