Bulletin Cover Sheet Church Name: Saint Charles Parish 990 Saturn Blvd. San Diego, CA 92154 Bulletin No.: 160900 Contact Person: Fabiola Telephone No.: (619) 423-0242 Comments/Information: Saint Charles Parish South San Diego/ Imperial Beach 990 Saturn Boulevard San Diego, CA 92154 Phone: (619) 423-0242 Fax: 423-1966 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30AM-12:00PM & 12:30-5:00PM Friday 8:30AM-12:00PM & 12:30-4:00PM Saturday 8:30AM-12:30PM Web Site: http://www.saintcharles.org Bishop: Most Rev. Robert H. Brom Pastor: Fr. James Bahash Assoc. Pastor: Fr. Arnold Tadena Fr. Burt Boudoin December 30, 2012 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, & Joseph (C) Deacons: MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: Sunday: Weekdays: Holy Days: 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM (Vigil Mass) 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM (Spanish), 1:00 & 5:00 PM 7:30 AM & 5:30PM 5:30 PM DEVOTIONS Monday-Friday: Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer 7:00AM; Evening Prayer 5:00PM) Tuesday: To the Blessed Mother after 7:30 AM Mass. First Friday: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 7:30 AM Mass until 5:00 PM Benediction. Grupo de Oración at 7:00 PM. RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) Contact the Parish Office. Pre-baptismal classes are required for Parents and Godparents. MARRIAGE Contact the Parish office. Nine-month notice required. 429-3580 429-0716 575-1914 423-0242 423-0242 423-0242 Saint Charles School: Steve Stutz, Principal 423-3701 Saint Charles Catechetical Center: 575-2240 Alicia Policarpio, Director Paul Lopez, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry Reyna Sanchez, Administrative Assistant Elena DeLaRosa, Coordinator of Children’s Ministry Marci Morrison, Youth and Young Adult Ministries PARISH RELATED GROUPS & MINISTRIES For more information please go to http://www.saintcharles.org Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM & other days by appointment BAPTISM Seodello (Sam) Martinez Mick Dennison Ken Montoya Raul Hernandez Bob Barretto David Lewis OFFICE STAFF Lulu Corp Fabiola Gonzalez Elvigia Habana Veronica Kuehn Secretary Secretary / Bulletin Editor Financial & Resource Analyst Facilities Manager St. Charles Parish San Diego / Imperial Beach From the Pastor Today we are blessed to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family and this feast gives us the opportunity to pause and meditate on the Holy Family and our own families as well. The Gospel tells us about Mary and Joseph finding Jesus in the Temple after having “lost” him for three days. Eventually they found him in the Temple sitting among the teachers listening and asking questions to the amazement of all present. Upon finding him the scriptures tell us that he went home with them and was obedient to them. It was in this simple and secret life of the Holy Family at Nazareth that Jesus grew “in wisdom and age and favor before God and man.” This last line is important for us because it tells us a few things about God’s design for the family. From this episode until his baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist we don’t hear about Jesus’ formative years, some 18 years that pass in secret until he turns 30. What we do know is that he was obedient to his parents and in this obedience he grew into the man we know as Jesus Christ, the man who would save the human race from sin and death. From the safety of his home in Nazareth, surrounded by his family, he grew in wisdom, age, and favor. The inspiration and direction we receive is very moving. It tells us that our homes should be a place where we too can safely grow up in wisdom, age, and favor under the loving and watchful eyes of our parents. No matter our age, Jesus’ time in Nazareth gives us all an example of family life and the opportunity to reflect on it. Parents, do you demonstrate the holy and chaste love of husband and wife present in Joseph and Mary? Do your children know that you two are united in an unbreakable bond of love, a love they will one day come to imitate through your life-long devotion to one another (as children grow they will more often than not seek a spouse modeled after their mother or father)? Do you teach them wisdom and are your children growing in favor of God and men? I know that all of us struggle with temptation, sin, and human brokenness, but parents do have the power to put God first, then spouse, then children when Christ is the center of their married life. Even when the union of husband and wife, mother and father is damaged, Jesus must be the center of family life. Children, are you obedient to your parents? Remember that Jesus, even though he is God and can do anything, he listened to and was obedient to Mary and Joseph. Do you listen and obey them lovingly and without complaining and without question? Do you know that most likely the way you treat your parents will be the way that your own children will treat you? Is Jesus the center of your life in the home? Until you grow up and begin to form your own families you must put God first, then your mother and father, siblings, and finally others. In so doing you will be blessed to begin your adult lives as Jesus did: full of love and the power and blessings of God the Father. As we meditate on the joys of the Holy Family at Nazareth “May you seek to make your homes above all else a dwelling place of love diffusing far and wide the goodness of the Lord”. Page Two DECEMBER 30-31 SUN 30 7:00AM +Fernando Villaceran 7:00AM +Ramon Antonio Peralta 8:30AM +Meneleo Oloroso Luna 8:30AM +Magda Briones 10:00AM +Gonzalo Dimalanta 10:00AM +Mark Anthony B. Austria 11:30AM Visitadores por Cristo 11:30AM Happy Birthday Maggi Perez 1:00PM For the Intentions of Our Parishioners 1:00PM +Cezar Gavino 5:00PM Thanksgiving of Catalina Leones 5:00PM Thanksgiving of Gene Albaran MON 31 7:30AM Happy Birthday Sheryll OC. Martin 7:30AM Thanksgiving of Jotie Family 5:30PM +Ponciano Garces 5:30PM Thanksgiving for All Graces Received JANUARY 1-7 TUE 1 8:30AM Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Emilio & Rose Chuidian 8:30AM +Regina Gopez 10:00AM Honor and Praise to the Holy Trinity 10:00AM +Mildred Harter 11:30AM Thanksgiving of Briseno Family 11:30AM Happy Birthday Juan Delgado WED 2 7:30AM Happy 37th Anniversary Mr & Mrs. Manuel Jotie 7:30AM Thanksgiving of Edna Banayat 5:30PM Thanksgiving of Devin Chang 5:30PM Happy Birthday Roxie & Cassy Rincon THU 3 7:30AM Happy Birthday Sara Corona de Gonzalez 7:30AM +Esperanza Vitalich 5:30PM +Nelson Fernandez Domaguin 5:30PM +Vicenta Badion Ritua & Emilio Ritua FRI 4 7:30AM +Josefa N. Pineda 7:30AM Happy Birthday Virgilio Javier 5:30PM +Nacho Martinez 5:30PM +James A Dolan SAT 5 8:00AM For More Priestly & Religious Vocations 8:00AM Happy Birthday Emiliano Ritua 5:00PM +Beatrice Estrada 5:00PM +Herminia B. Tan Our Parishioners in Poor Health; Julito Dompor, Salvador Valencia, Francisco Lopez, Michel Morrison, Dolores Sipin, Helen Guintu, Milagros Vandiver, Bryan O’Donnell, Paul Bell, Andy Wong, Reynaldo Elbo, Rosina Rosales, Victor & Peggy Stewart, Dorothy Hernandez, Rosita Solis, Frances Baker, Jovita Esguerra, Paul & Mary Odermatt, Leticia Diaz, Porfirio Mendoza, Jean Sapida, Josue Bigornia, Romeo Veniegas, Larry Onia, Rodolfo, Leonore Haack, Elena Martinez, Rafael Martinez, Raul Martinez, Mary Martinez, Ronnie McGurk, Shane McGurk, Allison McGurk, Aiden McGurk, Philip Avila, Victor Stewart, Mariana Tadena, Frederick Weber, Bill Stoke, Claude Janowicz, Madhur Sairn, Lourdes Pecundo, Florendo Joya, Sylvia Masanque, and Luis Z. Rosas. Page Three The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph SCHOOL NEWS: St. Charles Catholic School wishes all the parish community a happy and prosperous new year! Students will be joining Sunday, December 30, to distribute the Union Tribune newspaper to parishioners and are asking for a donation of only $1.00 per newspaper. Get your New Year's coupons today! Congratulations to our 8th grade students, Emilio Lopez Gallo-Caloca and Camila Torres ! They were recipients of the Verbum Dei Award from Mater Dei Catholic High School! We congratulate and thank them for their Christian Leadership! No Bake Sale this Sunday, December 30, 2012. The Group Visitadores por Cristo will host the Bake Sale, at the West Patio next week, Sunday , January 6, 2013. Bond with fellow parishioners over a cup of coffee, delicious baked goods and other delicious foods. St. Charles Catholic School will be outside the doors after all the morning Masses TODAY selling newspapers. Please support the School! The 2013 Calendars are here!! Please pick up your calendar at the Parish Office during office hours. St. Charles New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance New Year’s Eve Celebration sponsored be the Knights of Columbus on Tuesday, December 31, 2012. Doors open at 6:30PM, dinner served at 7:30PM, dancing from 8:30PM-1:00AM. Tickets at $15 per person, are available at the parish office or on the West Patio after all the Sunday morning Masses, and also by all Parish Organizations. INTERFAITH SHELTER: It is that time of the year again when St. Charles will host the Interfaith shelter. This year we will host the shelter from January 12th thru January 26th. Our Parish really comes through and makes the guests feel comfortable and welcome. Thank you to all. Through your help with lunch materials, dinners, overnight hosts and monetary donations our parish provides a valuable service to those who need a helping hand. Kevin Kuehn and Jack Cellano will again coordinate our parish to do its best to make this years’ program a good experience for those who are there. Please call Kevin (997-7327) & Jack (253-2695) for more information. December 30, 2012 Parish Office Schedule for the Holidays Monday, Dec. 31— 8:30AM - 12PM Tuesday, Jan. 1 — Closed Wednesday, Jan. 2 — Regular business hours CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE 2012 Mary, Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation) December 31, Monday, New year’s Eve Mass 5:00PM (Vigil) January 1, Tuesday, New Year’s Day Masses 8:30AM, 10:00AM & 11:30AM (Spanish) ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASS: We are now accepting registration for parishioners aged 18 and older (not attending high school) for the preparation of the Sacrament of Confirmation. This special adult faith formation class will start on January 13, 2013 (every Sunday) until June 2, 2013, from 11:15am to 12:45pm at the Catechetical Ministry Center. The registration fee is $25.00. A copy of baptismal certificate is required. For more information, please contact the Catechetical Center at 619-575-2240. Next weekend is COINS & CAN WEEKEND. All coins received in the offerings will be used to assist in the work of the Interfaith Shelter, which St. Charles Church is hosting during the month of January 2013. Please be generous in aiding those less fortunate than ourselves. All food items will be distributed to the needy of our own neighborhood, or to the needy clients of BIRTHLINE. Capital Campaign Update - We Need You! Thanks to the generosity of 240 families, we have received pledges totaling $742,943 - that's an average pledge of $77/month over 40 months. We are 46% of the way to our $1.6 million goal, so keep those pledge envelopes coming! St. Charles' Revitalization Plan includes a new Preschool, Rectory, Pastoral Center, Prayer Garden, Main Courtyard, Expanded Parking and improvements to our existing buildings. To schedule online contributions using your checking, savings or credit card, visit www.SaintCharles.org. If you have any questions, please contact Veronica at the Parish Office (619) 423-0242. Collection Report for December 16, 2012 $17,307.58 For December 23, 2012 $ Not Available May God bless you more for your sacrificial gift and ever generous support of St. Charles Parish. Page Four La Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María, y José 30 de Diciembre de 2012 Del Pastor: Horario de la Oficina Parroquial Hoy somos bendecidos al celebrar la Fiesta de la SaLunes, Dic. 31— 8:30AM - 12PM grada Familia y esta Fiesta nos da la oportunidad de detenernos y meditar en la Sagrada Familia y en también nuestras proMartes, Ene. 1 — Cerrado pias familias. El Evangelio nos habla de María y José enconMiércoles, Ene. 2 — Horas de oficina regulares trando a Jesús en el Templo después de haberlo "perdido" durante tres días. Finalmente lo encontraron en el Templo sentado HORARIO DE NAVIDAD 2012 entre los maestros escuchando y haciendo preguntas al asombro de todos los presentes. Después de encontrarlo las escrituras nos dicen que regresó a casa con ellos y fue obediente a María, Madre de Dios (Día Santo de Obligación) ellos. Fue en esta vida sencilla y secreta de la Sagrada Familia Diciembre 31, Lunes, Misas Víspera de Año Nuevo en Nazaret que Jesús creció "en sabiduría y edad y en favor 5:00PM (Vigilia) ante Dios y hombre". Enero, Martes, Misas de Año Nuevo Esta última línea es importante para nosotros porque 8:30AM, 10:00AM & nos dice unas cosas acerca del diseño de Dios para la familia. 11:30AM ((Español) Desde este episodio hasta su bautismo en el Río Jordán por Juan Bautista nosotros no escuchamos nada sobre Jesús en sus años formativos, unos 18 años que pasan en secreto hasta que No habrá venta este domingo 30 de Diciembre. cumple 30. Lo que sabemos es que fue obediente a sus padres Los Visitadores por Cristo tendrán venta de Pasteliy en esta obediencia él creció en el hombre que conocemos tos y comida en el patio el próximo Domingo, 6 de como Jesucristo, el hombre que salvaría a la raza humana del enero del 2013. pecado y la muerte. De la seguridad de su casa en Nazaret, rodeado por su familia, él creció en sabiduría, en edad, y en !Los Calendarios del 2013 ya están aquí! favor. Favor de pasar a la oficina parroquial en horas de trabajo La inspiración y la dirección que recibimos son muy para recogerlo. movedoras. Nos dice que nuestras casas deben de ser un lugar donde también podamos crecer sin peligro en la sabiduría, en CLASES DE CONFIRMACION PARA ADULTOS edad, y en favor bajo el amor y los ojos atentos de nuestros El Centro Catequético ya esa aceptando aplicaciones para la padres. No importa nuestra edad, el tiempo de Jesús en Nazaret clase de confirmación para adultos. A cualquier parroquiano nos da un ejemplo de la vida doméstica y la oportunidad de mayor de 18 que no asiste a la High School se les anima a reflejar en ella. ¿Padres, demuestran ustedes el amor santo y asistir. La Clase será los domingos de 11:15AM a 12:45PM casto de marido y esposa presente en José y María? ¿Saben sus comienza el 13 de enero y termina el 2 de Junio de 2013. La niños que ustedes están unidos en un vinculo irrompible de amor, un amor que algún un día vendrán a imitar por su devofecha de la Ceremonia de confirmación será anunciada más ción de toda la vida del uno por el otro (cuando los niños creadelante. La cuota de inscripción es de $25 que incluye licen más veces que no busca a un cónyuge similar a su madre o bros de texto y materiales. Una copia de su certificado de padre)? ¿Les enseña sabiduría y sus niños están creciendo a bautismo es requerida para la inscripción. Para información favor de Dios y los hombres? Sé que todos nosotros luchamos adicional, favor de llamar a la oficina del Centro Catequético contra la tentación, el pecado, y con el quebrantamiento humaal 575-2240 durante horas de oficina. no, pero los padres tienen el poder de poner a Dios primero, después al cónyuge, luego a los hijos cuando Cristo es el centro Cena/ Baile de Año Nuevo de la de su vida matrimonial. Aún cuando la unión de marido y esParroquia de San Carlos posa, la madre y el padre esta dañada, Jesús debe ser el centro Celebración de Año Nuevo patrocinado por los de la vida doméstica. Caballeros de Colon. El martes, el 31 de diciem¿Niños, son obedientes a sus padres? Recuerden que bre del 2012. Las puertas abren a las 6:30PM, la Cena se Jesús, aun siendo Dios y pudiendo hacer lo que fuera, él esservirá a las 7:30PM, el baile de 8:30PM-1:00AM. Los bocuchó y fue obediente a María y José. ¿Escuchan y los obedeletos son de $15 por persona., ya están disponibles en la reccen con cariño y sin quejarse y sin dudas? ¿Saben que lo más toría o también por todas las Organizaciones de la Parroquia. probable es que la manera en que ustedes traten a sus padres será la manera en que sus propios hijos los tratarán a ustedes? El próximo fin de semana es de MONEDAS & LA¿Es Jesús el centro de su vida en casa? Hasta que crezcan y TAS. Todas las monedas recibidas en la ofrenda serán empiecen a formar sus propias familias deben poner a Dios usadas para ayudar al refugio de Interfe, el cual San primero, después a su madre y padre, hermanos, y por último a Carlos será anfitrión en el mes de Enero. Por favor sean otros. Al hacerlo así serán bendecido para empezar sus vidas generosos ayudando a los menos afortunados. Dios bendiga. adultas como Jesús lo hizo: lleno del amor y el poder y de las bendiciones de Dios el Padre. Colecta del 16 de Diciembre, 2012 $17,307.58 Al meditar en las alegrías de la Sagrada Familia en 23 de Diciembre , 2012 $ No Disponible Nazaret "Que ustedes procuren hacer de sus casas ante todo un Que Dios los bendiga por sus generosas ofrendas y su eterna lugar de morada de amor para difundir por todas partes la bongenerosidad para la Parroquia de San Carlos. dad del Señor".
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