Sunday Services 19 October 26 October 08:00 Rev Raymond Keet / C Rev Smanga Bosman Society Steward Mike Pinto Khotso de Wee Vestry Steward Bill Fendick Jan du Plooy Door Stewards Tom & Brenda Spencer Barbara Dore Rev Raymond Keet Mike Pinto Refilwe Mphahlele Bill Fendick Cecil & Nora Harris Iain Muir Dini Mawela Louis & Pat Thomas 09:45 Society Steward Communion Stewards Vestry Steward Rev Smanga Bosman Joy Robson Rev Wessel Bentley / Bap Khotso de Wee Ian Kennedy Allan Kluge Door Stewards Andries& Pina Greeff Spencer & Welma Korb Denis Collett Cawood Family John & Merle Greene Rev Raymond Keet / Matric Service Mike Pinto Rev Raymond Keet / Confirmation Mhleli Nduna Communion Stewards Welcomers Welcomers 18:00 Society Steward Sunday 19 October. Today’s Readings Carol Smit Exodus 33: 12 – 23; Psalm 99 1 Thessalonians 1:1 - 10; Matthew 22: 15 – 22. Readings for the coming week. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Jude 17 - 25 Philippians 3: 13 – 4:1 John 6: 9 - 12 3 John 9 - 12 1 Peter 5: 1 - 5 Matthew 14: 1 - 12 Invocation. Almighty God, grant that those who worship you this day may present their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to you. By the power of your holy spiritmake us strong to fulfil our ministry this day. In the name of Christ. Amen. Vestry Steward Door Stewards Communion Stewards Car Patrol for all services East View 09:30 To See Jesus – To Know Jesus – To Be Jesus – To Share Jesus Po Box 905-1304, Garsfontein, 0042 Tel: 012 348 5198/9 012 348 6656 Office hours : Monday – Friday 08:30 – 13:30 Rev Smanga Bosman (072 267 3167) Rev Raymond Keet (084 701 8129) Rev Dr Wessel Bentley (082 374 4360) Youth Pastor Kyle Garrett (082 859 0756) e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] web site: Fax No: 086 622 5984 Garsfontein Security Garsfontein Security Rev Paul Bester Rev Paul Bester Please note un-numbered envelopes are available from the counter in the foyer. However - tithing by Electronic Transfer would be greatly appreciated. Cheques made out to the Glen Methodist Church must be made out as follows: ”Methodist Church of Southern Africa Glen Society” (the bank will not accept any other name). Banking Details: First National Bank, Lynnwood. Branch code – 252 045. Account No – 546 043 10688. Thank you. The Glen Methodist Church Taken from: A Guide to prayer for ministers and other servants . R P Job & N Shawchuck, (eds) Next Sunday’s Readings John 12: 20 -33 As from the 26th October, the Ministers will be preaching a new series on the Church’s Vision Statement: “To See Jesus, To know Jesus, To Be Jesus, To Share Jesus”. Please support the confirmee’s car wash taking place today, Sunday, 19th October, during both morning services. Cost R20-00 each or a donation. GLEN DIARY, Monday 20 October All day – Rev Raymond Keet has his Sabbath. 17:30 – Men’s Choir. 19:00 – EWA. Tuesday 21 October. 10:00 – Bible Study, Rev Smanga Bosman. 11:00 - Bal-a-Vis-X, Kyle Garrett. 17:30 – Bible Study, Rev Wessel Bentley. 19:00 – Glen Executive Meeting. Wednesday 22 October All day – Kyle Garrett has his Sabbath. 10:00 - 12:00 Dikeletsong Citizen’s Advice Bureau Thursday 23 October 06:30 – Pre-work Prayer Group. Contact Lionel 079 526 0402. 10:00 – 13:00 Counselling available. 17:00 - Bal-a-Vis-X, Kyle Garrett. 18:30 – Choir. 19:30 – Young Adults (Ages 19 – 28) Friday 24 October 17:30 – 19:30 Wacky. (Ages 6 – 13). All day – Rev Smanga Bosman has his Sabbath. Saturday 25 October 07:30 - Contemplative Prayer. 08:00 – Inner Healing Course. 08:30 – Visioning / Planning Meeting. Sunday 26 October 09:45 – Sunday Children’s Ministry. 18:00 – Confirmation Service. The flowers today are: “In loving memory of our beloved son Mpumelelo Justice Nduna who passed away 5 years ago on 6/10/2009, all our love, Mhleli and Hazel. Our condolences go to Rene, Natalie, Michelle and their families on the death of Wynard Britz. We pray for God’s love and comfort to surround them at this difficult time. For all prayer chain needs contact Brenda Wegener 012 361 6050/ [email protected]. For Caring Meals Contact Sharon Sanderson on 083 399 1991. If you have not already received the Newsletter for the last quarter, please take one from the Church foyer. All are welcome to join Wessel’s Tuesday Bible study group, which started on 14th October, 17:30-18:30 for a 12 week exploration into the lives of some of the Catholic saints. This series is based on a programme written by Fr. James Martin S.J. Wessel is hosting a 3-session study on Prophets (Biblical, Current and Secular) at Brooklyn Methodist Church on 15 th, 22nd and 29th October. Sessions will be from 17:30 - 19:00. All are welcome. Pastoral Care Centre News: The Centre is here to serve the community and the congregation is requested to refer people to the Centre. We work ecumenically on a donation basis and all are welcome. Invitation to a Quiet Day with Rev Gavin Sklar-Chik, Snr Pastor, Brackendowns Baptist Church, with the theme “Pray With Peter”. Sat 15 Nov 2014, 08:30 for 09:00 to 15:30 at Eastview Methodist Church. Open to all who would like to draw closer to God. Cost: R80. Please bring Bible, pen, notebook/journal, own packed lunch. Bookings Regina Swart 012 333 3370, 083 278 9706, [email protected]. Dates to Diarise: Tuesday 21st October, Glen Executive Meeting at 19h00 Saturday 25th October, Visioning / Planning Meeting at 08h30 Saturday 8th November, Carols by Candlelight at Atterbury Value Mart. Sunday 30th November, at the 09:45 Service, the Sunday Children’s Ministry will be presenting “A Brand New Star”, a Nativity play. If you are writing exams or know of someone who is and would like to support them in prayer, please fill in the prayer list, on the counter in the foyer. There are containers in the Library Foyer for the collection of Toilet and Kitchen Roll tubes, Egg boxes, plastic bottle tops, bread tags, and postage stamps. Thank you. Monica. If you know of anyone needing a wheelchair, please contact Monica, Monday to Wednesday, at the church office.
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