TODAY’S VOLUNTEERS: Altar Steward: Elaine Woodward The Well Setup: Trustee: Harry Bregel Media Operators: 8:15 10:30 FALL SERVICE PROJECT TODAY! TODAY! All 7th-12th graders are encouraged to lend a helping hand this afternoon from 3:30-5:30pm. We'll meet in the front parking lot at 3:30 and head to a neighbor's house to help with some debris removal and yard work. Bring work gloves, a rake and/or shovel. We'll return to the church at 5:30, and you can stick around for UMYF from 6-8pm. UMYF TONIGHT: We'll gather from 6-8pm in the gym for dinner, games, and a little inspiration to start the week. All 7th-12th graders are invited. Children’s Church: Linda Abbitt Helpers: Lori & Bruce Harple Lay Readers: 8:15 10:30 Ushers: October 26. SUNDAY SCHOOL: We encourage all children (preschool through 6th grade) to come to Sunday school from 9:15-10:15 am. This week our pre-k/k class will hear the story of David doing big things for God, and our 1st-6th graders will learn about Jacob's ladder. CLUB 56: All 5th & 6th graders are invited to join us TODAY from 4:30-6:00 pm in the CLLC. We'll play some games, enjoy a snack, and grapple with the question “Do I have to like everybody?” Hope to see YOU there! Bring a friend! Operation Christmas Child ◄ Item of the Month ► Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Ivory Soap Linda Jones Tom Thompson 8:15 Worship Ronnie Anderson Cecil Mills 10:30 Worship Ron Chinnes Shawn Dolan Jimmy Hinson John Kicklighter Brad Kilpatrick Patrick Wamsley our annual ski trip. Cost is $285 per person and includes equipment rental, lift tickets, accommodations, 5 meals, and transportation. Deadline to register is 11/16. Financial assistance is available! Contact Elizabeth for more info or to sign up: [email protected] or 813-8700. CHRISTMAS MUSICAL Marty Watson Marty Watson The Well Music Leader: 10:45 Heather Caffarel 2015 SKI TRIP! We're headed to Winterplace, WV, January 16-19 for Will your child be participating in the Christmas musical? Sign-up sheets are available in each children's Sunday school class. ALL children are welcome, but we need to know who will be participating by TODAY, Team Ruth Acolytes: 8:15 10:30 Samantha Garland Anna Woodward Anna Claire Good Crucifer: 8:15 10:30 Bailey Garland Victoria Watson Greeters: THIS WEEK’S OPPORTUNITIES: Sunday, October 26 8:15 am Early Worship 9:15 am Sunday School 9:15 am Serving from the Heart 10:30 am Morning Worship 10:45 am The Well 11:45 am Stephen Ministry Information 3:30 pm Youth Service Project 4:30 pm Christian Believers 4:30 pm CLUB 56 6:00 pm UMYF 6:30 pm Longpoint Gathering 6:30 pm Emerg. Shelter Training Monday, October 27 11:15 am 6:00 pm 6:45 pm Morning Prayer Nominations BSF Tuesday, October 28 1:30 pm Book Club 6:00 pm Girl Scouts/Wolves 6:30 pm Young Adults Gathering 6:30 pm Church Council 7:00 pm Webelos/Tigers 7:00 pm Boy Scouts/Bears Wednesday, October 29 10:15 am Morning Bible Study 6:00 pm Evening Bible Study 6:15 pm Handbells 6:15 pm Men’s Bible Study 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Thursday, October 30 6:30 pm Genesis Ringers Friday, October 31 No Scheduled Activities Saturday, November 1 8:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous 8:15 Linda Fairey Martha Trice, Barbara Cox 10:30 Hibben Happenings October 26, 2014 TREASURE “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21) On Sunday, November 2, we will begin a churchwide study and worship emphasis called Treasure: A Stewardship Program on Faith and Money. The study will be based on Jesus’ words, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). Over a period of four weeks, we will look at the many ways that our treasure (time, energy, money) affects our hearts. We will consider how financial challenges in our personal lives affect our relationships with people and with God. We will see how giving helps to determine the way we feel and act. If you have stress related to money or feel there may be more that God is calling you to do with your resources, this will be a helpful study. At the end of the four weeks, we will have the opportunity to make personal commitments of giving to our church for the coming year. All of us will receive commitment cards in the mail, and the cards will also be available on Sunday mornings. We can fill out these cards and bring them to worship on Sunday, November 23. We look forward to an exciting month considering our treasure and God’s treasure. Schedule for the Treasure series Week 1: Where Is Your Treasure? (Matthew 6:19-21) Week 2: The Problem with Two Masters (Matthew 6:24) Week 3: Giving Your Treasure Back to God (Matthew 6:1-6) Week 4: Don’t Worry ’Bout a Thing (Matthew 6:25-34) Dianne Story Karen King Michael Wright For those who would like to follow along, family devotional guides are available at all “Welcome Tables.” Your Ministry Team Rev. Dr. James C. Hunter Pastor Rev. Kathryn O. Hunter Pastor Sara Flores Missionary to Ecuador Elizabeth Connell Dir. Youth Ministry Kim Dowd Dir. Children’s Ministry Heather Hammond Well Worship Coord. Jennifer Roberts Discipleship Director Steven Jones Media Ministry Director Candace Dellinger Business Mgr. Cheryl Cummings Executive Assistant Nancie Willett PreSchool Co-Dir. Robin Robertson PreSchool Co-Dir. H. Scott Brunson Director of Music Pam Brunson Organist Norma Taylor Pianist Frankie Lewis Sexton Joyce Baldwin Nursery Coordinator Rev. Dr. Cecil Pottieger Retired Clergy Rev. David Lupo Clergy Attendance October 19, 2014 Sunday School 8:15 Worship 10:30 Worship The Well 148 62 183 Giving 2014 General Budget Rec’d Toward Budget Sept. 2014 Rec’d Year To Date Special Offering Rec’d Last Week: Wesleyan Foundation Let’s Finish It! $873,423.00 52,930.97 603,857.41 900.00 500.00 We are making our debt disappear! Our current loan balance is $401,288. Please use the pink envelope marked “Let’s Finish It” to make your offering toward debt reduction. Information Session Today Do you feel that God is calling you to serve as a Stephen Minister? Are you wondering if your gifts and skills equip you to be a Stephen Minister? You are invited to the Library today at 11:45am for a brief information session, along with coffee and snacks. Courtney, Guerry, and Kathryn will be happy to answer your questions and talk with you personally about the possibility of becoming a Stephen Minister. Information about the training course and applications will be available Concerns & Opportunities Emergency Cold Shelter Volunteer Training Welcome to Hibben! Hibben will be serving our community by offering an emergency cold shelter as needed from December 1 - March 15. We anticipate a need for 20 volunteers each night we are open. Volunteer training is mandatory for all volunteers who will have direct contact with our guests. Volunteers are required to attend TWO sessions of training. For those who missed the first training session, there is another opportunity THIS EVENING at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary. The Hibben family grew in number last week as we welcomed Casey and Jana Welch. The Welches reside at 1280 Horseshoe Bend (Sweetgrass), phone (765) 491-2364, and are awaiting the arrival of a new baby in the next few weeks. The congregation welcomes Casey and Jana and looks forward to introducing them to the various ministries and activities at Hibben. All Saints Sunday Next Sunday, November 2nd, we will celebrate All Saints Sunday at 8:15 and again at 10:30 with a combined worship service. During this time, we will recognize and honor those within the Hibben family who have entered into the Church Triumphant. Votive candles will be placed at the chancel rail for you to light in memory of your loved ones. You may come anytime before the worship service at 8:15 and 10:30 to light a candle. The altar rail is also open during the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Candles will continue to burn throughout the service. We hope this will provide you with a meaningful way to recognize all the saints in each of your lives. Confirmation Age Kids (grades 6, 7, 8 and 9) Amy McCurley is hoping to have a Confirmation Handbell Choir to help with special music in the 10:30 Worship Service on Sunday, November 2 (All Saints Day). It will only call for one practice session on Wednesday, October 29 at 7:00pm. If you have a confirmand who would like to participate, contact Jennifer Roberts at [email protected] or Amy McCurley at [email protected]. Neighborhood Gathering Longpoint Area THIS EVENING @ 6:30pm Lowcountry Boil Hosted by: Bill & Karen Roberts Alan & Sheila Sparks Roberts’ Home 464 Settlers Rest East (Hobcaw Creek Plantation) RSVP: [email protected] (843) 884-5561 Bring an appetizer, side dish, or dessert MANDATORY Homeless Ministry training: (Details below) Tuesday, November 11 @ 6:30pm Held in the Sanctuary If possible, we will offer training at a later date, but please make every effort to attend these sessions. Signup as a volunteer today at the Welcome Centers or by contacting Jennifer Roberts at [email protected] or 270-1161. HOMELESS MINISTRY Rev. Jerry Hill, Minister of Outreach and Mission at Buncombe Street UMC in Greenville, SC, will speak on Tuesday, November 11th at 6:30pm in the Hibben Sanctuary. He will share with us his experiences in ministering with the homeless. This event is open to church and community members who are interested in serving and understanding those who struggle to find shelter. The event is mandatory training for those who wish to volunteer this winter at Hibben’s Emergency Cold Shelter. Families to Light Advent Wreath Advent is right around the corner! We are recruiting families to light the Advent wreath during each worship service. We welcome all ages, as well as families of all shapes and sizes. Be creative -- families do not have to be related by blood! Readings will be provided. What a wonderful way to celebrate Advent with your "family!" Sign-up can be found at or you may contact Kim Dowd (884-9761, [email protected]) to reserve a date for your family. Looking for Business Sponsors 4th Annual Hibben 5K Family Fun Run Saturday, May 2, 2015 We are currently accepting sponsorships for this year's race, which we hope to open to the community. More participants means more exposure for our sponsors! We are offering Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsorships. For more details please contact Jennifer Roberts @ [email protected]. or 270-1161 Charleston District Church Officer & Leader Training Need a little instruction and orientation for your newly acquired responsibilities as Chairman/Leader or member of a church committee? How about those of you who are assuming your second or third year of committee leadership? Make plans now to attend the Charleston District Leadership Training Workshop . . . Sunday, November 9 3:00-5:00pm Cokesbury United Methodist Church 4900 Dorchester Road Training workshops offered: Finance/Trustees Christian Education Lay Leader/Members to Annual Conference Administrative Council Lay Leadership Youth/Youth Adult/Children’s Ministry Creative Worship Call the District Office to pre-register (843) 744-0477 Committee Updates In an effort to keep our congregation better informed of the activities and discussions undertaken by our various ministries/committees, the Happenings will provide a very brief synopsis of the ongoing work of our leaders. Finance Committee: Meeting the 3rd Monday of every month, our most recent meeting was held on Monday, October 20, where we reviewed Hibben's financial condition through the first nine months of 2014. For the year to date, we are pleased to report that income exceeds expenses by $18,000. We appreciate the generosity of our congregation, which enables us to fund the critical established and expanding ministries of our church. The Endowment Committee met October 20th and announced a current investment balance of $391,200. It was reported that $11,920 of Endowment proceeds from 2014 were being used by the Trustees to enhance sanctuary lighting. The Committee members voted to transfer $14,951 of proceeds to the Finance Committee for spending in 2015. Please remember Hibben’s Endowment in your prayers and your planned giving. Hibben United Methodist Church 690 Coleman Boulevard Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 (843) 884-9761 ANTHEM (10:30) *HYMN OF THE DAY No. 383 This Is a Day of New Beginnings (verses 1-4) (10:30 Worship) Children age 4 – 8 years may be dismissed for Children’s Church under the direction of adult volunteers. Children will be reunited with their parents during the Hymn of Sending. HIBBEN AT WORSHIP October 26, 2014 SERMON TEXT 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Please refer to the overhead screen for responsive readings and unison prayers. Leader: People: The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. GATHERING AND WELCOME “Whoever welcomes you welcomes me.” (Jesus) SERMON Rev. Kathryn Hunter CALL TO WORSHIP PASTORAL PRAYER AND LORD’S PRAYER Ambassadors for Christ Responsively TIME OF CENTERING Be still and know that I am God. The congregation observes a time of meditation, trusting God with concerns and distractions, being thankful and mindful of God’s presence. OFFERING All things come from you, O God, and with praise and thanksgiving we return to you what is yours. OFFERTORY Carter Here I Am, Lord OPENING PRAYER Unison *DOXOLOGY *OPENING HYMN Love Divine, All Loves Excelling No. 384 *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Apostles’ Creed No. 881 No. 94 SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION (8:15) No. 13 RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS (10:30) No. 38 *HYMN OF SENDING *GLORIA PATRI Here I Am, Lord No. 71 *BENEDICTION GOOD NEWS MOMENT No. 593 Rev. Kathryn Hunter Stephen Ministry *POSTLUDE PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Unison Holy Spirit, come and speak anew to us this day. May we make room in our hearts and lives for what you offer us today. Amen. Boellmann Toccata (from Suite Gothique) *If able, please stand OLD TESTAMENT READING Isaiah 65:17-25 *GOSPEL READING Matthew 22:34-40 Leader: People: The Gospel of our Lord. Praise to you, O Christ. ~ Sanctuary Flowers ~ The flowers have been placed on the altar today by Ruth Mills to the glory of God and in loving memory of her mother, Annis Beach.
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