Sections L & M – Quilts & Afghans Infants & Children’s Wear, Needlework Directors: Bessie Johnston 887-9368 Liz Sholdice 887 - 6171 Nora Stephenson 887-6371 Edna Pletch 887-6436 Brenda Perrie 887-6775 Kathy Bridge 887-6795 Bonnie Lindsay 887 - 6535 Rules: All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor, and not over two years old. One exhibit per exhibitor for each class. Please attach entry tag w ith a safety pin. Directors are instructed to discard all soiled or old work. Judges will determine the Grand Champio n Hand-Quilted Quilt (minimum perimeter of 324”) and the Grand Cham pion Machine-Quilted Quilt/Wall han ging (see Class #9) from among the first prize-winning quilts and this quilt will be eligible for entry in the District 8 Quilt Competition. The winner of this competition is eligible for entry in the OAAS Championship Quilt Competition in Toronto in February. The winner at OAAS will receive a prize of $500. Class: (Quilts & Afghans) 1. Quilt, single or twin size, quilted 2. Quilt, reversible, suitable for a bedspread 3. Quilt, queen size 4. Quilt, pre-printed design 5. Quilt, pieced 6. Quilt, any other kind 7. Quilt of any kind - done by group or organization Sections 1 – 7 must be hand quilted 8. Comforter, tied 9. Machine-quilted Quilt/Wall hanging (not long arm, total perimeter to be minimum of 192 “ or 480 cm, must be machine quilted by the exhibitor) 10. Rag Quilt 72” x 90” (183 x 229 cm) or smaller 11. Quilt Top - not quilted 72” x 90” (183 x 229 cm) or smaller Prizes for classes 1 - 11 $8, $6, $4 $50 donated by the 5 Star Quilt Guild from Teeswater for classes 1 - 11 Class: 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. Needlewo rk Crib quilt, pre-printed design, hand quilted - 34” x 43” (87 x 109 cm) min Crib quilt, tied - 34” x 43” (87 x 109 cm) minimum Crib quilt, any design, hand quilted - 34” x 43” (87 x 109 cm) minimum Crib quilt, any design, machine quilted (not long arm ) size as above Hand-made casserole carrier Two placemats quilted Hand quilted wall hanging - ready to hang, Cushion, using pre printed panel Toss cushion ( not pre printed panel ) Window valance or curtains Table runner – min 34 inches ( 87 cm) long Fabric shopping or tote bag One pillow case embroidered in colour Bib apron Fabric made purse Recycle something new from used fabric Boxer shorts One pieced quilt block – mounted at the top and named A fabric hat PHOTOGRAPHY Rules: 1. See General Rules for Art & Photography 2. All entries must be suitably mounted on Bristol board with 1” border and entry tag stapled to bottom right hand corner. 3. 1 photo per class unless stated otherwise Kids (younger than 10 years) Photos up to 4” x 6” Class: 7. “Through A Child’s Eye” any subject – collection - minimum of 4 photos maximum of 10 photos, - on bristol board with 1” border around the outside and with a small space between each photo.. Junior (10 - 18 years) Photos up to 4” x 6” Class: 8. Any subject – collection -, minimum of 4 photos, maximum of 10 photos mounted on bristol board with 1” border around the outside and with a small space between each photo. OPEN TO ALL AGES – Prints up to 5” x 7” – mounted on Bristol board with 1” border around the outside – Classes 9 – S7 Class: Home 9. Theme of the Fair – “Farm Gate to Dinner Plate” 10. Worn Out – e.g. shoes, machinery, people, etc. 11. Sunlight & Shadow 12. Waterfall(s) – 1 photo only 13. Roofs 14. Nature’s Moods 15. Landscape Images of the World – natural or man made 16. Sweet Light – light before sunrise or after sunset 17. Candid Camera 18. Fashion Statement 19. Flower(s) – single flower or gardens 20. Rural Architecture – e.g. windmills, barns, etc 21. Hands and/or Feet – black & white or colour 22. Close up of a baby’s face or babies’ faces 23. Grandparents with their little helpers 24. Old Shoes 25. Black & White - any subject 26. Giants in our midst – tree, building etc. 27. Open Class – use of computerized effects on Digital Photography – provide 2 photos (the original one and the altered one) mounted on the same piece of Bristol board Collections – 4 photos – up to 5” x 7” (mounted on Bristol Board) Class: 28. Bees and/or Birds and/or Butterflies and/or Bugs– 4 photos Special #5 Antique Cars and/or T ractors – 4 photos up to 5”x7” Prizes: $5, $3, $2 donateded by Special # 6 Wayne Lowe Mem orial Special Events in Brussels E.g. sporting events, Service Clubs events etc. up to 5” x 7” mounted on Bristol board – Prizes: $5, $3, $2 donated by Nicole Noble Section O – Hobby Crafts Directors: Florence Machan 887-9345 D. Cummings 887-9393 Shirley W heeler 887-6789 Dona Knight 887-6584 Sharon Freeman 887-6564 Joyce Jacklin 887 - 6905 No entry fee for group and seni or specials classes. S1 and S2 to be displayed on your own card table. No te – one exhibit per exhibitor for each class. S1 Group Display – “Farm Gate to Dinner Plate” – A display incorporating the theme. E.g. potatoes, beets, carrots, beef etc. Each group receives $10 for entering. Please leave the name and address of the contact person for display. S2 4-H Display - Each club/group will receive $50 for entering. Please leave name and address of contact person with the display. S3 Seniors Sp ecial - “Ladies + Men” 60 years and older. One article, any favourite hobby or craft. S4 Seniors Sp ecial - “Ladies + Men” 60 years and older. Decorated small basket with articles for a shut-in. Prizes for S3 and S4 - $5, $3, $2 Miscellaneous Class: 1. Handmade jewellery 2. Homemade runner for coffee table or end table 3. Any type of doll dressed in homemade outfit 4. Cushion for a child’s room. 5. Handmade fridge towel all crocheted 6. Bought fridge Towel – crocheted or knit at top 7. Soft toy suitable for a baby 8. Homemade or purchased article - decorative painting to be judged 9. Any article using leftover yarn (not an afghan) 10. Decorated Halloween Treat Bag using fabric. 11. Homemade doorstop, any medium 12. Welcome Sign – made out of wood 13. Bought Fabric or Straw Sun Hat - decorated 14 Novelty outdoor decoration 15. Casserole cover 16. Pot Holders (2 only) 17. A handmade bridal shower gift 18. Ruffled Hand Knit Scarf 19. One bazaar item to sell for less than $5 20. Recycled item 21. Any hobby not already listed - small 22. Any hobby not already listed - large **** PRIZES AWARDED ACCORDING TO MERIT FOR ALL SECTIONS *** Christmas Section 23. Christmas wreath or swag 24. Hand-made snowman, free-standing - decorations may be bought 25. Hand-made Christmas decoration, ready to hang - decorations may be bought (not a wreath or swag) 26. Christmas centrepiece 27. Hand-made Christmas tree ornament 28. Christmas angel 29. Christmas tree skirt 30. Outdoor Christmas decoration – free standing 31. Christmas Table Runner 32. Christmas Place Mats ( 2 only ) Prizes for classes 1-32 $5, $3, $2 S5 Most points in classes 1 - 32 $10.00 donated by Cathy Cardiff S6 Special - “Creative Crafter’s Special”. Design a card out of old cards using your imagination. Prizes - $5, $3, $2 Donated by Edith Pipe S7 Scrapbookin g - One page from your scrap booking album covered with plastic sheet. Prizes - $5, $3, $2 Donated by Edith Pipe S8 Table Decoration for Fall – using natural material Prizes - $5, $3, $2 Donated by Dorothy Cummings S9 Digital Photo book – design a digital photo book on any subject using a scrapbook format. Prizes - $5, $3, $2 Donated by Brenda W heeler Section I - Intermediate 1. 2. 3 4. 5 6. 7 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. 15. Ages 10 - 18, Girls & Boys Youth Poster Category A – instructions on page 22 of main Fair Book Youth Poster Category B - instructions on page 22 of main Fair Book A craft of your choice Arrange wild flowers in a small pumpkin. An invitation made on the computer. A snowman made from a water bottle, covered with cotton puffs and then decorated with items that may be bought Pencil drawing of an animal 5 chocolate brownies, not iced Animal made out of evergreen cones Decorated egg carton. Classes 11– 15 All structures must be displayed in a low box sm all box 10” x 10” and large box 15” x 15” Any item made from any building blocks (No Kit) (ages 6 – 11) sm all Any item made from any building blocks (No Kit) (ages 6 – 11) large Lego - Any item made from Lego (No Kit) (Ages 12 – 18) Lego Kit – any item made from a Lego Kit ages 6 – 11 small Lego Kit – any item made from a Lego Kit ages 6 – 11 larg e Prizes for classes 1 – 14: $4, $3, $2 Prizes donated by Alice Marks, Bessie Johnston, Douglas Machan, Betty Finch, Kathy Stephenson, Dona Knight, Marg Black Section P - Art & Photography Directors: Margaret Black Donna Bauer 887- 9288 887 – 6493 Sheila Prescott 887-6911 Sandra Josling 887-6032 Prizes awarded according to merit with judge’s ruling final. Prizes are $5, $4, $3 unless otherwise stated General Rules: 1.One exhibit per person per class unless otherwise stated. 2. Original work by amateur exhibitors must only be entered under their name. JUDGE’S PICK $25 cash prize Judge’s choice of best overall entry from all categories in Section P ART Ru les: 1. see General Rules 2. Artwork must b e securely mounted on backing stiff enough to display on wall, stand, easel or to lean against the wall. 3. Artist’s I.D. must be covered and entry tag securely attached . Class: 1. Graphic Art – design a front cover for a card on 8 ½ x 11 paper for any event – birthday, wedding, etc. 2. Watercolour - original work - any subject 3. Oil or Acrylic - original work - any subject 4. Pencil, Charcoal, Pen & Ink - original work - any subject 5. Artist’s Choice - original work - any subject, any medium 6. Theme of the Fair – “Farm Gate to Dinner Plate” original work – any medium Prizes for Classes 1 to 6: $5, $3, $2 Donated by Sholdice Financial Services, Susan Alexander CFP Special #1 Favourite Piece of Art” any medium. st nd rd Prizes 1 - $10; 2 - $6; 3 - $4. Donated by Lorie Ann Black and Susan Black Special # 2 Design a cover for the 2015 Fair Bo ok - dates Sept. 15 & 16 154 nd Brussels Fall Fair. Theme: “Let the Good Times Grow” Prize $25 d onated b y John Lowe Special #3 “Kids” (younger than 10 years.) “Favourite Piece of Art” - done at home or school – any medium Prize 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Special #4 Most Po ints in Art Division Cash prize $15.00 $25.00 for S3 & S4 donated b y Sheila Prescott Prize monies n ot used in S3 will be added to S4 Class: 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Knittin g Afghan, knit, joined strips or squares Afghan, knit, all in one piece Baby afghan, knit Infant’s jacket & bonnet, knit Baby dress, knit – infant to 2 years Child’s sweater, knit, 1 single solid colour Child’s sweater, knit, more than 1 colour Child’s cardigan, knit toque or headband & mitts, knit Child’s knitted slippers, novelty Adult pair of knit socks Adult pullover sweater, knit Handmade dishcloth, knit Hand – knit scarf Knee – lap cover – knit or crochet Class: 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Crocheting Afghan, crocheted, joined strips or squares Afghan, crocheted, all in one piece Baby afghan, crocheted Infant’s jacket and bonnet, crocheted Baby shawl, crocheted Baby dress crocheted, infant to 2 years Hand made dishcloth, crocheted Prizes for classes 12 – 52 $5, $3, $2 $20 donated b y Shelley Jorristm a for prizes in categories 12 - 30 $10 Donated by Barb McLellan for prizes in categories 31 - 52 **NOTE – MOST POINTS PRIZES MAY BE WON IN ONE CATEGORY ONLY** Specials: S1 - Most p oints in Classes 1 - 11 $15 Gift Certificate Donated by Co untry Quiltin g – Pam McLellan 84849 Ethel Line S2 - Most p oints in Classes 12 - 30 $10 Don ated Jo Ann Stafford S3 - Most p oints in Classes 31 - 45 $5 Donated by Walton Women’s Institute S4 – Most points in Classes 46 - 52 $5 Donated by Walton Women’s Institute S5 - Prize of $20 to a first-time exhibitor in Section L & M. Donated by Sandy Allison. If more than one new exhibitor, points will be considered. 2014 Theme Farm Gate to Dinner Plate Special #7 Huron East Heritage Com mittee Special – one colour photo up to 5” x 7” of a local architectural detail (location to be noted on reverse) st nd rd Prizes: 1 - $10; 2 - $7; 3 - $5 donated by Huron East Heritage Comm ittee Special #9 “Could Yo u Be a Professional Photographer?” – 1 photo up to 5” x 7” Any subject, black and white or coloured with title – judged on content, composition, etc. Prizes: $10, $6, $4 donated by Enlargements: one photo - 8” x 10” or 8” x 12”, mounted on Bristol Board with 1” border) Prizes $5, $3, $2 31 “Portrait” black & white or colour 32 “My Favourite Photo” black and white or colour, 8” x 10” or 8 x 12 with “catchy” title Special # 9 “Action Shot” involving a sport - black & white or colour Prizes: $10, $6, $4 by *************************************************************** Special #10 Most points in Section P (Art and Photography) Prize donated by The Citizen
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