Mass Intentions For The Week St. Columba Parish “Jesus Christ: King of the Universe” November 23, 2014 Pastoral Staff Rev. Charles W. Watkins...Pastor Rev. Kilian Knittel...Pastor Emeritus Jamie Kasprzycki...Parish Secretary Pamela Livorsi...Parrish Musician Web Site: Facebook: Rectory: 13323 So. Green Bay Avenue, 60633 Phone Number: 773-646-2660 Fax Number: 773-646-6821 Office Hours: Monday 9:00a.m.—2:00p.m. Tuesday—Thursday 8:30a.m.—2:00p.m. Closed 12:00p.m. —12:30p.m. For Lunch Mass Schedule Weekend Masses: Saturday— 5:00p.m. Sunday– 8:00p.m., 10:30a.m. Holy Day Masses; To Be Announced Weekday Masses; Tuesday—Thursday 8:30a.m. Reconciliation: Saturdays– 4:15-4:45p.m. or by private appointment. Baptisms: Arrangements must be made in advance at the Rectory. A Pre-Baptismal Program is required for parents. Marriages: Call at least six months in advance to set up an appointment to schedule weddings. Pre–Cana required. Registration In The Parish: Newcomers are welcome to the Parish and are requested to register at the Rectory. Please notify us if you change your address or leave the Parish. Pg. 2 SATURDAY November 22 5:00PM Raymond Wachowski—Family SUNDAY November 23 8:00 AM Mary Gorcos—Family 10:30AM Mary Rolek—Diane Kaczmarek MONDAY November 24 NO MASS TUESDAY November 25 8:30AM Helen Krawetz—Family Michael Krstulovich—Family WEDNESDAY November 26 8:30AM Florence Mierniczak—Family THURSDAY November 27 10:30AM Parishioners of St. Columba FRIDAY November 28 NO MASS SATURDAY November 29 5:00PM Louis Fuscaldo—Family SUNDAY November 30 8:00 AM Frank Sowa—Walt Bednarz 10:30AM Walter Rolek—Family November 22-23 5:00PM 8:00AM Edward Malewicki Tony Szczur Carolyn Malewicki Beverly Mansour Christine Clanin Kathy Winiczay 10:30AM James Edge Judy Machek Ron Segvich 5:00PM John Skaro 8:00AM Marjorie Mitchell 10:30AM Clara Gadzinski Reflecting on God’s Word Tom is allergic to cats, even when they’re not around but once were. His eyes turn red, and he starts to wheeze so that he has to excuse himself and leave. Oddly enough, he has lately befriended a neighborhood stray at his back door. He doesn’t touch it, and he won’t allow it into his house, but he feeds it regularly and even misses it when it doesn’t show up on his stoop. Something moves us to care for the lost among us. It is often instinctive, and at times even contrary to our own best interests, as with Tom and his allergy to cats. Is such sympathy for the underdog written on the back of our psyches? Are lost souls really longlost kin? Is it guilt that moves us to contribute to food pantries and bread lines or is it genuine compassion? If we are to believe in the Incarnation, that God has taken form in human flesh, then those instincts to visit shut-ins imprisoned in their own homes and to free those who still find themselves locked into poverty are Godly instincts. It is holiness bred in our bones, incapable of being held in. Because someone is hungry, we find ourselves giving to a food pantry or volunteering at a soup kitchen. Because someone is a stranger, we welcome them into our neighborhood and seek ways to comfort the immigrant. Because someone is imprisoned by illness or old age, we visit them and check in on them. And because our own individual efforts often seem so meager in the face of so many needs, we seek ways to institutionalize our care through government policy and funding. It is all a Godly instinct. —Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. We Pray for… John Ramos, Mary Griebenow, Paulette Cavin, John O’Saben, Carole Herhold, John Lombardi, Valerie Ramos, Jackie Herod, Charlie Drosos, Bobby Redvick, Robin Retterath, Janet Wage, Michael A. Hernandez, Leona Kovacich, Larry Kutz, David Donohue, Frank Kray, Lipasava and Melvin Wolf, Linda Fuscaldo, Richard Salamone, Jerry Vasoli, Amanda Gaudette, Eddie Aguilara, Sharon Eastman, Ruth Bennett, Ann Bennett, Giselle Gamino, Ofelia Laguna, Louis Garcia, Chrissie Lapke, Elyssa Zielke, Raul Torres, Jack and Alex Lomelino, Karen Mitchell, Ruth Krol, John Remar, Patricia Kearney, Brandon Klinefelder, Barbara Smagacz, Rose Ann Poloncasz, Janice Paruszkiewicz, Consuelo Moreno, Deloris Gomez, Dolores Sambol, Kendyl Glinski, Angelita Flores, Bob Wisz, David Scones, Jerry Boomershine, Eliza Hicks, Dawn Swiatek, Frank Zygmunt, Catalina Sanchez, Patricia Iwan, Dorothy Wachowski, Bryce Nowakowski, Nabeel Haddad, Anthony Barrett, Margaret Keir, Michael Deveney Jean Bosak, Nancy Chengary, Beverly Dobda and Jackie Bugajski, Harvey Ward Jr., Mike Ryan, Paul Ziobro Sr. and Doreen Jamnik, Pauline and Joe Kozlowski, Charley Urdiales, and Ben Davy. If you would like us to pray for you or a loved one, please put the name on the sheet located on the bulletin board in the back of church. Church Sick List Please remember to notify the rectory office when you or a family member is admitted to the hospital. Due to Federal regulations, the hospital cannot notify the church without your permission. Pg. 3 Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service This year Lebanon Lutheran Church located at 13100 Manistee will host the annual community prayer service on Wednesday, November 26th at 7:30pm. Please bring a non-perishable food item for offering to support local hunger needs. Fellowship and refreshments will follow. Everyone is invited to gather with our Hegewisch neighbors to give thanks. Thanksgiving Day Mass This Thanksgiving we pause to reflect on the many blessings bestowed upon us throughout the year. Please join us this Thursday at 10:30am for our Annual Thanksgiving Day Mass. There will be no 8:30am Mass on Thursday. Thanksgiving Day Meal Prayer God, who gives us all good gifts and who is the source of every blessing we have, hear our prayer as we gather to give thanks for all that you have set before us. We are grateful not only for the food that graces our table in such abundance, but also for the bond of family and friends, strengthened by the meal we share, and by the warmth of your love that comes to us each day through your benevolent mercy. Help us to use wisely all the gracious gifts you have showered upon us for the benefit of ourselves, our family, and our nation. On this Thanksgiving Day may we acknowledge that every good thing comes to us from you, and may your bounty never cease, so that we may share your blessings with those in need. Amen. New Raffle Year – Newly Assigned Numbers Congratulations to the November 2014 winners of the St. Columba Parish Raffle Club 1st Prize $100.00 #024 James Brann 2nd Prize $50.00 #034 Mary Lou Casey 3rd Prize $25.00 #100 Mollie Sabin Weekly Collection Budget… $3,200.00 November 16 , 2014 $1,961.00 Envelopes Sent-241 5:00pm Mass-36 8:00am Mass-17 ($1,239.00) 10:30am Mass-22 Mail-in-2 Tot-74 Surplus / (Deficit) [32% Contributed] Thank you for your generosity and ongoing support. Pg. 4 Please Remember Your Parish If a person dies without leaving a valid WILL, the property and money owed at the time of death will be distributed according to the State’s “intestate succession laws. "Their laws do not always reflect most people’s wishes. Why not consider serving your parish as it has served you? When making your final arrangements, please remember St. Columba Church in your will. Advent Taizé Prayer Service To enter into the spirit of the Advent Season and to greet the new Church year we will celebrate with a Taizé Prayer Service to be held on Sunday, November 30th at 4:00pm. The Celebration will continue in the Gathering Room following the service. Advent Tree Once again, the Advent Tree will be located in the back of Church Sunday, November 30th thru Sunday, December 14th. Parishioners are requested to decorate the tree with caps, scarves, gloves and earmuffs for children. These gifts will be distributed to the needy children of our community at Christmas time by the Hegewisch Community Center. Thank you again for your generosity. Mother of God Bakers Square Pie Fundraiser Mother of God Parish is having a Bakers Square Pie Fundraiser from now until all cards have been sold. Purchase a Bakers Square Pie Gift Card for yourself or as a gift for others. Cards are $11.00 for Fruit Pies and $13.00 for Cream Pies. Pumpkin Pie is considered a Cream Pie. Cards may be purchased in the St. Columba Rectory Monday thru Thursday 8:30am until 2:30pm. Please be aware that the price does include tax and that the cards are good for PIES ONLY. Cards may be used at any Bakers Square. If purchasing cards with a check, please make the check payable to Mother of God Parish. Pg. 5 Leo Stodden, Director Helen Opyt, Director OPYT FUNERAL HOME Service To The Community Since 1947 Phone: 773-646-1133 13350 Baltimore Avenue Mancini’s Pizzeria and Catering DR. JEFFREY A. STOLARZ FAMILY DENTISTRY 1032 119th Street, Whiting, IN (219) 659-7060 EST. 1967 24 HOUR SERVICE (708) 868-0074 Show This Bulletin For a $5.00 Donation To This Parish for Any Service Call LicC 058-124678 SADOWSKI FUNERAL HOME 13300 So. Houston Ave. John Ward, Director Breakfast: Saturday & Sunday, 8am to 3pm 10% off with this coupon. Dine in only! Call for other hours & catering. CATERING ANIOL TRUE VALUE BY STEVE’S For All Your “Your Place or Ours” Hardware Call For Our Brochure Holiday Parties • Picnics Needs 13200 Baltimore Ave. (773) 646-1071 13416 S. Baltimore Carry out • Delivery Dedicated to Building Friendships 13508 Brandon Ave. (773) 646-2783 or (773) 646-2433 773-646-1666 One coupon per order. Not good with any other offer. Daily Specials $2.00 OFF ANY DINNER Between 3pm and 5pm on Fridays Dinners Served Wed & Fridays Lunch Daily 11am - 2pm State Farm Agent Mike Johnson LUTCF Catering & Private Parties up to 70 People 3659 E. 106th St. 13157 Avenue M, Chicago 773-646-4292 773-221-4900 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH In Stock & Ready to Order Today. 800-566-6150 • TALK ........... An ideal companion for personal prayer. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 773-646-0730 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF HEGEWISCH Hegewisch Eastside Calumet City Lansing Lynwood Tinley Park 13220 Baltimore Ave. 11601 S. Ave. O 1100 Sibley Blvd. 18207 Burnham Ave. 20644 Torrence Ave. 17501 S. 80th Ave. 773-646-4200 773-646-5670 708-862-4200 708-474-4800 708-757-3103 708-802-9130 Service And Savings With Your Future In Mind 000655 St Columba Church For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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