The Parish Family of SAINT JOSEPH 115 East Fort Lee Road, Bogota, New Jersey 07603 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph December 28th, 2014 Rev. Timothy G. Graff, Pastor Rev. Marty B. Jacinto, Parochial Vicar Deacon Paul Importico The Eucharist Saturday Eve: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8am, 10am & 12 Noon Spanish Mass: Sunday 1:30pm Misa en español todos los domingos a las 1:30 pm Weekdays: 8am Civic Holidays, 9am only Consult bulletin for special Mass times for Holy Days of Obligation Sacrament information on page two—Información de Sacramento en la página dos Rectory Office 201-342-6300 Fax: 201-883-9392 [email protected] St. Joseph Academy 201-487-8641 Fax: 201-487-7405 [email protected] Faith Formation/REC 201-343-4316 Fax: 201-883-9392 [email protected] Parish website: Page 2 December 28th, 2014 Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement Declaración de la Misión de la Parroquia de San José We, the people of Saint Joseph Parish, by the grace of God, born again in the waters of Baptism, seek to create a community where our mutual faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior, encourages us to continue growing as disciples. We believe that discipleship is a way of life. We strive to show that we are committed disciples, eager to welcome the stranger, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and comfort the bereaved. Inspired by God’s word and nourished by the Eucharist, we pledge ourselves to active discipleship all for God’s greater glory and honor. Nosotros, la gente de la parroquia San José, por la gracia de Dios, nacidos de nuevo en las aguas del bautismo, buscamos crear una comunidad donde nuestra fe en común en Jesús como Señor y Salvador, nos anime a seguir creciendo como discípulos. Creemos que el discipulado es una manera de vida. Nos esforzamos por demostrar que somos discípulos comprometidos, deseosos de dar la bienvenida al extranjero, alimentar al hambriento, abrigar al desprotegido y confortar al afligido. Inspirados en la palabra de Dios y alimentados por la Eucaristía, nos comprometemos a ser discípulos activos para mayor gloria y honra de Dios. New Parishioners/Nuevos Feligreses: Welcome to our Parish Community! Please register at the Rectory and feel free to contact anyone on our staff regarding the Parish and its activities. Bienvenido a nuestra comunidad parroquial! Favor de registrarse en la Rectoría y no dude en ponerse en contacto con cualquier persona en nuestro personal con respecto a la parroquia y las actividades CONTACT INFORMATION Pastor Rev. Timothy G. Graff……...…[email protected] Parochial Vicar Rev. Marty Jacinto……....…[email protected] Deacon Paul Importico……[email protected] Principal, Saint Joseph Academy Mr. James R. Newman….…[email protected] Administrative Assistant, School Mrs. Sandra Angeli……..…[email protected] Pastoral Director, Faith Formation Mrs. Patricia Rodriguez…[email protected] Program Coordinator, Faith Formation Mrs. Noemi Saybe……[email protected] Protecting God’s Children Mrs. Diane Maglione………[email protected] Director of Music Mr. Michael Chladil……[email protected] Business Manager Mrs. Nancy Conforti……[email protected] Administrative Assistants, [email protected] Ms. Laura Croce………………[email protected] Sr. Elaine Sullivan, FSP………[email protected] Rectory Office Hours: Mon-Thurs…..9:00am-7:30pm Friday……….9:00am-7:00pm Saturday…….9:00am-4:00pm Closed Sundays Sacrament of Reconciliation El Sacramento de la Reconciliación Every Saturday evening, from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. Segundo y cuarto sábado de cada mes a las 4:00 pm y los domingos a las 2:00 pm Sacrament of Baptism El Sacramento de Bautismo Please call the Rectory Office to make arrangements for Baptisms the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month during mass. Segundo domingo de cada mes durante la Misa de las 1:30 de la tarde. Por favor, llame a Rosa Sánchez (201-836-0861) para hacer los preparativos. Sacrament of Matrimony El Sacramento de Matrimonio Arrangements should be made with a member of the clergy at least 12 months in advance. Llama al Padre Timoteo para hacer los preparativos. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Uncion de los Enfermos If you or a family member is in the hospital and wish to be visited by a priest, please call the parish office . If you call after hours, please leave a message for Father Tim or Father Marty and they will get back to you as soon as possible. Por favor, llame al la rectoría para solicitor la visita del sacerdote. Si se llama en la noche, deje un mensaje para el padre Tim (x212) The invitation to follow Christ is unending. We invite...those who have never been baptized, but have the desire; those who are baptized, but have not yet received Eucharist/Confirmation; those who have thought of becoming Catholic, but have never acted upon it; those who have questions to find out more about the Catholic faith or to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, Eucharist, and/or confirmation through the RCIA. For more information call the rectory or speak to Father Tim. December 28th, 2014 Page 3 PARISH CALENDAR Sunday December Children’s Liturgy RCIA Mass, Dismissal Baptisms during Mass Basketball Monday December Basketball Spanish Prayer Group Tuesday December -Wed. December Rectory Closed Thursday January Rectory Closed Discovering Christ Team Mtg Friday January Basketball Saturday January Basketball Souper Bowl Sunday January Spanish PreBaptism Class Spanish RICA Souper Bowl Basketball Wednesday, December 31st, 2014 New Years Eve Mass Times 8:00am 5:30pm Thursday, January 1st, 2015 Holy Day of Obligation The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Mass Times 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 28 CH MC CH Gym MASSES FOR THE WEEK 10:00am-11:00am 10:00am-12:00pm 12:00pm 1:00pm-5:00pm 29 Gym 3:00pm-10:00pm Caf 7:30pm-9:00pm 30 31 1 New Years Eve New Years Day Day of Obligation MC 7:30pm-9:00pm 2 Gym 3:00pm-10:00pm 3 Gym 8:30am-5:30pm Vestibule area 4 Caf 10:00am-11:30am MC 12:00pm-1:15pm CH Vestibule area Gym 1:00pm-5:00pm Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 8:00am December John Nuzzi December Betty Polifroni 27 Req 28 Req 10:00am Eine Saunders Req 12:00pm Josephine Cafaro Req Monday 8:00am December Kenneth Zimmerman 29 Req Tuesday 8:00am Wednesday 8:00am December Shirley Bobat December John Cavanagh 30 Req 31 Req 5:30pm Thursday Viola Figurelli January Req 1 Peter McDermott Ellen Boyle Req Req Req 2 Req Saturday 8:00am 5:30pm Kelly Carcich January Magas & Sniffen Families January Manuel Macalinao Michael Peter Scicutella 3 Req Req Sunday 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm January John Roche Alice Reynolds Broker Sharon Odgen 4 Req Req Req 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm Friday 8:00am Vivian Nuzzi Tom & Anne O’Sulllivan Diane Zimmerman John & Mary Mussomeli Diane Zimmerman Albert Bobat New Years Eve Elizabeth McDermott Virginia New Years Day Holy Day of OB. The Family Patrick & Patricia McHale Caraccio Family Jim & Marie Sniffen Dimitui Family Annette & Michael Ciavirella Mary McNiff Mary Carroll Andrea Mueller Page 4 December 28th, 2014 From the Office of Faith Formation (FF) 201-343-4316 FAITH SUNDAY [email protected] FORMATION CALENDAR TUESDAY SATURDAY December 30, 2014 NO FAITH FORMATION Sessions Christmas Break for FF Classes will resume on January 2015 Merry Christmas GOSPEL QUESTION of the Week of December 28, 2014 Gospel: Lk 2, 25-33 Remember to answer both questions. Please write clearly. Listen and Reflect: Who was the man who took baby Jesus in his arms and praised God? Living the Gospel: Psalm 148 says that we can praise the Lord. Draw yourself showing how you praise God. Or, write a poem of praise. (If you need help doing this, read Psalm 148 to get an idea.) World Meeting 2015 . org REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Join Us in Philadelphia! Beginning with 1994, The Year of the Family, the Pontifical Council for the Family has been sponsible for organizing the World Meetings of Families in Rome (1994); Rio de Janeiro (1997); Rome (2000); Manila (2003); Valencia (2006); Mexico City (2009); Milan (2012); and now, Philadelphia (2015). Since its inception by Saint John Paul II, the World Meeting of Families has sought to strengthen the sacred bonds of family across the globe. re- La Oficina de Catecismo felicita a todas las familias de San Jose esta Navidad. Que la Sagrada Familia les inspire en el año venidero. Las clases de Catecismo continuaran en Enero. Estén pendientes de esta pagina del boletín para enterarse la fecha exacta, o, verifiquen el horario que les fue dado al inicio de clases o durante la inscripción. Aunque los niños están en vacaciones navideñas, la tarea del evangelio semanal debe ser completada y traída a la primer clase de 2015. Ayude a sus hijos a responsabilizarse por sus tareas y si le es posible ayúdeles a estudiar la Biblia y a contestar esa pregunta que les hace reflexionar cada semana. Para las familias que tienen hijos en catecismo y que prefieren asistir a la Misa hispana, se les recomienda alternar algunas Misas en ingles para que sus hijos tengan mejor comprensión y seguimiento en sus tareas, y en su propio desarrollo spiritual. Así como nuestra cultura es importante, la fe se manifiesta mejor en nuestro idioma. Para muchos niños es mucho mas difícil manifestar su fe si su primer idioma no es el Español. Recomendamos a los padres hispanos reconsiderar el horario para que su familia asista a Misa. Les aseguramos que sus hijos no perderán su cultura sino que ganaran espiritualidad practicando su fe en el idioma en que ellos se sienten cómodos –que generalmente es el ingles. La Jornada Mundial de la Familia a celebrarse en Filadelfia en Septiembre del 2015 avisa a quienes deseen participar de este encuentro de las familias con el Papa Francisco que las inscripciones ya están disponibles en la pagina: . El Papa Francisco ha pedido a todos los Católicos del mundo que usen los meses siguientes como un tiempo de oración y preparación para la Jornada Mundial de las Familias a llevarse a cabo en Filadelfia en Septiembre, 2015. El Papa Francisco también ha pedido a las familias enriquecer y cargar su energía de la vida familiar orando la “Oración Mundial de las Familias” cada día por sus propias intenciones familiares. “AMAR es nuestra Misión: llena de Vida a la Familia” December 28th, 2014 Verse 1 Verse 2 Bright Star of David, Radiance of God Drink of Living Waters, flowing from the Now become the Living Bread, the body of Lord. the Lord. Taste the cup of blessing, partake of precious Come in adoration, receive with trembling blood. hands; River of Salvation, holy cleansing tide; The sacrament of most Holy, the banquet of Fountain of Redemption, flowing from the the Lamb. Savior’s side Page 5 Verse 3 Priest of highest honor, King and Sov’reign Lord, Unblemished Lamb of Sacrifice, Your very life out-poured Royal pascal victim, true begotton Son, offered as our random by the Holy One. Page 6 WE ARE GOD’S HOLY FAMILY The scriptures of Israel are filled with many stories of barren couples who were miraculously granted the gift of children by God. Surely the best known among these is the first reading from today, from which Luke took inspiration when he recounted the miraculous birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah and Elizabeth, and the more miraculous birth of Jesus to Mary and Joseph. In each instance, we are given examples or role models of those who trusted in God. More than examples of those who trust, they are models of self-surrender. They abandoned their own presuppositions and prejudices about the workings of the world and turned their lives over to belief in a God who can make life grow where none ought to; a God who can turn death around into a new and unimagined life; a God who can, today, take a tiny child of humble parents in an insignificant town and make him into a light for all the world. This is what we, as God’s holy family, are called to do each day: to trust not in ourselves and the way we think things should be, but to open ourselves and surrender ourselves in faith to a God of endless promise. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Those who honor their parents will be greatly blessed and will atone for sins (Sirach 3:2-6,12-14) or Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3. Psalm — Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways (Psalm 128) or Psalm 105. Second Reading Be thankful; do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus(Colossians 3:12-21[12-17])Hebrews 11:8,11-12,17-19 Gospel — The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom (Luke 2:22-40 [22, 39-40]). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Thursday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7;Lk 2:16-21 Friday: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Ps 98:1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34 Sunday: Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Fifth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; St. Thomas Becket Tuesday: Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord Wednesday: Seventh Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; St. Sylvester I; New Year’s Eve Thursday: The Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; Mary, the Holy Mother of God; World Day of Prayer for Peace; New Year’s Day Friday: Ss. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen; First Friday Saturday: The Most Holy Name of Jesus; First Saturday Sunday: Monday: December 28th, 2014 SOMOS LA SAGRADA FAMILIA DE DIOS Las lecturas de Israel están repletas de relatos de parejas estériles a quienes Dios les concedió el milagro de tener hijos. Sin duda el relato más conocido es el de la primera lectura de hoy: Lucas se inspiró en este relato para contar el milagroso nacimiento de Juan Bautista, hijo de Zacarías e Isabel, y el nacimiento aun más milagroso de Jesús, hijo de María y José. En ambos casos, vemos ejemplos o modelos a seguir de personas que confiaron en Dios. Más que ser ejemplos de personas que confiaron, son modelos de entrega incondicional de sí. Abandonaron sus propios preconceptos y prejuicios sobre el funcionamiento del mundo y entregaron sus vidas a creer en un Dios que puede hacer que haya vida en lugares en donde era inconcebible que la hubiera; un Dios que puede convertir la muerte en una vida nueva e inimaginable; un Dios que puede, hoy, tomar a un niñito de padres humildes en un pueblo insignificante y convertirlo en una luz para el mundo entero. Esto es a lo que se nos llama a hacer cada día como Sagrada Familia de Dios: confiar no sólo en nosotros mismos y en la manera en que pensamos que deberían ser las cosas, sino a abrirnos y entregarnos en fe a un Dios de promesa infinita. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Los que honran a sus padres recibirán bendiciones y pagarán sus pecados (Sirácide 3: 3-7, 14-17) ó Génesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3. Salmo — Dichoso el que teme al Señor, y sigue sus caminos (Salmo 128 [127]) ó Salmo 105 (104). Segunda lectura — Vivan una vida de amor sincero, sean agradecidos, hagan todo en el nombre del Señor Jesús (Colosenses 3:12-21) ó Hebreos 11:8, 11-12, 17-19. Evangelio — María y José llevan a Jesús al templo para consagrarlo al Señor (Lucas 2:22-40 [22, 39-40]). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 5b-6; Lc 2:22-35 Martes: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Sal 96 (95):7-10; Lc 2:36-40 Miércoles: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Sal 96 (95):1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Jueves:Nm 6:22-27; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lc 2:16-21 Viernes: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Sábado:1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Sal 98 (97):1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34 Domingo: Is 60:1-6; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Ef 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: La Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José Lunes: Quinto día de la Octava de Navidad; Santo Tomás Becket Martes: Sexto día de la Octava de Navidad Miércoles: Séptimo día de la Octava de Navidad; San Silvestre I; Víspera del Año Nuevo Jueves: Octava de la Navidad; Año Nuevo Santa María, Madre de Dios; Jornada Mundial de Oración por la Paz; Viernes: San Basilio Magno y san Gregorio Nacianceno; Primer viernes Sábado: El Santísimo Nombre de Jesús; Primer sábado December 28th, 2014 ____ In memoriam of our beloved brothers and sisters whose funerals took place here at Saint Joseph Church, we remember and honor them and their families on the anniversary of their passing. Mabel E. Brandow Lena Scarangella Amelia G. Horlacher Michael Giovanielli Catherine Flynn Rita C. Camizzi Marie R. Brickley Timothy O’Connor Rose M. Parente Evelyn Loftus John Bahnsen Joseph Fastuca Dorothy J. Leahy John Nuzzi Catherine E. Lynaugh Arthur J. DellaCroce George T. Millner Victor J. Federico Theresa Fanelli Helen Wagner Kenneth Zimmerman Margaret M. Rice Lawrence A. Guyre Viola Rose Figurelli Joseph M. Caruso Eugene P. Mohan En memoria de nuestros hermanos y hermanas cuyos funerales fueron en Saint Joseph Church, recordamos y honramos a ellos y su familia en el aniversario de su muerte. December 31, 1994 December 28, 1996 December 29, 1996 December 30, 1996 December 30, 1996 January 2, 1996 December 27, 1998 December 28, 1999 December 31, 2000 January 1, 2000 December 28, 2001 December 29, 2002 January 2, 2002 December 29, 2003 December 28, 2004 December 30, 2005 January 1, 2006 December 29, 2010 January 2, 2010 December 28, 2011 December 29, 2011 December 30, 2011 December 30, 2011 December 31, 2011 January 2, 2013 December 29, 2013 Page 7 In your charity please remember in prayer all our families and friends who are sick or in hospitals or nursing homes, especially for: Marian Arbuckle Fr. Gregory Battafarano, O. Carm Lily Beltran Brett Cullen Brian DeGroff Mary Early Patricia Gallagher Paul Holmes Peter Lawton John Lampman Dorothy Lydecker Ralph Mauro Recuerden en sus oraciones a nuestros familiares y amigos que estan enfermos o en hospitals o silos de ancianos, en especial por: Lorraine Olsen Dawn Pappas Joseph Policastro Olive Richardson Mark Robinson Jimmy Soder Frank Tripani John. J. Walsh Gloria Wolstromer Necesitas una oración por su If you, or someone in your family, familia o amigos? Visitar la would benefit from the prayers of oficina de la rectoría o llame all the parishioners at Saint Joseph (En Inglés) 201-342-6300. Los during times of sickness, please call the rectory at 201-342-6300 nombres se mantendrán en tanto la anunciada y la lista de and speak to a staff member. anuncios para un (1) mes. Si usted Names will stay on both the announced and the printed bulletin todavía necesita oraciones, por list for one month. If you still need favor llame a la rectoría o dejar una nota en la mesa. Esta es la prayers, please call the rectory. regla también si usted llama para solicitar la visita de un sacerdote. Discovering Christ You are invited to join us for a NEW and exciting 7-session series where together we will explore answers to some of the most important questions of our lives. Each session includes dinner, a dynamic teaching, prayer, and small group discussions. NO COST—Free Will Offering. Friday nights, January 9th-Feb20th 6:45pm-9:00pm Please see flyers found in church for registration! A “gift” of time to yourself...and God Pray for the Women and Men in Service to Our Country Please remember all those serving in the armed forces, especially: Joseph Andrade Timothy Brown Christopher Brugger Edel Castillo Yelson Cortez Rafael Cruz Jonathan Cummings Kevin Cunanan Andrew Gilbert Alan Hale Aimee Kominiak Larry Kominiak John McCarthy Brian Mitchell Lenny Nicolosi Edward Quinn John Rode Yury Rodriguez Margo Sandoval Michael Sloginski, Jr Jake Smith Matt Smith Max Smith Patrick Stein Reynaldo A. Targuino Jeff Vanak Gavin White Please remember in your prayers, those affected by all cancers, as well as the victims of war torn areas and terrorism, of genocide, human trafficking, and of natural disasters. D. Matthew Leber, Vice President/Manager “The Caring Alternative” N.J. Lic. No. 4593 789 Teaneck Rd., Teaneck (201) 836-0202 Advanced Funeral Planning SCHIFANO LANDSCAPING (201) 641-3199 State Licensed Free Estimates • Fully Insured W. Fort Lee Rd., Bogota 201-342-2093 For All Your Construction Projects Serving the Community Over 35 Years INTERIOR — EXTERIOR Pre-School • After School & Summer Programs 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM KEN O’DONNELL & SON, LLC Powerwashing • Gutters Cleaned Decks Stained • Carpentry Wallcovering Removed & Installed Plaster-Drywall Repair Painting & Decorating “Family Parishioner” NO JOB TOO SMALL 10% OFF WITH AD • 201.693.0033 NEW HORIZON FINANCIAL CORP. “All Your Investing Needs” 320 Palisade Ave., Bogota, NJ 07603 Tel: 201-489-1118/888-489-7788 Fax: 201-457-1082 Edward Sweeney aka “Coach Ed” INVESTMENT ADVISOR REPRESENTATIVE [email protected] Securities offered through Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. Members FINRA and SIPC Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. PETRIK FUNERAL HOME (4 blocks south of St. Joseph’s) 140 Palisade Avenue, Bogota 201 487 3053 James Schmitt NJ Lic. No. 3661 Sr. Director - Parishioner PURICH, INC. Est. 1930 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1175 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Following Jesus Every Day: TUTORING SERVICES Exp. Certified Teacher GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Math, Spanish, ESL Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 1.888.712.8492 Credit Cards Accepted Call for Appts. Ayuda Académica 201-342-0111 Matemáticas, Español, Inglés 1.888.712.8492 800-566-6150 • 149 East Main St., Bogota, NJ 07603 SUNROOFS • LEATHER INTERIORS SEAT HEATERS • REMOTE START VIPER SMART PHONE START DONALD J. INGWERSEN, OWNER/MANAGER, N.J. LIC. NO. 4157 59 MAIN STREET, RIDGEFIELD PARK • 201-342-2350 CONVERTIBLE TOP SPECIALISTS ELECTRICIAN THOMAS J. McGURR N.J. Lic. 9690 343-0206 836-8050 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal sonal Companion r e P r through 2030 You Prayer Designed to be Michael J. Powers Attorney At Law Parishioner Real Estate - Municipal Court Civil Litigation - Estates - Wills Powers of Attorney - Living Wills Motor Vehicle Matters - Business Entity Formations Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • $39.95 PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 62 Summit Ave. Hackensack, NJ 07601 (201) 342-3232 911100 St Joseph Church PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE *First Three Months For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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