Our Stewardship For: Oct. 30, Nov. 1 & 2, 2014 Church and Communion Attendance: Church Comm. Thursday--91 67 Saturday--157 8:00--230 145 10:30– 167 Our Gifts to God: KQ Sunday School: Attendance: Offerings: Total for ECHO NOV 2, 2014 NOV To Date Giving NOV Monthly Budget Needs $ $ $18,854.41 $18,854.41 $95,460 Please Note: ALL above figures include only Unified Giving, Loose Cash, General Fund Giving and Special Envelopes (i.e.-Lent; Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.). These figures do not include any tuition amounts or monies designated for special purposes (i.e.-missions, alms, school, school library, school music programs, hymnals, endowment fund; capital improvement, etc.) The above figure also includes donations given through the Simply Giving automatic, electronic fund transfer system. Mission Dimes: Loose dimes in the offering plate are divided equally between Bethesda Lutheran Home, Lutheran Bible Translators, and the LCMS Mission in the Dominican Republic. Coins for Christ: Loose quarters, nickels and pennies in the offering plate are used for special mission projects. Parking Lot Fund Update: Our church parking lot will be in need of major work within the next three to five years. Estimates are that the cost could be up to $500,000. In order to prepare for this major expenditure, the Parking Lot Fund has been set up. This fund will be used exclusively for the replacement of the parking lot and all donations to this fund will be kept in a separate bank account so as to not intermingle with our normal operating funds. Please consider contributing to this fund as you are able. Thank you! Opportunities for Special Gifts/Memorials—Thank you! Ron & Mary Staben gave a gift to the Parking Lot Fund as “a thank offering for our 62 nd wedding anniversary on November 2”; Joel & Joyce Hanson gave an undesignated gift “in memory of infant son, Steven Michael-10-27-1974”; In memory of Bernard Thompson: For Unified: Ron & Lila Yager; Delores Stephan; Bruce Thompson and many other family and friends; For the Parking Lot Fund by Chuck & Bobbie Wilke; OPPORTUNITIES For the Week of November 9, 2014 For the Family of God at St Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church, School and Day Care 210 South Ringold Street Janesville WI 53545-5199; (608) 754-4471 www.StPaulsJanesville.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------Daniel J. Decker, Pastor [email protected] 322-5839 Kevin J. Hendrikson, Principal [email protected] 754-4471 ext. 203 Jared Stiek, Dir. of Parish Music [email protected] 754-4471 ext. 232 John Mueller, DCE-Youth [email protected] 754-4471 ext. 202 Marybeth Madsen, DCE Intern [email protected] 754-4471 ext. 205 Children’s Activity Bags Available to Use During the Worship Service: Each bag contains a book, stuffed animal, and crayons. If you have forgotten your own items to keep your child quietly active during the service, grab a bag from the crying room in the back of the church. After the service please return the bag and all its contents back to the crying room. Have you been to our website? For those with internet access, www.StPaulsJanesville.com is the place to go for information on all of the activities of the congregation. Under the “News” tab you will find copies of the weekly “Opportunities”, “Taking Faith Home” and the monthly “News N Notes” Newsletter. (This information can also be found on the Home page along the left-hand side under the “Announcements” heading.) Under the “School” tab you will find a link to the “Principal’s Pads”. Pastor Dan Decker will be on vacation November 4 thru November 30. If you have a pastoral emergency, please contact the church office at 754-4471. Thank you. The Church Council meets on the second Monday of each month. The next meeting is November 10, at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of School. All members of the congregation are welcome to attend Church Council meetings. Minutes of the approved Church Council meetings are also available for review from the Church Office or a copy will be mailed to you upon request. 2014-15 Council Members are: Brian Laatsch, Chairperson, 608-314-0825; Karl Miller, Vice Chairperson, 608-754-1508; Mark Toberman, 608-876-6646; Cindy Ward 608758-1220; Kathy Zakarias, Secretary, 815-519-2181; John Iverson, 608-554-9230; Brett Rusert, 608-756-0399; Ralph Bock, 608-449-1460; Bridget Lindau, 608-290-1460. Our Church Calendar for the week of November 9, 2014 Opportunities to Remember Others In Prayer Sunday: LWML Mite Box Sunday; Wor.-8a; Sunday School/Bible Study/Joyful Noise-9:15a; Contemporary Comm. Wor.-10:30a; Veterans Thank You Dinner-NOON; Adult Confirmation-3p; Public School Confirmation-4:30p; Jr. High Youth Group-6p. Monday: Moms In Prayer-8:00a; Church Council-6:30p. Tuesday: Bible Study-9:30a; Aaron’s Hands-5:45p; 4H-6:30p; Men’s Basketball-8:30p. Wednesday: Chapel-8:10a; LifeLight -9:30a; Contemp. Rehearsal-6:30p; Sr. High Youth Group-6:30p; Men’s Study at Mocha Moments-7:30p. Thursday: Breakfast Bible Study-6:30a; Comm. Wor.-6:30p; Festival Choir-7:30p. Friday: No School. Saturday: Contemporary Wor.-6p. Next Sunday: Comm. Wor.-8a; Sunday School/Bible Study/Joyful Noise-9:15a; Contemporary Wor.-10:30a; Adult Confirmation-3p; Public School Confirmation-4:30p; Jr. High Youth Group-6p. Baptisms: This week, at the Wednesday Chapel service we welcomed two new members of the Lord’s Kingdom thru Holy Baptism. Hannah Kay Herbert and Hayley Joy Herbert, children of Stephen Herbert, were baptized. Their sponsors are Eric & Melissa Hameister. Today (Sunday) at the 8a service we will baptize Jaida Annelee Jones and Gianna Mari Jones, children of Gregory Jones and Jacinta Maciel. Their sponsors are Joni Schiefelbein-Peterson and Aaron Hying. May our Lord continue to bless these families as they grow in His Grace. Pray for Us Missionary Calendar Available! You are invited to pick up the most recent prayer calendar, showing prayer requests submitted to LCMS World Mission by our coworkers in the Lord’s Mission around the world. They are available in the back of church. Worship Folders: The folders today are given by Don & Kathy Schneider in celebration of their 64th wedding anniversary on October 14. Happy Anniversary, Don and Kathy! If you’d like to sponsor the worship folders, simply call Stacey in the Church Office (754-4471) to reserve your date. The cost is $50.00. Available dates are: Nov. 16; Dec. 14; 28; January 11, 18, 25. Thank you. Birthday Greetings: On Thursday, November 13, Ruby Kersten celebrates her 92nd birthday. If you’d like to send a card, her address is St. Elizabeth’s Manor, PO Box 217, Footville WI 53537. May our Lord continue to bless you on this special day and always, Ruby! Hospitalized: Please remember, if you want a pastor to visit you when you are hospitalized, you or a family member or friend will have to notify the pastors or the church office directly at 754-4471 ext. 200 and let them know which hospital you are in. Thank you. At Mercy-Paul Schumacher. Please remember him in your prayers, along with Vera Muenchow and Ilean Brockway who have been released. Thank You For Supporting our 8th Grade Trip to Florida! The 8th grade class would like to thank everyone who came out to Texas Roadhouse and those who supported the bake sale. It was a huge success! Aarons' Hands is an informal prayer group that meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings of the month, from 5:45 to 7 p.m. in the School Conference room. The group lifts up in prayer the specific requests of missionaries. Everyone is Welcome – just bring a prayerful heart. Moms In Prayer meets Mondays from 8 to 9:30 a.m. in the Boy Scout Room of the school. This group is not just for Moms—dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles and anyone who would like to pray for our school, teachers, students, and staff are welcome to join! We meet every Monday that school is in session. For more details, contact Lisa Stanton at 608-563-0203. Opportunities to Be in God’s Word: Weekly Bible Studies SUNDAYS AT 9:15A : Fellowship Hall ............................................................................. Route 66 with Pastor Daniel Decker TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY AT 9:30A : Fellowship Hall ............................. Christianity, Cults and World Religions with Pastor Daniel Decker WEDNESDAYS AT 9:30A: ............................................................................ LIFELIGHT: HEAVEN AND HELL CONFERENCE ROOM ........................................................................... with Ione Erlien (608-754-6976) WEDNESDAYS AT 7P: WILL RESUME IN FALL 2014 .................................. “LIFELIGHT: ROMANS PART 2” CONFERENCE ROOM .......................................................................... with Bob Radtke (608-752-3963) SECOND & FOURTH WEDNESDAYS AT 7:30P at Mocha Moments ............................... Men’sBible Study Mocha Moments—1121 Center Ave., Janesville ..............................with Bret Rusert (608-756-0399) THURSDAY BREAKFAST BIBLE STUDY AT 6:30A Fellowship Hall ............................................. “Prophets and Kings” with Barry Wier (608-752-9330) EVERY OTHER SATURDAY AT 1P—CONTACT ELIZABETH DECKER FOR MEETING SCHEDULE Back Porch Bible Study with Elizabeth Decker, 4242 Saratoga Dr, Janesville WI; (618-973-5791) SECOND & FOURTH SATURDAYS AT 9A at Charming B’s. ......................................... Mom’s Bible Study Charming B’s Coffee Shop—819 E High, Milton ...................... with Angie Ellefson (608-868-2415) Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Mite Box Sunday Is the Second Sunday of Each Month It is our opportunity to bring our mites to church and place in the large Mite Box as we leave the sanctuary. Tuesday morning Bible Study begins a look at Islam. You are welcome to join us in Fellowship Hall (the church basement) at 9:30a each Tuesday as we look at other world religions and compare them to what our Bible tells us. We hope to see you there! Christmas Bag Donations Needed: We are collecting monetary donations for the “Peanut Bags” that will be given out to the children after the Christmas Program on Sunday, December 21 at 4p. If you would like to contribute, please place your gift in an envelope and mark it “Christmas Bags”. We need to raise over $800, so all gifts are appreciated. McTeachers’ Night scheduled for November 18! The Milton Avenue McDonald’s (1622 Milton Ave, Janesville, WI) is hosting our next Washington DC Trip fundraiser. McDonald’s is donating a percentage of ALL SALES between 4:30 PM and 7:30 PM to the 7th grade trip. No coupon will be needed for this event. Please invite your friends, family, and co-workers to join us. You will be served by some of St. Paul’s teachers and staff members. Used Christmas Lights Can Be Receycled! Frustrated with those lights that never work? Don’t throw them away! Bring them to Mrs. Kristen Gestrich’s classroom (Room 104 of School) and she can recycle them to earn money for St. Paul’s. Additional Snow Plower Needed to help clear the Parking Lot this winter. We are looking for someone to act as a backup to help clear the parking lot. You would need to provide your own plow. If you can help, please contact Jeff Schnell at 920-723-7221. Thank you. We Are Looking for Women Willing to Speak at our Spring Women’s Retreat (April 25, 2015). We are in need of additional speakers to give a 10 to 15 minute talk on a topic of your choice. For more information, please contact Marybeth Madsen at [email protected]. Thank you. Volunteer Opportunity: The snow clearing task force is looking for volunteers to help clear snow from the Church and School sidewalks throughout the winter. Volunteers would be on call for an entire week and would need to clear snow during their assigned period. This would include weekday and weekend coverage. Volunteers with children enrolled at St. Paul’s will receive a credit of 10 hours of volunteer time for signing up and one hour for each hour they clear snow. (So yes, if it doesn’t snow your week, you still receive the credit!) Please contact Mark Toberman at 608-876-6646 and leave a message to sign up. Thank you. The Latest Issue of St. Paul’s “Principal’s Pad” is available for pick-up in the Narthex (back of church). St. Paul’s congregation will be giving Thanksgiving Baskets to our members in need! The Thanksgiving Basket contains all the fixings for this special dinner: turkey, potatoes & gravy, stuffing, cranberries, rolls, and more (including pie!) If you know of someone who could benefit from a little extra help this Thanksgiving, please contact David Jass at 608-755-0564. Please let us know by November 19. Dinners will be delivered Monday evening, Nov. 24. SUNDAYS AT 9:15A: Jr. High Grapple for 7th & 8th Grade Students! Come grapple with the real questions you’re asking – join us for Grapple each Sunday from 9:15am-10:15am. It’s NOT Sunday school – it’s so much more. You don’t want to miss the fun! Contact Heather or Mike Sullivan at (608) 758-4526 for more info. Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML) invite you to a Baby Shower at their next meeting on Tuesday, November 18, 6:30p in Fellowship Hall (the church basement). All women of the congregation are invited to attend, and bring an ingathering of baby care items for Pregnancy Helpline. We look forward to seeing you there! Coffee with a Lutheran Flavor: St. Paul’s Ladies’ Aid is still selling the organic and fairly traded coffees from the Equal Exchange/LWR Coffee Project. This coffee is delicious and requires less coffee to brew a pot. Regular coffee is $6.00 per bag. Flavored (caramel toffee, French vanilla) is $6.75 per bag. Decaf Coffee is $7.00 per bag. For more information contact Sue Arnold at 884-4940 or Judy Perleberg at 756-5156 or purchase on the last Sunday of the month between services in Fellowship Hall. Quilt Auction Ready to Begin. Stay warm this winter with the annual Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML) Quilt Auction! The auction will open November 16 and close December 7th at Noon. The quilts in the auction will be on display in Fellowship Hall (the church basement) during this time. Bid sheets will be posted by each quilt. Please take a look at the artistic talents of the generous ladies of our congregation, who have donated their time, efforts and materials to this auction. Their beautiful quilts include some that are professionally finished. NEW This Year: We will also be offering other items like casserole carriers and holiday aprons. These would make a great Christmas gift for a family member! Auction proceeds are donated to missions. SUNDAYS AT 9:15A to 10:15A—KINGDOM QUEST SUNDAY SCHOOL. Our Sunday School classes are open to all children ages two years through 8th grade. (Two and three year old students must have a parent with them). We meet in the school gym for opening and then head down to our classrooms to meet our teachers. ECHO News: www.echojanesville.org Bi-Weekly ECHO Count: 300 ECHO Needs: Pork N Beans; Peanut Butter & Jelly; Soups and Crackers; Mac N Cheese; Spaghetti noodles and sauce; Spaghetti O’s; canned meats; deodorant; toothbrushes and toothpaste; dry laundry soap; toilet paper; diapers (sizes 4 to 6) and shampoo. Bring your gifts with you to worship and place them in the barrels marked “ECHO” that you find in the back of church (the Narthex) or in Fellowship Hall (the church basement). YOUTH GROUP OPPORTUNITIES & CALENDAR Junior High (grades 6-8) Youth Nights will be Sundays from 6 to 7:30p Senior High (grades 9-12) Youth Nights will be Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30p Thanksgiving Worship Services Wednesday, November 26 at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, November 27 at 9:00 a.m. There will be NO Thursday evening worship service on Thanksgiving Day. Our Youth Group is Open to ALL students in 6th to 12th grades. Friends are welcome, too! Sun., Nov. 9 from 6 to 7:30p: Jr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room. Wed., Nov. 12 from 6:30 to 7:30p: Sr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room. Sun., Nov. 16 from 6 to 7:30p: Jr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room. Wed., Nov. 19 from 6:30 to 7:30p: Sr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room. Sun., Nov. 23 from 6 to 7:30p: Jr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room. The Church Office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, November 27 and Friday, November 28. Holiday Worship Opportunities: Snack Food Needed: Youth Group is now seeking snack food donations for Sunday night meetings. Donations of chips, cookies, pretzels, juices, etc. would be greatly appreciated! Bring them to the Youth Room (basement of school) or place on the ledge in Fellowship Hall (where the stage used to be)–be sure to mark your donation “Youth Group”. Thank you! Wednesday Advent Opportunities to Support St. Paul’s Church & School: Wednesday Advent By Purchasing and Using SCRIP for all of your shopping needs! SCRIP certificates and cards give 3 times. . . full value to you (or the recipient of your choice) PLUS a rebate of 2%25% of that amount to our school! And we’ll give back part of the rebate to you to reduce your tuition, to help St. Paul’s Budget or to add to St. Paul’s School Scholarship Fund! The choice is yours! You can purchase SCRIP following the weekend worship services or from the school office during regular business hours. Market Day Gives 10% Back to Our School! Market Day is a monthly fundraiser, where you can purchase delicious food and other items for your family and St. Paul’s School receives 10% of what you order. Market Day helps busy families by offering easy to prepare main dishes, side dishes, meats, desserts and more. You can place your orders online at www.marketday.com or pick up an order form/booklet from Fellowship Hall (where the stage used to be) or outside the school office. For more information contact Heather White at 608868-5131. By Saving “Boxtop for Education” Labels. Next time you buy groceries, pick up some cash for our school! Just clip “Box Tops” coupons from hundreds of participating General Mills products and bring them to St. Paul’s (the school entryways or the container in Fellowship Hall). We get 10¢ for each one we send to General Mills at the end of the school year. By Saving “Labels for Education”. Save proofs of purchase (UPC codes and caps on V8 juices) from participating Campbell products and put them in the Campbell container by the front door of school or across from Mrs. Wahrle’s room (106) or in the church Fellowship Hall. Visit www.labelsforeducation.com for a complete list of eligible products and their point values. Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Wednesday Advent Saturday Sunday Christmas Eve December 3 2:15p and 6:30p NO WORSHIP, Thursday, December 4 December 6 6p December 7 8a and 10:30a December 10 2:15p and 6:30p NO WORSHIP, Thursday, December 11 December 13 6p December 14 8a and 10:30a December 17 2:15p and 6:30p NO WORSHIP, Thursday, December 18 December 20 6p December 21 8a and 10:30a December 24 at 4p December 24 at 6:30p December 24 at 9p Christmas Day Family Wor--Candlelighting Contemp. CommWorship with Candlelighting Trad. Comm Worship with Candlelighting December 25 9a Traditional Comm Wor NO EVENING WORSHIP Thursday, December 25 Saturday Sunday New Year’s Eve December 27 December 28 December 31 New Year’s Day January 1, 2015 6p 8a and 10:30a 6:30p with Holy Communion 9a with Holy Communion
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