Newsletter NO 7 19th March - Barwon Heads Primary School

Barwon Heads Primary School
‘It takes a village to raise a child’
Barwon Heads Primary School
Newsletter 19th March 2015
Phone: 5254 2324 Fax: 5254 3073 Website:
Email: [email protected]
*Please contact the school using any of the above details if you would like to join our school Konnective
Application used by your smart phone to receive important news and notifications.
Term Dates:
Term 1: 28th – 27th March
Term 2: 13th April – 26th June
Term 3: 13th July – 18th September
Term 4: 5th October – 18th December
Important Dates:
19/03/15: Grade 5 – 6 Golf Clinic
26/3/15: Whole School Cross Country
02/04/15: Easter Fair Art Show
04/04/15: Easter Fair
15/04/15: School Photos
28/04/15: Connewarre District Cross Country Grade 4 - 6
12/05 – 14/05: Grade 3 & 5 NAPLAN Testing
20/05/15: 5 – 6 Connewarre District Winter Sport
26/05/15: Bellarine Division Cross Country
2/06/15: 5 – 6 Connewarre District Soccer
24/07/15: 5 – 6 Connewarre District Girls Football
6/08/15: 5 – 6 Hooptime Basketball
11/08/15: 3 – 4 Hooptime Basketball
12/08/15: BHPS Grades 3 - 6 House Athletics
24/08/15 – 28/08/15: Children’s Book Week - theme is: “Books light up our world!”
26/08/15: Connewarre Grades 3 - 6 District Athletics *2nd of September will be the back up day for this event
if need be.
7/09/15 – 09/09/15: Grade 3 Camp
14/09/15: Bellarine Division Athletics
16/11/15 – 18/11/15: Grade 5 Camp
* A full annual calendar is currently being prepared which we will publish for families in the near future
Please note that the last day of Term (Next Friday 27th of March) there will be an
early lunch at 1.00 pm an early Assembly at 2.00 pm and an early dismissal at
2.30 pm.
A Word from Our Principal
School Council Policies
With our first school council meeting occurring tonight it is timely to remind the community that a key role of
our school council is to construct and monitor school policies. Policies are constructed and reviewed in line
with Department policy and after consideration and consultation with the school community. The Principal’s
role in this process is to ensure that policies abide by Department guidelines and then ensure that policies are
promoted and adhered to. Examples of such policies include, uniform, dogs in the yard, and the student
engagement policy.
Surf Awareness Program
Due to Barwon Heads Primary School logistically being unable to continue the Surf Awareness program as we
have outgrown the available facilities and resources, we are currently investigating a replacement program.
Easter Fair
We have been really pleased with the number of returned notes indicating your availability to support our
Easter Fair. Another one is attached to this week’s newsletter for anyone who has misplaced it. A simple email
to the school or to Sarah Jackson (Fair coordinator) will also suffice. The simple donation of 2 hours of your
time would be greatly appreciated
Our Easter Fair kicks off with the Art Show on Thursday 2nd April. This will be a great opportunity for our
adult community to come together socially and enjoy a great night. There will be art auctions and art for sale.
Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased outside of the office each morning. Raffle tickets for the art
work on display are also available.
MAJOR SPONSOR: Art Show – RT Edgar
Our historical Sheepwash Classic gets moving early Saturday morning with the first event starting from 9am
and registrations open from 7am. More importantly you can register online and collect your bib from the
school on Friday from 9am to 12pm at the school. Registrations will also be taken at this location and times.
MAJOR SPONSOR: Sheepwash Classic – Barwon Coast/Bellarine Property
Finally we conclude with our Fair which starts at 10am and runs through to 3pm. There will be a large variety
of stores and food available, as well as plenty of activities for children.
Free Tickets – Supa Tramp
The winners of the 5 free Supa Tramp tickets, the new indoor trampoline and climbing park, were Hero and
Banjo Partos-Slattery. The correct answer to the number of activities on offer at Supa
Tramp was 8.
School Council
School council will have their first meeting tonight at 6pm. The meeting will commence with an AGM before
positions are declared open and vacant/ councillors then nominated to fill those positons as office bearers for
2015. Our first official meeting of 2015 council will then begin.
School Council Members for 2015
Darren Roskosch
Steve Copland
Marc Duval
Maureen Cross
Viva Partos
First meeting Thursday 19th March
Mr Darren Roskosch
Megan Allender
Sharna Sutas
Georgie Imhoff
Matt Walsh
Modesty Kneebone
Cathy Crane
Linda Jordan
Lisa Kebbell
Prep A
Prep B
Prep C
Ava Marsden
Darcy Cotter
Cooper Hill
Taj McPhee
Ollie Cincotta
Tex Lawrence
Ruby Lo
Daisy Tiernan
Byron Foord
Flynn White
Calum Pate
Eva Tegart
Jema Hely
Skye Sutton
George McCulloch
Nelly Naulty
Spencer Park
Dana Ford
Rhys McKinnon
Taj Hibbard
Riley Dalley
Eliza O’brien
Will McNamee
Campbell Lee
Poppy Tunn – Mcgrath
Miller Smith
Harper Sullivan
Johanna Dillon
Sophie Blackett
Bella Kostadinoff
Lenny Moore
Flynn Hanrahan
Charlie Cox
Maeve Brewer
Jack Goddard
Jazmin Squires
Zeph Lampered
Alannah Borg
Are you a Parent Helper in your child’s class?
Please note that if you come into the school grounds to help out in the Classroom at any point you must come
through to the front office and sign yourself in.
If your child is absent from school for any reason you must notify the school. You can notify the school via
email, phone or write a note and send it to school. We highly advise a phone call or an email to explain an
absence. It is extremely important that if your child is absent that you let the school know otherwise it will be
an unexplained absence that will show on reports and data.
Late: It is Department regulations that if your child is late to school they are required to be signed in by a
parent/guardian and they will need to bring a late pass to their teacher.
On Tuesday the 10th of March the Grade 3's and parents had a science night as part of Festival of the Sea.
The grade 3's did some exciting and interesting activities with Jon, Lisa and Mark. John did sea bingo, we
learnt about some new fish and animals.
Mark taught us about seaweed and how it is actually used in ice cream to smoothen it!
Lisa taught us how fish survive in the sea and about the food chain.
We all had a great time as well as the parents!
Oskar and Jack
After School Care – Camp Australia
Hi Everyone!
Last week the children had fun getting creative and participating in some arts and
craft such as colouring in and painting! We also had a science competition last week
which was to see who could make the strongest floating boat out of aluminium foil.
We did the competition in pairs and then we got to test our boats individully in trays of water with how many
lego bricks each boat could hold. It was lot's of fun and everyone in after school care got involved.
This week, we have started off with some new group games we learnt about! It was lots of fun and everyone
tried to get involved! It was great to see everyone playing together and getting involved. We are also coming to
the end of the term and feel the children dying for their holidays so they are still enjoying having a break and
colouring in and enjoying each others company! We are looking for some pre-loved sporting equipment,
games and puzzles to add to our after school care collection, if you have anything you no longer use, please
feel free to drop in, we would really appreciate it. Families please note that whislt we currently only provide
after school care we are taking expressions of interest for BEFORE SCHOOL CARE, we have a bit of interest
but we need a couple more families to get involved so that we have the numbers to provide the before school
care service. Please let us know if you are interested to ensure we can try and provide this service as soon as
possible. You can let us know by calling the OSHC phone (number is provided below) or calling into the
office/room which is located near the gym, we are here Monday to Friday 2:30pm to 6:00pm. We would love
to hear from you :)
Any questions please call us on 0432 636 625.
Suzanne and Nina
House Cross Country 2015
The school cross country will be held on Thursday March 26 from 11:00 – 1:00. All parents are most
welcome to attend to and watch this spectacular event.
The event is run at Village Park. This enables the children aged 10 – 12 years to have the opportunity of
completing the correct distance for their age group before our District competition. The top 8 finishers in the
9/10, 11 and 12 year age groups will go onto represent our school in the District event on Tuesday, April 28th
at Eastern Gardens.
10 year boys
10 year girls
11/12 year boys
11/12 year girls
While the older children are running, the 5 to 9 year olds will participate in their events as listed below. The
coffee van will be there on the day.
Due to the construction of the new kinder, the course has been altered slightly to ensure the children’s safety.
Age groups for 10, 11 and 12 year olds and children in Grades 4 – 6 are taken as at 31 December 2014. This
means the age that the child turns during 2014.
For example, a child turning 10 in 2014 competes in the 10 year age group and a child turning 9 but who is in
Grade 4 also competes in the 10 year age group all year.
11 & 12 year BOYS
11 & 12 year GIRLS
Grade Prep
Grade 1
9/10 years (Grade 4)
Grade 2
Grade 3
3 kilometres
3 kilometres
½ lap of the oval
1 lap of oval – 300m
2 kilometres
2 laps of oval – 600m
1 kilometre
*Students have been training during PE classes and have been encouraged to enter the Sheepwash Classic,
which will be held on Easter Saturday. As a guide, the track around Village Park is 2 km and a great place to
do some extra training.
Wrist bands for unlimited rides at this year’s Easter Fair are
on sale at the discounted price of $25 each
Available now at the school office only until Friday 27 March
Price for wristbands
$25 until 27 March or $32 on the day
The cost of an individual ride on the day will be:
Cha cha $7
Tea cups $5
Jurassic inflatable with rock wall and slides $5
Fibreglass slide $5 for two slides
Buy yours now to receive this huge 20% discount
Appearing at the Easter Fair!
Magic Show $2
Workshop $4
Learn a trick to amaze your friends!!
Limited tickets available
Purchase at Barwon Heads Primary School office now!
Lucky Bag Fillings
I am looking forward to organising and
running the lucky bag stall at the Easter Fair
again this year, as this was one of my
favourite parts of the Easter Fair when I was
growing up. However we are very dependent
on donations to fill these bags.
We are now seeking donations for the fillings
for our lucky bags. There will be three different
sections this year, a boys section and girls
section and a general section. Grade 5
students will be coming around to collect all
the donations on a daily basis. Items such as
stationary (pens, pencils, paper etc.), small
toys (figurines, key rings, toy cars etc.),
wrapped lollies and small Easter eggs are
great. Thank you for your support.
Sharna Renfrey
Preserve Stall News
Preserves stall news
Thanks to all who have picked up jars - Tiara is
ready and waiting to receive your finished
products at the office before the end of term
or you can even drop them off on Good Friday
between 9 am - 12 noon.
Cake Stall
A great way to contribute to the Easter Fair is to bake! The There are still plenty of jars left, so here is the
cake stall is always popular and sells out. Recipes for scones, world's easiest jam recipe for those who have
biscuits, slices, meringues, sausage rolls muffins, mini quiches previously put preserve making in the too hard
are found in the school cook book. Banana and carrot cakes or basket...
Basic microwave jam
lumbar jack cakes fetch a good price!
· 1 lemon, halved
*No cream or frozen cakes please.
It would be appreciated if items for the stall could be dropped · 500g fruit (remove stone or stalk and chop
in at school on Good Friday morning or on the morning of the fruit)
· 1 1/2 cups (335g) white sugar
Juice the lemon. Place fruit, lemon juice and
For the class who bakes the most, a FISH and CHIP LUNCH is
the rind halves in a large microwave safe bowl.
on offer, so encourage your parents to get cooking!
Cook, uncovered, on High/100% power,
Donations of eggs, flour, and sugar can be left at the office.
stirring occasionally for 6 min.
Plates and cellophane bags will also be at the office.
Add the sugar and cook on High/100% power
for 20 min or until the jam reaches setting
Questions/ more info Janet 0408226836
Discard lemon rind and spoon the hot jam into
a sterilized jar. Invert for 2 min then turn
upright to cool.
Don't forget, jars, lids, labels, sterilisation tips
and additional recipes are all available at the
Lolly Stall
Toffees are very popular on the Lolly stall and are simple to make and fun for the kids to help with too.
-3 Cups sugar
-1 Cup water
-1/4 Cup brown vinegar
1. Combine sugar, water and vinegar in a saucepan and stir over low heat until sugar has dissolved.
2. Increase heat to boil mixture without stirring, for 15 minutes or until a small amount of mixture will
crack when dropped into cold water
3. Remove toffee from heat, allow bubbles to subside, then pour into paper patty cases
4. Decorate with hundreds and thousands, coconut etc.
5. Bring to the Lolly stall on the day of the Fair or to school in the days before the Fair.
Easter Fair Art Show
Art Show Opening Party
When: 2nd April 2015 at 7pm
Art Auction, Canapés, Live Music, Awards and Great Art.
$10 a ticket drinks at bar prices.
Tickets for the Art Show are available for purchase at Barwon Heads Primary
School Office and out at the front the office after school.
Tickets will also be available for purchase at
*Please note that you will find entry forms for the Art Show attached to the
Newsletter Email (If you are on our mailing list.) You can also find the entry form
Online by opening the following link:
Grade 2 Rockpool Visit
Yesterday Grade 2’s visited the rockpools to help celebrate Festival of the Sea. We were lucky enough to have four
fantastic leaders in Jon Duthie, Mark Rodrigue, Maddie Glynn and Brooke Connor show us around the rockpools and
talk to us about the diverse range of animals and life that make them home. The students came back and wrote an entry
in their Writer’s Notebook. Here are some examples:
Rockpools are amazing! There are all sorts of animals that live there. Some of them are crabs, sea stars, tiny fish, sea
snails, algae, sea weed and much more. My Mum was one of the helpers so it was a lot of fun. Chelsea
Wow! Look at that beauty! That was the biggest elephant snail I have ever seen. It was massive. It looks black and slimy.
It’s so cool!
We had one minute to find a crab. I found a crab hiding under a rock, I showed it to Mark. He told us how to tell the
difference between a male and a female. A female has a compartment for her eggs and is bigger. A male has a triangular
shape on its head.
In a rockpool against the rocks I found two little green sea stars. I held them in my hand under the water. I put one
upside down and it rolled over quite quick. I gave one to Chelsea and we looked at them until Mark said it was time to
move so I put my starfish back under a rock.
I liked looking at all the creatures that live in the rockpools. My favourite thing was looking at all the different kinds of
seaweed. I liked the kind that was all in a bunch.
Thanks to the Festival of the Sea for organizing such a great day!
BHPS Superstars
North Division Tennis
Jye Bartley participated in the combined Bellarine and Geelong North Division Tennis
Championships on Wednesday 18th March. Jye won in straight sets, making it through
to Regionals in Williamstown on the 30th April. Great work!!
Barwon Heads Tennis Clubs (BHTC)
Mixed Doubles Team (Section 24) have made the Grand Final Tournament for the
2014/15 Summer Season, Geelong Junior Competition League!
They face off against tough rivals, Point Lonsdale, this Saturday, 9.00am at Ocean
Grove Tennis Club
The Club is particularly proud as;
For half of the players in the team, it was their first time playing junior completion tennis in an official
Tennis Victoria regional league, (Tennis Geelong: comprising teams from 8 Clubs all around the Greater
Geelong and Bellarine regions)
These are amongst the youngest juniors filling the ranks at Barwon Heads Tennis Club
They were one of only two Mixed Doubles Sections in the league during the 14/15 summer season
All the best to … Maddie Barlow, Molly Condon, Maeve McLeod, Charlie Barlow, Isaac Ingham, … and
Tias Morris Halse, who is part of the team, but has been overseas in Norway for half the season
Since 2012, BHTC has attracted a whole new wave of juniors, with teams growing from 3 during the
12/13 season to 8 from the 14/15 season
Winter Season Competition now open for players wanting to take part
Head Lice
Some isolated cases of head lice have been reported to our school, so now is a good time to check your child’s
head for any sign of them.
What to look for……
The eggs appear as tiny silvery white specks attached to the hair shaft near the scalp. Dandruff and hairspray
may look similar but these are easily brushed away, the eggs are not. Other signs of lice infestation may be a
red rash and scratch marks on the scalp, nape of the neck or behind the ears.
They are best removed by scraping the individual hair between fingernails or using a fine toothed comb. (Any
eggs should be placed in hot water to make sure they are destroyed).
Using conditioner on hair will help to stun live lice and help remove eggs as well.
If you do find lice or eggs please endeavour to complete treatment before returning to
school. (Treatments are available at supermarkets and chemists). Part of our school policy
and health regulations is that eggs be removed before re admittance to class after treatment.
We understand that this is a laborious task but if we attend to it now, an outbreak may be
averted. Once again, thank you for your help and cooperation with this task.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact the school.
Community News
Bellarine Community Farmers' Market
This Saturday, Ocean Grove park, 9am-1pm The best of fresh, local and regional produce, come and meet
the makers, growers & producers for a great family day out - with food-to-go, buskers, Kids Corner,
playground and dogs on leads welcome, there's something for everyone.
The 2015 AFL Auskick season is coming!
NAB AFL Auskick is a great way for boys and girls to learn the skills of the great game of Australian Football
and follow in the steps of their AFL heroes! Through weekly coaching sessions with our passionate coaches
and coordinators, your child will learn the skills of the game, be part of a great team and play non-contact AFL
games with their friends. PLUS Each participant will receive an awesome benefits pack full of gear when they
join! All backpacks will be sent direct to your home once registrations are completed. Registrations are open
All registrations must be completed online and can be done by following these easy steps:
1. Visit
2. Enter your postcode in the centre locator
3. Select the centre you would like to attend
4. Complete the registration questions
5. Pay online
*Please be sure to print out the completed registration form, sign it and bring along to the first session.
The season commences on Friday 1st May, 2015 from 5.00pm – 6.00pm at Barwon Heads Football Ground.
For further information please contact Richard Graham on 0488 771 155 or email [email protected]
Looking forward to seeing you there
A network for parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder on the Bellarine Peninsula
Where: Parent resource room at Clifton Springs Primary School, Jetty Road, Clifton Springs
When: 9.15 – 11am Thursday March 26th 2015
Speakers: Nicky Copley and Robyn Cameron
Nicky and Robyn will talk about ways to support children and adolescents on the Autism Spectrum with
academia. Come and learn about strategies for reading, writing, maths and spelling both at school and at
Please reserve a spot with: Nicky Copley
[email protected]
Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence.
Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence.