GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER DHAKA PWD. DIVISION. NO.-IV, 15, ABDUL GANI ROAD, DHAKA. P.W.D. NOTICE FOR INVITING TENDER (For News Paper Only) TENDER NO-207/V OF 2012-2013 Sealed tenders are invited from interested contractors for the under mentioned work as per terms & conditions. Project Name : Construction of Book Sales Centre (5-Storied Building with 5-Storied Foundation) Bhaban including Sanitary & Water Supply arrangement and Internal Electrification works at Bangla Academy in Dhaka. During the year 2012-2013. Source of Fund : Government of Bangladesh (GOB). Tender Package No. : DD-IV/207/V of 2012-2013. Invitation for Tenders Ref. & Date. : Tender No-207/V of 2012-2013, dt..10.02.2013. Tendering Method : Open Tendering Method (OTM). Tender name : Construction of Book Sales Centre (5-Storied Building with 5-Storied Foundation) Bhaban including Sanitary & Water Supply arrangement and Internal Electrification works at Bangla Academy in Dhaka. During the year 2012-2013. Time for completion of Delivery : 18 (Eighteen) Months. Eligibility of Tenderers/Firms This invitation for Tenders is open to all eligible Tenderers as mentioned below. a) Reputed Contractors/Construction Firms who have minimum 10(ten) years of general experience in Construction works. b) Having experience in successful completion of at least 1(one) No. of similar construction work including related internal sanitary and water supply arrangement in a single tender amounting to Tk.400.00 (Four Hundred) Lac under Govt./Semi-Govt./Autonomous/Private organization within last 5(five) years. c) Certificate of authentication in respect of the work should have to be furnished by the tenderer alongwith tender documents in the following manner as applicable. i) Incase of the work done under PWD, the certifying and authenticating authority shall be the concerned Executive Engineer, under whom the work has been Executed. ii) Incase of the work done under any Government/SemiGovernment/Autonomous Bodies/Organization other than PWD the certifying authority shall be an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer and the same should be duly verified by the concerned Executive Engineer of PWD of that area under whose jurisdiction the work has been done. Prescribed work order (Original or duly attested by competent authority) for the work should be enclosed along with tender documents. Payment certificate and certificate of deposit duly is to be obtained from the Banker and is to be enclosed alongwith tender document (other required condition are as mentioned in tender documents section-2. d) Liquid asset or cash flow: 90.00 (Ninety) Lac. e) Average Annual Construction Turnover: 600.00 (Six Hundred) Lac 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Published by MIS‐CELL,PWD f) g) 9. Price of Tender Document. : 10. 11. Amount of Tender Security Name and address of the office(s) selling tender document. : : 12. Name and address of the office(s) receiving tenders. Name and address of the Office Opening Tenders. Last date and time for selling tender documents. Last date and time for submission of tender document. Date and time for opening of tenders. : 13. 14. 15. 16. (Annual Construction Turnover Certificate must be collected from N.B.R/Concern office for last 5 (five) years and should be submitted alongwith the tender. Tendering Capacity: Must be satisfied by the Tenderer as per his/her quoted Tender price. (Not less than tender amount). Other required eligibility criteria & conditions as mentioned in tender documents (section-2 & section-4). Tk.1500.00 (Taka One Thousand Five Hundred) only for the notice inviting tenders, schedule of items, special terms and conditions etc. (fixed). Tk.15,00,000.00 (Fifteen) Lac only. Office of the undersigned as well as offices of the all Executive Engineers under Dhaka Zone (Except Eden Building PWD. Division), Dhaka and also by the Executive Engineer, PWD Maintenance Division, Dhaka/Chittagong PWD Division No.III under Chittagong PWD Zone, Chittagong/ Khulna PWD Division No.1, under Khulna PWD. Zone, Khulna/ Rajshahi PWD Division No.1 under Rajshahi PWD Zone, Rajshahi/Barisal PWD Division under Barisal PWD Zone, Barisal/Sylhet PWD. Division under Sylhet PWD Zone, Sylhet/ Chief Arboriculturist, PWD. Arboriculture Division, Dhaka/Divisional Commissioner, Dhaka Division, Dhaka in their respective offices and the Sub-Divisional Engineer, PWD Sub-Division No.V under PWD Division No.IV, Purta Bhaban, Dhaka. No tender will be sold on the receiving date. : Office of the Executive Engineer, Dhaka PWD. Division-IV, 15, Abdul Gani Road, Dhaka-1000. Office of the Executive Engineer, Dhaka P.W.D. Division-IV, 15, Abdul Gani Road, Dhaka-1000. During office hours on 11/03/2013 : Up to 12.00 Noon on 12/03/2013 : : Tender will be opened on 12/03/2013 at 3.00 P.M. before the Tender Opening Committee at the office of the Executive Engineer, Dhaka PWD.Division-IV, 15, Abdul Gani Road, Dhaka-1000. Intending tenderers may remain present during opening of the tenders. Tenderers or authorized representatives are also allowed to attend. 17. Place of Pre-tender meeting (Optional). : 18. Date and time of pre-tender meeting (Optional). Special instruction : 19. a) b) c) Office of the Executive Engineer, PWD. Division-IV, 15, Abdul Gani Road, Dhaka-1000. N/A. The tenderers shall duly fill in the form W-1 as per format given in Tender Submission Sheet (TSS) and form W-2 as per format given in Tender Information Sheet (TIS) Rate must be quoted both in figures & in words for each item of works in the bill of quantities of section-6. Furnishing of any false, misleading documents may result in rejection of tender and may lead to action under Rule-127 of PPR-2008. d) The Procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the tenders or all without assigning any reason whatsoever. This tender notice is brief and the details of the tender can be seen and obtained from the office of the undersigned during office hours. e) All Photo copies submitted with tender documents must be duly attested by a class-I gazetted Govt. official. Published by MIS‐CELL,PWD 20. 21. Brief description of works services (Works & Services). and a) Name of official inviting tender b) Designation of official inviting tender c) Address of office inviting tender d) Contact details of the official inviting tender Contractor's Signature. : : : : : R.C.C. casting, earth work, Brick work, Plastering, wood work, white wash, distemper, painting, artificial patent stone, tiles, mosaic work, fabrication, false ceiling & Internal Sanitary & water supply arrangement etc. Sankar Kumar Malo. Executive Engineer. Dhaka PWD. Division-IV, Dhaka. 15, Abdul Gani Road, Dhaka. Telephone No.-(02)-9557108. Sub-Assistant Engineer. Assistant Engineer (Sankar Kumar Malo) PWD. Division-IV (Staff Officer) Executive Engineer Dhaka. PWD. Division-IV, Dhaka. Dhaka PWD. Division-IV, Dhaka. Published by MIS‐CELL,PWD Published by MIS‐CELL,PWD
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