1 Psalm 119 (119:1) “ = תָ מִיםcomplete, sound” under BDB 1071a. Root – תמםArb tamma. Ph תם. Arm “ תְ מִימָאperfect”. (119:2) “ = נצרwatch, guard, keep” under BDB 665b. Akk naṣāru “watch over, protect”. OArm “ נצרprotect”. Arm נְטַר. Arb naẓara “look at, consider, examine”. Sab “ להנצרהמוto aid them”. (119:3) “ = ַע ְולָהinjustice, unrighteousness, wrong” under BDB 732b. (119:4) “ = פִקּוּדprecept” under BDB 824a. Only Psalms? Sense of “thing appointed, charge”. (119:5) “ = אַ ְחלָיah that!” under BDB 25ab. Perhaps III אָח+ = לַיArm לוּ = ְלוַי. Very rare. < יִ כֹּנוּNiphal כון. Fairly regular form. *יִ כֹּנוּ > יִנְכּוֹנוּ. (119:6) = נבטHiphil “look, regard, pay attention to” under BDB 613b. Arb nabaṭa “well, issue forth (of water). Akk nabāṭu “shine”. Sab “ נבטprotector” PN “ נבטאלGod has seen, considered”. (119:7) ידה < אוֹדְ ָך. Why no connecting vowel such as *?אוֹדֶ ָךּ “ = י ֶֹשׁרstraightness, uprightness” under BDB 449b. 2 “ = למדexercise in, learn” under BDB 540b. Arm ( ְלמַדrare) “learn. Akk lamādu “learn”. (119:8) (119:33) “ = ֵעקֶבconsequence, as a consequence of, because (that), reward, end” under BDB 784b. Arb ʿaqibu(n) “heel, consequences, result”. (119:34) = ביןHiphil “understand, give understanding, make understand, teach” under BDB 106b. Arb bāna “become separated, be distinct, IV speak perspicuously”. Sab בין “(the) wise”. (119:35) “ = דרְךtread, march”, Hiphil “cause to tread, march, lead” under BDB 202a. “ = נָתִ יבpath, pathway” under BDB 677a. (119:36) < הַטHiphil נטה. “ = ֶבצַעgain made by violence, unjust gain, profit” under BDB 130b. (119:37) שׁוְא ָ = “emptiness, vanity” under BDB 996a. 1 בדרכָך (119:38) 1 2 Mss 𝔗 בִדְ ב ֶָרָךcf 25. Which explains NIV. 3 (119:39) “ = ח ְֶרפָּהreproach” under BDB 357b. “ = יגֹרbe afraid, fear” under BDB 388b. Ph in PN יגר אשמן. Arb wajira “metuens cavit”. Rare. (119:40) “ = תאבlong for”. Arm תְ אַב. Very rare. Only Psalm 119? (119:97) “ = שִׂיחָהmeditation, complaint, musing, study” under BDB 967a. Rare. Arm שִׂיח “speak”. Arb šāḥa “be eager, diligent”. (119:98) (119:99) “ = שׂכלbe prudent”, Hiphil “look at, give attention to, consider, ponder, give insight” under BDB 968a. Arm ( ְסכַלrare) “understand”, Itphael “look (at), consider”. Akk šiklu “clever”, šiklūtu “cleverness”. “ = עֵדוּתtestimony” under BDB 730a. (119:100) = ביןHitpolel “shew oneself attentive, get understanding, shew oneself to have understanding” under BDB 106b. Arb bāna “become separate, be distinct”, IV “speak perspicuously”. “ = פִקּוּדprecept” (thing appointed) under BDB 824a. Rare. “ = נצרwatch, guard, keep” under BDB 665b. Akk naṣāru “watch over, protect”. OArm “ נצרprotect”. Arm נְטַר. Arb naḍara “look at, consider, examine”. (119:101) 4 “ = כלאshut up, restrain, withhold” under BDB 476a. Arm ְכלָא. Akk kālū. Arb kālaʾa “protect” (Quran 21:43). (119:102) הוֹרתָ נִי ֵ < ירה. (119:103) = מלץNiphal “be smooth, slippery” under BDB 576b. Hapax? Arb maliṣa “slip”. (119:105) “ = נָתִ יבpath, pathway (as raised)” under BDB 677a. Root – נתבArb nataba “swell forth, become prominent, protuberant”. (119:106) Note LBH form ! ָו ֲא ַקיֵּמָהBoth long waw-consecutive and Piel קיּם. See Wright, Linguistic Evidence for the Pre-Exilic Date of the Yahwistic Source, 22-26, 32-34 et passim. (119:107) = ענהNiphal “make answer; be answered, receive answer” under BDB 773ab. OArm ענה. Arb ʿanā “intend (by saying)”. = ענהIII “be bowed down, afflicted”, Niphal “humble oneself, be afflicted” under BDB 776a. Akk enû “thwart, frustrate, do violence to”. Arb ʿanā (w) “be lowly, submissive”. (119:108) “ = נְדָ בָהvoluntariness, freewill-offering” under BDB 621b. (119:109) 5 2 ְב ַכפִּי (119:110) “ = פַחbird-trap” under BDB 809a. Root – פחחmeaning dubious. “ = תעהerr, wander about” under BDB 1073a. Arm תְ עָא. (119:111) ( = נחלdenominative) “get or take as a possession” under BDB 635b.3 “ = שָׂשׂוֹןexultation, rejoicing” under BDB 965a. Root – שׂישׂ שׂושׂfrom interjection such as Arb šāʾšāʾ. (119:120) “ = ֵעקֶבconsequence, usually as adverbial accusative, as a consequence of, because (that), also reward, end” under BDB 784b. 2 3 “Septuagint (R, L, 1219), Syriac, Latin all have 2ms suffix so ‘in your hand’”. “Probably read ‘ נַ ֲחלָתִ יmy inheritance’ see Hieronymus”.
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