SACRIFICIAL GIVING December 21 & 22 Weekend Collection FEBRUARY 2, 2014 THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2014 8:30 AM JOAN AND EDWIN MOKE 5:00 PM ROSE TULLO Priest of the Day: Rev. Mariusz Mazurkiewicz SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2014 7:30 AM PARISHIONERS 9:00 AM LEO MAZZOLA 10:30 AM PHIL SMITH 12:00 PM ANGELE D’ANGELO 5:00 PM MAX RODRIGUEZ Priest of the Day: Rev. Msgr. William M. McCarthy MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2014 7:00 AM GRACE BABIC 9:30 AM LOLA TOSADO Priest of the Day: Rev. Kent G. McCord TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2014 7:00 AM BOYES AND REESE FAMILIES 9:30 AM SOPHIE CASTORIA Priest of the Day: Rev. Lancelot McGrath WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2014 7:00 AM ANGELE D’ANGELO 9:30 AM LIVING INTENTION FOR LUIS JOSE JR. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Priest of the Day: Rev. James W. McGuffey THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2014 7:00 AM MARIA ONORATI 9:30 AM ALVARES FAMILY Priest of the Day: Rev. James W. McLaughlin FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2014 7:00 AM NORA O’CONNELL 9:30 AM BERNARD CUSHMAN Priest of the Day: Rev. Msgr. Robert W. Medley SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2014 8:30 AM BRIDGET FARRAGHER 5:00 PM THOMAS L. PANELLA SR. Priest of the Day: Rev. J. Maciej Melaniuk SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2014 7:30 AM PARISHIONERS 9:00 AM ALL THOSE ENROLLED IN THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION MEMORIAL SOCIETY 10:30 AM IN MEMORY OF DECEASED MEMBERS AND IN HONOR OF LIVING MEMBERS OF THE I.C. COLUMBIETTES 12:00 PM DOMENICA VUNIC Priest of the Day: Rev. Robert V. Meyers Please pray for our Priest of the Day and for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. REQUIESCANT IN PACE In the charity of your prayers, please pray for the repose of the souls of Deacon Arnold DeMarco; Edith Cwik; Carl Turner, son-in-law of a parishioner; and for all the faithful departed of our parish. ALTAR FLOWERS If you would like to donate altar flowers, please call Bonnie Kelly at 732-251-2468. Amount contributed by and # of parishioners using white offering envelopes and Faith Direct. Debt Reduction Amount contributed by and # of parishioners using red offering envelopes and Faith Direct. 2013 2012 $13,618.00 $13,446.50 $ 13,255.00 $13,224.50 806 908 $ 3,189.00 $ 3,963.00 $ 3,189.00 $ 3,699.00 583 608 Help for Haiyan, Philippines Collection $ 1,851.00 December 24 & 25 2013 2012 Christmas Collection $48,587.00 $48,532.00 $ n/a Thank you for your continued support of the parish. Readings For The Week Of FEBRUARY 2, 2014 Sunday – The Presentation of the Lord Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7,8,9,10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 or Lk 2:22-32 Monday – St. Blaise, St. Arisgar 2 Sm 15:13-14,30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-3,4-5,6-7; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday 2 Sm 18:9-10,14b,24-25a, 30-19:3; Ps 86:1-2,3-4,5-6; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday – St. Agatha 2 Sm 24:2,9-17; Ps 32:1-2,5,6,7; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday – St. Paul Miki 1 Kgs 2:1-4,10-12; (Ps) 1 Chr 29:10,11ab,11d-12a,12bcd; Mk 6:7-13 Friday Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31,47 & 50,51; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday – St. Jerome Emiliani, St. Josephine Bakhita 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9,10,11,12,13,14; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 58:7-10; Ps 112:4-5,6-7,8-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16 THE FEAST OF ST. BLAISE – February 3 The Feast of Saint Blaise, intercessor for those afflicted with ailments of the throat, will be observed on Monday, February 3 and throats will be blessed after the 7:00 AM and 9:30 AM masses. PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS The Liturgy Committee extends an invitation to anyone interested in the Presentation of the Gifts to the Altar. If you are willing, upon arrival at Mass, please inform an usher/greeter that you wish to participate in this important church practice. Thank you. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Exposition, Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament is regularly held in our church every Friday from 7:00 PM until 8:15 PM. Any changes to this Friday schedule will be noted in the bulletin and announced at mass. th Every 4 Friday of the month, all are invited to join the Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy reciting the Chaplet for the Sick and Dying during Eucharistic Adoration. REMEMBER THOSE IN THE ARMED FORCES PARISH FELLOWSHIP Heavenly Father, keep safe the women and men serving our country in the Armed Forces around the world, especially those who work to bring order to Iraq and Afghanistan, and give eternal rest to those who have died in the struggle for peace and freedom. Welcome One and All to Our Monthly Parish Fellowship. All parishioners are invited today after the 9 AM and 10:30 AM Masses for bagels, coffee or tea in the cafeteria. Take a few minutes from your busy schedule to relax and enjoy the company of your fellow parishioners. This event is sponsored by the Rosary Altar Society - all parishioners are invited to attend! THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM nd th For 2014, Baptisms will be scheduled on the 2 and 4 Sunday of each month at 1:00 pm (exception is April 2014.) February 9 and 23 July 13 and 27 March 9 and 23 August 10 and 24 April 13 September 14 and 28 May 11 and 25 October 12 and 26 June 8 and 22 November 9 and 23 December 14 and 28 BAPTISM CLASS Our next Baptism Class will be held on Thursday, February 20, 2014, at 7:30 PM in the rectory basement meeting room, 18 South St. To register, call 732-251-3110. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Philip Gowin, Randy and Karen Loniewski, Jonathan Volpe, Mary Scopelliti, Maureen Benner, Nella Blumengold, Joanie Cunningham, Gloria Shields, Joanne Aronson, Carol Repetsky, Rhonda, Joseph DePalma, Karen Pagonis DeSantis, Joan Volkner, Giana Kasper, Karen Marhold, Mario Moschitta, Eileen Vaccaro, Sylvia Martinez, Nicholas Poliseno, Jacquelyn Pannallo, Carol Beckman, Kathy Reiley, Betty Orzo, Dorothy Benziger, Blanca Martinez, Wilson Castro, Dennis Ippolito, CJ Crespo, Kris Bentley, Mary Novak, Joseph Palella, Jill Lecorchick, Grace Bacquilod, Bob Murtha, Sally Ippolito, Matteo Mennuti, Cassida LaChiana, Mary Concannon, Tommy Surace, Phyllis Polizzi, Debbie Fahey, Virginia Phillips, Robert Sullivan, Mary Cowell, Danielle Czarkowski, Jeff Singer, John Sekora, Giuseppe Lombardo, Christopher Chibbaro, Elizabeth “Betty” Gray, Michael Ruffley Sr., Jo-Ann Gerling, Xavier Torrey, Tamara Simo, John P. Ciminelli, Peter Castranova, Rose Santero, Alba Castro, Sebastian Lattugga, Joanna Waga, Bud LaRegina, Alison Fahey, Robert Sosnowski, Baby Pratt, Chester Makowski, Ann Marie Jura, Christopher Hill, Wendy, Victoria Deloughy, Francis Paul DiVuolo, Erica Furmato, Donald Musto, Gloria Kelley, Mary Murray, Grace Edelman, Anthony Mercado Jr., Grace Edelman, Peg Curry, Woody Dempsey, Olga Veleiro, Michael Nichols, Nicole Sundermier, Larry Mesiner, Aoife Clinton, 17 healing, 9 special intentions and all the sick and recovering of our parish. If you would like to have a name put on our Pray for the Sick list, please call the parish office during business hours. Names on the Sick List will be included for four weeks. If you would like your name to be listed beyond four weeks, please call the Parish Office at that time. If you or someone you know is sick or in the hospital, please let us know so that we can pray for them. HOSPITAL AND HOMEBOUND VISITATION Visits are made to St. Peter’s and Robert Wood Johnson Hospital weekly. If you have a family member in either of these two hospitals or any of the area hospitals, please call the parish office and let us know. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist bring Communion to the sick and homebound on a regular basis. If you are sick or confined at home and would like a visit from a Eucharistic Minister, please call the parish office. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR CONSECRATED LIFE World Day for Consecrated Life will be celebrated in parishes on the weekend of February 1-2, 2014. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation. All parishioners are invited to attend Evening Prayer at St. Francis Cathedral in Metuchen at 4 PM on Sunday, February 2, 2014. Bishop Bootkoski will preside at this service which commemorates World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life. At this time, the diocese will honor the men and women religious of the diocese who are celebrating jubilees in 2014. This service is designed to thank God for the gift of consecrated life in the Church and to inspire and encourage vocations. This weekend, February 1 and 2, the second collection will be taken up in support of The Catholic Spirit. The annual drive to support our diocesan newspaper takes place during Catholic th Press Month. The Catholic Spirit is now beginning its 19 successful year of publishing and has a special role to play in your life as a practicing Catholic. In every issue, The Catholic Spirit brings you news of our diocese, parishes, schools and organizations as well as issues facing the Catholic Church. Once a year, The Catholic Spirit asks for your financial support so we can continue our ministry to bring you closer to the Church, closer to Faith Communities, and closer to Christ. Let us be your faith connection. Any support will be greatly appreciated. (Please put your two regular envelopes in the first collection.) SPECIAL MASS: The Catholic Spirit has arranged for a Mass for Readers of The Catholic Spirit on Wednesday, February 5 at 11:45 a.m. in the Chapel at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center, Piscataway. All are invited. SUPER BOWL BAKE SALE – This weekend! Attention ALL FOOTBALL FANS!!!! The ICS Athletic Association will be having a Super Bowl Bake sale this weekend in the Church lobby. Going to a Super Bowl Party? Stop by our table to pick up some delicious desserts to take along with you. There will be some great “football” themed items and many other desserts to choose from. Please Support the Bulldogs! SCOUT SUNDAY MASS - February 2, 2014 Church of the Immaculate Conception and Boy Scout Troop 35 will be hosting “Scout Sunday” for all Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts in the area. Mass will be celebrated at the 9 AM Mass on Sunday, February 2nd. Scout Sunday is the annual celebration of the founding of the Boy Scouts on February 8, 1910. Scout Leaders, parents, former Scouts and Girl Scouts are also invited to celebrate mass with the Scouts. All Scouts attending mass should wear their Class A scout uniform. Following the 9 AM Mass, Scout Leaders and Scouts will be in the church foyer if you would like more information about Scouting. CHOOSE LIFE “Human life must always be defended from its beginning in the womb and must be recognized as a gift of God that guarantees the future of humanity.” ~ Pope Francis, Letter to Brazilian families for National Family Week, August 6, 2013. I. C. Rosary Altar Society February 4 - (Sunday) - Recite the Rosary at Chelsea. Arrival time at Chelsea is 2 PM. For information,, please call Vi at 732-656-1850. BUS TRIP: Annual Valentine's Day Atlantic City Trip to "The th Tropicana". Sunday, February 16 (leaving ICC parking lot 9 am and return approx.. 7 pm). Come join us and have a funfilled day! Cost: $30/pp with casino return of $20.00. Hosted by the Rosary Altar Society. Open to all parishioners. For reservations, call Bonnie 732-251-2468 (leave a message). LADIES WEEKEND RETREAT - Friday, March 14 (check in by 5 PM) - Sunday, March 16, 2014: An invitation to all ladies of the parish to attend a weekend retreat at San Alfonso Retreat House (Long Branch) where God and sea meet. Conducted by the Redemptorist priests and brothers and sponsored by the Rosary Altar Society. For quiet reflection, reconciliation, Holy Mass, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Stations of the Cross by the ultimate hosts Jesus and Mary. Ridesharing from church at 3 PM on Friday, March 14. Return 3 PM on Sunday, March 16. Cost $200. A non-refundable deposit of $50 is due by February 22, payable to San Alphonso Retreat House. Final payment of $150 will be collected upon arrival on March 14. ALL LADIES WELCOME! For further info, please call Eileen at 609-8600641. Thank you. Please fill out the form below and mail your $50 deposit to Eileen Farragher, 484 B, Fairton Drive, Monroe Twp., NJ 08831. _________________________________ YOUTH GROUP NEWS – February 2014 FEBRUARY YOUTH MASS BY CANDLELIGHT Sunday, February 2, 2014 Join us for Youth Mass by candlelight. Enjoy a tranquil, moving celebration of the Eucharist as well as the celebration of Candlemas Day - a traditional Christian festival that commemorates the ritual purification of Mary forty days after the birth of Jesus - the Guiding Light of the World. All are welcome. All families are asked to bring any candles they would like blessed in Church. (We will not have fellowship following this mass due to Super Bowl Sunday. Enjoy the game!) YOUTH GROUP OUTING Sunday, February 16, 2014 - 1 PM to TBD The Immaculate Conception Youth Group - Juniors and Seniors will be sponsoring day at the beach. Ever wonder what the beach is like in the winter? Here's your chance to see one of God's creations from a different perspective. It will be a wavy good time! A fun filled day, walking around with friends and fellow youth group members seeing the sights. Try your luck at Lucky Leo's Arcade! Mark your calendar. Watch for more info to follow… SENIOR YOUTH GROUP MEETING Friday, February 21, 2014 OFF SIGHT LOCATION We're currently in the planning stages of our Senior Youth Group Scavenger Hunt. The location - to be announced, but the fun is a given. Join us for a spying good time! Watch for official announcement to follow. Tell your friends and build your mystery solving team! LADIES WEEKEND RETREAT NAME: ____________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ $50 deposit to San Alfonso Retreat House – Check # __________ _________________________________ To join the Rosary Altar Society, please call Cathy (Membership Chairperson) at 609-409-3931. DENIM JEANS COLLECTION For the fifth consecutive year, Immaculate Conception is participating in the ‘TEENS FOR JEANS’ drive sponsored by Aèropostale and ‘Do’. Please clean out your closets and drawers and bring in new or gently used denim jeans. A collection box will be in the church foyer from February 1 to 9. Questions? Please call 732605-1971. Thank you!! MASS IN HONOR OF SAINT FAUSTINA Saturday, February 15, 2014 2:30 pm Talk on Divine Mercy 2:45 pm Mass in honor of Saint Faustina Kowalska Followed by Veneration of St. Faustina’s relic All are invited to join us on Saturday, February 15, 2014, in celebrating Mass in honor of Saint Faustina whose first-class relic will be available for public veneration in our church. For this special occasion, the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy - the congregation to which St. Faustina belonged - will give a talk about the Divine Mercy message at 2:30 pm. Our Pastor, Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Curry, will celebrate this special Mass at 2:45 pm. The faithful will have the opportunity to venerate the relic of St. Faustina after Mass. All are welcome. 2013 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL Faith, Family, Community The Maria Regina Residence provides a suitable home for our retired priests in recognition of faithful service to God and His Church. Your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal is another way to thank these men who have dedicated their lives to the people of God. Parish Pledge Update: To date, the Diocesan Development Department has received pledges totaling $60,748.16 and payments totaling $57,130.16 from 375 parishioners of Church of the Immaculate Conception. This represents 86.8% of our $70,000.00 goal. Thank you for your generosity! GIVE KIDS A SMILE DAY Free Dental Care For Children Up To Age 12! February is National Children’s Dental Health Month and dentists across the state mark the occasion by opening their doors and hearts to children ages 12 and younger in need of dental care. Friday, February 7 is designated Give Kids a Smile Day (GKAS) in New Jersey. The offices listed below will accept children for examination and treatment. On GKAS day children may expect to have a check-up, cleaning, x-rays and fluoride or sealant application. In addition, many locations will also treat children in need of restorative work, such as fillings, extractions and crowns. If the child needs follow-up care, the dentist may refer the family to a local clinic or make other arrangements to complete treatment. In Middlesex County contact: KidzDent, Old Bridge – 732-679-2323 Drs. Mark Vitale & Paul Tedeschi, Edison – 732-494-7575 Middlesex County College, Edison – 732-906-2536 Doctors of Dental Medicine, Dayton – 732-329-3113 JFK Medical Center, Edison – 732-321-7608 Garden State Dental Assoc, East Brunswick - 732-432-5982 RWJ University Hospital, New Brunswick – 732-937-8653 Advanced Family Dentistry, South Plainfield - 908-322-2244 Eastern Dental of Woodbridge, Avenel – 732-750-3600 Eastern Dental of Old Bridge, South Amboy - 732-727-3399 The Smile Express, North Brunswick – 732-227-9777 Rita Solanki, DDS, LLC, Piscataway – 732-626-5505 Kids Smile, PC, Monmouth Junction – 732-297-5200 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL 23 Manalapan Road, Spotswood, NJ 08884 School Office 732-251-3090 / Pre-K Office 732-251-7430 Are you looking for a school with rigorous academics, a faith based education, and nurturing environment? Come visit us at Immaculate Conception School. Here you will find a supportive community that cultivates self-discipline and motivation, and encourages student learning and achievement. In a Christ centered atmosphere, the uniqueness of each child is recognized and developed. REGISTRATION FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (K-8) 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR th WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 (6 TO 7 P.M. & 8 TO 9 P.M.) th THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 (9 TO 11 A.M. & 3 TO 5 P.M.) PRE-K REGISTRATION FOR 2014-2015 SHOOL YEAR th WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 (6 TO 7 P.M. & 8 TO 9 P.M.) th THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 (9 TO 11 A.M. & 1 TO 5 P.M.) CATHOLIC SCHOOL TUITION ASSISTANCE Applications For 2014-2015 Now Available Applications for financial aid through the Diocese of Metuchen Tuition Assistance Program for the 2014-2015 school year are now available at all diocesan elementary and secondary schools. Completed applications must be mailed to Private School Aid Service, postmarked no later than Monday, March 31, 2014. To obtain an application form, please contact the Principal or main office of the school where the student is registering. A printable version of the form, both English and Spanish, is also available on the diocesan website at 10th ANNUAL FATHERS’ CLUB CASINO NIGHT WHEN: Saturday, March 1, 2014 Doors Open at 6:00 pm – Casino Play from 7:00-10:00pm Prize Drawings begin at 10:30pm WHERE: Immaculate Conception School Cafeteria COST: $50.00 per person (must be 21 to attend) Food, “adult” & non-adult beverages, DJ, $50.00 in chips ** No Cash Prizes Will Be Awarded ** RSVP: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Order by Wed. 2/12/14 & receive an EXTRA $50 in chips Limited number of tickets sold Advance Sale ONLY; tickets will not be sold at the door Tickets will be held at the door Craps, Blackjack, Money Wheel, Roulette, Texas Hold ‘Em Return reservation form & payment (cash/ check made payable to ICFC) through the school in an envelope marked to Casino Night, Sean Brown, IC Fathers’ Club, c/o Aaron Brown, 4th grade OR mail to Casino Night, Sean Brown, IC Fathers’ Club, 23 Manalapan Rd., Spotswood, NJ 08884 ---------------------------------------------Casino Night Reservation Form Last Name: ________________________________________ # of tickets ___________ Amount enclosed _____________ ---------------------------------------------- V & M SUMMER BASKETBALL CAMP & LEAGUE Entering Our 3RD Summer Together Summer Basketball Camp and League at Immaculate Conception Parish Gym for boys and girls in grades 5 – 11. The camp will run for th seven weeks beginning on June 24 for th girls and on June 26 for boys. Our staff will conduct a practice to fine tune players skills and afterward our staff will coach the players in games. Highlights: 7 sessions, ball handling, passing, dribbling, defensive drills & shooting. Space is limited, registered before March 1, st 2014 Camp fee $110 per athlete. After March 1 cost $125.00 per athlete. Go to for forms. Make checks out to I.C.Y.O. Mail all information and check to Immaculate Conception School, Attn. Mr. Vincent Vizzi, 23 Manalapan Rd., Spotswood, NJ 08884. Any questions, please contact Mr. Vizzi at 908-812-2945 or Mark Marrazo at 732-589-3372 or email at [email protected]. MONTHLY FOOD COLLECTION Next weekend, February 8 and 9, will be our monthly food collection. Non-perishable food items, baby food and disposable diapers (sizes 3 and 4) are always needed! Please leave your donations in the church th foyer before 1:00 PM on Sunday, Feb. 9 . BAKE SALE – Next Weekend! th Sponsored by the ICS 8 Grade Class. Delicious baked goods with a Valentine’s Day theme. The bake sale will be held next weekend, February 8 & 9, after all Masses. Thank you for supporting the Class of 2014! Collection for the Development of the Peoples Next weekend, February 8 and 9, the second collection will benefit: The Church in Latin America: Your donation will help the Church continue to rebuild in the earthquake-ravaged Haiti and Chile, support evangelization, develop lay-leadership programs and form religious and seminarians. The Church in Central & Eastern Europe: Great needs remain. Help provide support for basic pastoral programs and make scholarships available for students studying to serve their local church. The Catholic Home Missions Appeal: Many dioceses right here in the United States do not have enough priests and trained lay ministers to serve their parishes. These dioceses are known as home missions. These dioceses are often in rural locations, lack a sufficient number of priests to serve the geographically challenging distances, and do not have sufficient funding for religious education, youth ministry, and religious formation. Please help strengthen the Church at home. To learn more, please visit: PARISH EMAIL ADDRESSES Msgr. Joe Curry Rev. Martin Espinoza Rev. X. Bruce Rajendran Deacon John McGuire Deacon Danny San Jose Mark Sahli, PCL Susan Sahli, CCD Parish Office [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] WORLD MARRIAGE DAY Sunday, Feb. 9, 2014 - “Love One Another” In celebration of World Marriage Day, there will be a special blessing for married couples at all masses next weekend. WORLD MARRIAGE DAY CELEBRATION World Marriage Day, which is held each year on the second Sunday in February, honors the lifelong commitment of husband and wife. The commandment given to us by Jesus in John 15:12 is to love one another. Loving one another as husband and wife is a daily decision, simple but challenging. It is an ongoing process of learning about each other and how to accommodate differences so that both spouses can feel satisfied and grow in love for each other. For helpful insights and suggestions on how to love one another more fully log on to the Catholic Bishops (USCCB) marriage resource website: Be prepared to find videos along with interesting articles for couples in every stage of marriage including the challenges facing couples today: unemployment, parenting, balancing work and family, care giving, etc. Below is a list of things that you and your spouse can do throughout the week to prepare for the day. Hug you spouse helps relieve stress. During the week call your spouse and say “I love you”. Take out your wedding pictures and share a memory with family and friends. Show the family movies to celebrate a marriage well done. Bring a gift to your spouse for no reason. Fix his or her favorite meal this week. Share your love for each other with your children one evening. Ask your spouse for a date this week. Tell each other how much your marriage means to you. Your marriage relationship is the most intimate relationship possible on earth. Be proud of it and all the joys and sacrifices that have made it strong. STRESS IN YOUR MARRIAGE? Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage? Are you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse? Are you constantly fighting? Or, do you simply shut down? Have you thought about separation or divorce? Does talking about it only make it worse? ...RETROUVAILLE is a Lifeline to Help Couples Heal and Renew their Marriages sponsored by the Family Life Office / Diocese of Metuchen. Retrouvaille consists of a weekend experience for married couples (no group discussions) with six follow-up sessions. The next weekend is February 28 - March 2, 2014. All inquiries are confidential. For further info, please call the Family Life Office (days) 732 562-1990 x1705 or (evenings) Tom & Pat McTague 732-583-4468. ROSARY MAKING & PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRIES The Rosary Making Ministry exists to spread the devotion that our Lady, herself, has commissioned us to pray for peace in our hearts, families and world. We make and distribute Rosaries to the Missions and other Catholic Ministries while enjoying the company of faith-filled people. Since its inception and first meeting in September 2011, the Rosary Making Ministry has created and distributed close to 3,500 rosaries. Since the first official meeting of the Prayer Shawl Ministry in June 2010, we have distributed 102 shawls and 12 lap blankets. Our thanks to everyone who contributed to this venture so far. To request a prayer shawl, please call Maria Tiberi at 732-254-1775, or Paula Liquari at 732-251-0586. The next meeting of the Rosary Marking and Prayer Shawl th Ministries will be held on Wednesday, February 12 at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria.
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