ST. JOHN BRĒBEUF PARISH LASALLE QUEBEC THANK YOU FOR 25-26 $3,585.00 THIS WEEK AT BRĒBEUF NOV 4: Bereavement Group If you or someone you know is grieving the loss of a loved one (whether recent or not), a support group will be starting. The group will continue for another 8 sessions. To register, please contact Dawn 514-366-0131 ext. 223. FRI. NOV 7 : First Friday Vespers start at 6:00 & mass will follow at 6:30 SAT/SUN. NOV 8-9 POPPY SALE at all celebraons SUN. NOV 9: BREAKFAST WITH THE KNIGHTS— aer the 11 a.m. celebraon in the hall. Tickets $7/adult, $5/child 12 and under, in advance 10 at the door. To reserve please call Joey by Friday 514-993-8023. Guest speaker is one of our wardens: Kevin Williams. HOPE FOOD BANK: V-W-X-Y-Z If your surname begins with V-W-X-Y-or Z you are asked to bring non-perishable food next weekend, to be brought to the table of the Lord. THIS WEEK WE ARE IN NEED OF TEA BAGS Thank you for your generosity! EMERGENCY FOOD ASSISTANCE Please call 514-363-4578 and leave a message. BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE A book will be in the back of the church near the main entrance for you to write down the names of your departed family and friends. They will be remembered during all celebraons during the month of November. The book will be out unl the end of November. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. PARISH DUES CAMPAIGN 2014-2015 Our annual campaign has begun. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far! If you have not contributed, personal addressed leers are at the back of the church, in order by street name. Please take your leer—along with other leers on your street— to help us reduce the mailing cost. Thank you! NOV 13-15 : VITALITY CONFERENCE: Not registered for the conference? Don’t worry! There’s plenty of room at the cathedral November 13. The November 13-15 Parish Vitality Conference is just two weeks away. Registration is still open, but there are only a few places left. While not everyone can attend the conference, there is plenty of room at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral for any parishioner who wants to hear the authors of Rebuilt give the keynote address on November 13 at 7 p.m. The keynote is free and is open to the public. The conference will be a stepping-stone to help launch the New Evangelization in our community. You can find out why by visiting and clicking on View from the Pew under WHY. Brochures and registration forms are still available from your parish (call Cathy if interested: 514-451-4747); for up-todate information and online registration, go to: BUS FROM ST. JOHN BREBEUF to Keynote talk A bus has been reserved for those who are interested - Cost: $10, leaving large parking lot Nov. 13, 6:00 p.m., returning to church by 9:30 p.m. Please call Dawn at 514-366-0131 x 223. PARISH BAZAAR & CRAFT SALE : -Saturday, November 15, 9 am—4 pm -Sunday, November 16, 10 am—12:30 pm (mini sale) NOV 15-16 : DONATIONS: (raffle prizes, new-to-you, plants, toys…) If you have items you wish to donate, please HANG ON to them until the week before (we have no storage space!) We will let you know when to bring to them in) Thank you! BAKE AND PRESERVES TABLE: We have a fabulous BAKE & PRESERVES TABLE , contributions (cookies, cakes, loaves, pies, fudge, jams, pickles, preserves…) are always welcome and appreciated! Please bring these items straight to the hall the day before the event– Thank you! CONTEST: We are having a tasting contest! The challenge will be BAKED BEANS! If you wish to enter, please contact Dawn (ext. 223) VOLUNTEERING! If you can help in any way either before (sorting), during or after the event, please call Pat: 514-507-0800. WED. NOV 19: HIGH TEA Our monthly HIGH TEA Fundraisers resume on Wednesday, November 19 at 2:30 pm. For only $10.00 you will be served delicious sandwiches, tea biscuits, dessert and of course TEA! Reservaons are a MUST. Please call Dawn at 514-366-0131 x. 223 no later than Friday, November 14th to reserve your place! THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS Monday (November 3) 9:00 a.m. Juan Borjal by Jean & family Tuesday (November 4) - Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop 9:00 a.m. - Carlos & Basilia Dias by their family - Eufrasia & Arturo Colati by Felicia Wednesday (November 5) 7:30 p. m. - Allan McAuliffe by The Men’s Association - Mary (Dolly) Howard by a parishioner Thursday (November 6) 9:00 a.m. Kazimierz Chalupa by Bernice & Stanley Szymanski First Friday (November 7) 5:30 p.m – Deceased parishioners Saturday (November 8) 4:30 p.m. - Joe Cuscuna by Frank Mendaglio & family - Philip Desmarais by Sarah & family - Deacon Allan by Legion of Mary Sunday (November 9) –The Dedication of the Lateran Baslica 9:00 a.m. Delphine Chaston by Shnade Samson & family 11:00 a.m. Allan McAuliffe by the H.O.P.E. Society The Sanctuary Lamp is burning this week in loving memory of Brian Hughes by his wife Angie New Pastoral Team Member! Welcome to Deacon Robin Cheung and his wife Selina, they come to us from across the river – Brossard! Deacon Robin was ordained in 2011 and has served the Holy Spirit Chinese Mission in Old Montreal. He has an interesting academic background – a degree in Theology from Concordia and in Criminology from Boston – watch out! He will join Father Sebastian and Father Gerry in guiding us all in our journeys of faith. We wish him all the best as he begins his new ministry with us. The Fuh-Cham family – Update NOVEMBER 1-2, 2014 WEEKLY REFLECTION: (All Souls Wisdom 3:1-9) In the me of their visitaon they shall shine. (Wisdom 3:7) Have you ever wondered why we bother to pray for those who have already died? Aer all, they’ve already passed from this life. The simple answer is because Scripture tells us to! Judas Maccabeus, an Old Testament hero, once sent money to Jerusalem to pay for a sin offering for some soldiers he had buried that day. The bodies of these soldiers were found with pagan tokens under them, indicang they had engaged in idol worship. Judas believed that his offering might help atone for their sin and bring them into heaven. (2 Maccabees 12:38-46) The Catechism teaches us that “all who die in God’s grace and friendship, but sll imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvaon; but aer death they undergo purificaon, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1030). Today, why not dedicate your prayer me to interceding for those who have gone before you – both your loved ones and those you found it hard to love? We have no way of knowing who goes straight to heaven, who goes to purgatory, or how long each person stays there. But we do know that the souls of the righteous are at peace, even if they aren’t yet perfected in holiness (Wisdom 3:3). Prayer is never useless! Even if you pray for someone who is already in the full light of the kingdom, God will take your intercession and pour out a different blessing, maybe on the Church, on someone who doesn’t yet believe, or even on you! All he’s concerned about is that we connue to pray and work for the building up of his body, both here on earth and in heaven. “Thank you, Jesus, for having reconciled us to your Father. Lord, may all who have gone before us be fully purified and enter the full light of your kingdom.” LITURGY CORNER Questions To Ponder This Week The family’s support team would like to convey that Hilary and his family are safe - in hiding - in Cameroon. The younger two children (Canadian-born) are adapting to their new surroundings while the eldest is re-adapting (she was only 5 when she left). Please keep on praying for the Fuh-Cham’s as they find their way through this difficult time and hopefully back to our community as soon as possible. If you know an immigration lawyer who can help the team, please contact the parish office. Thank you! What unhealthy habits do I cling to that keep me from a deeper knowledge of God? Can I let go of what I know of life to find a much richer and enriching life? Have I shared with others that Jesus is a source of comfort, peace, liberation, and joy? Please take a look at the bullen boards in the corridor to the hall and near the chapel about of the church for further informaon on acvies in our community and around the diocese. Also check the grapevine which is a weekly e-newsleer with info about events going on around the diocese. To sign up simply send an e-mail to :[email protected] Thank you! Ezekiel 47.1-2, 8-9, 12 ~ 1 Corinthians 3.9b-11, 16-17 John 2.13-22 Scripture Readings for Next Weekend: November 8/9 – Dedication of the Lateran Basilica BLOOD DRIVE: Saturday November 8, 2014— 11am to 5 pm 7801 rue Cordner, LaSalle (Gurdwara Guru Nanak Darbar) EL SHADDAI - DWXL Prayer Partner Fellowship Int’l Held every 2nd and 4th Saturday @ St. John Brébeuf Parish. Come, be blessed!! Experience God’s Healing & Salvaon. For more informaon please contact Nelia Bernardez 438-938-0708 or Leonard Jarvis 514-363-2573 or Eden Villoso 514-894-5490 or Gloria Sandy 514-368-8215 ATTENTION ENVELOPE USERS 186-240-266 & 318. Please write your name and address on your envelopes for the next few weeks, we have no informaon about you! Thank you. PARISH VITALITY CONFERENCE – KEYNOTE TALK NOV.13 Not registered for the conference? Don’t worry! There’s plenty of room at the cathedral November 13. The November 13-15 Parish Vitality Conference is just two weeks St. Monica’s Parish - (6405 Terrebonne, Mtl., Video Divina – Join Fr. Raymond for Whale Rider, the second film of this year’s Looking at Life Through the Lens of the Sacraments series, on Friday, November 7 at 7 p.m. in the parish rectory. Free admission and popcorn, and stimulating discussion to follow! For information, contact Fr. Raymond Lafontaine at 514-481-0267 ext. 23 or [email protected]. CHRISTMAS FAIR – FR. DOWD HOME …. will be held at the Home, 6565 Hudson Road, Cote des Neiges (behind Kent Park), on Saturday, November 15th, from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Bake Table, Knitted Goods, Christmas Table, 50/50, Books, Toys, Jewelry, White Elephant and a Tea Room with all homemade sandwiches, soup, sandwich loaves and desserts. Hope to see many of you there. All proceeds go to the purchase of Christmas gifts for all the residents. ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL ANNUAL FALL FAIR also known as the Jingle Bell Fair Thursday, November 6, 2014 from 9:30 am—4:00 pm in the hospital auditorium (B-309) basement floor, 3830 Lacombe Avenue, Montreal. Start your shopping early...There is something for everyone on your list! Jewelry, Country Kitchen, Odds & Ends, Handicra%s, Chance Table, Chinese Raffle. Lunch will be served in the Tea Room beginning at 11 am. For more info. Please call 514-345-3511 ext. 3247. away. Registration is still open, but there are only a few places left. While not everyone can attend the conference, there is plenty of room at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral for any parishioner Brochures and registration forms are still available from your parish (call Cathy if who wants to hear the authors of Rebuilt give the keynote address interested: 514-451-4747); for up-to-date information and online registration, go on November 13 at 7 p.m. The keynote is free and is open to the to: public. BUS FROM ST. JOHN BREBEUF to Keynote talk The conference will be a stepping-stone to help launch the New Evangelization in our community. You can find out why by visiting and clicking on View from the Pew under WHY. A bus has been reserved for those who are interested - Cost: $10, leaving large parking lot Nov. 13, 6:00 p.m., returning to church by 9:30 p.m. Please call Dawn at 514-366-0131 x 223.
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