HARTFORD MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014 TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST YOUTH SUNDAY Dr. Charles G. Adams, Pastor Rev. Charles C. Adams, Presiding Pastor Rev. Lurecie M. Stokes, Assistant to the Pastor in Pastoral Care Rev. Kevin N. Taylor, Assistant to the Pastor in General Ministry Website: hmbcdetroit.org Streaming Live at 11:00 AM Church Building WIFI Access Code: hartford Sunday’s Broadcast will be aired at 7:00 PM on 1340 AM Gospel Radio 18700 James Couzens Highway • Detroit, Michigan 48235 • 313-861-1285/Office • 313-861-1300/Church LOOKING AHEAD Next Sunday is the celebration, on the part of the Church universal and eternal, of the exaltation, glorification, Lordship, Kingship and cosmic ultimacy of Jesus Christ. This Sunday always precedes the First Sunday of Advent, to emphasize the glory from which our Christ descended for our rescue, ransom and redemption. The appointed scriptures for this special celebration and observation are as follows: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Psalm 100; Ephesians 1:15-23 and Ephesians 3:14-21. We are not permitted to celebrate the glorious exaltation of God without reference to the love of God as we have experienced it in God’s work of redemption and salvation. We experience God as redeemer, rescuer and ransomer before we recognize God as Lord. This is the theological reasoning that lies behind the choice of Ezekiel 34;11-16, 20-24, which precedes our praise of God. We praise God as King, because God has revealed Godship to us in our salvation. The God who saved us is the God who rules the whole world. Life is essentially good, because the God who created all life and being is totally, thoroughly and unfailingly good. Please notice how directly and pointedly God commits God’s own personal Self to us as our redeemer: not a delegate or substitute will save us, but God says: “I myself will search for my sheep, and will seek them out... I will rescue them from all the places to which they have been scattered... I will bring them out from the peoples, gather them from the countries; and will bring them into their own land; and I will feed them... I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep... I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, ... I myself will judge between fat sheep and lean sheep.” God is personally, presently, immediately and powerfully involved in the on-going process and drama of our redemption! That alone is the source of our joy and the reason for our praise. God does not mean that human agents will not be called, chosen and commissioned to lead us, help us, teach us, guide us; but if and when David, the king, falls into sin, and if and when the prophets of God get tired and discouraged and the institutions of God fail to embody the image of God’s truth and love, all will not be lost, the universe will not go back to chaos, humanity will not be destroyed, the Church will not be conquered, because God will personally and intensively redeem God’s people. The God we worship is dead serious about our salvation, transformation, restoration and ultimate consummation! Such is the God-centered source of our security. Psalm 100 is an imperative, twofold summons to praise God, and twofold set of reasons why we should praise our God and King: First call to Worship: a) Make a joyful noise to the Lord; b) Worship the Lord with gladness; and, c) Come into God’s presence with singing. First list of reasons for praise: a) The Lord is God; b) It is God who made us, and we are God’s people; and, c) We are the people of God’s pasture, and the sheep of God’s hand. We are not an isolated people, but we are bound up lovingly and compassionately with all the family of God. Second Summons: a) Enter God’s gates with thanksgiving; b) Enter God’s courts with praise; and, c) Give thanks to God, bless God’s name. Second set of reasons: a) The Lord is good; b) God’s steadfast love endures forever; and, c) God’s faithfulness extends beyond us into all generations, aeons, epochs, eras and periods of history. Ephesians 1:15-23 is a prayer by Paul for our enlightenment and wisdom in discerning the cosmic, ubiquitous, inter-generational glory and greatness of our Christ. It is to be read in conjunction with Ephesians 3:14-21 which continues and ends this great prayer. Paul’s aim is to cause us to stretch our thinking, in order to discern a Christ greater than we have yet been able to discern or to comprehend. The conception of the Christ we serve 1 may be too small, too limited, too denominational. He is Lord of all. All means all. All space and beyond all space. All time and beyond all time. All people and beyond all people. He is Lord, sovereign and king of all things, all conditions, all situations, all confusions, all events, all places, all strongholds, all powers, all authorities, all names, all dominions. The limitations of space cannot contain him. The boundaries of time cannot restrict him. The differences between people and their religions cannot overwhelm or frustrate his Lordship, glory and power that are at work in all and beyond all. Our new awareness of Christ will require a massive increase of spiritual voltage and mental wattage, so that we can see our Christian hope more clearly, appraise the value of our Christian inheritance more accurately and raise the level of our Godly understanding higher, deeper and broader than ever before! Just to keep our feet on the ground while our heads are in the clouds of the glory of Christ, we are assigned to read along with the preceding texts, Matthew 25:31-46, the parable of the Last Judgment. Here Jesus Christ is presented to us in three ways. 1. First as reigning Sovereign. 2. Second as Suffering Servant who is present in and with all who suffer. 3. Third as the Coming Lord to Judge the World. We must all be careful how we treat people, because we are dealing with the Christ who is present in all people, especially those who suffer, and that is not the only reason for our reverence and compassion toward people. The same Christ we mistreat in our mistreatment of others, will return with all the necessary evidence for our condemnation and conviction in the Last Judgment. Since we have done it, or did not do it to the least of the children of God, we have done it, or did not do it to Christ! Read, in order to be careful! Love ya! C.G.A. 2 SANCTUARY CELEBRATION TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST – YOUTH SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16, 2014 – 7:30 AM & 11:00 AM ORDER OF SERVICE Devotional & Pastoral Advisements Prelude“Song of Peace, Finlandia” – Sibelius Opening Praise Sentences Rev. Robyn D. Moore Processional Hymn #524 “All Hail the Power” Diadem Prayer of Invocation Rev. Robyn D. Moore Glory Be To The Father #541 Organ Interlude“Give Thanks” – arr. Martin Children Sermon (11:00 AM ) Anthem“Holy, Holy” – Schubert Prayer of Intercession & “No Weapon” – F. Hammond Song of Inspiration Welcome To The Visitors Rev. Robyn D. Moore The Tithes & Offertory Period Offertory Sentences Luke 6:38; Matthew 6:19-21 (NRSV) Leader: Give and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap. People: For the measure you give will be the measure you get back. Leader: Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. People: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust consume and where thieves do not break in and steal. Unison: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Offertory Selection ““Faith” – K. Franklin The Prayer of Dedication Pre-Sermon Hymn #79 The Written Word Rev. Robyn D. Moore “At the Cross” Preached Word “LIVING FOR JESUS” Pastor Adams Invitation To Christian Discipleship Hymn of Invitation # “Is Your All on the Altar?” Prayer of Thanksgiving The Right Hand of Fellowship Recessional #171“Trust and Obey” Benediction Postlude “Rejoicing” – Handel 3 BEREAVEMENT NOTICES Please keep in prayer the families who have lost loved ones. We have received the following names: DECEASED RELATIVES LOCATION DATE TIME Daniel S. Rucker Daniel Rucker Rosedale Park Friday Allie Rucker Baptist Church 11/14/2014 Detroit, MI Anthony Dewitt Donna P. Vaughn Cole Funeral Home Saturday Billups Angeline Billups Detroit, MI 11/15/2014 Kimberly Billups Ciara Billups HMBC Monday FH-10:30 AM Albertha Smith Sally Mills 11/17/2014 Svc-11:00 AM Cynthia Garner HMBC Saturday FH-10:00 AM Deaconess Bettie Deacon William Agee 11/22/2014 Svc-11:00 AM Agee David Agee Audrea Agee Shanta Agee Cynthia Adams Carter Opralee Beatty Private Service Beverly Thomas Camryn Brown Mackenzie Brown For additional information on these names and others, please see the notices as posted on the bulletin board in the north corridor, or call the Church Office. IN THE HOSPITAL/REHABILITATION CENTERS CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL ICU, DETROIT, MI Eddie Stokes (Baby) FROEDTERT HOSPITAL, MILWAUKEE, WI Robert Brazil HENRY FORD HOSPITAL, DETROIT, MII Ledora Holmes Dexter Scott HARPER/KARMANOS HOSPITAL, DETROIT, MI Thelma Panton REDFORD GERIATRICS VILLAGE, DETROIT, MI Ruby Henderson EVERGREEN REHAB CENTER, SOUTHFIELD, MI Shirley Rose HEARTLAND REHAB NORTH EAST, LIVONIA, MI Jacqueline Davis WILLIAM BEAUMONT HOSPITAL, ROYAL OAK, MI Trustee Dorothy Cleveland Willa Johnson SINAI GRACE HOSPITAL, DETROIT, MI Jacqueline Cole IMPERIAL HEALTH CENTER, DEARBORN HTS., MI Louise Hamilton MEDILODGE, TAYLOR, MI Leona Stallworth WEST, BLOOMFIELD MI Trustee Haywood Sharpley Following the loss of a loved one can be a very difficult time. You may experience all kinds of difficult and surprising emotions, such as shock, anger and guilt. A Bereavement Support Counseling Group is being held each 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, in Room 307 at 6:00 PM. Through a setting that embraces confidentiality, participants may: gain insight from others regarding coping strategies to begin to “live again”; share experiences and feelings that keep memories alive; restore relationships when forgiveness is needed; gain wisdom regarding lifestyle changes; and strengthen our spiritual well-being. Please contact the Church Office to register at 313-861-1285 x 456, and begin the journey to healing. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Women’s Day Total as of November 12, 2014: $106, 957.00 Work is almost completed on the renovation of the six bathrooms on the North end of the Sanctuary and the adjoining floors. Please excuse our dust for these last few days. The tile is being laid and walls are going up. There may be still dust and particles. Be careful and watch your step. While every effort will be made to limit your exposure, please be careful. Get that Midweek Boost! Join us for “Hour of Power” Service each Wednesday, in the Chapel, at 12:00 Noon to 12:30 PM. Lunch is served after the Service in the Fellowship Hall. Rev. Von Crigler is scheduled to deliver the message. Be connected! Prayer Service: Wednesdays from 7-8 PM, in the Chapel. The Theme for the Month is Patience. Deacons and Ministers will anoint and offer comforting intercessory prayer. “Prayer is the key, but faith unlocks the door.” Hartford Membership Photographers will be taking individual pictures after the 7:30 AM and 11:00 AM Service in Fellowship Hall Stage area behind the screen TODAY after each Service. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by and not be included in our membership publication. Time is running out, so don’t wait for someone to call. Just show up! Stop by the stage area and ask for Delisa. Tune in to the “Making it Happen Taking Action” Community TV show every fourth Thursday of each month at 11:00 AM on Comcast 90, 20 and WHPR TV. 20 & 33. The Host and Guest Host are Hartford Members, Barbara Herard and Rev. Kevin Taylor. For more information contact Barbara Herard @ 313-585-4645 or Rev. Kevin Taylor @ 313-475-0316. The Scholarship Ministry is sponsoring its 2015 Black College Tour, Friday, April 3 thru April 12, 2015. They will tour colleges in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Florida. The donation is $600, and includes transportation and lodging. For applications and additional information, please contact Ms. Georgia Daniel at 313-861-1150 or the Church Office. ATTENTION! You are invited to shop at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church’s Annual Holiday Marketplace sponsored by the Hartford Bazaar Ministry. Come and shop for that special Christmas gift or gift for any other occasion. Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM and Sunday, November 23, 2014 after the 7:30 and 11:00 Services. Located in the Charles G. Adams Fellowship Hall. Lunch is available for purchase from the kitchen on Saturday, November 22 from 12:00 PM until 3:00 PM. Teri Anderson, President. Hartford Basketball season is about to start. We are forming basketball teams for all age groups. Cheerleading will also be offered. Adult coaches and assistant coaches are needed. To register and to receive additional information, please call Deacon Stan Clifford at 248-766-5208 or call the Church Office. Don’t forget Ballroom Dance Lessons are still going on and the next session just started up. Join us Fridays from 7-8 PM for intermediate dancers. Ballroom donations are just $5 per person, per class. Any questions please see Trustee Vincent Tucker. Esther Mission Circle is conducting the annual NEW CLOTHES FOR CHILDREN DRIVE. Sizes 6-16. Clothes are given to Homes For Black Children. Monetary contributions are greatly appreciated. See Sister Lillian Clinton, Geraldine Smith or Deacon Justine Lofton for further information. 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS STEPHEN MINISTRY “Christ Caring For People through People” STEPHEN MINISTERS CARE FOR PEOPLE FACING TOUGH TIMES and are ready to provide the emotional and spiritual help needed with crisis that include: Loss of a loved one Terminal Illness/Chronic Illness Divorce or Separation Unemployment/Job Crisis Loneliness/Discouragement Recovery from Illness and Unemployment STEPHEN MINISTRY IS A CONFIDENTIAL MINISTRY and are trained volunteers ready to provide you with one-on-one care. To Contact a Stephen Minister Call (313) 341-2302 The Crusaders Sunday School Class is sponsoring the First Annual Scholarship Prayer Breakfast in honor of the Class’ founder and spiritual leader, Mother Sarah Eliza Haygood. This spirit-filled event will be held TODAY, at 9:30 AM, in the Vincent Room. Donation: $6.50. For additional information, please call Dee Smith at 313-516-3831. The Hartford Singles Ministry monthly meeting will be held Monday, November 24, 2014, from 6:30-8:00pm in Hartford’s Vincent Room. For further info about the Ministry please contact Deacon Jeffrey Steele. The College Christian Ministry invites all members that are undergraduate college students to our annual Christmas Breakfast, Sunday, December 21, 2014, in the Vincent Room at 9:30 AM. We will worship at the 7:30 AM Service. Stop by the Church Office to pick a form or call the office, 313-861-1285 to RSVP. You may also find the form on our website. Calling all Hartford ministries, families, members, and friends! The holiday season is upon us and it is time for everyone to embrace the Adopt-a-Family program. If you know of a deserving family needing holiday assistance, submit the name to the program. If you wish to donate financially or sponsor a family, contact Tajaunia Braxton at the Pastoral Care Office, at 313-861-1285, x456. The deadline is November 22, 2014. Let’s bless a family this year. Family recipients will remain confidential. The Hartford Greeters Ministry will meet TODAY immediately after the 11:00 AM Service in Room 308. Thanking you in advance for your support. Carol Anderson, President. 6 ANNOUNCEMENTS Did the floods affect you, your family, your neighbors or friends? Join the Delta Emergency Response Team to find out the answers to your questions, Monday, November 17, 2014, 6:00-8:00 PM, in the Fellowship Hall. JUBILEE CHORUS 33RD ANNUAL CONCERT Today @ 4:00 PM NEW SEASON – SAME GOD (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 & Hebrews 13:5-8) Join Hartford Memorial Baptist Church and the Jubilee Chorus for a spirit filled concert praising the Lord for His love and faithfulness through song. Musical styles ranging from anthems, spirituals and gospels will be performed by this dynamic and versatile choir. COME OUT AND BE BLESSED The Altar Flowers were placed today in memory of Angela Y Griggs by her mother, Artelia Griggs Visit us Sundays after 7:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. services —we are closed during worship service Direct Number 313.864.3404 Cash * Checks * American Express * Visa * Discover * MasterCard If you haven’t been in to see our new space, come in and see what we have for you. We are fast approaching the holidays and its not to early to begin your holiday gift shopping. Please come in and check out our FREE table of books. No purchase is required. There might be something of interest to you or as a gift to someone else. Remember we can also special order books for you to give to that special someone, or for yourself. So keep us in mind during this time of year because we are here to service you our Hartford family!! See You Soon. Spears Watson Bookstore Your full-service Resource Center and Bookstore — If you still have a blue punch card from the old bookstore, bring it in and receive $1.00 off each punch towards your purchase. REMINDER! The year is coming to a close. It is the time to make sure you are achieving your tithes and offering goals. We are available to talk to you. The Joshua Ministry (for adults 18-40) welcomes you to our weekly Thursday Bible Study at 6:15pm in the Vincent Room. Join us as Reverend Kevin Taylor leads us in Bible study and discussion. Please contact Kamil Williams at [email protected] so that we can get a headcount for dinner. 7 AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE REFLECTION William Edward Burghardt “W.E.B.” Du Bois (Feb. 23, 1868 – Aug. 27, 1963) is remembered as a civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, sociologist, educator, historian, writer, editor and poet. Du Bois was one of the founding members of the Niagara Movement. Established in 1905, the movement earned its name because it stood as a symbol of the mighty current of change coming in regards to segregation and racism. The small organization was a precursor to the NAACP, which was formed in 1909. In 1895, Du Bois became the first African-American to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard University. The following year, he enrolled as a doctoral student at one of Berlin’s oldest universities, Friedrich-Wilhelms University, which is now called Humboldt University. He was given an honorary doctoral degree from Humboldt in 1958. He introduced the concept of the “talented tenth” in an essay published in September 1903. The talented tenth were considered Black elites who had the responsibility and duty to better the lives of less fortunate AfricanAmericans. In 1900, Du Bois was a leader of the first Pan-African Conference in London. He also led four other Pan-African Congresses held from 1919 to 1927. W.E.B. Du Bois and fellow Pan-Africanist Marcus Garvey had ideological differences that focused on the debate of integration vs. separation. However, they both cared about Africa and were committed to the cause of African prosperity. In 1961, Du Bois moved to Ghana. He started work on the Encyclopedia Africana to serve as a resource on Africans and people of African descent throughout the world. During his lifetime, Du Bois wrote 21 books and edited 15 others, and he published more than 100 essays and articles. In 1903, Du Bois published his seminal work, a collection of 14 essays titled The Souls of Black Folk. Du Bois died in Ghana on Aug. 27, 1963. He was given a state funeral, where activist Kwame Nkrumah, the leader of Ghana, called him ”a phenomenon.” The site of the boyhood home in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, where Du Bois grew up became a National Historic Landmark in 1979. 8 HARTFORD VILLAGE • THE PREMIER SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY Age in style. You‘ve earned a glorious retirement! At Hartford Village, you will have the freedom to pursue an independent lifestyle. Whether you choose a newly-built cottage home or a luxury apartment, you will be part of a vibrant, friendly senior community. And you‘ll have the peace of mind knowing you have priority access to health care in a PVM Village should your healthcare needs change. 39 Independent Living Cottages • 24 hour on-site security / Gated community • Two bedrooms / Two bathrooms • Fully-equipped kitchen, including dishwasher • Washer and dryer • Great room with vaulted ceiling • Attached garage • Outdoor patio • Quality custom finishes Comfortable and Complete. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing you live in a gated community. Your maintenance free lifestyle will let you spend more time doing the things you love. Features like snow removal and landscaping services that ensure a carefree lifestyle. Activities and opportunities to socialize. The finest senior living in Detroit. 45 Independent Living Apartments • 24 hour on-site security / Gated community • One-bedroom floor plan with 1 bathroom • Two-bedroom floor plan with 1 1/2 bathrooms • Fully-equipped kitchen, including dishwasher • Balcony • Barrier-free apartments available • Washer and dryer “Hurry OVER 80% Reserved!” Leave your deposit ASAP so that you do not miss out on your new home. For your convenience, Master Card, Vise Charge and Debit Cards are being accepted! To get more information and book your reservation, call Gena Edwards at 248-281-2024 9 SERMON NOTES 10 SERVING TODAY GODS GIFTED HOST (GGH) Daisy Bryant Aaron, 2nd Asst. Kathryn Cotton AND CHERUBIC CHOIR Dr. Joanne Clark Minister of Pipe Organ / GGH Director Rev. Amani Henry GGH Director & Hammond Organ Deirdre Thompson Cherubic Choir Director & Piano Derek Washington Bass Marjorie Dickson Jackie Lurry Dorothy Marbury Rochelle Mitchell Lurine Moncrease Gwen Moore Paulette Turner Dorothy J. Ward Carol Williams Shirley Woods DEACONS: Arthur Reed Drums USHERS: Youth Usher Ministry IZANDLA INTERPRETERS: Reichelle Tucker ** John Harvey Nina White ** Interpreting Sermon MINISTERS ANOINTING TEAM: Natalie Cherry, Captain Ann Allen Derek Arnold Edie Berry Ronnie Davis Jonathan Griffin Denise Henderson Connie Jackson Nathaniel Lewis Carla Mackey Lionel Scott Kevin Taylor Charles Turner DEACONESSES: Angeline Brown, On Duty Dorothy Welch, Team Leader Linda Hathorne, 1st Asst. Thomas Williams, Chairman Greg Washington, On Duty David L. Ward, Capt. Raven Cannon, Co-Capt. Terri Asbell Varrie E. Bryant Annie Bush Janice Bush Michael Fleming Tamika Gaines LaMont D. Hampton Thomas Houghton James Johnson Connie McCoy William Moncrief John Moore Marie Mosley Washington Porter Yolanda M. Shepard Matthew Smith Odessia M. Spruill Jeffrey Steele James Taylor Patricia Taylor Gary Teasley Terrell Turner TRUSTEES: Virgil Young Sr., Capt. Sylvia Ross-Sherrill, Co-Capt. Rosalind Simmons, Co-Capt. Marseille Arbuckle Patricia Brewer * Audrey LaSalle Brown Dorothy Cleveland J.C. Douglas Daryl Duncan Raymond Flowers Jerome Gibbs Vickie Hall Cynthia Harris Kathy Hemingway Schylbea J. Hopkins Debra Butler Jackson Darnell Jackson Anita Moncrease Wesley Norris Joyce Parks Halmond Pringle Ronald Spears Frank Taylor Ola Taylor Eleisha Teasley * Linda Tinsley George Turner Vonzie Whitlow James A. Womble Jr. * Consultative Trustees NURSES: Lydia Douglas Rebecca Hayes Gloria Howard Betty Mapp Janice McCrary Pam Parker Joe Thomas Regina Thomas ANNOUNCEMENT CLERKS 7:30 AM Maxine E. Johnson 11:00 AM Connor Robinson SPEARS-WATSON BOOKSTORE Cherokee Cole Nora Sharpley Ron Spears Dolores Spencer Andrea Whitfield GREETERS 7:30 AM Terry Graves Ruby V. Jones Kim Paige Roosevelt Paige Jr. Bruce Perry Lamar Reed Lydia Smith Mabel Smith Virginia Tate Phoebe Vanderburg 11:00 AM Kim Gause Alexis Kerr Lavern Lawson Sonia Norfleet-Johnson Dana Smith JaKayla Kerr-Vanhorn Jalaya Word CHURCH CLERKS Donna Lewis, Vice Clerk Deborah Moncrease Allen Sharon Jones Denise Lewis-Madlock Eleanor Spears Venetta Watt-Tucker June Williams CHURCH OFFICE—HARTFORD INSTITUTE BUILDING 18900 James Couzens Highway • Detroit, Michigan 48235 Administrative Offices • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM • Monday thru Friday 313-861-1285 / 313-861-1300 • Fax 313-861-0265 SPEARS-WATSON BOOKSTORE Open Sundays, between and after services • Wednesday 11:00 AM - 6:30 PM. • 313-864-3404 HARTFORD AGAPE HOUSE 18700 James Couzens Highway • Detroit, Michigan 48235 • 313-861-1200 • Fax 313-861-7896 Hunger Task Force & Free Shop Mission….. 313-861-1202 The Staff Minister on call is Rev. Kevin Taylor. He can be contacted for any emergencies or urgent matters 313-861-1285 or 313-475-0316 • Email: [email protected]
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